HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1923-3-8, Page 8EXETER 'AEQOfATE, THUIthJIAT, MAR, 8 192 i Exeter Markets Local Doings r1 \NGED EVERY WEDNESDAY •Wheat .50 Ba.' ev ,.,..... 60 Meal etba , See Flour _ 3.95 Fani'y Flour ... 3.70 Pastes" Flour ..... „ Feed Flour 2.00 Sha. ta ' Bran 1.45 Eggs Miry Butter Ceeamery Butter ...,. Lard Mr, Edgar Homey is contained to ;his human 'through illtnese. The Donninion Stores have taken, over the Thrift Chain ofstorec°ireOt- ttawa and will <+tpan up. from 12 :tot15 3.45 new stores. They are also apeni:ng 25 shores n bIantreai,, to be followed by 50 or more within the. next six months. A xrieeting ,of the creditors of Henry .Pfaff, hr., of Stephen who, recently. 50, 57 made an assignnvent for the benefit of 17 to 20 his creditors, was held itn. Exeter on , ....9.50 Wednti,sdae . Tiie amount to .be paid to the creWitars should be a fairly good per carnage, Mr. N,rmen Lloyd, son-in-law of , An eclipse of the -moon, was visible ;1•it. Tia m's Elliott of Exeter, last here ,an. Friday night, being plainly week underw'at an ,operation for ape; seen frau: about 9.30 to 11.30., except pendieStie at North Battle.ford, Sask, oacasionally when Budden by clouds. +There will be another partial eclipse Mr. David TM:t3se1,l is this week moi- of the -moon on August 20 and then, a inn with his ' amity into the. beak ' partial eclipse of the sun on Sept. 10, dwelling awned'by \ins. Jas. Ford, an Last week Judge Gdle • Street, Mr, Wm, Turnbull cf E. N. Leivit; lot UsbOrii is to mane iota the. house. G'oderi'4h issued his judgment of 5101 vacated by 11r. Rurssell. and cost for the plaiintiff, in the Div- ; esuan Court casae tried, in December, in Jr. D. A. \IcG :I1v'ray ,is. in town' which George Bell of Seaforth sought in c•�r :ectia:t with- the.financi,ng of the damages of $120 from Thomas R. 'Wi- Gnude au Gard ;VLinnes, Limited. This 1s wf Gaderich the, actionarisingfro tt is .f part;: u'.ar interest' to those who a ,rotor accident which occurred on remember Me. George Glendextning, an the Bayfield Road ami July last. old 'McGillivray boy, who has attain-' Qn Thursday last "Shtooter Bill" ed much game in mining circles. Sander, shot one of the big California .Mere Glendenning .s associated with Jack rabbits, Em Biddit1ph, 'Itowft>Is111Ip. Mr. Clement A. Forster, a mining ren i He shot it on the run Miter ;it had gi.neer of hi'gh repute, in delev Both j travelled a mile etraeight down the their ornate, t �es on, a big scale. Both mad toward him. Of ail 'these rab- the.se gent. men have proven good bits. that have beeatl shot thins winter, pinnae:+s and have several successful, eve understand ;that oxsly two have mines to thele credit. Their moat re- beam shot on, the nue—this one and rent achieve,,:nit is the developemerLt ,ane shot by "Shooter Charlie." none of the Gou.-bawl property from a raw --- prospect, little over a year ago, to a f now p:ovea gold mune, with millions ixt UNCLE AND AUNT DEAD. ore blocked out ready for the mill Add3t '.aa! funis are required for the Mrs. F A. Mtay(iof Exeter has re- er c t.i n o mill, ll, which will place the carved word of the death :in;. 'Toronto Gaudreau Goalllamas, Ltd., on a pro- l onl•v five e days apart of her uncle and clueing and dividend paying basis. --- Mr, Henry Rundle is having a sale nnenne.nta and household ref - 36 45' to,48 or fects on 'March 24th, See ad. next week The Regu a:r Meeting of, the Hortic- u;tu d S- c sty will be held on Wed- naeadav evening, March 14th, when the Parks Committee is to report oni thee.