HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1923-3-8, Page 5r
Lot 5, Co. 12, Ste,phen, an B Line,
East and 3r, Mile North of GrandBench
FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 1923,
At 1 o'clock sharp, the following :-
I-lon's'es-Heavy mare 13 years old;
gray mare, general putp!oste, 3 years
Cattle -Three year old heifer, due
1x spring; milk cawj,6 ;'years old, due
in August; milk cows, 4 - years, 'old, ;due
Pigs -Young sows duet in May; 2 told
sows, due Api 1; 1 lztagt 2 . barrow •
pigs, 11 stockers. . •.
About 4 doz. hems; 2 ducks. anud, (a •+• •,
drake;; collie dog.
Implements -fel Cor muck binder, disc • �.
harrow, set harrows 2 plows, cultiva- • • ..
tor, fray. rack, wagon, old Muggy, cut- • c.•
ter, 'hap buggy, goad robe, set Bingle �•
harness 2 sets doub]!etharniess, 1 new;• •
mail boa, an.d other- articles tea num- o
erous to •menrtian,. , ® s.
Quantity hay, 200 bush. oats; 25 bus. . _ .•
barley;; 100 bus. feed. wheat; 100 ced-
ptosts ; 15 cards oak wood. O 1)e°
Household Effects -Iran, bed with j���j//1Le
springs, dresser, wash stand, child's
bed, bedroom suite, table, 6 fent long;
6 chairs, high clrairt, 4 lattchean chairs,
2. loon es, parlor ta,blee stand, 2 rock-
ing c ' s, little rocking chair, glass
cupboar clock, cream separator, good
Treasure ange, sewing madame, baby
carriage, churn, cistern pump, windoav Lucan
Winds, curtain poles, tub, boiler, wash
l t
1 161
board, lamps, lanterns, dishes, pictures Tbe funeral of George Cobeerigh
and other•things. l 'took place on .March 1st, at noonf
Terms-,$10 and under, cash; over ;Cram his late. resdenlce to St. James'
that •amloum't 8 .moniths' creidit on ap- Cemetery. ,Deceased, who was inr his
proved joint notes, ar a discount of 5 65th year, had been in or shiealttli
per cent. per annum toff for .cash •oda. fcr rsome time, but. not seriously •so
credit amounts. I until after a fall he sustained about
WM. P. DISJARDINE, Prop, three vweeks age. Surviving him are
FRANK TAYLOR, Auct: his widow'; three sone, sons, Ray of
_- , _. . ' Bidc uiph Township; Lance of LandonI Ray, ,a1 Calgary, and ane daughter,
r�•� I Mrs• CI es GLucang ,
Charles oursey of
I�rr•nr, Armitage died suddenly in r(O-
vent) on. Sunday. Mr. Armitage was
FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS a dative tai thus village. Besides his
on East Half Lot 26, N„ E. Bo of widow, who was Mabel Sig he leaves
Usborne Township, on one. daughter, Doris, a brother, the
FRIDAY, MARCH 23rd, 1923 Von., Archdeacon Armitage of Hall
At 1 o'clock sharp, the following:-- la; and a sister, Mrs. Matingten, of
Horses -Gelding, 11 years geld'ag Vancouver.
7 years; mare 12 years; drivPr, 6 years •
good single or double:
Cat t.1e-Oow, 9 years due Mar. 21; Notice to Creditors.
cow, 5 years, due Mari_ 25; cow, 8-yr.1
due June. 10; cow, 6 years, freshened
of in November; cow, 7 years, freshened
t+ariie Heckmann, nnl, ]secs en the pee.Wille
Towne enNovember; Holstein cow, fresh; ship of Hay, in the County of. Hur-
tfarrtow cow, 2 steers 2-yn-old; heifer i y
rising 2 yearn; 3 calves rising 1 -year;, farmer, deceased,
?, fall calves. : NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant
Rigs, Etc. -Sow with' litter; sow due to Sectdoa. 56 of the Trustees Act,
time ,of sale, 6 stone hags, 75 hens.
