HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2005-01-19, Page 9Couingnity CsJendar WED. JAN. 19 MON. JAN. 24 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. Story Fun 9:30 -11:00 a.m. ABC 123 Ontario Ontario Early Years Program at Duff's rwmEodY Years Program at St. James United Church, Walton 4:00-5:00 p.m. - After School 1:00-4:00 p.m. - Seniors Shinn Shuffleboard at the Anna 5:30 p.m. - Clogging Upstairs 6:00 Ruth's Fitness, Main Hall 6:00 p.m. - Ruth's- Fitness Main Hall THURS., JAN. 20 10:00 - 11:30 - Baby Time Ontario Early Years at Seaforth Co -Operative Children's Centre FRI. JAN. 21 10:00 a.m. - Morning Out of Bethel Bible Church, Seaforth 10:00-10:45 a.m. and 11:15-12 noon - Seaforth Branch Library presents Tabs for Tots. Aged 2-5 and their caregivers.. Pre -registration required. 527-1430. SAT. JAN. 22 SUN. JAN. 23 2:30-4 p.m. - Public Skating TUES. JAN. 25 9:00-10:00 a.m. - Fitness is Fun with Drusilla - clogging Upstairs with Sherry 1 10-11:30 a.m. - Rhyme Time Ontario Early Years Program at Seaforth public School 7:30 p.m. - Seaforth Harmony Hi -Utes rehearsal at Northside United Church WED. JAN. 26 1:00-4:00 p.m. - Seniors Shuffleboard at the Arena 6:00 p.m. - Ruth's Fitness, Main Hall 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. - Story Fun Ontario, Early Years Program at Duff's United Church, Walton If you're organizing a non-profit event of interest to other Seaforth area residents, phone the recreation office 527-1272 or the Expositor at 527-0240, or mail the information to Community Calendar, The Huron Expositor, Box 69. Seaforth, Ontario. NOK 1 WO well in advance of the scheduled date. Free listing includes date, time, name of event and location only. Space for the Community Calendar is donated by The Huron Expositor. THE HURON EXPOSITOR. 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PHONE FOR APPOINTMENT 1-800-509- 5826 rIt'sAtlloIdabs•IWuFast•Wsley•Ons 9MDoes itAn • Northern Oritrarlo $79 • Eastern Otf*Mb 5146 4 %NOM **ado $130 • Central Ontario $136 • M Onterfo $395 • National Packages Avail! e • Cal this paper for details! Picking up the plow A plow contractor working for the Ministry of Transportation ended up in the ditch and had to be towed out just west of Seaforth on Highway 8 when a snow squall caused a tem- porary white-out Monday morning. Heavy snow and high winds caused hazardous driv- ing conditions in the region on Monday. Susan Hundertmark photo Many choose to quit smoking as New Year's resolution By Jason Middleton Expositor Staff Although it is only halfway into the first month of 2005, many people said that by now they have already broken their New year's resolution. "I think a lot of people aren't able to keep them so they start out with good inten- tions and they get depressed later on," said Gadshill resi- dent Mary Fisher, adding that people might get frustrated with the process. "It's hard to keep them, so I just never make them," said Fisher. "I never have" Randy Lammerant, of Seaforth, said that it's really hard to keep resolutions. "I figure if I'm going to do something, I'm going to do it on my own," he said. "I don't need new year's resolutions to make myself a better person." Lammerant said that he has tried making resolutions, but he didn't want one this year because they usually fail. "I didn't make one this year because every other year I tried to quit smoking and it never seems to work on the new years," said Lammerant. "I try to keep it all year, but it never happens," said Lammerant. "Last time I did a new year's resolution to quit smoking, I went four months" Elelaine Van Wonderen, of Bayfield, said that usually only keeps her resolutions for two weeks. "I just fall off them all the time," said Van Wonderen. "I just have no will power." Teresa Noxell, of Seaforth, said that she hasn't made a new year's resolution for years. "I don't even make them any more," Noxell said. "If I make up my mind to some- thing I do it. That's it" "I never was a person who made a whole bunch of new year's resolutions," said Noxell. Noxell said had a simple answer when asked what her most successful resolution was. "My most successful? Any one that I kept," she said. While some said that they tried to lose weight as part of their resolution, a majority said they had tried to quit smoking as their new year's resolution. Ben MacLeod, of Clinton, said that his resolution to quit smoking this year started out as a good intention, but quick failed. "There's always next year," MacLeod said. "Isn't that what they say?" MacLeod said that this year his resolution to quit smoking lasted a day, but adds that he has cut back. "I've slimmed down a lot. I think that's the secret is to lean yourself off." Looking at how much you smoke and try to cut back, MacLeod said, is the way to try and quit smoking. "Cold turkey won't work for me," said MacLeod, a 15 - year smoker. "I've smoked for too long." Noxell said that she has had several resolutions gone awry. "I would say my most unsuccessful were that I tried to quit smoking a couple times," said Noxell. Lammerant said that for him trying to quit smoking around New Years is a mis- take. "There's no sense trying to do it at new years because it's party time. I'll do it when I'm ready to quit I guess," said Lammerant. According to Sandra Feltz, co-chair of the Coalition for a Smoke Free Huron -Perth, preparation is the key to stop smoking. "We know that quitting smoking isn't easy, but with the right plan, a good support system and good incentives, it can be done," Feltz said. The Huron County Health Unit, along with the Ontario Quit Smoking 2005 contest are offering daily smokers who are thinking about smok- ing a chance to win a 2005 Ford Mustang. Smokers who register the contest website at www.quitsmokingontario.ca ca and quit smoking for at least one month on Feb. 1, can win the Mustang or one of seven regional prizes. Participants •in the program must also find a buddy who wants to quit smoking as well. "Many smokers have tried to quit before. It often takes many attempts before smok- ers can quit for good," Feltz said. "The contest provides an added incentive to try again." Christmas gifts, personal documents and cash stolen from Hensall residence Christmas gifts were stolen from a residence on Main Street in Hensall sometime between Dec. 24 and 28, reports the Huron OPP. The house, which was vacant over the holidays, was entered through a window IIiiri)1'I' that was forced open and was ransacked. The thief took time to unwrap some of the presents under the tree. Stolen items include an Alaskan diamond in a gold setting which is shaped like a cat's eye, a red duffle bag, cos- tume jewelry, some personal documents and cash. Anyone with related infor- mation is asked to call the Huron! OPP or Crime Stoppers.