- plan for the improvement of Ex- eter. General discuss^eon The Society', has ,now 190 members, 1 AR\_• xOR SALE. In L',sljorne, 100 acres, being lot 17 Cart` 4. There is on the premiees a good stone. house, bank barn, horse ptaler and d_iviag shed combined. All in 'good state of cultivation, Also 50 acres in Town.seam of, Hay, being part 1,ot 5, con. 4. This '.s a grass %farm, iota which a good spring runs contin- uaiiy. App -y to. John N. Perkins Exeter. FOR SALE Standard Buckeye Incubator, 250 egg capacity, also Buckeye Caloniey bi-,00der, 500 chick capacity, ran two sea.arnns. Appy Jas. Airth, Exeter R. R. 3; ph•orte 271 R 21. FLAXSEED MEAL FOR SALE. 52.00 per cwt. Apply at Flax Mill. Jos. Davis, Exeter North PROPERTY FOR SALE. Hexing purchased Mr. Rundle's pro- perty' I tam xntow offering my proper- ty, Car. Victoria and Aredre;w Sts.; cantsist:xm of 2 1-2 lots, with firer' class frame house., lately renovated, a barn, hard end staft water. Will be veld right. If not sold by April lst' will rent. Richard Welsh, Exeter FISH FISH FIST WHITE FISH, HADDIE, SALMON, HALIBUT. --1'. L. WILSON. HOW DOES YOUR LABEL READ? Our mailing list has been corrected. to Feb 7th. if you, paid before that 'date, and your label, does not indicate such payment, advise us so that it may be corrected. If you -have not per, why not da so at once ? FOR SALE. Barn, timber frame, 24x36.—J. S. Harvey, Exeter. Send The Adv!ocattegto your dis- t-ant friend$ for a year: "It will be appreciated. aunt, ;Mr. am,d2a-s, ' Clgaphaa Worth both Corner residents of hli;tchell. The deaths were du -e tta Influenza, w Good .Friday, March 30th, an;d Eas- Iter Sunday, April 1st Tear, Rottlston hast been o:f£ duty sev- eral days this week through illness, ..fi,:ee Auld of W ,tiforrd :has taken a p'os tion: with 1VLi,s Armstrong here as millinery. . Mas, R W. Puke anti Mrs. W, W. Taman are bath confisiied;;to the home EXPLOSION IN CLASS ROOM In the Upper School Chemistry Class at the High Schaal on Friday an. 'ex- Planion took plaice of at test tube, causing injury tta Miss M,arguerete Kuntz and Edgar Thomson. The lat. tar waiF.' taken tee a local physician, who has strong hopes that his sight twill • not be affected—ithte liquid hav- ing avins~ tstruck h art int the face.. Mfrs Kuntz was burned on the neck. The cause its unknown, but these things usually are caused by an' utnicleareed test tube HOCKEY FINALS. In the Town Hockey League the fins were played. coma Thursday even- ing last between; the two w'nnneng teams in the echedulle of games.—.the Midgets and the High School—result- ing en a, wxn. for the High • Schtooit, by a score of 5-1., Both teams play- ed a good game and were cheered on by their suppoa;ters,c Derry Boyle handled the bell, ire a satisfactory man- ner,' annie,' and kept the boys playing tate game as it should be played. In the first perked the Midgets, got their only score, and the only one made loathe period, In the second frame ; the High School. got 3, and they added 2 in the third, A, fair crowd saw, the game. The litre up— School—Gaal, Statham; defense, Seldon and Lawsioan; wings, Acheson and 'fireman; centre., Hound. Midgets—Goal, Wells; defense, Wells and Coates; wings, Harness and Davis; centre, D.elvre. LET ELLIOTT & JOHNS . Know when you want your Suit of Overcoat Cleaned and Pressed, or Dyed or Dry Cleaned and we will call for them and deliver them. We are out for business. When you want a New 'Suit Bali in and set our Samples. OUR MOTTO—Service to the Public, SALVATION ARMY. On Sunday, March 11; we; will hold our Y. P. .Annual, and .on \•xonday night, March :LZ, at 8 paint., the Sunday (Schie,ans wall gave a concert in the own Hall, the program consisting of 'R.ecitatians, Dialogues, Drills tend mus- ic, both vocal and instrumental. Song- ster M Gates and Bandsman C. belly ,of Stratford, and Capt. Bowers of Seafoeth will help in program. No ad- missinn. fee" .Everybody welcome. Come and bring a friend. T Habbirns, 'Captain. COUNTER .CHECKS. When in need of Counter Checks call oa The Advocate, We can Turn- ish ayou with all lcin.ds at right prices FOUND. -A place where you can buy British -American gasoline at 33c, —R. Mackenzie & Son, Exeter North Cartage & Livery We have secured horses . for Winter months, TRY US For Weddings, Funerals and Sleighing Parties. Phone 58w. BAGSHAW & EASTON the Trivitt Memorial Church 11 a.,tn.