HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2005-04-20, Page 44 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, April 20, 2005
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Hard work pays
off with family
health team
Seaforth's medical community
celebrated last Friday as Huron -Bruce
MPP Carol Mitchell came to town bearing
the good news that Seaforth will become
one of the first 52 sites for a family
health team (FHT), the new Liberal vision
of how to best provide health care in
The local community worked hard to
create an impressive and cooperative
application during a very short timeline in
Those involved in writing the local
proposal are hoping to be able to serve
the 2,000 to 3,000 orphan patients in
Huron East before spreading out into the
surrounding area and helping to ease the
doctor shortage throughout Huron
County with satellite offices.
While the general idea is to bring
doctors together with nurse practitioners,
pharmacists and other health care
professionals, details remain sketchy
about exactly how a family health team is
going to work and how it differs from the
working relationship health professionals
already have with each other and with
their patients.
Also unknown at this point is how much
money each FHT will have to work with.
But, despite criticism from an
"underwhelmed" NDP health critic
Shelley Martel who questioned how the
new model will translate into better
access to primary care Mitchell insists
that under the new FHT, family doctors
should be able to see 52 per cent more
Information is still unfolding about how
Seaforth and area residents will be
served bythe new model. Local health
care profssionals are hoping they can
create a made -for -Huron East system
that will eventually be held up as an
exemplary way to provide health care
Here's hoping that recent medical
graduates and other needed health care
professionals are just as excited about
the new model as the provincial
government and are eager to join the
Seaforth team as it breaks new ground.
Susan Hundertmark
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-Three women step forward to save
Seaforth Block Parents program
To the Editor,
I am pleased to announce that three people have stepped
forward to save the Seaforth Block Parent Program. They
are Paula Stackhouse, 527-0442, Wanda Johnston 527-
1350 and Debbie Bennewies 527-1283.
It is wonderful to have a group in place that is committed
to the program and the community.
In preliminary meetings, many plans have been
discussed. The biggest project for the group is recruitment
of Block parents along the routes children walk to and from
school, to make the Block Parent Program viable.
People who May be home hett1/1tef 8 to 9 in the
morning and 3:20 to 4 in the a>ItMt bon, along the major
streets such as Goderich Street, Malri Street, Centre Street,
James Street, Market Street and the street running off these
streets, would make wonderful Block Parents.
Block Parents are also needed for aiding in other
situations like neighbours who may need assistance or a
person who has car troubles. You may never be called upon
but if you are needed, it could make a great impression on
the life of a child in our community or a visitor to our
We are planning a community information night some
time in June. This will allow a forum for community
members to find out if being a Block Parent is right for
We will also be discussing what parents should tell their
children about the Block Parent Program. We will outline
what the Block Parent Program means for our community,
our schools, our parents and our children. Details will
follow in the coining months:
If you would like more information or would like to be a
Block Parent, please call Paula, Wanda, Debbie or myself.
Lauren Rooyakkers
Small town life grows on you
after a year, says rookie reporter
Wow! A night to the movies for
under $20.
What a deal!
That's the reaction I had when
I went to see the movie the
Amityville Horror in Goderich
last Friday night with my
What amazed me the most was that popcorn and a large
drink actually cost what they should cost.
When going to the multi-plex movie theatres in a city,
getting two tickets, some popcorn and a drink would cost you
over $30.
Combine that cost with the abundance of cell phones, Game
Boys and MP3 players that teenagers have, and you've got
yourself a bad movie going experience.
The other nice thing about the movie was that we weren't
being constantly interrupted by pre -movie commercials being
Jason Middleton
Middle Ground
broadcast on the screen
before the film began.
It was, great actually being
able to have a conversation in
the theatre without hearing a car
commercial being blared for the
sixth time by the theatre
That is what I have found amazing about living up here, you
find some amazing things in places you'd never expect to find
I also look at traffic lights a lot differently than I did a year
Whether I'm in Mitchell or Seaforth, the minute I spend at
the traffic light(s) is a lot better than the minutes upon
minutes of time I spent at red lights in cities like Kitchener,
Oakville or Brantford.
See FIRE, Page 5
Man wins fishing derby after
catching 11.5 inch trout in 1955
APRIL 30, 1880
It is stated that an
American firm has purchased
Point Farm near Goderich
from Mr. Wright and intends
expending $30,000 in
improving and beautifying
this popular summer resort.
