Huron Expositor, 2005-04-13, Page 1414 - THE HURON EXPOSITOR, April 13. 2005 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 2005 - 7PM THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 2005 - 7rM MEMORIAL HALL - BLYTH — Tickets available at Blyth Festival Office, Blyth General Store, Ernie King Music in Goderich, Dixie Lee in Clinton. Credit Card Orders: 1-800-465-7829. APRIL 22ND 24TH SOUTHWESTERN ONTARIO'S LARGEST THE 29TH LONDON SPRING Sce King of The Q, Ted Reader Fri., Apr. 22nd The "Outdoor Kitchen" Shop the Green Thumb Marketplace Landscape Showcase '05 I-Iome Electronics "Street of Dreams" Show Stages Pets & Your Home Spring Flower Show Fabulous Prizes Fri. 11 9. Sat IC 9, Sun. 10 5 d Sri 00. Senior' 57.00. Children under 12 Free w/Adult www. Iondonshow . mductions.Som Sce Brigitte Gall host of Me, My House And 1 Sat., Apr. 23rd rbi W1 STERN FAIR GROUNDS Correspondence St. Columban students paid tribute to Pope John Paul II Parishioners of St. Columban said goodbye to one of its former parishioners and "pioneers," Tom Kale, whose funeral mass was celebrated at St. James Parish in Seaforth. Tom is remembered for his gentleness and quiet smile. Tom will be missed by his wife Bea, and his family, as well as all who knew him. He will be buried in St. Columban Cemetery in the spring. After mass celebrated at St. James Church, several area people gathered at the local Knights of Columbus Hall to celebrate the annual Communion Breakfast. Father Sebastian Groleau, from the Diocese of Hearst, was the guest speaker for the occasion. He is president of "Catholic Missions in Canada," which was founded' in 1908 as The Catholic Church Extension Society of Canada, to support Canada's missions. St. Columban Father Groleau told many stories of the dedicated missionaries, including priests, sisters and lay couples, who spend their lives under harsh and lonely conditions to bring the message of Christ to the people in many of the isolated areas of our country of Canada. In a simple and beautiful ceremony at St. Peter's Seminary in London, Mary Ryan from St. Columban, and Margaret Rowland from Mitchell, were recently presented with their Diocesan Certificates in Pastoral Ministry. The presentation of these certificates represents the completion of a number of courses in the Lay Formation program of London Diocese, which involves study in many areas of Catholic teaching and ministry. Mary Ryan serves in several aspects of parish ministry as a parish worker at St. Columban parish. Margaret Rowland also serves in many aspects of ministry in the cluster parishes of St. Patrick's in Dublin and St. Vincent de Paul in Mitchell, and is currently the chairperson of the pastoral council for those parishes. Young people in the area are preparing for the upcoming COR weekend, which will be held April 22, 23 and 24 at St. Patrick's School in Dublin. This weekend retreat is facilitated for young people between the ages of 15-21, giving them the opportunity to come together, meet new friends and reflect on various aspects of their life and faith. It is a weekend experience of music, fun and games, great discussions, good food and fellowship. Students at St. Columban School paid special tribute to Pope John Paul II in a prayer service facilitated by the Grade 7 class. The whole school gathered in St. Columban Church for the occasion, during which the late Holy Father was remembered in song and prayer. The students also participated in prayer assemblies for the late pontiff during his last illness. The senior students have been practising their basketball skills as that season of sport has arrived. While the boy's basketball team has some upcoming games, the girls' team has already shown success in games played in Hesson, Kinkora and Seaforth. By Mary Ryan Local individuals receive certification in basic pastoral leadership studies from seminary Sympathy of the community is extended to Bea (Lane) Kale and family on the death of her husband Thomas Kale, who died April 1 at the Seaforth Community Hospital. Although Bea and Tom lived in the Seaforth area for many years, they had many friends in the Dublin area. Sympathy