HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2004-12-29, Page 88 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, DEC 29, 2004 HURON COUNTY PORK PRODUCER'S Association District 3 56th Annual Meeting Thursday, Jan. 20, 2005 Seaforth Community Centre, Seaforth Meeting at 4 p.m. Tickets: $10 - Dinner at 6 p.n1 Election Year for Directors Guest speaker Elbert vanDonkersgoed Order tickets from directors or Jack Kroes at 482-7362 Community Calendar WED. DEC. 29 1:00-4:00 p.m. - Seniors Shuffleboard at the Arena 6:00 Ruth's Fitness, main Hall 2:30 - 4 p.m. - Public Skating THURS., DEC. 30 FRI. DEC. 31 10:00 a.m. - Morning Out at Bethel Bible Church, Seaforth 10:00-10:45 a.m. and 11:15-12 noon - Seaforth Branch Library presents Tales for Tots. Aged 2-5 and their caregivers. Pre -registration required. 527-1430. 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. Public Skating SAT. JAN. 1 Happy New Year SUN. JAN. 2 2:30-4 p.m. - Public Skating MON. JAN. 3 4:00-5:00 p.m. - After School Shinny 5:30 p.m. - Clogging Upstairs 6:00 p.m. - Ruth's Fitness Main Hall TUES. JAN. 4 9:00-10:00 a.m. - Fitness is Fun with Drusilla - Clogging Upstairs with Sherry McCall 10-1 1:30 a.m. - Rhyme lime Ontario Early Years Program at Seaforth Pubic School 7:30 p.m. - Seaforth Harmony Hi -Liles rehearsal at Northside United Church WED. JAN. 5 1:00-4:00 p.m. - Seniors Shuffleboard at the Arena 6:00 p.m. - Ruth's Fitness, Main Hall 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. - Story Fun Ontario, Early Years Program at Duff's United Church, Walton If you're organizing a non-profit event of interest to other Seaforth area residents, phone the recreation office 527-1272 or the Expositor at 527-0240, or mail the information to Community Calendar, The Huron Expositor, Box 69, Seaforth, Ontario, NOK 1 WO well in advance of the scheduled date. Free listing includes date, time. name of event and Location only. Space for the Community Calendar is donated by The Huron Expositor. Nt ws Documentary to draw attention to conditional sentencing laws By Katie Brickman Becon-Herald Student Reporter A former Stratford resi- dent wants to draw atten- tion to Canada's controver- sial conditional sentencing laws with a documentary about the vicious stabbing that nearly killed his broth- er and the conditional sen- tence his assailant received. Local resi- dents helped by attending a benefit con- cert Dec. 28 (yesterday) as a fundraiser for Justin Rebelo's doc- umentary and the Victims of Violent Crime Awareness campaign. "This con- cert or the documentary is not a per- sonal vendetta on the con- victed," said Justin. "We just want to make a differ- ence. Justin will try to focus on the conditional sentencing laws that sometimes allow people convicted of serious violent crimes to serve their sentences in the communi- "Hopefully we can affect people's opinions or bring it public," his brother Matthew said about the concert and behind it. Justin and Matthew Rebelo are the grandsons of Seaforth local Doris Muir. Matthew, known by his friends as "Phoo," is the reason for the documentary. He nearly died after being brutal- ly stabbed by his room- mate during a dispute in their Banff apartment in April, 2003. He was stabbed five times, so hard that the knife left an exit wound in his back. Three major surgeries were necessary to repair a lacer- ated aorta. lacerated spleen (which had to be removed), lacerated liver and lacerat- ed pancreas (part of which was removed). One was a risky proce- dure called a "pericardial window," requiring fluid drainage around his heart. Matthew lost 19 units of blood and was left with many large scars. He spent a month in the hospital and many more months recover- ing at his home. _ "i mostly got the idea for the documentary from Matt's story. Matt is really the the force behind it," said Justin. The roommate. Francis Mathieu, was convicted and received it conditional sen- tence (often called house arrest) of two years less a day Sept. 13. Once his sentence has been served. Mr. Mathieu u ill he on two years' proba- tion. Because Mr. Mathieu was enrolled in anger manage- ment and Alcoholics Anonymous. and because the stahhing was his first offence, the judge thought he was at low risk to re - offend. "Francis and I got along well. hut I wouldn't call him a good friend; like we wouldn't hang out or go to the bar with friends - we just lived together." Matthew said. The stahhing occurred when a dispute in the apart- ment escalated into a fist fight. The 24 hours after the stahhing was a rush to safe Matthew's life. His parents, who were living in Stratford, flew to Calgary knowing their son might not make it. the cause Quoted 'We hope that with this docu- mentary, Parliament will banish condi- tional sen- tences for seri- ous crimes,' - Matthew Rebelo ty. 