R. S. O.. 1914, Chap, i21, that all
$c creditors a
Implements -M. H. binder; Frostand others having claims ag-
Woad mower; 10 -ft, b H. steel rake,
` alinis t the estate of ' he said deceased,
cultivator, disc harrow; 12 -hoe NL H,
drill; Fleury Walking plow, roller,set
4 -sec. harrows, scuffler, wagon goad
as new:, setesleiglesi with, flat rack, :hay
rack, gravel box, stock rack, 2•'root
pulpers, buggy, cutter, 6.11.P. gaso-
line engine, 8 inch. M. H. grindernew;
power .emery 51 -ft. canvas belting,
18 feet, 4 in. rubber belting, 13 ft. 5
inch rubber bel'tiing, all new; circular
saw and truck, new; wheelbarrow, Mae
sey-Harris cream separator, new; ex`
'eetnsi,on ladder, 28 ft 5 oak barrels
who died an or about the 25th day
of February, 1917, apt the Towntship
of Hay ,are requtired. on or before
the 8th day VD March, A. 13,1923
to send by post iprepeed, ar to deliver
to Messrs. H. Either ,& San, Crediton,
acting for the administrator to Thai
estate of the wird- deciensede
their Christian ,names and, surnames,
addresses and descriptions, and full
particulars of their claims and the
nature of their security, if any, held
by them.
set sling ropes, 130, ft, rope;sl•aiv hock And take notice that after such1a
and nape •grain bags, set team harness; mentioned date the said administrator
1% set harness, set driving harness;
174, rads wire, some cedar posts; 600
in,. tile; quantity of oats and Infixed
grain; about 9 tons timothy hay;
whiffietrees,, necket kes, .forks, shov-
els 2 logging chains crow bars, horse
will proce ed to distribute tbs assets+ of
said deceased emorng the parties en
tilled thereto, having regard only to
the claims of which it shall then have
notice. and that the sand administr'a'tor
will not be liablel for the said assets
blankets : washing machine, Daisy chum' ar any hart thereof to any ptiestcn
pails,, vice and many, other articles. or persons of whose( claim notice shall
T•erm;se-.All sums of $10 and utder, not have been reeefived• by it at the
r,asb ; over that anapun,t 8 menthe'
credit on approved joint notes that
banks will accept; or 4 per cent.
•t :
Hay, grain an ensdh cash
for cos on c
time of such dnateibution
John Recker
Administrator, Dashwood
Grand Chapter of Canada Royal
Arch Masons opened its annual cone
vocation et Toronto; most of the of-
flcera were elected by acclamation
Evidence submitted attriel of act.
ing manager of branch, bank at To,
ronto, sentenced to two years fol
theft, discloses his salary to have
been $1,850 a year.
Turkey to submit` new peace treaty
to sillies.
St. David's Day is obsex'ved by
Welsh society.
Feast o Purim is being observed
by Jewish people.
Sault Ste. Marie wins N. 0, H. A.
senior championship.
Peterboro juniors eliminated` by
University of Toronto.
Ambassador Harvey calls Prince of
Wales "the white prince,"
Sir•Walter Camas,, Chief Justice of
the Exchequer Court, dies.
League of Women), Voters of Can-
ada is organized in Toronto.
Influenza caused a heavy death toll
1n Ontario during February.`
Hon. Ernest Lapointe at Washing-
ton to sign fisheries convention.
Asquith. decides Canada to get $8,-
000,000 on adjustment of claim.
Pancho Villa loses American fly-
weight championship to Frank
National Railway System will carry
its own insurance and save millions
in premiums.
Electrification proves highly suc-
cessful on Chicago, Milwaukee and
St. Paul railroad.
Bill introduced in Senate to dis-
franchise spinsters until they reach
the age of thirty years.
Niagara Peninsula Fruit Growers
pass resolution favoring increased
duties on United States product.
Carload of coke stands in Mount
Dennis railway yards running up de-
murrage because no one will claim it.
Construction contracts awarded fn
Canada in February almost $3,000,-
000 in excess of those awarded in the.
same month of 1922.
Urban Trustee convention will de-
bate proposal to constitute Depart-
ment of Education a court of appeal
in disputes between school boards
and councils.
