HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1923-2-22, Page 1THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR,
Prices advancing on Bran and
Lay in your supply.
Manitoba Flour ... $3.75
R. G. Seldom
Our Corner
You can usually •estimate what is
in a man when he is .ut of a job.
Winnipeg hail .100 cases of sleeping
sickneas,nearly all of promiivent peo-
Turkey may declare war. After
the last feat of war there should
have. been no turkey, left.,
The town of Hanover has a, masa
Little strike of its owns, The work -
Lest object to the, nvewefficiency, syr-
tem. That is the trouble with work-'
mien, nawadays. They lack efficiency
afid !object to it in others.
Phone 70.
The Men's More
Suits at
$18.00 up
.see you wheal you call in
the New Spring; Sunt we have
j est anade for yyou. :`_Becau' e
it swill fit youperfectly. ate
will he in the latest style and
made fro:mi the,, best fabfr. cls)
I 'obtainable. .You can have .a11
tiles far very little _money if
you make us your tailors,
We .have all kinds of Men's
Furnishings—Hats, , Caps, Ties
,Shirts, Collars, Braces Sox,
GI•oves, Ready-to-wear Suits,
,and ; Overcoats.
W. Taman
Tailor& Furnisher
About all a jaz orchestra lacks is
a. gasoline engines
Even though she doesn't catch much
of a man sln.a putsl On lordly airs in
front of her skater,
An raptimust is a fellow who makes
Lemonade out of the, lemma the other
fellowhands to letm•,
n The death has. mat yet been re-
ported of the fellawl who said, this was
to be ann. ope{d winter.
At times we :suspect that the only
difference between primitive, man and
Civilized manisa 'shave„
Seldom do the Exetter people com-
plain of business, but latterly it has
been ,slow enough .they say.
The fool driver watching the fair
pedestrian's ankle should remember the
wernwng "dangerous curve 'ahead,"
Sa live so thet it *al not be neces-
sary to have your nfluenital. friends
g,a around and ask the; newspapers to
leave out the sordid tales.
Nearly all taf the 150 divorce cases
to be dealt with at Ottawa this • 'year
are ire people' in the humbler walks
of life. One•usually, looks' for divorce
in that high society scandal, stuff.
The underwear of a 3000 year dead
king wars aeceiitly hound in his _tomb
in: an exceedingly fragile condition.
goes oes to .P Y
rave; the had laundries
in early Egypt, -How- history repeats:
Isn't it funny?
That • a man whits thinks
fle is a business main
Will get up in the, miorning
Faiom an advertised mattress,
Shave with an advertised, razor,
And put on advertised underwear,
Advertised loose, shirt, collar, tie,
; and shoes,
Seat himself alt the( table and
Eat advertised breakfast food,
Drink advertised coffee or substitute
Put on an. advertised hat,
Light an advertised cigar
Go• to his place:el businress and,
Turn down advertising
On the ground that `
Ad�iertiaiag doeisnft pay,
Local News
Hearty Johnson aged 91 years, died
The remains: soli' the late Gharle.a at the residence, a hila daughter, Mrs.
Isabella Robson London' on Monday.
Deceased formerly conducted a gen-
eral store at Clandeboye, but retired
41 years ago, and, since lived in Lon-
The marriage took place in Regina
recently of Miss Laura Simpson, a
Dormer resident of Clandeboye, to Mr
Milton' Henry of Glewchen, Alta. They
will rGieicheeside ton the groom's farm near
Harold Atkinson.and Robert Hodg-
sere have secured position; in. New.
Yorke and left fort that city last ,week.
The-; ,prow storm: in this section has
ui derated and 'the. trains are again
running normal,
Mrs. L. Kilmer ware has tyeen ser-
ieusly ill in Landon, is improving and
will soon be ablei to come home.
Miss. B. Cunnieghamt orf„Lucan, spent
the, week lead with relatives here.
Mrs, Herbert is critically ill at the
time. ro.f �writing.
