HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2005-05-11, Page 1010 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR. May 11. 2005 iLASSIFI PADS Town and County Deadline; Monday, 12:00 Noon Ca11 527-o24 - Coming Events PLANT SALE, Garage Sale and Consignments, First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, Sat. May 14, 8 a.m. - 12. CE -19-1 DOLL, BEAR AND MINIATURE Show and Sale, Sunday, May 29, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., Knights of Columbus Hall, Hwy. 9 between Walkerton and Mildmay. Adults $4, under 14 $1. Supplies, repairs on site, free identification and evalua- tion between 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. Information 1-519-376-0239. CE- 19xlcc EGMONDVILLE UNITED CHURCH Pork Chop BBO, Wednesday, May 25th, 5-7 p.m., Seaforth and District Community Centres. Tickets at Pete's Paper Clip, Egmondville Store and Desjardins Credit Union. Adults $10.00r children $5.00, pre- schoolers Free. take outs available. CE -18-4 PAINTING CLASSES, Saturday, June 18. Adults - mornings. All ages- afternoon. Limited space. Call for details Allan's Country Junction, 519-527-2435 or Bonnie 519-345-0481. CE -18-3 REVIVAL SERVICES; MAY 6-15, 7:00 p.m. Sundays; 7:30 Monday - Saturday. Rev. Spencer Johnson, speaker. Everyone welcome. Bible Missionary Church, 35 Toronto Blvd., Vanastra. Pastor Jason McCarthy. 519-482-8183. CE- 18x2cc COMMUNITY BRIDAL Shower for Shannon Craig (fiancee of David Soontiens), on Friday, May 13, 2005 at 8:00 p.m. in Duff's United Church, Walton. Everyone wel- come. CE -18x2 BINGO Goderich Knights of Columbus, every Thursday, 7 p.m. Columbus Centre, 390 Parsons Court, $3,855 in prizes; 2 mini jackpots 1 for $350, 1 for $600; regular jackpot $1,500 must go. Lic. #M432004. First Saturday of every month, 7 p.m. Columbus Centre, same program as Thursday night. Lic. #M432003.Big Link Provincial Game every Bingo Night. CE-01- xtfcc 1. Articles For Sale PIANO: Are you searching for the right piano? Pianovations makes finding the right piano an easy, fun and informative experience. View our selection on line at www.pianovations.com or in our showroom. Free informative shop tours! Free piano evaluations and quotes! Repairs, Restoration and Refinishing! Open Wednesdays to Saturdays 10-6 287 plain Street, 1-ondesborough. 519-523-4535 or toll free 1-866-63PIANO. 01- 19X1cc OLDER HEAVY, horizontal cin #4 mill, large vertical metal cutting bandsaw, air vacuum pump, 2 pis- tons, high volume 5 hp motor, lum- ber, veneer. Phone 519-482-9685 after 6 p.m. 01-18x4cc PAPPLE'S GARDEN CENTRE and Produce Stand: Fresh asparagus $1.00/bunch. Beautiful hanging baskets: 16" for $30; 12" for $12- $15, 10" for $5-$12. All prices include tax. We have the best prices around on a great selection of 100s of varieties of annuals and perennials, hanging baskets and containers. For additional specials see our website www.papple.ca or stop in to our stand at 118 Main Street, Seaforth (519) 522-0874. 01-19x1 •PEDIC PRESSURE REUEVINO dCrISWEDISH MATTRESSES AND PILLOWS Experience it today at S;leepMattePs 58 The Square Goderich 524-6064 1. Articles For Sale NEW SPRUCE LUMBER, 1x4x16; 2x4x16, 2x6x16. Call 519-482- 7489. 01-19x 1 cc FOR SALE: Model KC6JC King 6" jointer, $225; 1999 Ford Ranger 4x4, A-1 condition, 60,000 km. Phone 519-482-7564 Clinton. 