Mrs. Moses Geiger is visiting with
he'r,, ,Rev. and Mrs,; R, M. Geiger, ' 'at
Met David Schnell ,of Saskatchewan',
„idlee is spending the winter with rel-
atives and 'friends, is now visiting in
Guelph and fC tchener-
and. Mrs. O. N. Taggart of
South Bend Ind., are visiting relatives
here 'for a week or two, Mrs, Tag-
gart gart is a.sster of the Messrs., en's.
Mrs. E, G, ,'MeMurcieey and tw'a.
daughters, Helen a;nd Margaret, whoi
hevq been visiting 1,91" iiw&. threat at
the home of the former's 'parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Moses Geiger, and with other
relatives and friends, have returnedtio
their' home in Semans„ Sask.
.Death of Mrs, Heideman-HenriettaSchultz, relict of the late Rudolph.
Heideman, ,passed away at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. D. H. :. Stein-
bach, Holly, Mich., an Feb. 24tb, at
the, age of 74 years, 11 months,, ,De-
,ceased was barn in Germany and ban
been in th;}s, eatery. for 50 years, iii',
which tian.e. she mostly lived here.
She had ,not been, well for moni*ths,
and last .fall left f.orr. Detroit, eftteif
which she went to Holly. Her hus-
band pre -deceased her ab out aye -ala year and half,. She leaves a family
of six children;, all of wham were
'present at the. funeral, which was held
to the Lutheran cemetery here.
Japan enters team in Davis Cup,
Mustapha Kemal says Turkey asks
right to live.
Hawaii's sugar harvest is largest
in eight years.
A bootleg armada is off the coast
of New Jersey.
Ice -shooting has.started in the Ni-
agara river gorge.
Germany to raise internal gold
loan on Treasury issue.
Lloyd George makes move for re-
union of Liberal party.
British breeders fear importation
of Canadian pure-breds.
French seize German locomotives
which aim to break blockade:
Mrs. Mallory is twice beaten at
Monte Carlo tennis tournament.
U. S. Congressman moves to in- ..
crease pay of members to $10,000 a
Bungled hanging in New Bruns-
wick is debated in House of.
Hon. Joseph Martin, -former mem-
ber of four Parliaments, dies at
Vancouver. ' ,
Stratford Indians win round from
Guelph and are O.H.A. intermediate
John Currie, of Middlesex, elected
president of Ontario Good Roads
King township returns to statute
labor system of building roads under
straight off
cash relit amounts Ontario A bill is introduced in Commons
; yr eat Britain.
Positively no reserve as; the farm is i r• aio;ity for Albert Healy, Liberal
FK. TAYLOR, ARTHUR TONES,' std'i Notice to Creditors. exein:,er-elect for North Essex, esti-
Auctioneer Proprietor ---netted. at 1,100.
Of John Al,exender Hackney, late of ilei," James 1fcKay. of London de -
the Township of Stephens, 'n the neres opposition of church union are
County of Huron, Yeoman, deceased, sre
raring to organize.
Pursuant to Sec. 5, of Chapter 121 Granites win. O.H.A. senior cham-
of the Redeed Statutes of Onttaria, I piiiristrip by tieing Hamilton, 2-2,
1914, notice is hereby given that all end winning round, 6-4.
FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS creditors and others having claims a- uttawa trustees take strong excep-
;ainst the estate. of John Alexander tion to combining Public and Separ-
HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, ETC. ' Hackney, late o 1 the Township of ale High School Boards proposed at
On Lot 3, Can,. 13, Stephen, on Stephen in the Oournty o £Huron, y.ea- Brantford convention.
THURSDAY, MARCH 15TH,1923 mase deceased, who. diced on or about The Workers' Party of Canada re -
1lated at Gredittaon, Feb. 14; 1923. making divorce easier for women in
n !ruebeenthday raft January, A D., ceived a message of approval and
At some o'clock, sharp, the following: 1923, are .on or before April First A.D. advice from Nicholas Bucharin, So -
1973, to send by posit, pre -paid, to vier leader of Moscow.
Army of France to number 659,-
000 men.
U. S. Congress adjourns until De-
cember next.
Armed mobs in Essen "loot°=strops
and cabarets.
Lloyd George is amused at rumor
of his death.
Churches in Britain have temper-
ance campaign.
British Liberal leaders talk of re-
union of party.