Mr, Wm. Flynn of Centralia spent
a clay this' week with his son here,
The A. 'z: r. A. of St. James',
Church held a .social meeting at the
narrow escape from sufocatioby gas .i,� me of M1sS Mary O'Neal„ Com, 2.
con, Tuesday night last. It appears Mr, siceesavray. An interesting program
Sanders before going to bed put a
quantity of coal. in the furnace, and
censideaabie ;gas arising therefrom,
brew +ut the amokd pitta= at the back
at the furnace, allowing the gas Ito
Baxmacombe were brought here from
L �ondcm on Saturday, and the funeral
took place from the G. T. R. station,
interment being made in! the Exeter
The Crystal City (Man,,) Courier, of
last week says,:—"Word has been. .re-
•ceived of the sudden death of daleJoseph Rollins. Mr. Rollins has reach-
ed a very • advarese4 ague, but he has
even up to the 1us't ffeww, daysj been able
to walk down town; for his mail, The
news has been wiredsor phoned torel-
atives, but aioads and, tnagins are block-
ed at present.'; The. late ,)4r.
Lias , was a former resident of Exeter,
but left these parts over thirty -Rae
years ago. The late Mr. Rollin was
87 years of age, and ;is ,survived by
his aged widow and four brothers.:
Robert Hollins of Killarney„ Man.,; Dr,
James A, of leondon; Arthur J., of
Detroit, and Frank of Winnipeg
Mr. and Mrs, Sidney Sanders andssa a Aljo, Huron street, Exeter,had a,
As stolid by himself—; -Flowery .and
lona is the wedding notice which the
;editor prlaitetb,. The minast,er getteth
ten bones. The groom standeth the
editor off far a twelve-month sub-
acrip.ijon, Atff.. flesh. is .grass and, in
tine, the wafer is ,gathered into. a silo.
The minister ,getteth his bit. The
editor ptinteth a death notice, two
ciolumn,s; of obituary, a cubit of poetry
and a card of thanks: And he far-
getteth to read, proof on the head and
the darned thing cometh out: "Gone
to Her Lalst Roasting Place." And
all that are akin to the deceased
jumpeth ,on the •editor weth ,exceeding.
great vigor. And they pulleth out
their ads, amid cance{Lleith thleir bub-
scxaption and they swing the ham-
mer untie the third and iourth gear
(e,ratiaa. ..
High School
Ales is
Maple Leaves
•W„ore Lost
3 . ' 0
3 0
2 7,
..1 3
0 3
For Thursday ,night the High School
play the Stars from,, 8 to 9. The, Mug-
g:e:t.s to meet the Rovers from 9 ittd
was arranged for the first meeting in
Mrs. Abbott Lewis, who has been
Quite ill .at the home of her daughter,
Urs. ;jamas Paiton, is reported im-
escape, Soon the house became fill- Peeving.
eel from the effects', and it becoming . Murray Collins is suffering from a.
very strong awoke Mr. Sanders, but severe attack of tonisalitis,
net uritis all had enhaled consider- Miss Jennie Cunningham is v'siting
.able of the gas, On awakening the
other members of the family it teas relative- and friends; in the village and
found they' were all deathly !,sick. sn: \lcC;rllivray.
Medical aid was summein:d and ah are i
ns �.w outof danger. to
installed a Battery Charging outfit,
Bring in your battery and let us look
after it for you. Satisfaction guaran-
eed.—F. W. CLARK.
OYSTER SUPPER.—The Ladies' i
Mission and Aid Society of the Ev•
angelical Churcli, Crediton, will hold
an Oyster Supper in the Town Hall
on Feb 28th. Tirltets 35c. and
Supper served at 5.30 p, m.
'Ther February m,eetirng iaf the Cred-
iton Women's Inyti,tute was held at
the, home of Mrs. C. Zw;lcker. Miss
Madeline Hoist, Djstr_ct Secrietery,
presided over the meeting and hand-
led the business with great ,'lam
One la the most important items of
business was making arrangements to
have a toboggan slide beat, A very
pleasing program was rendered. Mrs,
C. Hoist and Mrs,.Nichalson gave read-
ings and Miss Eva. Oestre:jcher sang,
"The Last Rose of Summer.” Plans
for the next meeting to be !held iia
the. Foresters' Hall, were, arranged for,
At the close of the .m;eeting a dainty
lunch was nerved.
Rev. S. M. Hauch and Rev. Clem-
ens of Rodney will •exchange pui,ptts
next Sunday morning.
Word has beea received here that
Mrs. W. A. Sambrook was operated
on in Wellesley Hospital, Toranto,last
Wednesday. We are pleased to learn
that the 'operation was quite suc-
cessful. Mrs. ,Sambrook's many
friends hope for a speedy recovery.