091- 19x1cc FOR SALE; HONDA rear engine riding lawn mower, 9 hp, 30" cut, excellent condition. $800.00. Call 519-263-2188 after 4 p.m. 01- 18x2c FOR SALE: 165 Hydrostatic John Deere lawn tractor with 38" mower and bagger. Phone 519-522-1455. 01-18x2 CARPET CLEAROUT - I have 1000s of yards of Stainmaster, sax- onys and berbers. I will carpet 3 rooms up to 30 yards for $389.00. Includes carpet, underpad and installation. Call Mark 519-318- 6618. 01-17x5cc CHECK THIS OUT - one week only. PSII games $30 taxes included. VHS movies 3 for $10, taxes includ- ed. Music CDs 3 for $25, taxes included. N64 system $50, taxes included. Come check us out for details. • Dr. Feelgoods House of Fun (60 Main Drag), Seaforth. • Buy, Sell, Trade. 01-16x4 DOUBLE D COMPANY Games Room. Pool tables, poker tables and chips, pub tables and chairs, shuffleboards, lights and much, much more. Also pool table recov- ering and moving. 4 McGivern St. West, Walkerton. 519-881-2113, Duffy. 01-46xtfcc RENT TO OWN: New, used and reconditioned appliances, furniture, tools, anything we sell. Good Choice Appliances, 519-482-5599. 01 -42xtfcc CROP CIRCLE POSTCARDS for sale at the Huron Expositor, 11 Main St., Seaforth. New Price: 3 for $5. 01-22xtf WINDOWS AND DOORS Call for a free estimate. Sales, Service and Installation. Bluewater Windows and Doors, 394 Huron Rd. Goderich. 519-524-1520. www.bluewaterwindows.ca E-mail sales @bluewaterwindows.ca 01- 02xtfcc WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS For your reading pleasure we have available at the Huron Expositor office eight weekly newspapers: The Mitchell Advocate, The Clinton News -Record, The Goderich Signal Star, The Lakeshore Advance (Zurich), Shoreline News (Port Elgin), Kincardine News, The Huron Expositor, $1.25 each. Lucknow Sentinel @ 1.00 01-01-tfnxe 3. Garage Sales GIANT YARD SALE, Furniture, books, toys, sports equipment, clothing and more, Saturday, May 14, 77 Main St., Seaforth, 8 a.m. - 12. Proceeds will support St. Lucia The People's Workshop. An initia- tive of Jered Munro, Kelly Devereaux and Renee Devereaux. 03-19-1 YARD SALE and Moving Sale, May 13 and 14, 8 a.m. till ? Lots of good- ies at 14 and 12 Front St. Egmondville. 03-19-1 5. Cars for Sale CONVERTIBLE - 1964 Ford Galaxie 500, Texas car. Phone Goderich 519-524-5457 after 5:30 p.m. anytime on weekends. Please leave message. 05-19x3nxecc 6. Trucks for Sale 1990 CHEV 1/2 TON, CHEYENNE, 350 automatic, body, very good but needs paint, runs excellent. Many new parts. 200k, $2500. Call 519- 523-9540. 06-19x 1 cc 1996 FORD F150 4x4, V-6, 94,000 km., $7500 certified; 1989 Dodge D100, V-6, 193,000 km., $1500, as is; 1993 Ford Explorer 4x4, 2 door, $750, obo. Phone 519-482-9750 or cell 579-440-8913. 06-18x2cc 1990 CHEV SHORT box, V8, stan- dard, $2500 obo. Phone 519-529- 7217. 06-18x3nxecc 1988 CHEV SHORT box, stepside, ready for paint, V6, standard, $3200 obo. Phone 519-529-7217. 06- 18x3nxecc 1985 CHEV S10 BLAZER, 4x4, 2.8 V6, auto, 177,000 km., runs excel- lent, body very good, many new parts. Little to safety. $1600.00. Phone 519-523-4473. 06-18x2cc 1996 DODGE CARAVAN, fully loaded with air, dual sliding doors, excellent condition, little to certify. 180,000 km.s. $5,000 obo. 519- 353-5870 Paisley. 06-18x3nxecc 7E. Motorcycles, ATV's, etc. 2000 YAMAHA 1100 V -Star for sale, excellent condition, 13,500 km., loaded with options, windshield, bags, backrest, cobra pipes, lots of chrome, etc. $8,495.00 certified. Call after 6:00 p.m. 519-348-9716. 