HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1923-2-15, Page 8EXETER ATI VatT. TE, THU1thBAY, 1"E13. 5, 192a. deter Markets CH a.NGED EVERY WEDNESDAY_ Wheat • t 1.12 Oat: Barley Mara':aba's Best Flow' 3.95 Fa.nily Flour 3.70 Pastry Flour 3,45 Feed Flour ... . 2.00 bh.hrts . 1.50 Brut 1.45 Eggs 36 11r. J. G. Stansbury, was ill and con - Dairy Butter 36 to 39 fined to his home for a few, days char - Creamery Butter 44 to 47 ing the week, Lard ...... 17 to 20 Hogs .. ,..., : ., .45 Local Doings Ta -day as St. Valentine's Day. T.he Lenten. Season opened yester- day, Feb. 14th. Rev, Wilson takes the: Educatiana7 A•ritiiversary et Hensel' next Sunday, Mrs. Jos, Davis is now, recovering nicely after her rece;ntt serious ill - nest., ,,,, , 10.00 S.PECIAI., ATTRACTION. Mr. Carson, representing Robertson & Pearce, Taran'toi,, will have e.4 full range Spring Suitm Snits and atDre.ssesSummernd STTEWART S STORE, .an THURSDAY, FEB'Y 22nd, 1923 You are .nv:ted to seie. the .display. and study -she new styles. Come early and avoid tha rusht. BEEKEEPERS' COOPERATIVE MN.ETING. Will be held in the ' SENIOR HALL, EXETER, - .int -- WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21st at 2 p.m. Completed plans for the organizing of this district wlitll be outlined by the speaker. Plan to attend; make the Meeting a succe+ss, THE ONTARIO HONEY PRODUCERS'. COOPERAT- IVE, LIMITED. The Ladies' Aid of Main St. Church intend holding a St. Patrick's cafeter_ is supper on March 16th. Ask for The Advocate clubbing list when ordering your papers. FISH FISH FISH WHITE FISH, HADDIE, SALMON, HALIBUT. -C. L. 'WILSON. T,FT •-•.. ELLIOTT S: JOHNS Know when you want your Suit of Overcoat Cleaned and Pressed, or Dyed or Dry Cleaned and we will call for them and deliver them. . . We are out for business. When you want a New Suit call in and see our Samples. OUR MOTTO -Service to the Public. HOW DOES YOUR LABEL READ? Our mailing list has been corrected to Feb 7th. If you. paid before that date; and your Labels does oat indicate such payment,'advi.se us sa that it may be corrected. If yo;u have not paid, why not da so at ounce ? A Special Meeting of Odd Fellows for First Degree Work as called far Thursday •evening, Feb. 15th, . at 8 o'clock. Regular meeting on Tuesday night, FOR SALE. Barn, timber frame, 24x36. -j. S. Harvey, Exeter. SALE DATE, MAR, 7. -Mr. Joslin Harding, who recently disposed of his farm an Usborne and purchased a home in Exeter, will have a sale of stock and implements on Wednesday, Marth 7th.--�--_- Send The Advocate to your dis- tant friends far a year. It will be appreciated. --_ FARM HAND WANTED. An .experienced farm hand wanted. Apply at this office. MR. THEODORE R. GRAY Organist of James Street Church Violin • Sin.gr,•ng and Piano Special Rates for all Exeter Pupas commencing before the first of March. Mr, W. J. Beer alias taken the dealership in McLaughlin cars, and has purchased a code ?r. Edward. Harness; sold 120tickets for the Peerless Concert Company Concert -that was surely going,sorne,•. Mr, W. G. Medd of town has been elected to the executive} o$ the Inter- national Religious Educational Coun- cil, being one of the two Ontario rep- resentaltives. •The School was closed on Monday wing to a leak which developed in a water pipe •c,oaf'nected with the boil- er oiler of the heating system last week, and it took several days; to fix it. Daniel O'Connell, a cossductor on the Londont, Huron and Bruce Rail- way for twenty years, •di•ed in Lon- don, on Feb. 8th. He was art employe of the G.T.R. for 50 years, and re- tired a year ago. Lam Sunday the count of the con- test for members of the "Comrades Class'. at James St. Sunday School recorded 57 for the reds and 36 for the blues. The .mem!biership of the class is 