—"The Coat Without a Seam"' 7 p.m.—"Chrisitity—No Fable." Rev A. A. Trump., Rector: Mrs. C, F Hooper,iunderwent, an ep- arat a a in London recentfy. and isre- covering nicely„ The U. F, O. Club held a so.c;iapev- meag in, Senior's Hall on Wednesday night lasts and had a good gine, Mr. Daniel Wood, we are's'arry to state, ie confined to his bed, suffer- ing) from an attack of pneumonlila.. Harbingers of Spring are beginning to arrive. The craws have been on the. scene, and last week a ntuaber of nabi s put En an app,earatnice. Mr. W. D. Sanders is out around again, after being cenrfined to has bed through illness for several days. Mrs. Sanders is still unabletto leave her bed Very few people, ait;tepided the Moonshine Concert given by a trav- eliing company on Wednesday + evening of. last week. Those who did say,that there was ,none in sight. in, New York raw saggar brags touch- ed the -highest level recorded since 1930, selling 5 3-8c, posit and freight equal.to 87.40 for centrifugal far March shipmentst 9c, sugar in New York means 12c. sugar here, figured on retail. beets. - Following the contest for members tb,e Young Married People's Class of 'James Street Metlyadiist Church held a social evening on Thursday night tint the ciasgs room, Garne,s 'and music were indulged in and an .excellent lunch was keened. A. large number were present.. Mrs. Hodgson celebrated her 79th' birthday On Saturday, March 3rd, at the home of her son irri-law, Mr, R, Skinner. Guests were present from London, Granton, Centralia acid Elim- v;lle, Some were unable to be pres- ent as the roads, were almost impass- able since the recentt soft spell. °AVEN _ PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B. A., 1Vlinfster 10 a. m.—Sunday School and Bible Classes. 11 p.m. --"Living and Working . in the ,Spirit of Hope" The Minister 7 p.m.—"Martin Luther's: Heroic Stand in the Parliament of Kings" The Minister Boy Scouts will meet Monday evening DIED IN TORONTO. James Bonthron of Toronto, form- erly of Rodgerville, and well known to many hare, he being a brcither of Mrs. R. H. Coilinis, of Taranto, form- erly of Exeter, diced in, Tom—leo, on Thursday, March 1st, at the age taf 76 years. He had bele, a victiim of pneumonia only a short time. His re- mains were taken to London for burial HUSBAND DEAD. -Ward Was received here on Mon- day of the death Sunday night in Brantford, of Mar. Thomas Fisstettie,, after an illness of:two, or three weeks,, De+•.arced Leaves his widow, who was formerly Mrs. Amos of Exeter, an.d a daughter, Mrs. Percy McDonald of .Ex nrbord and two sons, William of San Francisco, and Dr, c C. roue Brant - foe d. He was known ite Exeter for :navy years, having been here frequently in the interest of eche Massey -Harris Co, w,aa ,sac of the oldest employees of drat• company. D.eceasecl was a Liberal in politics, and for 5 y ars he was aupwant =dent ^:' Wnen eton S' Methocist. Sunday School, i r_ntford, The :uneral was held. -on '1 untley to Greenwood cemietery, JAMES ' ST, METHODIST CHURCH Pastas, M. J. Willson, B.A. 11 am.