Huron Expositor, 2005-03-09, Page 44 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, March 9, 2005 �N K�i�lvi Your Community Newspaper Since 1860 Tom Williscroft - Publisher Susan Hundertmark - Editor Dianne McGrath • Subscriptions/Classifieds Bernie Pugh - Office/Advertising Jason Middleton - Reporter Adrienne Peckitt - Composing Anne Roden - Distribution OUEBECOR MEDIA E-mail us at seaforth@bowesnet.com Visit our home page at www.seaforthhuronexpositor.com SUBSCRIPTION RATES: LOCAL - 35.85 a year, in advance, plus G.S.T. ghlESai - 33.85 a year, in advance, plus G.S.T. SSA & foreign: 35.85 a year in advance, plus $83.20 postage, G.S.T. exempt Published weeldy by Sun Meda at 11 Main 51., Seaforth. Advertising is accepted on condition that in the event of a typographical error, the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item, together with a reasonable allowance for signature, will not be charged, but the balance of the advertisement will be paid for at the applicable rate. In the event d a typographical erns, advertising goods or services at apace, goods or services may not be sold. Advertising is merely an offer to seB, rbe withdrawn at any time. The Huron Expositor is not responsible for the lou or damage of unsolicited manuscripts, photos or other materials used for reproduction purposes. PUBLICATION MAIL AGREEMENT 40029693 PAP REGISTRATION NO. 7605 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO Circulation Department P.O. Box 69 Seaforth, ON., NOK 1 WO e-mail: seaforthObowesnet.com Wednesday, March 9, 2005 •dlterllal sad Beslteess OHkes -II Main Sffteet.,Soeforfls Tilepbeaa (119) 127.0240 fax (119) 527-2659 Math./ Adams • P.O. Sox 69, Seafeifi, 0wfaele, NOK 1 WO Member of the Canadian Community Newspaper Association & the Ontario Community Newspapers Association 'We acknowledge the financial support of the Govemment of Canada, through the Publications Assistance Program (PAPS, toward our mailing costs.' Canadtt Editorial Adding municipal reps to hospital LACs a good idea After months of research, the Seaforth hospital focus group has completed its sts,Idy and made three presentations of its findings last week. The study's story of overwhelming local support for Seaforth Community Hospital is not unexpected. Since it began the study, the group has gathered ratings of important to very important for the greater majority of the Seaforth hospital's services. Where the group's final report varies from its earlier work is in its recommendations that are more political in nature, including a suggestion to strengthen local input on the Huron -Perth Healthcare Alliance board or its Local Advisory Committees with municipal representation. While adding a municipal councillor representing the geographical areas covered by the four hospitals to the Alliance board itself might create an unwieldy group, adding municipal representatives to the LACs would benefit ratepayers in each of the municipalities involved. Because they're elected by their communities and report back to their councils - which are most often covered by local media - municipal councillors would add an element of increased exposure to whatever issues the Alliance is grappling with at the time. During a time when hospitals are facing provincial pressure to hold the line on costs but continue to provide quality health care, a greater amount of public awareness and participation can only help. Issues such as unfair funding formulas for rural hospitals and budget cuts that begin to reduce services can only be protested if they're known by an informed community. Adding municipal councillors to the mix is one more way to keep the public informed about the vital issue of healthcare in our communities. Susan Hundertmark o to access us ,Letters to the Editor and other submissions an be made to us by noon on Mondays at: seaforth@bowesnet.com All letters and submissions must be signed and accompanied by a day -time telephone number. All submissions are subject to editing for both length and content. Don't forget to check out our homepage at: www.seaforthhuronexpositor.com ( �l)inion [vvttt.rs Protest not 'just a bunch of farmers fed up with the government's treatment' To the Editor, It would be easy to write off the "One Voice March on Queen's Park" (March 2, 2005) rally as just a bunch of farmers fed up with the government's treatment of Ontario's agricultural community. After all, who isn't fed up with being over -regulated, under -valued and under -paid? , But what we must realize - perhaps as never before - is that as Ontarians we are all in this together. A strong nation and a strong Ontario are dependent t;potl, a strong rural and urban economy. Our primary resources and our