93. They intend holding a social evening very shortly. Early Wednesday morning an old. time blizzard -strong wind with snow -struck this s.ection>a and raged for several hours, The trains were a. little late, and undoubt,edty the high- ways will be heavy, if seat impassable. in some. places. The Fearless Concert' Company, a, trout) of colored singers gave a con- cert in. James Street Methodist church on Tuesday evening, a large number being present. They sang many of the old southern melodies and other selections in goad voicel, and on the whale the concert was well worth while, DI ED IN THE WEST. The Calgary: Herald of, recent clate lead an eace'tuiexnt picturs of Mr:. Tom Penhale, veteran C. R R, liocoivatve driver, who with two others; was hon- ored ata big, banquet at MedicinlejHalt given by friends and fellow .workers. The occasion wails the retbinermes t of. the three from the service, and each was presented with a gold locket. Mr. P.ealhaie jojined the service in :1881, whenl there uvem only 53 locomotives En the west., Now there are -yearly as many in Medicines Hat district t alone, Mr. Penhale was the oldest driver id the employ of the C, P. Ri. in the west. He is a brother of Mr, Win, Penhale , of Exeter, and formerly re- sided here. Word has been received here from Fillmore, Sask., of the death of Mrs. Richard Williams, who for many years., resided in Exeter North. She had reached the great age of 82 years,and Left here about 18 years ago. • OSCAR KLOPP Come to the afternoon tea from 4 to 9 p.m., Saturday, north of Bett's Bakery. Bazaar and sale of cooking. BAZAAR AND SALE OF HOME- MADE COOKING On Saturday next the Willing Workers Mission Circle, of James St. church will hold a Bazaar, and Sale of Home-made Cooking, in the store north of Bett's bakery, at 3 o'clock. Afternoon tea served from 4 to 9 p.m. NOTICE Tenders are hereby solicited for a teamster with team for Municipal work, for a term of Seven Months. BELL RINGER Tenders for Bell Ringing All tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk on or before Monday, Feby 26th, 1923. Any tender not necessarily accept- ed. By Order. Jos. Senior, Clerk EXETER 4; HENSA1 L 3. Exeter hockey boys west to Hen. - sail Friday night and played the re- turnl ,garne of hockey, winriang out by at sure of 4-3. BROKE BONE IN HIS LEG: Ed. Anderson met with an. unifo,r- tunate accident when playing hockey at the Exeter rink on Wednesday night last. He was checking an opponent w,h.en he. fell and the other player fell on him, and,slidin,g to the boards;. his leg was twisted, and a bone :in tthe ankle was broken. He, was. immiedip.te- ly given medical a,tten,tioin and taken to• his home. It will be come dine before the will havie the. use of ;the OLD FRIEND DEAD. Word was received Mere Friday by Mr. and Mrs, S. Sweet and Abe Davis family of the death of an, old friend Paul Powell of Turnberry, who died suddenly while ,an. hva way into "Blue - vale with a load of chap, on Feb.;,7. He was stricken with, paralysis and parried into the home of Mr. Falcon- er, where, he died, The deceased was well-knaw'n and much respected and wL.13 be greatly missed in the coma munity in which he lived, having been, not only one of Tusmn•berry's most praunin,ent farmers, but also township clerk for many years, and has also held other municipal offices. He leaves a, grown-up family of arae stn, and two daughters to mourn his loss, Isla wife• having predeceased him some years. Mrs. Samuel Sweet and Mr, Rich. Davis attended the funeral. SALVATION ARMY SERV ICES Services as usual ,next Sunday. - Services in Town Hall 11 aro.-Holiness Meeting 7 p.m. -Salvation Meeting. 