—"IVIyiapia and Hypermetropia,.'j FORMER RESIDENT DEAD. Word has been reoeived here . of the death ini Spokane, Wash., of David Miller, aged 94 years, Deceased for many years resided in this neighbor- hood eighborhood and practised as as veterinary surgeon here for several years. He left Exeter about 20 -years ago for Washington State. Mrs. •Mi:Uer pre- deceased him, Five daughters survive —Mrs. Edith Cannon, Marcus, Wash,, Mrs. R:obt, Patteson, Calgary, Alta,., Mrs, John McClure,, Calgary; Mrs; Peter Morrisoay, Spokane, and Mrs. John R.'endle Spokane, who was per haps. the best known of the daughtters in Exeter. Two sisters survive also, Mrs: R,obt Monteith, and iMira. Alex. Haelkney, sr.; iof the Thames Road, Usborrie Township. The remains were interred in Spokane. - Mrs. N. J, Diore, is visiting ,in..Ren- 1rew and Kaitogstton. Mrs. pilling visited in ;London this week. , Fred Hearnan was, home. from Lon- don over the week end. Mae T. S. Woods) land Miss 'Catherine were in Stratford, on, Saturday. - Mr, S. G. Bowden lot Godericb spent the. Aveek end here with relatives. Miss Cowan, 'milliner, of Atwood, .is hack en the job' with Miss : Yelland. Bert Gardiner last week left Sox London, :where he has taken a position Mr, Ralph ,Wit1U'rls 'of Detlrait spent a Jew days ;here during the week on busine,ee.' . Warden Beavers was in, Clinton and neo•derich ore bus!Iriees Tuesday and ;Wednesday. l-Ls"1 onar •Judge�Deckeon spent Thursday and Suturclay of last ;week cin; teowln (oai bwsi.inje,es. Mx. Gordon Davis, who, reccentlyleft for Toronto, took ,suck last week and returned, to he, borne here. ;Mrs, (Judge) Dickson of Goderich visited with her brother Mr. A J`. \Tc•Do:nen at the hospital this week. ' ,nfr. and Mrs. Jae, Hodgson and daughter, Lilies of, Granton visited ,tn Iowa with friends over Sunday, i re- turning .home oat Mondays IVIrs. Ploody, after several months here, weth" her .s ,tea Mrs. Well : Johns, left Tuesday to visit in London, Ham- iltani and Toronto, before,'i•.eturn6,ngitio her ±vine in H,aileyenery; Pang Yuag, son: a,Pang • Kveong, 1•a - cal laundryman, - has, returned ^to' Chaos, tea meet Nisi wife, to whom he was married Frog 148 absence, several months ago. He well remain same. tinge, 3 p.m.—Sabbath- School. and Bible ,Study, 7 p.m.—"A Geographical Where?" Good congregational singing with an Excellent Choir to lead. All welcome, MAIN -ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev Geo. McAlister, M. A. G , . Phone 21r3 11 a rn.-Rev. W. G, H. 'McAlister 3,00 p.m. -Bible SchooL 7 pare—Rev. W. G. H. McAlister AT BETHANY 7,30 p.m.—Reeve McAlister. 1 1 PHONE 32 JONES MAY'S namealtereaaeleeeaeleaellie PHONE 32 Spring House Furnishings We are ready 4o14 the Spring Trade with an irntmensie new Stack. of House Furneehings, including Rugs, Coegoleums, 0ilcliathis, Liaale•ums, Window Blinds, Curtain Pales, Curtain Nets, Taapes;trilea, Etc„ at very reasonable pricers. Ntealrly all lines cof E,ugs are much) lower in' price far 'S ang, Aisle to cele the new patterps! in Congo.eum Rugs:, Northway Suits, Coats and Dresses for Spring - We have a very large showing of Northway Garments for . Spring The Suits are shown) with slightly longer coats in absolutely; all wool sergies gaberdines and tricotines. We have aver fiifty to Select from, including extra large sizes. - T,he Coats are inn Polo Cloths, Veloura, Tweeds, Ser- ges, Etc., in a wide • t nge of styles. We also have a large stock of Cloth Dresses to sselegf from. Spring and Summer Dress Goods We have all tliel,n Lost popular limes of new dreads anatterirais for Spring ari4 Summer wear, New Silks, Crepes, Ratnn.es, Serges, Gaberdines, Voiles Fte„ ire. popular heti( colors and pattexatel New Ottoman Cloth—All popular color, including black and navy— absolutely all wool„ in the old quality, ,except.{anally nice for good dressed at the very reasionable price of only $1.60 yard. - Cotton Staple's We would advise' an early purchase of ,all cotton staples, including Gingbams, Shietings Pillow Cottons, Flannelettes, Smite Cottons, Factory Cottons, Etc. These lines were lneari,y all bought before the advalnice in pricer which will mean a great money-sa.viag to you, Boys' Bloomer Suits at $7.50 to $9.00 5A new Blamer Suits for bays, :sizes 26 to 35, ,cult s"ati .the very new- est style, new shades, new models. This ie the biggeist;value we have had for years, worth regularly about $13.00, Come in an;d see them, You will be pleaded with them. Smart New Suits for Men Already the new ,ones are arriving. Alt the spirt new, shades .Lor Sppring and at very mioderate prices, Come and .see our, big range of suits. Rubber Boots We carry these makes, — Dominion, Lifebuoy and Mirierrs Inv'incibies, P,ret•ty hard ,to beat thesle lines. If we knew of any better hoots we would have them Wall Papers, Ready Trimmed. 