to Louie and Rika Brosens on the recent death o f Dublin Louie's brother Cornelius Brosens. On Friday, April 8, Margaret Rowland of St. Patrick's Parish, Dublin, along with four other individuals from the Diocese of London, including Mary C. Ryan of St. Columban Parish received their certification in Basic Pastoral Leadership Studies at St. Peter's Seminary in London. The program involves the completion of a combination of theology and pastoral courses. Some family members and friends joined Margaret at the Mass of Commitment and dinner that followed at the seminary. THOUGHT FOR TODAY A gust of birdsong, a patter of dew, A cloud, and a rainbow's warning, Suddenly, sunshine and perfect blue, An April day in the morning. by Dorothy Dillon Hensall United to host drop-in on April 21 The Hensall shuffleboard scores for April 5 are as follows: Gord Ross 519, Hank Dorssers 490, Grant McGregor 467, Bert Bachert 460, Edna Deitz 459, Alice Thiel 430, Lorraine Alexander 422, Joyce Pepper 398. Come out and enjoy our April meal at the Hensall Drop -In at noon on April 21 at the Hensall United Church. Following lunch we will be having a penny sale. Let's Spend The Night Together REGISTER NOW AT www.cancer.ca . Canadian Cancer Society Relay For Life Are you a cancer survivor? Join us for a night to remember...register for the Survivors' Victory Lap at Relay For Life Friday, June 17, 7 p.m. GDCI Register online at www.cancer.ca or contact the Canadian Cancer Society at 1 800 294-0086 1 lur s Scotiabank Group Exiun'Ositor LUMINARY SPONSOR Canadian Soriftf (anter (anadienne Society di' cancer MEDIA SPONSOR Hensall At Hensall United Church the greeters were Ross Riley and Marj Heemeryck. Agnes Bray was the organist with Glenn and Lois Hayter looking after the ushering duties. The service began with an organ prelude followed by Pastor Fred Darke welcoming everyone and the Passing of the Peace. Lois Hayter was the reader and lit the Christ Candle. Pastor Fred's message was "The Road To Emmaus". A lectionary -based Bible Study is being held Thursday mornings at 10 a.m. in Pastor Darke's office, everyone welcome. At Carmel Presbyterian Church Tracy Whitson-Bahro was the minister with Joyce Come join Huron County's premier golf course! 2005 Memberships 7 -day - $725 single, $1235 couple 5 -day, Mon -Fri - $600 single, $1035 couple Junior - 18 and under - $235 all prices plus GST Come Play in one of our leagues SENIORS Monday mornings 7 am - 12 p.m. Excluding Holidays '10/9 holes, *15/18 holes LADIES' NIGHT: Wednesday '18/18 holes MEN'S NIGHT: Thursday '18/18 holes All leagues start week of May 2 Learn to play Golf BEGINNER GROUP LESSONS -CLASSES START MAY 2 AND RUN FOR 5 WEEKS MONDAY MAY 2: 6:30-7:30 pm 7:30-8:30 pm WEDNESDAY MAY 4: 9:00-10:00 am 10:00-11:00 am WEDNESDAY MAY 4: 6:30-7:30 pm 7:30-8:30 pm Learn a game that lasts a lifetime! All lessons taught by CPOA professional Fee: $50. for b one hour lessons 482-7144 Pepper playing the organ. The Carmel Presbyterian Church will present a roast beef supper on May 1 at the Hensall Community Centre from 5 to 6:30 p.m. By Liz Sangster Belly whistlers entertain crowd at 60th anniversary party \N intllrol) April 10 dawned a beautiful spring day in Winthrop. The sermon at Cavan United Church was titled "Getting Down to the Local Issues" - based on the story of the disciples walk to Emmaus. Collectors were Jim and Ruth Axtmann. A social time followed outside in the lovely weather. Anna Dolmage recently had the misfortune to break her wrist. Bob Dalton is confined to Wingham Hospital. We wish them both a speedy return to good health. A well -attended open party was held at the Agriplex for Orville and Lila Storey on their 60th anniversary. A delightful program entertained the crowd., Pat and her daughters were the MCs. Vocal numbers were presented by Jack, Donna and Shirley, the Harmony Quartet and Jerry and Gail and her son were Sonny and Cher. The "Fishing Song" featured Jack with the prize catch being Ann Bosman. Sherry and her group clogged several numbers. The "Belly Whistlers" also entertained. A meal was served with more music following featuring the Huron Strings and guests.