2,30 p.m. -Sunday School and Bible Class. Cottage meetings in North End on Tuesday night Capt. Hopkins Lieut. Hoskins AUCTIONEER H :nor G'alua.e Carey M. Jones' Na- tional School. of Auctioneerhig. Spec- hal Course taken - in. Reg'isbered Live Stock, Merchandise, Real Estate and Farm Lands. Rates in keeping with premarket, princes. Satisfaction assured, Write or uvire. 18-93, Zurich Oscar Mom ''Zurich, Ont. COUNTER CHECKS. When in need of Counter Checks call on The Advocate. We can furn- ish you with all ,kinds at right prices FOUND. -A place where you can buy British -American gasoline at 33c, R. Mackenzie & Son, Exeter North. PROPERTY FOR SALE Consisting of house, stable and • 8 dots of land, situated in Exeter North on. Man Street: Apply., to H. Bierling. riay P.. O. Cartage &` Livery We have secumed horses for the Winter months. TRY US. or Weddings, Funerals an Sleighing Parties. hoe 58w. BAGSHAW &: EAST(3I�. Trivitt Memorial Church FINE ADDRESS BY DR. BENNETT On Wednesday evening of last week the Local Horticultural Society held its regular meeting in the Town Hall. The attendance was large, clearly showing, the, increase of interest taken in iihe work. After a few introductory remarks by thet president, Mr. 3, S. Harvey, and in report by the secretary, Mr. J. G. Stanbury, Dr. Bennett, President of the St. Thomas Society, gave an 11- lutstrated lecture on, the work done in his city. The doctor is certa'in'ly) a specialist in both horticulture and floriculture and showed, that he. did not require catalogues to name var- ieties. The, views showing the work done in, St. Thomas were beyond descriptiop and proved a great inspiration to the local committees. The" slides •demon- strated .h,ow unsightly corners maybe turned into beauty spots, simply by planting a few shrubs and flowers. Thus far oar 1923 membershipn.um- bers 183. Plans for the coming sea- son are being farmed and by co-op- eration, our town, which lents itself to developem•en;t' in this line, should become one of the beautiful .,,pots of the country. 11 a.m.-"Our Load's Forty Days in the Wilderness." 7 p.m.-"Barabbas for Christ." Services will be, held iii the Schtiooil. Hall. Rev A, A. Trumper, Rectos. OAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister' 10 a. m. -Sunday School and Bible Classes.: 11 a.m.-"The Path to Glory" The Minister Luther and his 7 p.m. -"Martin Time". SILVER WEDDING. Twenty-five. years ago last ihurs- day in the Township of Stephen there was performed the ceremony which united .in the holy bonds of matrimony Wm. Winer and Miss Susie England.. It was a happy event and the young couple started on the tempestuous sea of life with the usual ambitious' ex- pectatiions. Time: sped an and as the years rolled by the family circle grew, until their union; was biess•ed by the advent of six children, all of :wham are living but one. During these .25 years- :this worthy couple have journr eyed dawn life's path together, ful- filling the marriage: vows and adminis- tering together forathe welaaire and happiness sof the home. On Thursday evening last \via finch then, active and ,happy surrounded in their home by about fifty warm. friends and neigh- bors celebrating their silver wedding and doing honor to Ibis estimable. couple. The evening was mast fitting- ly spent, and -the array of moat beauti- ful. eautiful and appropriate presents testified to the. esteem in which \Lr. and Mrs. Winer sure :held by their many friends. after partaking hof a splendid collation of 'choice .delicacies and indulging in a social cession the guests bade the honored couple adieu with sincere wishes that a kind providence may yet haxei many years of happiness in. store for them. The Minister Boy Scouts will meet Monday errening JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Wilson, B.A. A.nnmversary, Social Service' and Evangelism Rev. Geo. W. Rivers, B. A.; Hensall, will preach at bath services. Sabbath School at 3 p.m. MAIN ST. METHODIST C-HURCH Rev Geo.'' McAlister, M A. Phone 21r3 11 a.m.