primary producers are the backbone of this nation. As with most public displays of dissension, there lies within a greater depth of despair. In this case, that despair is enough to motivate thousands of farmers and related agricultural interests to leave their land, trek to Queen's Park from all across the province, expose themselves to public scrutiny, and all in order to seek governmental and societal recognition of their desperate situation. Is this the right course of action? Well, it most definitely is a last -resort action. It most definitely will get attention. Will it net results? Who knows? But here is what we, as members of The Ontario Rural Council, do know today: The current despair driving farmers to the provincial government's front door goes far beyond the farmers' field. The reverberations are being felt throughout all of rural Ontario. Although the Queen's Park rally draws attention to agriculture, the vast rural and remote landscape of this resource -rich province is experiencing many of the same crippling symptoms due to factors beyond their control. As a Council whose members are drawn from many different sectors — economic and infrastructure, environmental, health, education, social services, government and resources — we hear it on a daily basis. We hear that farmers are stewards of the countryside and contributors to the overall fabric of their communities. We hear that farmers are vital cogs in the economic engine of their local communities. We hear that when farmers can no longer farm effectively it resonates loudly and with devastating impact on all those connected with their viability: farm suppliers and equipment dealers, retailers, feed dealers, veterinarians, preventative and mental heath services, community services, volunteer services and debt counseling. We hear about the struggle to keep our once -thriving rural and remote communities alive and fully functioning, with school doors open and basic health care still accessible. We hear about the exodus of youth — the stewards of tomorrow — gravitating to the south from the north, or to urban from rural in order to go "where the jobs are". We hear of many who want to continue being productive members of their rural communities, but are faced with a growing inability to do so. What does the farmer share with all of us? Like all Ontarians, he and his family are members of a community. It is the rural community. And whether it lies north, south, east or west of Queen's Park....it is in jeopardy. It is time to understand and support - not criticize. The issues before us are far bigger than just agriculture. Pat Smith, Chair The Ontario Rural Council, Guelph, Ontario Local ice dealers have busy times after cold weather freezes Egmondville dam, 1880 MARCH 19, 1880 Local ice dealers have had busy times for the past few days. The late cold weather made fair ice on the Egmondville dam and most of the houses have now been filled. Messrs. Adam Gray, John Dunnan, Geo. Sparling and Joseph Tyerman were among those who left here on Tuesday for Manitoba by the Greenway train. During the hard, smooth roads of the past week, an immense amount of cordwood was delivered in town. Prices ranged from $2.00 to $2.25 per cord. Hay is likely to be a short crop in this vicinity next season, as the open winter and frequent hard frosts have killed out the young clover. Thos. Miller of McKillop has sold his farm, which is situated near Winthrop, to Geo. McSpadden for the sum of $1,200. James Dickson of Tuckersmith has sold three more of his thoroughbred bull calves. A meeting of the inhabitants of Tuckersmith has sold three more of his thoroughbred bull calves. Thos. Miller of McKillop has sold his farm, which is situated near Winthrop, to Geo. McSpadden for the sum of $1,200. A meeting of the inhabitants of Tuckersmith and Stanley was held at Thos. Baird's in Stanley, for the purpose of appointing trustees for purchasing a graveyard from Thos. Baird. The trustees are Messrs. Wm. Graham, W. Moffatt, J. McCully Jr., J. Broadfoot and H. Gilmour. Last Tuesday Patterson's second train for Manitoba reached London. The train consisted of ten coaches, one sleeping car and two baggage cars. The party was chiefly from the neighbourhood of Paris amounting to 400 souls. MARCH 24, 1905 John Grimolby was the victim of a serious accident that occurred in the Walton In the Years Agone saw mill. While edging a board, his hand was thrown against the saw, which severed three fingers and the thumb of his right hand. John Sparrow of Varna shipped a carload of horses to Manitoba. J.J. Pollard of McKillop delivered to James Archibald, Seaforth, a pair of Belgian horses. They are five and six years old and weighed 3,100 pounds. D. McPherson