HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1923-2-15, Page 5COUGHFICAILDS
Consignment Sale
• The Huron County Breeders A8S.0C-
iation is holding 'Wale third A.anruall
Consignment Sale in "
This eale offers an excellent op-
portunity to Those wishingeto purchase
pure bred cattle of quality andi
breeding. Many of the best familia
are represented. Some excellent
young bulls are Included. Thoselook-
ing for belle will find somethrng suit-
able here.
Forty females and ten males are
being offered.
Terms Cash, or ten months' credit
at 6 per cent. per annum on notes
saitaliie to the vendor. Liberal guar-
antees axe given.
Catalogues may be, had oaapplica-
tion to the Secretary.
0. Turnbull Brussels, President
S B. Stothera, Clinton, Secretary
Robert Amos, Guelph
0,scar Klapp, Zurich
W, J. Thomson, Mitchell
Important Events Which Have
Occurred Daring the'Week.
the Busy World's Happenings Care-
tUlly Compiled and Pat Into• '
Handy and Attractive Shape for
• Perusal by the Readers of Our
Paper. —
Britain holds grip on Soudan
Ontario bean growers form co-
operative organization.
Sir Williame-Mulock is .suffering
. -
from acute -appendicitis. •
Power dispute in the north may re-
sult in appeal to Ottawa.
Ismet Pasha offers tie sign peace
treaty with reservations.
Curzon arrives back in London and
iittends Cabinet meeting.
French will run railways in Ruhr
without aid of Germans.
Wiarton and Peterboro' win their
D. H. A. intermediate greupS,
Four young girls missing from To-
ronto institution are 'located.
Turks are alarmed at massing or
Greek troops on Maritza river.
Detnand for farm help in Ontario
rnuch greater thau that of a year ago.
Irish Senator resigns seat after re-
ceiving threat that house is to be
Miss Martin, Kitchener, dies from
gas poisoning clue to defeotere
William and Basil Ryan, brotlterte
die on same day at Toronto or
-Hon. W. S. Fielding tables in the
[-louse of Commons new trade treaty
with France.
Cobalt man accused of stealing a
htrload of dlothing destined for
le3rthern relief Will face a jury.
Old-tiene prospeetora report great
lhosvings in newly -opened goldfield at
Ronyn on Quebec -Ontario boundary.
Royal Commission to investigate
elleged combine among Great Lakes
arriers will open. hearings in Win-
alpeg next week.
Attorney -G cm:cal Raney's "Bine
Sky" measure was discussed favor-
ably by lawyer members of the On-
tario legislature,
SEAFORTH.—As the result of find-
ing a large skill in operation in Mc-
Killop Township, Henry F. Bauremaa
appeared, before County Police Mag-
istrate C. A. Reid here Friday And
on pleading guilty to a violation of
the Inland Revenue Act was fined
$300, with costs $42.50.
London, England, for generations the
tea market of the. world, ie faced with
a mast serious tea shortage. Recenitly
the world's consumption has .greatly
increased, also), it iseeetimated there
has been, 8Q000,000 lb& less tea pro-
duced this year than, is ,ordinarily con-
sumed. As' a result of this, the
stock.; in London are now practically
exhausted. ?rices are at the highest
level ever reached aad may still go
Remember The Advocate has a
newspaper clubbing list that includes
any daily or weekly newspap.er or any
Ludendorff runs danger of lytte,
Mg in Austria.
Raney introduces measure to stifle
dook trade •
New Canadian motor car plant to
(ocate in Oshawa. •
Ruhr area to he shut off enterely
Ind exports prohibited.
International ploughing match to
be held this fall at Sarnia.
Irish rebels partly wreck to -ern in
Cleves' and murder a banker.
Canadian and Americas). bankers
hold conference at Montreal.
Neutral membere of the Irish Re-
publican Army urge peace.
Two Protestant ministers were
iynched at Oaxaca, lelexico.
British. will continue to send muni-
tions to forts at Dardanelles.
More cheese factories join aew co-
operative in Eastern Ontario.
• Thermometer registers 51 degrees
below at Slate River Valley.
Toronto ladies retain Hodgson tro-
phy by defeating Montreal' at Bad-
Curzon refules to parley further
with Turks unless they consent to
sign treaty.
Shortage of powea becomes acute
in' North Bay with that'lown almost
tn darkness.
