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Elliot Moose on the loose at St. James
during Catholic Education Week
By Susan Hundertmark
Expositor Editor
As a child who spent most
of her time drawing with
crayons and playing with a
toy monkey and teddy bear as
her imaginary friends,
children's author Andrea
Beck says it's only natural
she'd end up writing about
the adventures of a stuffed
moose and his toy friends.
"Wouldn't it be wonderful
if toys really could come to
life? It would be the most
fantastic thing," the author of
the Elliot Moose books told
students at St. James School
in Seaforth last Friday.
Beck spoke about the
importance of literacy and
encouraged students to keep
listening to their imaginations
as young writers and
"Literacy is a big scary
word and you can look at it
from a practical point of view
that it's about being part of
the world and getting a job.
But, the other side is all about
stories and books and
movies. And, if you don't
have reading, you don't get to
be part of that fun world,"
she said.
Beck told students she
grew up in a small town north
of Montreal where she lived
on the edge of town, away
from other children her age.
She said she spent the long
winters drawing and playing
games of imagination with
her toys like house, school
and emergency.
. "When you do that, you're
making up a story. Even
when we're this big, we're
making up stories. That's the
thing about us humans - we
need stories," she said.
As a little girl with a lot of
imagination, Beck
encouraged students to tell
their own stories.
"The writers of the world
listen to their imaginations.
As we grow, we get busy but
writers keep listening and
grabbing onto their ideas,"
she said.
Because she had a hard
time learning to read and also
watched her son, who is now
a screenplay writer, struggle
with reading, she urged
students to keep trying.
"Even if you just love
listening to stories, you're a
story maker," she said.
Beck's first job was as a
toymaker and she shared that
her imagination used to work
overtime when she was in a
Above, Wade Barker, Grade
3, Renee Robinson, Grade
4 and Fred Logan, Grade 4
play the roles of publisher,
author and Imagination
while at right, children's
author and illustrator
Andrea Beck shows
students how to draw her
well-known character
Elliot Moose at St. James
last Friday.
room of toys and she thought
she could hear the toys
After raising her children,
whom she loved to read to,
Beck decided to begin to
write about what she knew
best - toys.
"I thought toys are big in
my life - maybe I should be
writing about them. And,
Elliot came to me with his
name - I could just see a little
stuffed toy standing in the
doorway," she said.
She encouraged students
aspiring to be writers to keep
a notebook nearby to be able
to capture their ideas on
"Imagination is like a big
satellite dish always
absorbing ideas but ideas
have a funny way of
evaporating if you don't write
them down," she said.
She said beginning with a
character and getting to know
all about him or her is the
best way to begin a story.
"Think about who he or
she is, where does he live,
what's his favourite food. If
you looked under his bed,
what would you find? If he is
standing right in front of you,
what does he look like? How
do his clothes fit?" she asked.
"When you start with a
character and get to know
him, a story starts to come
out of it," she said.
Beck suggested writing
columns of characteristics to
begin exploring a character.
Then, she said the
character needs a problem to
"Your story has to build
towards something or no one
will want to read it," she said.
She walked students
through the editing and
publishing process,
describing what happens as a
story builds through the
Council rejects request
regarding Papple's rezoning
By Susan Hundertmark
Expositor Editor
A request from Seaforth
Food Market owner Steve
Delchiaro that Tyler Papple
be asked to pay into a
parking fund to make up for
the lower commercial
assessment of his produce
stand was rejected by Huron
East council last week.
Seaforth Coun. Joe Steffler
told council he was
approached by Delchiaro last
week after Papple's Garden
Centre received approval for
rezoning to bring the
business into compliance
with the town's official plan.
"I told Steve that I would
bring it forth and make the
motion but I'm not going to
support it," said Steffler. "I
don't think it's right to find
another way to increase his
fees. I don't think it's right to
go in the backdoor that way."
Part of the agreement to
rezone the property that
houses Papple's Garden
Centre was a site plan
agreement which requires 10
parking spots for the 4,000
"square foot retail area. If the
requirement is not met,
provisions can be made to
pay into a parking fund
instead of providing the
Deputy -Mayor Bernie
MacLellan said council can't
say the parking is inadequate
when Papple has met all of
the guidelines of the site plan
"If he's met all the rules
and regulations, I don't think
we have a leg to stand on,"
he said.
Steffler agreed, saying,
"We shouldn't refuse his site
plan just to get more
assessment out of him."
Tuckersmith Coun. Larry
McGrath suggested that with
the rezoning, a reassessment
might increase the
commercial taxes Papple
"Maybe we're jumping the
gun here," he said.
But, Seaforth Coun. Lou
Maloney questioned if
Lobb wins candidacy
From Page 1
peppered with "smash and grab" style politics rather than
peace, order and good government.
Ralph Kreutzwiser, a farmer and the Mayor of South Bruce,
said the government must invest more money into military
He also. stood firmly against same-sex marriage and the
ongoing bureaucratic bungling associated with the gun registry.
"The local member and his government has to go," he said.
"This is not the time for abusing power or taking shortcuts.
This is a time for honesty and integrity."
Papple had parking spots
that customers would use.
"Nobody will use them,"
he said.
editing, the illustrating
the design process.
"An author has to write a
story 20 times before she gets
it right. And, then the editor
sends the story back to the
writer and it goes back and
forth about five times," she
"The next time your
teacher hands you a story
back with comments, think of
me," said Beck.
THE HURON EXPOSITOR, May 11, 2005 - 5
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You are invited to attend these area churches
St. Thomas
Anglican Church
A Congregafon of the Parish of The Holy Spint
Jarvis St. Seaforth
Fr. Michael Atkins
Parish Office 527.1522
Sunday, May 15" at St. Paul's, Clinton,
Day of Pentecost - Joint Parish Service followed
by Barbecue and Yard Sale. Please note this is
the only service In the parish today. For a ride
contact 527-1522 by Friday, May 13.
Sat. May 14- Kristin's Fund Meeting, 10pm and
Parish Council at 11 a.m.
Bethel Bible Church
An Associated Gospel Church
126 Main St. Seaforth
Sunday Worship Hour 11 am
Sunday School 9:45 a.m.
54 Goderich St. W.
Sun., May 15, 2005
Sunday School
Adult & Youth 9:30 a.m.
Junior 11:00 a.m.
Worship 11:00 a.m.
Rev. John Gould
Becoming Who You Are.
Catholic Church
St. James RC Church
14 Victoria Street, Seaforth
Weekend Masses: Sat 5:15 pm
Sun. 11:00 am
St. Columban RC Church
Saturday Mass at 7:30 pm
Father Lance Magdziak
United Church
Sunday, May 15
10 a.m. Sunday School
11 a.m. Worship
Steve Hildebrand - Lay Pastoral
Minister in Training
Annual Pork Chop BBQ
Wednesday, May 25
First Presbyterian
Goderich St. W., Seaforth
Rev. Henry Huberts
Sunday, May 15
Worship: 11:15 a.m.
Sunday School & Nursery
May 14 - Plant Sale & Garage
8am - Noon
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