HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2005-04-13, Page 1212- THE HURON EXPOSITOR, April 13, 2005
42. . I )eat l 1,
COOPER, Theresa: Peacefully, at
Seaforth Community Hospital on
Friday, April 8, 2005, Theresa
Cooper of Seaforth, in her 57th
year. Beloved wife of the late Carl
Cooper. Cherished mother of
Cheryl Taylor and fiance Mike
Allison, Seaforth, Michelle and Kurt
Lindemann, Seaforth, and Michael
Cooper and friend Nicole
MacMillan, Stratford. Loving grand-
mother of Michael, Tarryn, Brandon
and Courtney. Loved daughter of
Audrey and Vern Robson, Seaforth.
Dear sister and sister-in-law of
Linda and Bill Budd, Carlisle, Don
and Deb Hunt, Blenheim, John
Hunt and friend Liz, Kinburn, Paula
and Kirk Purdy, Dublin and Carol
Hunt, London. Predeceased by her
father Robert Hunt, one brother Bob
and one sister-in-law Cindy. Family
received friends at the Whitney-
Ribey Funeral Home, Seaforth on
Sunday from 7-9 p.m. and Monday,
April 11 from 12 noon until time of
funeral service at 2 p.m. Pastor
Stephen Hildebrand officiated.
Pallbearers were Paula Purdy, John
Hunt, Derek Hunt, Don Hunt, Kirk
Purdy and Mike Allison. Interment
Maitlandbank Cemetery, Seaforth.
Memorial donations to Canadian
Cancer Society or Canadian
Diabetes Association would be
appreciated as expressions of sym-
pathy. Condolences at www.whit-
neyribeyfuneralhome.com. 42-15-1
4(i. Iii Memoriam
BEUERMAN: In loving memory of a
dear brother and son, Brent
Douglas Beuerman who passed
away on April 17th, 1985 at 4
months. of age. And in loving mem-
ory of a dear father and grandfather,
Harvey Beuerman who passed
away on May 23, 1995, ten years
Some people come into our lives
and quickly go,
Some people move our souls to
They awaken us to new under-
standing with the passing whisper
of their wisdom.
Some people make the sky more
beautiful to gaze upon.
They stay in our lives for awhile,
leave footprints on our hearts, and
we are never, ever the same.
- Forever in our hearts, Ron, Mary,
Dennis, Evan and Brittany. 46-15-1
38. Auction Sale
Clinton 482-7898
Sat. April 16 at 10:30 am:
5 tractors MF3650, MF265,
MF255, MF135, MF35, Honda
3 whl ATV, Riding lawn mower,
rock picker planter, sprayers,
gravity wagons, rotary cutter,
9ft snowblower, Power tools,
antique wall phone etc to be
held 1/2 mile north of Exeter at
Farm #71479 for J&D Pym
Farms Inc. Call 235-1605
Thursday, AprH 21 at 5 pm:
Antiques, 2 Royal Doulton
figurines, collectables, 2 -
Resolute Bay large Eskimo
signed soap stone carvings
plus others, Beswick horses,
chintz plate, 32" colour TV, old
pictures, old toys, needle point
pictures, good fumiture, dishes,
glassware, hand and power
tools, 2 real good lawn mowers,
many interesting items. To be
held at Seaforth Fair Grounds
Agri-Plex Building for Margaret
Mayman of Goderich, 2 other
Goderich homes, Exeter Estate
and Estate of Bill Counter.
For full auction details
www. tobba uct io n. o n. ca
11, Ill .IYll!t,) tall'
HORAN: In loving memory of our
precious son, Larry, who was sud-
denly taken from us two years ago,
April 17, 2003.
He never failed to do his best,
His heart was warm and tender,
He lived his life for those he loved,
And those he loved remember.
He was a wonderful son and broth-
He played life's battles square,
No matter when we needed him,
We always found him there.
His life was love and labour,
His love for family true,
He did his best for all of us,
What more could anyone do.
So you, who have a loved one,
Treasure him with care,
Because you will never know the •
Until you all meet and He's not
- Sadly missed, but never forgotten
- Dad and Mom. P.S. Larry, take
good care of your son Jamie. He'll
be glad to have you there. 46-
15x1 cc
MCALLISTER: in loving memory
of a dear wife, mother and grand-
mother, Flora Ann who passed
away April 11, 2004.
Your memory is our keepsake,
With which we'll never part,
God has you in his keeping,
We have you in our hearts.
- Always remembered and forever
loved, husband Ron, daughters
Susan, Cheryl, Rhonda and
Families 46-15x1
ZURBRIGG: In loving memory of
Paul Zurbrigg who passed away
suddenly 5 years ago - April 15,
In my dreams I'll always see you
soar above the sky.
In my heart there'll always be a
place for you - for all my life,
I'll keep a part of you with me,
And everywhere I am - there you'll
Well, you showed me how it feels to
feel the sky within my reach,
And I always will remember all the
strength you gave to me,
Your love made me make it through,
I owe so much to you.
You were right there for me.