65. new patterns, Cams in and see your papers. They are just hall the price they were last year. Big assortment, all ready trimmed, ready to hang. leneeneseenneenneet JONES & MAY AGENTS FOR HURLBUT SHOES OSCAR KLOPP AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey M. Jones' Na- Display Advertising—Made known `tional School of AuctioneerinQ Spec- on app,gtcation. The Exeter Advocate cal Course taken in Regindered Livs Stock, Merchandise, Real Estate ,and Farm Lands. Rates in keeping with prevailing market prices. Satisfaction assured. Write ,er wire 18-93, Zurich, Oscar Kloptp,Zurich, Ont. ANDREW EASTON LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR HURON COUNTY. Orders left with Advocate) or at the Central Htotel. Priices reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. - Exeter =— - Ontario Stray Animals --One insertion 50c„ three insertion; 31.50. ' Misce aae,ous articles of not mare than five lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, each insertion .50c. Lost and abound locals 25c, an insertion. Local reading notices, etc., 10c per line per insertion.. No notice less than 25c. Card of Thank's 50c. Auction Sales 33 for one insertion and 31.50 for each subsequent in sertion if under five inches in length. Legal advertising 10c. and 5c, aline: Farm or Real Estate far sale 50c. each insertion foe, one month of four ins croons, SOUTHCOTT PHONE 134 ROS. PHONE 134 Smart New Coats • Beery Week we receive a few new models. You, will like the Styles we are showing. Our priices•also should interest you. e Wall Papers We carry a large range of Wall Papers suitable for any, room in your hlonn;e. It is .surprising what a few rolls, of wall paper will do towards hrighten,srcg up your :home:' Try it. ongoleum -Rugs and Linoleurns We are .carrying oto stock the new patterns in •Gon,golewm• Rugs, We ,wantyou to see 'tlseste two lines ;before you buy your floor covering this Spring. Scauthcott Bros. THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTt Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO U>nezcetled dining car service Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor cars on principal day trains, Full information .from say - Grand'' Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn- hz District Passenger Agent, TOreato N. J. DORE Phone 46w Agent. Exeter ; I. R. Carling, B.A Barrister, Solicitor, Etc Loans, Investments Insurance) Office, Cailinn'g Block, Main, St. Exeter ARTHUR WEBER Auctioneer — R.. R. No, 1, Dashwood Licensed Auctioneer for Huron, Co. Farm and stock sales a specialty. Four years experience!, DR. A. g, TENNANT • Veterinary Surgeon McDone,l's Stables, John St., Exeter (lately 'occupied by Dr. Vining)• Pbiome 26w Dr, t' F. Roulston, L, D. S„ D. D: B. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office. Closed' Wednesday afternoons. Dr, A. R.. KINSMAN, L D. S, I?, iD, EL Honor Graduate Toronto .University Office -over . Gladman & Starditur,e Office Main Street, Exeter, FRANK TAYLOR Licemseed Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasianable and Sat1sfattioti Guaranteed, Crediton. - Ontario, MONEY TO LOAN We " have a large amount of priva,te. funds bo loan on 'farm and village pray at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Stolinito,:, EgIjtgit' THI Tl er b pick It usele had arae and or e dam pilau in yn hem erY fart a da, CHIT M•A.Ii Phan. Th S S a to x13 it w' m 0 tis 'W Fn 'SI ested off er liable ul4ting priced