HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1923-3-15, Page 8e :XtTER' AU Vf:11 1 B, Y,` MAR. 1 a 9c, B Exeter Markets CH \NGED 1.VERY WEDNESDAY Wheat ,.... 1.10 Oats ,. 50 Barley .60 Moan. 1 a'., Best Flour 3.95 Fanny Flour 3,70 Pia.:y Flour 3.45 Feed Flour 2.00 Shorts ............. 1.50 Brant ....,. 1.45 Hee, s in -y Butte:- .,...,.,. Creamery Butter .,.. Lard Hogs ..........,, HOGS I'O:'. SALE. -2 Reg, York.. shire Boara. for sale; 5 months old; Appy at this office, . L)':2.1iSSM:.'. INGat Ladies' houses by th_iou:,h r experienced dressmak r; 12 t -e e r Q;s:perience in •Londo„-n. .Apply r t le,tit call. -E, lti'irhell, care : r \Ir, Kennings, South R ch - mond St., Hcnsell_ IVlI-iOL\I POULTRY FARM. Order v u_- ready-made BarreclRock Baby s; h, env, $16.00 per 100; from L. V. H^gl;r:le, Exeter, Ont. Phone --C� eilficr 18-31. Dr. E. Alm id, the noted Eye -Sight Specialist of Toronto, will be at the Central Hotel, Exeter, an Friday and :Saturday, March 23rd and 24th. , 45 to 48 57 17 to 20 BARN FOR SALE. Good frame barn, 34x50, far sale, on Lot 13, Con. 8, Us'barne, Frank Coates, Ce,ntiralia P,O TEND .RS FOR FAIR GROUNDS. Tenders will be received by the Secretary for rental of Fair Grounds, season at' 1923. Tenders to be in by March 23, R. G. Seldon, Secretary. FAR\i SPECIAL FOR SALE. 100 acre.s choice clay loam, good frame house. three bank barns, cement s la, abundance of water, water pip- ed to "oa"•n °tad house, 45 iacres : fall plowing, 10 acres fall wheat, tile drain- ed., rainea, wel'. fea: d, good orchard, one mile from i.,:"rkton, Price S8,000, far ctuiel: :sale. Reasonable terms. T.his is ea.: o the best bargains we have. hadge ',.ek for a long time. Apply to T. v?Tashborn, 1,Voadham, Ont. Phone 22-16, Kirkton.--- WANTED-Experienced and in- experienced female help far Under- wear Mill, good working conditions and highest wages paid for girls to work on mending, inspecting, power serving machines, winding,. etc. Apply Penman3 Limited, Mill 2, Paris, Ont bt, -- TAKE NOTICE, . The Ptr_`.ic Uti1i les Commission re eue „u that all persons abstain from blit n• oe Hering up ;notices an Hydra posts, as cve••y time a nail is driven into the po.t the light above is brok- e., and it costa the town $2,00. The light in front of the past office ha4 hee,n broken .several times lately. The request should certainly be observed. Tbe. Regular Meeting of the Hortic- ultural Society will be held on Wed- nesday evening, March. 14th, when the Parks Committee is to report an their plan for the improvement of Ex- pter. General discussion The ,Society, has now 199 members. FARM FOR SALE. In Usborne, 100 acres, being lot 17 Con, 4. There is an the premises a good stone house, bank barn, horse state and driving shed oambined, All in good state of cultivation. Also 50 acres in Township of, Hay, being part lot 5, con. 4. This is a grass ,farm,, into, which a goad spring runs contin- ually. Apply to John N. Perkins Exeter. PROPERTY FOR SALE. Having put hosed Mr. Rundle's pro-. perty 1 pm now offering my proper- ty, Car. Victoria and Andrew Sts.; consisting of 2 1-2 lots, with first-, ciass frame house, lately renovated, a barn, hard and soft water. Will - be sold right. It not sold by April lst' will rent, Richard Welsh, Exeter' FISH `1SYI FISH WHITE FISH, HADDIE, SALMON, HALIBUT. -C. L. WILSON. FOTJND,-A place where you can buy British -American gasoline at 33c, -R. Mackenzie & Son, Exeter North FOR SALE, Barn, timber frame, Harvey, Exeter. 24x36. -J. S. Send The Advocate to your dis- tant friends for a year. It will be appreciated. LET ELLIOTT & JOHNS Know when you want your Suit of Overcoat Cleaned and Pressed, or Dyed or Dry'Cleaned and we will calI for them and deliver them. We are out for business. When you want a New Suit call in and see our Samples. OUR MOTTO -Service to the Public, Cartage ' & Livery We have secured horses for the Winter months. TRY US For Weddings, Funerals and Sleighing Parties. Phone 58w. BAGSHAW EASTON Local Doings - The farmer with seed graiin to sell should run. a small adv., and, sell it, • Harold Nelson has taken a pasition on the: delivery wagon with Mr, J. A. , tewatt, Mfrs. Jonas Sin's is confined to .her bed through illness, but is now im- prating nicely, Exeter juvandie hockey boys were defeated by Hensall juveniles' here roti Thursday eveaning., 5-2. 