The young people .are busily engaged
practising a play which will be given
under the auspices -of the Women's
Institute some tithe next month,
Five hundred dollars reward is of-
fered for the arrest,,of the person who
predicted the open winter. The storm
of the:: past week has mrde the snow
sh'ovellers brigade desperate and they
mean, btisiness. Sniow banks at the
ninrtls of the viilagel are ten feet high
and people :hive to tunnel their way
to get out of their homae,s.
Two aeroplanes passed aver town
Monday headed in a north-eaterly dir-
ection. Surely a sign of Spring.
"Day by day, in every way, our
people arae getting younger and 'young-
er." Since the elide has been in op-
eration, young and ol,d ler asp ectiwai•of
age and weight, have taken advantage
of an opportunity to "go down." There
as no time limiat. Some, are sliding in
early . morning and late at aught, andtit
appears to make little difference if.
you are on, the tobaggon or not, You
go dawn. anyway and,scoot`across the
Field for a hundredyards, or more.
It is :a long times since so much sport
was •enjoyed by our, people, and some
are ivaping that the cold weather will
cu n.tin•ue, Quite a slumber.. of 'tobog-
gans are 10 use Several are home-
made,. The one made by Albert Mor
lack, named the, "Titanic" has amotor
1ieernseon it—the first first to be licensed
by the Ontario Government. Specky
How timann uses a shovel as he claims
there is more speedy that way.
,Mr,',Ray'Shenk spent the past week
with friends at St. :Marys; • -
Mr. Harry Flnkbeiiner is around
again after being under the d'octor's
care ,fox a. few days.
Mr.. Jos. Woodall is still under the
d'octor's care,
The stories of 'the past week wreck-
ed several windmfills' in thts vicinity,
and farmers are exp'erienciaag a water
Miss Laly Fa,bnit r is about again af-
ter beis g .ton,,, the, sick list toe a week.
Troubleu are lake rabbits, give them
free range . and they multiply fest.
At twenty he thinks he could�t,�Saw
the world; at thirty he wishes he
could save part of his salary.
Of course nobody wants another was
but ,on the other hand no one wants
another peace like thjsi oune.
The: marriage took placer oaa Wednes
day, Feb. 14th, at the parsonage, Cen-
tralia, of Mess Beatrice Biggs, Cen-
tralia, and Mir. Clarence Jahns, Gran-
tan. Eev. Mr. 'Sinclair performed, the
cern-sang. The young couple will re-
side at Granton, on the groom's farm.
They have the best wishes of their
many friends.
Mr.. and Mas, Fred Fairhall, who
have'been in Ottawa for some time,
visited with the parents of the for -
mew, on their way to Wranapeg, to
wvnich city Mr. Fniithal1 has 'been
tempi erred; •
Mrs. Wesley Hudgins of London
spent a few days in Centralia last
Several car' loads oft cantle ars being
shipped from this 'station' for British
Mrs. Boslough left lasts week co 'vis-
it her na'ece in Grimsby.
Stop! Look!! Listen!!!
Aimee, J. Kellermainn and G. Kele
Lerman and Mrs, G. Oestreicher'attend
ed the funeral of their brother, the
late Henry Kellerman, at Elkton, Mich.,
last week.
:Mr. Clarence Yager has returned
from a visit in Kitchener.
Last Tuesday evening the Hensall
brcckey team played the return game
with Dashwood on the Dashwood rink
resulting in a score of 8-3 in favor 'of
the home team.
Mrs, C. Finkbei¢ner and daughter,
Catharin, have returned after visiting
in Sarnia for some time.
Mount Carmel
The play entitled,. "Her. Gloves," pre-
sented by the elooresviJle Dramatic
Ciub in the Hall here' on Tuesday rev -
ening of last week, was well attend-
ed and much appreciated.
T,he infarct child •oaf Mr. and M'rs.
M. Ryan, who was operated on at l,St.
Joseph's FIospital, London, last week
we are pleased to state, is improving.
Mts. Thos. Rowland is one the sick
!Mr. Joseph Glavin was In `London
on Monday.
VL. and Mrs. Tim Cpllcins are, im-
proving, after suffering frons severe
colas. -
;Miss Elizabeth Ryan has . returned
home after spending several weeks vis-
iting her sisters aadtbnothers at Chic,-
Mr. Pat. O'Hara left last .week for
,Detroit, where he will retrain for a
Notice to Farmers
Take a tip from us and get your
Harness Repairing done before the
Spring rush is on.
Storage Battery
Our service on, Storage Bettierie
cannot be surpassed. Try us and
judge for yourself.