Collingwood wins play-off from
Midland, 5 to 2, in 0. H. A. later-
atediate game. •
Proceedings in Montreal' police
court follow charges of impeesana-
Lion at Monday's elections.
University of Toronto put out of
monthly journal. We save you the D. H. A. senior series running when
trouble of sending for them, and • in they lose to Aura Lee, 1 to. 0.
mast .cases save you alittle . money
• BRUCEFIELD—Mr. Henry I.lo•rnay, European buyers attend Montreal
for. a 'number of years, e residentof fur sales, where United States• -dealers
this eection .and latterly of Blyitbslies•:ese handicapped by tariff provisions,
purchased the general store at Bruce- presttery of Toronto votes -91 to
field and isi new in pceseese'ont 129 i -for immediate actin on church
• ,..taion, but stroaely favors concilia-
tory attitude. .
Detroit judge refuses to sign di-
vorce for TorOnto woman. Sas his
eourt will not b•.: made -a dumping
The Provincial. Treasurer is ex-
pected sto report a surplus for the
Fear of nearly one 'million dollare.
Your Headail,
It is a dangerous habit to
seek relief from he.adachee
tIvough drugs which deaden
the pain but fail to remove
its muse. • Ninety per cent
• of the sick headaches and
accompanying dizziness are a
warning that inactive kidneys
are leaving poison in yourtr
• system. Yoeeed Gin Pills.
A few doses will relieve the
kidney congestion and banish
the cause of your headaches.
Thousands of people have
won lasting benefit from Gin
Pills. So can you!
rouiia for Canodiaris
K. K. Homuth, ainebei ;r Water-
loo South, maleee eeeeesel le Ontario
House to have nea vete Laken oh
prohibition in tlas erovhice..
Princess Mei v • ;;LV,..3 birLa to a son.
Weddiug ef eneaa af Verle need for
' Public accomas tabled in House of
Common s.
Turkish bIui aL Myrita is called
by Allies.
Lindsay rinks win Ontario Tank-
ard and District Cup. .
Kemalist officers ordered to join
colors at Constabeinople.
France to • ineoeporate Rhineland
railways in French se stem.
Vessel carryine, liquor was robbed
cf ite cargo on tae high seas. •
Kitchener sealers win 0. H.
game from parkdalc, 8 to 3.
Canadian Hackney Breeders hold
annual convention at Toronto.
Toronto Badminton players win
Toronto Cup by beaVng Monir,m1.
Gernlan workers •it state-owned
mines strike for 24 hours in. protest.
Newly -elected idember of Quebec
Legislature dies before taking .seat.
"Doug." Lewis, Toronto, wins at
New York amateur boxing totuna-
Naval reinforcements are Dena's'
sent to Dardanellea by France and
Rebels in IVItthaud territory, India,
suffer severely, at the hands of 13rit-
ish troops.
• North Essex Conservatives nomi-
aate H. Neal, who may refuse to con-
test the seat. , •
St. Mary's juniors win first of the
home-andehome games nt ' Owen
S'ound, 3 to 1. '? •
James D. Allan, prenament in To-
• reato sbueiness circles, dies suddenly
after hie return trona lecturing in
roledo, ().
Dominion authorities will co-oper-
ate with U. s`,' officers to stop drug
traffic over international bridge at
• The Ma.uretania, •chartered at a
cost of e1,250,000, sailed with 547
millionaires on the most costly Pleae-
ure cruise ever arranged in New
York. The cruise will last 66 days.
Lambton Winter Fair is a success.
Ottomans have entry to SrstYrna
Port mined. •
Glydetsdale A.smociation holds an-
nual meeting.
French move three trains of coal
from coal area.
Twenty-five thousand French min-
ers go on strike. -
Queen City rinks win Governor -
General's trophy.
Ontario Boy Scout conference is
held at Hamilton.
Ten men were suffocated in To-
ronto Gas Co.'s plant.
Terrific explosion.in New Mexico
mine entomb 122 men.
Irish rebel prisoners negotiating
for peace with Governraent.
Holstein breeders will invada the
British market in the near future.
, Allies refuse to withdram, warships
from Smyrna and warn Turk a.gainat
German propagandists working
hard to stiffen resistance of Rohr
Brampton child while at play falls
in pail of boiling water and Is se-
verely scalded.
