HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2005-01-19, Page 7n INTEE Sharon Medd Assoc. Broker Office (5,19) 527-0560 Home 522-0660 150 Main St. S., Seaforth Fax (519) 527-2763 MLS 4- GODERICHI For $375/Month you can own' this excellent yellow brick home, totally renovated, private fenced in rear yard. 3 bedrooms apartment upstairs. and 2 bedroom apartment on main floor. call for details! NEWLY LISTED! 4+ bedrooms, spacious family home. close to school and community center Front 8 rear stairways. ample closets. Would be perfect for home occupation, New Hi -efficiency gas furnace. $74.900 CENTURY HOME with detailed original woodwork Wood floors throughout. 3+ bedrooms. large kitchen, featured on triple tot with lots of trees and gardens and walk out basement OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS! Ownership 5480/Month before rent income! Duplex with many updates. one block from uptown A must see! List price $89.000 EW LISTING! Ideal starter toms ed to sefP possible main floor living, yard. excellent location' Listed 1 566,500 If you have good credit wfiyr- n are you paying high interest rates? CaII today to obtain Discotu1t Mortgage the mortgage you deserve. Canada Inc. 4.79% 5 yr. OAC Call Jov or Sharon at (519) 527.0560 THE HURON EXPOSITOR, Jan. 19, 2005-7 titorTown and Country GUAM SLUOItIH_ LASSIFIEDS Deadline: Monday, 12:00 Noon Call 527-o2 ()ming Events VALENTINES DANCE, Saturday, February 5 at Betty Cardno Memorial Centre, Clinton. Music by Ken Scott. $10.00 per person. For tickets 519-482-9320 or 519-482- 9264. CE-03x3cc NEW ALL GIRLS Science Club (ages 7-16) starting in February. If interested come to Seaforth Arena on Jan. 26 from 4:15-7:15. Free Draw! or contact Ellen at 519-527- 1285, or Tanya 519-522-2012 or visit the website at www.cagis.ca CE -03x2 CHRISTOPHER LEADERSHIP course. A course in effective speak- ing skills and confidence building starts Tues. Jan. 25, 7 p.m. for 11 weeks in Stratford. 1-888-480-4992. www.thetumen.com CE -03x1 ANNUAL MEETING of Baird's Cemetery Board and Plot Owners, Wednesday, January 26, 2005 at 2:00 p.m. Brucefield United Church. CE-02x2cc OLD TYME MUSIC with Tom Melady every Tuesday starting Jan. 18/05 until March 29/05 at Seaforth and District Community Centres, 1:30-3:30 p.m. Musicians and dancers welcome. Please spread the word. CE -02-5 BINGO Goderich Knights of Columbus, every Thursday, 7 p.m. Columbus Centre, 390 Parsons Court, $3,855 in prizes; 2 mini jackpots 1 for $350, 1 for $600; regular jackpot $1,500 must go. Lic. #299473. First Saturday of every month, 7 p.m. Columbus Centre, same program as Thursday night. Lic. #299472. Big Link Provincial Game every Bingo Night. CE-01-xtfcc 1 .:articles For Sale 32 CASES OF KIDS CLOTHES! Amanda Aitken is selling all of her kids clothing! Girls newborn to 6X. Boys newborn to 3X. Wednesday, January 19 -Sunday, January 23. All clothes are just like new. So many Brand names! Don't miss this once in a lifetime opportunity! Wednesday -Saturday 9-6 and Sunday 1-6 at the Old Mill. Cash Only. Call for a night appointment. 519-523-4595.01-03x 1 cc 50 ROUND BALES of hay 5' x 4' $35.00 each. Blue chesterfield, love seat and chair, $550.00 for set. Call 519-527-0586.01-02x2 BROWN EGGS FOR SALE. Free range. 81107 Division Line, Windstone Acres. Call ahead for winter hours - 519-527-0113. Our eggs are "near, naked and natural!" 