HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1923-3-22, Page 5AUCTION SAL; OFt FARM, EA,RM STOCK AND 1MPLEMhNTS TRUSTEh,'S SALE -Rei HENRY PFAFF, Jr., Estate. Underthe authority o£ the Inspect - CTA of the above Estate, the under- signecl Authorized Assignee will of- fer 't1}e Farm, Farrn Stock, Itnplemen'ta, Etc,, of the said Henry Pfaff, jr., thy Public Auction ,on the prem'is'es, Lot 12, C. 3, Stephen,. on FRIDAY, MARCH 23rd, 1923 At 1 o'clock p. m. CHATTELS Stack -4 cows, 5 two -yr -old cati- tle, 2 one -yr -old, 6 calves, 2 horses, 75 hens: Implements Turnip drill, Jol nDeere manure spreader, with 3 -horse even cultivator, steel roller, hay rake, disc, mower, 2 walking plows, 4 sec. clime monad harrows, 7 -ft. Ma'sstey-Harris Binder .2 wagons, 6 h.p. Fairbanks. gasoline engine and grinder, Clutton fanning mill, hay fork, rape and pull- eys, sling trip and rope, cream separ- -1 .e •etI ator, water .„sigh, 2 3 -horse v ers stuffier, hog loader, set sleighs, two buggies, 2 let double harness, set sin- gle harness, gravel box, hay rack, seed drill, corn cultivator, gang plow-, :seep- ladder, 2 milk taroks, wheel barrow, shovels.., forks, belts, shingles, piping, window frames, brick, tile, and other aet titles, Farm Produce --100 bus. oats, 200 bus. roots, 2 ton hay, 5 ton clover hay, quantity cut straw, quantity long straw, quantity manure. • REAL USTATE Also, subject to a resered bid; and tothe mortgage encumbrance, the .farm consisting of 100 acres more or less, and being Lot 12, Con, 3, Stephen Tp. On the premises is a good 2 star- ey rick, house with brick kitchen; a ;: K• 5 - 't and stabling haae� Bann 3x55 teeth s 1 a. frame barn 30x50, brick hag pen and hen house with cement foundation Bad ad frame drive shed; 9 acres in, fall }wheat, 7 acres in sweet clover, 20 acres in hay, 9 acres pasture land and 30 acres fall, ploughed. Ther. are 3 good wells on the property and it kis in good state of cultivation. Only 3 miles from either Exeter or Creditor. TERMS, Real Estate made known, an day of sale. Cha`t'tels}-S10 and under cash; over that amount six months' credit on furnishing approved joint notes, or per cent, off for cash. For conditions of sale and further particulars, apply tto F. W. Raymond, Authorized, Trustee 111 Greene -Sorge Bldg., mondani Ont. Gladman & Stanbury, Exeter, Ont„ Solicitors. Andrew Eastor, exeter Ontario, .,A;uctboriieer. AUCTION SALE ALE FA.Rh1 STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS en East Half Loft 26, N. E. Be of (sborae Township, on FRIDAY, MARCH Z3rd, 1923 At 1 o'clock sharp, the following :-- Horses-Gelding, 11 years gelding 7 'ears ; maim 12 years;; dritvler, 6 years good single or double. Cattle -Cow, 9 years dine Mar. 21; cow, 5 years, due Mar.. 25; cow, 8 -yr. due June 10; cow, 6 years, freshened in November; cow, 7 years, freshened in November; Holstein cow, fresh; ralr cw cow, 2 steers 2 -yr -old; heifer resin, 2 years; 3 caves rising 1 -year; 7• fall carves. Hogs. Etc. -Sow with litter; sow due time of sale 6 'stone hogs, 75 hens. implements-IVL. H. binder; Frost & Wood mower; 10 -ft, M. H. steel rake, cultivator, disc Barrow; 12 hoe. PVL. H, drill; Fleury walking plow, roller, set 4 -sec. harrows, stuffier, wagon, good as new, set sleighs; with flat rack, hay rack, gravel box, stock rack, Z; not putpers, buggy, cutter, 6 H.P. gaso- line .engine, 8 incl„: M. H. gritndernew; power emery, 51 ft. canvas belting `-18 feet, 4 in. rubber belting, 13 ft, 5 inch rubber belting„ all new; circular Saw and truck, new; wheelbarrow, Mas soy -Harris cream separator, new; ex- i'tentsi,an ]adder, Z$ ft,; 5 oak barrels; set sling rapes, 130 ft, rope; slung lock and nope gre4lt begs,. set team harness; 136 set harness, set driving harness', lea rods wire, some cedar posts; 600 3 inti tile; quantity ofoats and tatted ted grain; about 9 . toms timothy hay; whiffletrees, neckyokes, forks, shov- els, 2 logging chains, crow bars, horse blankets, washing machine, Daisy churn' pails;, vice and many, other articles. Terms -.All sums of $10 and hider, cash ; aver that amount 8 " menthe credit on approved joint notes that banks will accept;; or 4 per cent,. straight off for cash; on credit amounts Hay, grain and hens. cash Positively no reserve as the farm is aa1d, FK. TAYLOR, ARTHUR JONES, Auctioneer Proprietor AUCTION SALE FARMSTOCK AND IMPLEMhNTS SEb.D GRAIN AND PURE BRED SHORTHORNS On, Lot 28, S. B., Hay Township, ,an TUESDAY, MARCH 27TH, 1923 At 1 o'clock sharp, the following: - Heavy draft mare 12 years Bald; heavy draft gelding 12, yrs, old; geld- ing rising 5 by Commodore; driving mare; quiet and reliable. Cattle -Cow, Bell; 117711, 11 years old, calf at foot;; cow, Rosebud Belle 11833, 8 yrs, old; due at time • e>f sale; cow, Bluebell, 15,074, 4 yrs. old, with bull calif at foot, bred to Cloverdale Champion., due Sept, 20; cow, Topsy, 173617, 3 yrs. cold, with: calf at 'foot; heifer,, Daisy, 182005, 2'yrs. ,old, bred; heifer, Maybud, 184417, 22 months old, bred; heifer calf, 11 months old, ped- igree applied for; frash cont, 6 years Y old; cow, rising 4, due fru. Au,,., baby beef; grade calf, 3 pros. old; fresh„ caw 9 years old. Hogs and Pullet& -5 hogs about 175 lbs. each; 50 Plymouth Rock and, Wy- an.i.rrt pullets. Implements, Etc. -M. H. 7 -ft. binder, good ceder; M, H. 6 -ft, mower; Max- well ;ray loader, Maxwell side -delivery rake, McCormick hay rake, 10 ft.; Kemp manure spreader, steel +•'oluer, Frost & Wood cultivator, Peter Ham- ilton 10 hoe drill, '7 and 3 section drag :harrows, walking plow, maple, Leaf double plow, Cockshut gang plow snuffler, Frost & Wood disc, wagon, 16 ft. hay rack, new wagon box, bc b - sleigh, light bobsleigh, cutter„ new buggy, .old buggy, wheelbarrow, root ,taper, 6 h. p. Waterloo engine, good order, Maple Leaf grinder, 10 in plate, Wisconsin Incubator, brooder, coal heater, cutting box, Chatham fanning mill, fruit ladder, new stone. boat,1200 Ile scales, bag truck, fire exttnnguisher, set brass mounted double harness, see heavy harness, 3 set single harness, 2; extra collars, corn planter, corn speller, post hole auger, pair woollen horse blankets, wire stretcher, cross cut saw, forks, neckyokes, double - trees, chains, 2 bucksaws, 3 crowbars, hanging lamp, parlor lamp, 2 pipe wrenches, stock rack, gravel box, & numerous ,other articles. Seed Grain -300 bus. O.A.C. No. 75 eats, 50 bus. O.A.C. No. 21 barley; a quantity of Sweet Clover seed, yel- low blossorn. Terms -All sum sof $10 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit on. approved joint notes, 5 per cent per annum off for cash on credit amounts. Grain. and seed, cash. FRED WILLhRT, Proprietor OSCAR KLOPP, Auctioneer, T. BILLER, Clerk. ST. MARYS-The big dry goods business of the White; & May Com- pany has new passed into the hands cif W. H. ,\Tay, his three sons 'and l2. J. Has'eett, manager of 'the branch stare; at Parkhill J. White, founder of the firm, and has spin, E. W. fW:h(ee, having sold their interests to the form- er shareholder. The business will, nevertheless, be conducted as before, as E. W White will carry on his dut- ies in connection with the'aurae ss. 1r i WHEAT WHEAT CORN. HAY Lund Lard FFrti1i3ed not Fertili3eci ACTUAL MEASUREMENTS Show that FERTILIZERS PAY FREEMAN _ FERTILIZERS Specially prepared for grain, corn, roots, tobacco and other crops. Make You Biggest Yields and Best Profits Porte your Sprung Order Nov I See our Agent or write us Our Prices. are Right --,Quality Guaranteed` T4 Freeman's Poultry Foods are. big Egg -Getters - Money More eggs OW means More for You Try a bag or two Results Count Agents wanted ' in unrepre- sented territory. W. A. FREEMAN CO. LIMITED HAMILTON L1ocal, Agent,- Alex. M. Stewart,, R R. N. 1, Atm Craig, Ont. AMIAMM AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD EFF.hCT:S, ETC. at the premises of the Owner, Ma.iri st EX1 TERi on SATURDAY, MARCH 24th, 1923 At 1 o'clock ocksharp, the f o1l aw ang =- 2 bedroom states,. springs and mat- tresses, parlor suite, dining extension table with chairs, sideboard, 2 couches Heintzmtan: piano in first class condi- tion, stove, Banner coal 'scuttle, music rack, centre table, 2 flower tables, pantry table, gasoline $tove with oven, Z rocking chairs, copper boiler, hat rack, card receiver, clock, carpet sweeper, •vac uum cleaner, O'Cedar map, flat irons, stretcher, folding clothes borne, sausage grinder, 2 rugs 10 1-2x12 feet; rug. 8x10 ft.; rug 6x88 ft„ 1-2 dozen quilts and blankets, 2 carpets for bedrooms, curtains, rug & robe, stair carpet, full set of dishes, pictures and paintings, silver knives and forks, spoons, 5 dor quart germs, Rubber tire top buggy, first class cutter,set single harness, wheelbar- row, to galvanized pig troughs, grain bags, lawn mower, forks, shovels: spade, crowbar, pork barrel, and many other articles. 20 bushels potatoes. Terms -All sums of $10 and under cash, over that amount 6 months' credit on approved joint notes, or a discount of 6 per cent per annum off far cash on credit amounts, FRANK TAYLOR HENRY RUNDLhi Auct. Prop. HEATED MEETING OF TELEPHONE COMPANY Kirktora March 18 -The annual meet- ing of the St, Marys, Medina arid Kirk - tan Telephone Company was held on Friday. The meeting opened at 2 o'clock and discussions were so warm and so lengthy 'that darkness carne on before the 'election of officers was held, and fit was found necte, scary rto adjourn ;the meeting to another date. Rev. R. C, Corpelalnid presided: There was a large a,tttendence, The atuditors.' report and the secre- tary -treasurer's reports were .present- ed. The expenditures of the company were severely cri'tized, ars was also the. service given, numbers objecting to being changed for the weeks• and ,months in many easels itnt which the phones were out of order after the ice storms of last, year. . Ort mtori,on of Dr, Campbell the sub- scribers and shareholders assembled decided to have the, books for the year 1922 examined by a chartered account- a;nt, Three sharelsoldters and three sub - ,scribers were finally appointed as a oamanittee to aneet the directors with a view to arriving at a sa.;ti Iacttory setfjement, failing why;ch the differ - ?Aces between the subscribers, and 'the 1-tirectors' will be referred to the On- tarin' Railway 'Board for adjustment. Grand Bend • Myrtle Thelma„ the 10 -Year old daughter of Mr, and Mrs, John Gitl . of this place, occurred from pneumonia, We:lot•irng an,aiittack of influenza. She is r~,urvived by her parents and six ere hers. The funeral took place to Grand Bend. cemetery, and the family the sincere syniraY many friends, Zurich Mr. Daniel Kaerci ear of Califon** formerly of this place„ is visiting rel- atives in this neighborhood: Mr. Jahn Kipper, blacksmith, is laid up with sciatica„ Miss Gertrude Weber is visiting in London for a few weeks. Mrs, Jacob Koehler of the Goshen Line still continues very, ill. f12r. David Schnell, of Aberdee'nSa.k hasreturned here from; a visit in Kit- chener and Guelph, £VIr, Alex. Fotsitox is improving after sustaining internal injuries 'through ov'erlifting. Mr. George Votllan,d of Detroit vjs- iced a few days here. The village Band ie !to be „revived .iris :summer and Mr. Chas. Eckmeitr a£ Brodhegen has 'beer* engaged ' as leader, entering on h6s duties • last week. Mr. James Ova:halt of the Sauble Lime has made an assignment for the be fit of i s d't s and a auc- tion) hits re d ars, ,a au t ie t. s e atabe held.. i ru a. .. het . Hensall Rev, J. W. Hedley, KA., B.D., of , Gaderich, had charge of the ,services in the lelethoditst Church on Sunday, Rev. G, W. Rivers, B.A., B,D., eon - ducted services in, Victoria. Sitt:(etet street Me'th'odist Church, Goderich. Mrs, Robt. Bon'thron has been quite poorly for several weeks, being confin- ed to her bed, but is now •ianpravi'ng nicely, Mr. John, Rands of Medicine Hat, Alta„ was here recently spending a week with his brother, Levi Rands, and sister, Miss Rands. Alex A. Smith of Montana, who spent some weeks here, visiting at the parental home of Mr. Alex. Smith,thas returned to his home„ Mrs. S. efetcheli and children are here, from England an&are spending a few weeks with they relatives, Mr, Kenning and family, here. lfrs. Andrew „Dougall, one of our early (residents, on account of ill health hall decided 10 go with tier daught;er,, Miss Cassy, to Toronto, where they have relatives. A1LSA CRAIG. -The death taccur- red at her home here on March .loth of Mrs Philip George after a, long illness of heart trouble, The deceased ((t�-he was the eldest daughter of the tel Mr, and lairs,; Jahn Torrence, is survived by her husband, three small children, three seaters and one bro- ther. MITCHELL -A pretty wedding was solemnized in Stratford Baptist par- so'nage, when arise Georgina Wird' 1, daughter of Mr, and Mrs.. Fred Wur- dell of Mitchell, was married to Mr. Thomas S. Battersby of Stratford, Confidence...ow The Consumers Confidence' in Is the Keynote of Our Success Yy __ Jar nears L __. rY_ y"i-wY��-'-�Z,-,-..3"�=2�•'`''"-„_}'}'L �':.r-_�=i"'_••�_ _ -ter -$� - - t :~ �=��_-'.�_� ��-Z.L 41.* iiia^ - __ nesi - Lam- - ZZS-Z enn 2L •LL=x�=z.:-�s 's==i ^=31110-11-=tam crss=i,s ssaesa i`earsF"s,�s:�c::srz=5=:=i==ma£L`EiLxc' ashes e11 t, in any' Water 1354:4' With water hot o = r cold Eireaor soft, SU.PRISE gives a__g.l hard atiOsiai 14111-3A quick, lasting lather; and perfect = tiZt12$� satisfaction. ane ftre. -aL-tiz ;:- litenenen TUCKERSMITH,-Last week the little son. of Mr. Roy Pepper, .while out in, the barn where h'n father and climbed two older boys weele creating grain, father's STEPHEN COUNCIL The Council of the Township of Stephen convened in the Town Hall, Stephen, on Monday, the 5th day of March, 1923, at 1 o'clock p.m. All members were present. The minutes` of the previous meeting were read and adopted. Snell—Sweitzer• That By-law No. 303 being a by-law to appoint certain officials for the Township of Stephen for the year 1923 and By-law No. 304 to provide for the expenditure on roads in the Municipality for the present year,each having beers read three times be passed and signed by the Reeve and Clerk and the seal of the • Corporation attached thereto. Carried. Penhalek— ayes: That .the , audi- tor's report be received'a.nd adopted. Carried. Ilayes—Sweitzer: That in the event of persone assessed and liable to pay taxes which are not a charge on land, further refuse or neglect to pay, the collector is hereby instruc- ted to take, action in the Division Court in the name of the Municipal- ity to recover the same, Carried. Thefollowing orders were passed: Toronto Stamp .,& Stencil Works, cow and dog tags, $,27.10; A, Porter, Ex- cise Tax and license fees, 29:40; Sun Insurance Office, . insurance on Hall, 17.25; I. Dunsford, gravel, 12.00; Alex. Zimmer, pipe for bridge road, 8,30; M. E. Rats, grader repairs 95c; Clinton News -Record, printing acc't 57.00; Municipal World, supplies, 35.38; C. N. Exp. Co.. charges, 2.25; H Pollard, rep. culvert, road 2, 1,50 Ed, Palmer, wood for Hall, 35.60; Edw. Gill and ohers, rep. Tp.` gravel pit;' 42,25; C. N. Exp: Co„ charges', 90c; H. F. Eilber, Exp, re '• ]3astow to County Home; 12,50 Thos. Trevethick; Auditor's fees, 8.00 F. W. Moriock, Auditor's fees, 8.00; T. R. Patterson, bal: of fees re examina- tion 4.40 ; ' Council adjourned to meet. April l 3Td, 1923, at 1 pm, (Tuesday:) ' up torn the machine when his 71i33 toot caught in, some way was hack was turned and getting 1 rather hialer injured. -na _. - • a _ NM fig w-�„y �, :���R •c� �� I��a y'S- � rte ii nPt . •t V ,:Ate .ren„ WILL PAM $olves euerq decorating problem WALL PAPER will accomplish wonders in the beautifying of the home interior. It en- ables„ you to alter the whole character of your rooms. , For papers of exceptional merit, insist on those bearing the name BOXE , asteTNahe s t11 fall Mees In this range of quality hangings will be found large selection of papers for the Liv- ing Room or Dining Room -charming pat- terns for the Bedroom -clean -looking effects for the Kitchen and Bath -room. The new Boxer Papers are 2% inches wider than the old type of Wall Paper ; of fording opportunity for tnore beautiful de, signs; giving better appearance because of the fewer seams ; and costing less owing to the greater covering surface. You will find the maker's name on the selvage of every roll. FOR SALE BY,, , SOXPI'HOOTT B110S. A3