23.85 cents on the dollar were paid in connection with the assignmeait of James McGregor o:f Blanshard. Mr Preston. Dearing i,s nursing a very sore finger, he having had the misfortune to jam; it badly last week, Toronto proper has a population of 627,520, and with the population • ,ai 62,568 in the ,suburbs, the total popu- lation is 69Q088. \Ir. C. W. Robinson, who recently moved from here to B;elltvoad, is now on an extended sojourn at St. Peters- burg, Florida. He sent a number o•f pD.ct cards to friends here, John G. Roy . of Fullarton obtained judgnnent recently for $2750.00 and costs in an action; against Charles Cot- tle of Fullerton, for losing the services of the plaintiff's daughter; Mr, Sam'l Brock of Usborne has purchased Mr. Wes, Heywood's prop- erty, the latter buying Mr. Nelson Clark's 100 acre :faran, at Suns'b;ine, Mr. Clark is moving, onto ;his father's farm, Mr. J. V. Mills!on of Lambeth, for- merly. ,of Whalen, and Hensen, who for many weeks was in a low state of health, suffering from pneumonia and other complications, hat sufficently !-ec• wv'ered as to be able to leave the hospital, at London„ and return to his home. During the past week quite a num-! her sof citizens in and around Zurich and; Dashwood received/ a 'summons to appear before Police Magistrate An- drews at Clinton, and in most cases were assessed $50 and costs, the rea- son being for not filling. out the re- quested income papers for past years. Good prices were realized at the' ,auction sale of the stack and imple- ments of Mr. Joalin Harding last Wed- nesday. Mr. and Mrs.- Harding and family are this week moving to town and we welcaane them, Mr. Wesley J,nanes, whose property Mr. Harding bought, last week moved back onto his farm in Stephen. RE -OPENING OF THEATRE. Dome Theatre will re -open on Fri- day and Saturday, March 16 and 17. The movie will be 2vfaie 1fur-ray in, fascination drama of a girl who danced with danger. Scenes are laid in Old Madrid, Spam. WONDERFUL SPANISH DANCES Real Bull Fight and after the fight Mae Murray, as Delores, dances for the guests at a ball. Re-pnoducimg n pantomime her bull fight sensa- tion. Wonderful gowns and gorgeous scenery. Admission,, adults 35c.; chil- dren 25c, admitted only with parent. :Don't forget the St. Particle Cafe- teria supper in Main St. Church, Friday, March 16. A snort program of Irish songs and readings will be given. MILLINERY Spring and pretty new hats seem to harmonize. We are ready with a fine assortment of trimmed and un- trimmed hats. A number of charm- ing patterns hats from leading hous- es also await your inspection,- We in- vite the ladies of Exeter and vicinity to visit our parlors. MISS A. YELLAND. SALVATION ARMY SERV ICES Services as usual next Sunday. Services in Town Hall 11 a.m.-Hoili,tness Meeting 7 p.m.-Salvatio-on. Meeting. 2.30 p.m. -Sunday School and Bible Claws. Cottage meetings in North. End an Tuesday night T Hfobbitus; Captain. Trivitt Memorial Church 11 a.in.-";Ftailure," 7 pin. -"A King's Knowledge of Christianity and IN Effects." "Rev A. A. Trumper, Rector, CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN U.RUKCH Rev. James Foote, B.: A., Minister 10 a. m. -Sunday School and Bible Classes. 11 a.m.-"The Joy of the Lord is Thy Strength." The Minister 7 p.m. -"Luther Defended by the Sword of Princes," The Minister Boy Scouts will meet Monday evening JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Wilson., B.A. 11 a.m.-"A Real Friend who w;•11 Nev- et be 'Untrue." 3- p.m. -Sabbath School and Bible Study. 7 p.m.L"Slow• Dawn or Break Down' Good congregational singing with an Excel lleavk Chair h ur to lead. A11 welcome, MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH 'Rev Geo McAlister, M. A. Phone' •21r3•' 11 ann.