7E-17x5nxecc 7F. Snowmobiles & Equipment 2003 SKI -D00 MXZ Rev 6000 HO. 5,000 km., yellow and black with aftermarket windshield, orange grill inserts, belly pan, ski -tips, some clutch upgrades. Includes x -pack- age racing cover. Sharp machine! Has to go to pay for summer toys! $6300.00. Call Dusty 519-395- 5953. 7F-18x3nxecc & Trailers SUNKAMPER tent trailer, 3 way fridge, $1500.00. Phone 519-522- 2098 after 6 p.m. 7G -19x2 1991 PROWLER 23' 5th wheel trail- er, sleeps 4, dinette for 2, roof air conditioning, awning. Comes with 5th wheel hitch. $8500 obo. Phone 519-524-7115 after 4 p.m. Ask for Dan. 7G-19x3nxecc EDDIE'S OUTFITTERS tent trailer and canoe rentals. Book now to ensure a trailer for your holidays. Call 519-345-2792. 7G -19x1 cc 7H. Boats. Motors & Marine CANOES starting at $599.00 Kayaks starting at $429.00. Kayak rentals $20.00 per day. Greater Saugeen Trading Co. Paisley. 519- 3 5 3 - H IK E www.greatersaugeen.com 7H- 19x4cc 1992 YAMAHA 650 wave runner (Sea Doo) plus trailer. $2400 obo. Phone 519-529-7217. 7H- 18x3nxecc WANTED TO BUY outboard motor 9.9 to 15 hp in good operating con- dition. Call 519-527-1582 leave message. 7H-18-2 11F. Farm Product BEEF FOR SALE: -Corn fed here - ford, by the 1/2 or 1/4. Phone 519- 527-1939. 11F-19-3 11G. Farm Equipment 30' land roller for rent. Phone 519- 523-4260. 11 G-19x3cc 11H. Farm Services EIDT'S CUSTOM Post Pounding. Specializing in post pounding and complete fence installation. Call Doug 519-348-8394. 11H-19x2cc VANMAAR Square Baling • Accumulator • 3x4 Bales • Rotery Pre -Cut • Acid Application • Competitive Pricing • Serving Clinton, Blyth Seatorth & Area CaII Jake at 482-3396 or 525-6395 COLDWeLL [�] a BANKR r�. 0 Sandra Dale Res. 519-5220315 sandradale.conl All Points Festival City Realty Brenda Campbell' Res. 519-5270249 Thinking About Moving? Seaforth & Area Listings (519) 527-2103 Think Coldwell Banker First! 1 Main Street, Seaforth -NEW LISTING-' =NEW LISTING REDUCED! I NEW LISTING. 34R BUNGALOW W/PARTWLY RN. REC ROOM LARGE LIVING" 34R BUNGALOW, HARDWOOD ATTACHED GARAGE • LARGE STAFFA HOME PRICED TO SHL S112,900 NATURAL WOODWORK, GARAGE, MUST SEE S94,500 • 79 GODERICH ST W AVAIL IMMED $102,900 WWW -cold we 11 bankerfc.com "VII t TUAL TOURS AVAILABL.I: FUR FREE -OPEN HOL1St 1 I/1' Maureen Wildfoonngg Saha Reprosentat/w Ree 519-527-111$ Culligan --,.mus. ca REAL ESTATE LTD. al 8 Main Street, Seaforth 519-527-1577 Linda Dzloba Sales Representative Res 519-522-0221 ..1 ItI -i"i1 111:11 -:i' - X1)1 I)" NEW LISTING' IffirM, ALEXANDER ST UST S169.900 NEW LISTING! LARGE COUNTRY HOME! NEW LISTING! t ris4#� 70 JOHN ST LIST 5119.900 4 BEDROOMS! WEST WILLIAM ST 1-3-0 LIST: (89,900 56 William St. Egmondvifle • Country Like atmosphere • Great Room • Open Kitchen • Attached garage • Custom twin Country property with acreage! MANY UPDATES' 95 MARKET ST LIST (93.900 11 MILL PD EGkrotirlvlll F LIST $431101 SOLID BRICK! 124 000ERICH ST E LIST $129,900 Tc, vicrw our MLS listings visit www.scllir,tgsecufarth.corn ITtie sigtn tt stays "SOLS" is toll you rt 4.edi The Huron Expositor's LASSIFIEDS C E Coming Events 01 Articles For Sale 03 Garage/Yard Sale 04 Antiques & Art 4A. Crahs & Hobbies 05 Cors For Sale 06 Trucks for Sale Sports Centre 7A -K & ReeveaOo4 7A For Sale General 7B Wanted To Buy 7C Wanted To Rent 7D. Bicycles 7E Motorcycles, ATVs, Etc. 7F Snowmobiles & Equipment 7G Rec Vehicles - Campers & Trailers 7H Boats, Motors & Marine 7J Service Parts & Repairs 7K Swimming Pool & Supplies 08 Computers, Videos, Etc. 