Because 1 always saw in you my
light, my strength,
And i want to thank you now for all
the ways you were right there for
You were right there for me - for
- Always remembered and deeply
missed. Love from Carol Carter
46-15x1 cc
CLARK: Treasured memories of a
dear friend Sean who left us on
April 13, 2001.
This month comes back with deep
It brings back a day we will never
Time cannot stop the heartache, or
even stop a tear,
Or take away a memory of some-
one we loved so dear.
We cannot show our sadness,
Every day throughout the year,
But in our hearts is where we know,
We're wishing you were here.
Memories are treasured, no one
can steal,
Death leaves a heartache nothing
can heal.
Some may forget you, now you are
But we still remember, no matter
how long.
The world changes year to year,
And friends from day to day,
But never will the one we love,
From mer%ory pass away.
- Always will be remembered by
your friends, Shawn, Curtis, Derek,
Nathan, Nick and Dean 46-15x1'
38. Auction Sale
SAT. APR. 23 AT 11 A.M
(3-3/4 miles north of Hensall on hwy. 4 then east 1-1/2 miles on
Staffa Line.)
TRACTORS; J.D. 2130 - live power, duals; JD 1120; both tractors
in good running condition.
COMBINE; Allis C. Gleaner K - gas with reel and soybean head;
12' floating pickup.
WAGONS; 3xKillbros, 1 xLucknow gravity wagons (approx. 240
EQUIPMENT; J.D. 7000 planter; 14' Allis 1200 cultivator; 11' Taul
S -tine cult; Nardi 300 gal. sprayer with 40' self -levelling boom;
G.W. sprayer: Yetter 3415 rotary hoe; Oliver 107 side rake; JO 145
3x16 plough; 4 -row Noble scuffler; 570 Innes windrower; 4 -row
bean pullers; land packers: rollers; tractor blade; 5 sections of dia-
mond harrows; Lucknow dbl. auger snowblower; 40'x6" Speed
King auger on wheels; flat rack on wagon; Massey 2 -furrow trail
plough; MISC. ITEMS: include MotoSki snowmobile; Comet
welder; Husqvarna chainsaw 371 XP; hand tools; milk and cream
cans (several); tin seats, old well pump; measuring wheel, barbed
wire etc.
Proprietors: Laird & Ruby Finlayson 263-6009
Auctioneer: Bob Heywood (519) 235-0874
YAM. bobheywooda u ctlona.com
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Of Tractors: Implements; and Misc. held 7 1/2 miles north of
Dublin thnr Slabtown to Huflett-McKillop Rd. then west to
First Farm on Left at #44671
Tito; J.D. 3130 diesel with cab (2454 hr.): J.D 2120 with loader (5200 hr).
ImplementsLHusky 2000 gallon tandem axle liquid manure spreader;
Husky 5 inch liquid manure pump on transport: Vibrashank 45 eighteen ft.
cultivator with harrows: Melroe 900 semi-mt 3x16 plow; McIQae 4 row scuf-
fler: Int. 155 manure spreader: Lucknow 7 ftDA snowblower: J.D. 1240
four row planter with insecticides; Winnpower 25 KW generator on trailer;
Triple K 9 1/2 ft cultivator: heavy duty 3 pth 7 ft scraper blade; Geo White
saddle tank set -up: -4 sections diamond harrow and pole: 250 bu. gravity bin
MIsc,; Hog scale: Berg stable cleaner head: 3 pth utility platform: quantity
of square steel tubing; railway ties; roto -tiller, feed carts. 500 and 1000 psi
pressure washers: heat lamps; creep feeders. quantity of hog stabling;
patio slabs. qauntity of scrap iron and misc
Prop and Auctioneer Not responsible for accidents or deletions
Terms: Cash or cheque with ID
Prop: Tony and Dorothy Welderman 519-345.2170
Doug Jacob
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
ill. III I,1111
BUTT: In loving memory of our
brother Keith Gordon Butt who
passed away April 14, 1979.
Sunshine fades and shadows fall,
But sweet memories of you outlasts
-Lovingly remembered by sisters
Karen, Linda, Brenda and Marilyn
1 . (`,tr(k 1)1 111,1111:s
Words cannot express the thanks
and gratitude we hold in our hearts
for the kindness and compassion
shown to us during the sudden
death of a dear husband, father,
grandfather and brother. Special
thanks to the ambulance atten-
dants, the caring night nurses of
Seaforth Hospital and to father
Lance for being at the hospital in
the early morning for both Tom and
I. Thanks to our neighbours, rela-
tives and friends for your visits and
food brought to our homes, for Mass
offerings, donations, flowers and
sympathy cards. Special thanks to
Father Lance for offering the funeral
Mass for Tom, the St. James and St.
Columban choirs, the delicious
lunch served by the Ladies of the
CWL and the pallbearers. Thanks to
the Lions Club for the memorial
service held on Sunday evening.
Finally thanks to Ross Ribey and
Ruth Townsend of Whitney-Ribey
Funeral Home for their professional
services. We are privileged to live in
this very special caring community.