--Bey. W. G, H, McAlister 3.00 p,m. -Bible School, 7 p.tn _Rev,' W. G, K McAlirster AT l#ETHANY 2.30 --Service h Presbyterian;church By a majority of one, the Manitoba' Legislature decided to reduce the sessional ,:indemnity from ` $1800 to $1500. STRICKEN WHEN TRAVELLING. Relatives here received word on Sxrednes$ay of last e e;i It that Mr. Edi Fao,well, who was on a trip through the Mediteran,ean, suffered a paralytic ,stroke; which affected one side of the body. He was taken off the boat at Venice and was there being cared for -by amiislsi�onary and his wife, , who were, returning to America on furlough _ NOT TO " OPERATE. •. Mr. Jos, Davis, manager, of the flak mill, has received instructions from the Ontario Flak Co, the shareholders of; which are largely residentein the Brit- ish Isles, that the mill will,not be op- erated 'by the company This year, ,It means a good deal. to those wha`hava been,employed in connection, with ,the business in the past few years. There is always however, a possibility that e, purchaser may be. found, 'The _let- ter to Mr., Davis, slated, that the com party was well satisfied with the re- sult of the operations o1: the 'past year. - PHONES REMOVED, • The iirec:rease of $3.00 ma,de by the clieectors of the Ki,rk',t;ar,-St. Marys 77,eleph,one Company on their sub- scribers ,has caused considerable dis- aatis;fact;lon, and prracitic;ally all the ; ubaribers are' up ±,n, arms against the raise from $15 to $18. Meeting aftter meeting was .held to try to grijuslt matters, but it appears no aanilcabl;e Settlement could be .arriv'ed at. A final aneetting was held, by the ;sub,- scr hers, at which a resolution was passed that the 33.00 raise asked by the compainy be not paid, and that the subscribers be canvassed with a view to having their phones removed. This was done and as at result ;601 pboa),es have been, or are being re- moved, aa it is stated. DAMAGED BY WIND STORM. • The severe wind storm. that passed. c:ver this section ,early Manday,miarn- ing did considerable, damage in, Exeter and neighborhood. The roof of the Bethany Methodist Church was blown o f, the east end gable blown ,in .and other damage Was done, to he building as' well as the furnishings. The dam- age has been •50 great chair, we under- stand no attempt well be' made to repair the damage done. In Ex- eter, a chimney on. _4:r. M. Fletcher's house was blown aft, one on Mr. john Pedlar's house,•one on Mr. F. W. Glad - man's house, and part of one • on Mr. Rao-bt. Dinney's residence; a large patch sof shingles was stripped off Mr. \Tm. Collingwood's home, and a like damage, was done to Mrs. East's wood ,shed, A. number of wind grills are re- ported blown over in the country. • AGED LADY PASSES, Christina Houlden, widow of the late John Volland, died, at the home of her brother, Mr. Thomas iiouLuen., Andrew Street, an. Friday, .March 9th, at the age of 75 years, 7 months. 1'he d. - ceased had been ailing for 'some time and for the past elevan weeks h:,d been, confined --'too- her bed, ,..uffe,;;e.� with, cancer. She was .. ), n -n Whitby and when young moved to Hillsgreen in Hay "Township, with nee paren he living there until her marriage, when she moved to Zurich. She -s su,viv.i] by twie sons and one daughter, Ja- mes and George of Detroit, and Mrs. h\2. Hafey •of Little Falls, N.Y.., u sa two brothers and two sisters, John of London, Mamas of Exeter, Mrs. T. Alford of Detroit and Mrs. Wm. Wilt of Hinckley- N,Y, The funeral took place on March lrith to the Exeter cemetery. DEATH OF JASON F. BEDFORD. At the. age of 85 years and 7 months Jason F. Bedford passed away at the family home, John, Street, on Sunday, morning, March llth.' The deceased had enjoyed his usual goocl health up to about eight weeks, ago., when he was taken down with a severe illness, and, he was a great sufferer up to, the time of his death. Mr. Bedford seas barn; in New York State; and came to Can ada with has parents when about six years, of age. The family first settled at Belleville, and