Manitoba seeks to secure mote rev-
enue by increasing tax on railways
In the province.
Peterboro' municipal woodpile IA
!found to act as deterrent to lible-
bodied men seeking doles.
Train blocked by snowdrifts. be-
tween Melville and Regina, and pas-
sengers are rescued in sleighs.
North Toronto beats Midland, 16
to 4, in first of home -and -home games
in 0.‘• H. A. intermediate 'series.
Ontario ;vegetable growers ask for
retaliatory tariff against importation
of United States greenhouse products.
Gregory Commission finishes
three-day Probe at Niagara Falls by
searching inquiry into live stock on
the Hydro farm.
French troop transports were in
collision on the railway from Dussel-
dorf to Kittsig, Germany, and 28
men were killed.
D. M. Hogarth, member for Port
Arthur, accuses -Hon. Henry Mills,
member for Fort William, of bring-
ing aboue chaotic conditions with re-
gard to the Nipigon power deal with
the Great Lakes Pulp & Paper Co.
The deatb,ocourred recently at the
Nomet of Ncittnan. Park, of IVIrs.;
Thos. Scott, at the age of 82 yearSt,
She had auffe,red biotin rheumatism for
many •Years, and recently was taken
ill of Congestion Of the lenge'. Born
New York Stelte she, came to irtillar-
St. Mary's juniors Nn round from
Owen Sound.
Chief of Polish Church assassinat-
ed by a monk.
Toronto police report an important
capture of liquor.
Four New York clubmen were jail-
ed for bootlegging.
Canadian Shire Horse Association
hold annual meeting. -
"Rocky" Kansas, Buffalo, defeats
Charlie White of Chicago.
French are shipping coal and coke
in limited quantities from Ruhr.
• Hamilton Tigers defeat Argonauts,
4 to 1, in 0. H. A. senior fixture.
France is preparing to resume
commercial relations with Russia.
, Irish Republican army leader re-
fuses Government's terms for peace.
President Cosgrave is in London
arranging for taking over powers in
Hamilton Italians claim compatriot
inveigled to Buffalo and arrested in
that city.
Debt funding agreement is approv•-
ed by 'United States House of Repre-
Provincial Department of Labor of-
acial reports shortage of skilled labor
.n Ontario.
acrty-f our miners lose lives in a
.e.ina explosion at Cumberland on
, ..atcouver Island.
Delegation at Ottawa urges Minis --
r etailways to consider plan for
aeser at mouth of Chippewa.
Dominion Parliament expresses
...aneda's thanks to France for gift of
...te—Jated park on Vinci- Ridge.
Byng of Vimy senus greet -
as Chief Scout of Canada to
jx30111; Conterence in Ottawa.
Hon. F. C. Biggs' Bill to regulate
the operation of public vehicles is
elven its second reading by the Pro-
inoiai •
Canadian law clashes witb ruling
of Six Nations' chiets regarding cut-
ting' of wood on seeseave, and test
case is before the courts. •
British Labor Party taxers capital
British. House of Caranions opens
to -day.
Toronto swimmers win from 13tif-
alo team.
J. it. Osborne, Ottawa barrister,
died from pneumonia.
Sudbury Methodist Church was to- .
tally destroyed by fire,
Products .of Ruhr" area have em-
bargo 'placed on export.
oFrance errests and deports more
German leaders in Ruhr.
Turks send new ultimatum to Al-
lies Lo leave Anatolian pores.
President Cosgrave favors submis-
sion of Irish issueto people.
Granites defeat Parkciale C. C., 13
to 2 in 0. H. A. senior fixture.
West End Y.M.C.A. wins Eastern
Ontario senior basketball champion-
ship. ••
It is expected at Ottawa that.A. R.
McMaster of Brome will join Inde-
pendents. -
Hamilton ex -service men make
suggestions regarding 'disposal of
canteen fund.
Miss Brunette, Quebec, defeats.
Mrs. -Boone in final for Canadian
Badminton title.
It is estimated that building in
Canada this yeae will reach a volume
of at least $365,000,0.00. ,
Joe Moore wins • Lake Placid - skat-
ing meet, but jewtraw's lead gives
latter Adirondack gold Cap.
• Two Scout troop. boys -of New To-
rontO rescue companion who falls"
throeigh ice on the 'lake Shore.