Thank you one and all. - Bea Kale
and Family 47-15x1
I, 1 ,I! 1 k . 11 i 11,t!li\•••
Thank you to Dr. C. Shepherd for
her T.L.C. and compassion while I
was a patient in S.C.H. Thank you to
the wonderful nurses for their excel-
lent care and kindness. Also to the
kitchen staff. To my family for their
regular visits, food and looking after
everything for me. Also thanks for
the flowers, cards and phone calls. -
Doreen 47-15x1
I, l .l! 1 I 11 I lI(tIll,.ti
Thank you everyone for my surprise
party. So many friends, neighbours
and family. l can't thank you enough
for all the cards, gifts and your
thoughtfulness. Special thanks to
Steve and the boys for the music
and Vickie and Skinny for all their
work. - Betty 47-15x1
Community Calendar
WED. APR. 13
10:00 - 11:30 a.m. Story Fun
Ontario Ea4 Years Program at
Duff's UnitedChurch, Walton
Slice of Huron Water Festival All
at arena
7: 0 p.m. Seaforth Horticultural
Society meeting, Northside United
10:00 - 11:30 am - Baby Time
Ontario Early Years at Seaforth Co -
Operative Children's Centre
8:00 - 9:00 pm - Yoga with Susan
at Optimist Hall
Slice of Huron Water Festival at
10:00 a.m. - Morning Out at
Bethel Bible Church, Seaforth
10:00-10:45 a.m. and
11:15-12 noon - Seaforth Branch
Library presents Tales for Tots. Aged
2-5 and their caregivers. Pre -regis-
tration required. 527-1430
9:30 -11:00 a.m. ABC 123 Ontario
Early Years Program at St. James
5:30 p.m. - Clogging Upstairs
6 p.m. - Clogging Upstairs with
Sherry McCall
10-1 1:30 a.m. - Rhyme Time
Ontario Early Years Program at
Seaforth Public School
7:30 p.m. - Seaforth Harmony
Hi-Lites rehearsal at Northside
United Church
10:00 - 11:30 o.m. - Story Fun
Ontario, Early Years Program at
Duff's United Church, Walton
1:00-4:00 p.m. Seniors
Shuffleboard at Arena
If you're organizing a non-profit event of interest to other Seaforth
area residents, phone the recreation office 527-1272 or the
Expositor at 527-0240, or mail the information to Community
Calendar, The Huron Expositor, Box 69, Seaforth, Ontario, NOK
1W0 well in advance of the scheduled date. Free listing includes
date, time, name of event and location only. Space for the
Community Calendar is donated by The Huron Expositor.
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, . Cards of Thanks
I would hke to thank everyone for
their prayers, cards and get well
wishes, the flowers, plants, fruit
baskets and food. tt was an over-
whelming feeling that so many peo-
ple cared. Thank you. - Cor
Habitat for Humanity
Huron County has launched a
redesigned website.
The new site is designed to
educate the public about the
goals of the group and to help
prospective families deter-
mine if they are eligible for
Habitat housing.
The site, designed and
maintained by Simon White
of Nexus Designs, has the
address www.habitathuron-
"It is as professional in
appearance and function as
any on the net," says Paul
Dyck, Habitat board chair. "It
will give us great exposure
and also ensure a means by
which people can learn about
us and contact us."
The internet server for the
site was provided though the
sponsorship of Quadro
Communications Co-opera-
tive, Inc.
The site will provide view-
ers with general information
about the concept of Habitat
housing, the mission and
goals of the local organiza-
tion, recent news and informa-
tion, as well as a host of other
In addition, people who are
interested in volunteering can
fill out a form online and send
it to the organization.
Volunteers are needed not
only to actually build a house,
but also to volunteer and be a
part of the extensive commit-
tee structure that is required to
carry out all the complex
functions of building a house,
selecting a family, fund rais-
ing and the many other jobs
that need to be done.
Most importantly, prospec-
tive families can also view
information about qualifying
for a Habitat house.
"As HFHHC begins the
selection process of a family
for its first house, it is impor-
tant to spread the word
through.as many ways as pos-
sible to ensure that those in
need are aware of Habitat for
Humanity in their area," says
publicity chair Chuck
Habitat for Humanity. is a
non-profit, independent hous-
ing program made up of local
affiliates that arc locally man-
Habitat provides a "hand
up, not a hand out" by selling
homes to qualified families
through "sweat equity" and
non-interest mortgages.
Each local chapter must
meet the strict guidelines of
Habitat for Humanity Canada.
Habitat for Humanity
Huron County can he contact-
ed at www.hahitathuroncoun-
ty.ca, at P.O. Box 68, Hensall,
Ontario NOM 1X0, or at 262-
bike stolen
A mountain hike was
stolen from Main Street,
Seaforth on sometime
between 6 and 7 p.rn. on
March 28, reports the
Huron OPP.
The red Triumph 18 -
speed men's adult moun-
tain hike was stolen after it
had been left uptown.
Anyone with related
information is asked to call
the Huron ()PP or Crime