01-01-4 DOUBLE D COMPANY Games Room. Pool tables, poker tables and chips, pub tables and chairs, shuf- fleboards, lights and much, much more. Also pool table recovering and moving. 4 McGivern St. West, Walkerton. 519-881-2113, Duffy. 01-46xtfcc RENT TO OWN: New, used and reconditioned appliances, furniture, tools, anything we sell. Good Choice Appliances, 519-482-5599. 01-42xtfcc CROP CIRCLE POSTCARDS for sale at the Huron Expositor, 11 Main St., Seaforth. New Price: 3 for $5.01-22xtf CARPET: I have several thousand yds. of new Stainmaster and 100% nylon carpet. Will do tivingroom and hall for $389.00. Price includes car- pet, pad and installation (30 sq. yds.). Call Steve 519-661-0785 or 519-344-3365.01-11 xtfcc WINDOWS AND DOORS Call for a free estimate. Sales, Service and Installation. Bluewater Windows and Doors, 394 Huron Rd. Goderich. 519-524-1520. www.bluewaterwindows.ca E-mail sales @ bluewaterwindows.ca 01- 02xtfcc WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS For your reading pleasure we have available at the Huron Expositor office eight weekly newspapers: The Mitchell Advocate. The Clinton News -Record, The Goderich Signal Star, The Lakeshore Advance (Zurich), Shoreline News (Port Elgin), Kincardine News, The Huron Expositor. 81.25 each. Lucknow Sentinel 0 1.00 01-01-tfnxe SUBSCRIBE TODAY! Call the Seaforth Huron Expositor at 527-0240 GET Win.SPQR S, RECREATIlON& EIW RTAINVE T 52 WEEKS A YEAR! 5. Cars for Sale 5. Cars for Sale APPROVED Need a car? • Bankrupt • New to Country • Divorced • Slow Credit • Bad Credit • Discharged or Not REBUILD YOUR CREDIT Peninsula Ford Sunset Strip, Owen SOund Contact Mark Askin 376-3252 Ext. 228 markaskine!ponir,sularord.com Tho Car Pwplo that care about you. 6. Trucks for Sale 1986 GMC AUTO, V8, new GM body panels (fenders, doors, etc. 7 years ago), heavy suspension. $2200 obo. As is. Phone 519-524- 7115. 06-01x4nxecc 16. For Rent ONE BEDROOM apartment. Office space. Three bedroom home. References required. Phone Sharon 519-527-0560. 16-02-3 17. Apartments for Rent TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT and a 2 bedroom house in Dublin. No pets. Available now. Phone 519- 345-2314 or 519-345-2792. 17-01-tf APARTMENT FOR RENT: 3 bed- room apartment, natural gas heat, central air, oak kitchen, backyard, fridge and stove included $460/month plus utilities. 519-482- 3744. 17-45xtfcc HENSALL, furnished or unfur- nished, utilities and cable included, $350.00/month. Call 519-262-2314 or 519-345-0261. 17-08xtfcc 12. Real Estate for Sale 18. Houses for Rent SMALL TWO BEDROOM house between Clinton and Seaforth. Some appliances supplied. $500.00/month plus utilities. Good references required. Available Feb. 1/05. 519-527-0349. 18-03-tf THREE BEDROOM BUNGALOW in Brucefield with stove, ,fridge, washer, dryer and dishwasher. No pets. Non-smoker preferred. Phone 519-522-0687. 18-02x2 3 BEDROOM - FEBRUARY 1 Clinton, three bedroom, 1 1/2 baths, large yard, parking, appliances, gas heat. Available February 1st. $495 monthly plus utilities. 519-666- 3339. 18-50xtfcc 19. Rooms for Rent SHARED ACCOMMODATION - Bayfield area, secure, private, always accessible, cooking and laundry facilities. Reasonable for responsible person. Phone 519- 482-7578. 