09 Automotive 10 Pets 11A. For Sale General 1 1 8. Wanted To Buy 1 1 C. Wanted To Hue 110. Employment Wanted 11 E livestock 11F Farm Product 110 form Equipment 11 H Farm Services Ili Form Land 11K. Farm Real Estate 12. Real Estate For Sale 13 Mobile Homes 14 Vacation Properties 16 For Rent 17 Apartments For Rent 18 Houses For Rent 19 Rooms For Rent 20 Rooms & Board 22 Lots For Rent 23- Commercial Properly 23. For Rent 24. Wonted To Rent 25. Wanted To Buy 26. Help Wanted 27. Wonted Generol 28. Business Opportunity 29. Tenders 30. Employment Wonted 31. Service Directory 32. Babysitting 33. Miscellaneous 34. Personal 35. Notice To Creditors 36. Announcements 37. Mortgages 38.Auction Sale 39. Educational 40. lost & Found 41 To Give Away 42. Deaths 43 Births 44- Engogements 45. Marriages 46. In Memoriam 47 Cords of Thanks DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS MONDAY moo NOON For other papers Deadline is MONDAY 9:00 AM All rates plus GST 25 WORDS - One \Veck S8.00, two weeks S7.5o ea. week, three weeks ST.00 ca. week. Additional words zo cents. An additional Sz.00 will be added if billing is necessary: In ,\Memoriams - S8.00 plus 35 cents per line of verse. Card of Thanks & Birth Announcements - z5 Words $8.00. Each additional word .10 cents. We are also able to place word ads in the following papers: Goderich, Clinton, :Mitchell, Lucknow; Kincardine, Zurich & Port Elgin. By placing an ad in The 1 luron Expositor we can place the same ad (z5 words or less) in any of the above papers for an additional 54.50. THESE PRICES ARE PRE -PAID Call 527-0240 Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM 11H. Farm Services COVER ALL BUILDING for rent on paved road near Slabtown. Phone 519-524-4680. 11H-17x3cc 5. Cars for Sale VISIT US AT WWW, seaforthhuronexpositor.com 5. Cars for Sale • - .; - .,,,. 1999 SABLE LS =r,, 4dr., low kms. Nice car. E'Stk. #FB2890B. �F', Wow! $8,888 ry willow t‘ 1993 THUNDERBIRD Rare car - Nice As is Special. Stk. #F1007A. _ • Wow! $4,777 y4dr., - 4 rwit C »s - 1997 CHRYSLER . CONCORDE auto, air. As Is Special. Stk. #FA1457A. Wow! $3,444 . 7Wow! ii k. 1996 WINDSTAR LX 7 pass., auto, air. As Is Special. Stk. #FB2901 B. $2,888 Financing Available O.A.C. OWEN SOUND (519) 376.3252 PORT ELGIN (519) 832.2424 TOLL FREE -1.800.265.3715 MSINTEE Sharon Medd Assoc. Broker 150 Main St. S., Seaforth 0: (519) 527-0560 H: (519) 522.0660 M MLS SATURDAY, MAY 14TH, 2005 - 10:30 - 11:30am - 63 William St., Mitchell NEW PRICE, 3-5 Bedroom Side - split - Move in Condition! Includes formal dining. 2 full baths. deck. & beautiful gardens. Located in new subdivision. A Must See! BRUCEF1ELDl Century Home on 1.88 Acres, Country Atmosphere Wood floors throughout Wainscotting in family room, New h eff gas furnace. Double Detach Garage, CENTURY HOME with detailed COUNTRY ATMOSPHERE - 1 floc original woodWork Wood floors living with 2 car garage. Lot size 95 throughout. 3+ bedrooms, large X 180'. Custom built by Roya kitchen. featured on triple lot with lots Homes! List S199.750. of trees and gardens New Price! a, 0ODERICHI For $375/MONTH you can OWN this excellent yellow brick home. totally renovated, private fenced in rear yard 3 bedroom apt upstairs and 2 bedroom apt on in floor, Cali for details' , Discount Monggge"" Canada Inc. ('all Joy or Sharon at (519) 527-0560 If you have good credit why are ,our paying high interest rem? ('all today to oMain the mortgage tat desene. 4.8`4 S.r. OA('