of Leadbury cut down a tree, which turned out to be hollow. A large colony of bees had laid up a great store of honey. It was close to 210 pounds. John Consitt of Hillsgreen has engaged Frank Farquhar for the summer. Mrs. John Consitt had a very successful matting bee. J. Forrest of Hillsgreen has his material all home for the erection of a new barn. David Kyle of Kippen recently cut down an elm tree, which measured five feet at the butt and was as sound as a bell. Miss Dolena Wilson had the end of the first finger on her left hand amputated. Wm. Habkirk has purchased from Stephen Lamb the handsome gray team which has been . in the livery for three or four years. Mrs. Hugh Greive has disposed of her milk business to McIntosh Bros., sons of James McIntosh. On Thursday of last week the usual peace of the town was disturbed by the sounding of the fire alarm, a dense volume of smoke was seen issuing from the jewelry store of Russell McNaught. The firemen located it at the bottom of a partition almost under a hardwood floor. Mr. Charles Fritz of Zurich has disposed of the flour and feed business, which he recently purchased from Mr. Schragg to E. Rennie. MARCH 21, 1930 The attendance at the Canadian Chautauqua Festival here for the past four days has been most marvelous, the hall being filled at every performance. Sugar making continues the order of the day at Zurich. The masquerade dance given in Cardno's Hall, under the auspices of Seaforth Post of the Canadian Legion was a most successful and enjoyable dance of the season. The dancers presented a very colourful and beautiful appearance. The costume judges were Lt. Col. Herman, Lt. Col. Meam and Dr. Chas. McKay. The prize winners were Ladies Comic, Miss Martha Reid; ladies character, Wilma Galbraith; Gents Comic, Earl Bell; Gentleman's Character, Harry Watson, Goderich; hard time J.H. Best. Miss Margaret Case, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Case returned to Detroit to resume her position on the staff of the Ford Hospital. Mr. Hearn Lee of Londesboro, while having wood sawed at his home, had the misfortune to have his hand cut so badly it is feared that he may lose one of his fingers. In the death of Mrs. David Moore which occurred at the hoose of Mrs. Wm. Smith of Egmondville, this district has lost a highly esteemed pioneer resident who for over 50 years has lived continuously in Tuckersmith. The Ladies Aid of First Presbyterian Church held a very successful tea in the schoolroom of the church. The proceeds amounted to $72. Mrs. Wm. Mason of Hullett brought two eggs that held the record for the season. They were laid by two of her barred rock hens. One measured eight by six and the other 81/4 by six. MARCH 25, 1955 Students of Seaforth and District High school, under the direction of the staff, presented their annual variety night before a packed house. Feature of the evening was a one -act play "Our Dream House" directed by Miss Florence Elford. Driving snow Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning carried by winds that at times reached 80 miles an hour, brought traffic to a virtual standstill and turned what had been spring- like weather into the worst storm of the winter. About 100 two -week-old chicks were suffocated in a fire on the farm of T. Elgin Nott, west and north of Seaforth. J.M. Roberts, Huron County Registrar of Deeds for the past nine years, a former County clerk and a leader in the establishment of Sky Harbour airport, died suddenly in Goderich Alexandra and Marine Hospital. He was in his 64th year. Ratepayers at Bayfield voted in favour of building a new two -room school at an approximate cost of $40,000. The new school will mean a three -mill tax rate increase. MARCH 20, 1980 The Vanastra Recreation centre ended 1979 with a surplus of $4,900. This is down over $1,000 from the previous year when the surplus was between $6,000 and $7,000 according to Diane Durnin, recreation director. About 30 people, representing 16 Seaforth businesses, gave a boost to the idea of a Business Improvement Area here at a meeting at the town hall Tuesday night. A BIA also got strong support from Mayor Sinnamon. All of Railway Street will be reconstructed, including sidewalks, starting in the spring, Seaforth council had decided. Estimated total cost is $109,500, council heard Tuesday night and engineers B.M. Ross and Assoc. will let tenders as soon as MTC approval is recieved. Ron & bave I'm sending away for this X-51 Rocket ship on this cereal box! Ha! Forget it! Those things take forever to get delivered! No, no...It says here that they get delivered in only two weeks! It's the X-51 Rocket,that I sent away for in 1'611 by David Lacey I finally got my bovey Crockett Hot