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Rebelo is filmingf a documentary about the stabbing that almost killed his brother and the condition- al sentence that his assailant received. "I didn't know that I was being stabbed, I just thought that he was throw- ing weak body punches," Matthew said, reflecting on the fight. "You wouldn't expect it to happen to you; I know I didn't. It seemed so unreal when my girlfriend told me that I had been stabbed." Conditional sentences like Mathieu's were intro- duced by Parliament initial- ly as an alternative sen- tence intended for minor crimes which allow crimi- nals to serve their sentence in the community. These conditions carry a curfew and other restric- tions. Conditional sen- tences are usually for peo- ple who commit their first crime. Mathieu is serving his sentence in his parents' home in Montreal. and his residence had to he approved by his probation Officer and have a land phone line so that his supervisor can contact him at any time. Justin's documentary and the Victims of Violence Crime Awareness campaign are meant to educate, create awareness and seek Canadians' opinions about conditional sentencing. Justin graduated from Humber College in the Film and Television program in 2000. For the past four and a half years, he has worked as a television programmer, for The Movie Network. He is currently writing and directing episodes of the Mpix show Moviehead and producing commercials for The Movie Network and Mpix. The benefit concert will take place at The Scarlet Gryffyn, 107 Erie St., start- ing at 8 p.m. Some local acts include BARRJ1LE January 22 @ 8pm %)e • -r ret \01 iltstIN ;'• '4 thMj Stratford fe.stiva( Theatre alCS meat a iifiliarra Mastro ,.nib Ann rarntanri amanrl an ageless and powerful instrument, the violin. Their performance offers a bombardment of cultures, styles and vitality. The music elevates the violin to t , new and magical heights. You've never seen or heard anything like this before! www.standingovation.ta Box Officford e stiv.,I 1.800.567.1600 Dayna Manning, The Ludes, Frontier Index, Them's Fightin' Words and Sing That Yell That Spell. Justin's ties with his for mer school, Stratford Central Secondary, which Matthew also attended, helped him persuade the local performers to help. "It really only took a day to get these bands together because of the old connec- tions I had with them," he said. "The money from the concert will help us make the trip to Banff so we can shoot more film there." explained Justin. After Banff, they'll head to 13 cities across Canada to raise awareness. The fin- ish line for them is Ottawa, where they hope to hold a press conference and give the signed petition to Parliament. "Hopefully, we will be able to get a grant or some funds from broadcasters like CBC and TVO when we go and tell thein about our idea," added Justin. The brothers don't expect to make major waves with their project, but they hope to raise enough awareness among regular citizens that Parliament will no longer , be able to ignore the issue. "We hope that with this documentary, Parliament will banish conditional sen- tences for serious crimes," explained Matthew. Justin said that condition- al sentences are applied very inconsistently and he • used the case of Justin Primmer and Derek Boyes as an example. The two Stratford men pleaded guilty to manslaughter in the stab- bing death of Bill Welch. Court records show that Mr. Welch was stabbed five times during a dispute at his Cambria Steet home. Welch told police of his killer before succomhing to his injuries. Justin Rebelo said the Stratford incident was basi- cally the same thing that happened to his brother, but the men convicted here got very different sentences. Primmer, who admitted to the stabbing, was sen- tenced to 10 -years in jail and Boyes, for his lesser role in the death, got five. There will be three or four cameras at the Dec. 28 concert shooting for • the documentary. Matthew will also he coming home from Banff to attend. Donations are welcome and there will he a silent auction. "We need to put a spot- light on this issue so that people can make an educat- ed opinion on it," Justin said.