Angora Turks will demand new
conference with Allies.
St. Pats and Canadiens win pro-
fessional hockey games.
McGill senior basket ball team wins
Intercollegiate championship.
Methodist and Anglican minister in
Hamilton, exchanged pulpits Sunday.
Delegates to the Machinists' Con-
ference are gathering at Winnipeg.
Prominent prohibition worker ar-
rested in London, Ont., .on a charge
of theft.
w London Times urges sending invi-
tation to the Dominions to Empire
The French have extended their
hold on German territory by seizure
of three cities.
U. of T. hockey teams ` win Inter-
collegiate intermediate end senior
Premier Drury, Government and
Wagon, Mower, Drill 3 section dial railway officials were present at the
ni mal .hartoCultivate', Plough, Root funeral in Barrie of P. Lynch.
Pulper, Hay Rake, Fanning Mill, No. Thomas Ma,y fails to.. completely
3 Planet jrj., hill and seeder; No. 13 turn off gas jet in his room at To
Planet Jr double wheal hoe, 1 Onion ronto and is found dead in his bed.
Hordes, -2 draft anareisu 8 yrs. old; Isaac R, Carling of the Village of
general purpose mare rising 8; dratt Exeter, in the County of Huron, Sol -
colt, listing 3 years. ichor far Eliza Hackney, sole Execut-
Cat'tller-Cow due Mayr 29, cow due ,rix ,of the feet will and testament !of
April 4, cow, due Apra 8, cow due the said .deceased their christen names
April. 15, 2 cows milking good, due in and surnames, addresses and descrip-
fall, cow due in October cow due an tions, the fullparticulara of their
Nave+nber.; heifer rising 3, freshened; clan; is, s statement •ot their accounts
3 -near old steer, 3 steers rising 2 -yrs. rd the nature of their sccurilties {if
5 heifers rising 2 Years; 8 1 :ail ngs;any) held by them, and that after the
3 calves. I clay last aforesaid the; said Eliza
Pigs and Poultry, Etc„ Sow's : due ,t4arien;ey will praceed'to diettribritethe
April 14, sow diel May 12; 5 stocker i assets of the said deceased among' the
pigs weighing 160 lbs; 10 stocker ' carries entitied thereto, having re -
pigs,. 3 .mos. old; 100 hens, 3 turkey gnrd icmly. to such claims of ;whecih
hens and.:1, gobbiler; collie dog. Mail, rhotice shall have been given as above
brie.. . " rzyte::red, and the said Eliza Hackney
Iniplements-ti/LH, binder, c,earlynew will not be l!idlbhte( for the .lsajd gussets,
McCormick mower Deerang fertilizer or any part thereof, to any person
drill, new M. H.. cultetvatar; gang plow or persons whose claim, or claims no -
waking plow, disc barrow, stet liar- tine shall su:vt halve been received by
rows 2 fanning ,mills, scuffler, wag -her' at the time }off such dieltribit;,ant
on, sleigh, buggy cutter, rubber tiro . Dated at Exeter, Ont., this `19th sty
buggy in. good shape„ gravel box, hay of. February, A. D. 1923.
rack, stock rack, wheelbarrow, creamISAAC R. CARLI.NG, ,
separator, 2 ladders, hay rake, sling, Solicitor for Executrix!
ropes, set brass mounted britchen bar -
nese, good as new, set datable harness,
set single harness, 4 horse - collars,
nerkyokes, forks, chains, .etc. 14 U i J 3 E
4 tons clover hay, 4 tans timothy STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS
hay, 150 bush, oats, quantity whe,att;
quantity maple floor, quantity. lumber AT CREDITON
stall in Mt. Carmel charch shed. on SATURDAY MARCH 17th, 1923
H;•u,s'ehold Effects -r3 bedroomauites at 1.00 o'clock, the fallowing -
Doherty high oven range, theater, 3-
burner coal ail shave used ane summer 2 horses, 8 years olid.
6 diteng room chairs', table, buffet,
couch, .hamgi,ng lamp, 4 lamps, 4 rock-
ers, kitchen chairs, New Williams, etew-
ing machine, 3 double cords hard wood
grain bags, washing machine, Victrola
with 2 Orec,ords:
11 490 m,ode,l, Chevrolet car, good as
Terms -A11 ;sums of 310 and under
cash; over that amount 7 months •cre
dit on approved joint nates, ar dis-
count al 5 per cent per annum foe
cash ton credit amounts.