. Mes.. Sasan Maxwell, aged 117;
dies st Richniond Hill. She came 'be
Canada in the days of the' "'ander-
gionad faineray" befelar,emencipation ,
In the 'United Statee.' •
ton wi'th her parents. After her' mir-
riage. she reaiided in Iiiihb.crt. SeVar
cliadien surviate-nWs. Walter-- Mar -
aka. and Mrs. N. Re Park of .Croni-
arty; ,IVIrs. R. P. Whyte, Vancenver;
Mrs.• john CutlaelL 'Winthorpe Mrs. 1.
C. Lang, Seaforth; Jas.. T. of G-'iariton,
and john, G. on th.ef cad honiesitead;
one! sieter, Mee. TA PridNalra, of Mitch,-
'Fa '
13, Play and. Stephen, for January,i' '
•4th, • Leonard Piflag 83,, Hai
Stanlake 81, Lyle Ford 81; Sr. 3r
Cis:mace Statiake 76, Bernice Car.
Tick 75,, Dorothy Gould 44„ Jr, 2nd,
CTharUe Stanlake 76, Orville Ford 724 ,
Jre 1st, leprothy Ford 38, Stuart
Gould -86, Ruby Penha.le„.83; Primer.
R,rw- Carrick 80. No. oii.‘"roal 13,, av-
erage 10,9 L. , teacher,
There are more miles of our Champion Brand
" CANADIAN " and " AMERICAN " Fence
in use on Canadian Railways than all other
brands combined!
This fact should dispel all doubt as to which
is the best fence to buy—because Railroads,
before purchasing, put their fence to most rigid
inspection tests.
POSTS—no Staples or clips required.
Sold by
Ward & Morgan, Exeter, Ont.
Restemayer & Klemstiver,
Dashwood, Ont.
-----e" '
1„enes ..••••
• _ if" ,01
e. " • aia-V
• eseesea'.;;;e:A'11iiiiiilidie'.'
Mount Robson, 13,069 Feet, Is the Highest Peak in the Canadian
• Canada has some of the most
magnificent mountain scenery in the
word, as anyone who has trIvelled
through the northern Canadian
• Rockies knows. The scenery is so
varied, so full of surprises, that if
the traveller gives his constant at-
• tention to one side of the car he is
almost certain to be missing some-
thing very wonderful on the other
For years transcontinental rail-
ways in America have tried out
• various types of observation cars
through the mountains, the objec-
tive being to give their patrons the
best possible views of the scenery.
•-Some of them have been simply
• open platform cars, with no protec-
tion from the Sun or inclement
• :weather.
env builders have been • seeing
• with one another in the construe-
,• gen of these cars to provide the
• enest observation facilities along
• With the maximum of comfort. At
last the Canadian National Railway.
shops at Leaside, Toronto, have
turned ant a ear which has all the
This car might almost be de-
scribed as a sun -room on wheels, in
view of the large percentage of
glass used in its construction. It is
regulation size, with a closed -In
section 44 feet long and a spacious
open compartment at each end
where passengers may enjoy the
open air. The interior of the car
has sixteen large windows on each
side running from the seat aern
re,sts to the ceiling. These win-
dows are 4 ft. 5 in. higb by 28 in.
wide, having two panes of glass
24 in. by 24 in., one above tlie other.
There are also •two of these win-
dows at each end of the car, one at
each side of the door leading out oa
to the platform. •
• The seats are arranged trans-
versely on each side of a- centre
aisle, as in an ordinary car, there
being -sixteen double seats on each
side providing seating capacity for
64 passengers. The platforms pro-
vide- capacity for 36 additional
persoas. The entire car side fram-
ing -Is of steel, with the interior
finished in British C.9Iunfhia, cedar,
stained mahogany. The interior is
equipped with the most up-to-date
Ventilators, electric light and
One of these new cars was ex-
hibited at Toronto Exhibition last
year for the first time, end 150,000
People inspectqd the car during the
fair. • It was very favorably cori-
meated telcon. The car in tawny
ways is an Innovation, and marks
another advance move by our Na-
tional Lines.
•These cars are to be used on the
Mountain Division or the Canadian
National Railways, and will enable
travellers to view the • majestic
scenery on both sides of the ear
with the utmost ease ahd cenefort.