A wharf will be built on the
property so that steamers can
call. We believe it will not be
open to the public this
The cricket match arranged
for the 24th of May between
the Clinton and Seaforth
clubs, has been cancelled, on
account of the refusal of the
Seaforth team to play without
Messrs. Cameron and Baird,
of the Brucefield club.
On and after the first of
July there will be a daily mail
stage running between
Lakelet and Clifford.
The Blyth Review has been
enlarged and has adopt.abe
'patent' inside. Of (y:
paper in Huron there now but
three wholly printed at home.
In order to afford their
clerks and employees due
opportunity for recreation,
the merchants of Seaforth
have very properly agreed to
close their stores at 7 o'clock
during the summer months.
The barn of John Cooper of
Stanley was struck by
lightning on Monday. If it
weren't for the quick action
of the neighbours the barn
surely would have been lost.
One evening last week
something evil -disposed
persons broke into the barn
of Wm. Henderson in
McKillop Twp. and stole four
bags of grain. The grain was
cleaned and bagged ready for
In the Years Agone
MAY 5, 1905
David Campbell the
veteran mail carrier of
Wingham who for a quarter
of a century or more has met
the trains at all hours and at
all seasons died last week at
73 years. He was an
enthusiastic member of the
Salvation Army to which he
donated most of his little
spare time.
A number of farmers in
Leadbury finished seeding
last week. The growth is poor
so far but they are looking
for something better in the
near future.
The town health officer
was around Seaforth last
week notifying citizens to
have their back yards cleaned
up by May 15 or look out for
At 11 special meeting of the
town council, the tender of
John Habkirk for street
watering at 34 cents and hour
was accepted.
Chas. Brodie has leveled
up and seeded the grounds
around the Presbyterian
church. Mr. Brodie is an
expert at this kind of work
and always make a good job.
The Odd -Fellows
contemplate erecting a large
brick addition to their block
on Main Street.
MAY 9, 1930
Most of the spring seeding
will be finished up in
Tuckersmith this week.
During the severe electrical
storm which passed over here
on Wednesday afternoon of
last week. John Hohner of
Stanely who was coming in
from the field with a team of
horses was struck by
lightning and instantly killed.
The euchure and dance
driven by the Seaforth Lions
club netted $80. This is to be
used for the care of crippled
children in the county of
MAY 13, 1955
The campaign to raise
funds for the construction of
a new Lions pool gets
underway on Monday.
Public-spirited citizens
throughout the district are co-
operating in a canvass and
arrangements are completed
for the areas in which each
will make calls.
Renovation of the Seaforth
Town Hall was one of the
main topics on Monday
night's council meeting. Last
month Reeve Scoins and his
property committee were
instructed to study the
condition of the Town Hall
and consult an architect for
renovation advice.
Three Seaforth juveniles
were charged with theft for
taking over $7 from milk
bottles. When the three
suspected that they were
going to be caught they took
a train to Clinton using part
of the stolen money to buy
Fine weather which
prevailed during the week
enabled farmers in the county
to complete the seeding of
the spring grains.
With the completion of the
second spray for Warble Fly
control in some sections of
the townships many of the
cattle went out to grass this
Catching the largest trout
in a contest conducted by the
Clinton Fish and Game Club,
Andrew Calder Jr. was
awarded a new casting rod.
The trout, 11.5 inches long,
was caught in Silver Creek.
When the books were
closed at the end of the
hockey season, Seaforth
Athletic Association was
$918 in the red. Representing
the Seaforth Athletic
Association was President
John Baldwin and Secretary
James Murray at the Town
Council meeting on Monday.
They pointed out the
situation and asked the town
for support.
MAY 1, 1980
The property committee of
Huron County has proposed
the county build a new
building for the Clinton
Branch office of the Huron
County Health Unit.
The Huron -Perth County
Roman Catholic Separate
School board has no further
information regarding the
asbetos question wither this
is or is not a serious problem.
Mickey Vere, Stratford, of
the property committee said
that his comittee is
continuing to look into it in
the 19 schools in the system.
A local juvenile, running
away from home last
Saturday, stole a tractor
trailer valued at
approximately $60,000 from
the McNichol on Birch
Ron dt love
Oil lllr title
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*at if friss
by David Lacey
501 Who do
you think you
are? God's
gift to
in our imnge...
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