later at IGint`.a,rdine, where decea,aed° was married. He has since resided at Toronita and Bright- on, and about five; years ago he and his aged partner mioved to lxeter,,anld proved themselves to 'ba respec tied and ;desirable citizens.; B.esided.bis wife, he ,i s survived by, three sons and ,one daughter, Jason of Grand Rapids, Mich iga.n, Secord of Windsor; Herbert of Kingston, and iVIrs, -Ross of Falmouth, Blass, 'The late George Bedford, who c-onducted a grocery store here fon some few years, was a sop. The Jun: eral took place to the Exeter ceme- tery on Tuesday. Mr, Wni. Fraser was a visitor in London Thursday, Mrs. R. N, Creech spent Thursday and. Friday in Landon. • Mrs,'rT. S. Woods left Thursday to visit het" 'sister, Mrs. Noyes, in Oak- . vine. i)o Mrs. George Vivian, of M.,itche]1 is visiting her daughter, Mrs'. H. W. err, ; :Major W. J:-Heanratni spent a few days, of last weelein London on milit- ary bus'inens. Miss Gladys Ward of Landon was a, week end, visitor at the home of her brother. Ir.Ward. Mr.Ed.•Welsh oof. Bristol, Conn., vis- ited his brother, Mr. ,Wm. �ITr?l,so, London Road, for a few days. Miss Iia Johnston,•who was visiting with relatives in Rochester, N. Y;, re- turned loathe h,o n Thursday morning last. Mrs. E, Irwiin of Landon s tii,ere OW -Ing to ilInlels(a at. the aomei of her parents,aVlr. and Mrs, Thos. Bissetiti. Mrs. (Dr.) Clrare:. Wood of Blyth, Who will be leaving shortly for Sud- bury, is. visiting with Mr. gild Mrs,, Frank Wood tMr. E. J. Christie.Of the an Life As,ura'nice Co. is in Toronto fox a week taking a course of instruction at tFhe Head Offfaco. '; 4 A Cornplete :Corset Service• to meet the needs of every Canadian Woman ItOnERVICg SELF•Re9uciNCa Ask to be shown, The Circlets or ',Tuspul" .13ras- s,ers while you are being fitted. Nemo Corset Service was originated twenty-seven years ago to meet and solve the problem of obtaining a corset for pertnonent use that was at once hygienic, comfortable, stylish and long -wearing. To -day millions of women in the United States and Canada consider Nemo Corsets indispensable for the protection of health and the natural grace and symmetry which is every woman's birthright. Nemo Corsets embody valuable economic, hygienic and style features not found in other Corsets -they are made throughout from the finest materials obtainable - they are priced as reasonably as substantial, well -made Corsets can be priced. When you have read the brief descriptions that follow, we are confident that you too will decide to let your next Corset be a Nemo. Nemo Kop Service. -Designed for that large class of women who do not require abdominal reduction but are overdeveloped in hips and thighs. 'f'he reduction of these parts is accom- plished by bands of patented semi -elastic Lasti- Kops Webbing, which will not lose their elasticity, and are guaranteed to last the life of the corset. A Nemo Maternity and Convalescent Corset is also furnished in this Service. 5 Models, 20-36, $3.00 to 310.00. Nemo Self -Reducing Service.- A -Service for women of full figure, based upon the reduc- ing power of Nemo Self -Reducing Straps -an exclusive patented feature. These Straps -slightly tighter than the portion of the corset they cover - afford a constant gentle massage which softens superfluous flesh and allows it to be carried off in the circulation. Other features combine to make these corsets ideal for reducing the excess fatty tissue which accumulates in the abdominal region. 