W. J. Beer
We find by studying the Bulletin issued by the Experineenita lFarnas'
that the value sof the various Hog Feeds is in pnaport on to the amount
of Protein they com;taire A feed :rich in Protein and low; its Fibre falls the
After giving this matter considerable thought we believer we have evol-
ved au ideal. feed. We have named it ,Bacon Builder, and we have heard
many good reports from users. It contain Protein, 19.00 per cent;. Fat
6,79 and Fibre, 5.36. If you study the analysis we believie you will b:econe
visaed that this is the cheapest hog feed you can buy. Nolte : the law
fibre. content.
Find out what shni1ar feeds cost.
Harvey Bros.
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Gunning and
Mrs. Thos. Guaminrg, were in St. Marys
on Saturday attending the wedding of
their niece, 'IV1•iss Mabel Gunning, to
Mr. Wilfrid Newman sof London, The
young couple will reside; in London, 78
Stanley Street
There was no school here on Wed-
nesday, Thursday and Friday ori ac-
count of the .storm and bad roads.
Mr. John Stevenson intends hav'ng
a aale on March 2nd, Me farrn will
he sold also, as, Mr. Stevenson is calv-
ing up farming.
The many friends of Mr. Will Mc
Gee wit ibe pleased. to. know that be
will be (ordained to the priesthood on
Feb. 24th at St. Basil's church, Tor-
onto, and will preach, his first service
iii. St, Patrick's church, Biddulph, pat
Su nday, Feb. 25th.
Miss Florence Pollen and Milne. were
both successful in their recent piano
examinations, passing with honors.
,Mrs. Albert Gunning is with her
daughter, Mrs. Percy Passmore, on
Thames Road, for a couple weeks.
Mr. Edgar Hooper spent last week
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Hooper, Toronto.
Mr, and Mrs. San\ Stevenson of De-
vizes spent Saturday with Mr. and
Mrs, John Stevenson,
H7,1 At Dr. Hy-ndmans Hospital, on
Feb. 11th, to '?'l'r. and Mrs. Garnet
Hill sof Stephen a daughter—Grace
h1aulton-At Dashwood, on Feb. 18, to
Mr, and ,Mrs. Greo. Moulton, a
,Patssmore—In Usborne, on Feb. 10th•,
to ,.Mr. and Meg,. Percy Passmore, a
Stone—In Usborne, on Feb. 15 ,to Ms',
and Mrs. Percy Stone, a son.
Bridal—Iu Exeter, on Feb. 19, to Mr.
and Mrs, Clifford Bridal, of Cor-
onation. Alta., a son.
Johns—Biggs—At the parsonage, Gene
tralia, ,on Feb. 14th6 by Rev. Sin-
clair, Clarence Johns, Granton;, to
Miss Beatrice Biggs, Centralia.
MacKay—In Port Huron, Mich., ori
Feb. 11th, David Hugh 1ViacKay,for-
,merly bf Seaforth, aged 43 years.
Taylor—In Tuckeramith,, on Feb. lOtii
John Taylor, aged 64 years.
Twitchell—In St. Thom* ou Feb. 8
Jane. Currie widow ' of the late Ar-
thur Twitchell of Clinton, aged 81
Horne—In loving memory of Lyda E.
Horne, who passed to be with Jesus
on. Feb. 17th„, 1920.
o esilence,
We mourn. f rrin s
No. eyes can; ser; us weep,
But many a silent teal' is shed,
Wline others are asleep.
—Parents, and Sister.,,.
For Your
J. A. ST
Our showing of Gingham's is the largest ever, iso matter
what color or size of . check you may picture, you will find it
here—yellow proanises to be the most popular color, while green
and brown will run close seconds—the qualities range frown the
Canadian Cloths to Anderson's first quality Scotch ginghama—
the colors of which''are absolutely ,guaranteed.
,Fnam our large range of ci: •'
prints you should HaveIt
little • `"-
ficulty in. ,choosing' just the pat'- •
tem you want fox, those new Ap-
rons and House Dresses. One
lune is 'priced for quick selling:
at only 20c. per yard.
Take the advice of those
Who .should know and anticipate
your needs' in all cotton goods.
Princes ,have been advancing
steadily, but we still have quite
a stack at prices below to -day's
Attractive. Ciliates in the 36 ke. widths, and many white
wool and cotton bates, are ready await;n•g fabrication into the
new comforter or quilt 'which you have- been• planning.
Yee, we. sell Gtioceries cheap all the time. •