' F'• Tarito,r A; Weber, 'Au,ct.
Sieve for clement, : '.s ; several En-
t.erprise Star rieseter.>
Some Chicken
A pregressitve euchre part was held
in the Town Hall on Friday night, fe-
int given by the Board of Tradett'A
large number wens present, and a
'nice lunch wars served. The proceeds
are for the skaati!ntg, rink.
Friends an 'drelatives heard with re
gret of the death of Mr. Jas. Bon-
throne a£ Toronto. See, Exeter news.
Muss Bl'anch'e Mason, of Parkhillthae.
heen spending a few days with cher
Aster Mrs. Zue,fle•. •
;Miss Nara Folli'ck is recovering, af-
ter tier -recent t ellneise,
Herbert Dick has returned t,o'�Wind-
sor after a visit here h
Comtsiderable coal has been, coming
in recently.
Whsle washing a window the pane
broke and .litre. W. Fairburn got a
very severe cut in the arm, requiring
five, stitches to close.
A little .soar of Mr.,' and V1rs,t=RL E.
Gook fell off a couch and broke his
collar bone..
,Muss Vera Geiger has, returned from
London where she had been working
for some time.
Dr. G. W. Duffin( of Thorndale has'
opened up an office here ':n Joynt's
block, on the second floor. He is a
graduate of Western Un nersity and
has acquired valuable experience in
Detroit, Where he served two y,ears
on the staffs of Grace and Receiving
'Farmers are advised to ignore ru
mors claiming that seed, corn from
U. S. is less infected by European
Alto a few other articles.' corn -borer than Ontario -grown sup -
Terms -$10 and under, cash; over plies.
t hat amount 7 months' credit on ap- Minimum Wage Board restricts
proved jojint' notes, a: 5 per cent per hours of women workers in textile.
annum off for cash on credit aenauntel plants to 48 hours per week in cities
CHRIS FAHRNER F. TAYLOR of over 30,000 population, and to 50
Prop Aliaboars in the rest' of the province.
Pure Green Tea
is guaranteed, the finest
� e
when it bears the name
ous for its Flavor -just try a Sample. AI
_• : =•.fix_ -- -
x _-.x3_=
-.. =3 x3 - -* ▪ s i' -_ -=fix= -
= -�:7.-=-s--C'�--_ o -':a - `:�OSx : x = ?:3i ::
=_:x c -=-.i ▪ - r__ x-===_�=ate- =_=x=
Every Day
1 7
Day -by Day
Always think of SURPRISE
as the "Real Soap" for general
use about the house.
s• x� �_'_ Fc�_= -moi=.. _ _x =_f}_c!� = __-yam_-__"-__e�"=:'_=ix=� -x
The lean man has one advantage SEAFORTH-Friday morning Vine
He doesn't have to p Sn all C1 is ''aith�' cent Patterson passed away, aged 16
on a suapeinder button, ' years. He had only ben ill a few
days from pneumonia. -He was tbir
youngest son of Mrs. Jenna parte•'
iiI nhjt iTSs,j„i,ll!tjiliIQui FltaYAM
ll th:,t li!yrll(
r•!r.;!!tr! (r , WOR }:;lt" jt!n;r ;'.!i4Ht;r«N,
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.,1 fir. r.
tl t � gulp L.:.. d
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Solves cum clic tab al)
Now is the ' e to freshen and beautify the home : interior. Do not let this Spring go by
without that.'e'd'ecorating which every home requires. If you would have your new wall
decorations in accord with the latest conceptions of the best authorities, insist on papers bear
ing the name
cNasto/ ca ai:en of Wail bats
In their collection you will find just what besides enabling you to paper a room with
Y you are looking for. The patterns are ap- fewer rolls, means easier hanging, more beau-
licable to any interior. tiful designs and the improved appearance
These newatterns are 21 inches wider • which results from fewer seams.
the old typeper of Wall Paper ; which, Look for the name "Boxer" on the selvage.