-"Asheis in a ;Fare Path_" 3.00 p.m. -Bible School. 7 p:m:-"A Coloreds Man's Co,riveraiion('' • AT BETHANY 7,30 p.n; Rev.. NICAIister. 9 PHONE 32 JONES & MAY'S PHONE 32 Special Early Spring 1(41ittes.. Down Proof Sateens We have just. received a shipment of heavy English down -proof Sato eens in a beautiful range, of Colorings and patterns. These we are of- fering at the very low price fof ,85c. yd, • We ais!o have. wool batting which we highly recommend for filling comforters of these matefials. CLEARING OF LACES AND INSERTIONS Lot No. 1 -Hundreds: of, yards of wide laces in very fine nets, etc., to clear this month of only 15c. yd. These; were values regularly up to 40c. yd Lot No. 2 -Several hundred yards of fine lace insertions in Valenciennes, etc., to clear at 3c, yd .or '2 yards for 5c. A COTTON HOSIERY BARGAIN. $0 dozer`i pair of the well known] Triplex Cattail Stockings' for Ladies in black tonly, sizes[ 9, 9 1-2 and 10 -very+, special value ftoilspring cit 25c, pr GEORGETTE, AND CREPE BLOUSES AT $2.95 EACH, ? ,dozen only Ladies' Crepe and Georgette Blouses, odd lines and sizes, originally sold aa• high as 110 each to clear this; week at $2,95 each NEW CURTAIN NETS, SATEENS, ETC. We have our complete range of Curtain, Nets, Cretonnes, Chintzes, Sateens, etc., for the coming season. We will be pleased to show you these, 'a • SPRING ;DRESS GOODS, New Spring Dress, Goods in Crepes, Serges; Poplins, Voiles, Ratines Etc., now ready for, our inspection, also new collars, trimmings etc.. 65 New Patterns Wall Papers d65 Buy your Wall Papers where you get the big variety, the finest sel- ection we have ever shown. Remember our Wall Papers, Ceilings+,v and Borders are Ready Trimmed.; This; makes papering easy. This is the only line of ready -trimmed papers you can buy. All other lines you must trim ,yourself. We wish to draw our, attention to the fact that our !Papers are, practically 50 pea cent lei's than, Bast year. Smart New Slippers for Women The new slippers are arriving daily. Our v ,.riety of styles will be large, •composed of fine Patents, Suedes, two='toned effects, Oxfords, etc. Prices will be very moderate. We invite you to see our display of de- pendable, high grade slippers. CLOTHING, .Men?s and Boys' Suits, Overcoats Hats, etc„ moderately priced. We have just received.our first shipment bf Northway Brand of Ladies' Suits and Coats for Spring. JONES & MAY AGENTS FOR HURLBUT SHOES } Mrs, Garnier, after some weeks' visit with her .sister, Mrs. E. Treble', re- turned to her home in Toronto last week. Miss Lillian Kellett deaconess, who was here last week seeking financial assistance in preparing tracts, etc, for the sailors on the Great ,Lakes, reported $100 in subscriptions receiv- ed. Of this the High School paid $8.05 and the Public School $8.71. • ANDREW EASTON LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR HURON COUNTY. Orders left with Advocate; or at the Central Hotel. Prices reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Exeter Ontario S. M. Sanders!is a,n Toronta'this. w.a&c tan business. Warden. Beavers was° iiru Godericih on Tuesday on county business. Mr. Ed. Preszcator spent a few days in London' during the week. Mrs. Ba]liough of Teeiswater is vis- iting her daughter, Mrs. T. R. Fer- guson. Mr. W. J. Heairna,ni is attending the Hardware . Men's Convention, in Tor- onto ;thus `week. Ms Rata Rowe was .home from Leamington, for' a few days during the week, being indisposed. tiVIrs. D. F. Ferguson of Winnipeg, who, has been on a 'visit at 'Chatham and Wandsor, returned the latter part of last week.