HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2004-10-06, Page 1212 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, OCTORRR a, 2004 38 Auction call Z 0 1R V 1 z 0 0111 u 1 2 0 >N 38 Auction Sale 38 Auction Sale AUCTION • AUCTION • AUCTION INCREDIBLE LIQUIDATION OF NEW FURNITURE & ELECTRONICS BY UNRESERVED PUBLIC AUCTON Monday, October 11th, 2004 Seafoh and Dlstrlct Comrnunft Centre 171 Duke St, Seaforth, ON Preview lOam/Auction 11am Robert Gosse, Auctioneer, has been instructed to liquidate this superb collection of new furniture and accessories at a "NO RESERVE' auction. Approxlnately 20.3 piece sofa sets from traditional to contemporary to designer looks, from 100% Italian leather to the highest grade fabric on the market 6 Gorgeous Dining room suites, some with matching buffets, hutches and sideboards, some In solid wood and in wood vomer, dram►, walnut, mahogany, pine, and maple finish- es. Elegant bedroom outfits to include a stunning 8pc Queen Bedroom Suite in medium oak, and a fabulous 8ix Queen Sleigh Bed Suite with hidden drawers, Gigantic Cherry Finish Poster Bedroom Suite. Gorgeous French ones Twist Sleigh Bedroom Suite. Beautiful Pine Bar with matching stools. Vegas Games Bar Counter. Huge assortment of coffee, end tables, lam cupboards, gifts, entertainment units, and lamps, Huge assortment of electronics and home theatre - 19"--61" wide screen TV's, DVD players, paper shredders, small kitchen appliances, all under wars rants. Selection of eledrk hand tools;1/2" hammer drills, grinders, planers. Many framed pieces of art, signed and num- bered "Group of Seven". Hand painted desks and Bombe Chests, Quality mattresses and box spring sets In single, double, queen and ling from the most economkal to the highest quality pocket coil pillow top sets on the market. Satsuma, Limoge vases, sign boards, and crystal. 32pc pots and pan sets from Germany. 65.98pc China dish sets.. Coley and Knife sets. Tribal Art masks, porcelain dohs, 8x11 & 5x8 carpets, baker's racks and Tiffany lamps, Hockey Memorabilia, Jerseys stkks, prints, pucks etc signed by Wayne Gretzky, Ed Balfour, toe Thorton, Bobby Orr and many more, This is a partial Istingt, Many more stunning items not list- ed` .Subled to additions and deletions. THIS MAY BE THE BEST AUCTION YOU HAVE EVER SEEN! Ample pvliv. D.ESrP Service . Poise Csilt,Visa, PNC, 10% Bum's Premium. Everyone WWekcome. For more Wormetlon cal 519421.9331 Or Odd wwwrundiloesfumNur com and vrowndlonslincton/undeloosfindo.htm AUCTION * AUCTION e AUCTION f 1 -1 0 i 0 C 0 z C NM 0 Z C n 0 z i 38. Auction Sale 38 Auction Sale Large Auction Sale. to be held at the Seaforth Fair Grounds in the Agri Flex building for the Estate of Dorothy Bassett of Seaforth plus additions from Goderich, Bayfield, Clinton, Seaforth homes Saturday, Oct. 9 at 10 am ESTATE CAR 1992 Ford Escort stationwagon auto transmission,w/cruise control only 41,200kms. Riding Lawnmower 12hp Roper HUMMEL FIGURINES girl w/basket and back pack, Little Gardner, Little Hiker, Boy w/3 rabbits, The Cellist, Music Director ROYAL DOULTON Janette signed by Michael Doulton, Seven Beswick horses, 3 miniature figurines and carvings ANTIQUES FURNITURE ETC antique wardrobe w/large door, antique bonnet chest, blanket box, single door wardrobe, Victorian hall coat rack and umbrella stand w/mirror, 5 drawer sewing stand, bunk beds, chests of drawers, coffee grinder, Iron pig piggy bank, old radios, very old fruit jars, wicker sewing basket, washstand, vanity dresser, very old table w/2 drawers, 2 door clothes closet w/drawer, 4 pce bedroom suite (real nice), Sealy Posture Pedic pillow top mattress and box spring 1.5 yrs old, Cost $1000 new; BeautyRest pillow top mattress, box spring, 4 yrs old w/roll around frame and brass head board, Cost $2000 new, round oak dining table w/centre pedestal 2 leaves & 6 matching hoop back chairs, hutch china cabinets, 4 pc bedroom suite w/wood box spring & matress, single beds, sofa beds, chesterfields, painting and pictures, iron patio table and 2 chairs, table lamps, floor lamps, much more than listed. APPLIANCES Matching washer and dryer plus other washers and dryers Side by Side fridge freezer, fridge 7 yrs old, air tight wood stove, 30" electric stove 5 yrs old, 24" stove, wringer washer, apt. size freezer, