HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2005-05-25, Page 71991 PROWLER 23' 5th wheel trail- er, sleeps 4, dinette for 2, roof air conditioning, awning. Comes with 5th wheel hitch. $8500 obo. Phone 519-524-7115 after 4 p.m. Ask for Dan. 7G-19x3nxecc 7H. Boats. Motors & llariut CANOES starting at $599.00 Kayaks starting at $429.00. Kayak rentals $20.00 per day. Greater Saugeen Trading Co. Paisley. 519- 3 5 3 - H 1 1< E www.greatersaugeen.com 7H- 19x4cc 11F. Farm Product BEEF FOR SALE: -Corn fed here - ford, by the 1/2 or 1/4. Phone 519- 527 -1939.11F -19X3 11(i Farm F.yuil)nlent 30' land roller for rent. Phone 519- 523-4260. 11 G-19x3cc 11H. Farm Services VANMAAR Square Baling aft • Accumulator • 3x4 Bales • Rotery Pre -Cut • Acid Application • Competitive Pricing • Serving Clinton, Blyth Seaforth & Area CaII Jake at 482-3396 or 525-6395 16. For Rent BRODHAGEN COMMUNITY Centre is available for rent for wed- ding receptions, anniversaries, buck and does, reunions, etc. For more information call 519-345-2654 or 519-345-2187. 16-21x2cc FOR RENT: two bedroom home, many updates. References required. Bachelor apartment. Call 519-527-0560. 16-21-1 GOOD 3800 SQ. FT. commercial building and property for rent, just south of Walton on County Road 12. Please contact Rob at 519-887- 9966. 16-20xtfcc 17. Apartments for Rent TWO BEDROOM apartment suit- able for senior couple or mature couple. No pets. References required. Call for details 519-527- 0920 anytime. 17-20-ff COMFORTABLE ONE BEDROOM apartment in side-by-side duplex in Seaforth. Parking. Available June 1. $376.00 monthly. Phone 519-527- 0911. 17-2041 AVAILABLE JULY 1ST. Tastefully decorated small one bedroom, close to post office, 5 appliances supplied. parking, quiet street, pri- vate entrance, large yard. Good ref- erences. 519-527-0349. 17-20-ff ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT in Dublin. No pets. Phone 519-345- 2314 or 519-345-2322. 17-2041 BACHELOR APARTMENT, Grand Bend, available weekly, seasonally, July and August. Close to down- town, beach. No pets. References. Please call 519-238-6594 after 5 p.m. 17-20x6nxecc SILVERCREEK APARTMENTS: 2 bedroom luxury apartment, good retirement living, 3 appliances, ample parking, controlled entry, $750 monthly. Heat and parking included. 519-522-0442. 17-12-tf A QUIET ONE bedroom apartment. Close to downtown. Fridge, stove, washing machine, heat and hydro included. $515/month. Available now Phone (888) 271-7860. 17-10- tf CLINTON 65 PRINCESS ST. Apartments - Adult Living, two bed- room apartments. Available April 1st. Spacious. fridge and stove, heat and water included. First and last month required. No pets. Phone 519-482-5784. 17-07xtf cc HENSALL. furnished or unfur- nished, utilities and cable included, $350.00/month. Call 519-262-2314 'or 519-345-0261. 17-08xtfcc 18. Houses for Rent 3 BEDROOM -JULY 1 ST$525 CLINTON - 1 1/2 baths, large yard, parking, gas heat. Available July 1st. $525 monthly plus utilities. 519- 666-3339. 18-20xtfcc Wanted to Buy WANTED: Scrap steel, cars, trucks, appliances. machinery and sta- bling. Call 519-529-7574 leave phone number for service. 25- 2lx1cc BUYING CENTURY OLD Brick farmhouses. schools. churches, etc. for wrecking and brick salvage. Ross Lumley (519) 383-2024, wrecking people's homes (62 last year) all over southwestern Ontario since 1969.25-2lx1cc 26. Help Wanted _i;. Help ‘1 tinted FRANK KUNG LIMITED Frank Kling Limited 43067 Hydro Line Road P.O. Box 1278 Seaforth, ON NOK 1 WO We are accepting applications for the following positions: EXPERIENCED LOADER OPERATOR and EXPERIENCED DUMP TRUCK DRIVER Written resumes will be accepted at the above noted address, by fax 519-527-0299, or by mail. Parties of interest will be contacted for interviews. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all parties that submit resumes. MAITLAND MANOR 290 South Street, Goderich, On. N7A 4G6 Full Time & Part Time Positions RN & RPNs • Current registrations with CNO • Experience in Long Term Care an asset Please fax or email resume to Attention: Amanda Beddow, Acting Administrator Email: amandabeddow@cplodges.com FACTORY WORK Over 20 jobs available in Mitchell & Seaforth Area Starting at $10/hr •Warehouse •Line Workers *Packaging •Machine Operators No Fee to Applicants Apply in person with SIN Card Liberty STAFFING SERVICES (519) 275.2742 1020 Ontario St., Stratford Corporation of the County of Huron Health Unit Requires (1) Support Staff The Health Unit has an opening for one full-time Support Staff. The successful applicant will provide secretarial and clerical support in a computerized environment. This position is included in the CUPE collective agreement. Applications will be accepted until June 2, 2005. See www.huroncounty.ca for more information regarding qualifications and the application process. Only those individuals selected for an interview' will be contacted. Information is collected solely for the purpose of job selection under the provisions of the Municipal Freedom of lnfonnation and Protection Act. Nursery Caregiver Position Northside United Church, Seaforth Applications are being accepted for the paid position of Nursery Caregiver at Northside United Church, Seaforth. Preference will be given to candidates with an Early Childhood Education Certificate. Forward cover letter with resume to Mary Lou Ricard, Chair of Nursery Caregiver Committee, Box 822, 158 James Street, Seaforth, ON, NOK 1 WO. job description is available upon request, call 527-0392. Deadline for applications is May 31, 2005. Thank -you for your interest in this position, however only those selected for an interview will be notified. Seaforth Manor Retirement Residence An ORCA accredited Residence Requires a RETIREMENT HOME DIRECTOR • With R.N. or R.P.N. qualifications • You must be energetic and motivated. • Have a passion for Senior's living in the Seaforth area wishing to lead an active lifestyle. • You possess marketing & sales skills. • You are organized and have a keen eye for detail. • You possess team leadership and communication skills. Please forward your resume to: Catherine Schalk Administrator 100 James St. Seaforth , ON NOK IWO Or fax:1-519-527-2862 Email: Seaforth.admin@ezlink.ca PART-TIME OFFICE POSITION AVAILABLE Duties will include: • Accounts Payable • Accounts Receivable • Telephone Reception • Daily Banking • Other Duties as Assigned Qualifications: • Knowledge of daily bookkeeping • Experience using a computer accounting program Business Visions preferred • Office Management Skills • Computer experience using Microsoft Office. Word and Excel Position is available immediately. Please fax or mail resume with references to: H. Van Moorsel Insulation Ltd. P.O. Box 1259 Mitchell, ON Fax: 519-348-4284 Drily applicants selected for an interview will he contacted. . Wanted to Buy WANTED TO BUY: Maximum 30 yr. old brick bungalow, 3 bedrooms, with garage, Egmondville-Seaforth. Apply to Drawer #4193 c/o The Huron Expositor, P.O. Box 69, Seaforth, Ontario, NOK 1 WO.25-20- 2 SCRAP METAL. Will pick up vehi- cles, appliances and anything metal. Also batteries. Phone 519- 347-4272.25-19x4cc _'(►. Help Wanted FULL TIME CHICKEN Catchers wanted. This is a physically strenu- ous position. Experience and a valid driver's license an asset. Must be over 18 and must be dependable. Weekly gross $400-$500 per week. Apply by phone, Monday to Thursday after 8 p.m. at 1-800-265- 1170.26-21 xl cc PERSON WANTED TO drive senior woman uptown every day using her car. Male or female. Pay for each ride. Apply to Drawer #4194 c/o The Huron Expositor, P.O. Box 69, Seaforth, Ontario NOK 1WO. 26- 21x2 SWINE MANAGER for nursery and finishing barns required. Good ben- efit package and competitive wages. House available. Fax resume to 519-887-6330 or call to 519-887-6181. 26-20x2cc AVON - Join today and find out how you can receive $100 FREE PROD- UCT! Call toll free 1-866-826-6963. Limited time offer. 26-20x2cc THE HURON EXPOSITOR urges our readers to use caution before sending money for business oppor- tunity or employment advertise- ments. 26-49xtf New Truck Delivery We deliver new trucks from factory to dealerships throughout the U.S. and return with new trucks from U.S. plants 42¢ per mile Motel provided nightly. Must have AZ License & 1 yr. T/T OTR Exp. Acs Canada CaII 877-893-2066 Local multi -national metal fabricator is currently expanding its production facility and requires experienced Metal Fabrication Machine Operators and General Labourers. Up to $17.60/hour This is a fast paced and physically demanding environment requiring dedicated people who have an attention to detail. Shift work will be required. If you arc interested in joining our team send your resume to: Human Resources, SAF -T -CAB, INC. Huron Industrial Park Building #1, PO Box 544 Huron Park, Ontario NOM 1Y0 Fax: 519-228-6360 Great benefits offered along with a good work environment. Saf-T-Cab is an equal opportunity employer. 28. Business Opportunity AMBITIOUS PEOPLE wanted for new expanding business. Advancement available for right person. Looking for professional retired persons or Salespersons etc. Considerable income for few hours per week. Contact Ruth 519-348- 9769 or Ann 519-440-6837. 28- 20x2cc THE HURON EXPOSITOR urges our readers to use caution before sending money for business oppor- tunity or employment advertise- ments. 28-4941 30. Employment Wanted DO YOU NEED work done? Painting, plumbing, carpentry, elec- trical, wallpaper, drywall hanging, floor refinishing, eavestrough clean- ing and replacing, pressure washer cleaning. Phone 519-527-2281. 30- 06-ff 31. Service Directory REPAIR AND REFINISHING of fur- niture and antiques, handstripping, also custom made furniture built to your plans. Robert Kerr, RR #1, Seaforth. Phone 519-527-0786. 31- 35-ff PHOTO COPIES Photocopying Service available at the Huron Expositor office, 100 Main St., Seaforth 81/2 x 11 copies - .25 cents per sheet, 81/2 x 14 copies - .35 cents per sheet. (GST and PST extra). Phone 519-527- 0240. 1. I'('l 5O1;11 SINCERE SINGLES INTRODUC- TiON Service - Ontario's largest matchmaker since 1992. Toll-free 1- 866-719.9116 www.sinceresin- gles.ca Half-price special now on. No consultation fees. 34-20xtfcc Got a News Ti_p? Call 527-0240 THE HURON EXPOSITOR, May 25, 2005 -7 Subscribe today call The Seaforth Huron Expositor at 527-0240 35. Notice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Claims against the estate of the late MARY MARJORIE SMITH late of Huronview, in the Municipality of Huron East, Ontario, who died on the 28' day of February, 2005, must be in our hands by the 15th day of June, 2005, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. LAW OFFICE of RALPH SMITH B.A., LL.B. CFP, C.I.M. Lawyer, Mediator, Certified Financial Planner & Consultant 20 Gouinlock Street, PO Box 159 Seaforth, ON NOK 1 WO T- 519-527-0401 F - 519-527-2590 e-mail - ralphsmithlawetcc.on.co Lawyer for the Estate Trustees with o Will 37. Mortgages 1st & 2 • R- •- t I & Commercial Mortgages Hard -to -approve mortgages $100K MTGE = $499/mth OAC 519-482-7675 1-866-623-0589 Mortgage Network London Inc. www.garywalden.com 1st & 2^° Mortgage Money Absolutety No Upfront Fees Available at 3.25% Interest or Less Personal Loans & Mortgages If you qualify, payments: Ant ADDI0%, Mo. Payment ' 5,000 '13.55 '10,000 '27.08 '50,000 '135.42 '100,000 '270.83 Consolidate your debts We specialize in problem mortgages Call (519)364-0450 1-800-387-1932 ASTRAL FUNDING INC. AL.t. ON Arno FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS LTD. "THE MORTGAGE PEOPLE" Isr 2sn .ANI) 3ko MokrcAG s FAST SFRVICE - PRI\[F. R. -Arts PRIVATE FENDS INVES1UR INOkIRIrS WELCOME CONTACT FRANK Rostl.Ea 519-238-5851 - GRAND BEND 1-800-361-5114 - KrrcnFNF:R 38. Auction Sale AUCTION CALENDAR Sat. May 28 at 10 am: John Deere LX176 riding lawn- mower 14 hp w/hydrostatic drive, Ariens 8 hp snowblower, antique regulator clock, collect- ables, furniture, glassware, misc etc. to be held at 35470 Huron Road Highway 8 at the east edge of Goderich for the Estate of Irene Duckworth. See www.lobbauction.on.ca for full listing Auctioneers 482-7898 Clinton Richard and Ben Lobb r1 www.lobbauctlon.on.ca ► STOREY AUCTIONS SPECTACULAR Unreserved Auction of rare antiques & collectibles Sun. June 12, 11am 530 First St. London, ON A Frilli signed marble statues. Carrara marble pcs. Lamps - chandelier, pedestal. Paint- ings by C Fachinnette, H Berlin, etc; Beautifully carved furnishings, Bronze pieces. Oriental items, Carpets, Glass, Melodeon. Banjo clock, Dresden figurine clock. China . Lg ornate pottery vase, purses etc. 519-841-2844 www.storeyauctions,com 519-641 -2R 44 42. Deaths PULLMAN, SIDNEY: Sidney Currie Pullman, peacefully at Kensington Village, on Monday, May 16, 2005. in his 100th year. Beloved husband of the late Elizabeth Jane Pullman (1975) and the late Pearl (Passmore, 1985). Loving father of Doris and her husband Dave McGee, Ron Passmore and his wife Shirley, and Norma and her hus- band Felix Boogemans. Dear grandpa of Jeff and his wife Phyllis, Steve and his wife Nancy, Mike Passmore, Deb Teasdale, Vicki DeMone, and Scott Boogemans. Great-grandfather of David and Elizabeth McGee. Brother of the late John Pullman. Sid will be remembered by many in Seaforth where he was a barber from 1923- 1968. Friends called on Wednesday, May 18 from 2-4 p.m. and on Thursday, May 19 from 10:00 a.m. at the James A Halls Funeral Home, 220 St. James Street at Richmond, where the funeral service was conducted on Thursday, May 19, at 11:00 a.m. by Rev. Donald G. McInnis. Reception followed at the funeral home. Interment in Maitlandbank Cemetery, Seaforth. Memorial con- tributions to the Memorial Fund at New St. James Presbyterian Church would be gratefully acknowledged. 42-21-1 v, 12)C41,1020 n Rooms Fresh Flowers & Giftware 17 Main St. Seaforth 527-0555 Delivery Available« 43. I girt its RILEY Jeylin Riley is so very happy to tell everyone about his new baby broth- er Westin Douglas who was born May 14th, 2005 in Stratford Genera! Hospital. He weighed in at 8 lbs. 10 oz. and is 20 1/2 inches long. Mom and Dad (Ange and Jamie) are very happy too. Spoiling rights belong to Clayton and Dawn Riley of Kinburn and Shawn and Karen McKay of Lucknow. 43-21 x 1 cc 46. In Memoriam DALE: in memory of my dear wife Marilyn who died suddenly May 26, 1998. Little did we know when we woke that morning, The sorrow that the day would bring, The call was sudden, the shock was severe, To part with someone we loved so dear. You didn't have time to say farewell, Or for us to say goodbye, You had gone before we realized. And only God knows the reason why. We love and miss you very much. - Vernon and Family 46-21x1 DIETZ: In loving memory of a dear sister and aunt, Nancy, who passed away May 25, 2004. The depths of sorrow we cannot tell, Of the loss of one we loved so well. And while she sleeps a peaceful sleep, Her memory we shall always keep. - Remembered always, Brian, Lorraine, Byron and Megan 46- 21x1 DIETZ: In loving memory of Nancy Lynn Dietz, who left us one year ago, May 25, 2004. Although it doesn't seem like long, It's been a year since you've been gone, When thoughts go back as they often do, We treasure the memories we have of you. This day is remembered and quietly kept, No words are needed, we never for- get. No farewell words were spoken, No time to say goodbye. You were gone before we knew it, And only God knows why. Our hearts still ache with sadness, And secret tears still flow, What it meant to lose you, No one will ever know. - Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by Mom and Dad, Brenda and Ron, Jane and Harold, Brian and Lorraine and families. 46-21x1 38. Auction Sale LARGE AUCTION SALE To be held at Seaforth Fair Grounds Agri-Plex Building for Ana Mika Banerjee of Hensall plus good additions for Bayfield, Goderich and Clinton homes Wednesday, June 1st at 5 pm LUMBER 300 board ft of Pine 1"x10-15" wide and 8' long, 300 board ft of Cedar 1"x8' long, 300 board ft of Kiln dried Black Cherry 1" x 8' long. APPLIANCES fridge 5 yrs old, stove 5 yrs old, washer 3 yrs old, small dryer, 2 apt size freezers, electric sewing machine in stand, SNA air purifier, electric heater on wheels, 27" portable colour TV, microwaves, 2 Kirby vacuum cleaners, VCR, humidifier, fax machine, clothes dryer 3 yrs old, washer 6 yrs old, water softener, RUG Karastan 9'x12' all wool hand woven rug, FURNITURE Beautiful modem 5 piece oak bedroom suite w/queen box spring and mattress -cost $5000 new, 9-pce Spanish style dining suite w/large 4 glass door hutch, other din- ing suites. 2-4 pce bedroom suites, Queen box spring and mattress (good one), recliner chesterfield & recliner chair, modem kitchen table and chair set, pine dresser and chest of drawers, single bed, wall clock w/weights, washstand, wall unit entertainment unit, chesta bed, 2 wing back style chairs, MISC Spirit tread mill cost $1200 new, ladies golf clubs, computer desks, 7 size 42 leather jackets, several cameras, bedding. Knick Knacks, carved wooden elephants, Peter Etril Snyder sketches. soap stone carvings, stuffed animals, dishes, glassware, pots and pans. plus our usual large offering of everything too numer- ous to mention. 2 Auctioneers selling. Terms Cash or cheque with proper ID AUCTIONEERS RiCHARD AND BEN LOBE 519-482-7898 See www.Iobbauction.on.ca for full listing e- www.lobbauction.on.ca