19-02x3cc VISIT US AT WWW. seaforthhuronexpositor,com 12. Real Estate for Sale SAVE ON MORTGAGE MONEY! • Hard to approve or turned down by bank 0 • Buying a home or consolidating debt (by refinancing) 0 • Self employed for 3 years 0 • If you want the best interest rate 0 If you checked any of the above boxes you should be calling Mortgage Network London Inc. 866-623-0589 email gwalden@garywalden.com website www.garywalden.com iris.MEE Real Estate 19 Albert St., Clinton 482-5991 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * YOUR McINTEE TEAM John Duddy, Associate Broker 482-3652 Tony & Mary Vanden Mengel, Sales Representatives 233-3168 Diane Peckitt, Sales Representative 529-3002 E-MAIL: mcintee@cabletv.on.ca www.mcintee.on.ca * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * READY TO MOVE IN! Welt main- tained 2 BR. New sunroom with french door to wrap-around deck Room for more Irving space in hill basement New Shed 5122.000 MLS050074 66.3 ACRE farm Virtual Tour website http1/3 6 0House.com/1 4 4 5 6 5 Sweeping countryside views, 4 BR brick cape cod home. 2 car garage, 32'x 40' shed MLSs42917 BUILD on edge of St Columban' Two 115 x 165 lots 523,000 each. MLS#41029/30 Free Home Evaluations 25. Wanted to Bu WANTED SCRAP STEEL, cars, trucks, appliances, machinery and stabling. Call 519-529-7574 leave phone number for service. 25- 03xlcc SMALL PARCEL of severed land with buildings or suitable for build- ing a home. Tuckersmith/McKillop area. Apply to Drawer #4187 do The Huron Expositor, P,O. Box 69, Seaforth, On. NOK 1WO. 25-02x2 26. Help Wanted FARROW TO WEAN operation seeking motivated part-time help 15-20 hours/week. Phone/fax 519- 348-8174. 26-03x2cc MITCHELL MILL SYSTEMS Canada Ltd. has immediate open- ings on installation crews for welders and installers. Preference will be given to applicants with experience in the Industrial and Agricultural Millwrighting Fields. Please mail resume to P.O. Box 10, Newton, Ont. NOK 1R0 or fax to (519) 595-8757 or e-mail to: mms.mitchellmillsystems.com or apply in person at 10 Main Street, Newton, Ont. 26-03x2cc LOCAL ACCOUNTING firm requires temporary office staff to fill maternity leave. Duties will include reception, clerical, bookkeeping and income tax preparation. Computer skills including knowl- edge of Excel and WordPerfect are required. Please send resume to Vodden, Bender and Seebach, P.O. Box 758, Clinton, On. NOM 1 LO.26- 03x3cc Rook ;a Salon 8, Spa NOW HIRING FULL TIME position for CREATIVE HAIRSTYLIST Apply to: P.O. Box 429 Mitchell, ON NOK 1NO or at 150 Ontario Rd., Mitchell 12. Real Estate for Sale The Huron Expositor's LASSIFIEDS C.E. Coming Events 01. Artldes For Sale 03. Garage/Yard Sale 04. Antiques & Art 4A. Crafts & Hobbles 05. Cors for Sale 06. Trucks For Sole 7A. For Sale General 78. Wanted To Buy 7C. Wanted To Rent 7D. Bicycles 7E. Motorcycles, ATVs, Etc. 7F. Snowmobiles & Equipment 70. Rec. Vehicles - Campers & Trailers 7H. Boats, Motors & Marine 7J. Service Parts & Repairs 7K. Swimming Pool & Supplies 08. Computers, Videos, Etc. 09. Automotive 10. Pets 11A. For Sole General 116. Wanted To Buy 11C. Wanted To Hire 110. Employment Wanted 11E. livestock 11F. Farm Product 11G. Farm Equipment 11H. Farm Services 111. Form land • 11K. Farm Real Estate 12. Real Estate For Sale 13. Mobile Homes 14. Vocation Properties 16. For Rent 17. Apartments For Rent 18. Houses For Rent 19. Rooms For Rent 20. Rooms & Board 22. lots For Rent 23. Commercial Property 23. For Rent 24. Wanted To Rent 25. Wanted To Buy 26. Help Wonted 27. Wanted General 28 Business Opportunity 29. Tenders 30. Employment Wanted 31 Service Directory 32 Babysitting 33. Miscellaneous 34. Personal 35. Notice To Creditors 36. Announcements 37. Mortgages 38. Auction Sale 39. Educational 40. lost & Found 41. To Give Away 42. Deaths 43. Births 44. Engagements 45. Marrioges 46.1n Memoriam 47. Cards of Thanks DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS MONDAY 12:00 NOON For other papers Deadline is MONDAY 9:00 AM All rates plus GST 25 WORDS - One Week $8.00, two weeks $7.50 ea. week, three weeks $7.00 ea. week. Additional words zo cents. An additional 52.00 will be added if billing is necessary. In Memoriams - $8.00 plus 35 cents per line of verse. Card of Thanks & Birth Announcements - 25 Words S8.00. Each additional word .10 cents. We are also able to place word ads in the following papers: Goderich, Clinton, Mitchell, Lucknow, Kincardine, Zurich & Port Elgin. By placing an ad in The Huron Expositor we can place the same ad (25 words or less) in any of the above papers for an additional 54.5o. THESE PRICES ARE PRE -PAID Call 527-024o Monday to Friday 9:oo AM to 5:oo PM 1 W14SML Qat l? OKir44. • W1e-t... G7si r -r SMoI e{O ANG -r IAL w, „-44 TO 'x. '.44tdkUS Talk to us instead. TOLL-FREE 1-877-513-5333 12. Real Estate for Sale 12. Real Estate for Sale •' ST & 2ND MORTGAGES Realistic Rates & Payments Let Far -Mor help you: • Lower your monthly payments • Lower your interest charges • Repair your credit rating CaII Toll Free 1-866-667-5643 FAR -MOR MORTGAGE FUNDING if your bank says no - Call Far -Mor Offering you Experience, Integrity and Flexibility Maureen Wildfony Res 519-527.1118 95 East William St. List: $105,000 Culligan REAL ESTATE LTD. The sign that says SOLD 8 Main Street, Seaforth 519-527-1577 office www.sellingseaforth 36 Main St. List: $169,900 NEW! EXCLUSIVE! 70 Main St. N. Three bedrooms, fireplace • Deluxe living quarters - 3 specious bedrooms - Established flower shop - Display and work area - Walk-in cooler - Call for the details! MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE WWW. mis.ca .cam NEW LISTING! ley I" rr 663 Tltmbsrry St. Brussels 4 bedrooms PRICED TO SELL! 63 London Rd. E mondvllle List: $59,900 Linda Dzioba Res 519-522-0221 WORTH A LOOK! 41557 Summerhill Rd. Kinburn. List: 594.500 YOU MUST SEE! Pk 112111 47 Front St. Egmondville On .35 acre! Family home! COLDWeu. BAN I GR All Points Festival City Realty Seaforth it Area Listings (519) 527-2103 1 Main Street, Seaforth Thinking About Moving? Think Cotdwetl Ranker Mutt Sandra Dale' Brendifampbeil• Res. 519522-0315 Res. 519-527-0249 sandradale corn JUST UK NEW: Affordable three bedroom home 91 Market St A must see MIS 013173 10 Silvercreek Cres. I hree Bedroom Bungalow in Premier subdivision MIS 040755 Executive home with lots of room for famil . large L -Shaped backyard. 1229,900 MLS 0430352 76 West. St Seaforth Fully finished family home. oak cabinets & trim. Insulated garage FREE HOME APPRAISALS Find out what your home is worth! NO PRESSURE, NO CHARGE CALL SANDRA OR BRENDA AT 527-2103 OR SAL OR LEASE' Premier office butkling, busy highway location. Call for more details! Rriek bungalow, Open concept1149,9(10 MLS 042461 $89,000 33 London Road, Brucefleld. Great starter or rental! MIS 042587 REDUCED TO $127.000 Immediate possession. House has toren completely renovated top to bottom. www_coldwel1bankerfc-cam