`, Lloyd Beavers, who has been etngag- ed for some time non the Hydra system here, has accepted a position as hydro superintendent at Ayr, and has gone to that town (o• Walla -1112i the duties ' 'Messrs. R. and J. Welsh, after tia visit : with Mr. anidl Mrs, W..3", Bisset4f, left S,aturdny to visit Chea- .ui tern,. M•rs. McDowell in .Listowel,and Mrs. Inksater in Paris, before returning to The Exeter Advocate Display Advertising -Made known an appl!•catioun, Stray Animals -Once insertion 50c., three insertions $L00. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost and I Found locals 25c. an insertiion. Local reading notices, etc., 10c per 'Line per insertion. • No notice less than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Auction Sales $3 for one insertion and $1.50 for each subsequent in- sertion if under five inches in length, Legal adviestisl'ung 10c. and 5c. aline, Farm or Real Estalte for sale 50c. each insertion fou, one month of four ins croons, SOUTIICOTT BROS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 A Few Speciais for February. BUY WALL PAPERS THIS MONTH. Why not get your papering done early before the paper hangers get too, busy? - We have a number of pa pers an. room lots, that we are offer- ing at very how- prices. 40 41 T H FACTORY COTTON A splendid quality of Factory Cot- ton; fine evren weave and good weight, suitable for pillow cases and sheets, Special Price this month - 10 yards for $2.50. 30 PAIRS WOMEN'S SHOES $1.98 Sizes 2 1-2 to 4 1-2. 36 pairs. Ladies' Fine Shoes in small sjnzies. These Shoes sold at $4.50 and ;5:00 a pair. Reduced for quick selling at per Pair 151.98•. MEN'S FINE SHIRTS Sizes 14 1-2, 15, and 15 1-2, - good washing materials; good si shirts and wea made. Special, at $L35. zed ALL,'LINEN STRIPED. TOWELING. Regular 35c. value in the old reli," able stripe all linen Towelling. Special: at pier. yard . 29c. 30 PAIRS BOYS' SHOES Sizes 1 to 5; a clean-up of Odd Lines of Boys' Shoes. These should move • quickly at - 98 Per pair .. $1,98 25 PR. WOMEN'S CLOTH RUBBERS Regular $1.75 values. These we are cleating this Month at the , low price of Pier pair 75c. ?.,± N'S HEAVY RUBBERS . Discount 10 per cean t D' ount is .what we are . givingoff all Misner and Dom - •ruler Lumberman's Heavy Rubbers and: Socks during this month. o'uthoot t Bros THE DOUBLE„TRACK ROUTh Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT an CHICAGO Uatmxcelled dining car' service. Sleeping cars- on night trains and Parlor cars on principal day 'trains,. Full information from any `Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, . or C. E. Horn- ing District Passenger Agent, Toronto N. J. DORE Phone 46w - Agent, Exeter I. R. Carling, B.& Barrister, Solicitor, Etc Loans, Investments Insurance) Office, Caliag Block, Mair. St. 'Exeter ARTHUR WEBER Auctioneer - R. R No. 1, Dashwood Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co, Farm and sleek sales' a specialty, Four years experience. DR. A. E TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon Mcl]on,ell's Stables, John St., Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vim) Phone 26w Dr. G. F. Rourstor, L. D. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law .Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr, :A.' R, KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D, P. - Honor Graduate Toronto U snit, Office -.over Gladman & Stanbury's Office,', Main Streit, Exeter. FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Hunan and . Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satiafaetjoii Guaranteed. Crediton„ Ontario. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amiount of private funds .-to loan on farm and viltge prvpetty at law rates of interest GLADMAN & STANOURY Barristers, Solicitarr, Sieger T;F sic p1 th he lit m t, int ani