11 Models, 22-44, $4.50 to $8.50.. Nemo Wonderlift Service. -The invention of the Wonderlift Corset marked a new era in the science of corsetry. Intended for women. of all types, its secret lies in the Wonderlift Bandlet, -�• a band of LastiKops webbing, adjustable to the exact individual lines of the wearer yet cleverly con- cealed beneath the corset skirt. The support of this Bandlet with its firm uplifting action as invaluable to women who suffer -even slightly -from weak- ened and fallen abdominal muscles and organs. In several models 22-44, 37.75 to $8.50. Nemo Corset Service, is furnished by most better -class stores and shops. if, however, you. have any difficulty in obtaining the exact Nemo Model you need communicate with us direct and we will see that you are supplied through our near- est dealer. "Once try a Nemo and you'll never change." Made by KOPS BROS. ,,LIMITED Toronto We also carry a large stock of Gaddes,s Front Laced Corsets, Cromptan;'s La Grace, D., & A. brands As well as' many, new styles of Brassieres. We can, fit any style of figure. i`IORTHWAY COATS, SUITS AND DRESSES, -We have just received,. another shipment of Nolrthway Suits and Coats. The reasonable prices will surprise, you. Ask for your copy of Nofrth:wayls 'Spring Catalogue. RUBBER BOOTS - DOMINION, LIFEBUOY OR :MINERS. WALL PAPERS - Buy Staunton.'s Ready -trimmed papers. Big Assartmieint, QViadeiralte Prices. JONES & MAY AGENTS FOP. HURLBUT SHOES 1 OSCAR KLOPP AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey M. Jones' Na- tional School of Auctioneering. Spec- ial 'Course taken in Regitstaped Live Stock, Merchandise, Real Estate and Farm Lands. Rates in keeping with prevailing market prices. Satisfaction assured, Write or wire 18-93, Zurich, Oscar Klapp, Zurich, Ont. ANDREW EASTON LICENSED AUCTIONEER FqR HURON COUNTY. Orders left with Advocate or at the Central Hotel. Prices reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. - Exeter Ontario The Exeter Advocate Display Advertising -Made known an appll'catiom Stray Animals -One insertion 50c., three insertions $1.50. Miscellaneous articles of not mare than five lour, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost and ! Found locals 25c. an insertion. Local reading notices, etc., 10c per line per insertion: No notice less than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Auction Sales $3 for oaie insertion and $1.50 for each subsequent in- sertion if undier five inches in, length. Legal advertising 10c. and 5c. aline, Farm or Rea Estate for sale .50c, each insertion foto one month oif four insertions, _ SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 D TRUNK SYS EM THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTh- Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unearcellesi dining car service., Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor cars on principal day trains. Full information from any Grad Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn - Rag District Passenger Agent; Toronto N. J. DORE Phone 46w. Agent, Exeter T. R. Carling, B.A Barrister, Solicitor, 'Etc. Loans, Investments Insurance! Office, Caliaig Black, Maint. Exeter ARTHUR WEBER Auctioneer - B.. R. No. 1, Dashwood - Licensed Auctioneer for. Huron Co. Farm and shock sales a specialty; mart New oats Four years experience. Every Week we receive a few new mcodels. You will like the Styles we are showing. Our prices also shaul,d 'interest you. Wall Papers:" • We carry a large range of Wall Papers. suitable for for any, roam iia your Nome. It as surprising what a few rolls, of wallpanear wall dotaward3- brighteaiamg up your home. Try -it. �ngohum Rugs and Linoleums We 'are carrying Len stock' the new patterns in Cosago]euin, Rug, We want You tp see these 'twa lines 'before you . buy your floor covering this DR. A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McDomell's Stables, -John St., Exetee (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w Dr. G. F, Rootstock, L. D. S., D. D. 9, DENTIST . Office over -Carling's Law ;Office C1osid Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A. R.'KINSMAN. L'. D. S., I3. DL IL HonorGraduate Toronto' Unlver'eity Office -over Madman & Stasibury'$ Office, Main Street. Exeter. FRANK TAYLOR t ot ! Licensed Aucneer for Counties of Huron and MiddlesexPrices Reasonable and .Sattbfa.#iiob Guaranteed. Crediton, - ` Outasio, Spring 1 MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of priv'a,M funds bo loan on farm and vilktgle property at );ow rates of interest. MADMAN & STANEURY Bar latera, StolmtsytOme, Ems. outhcott Eros.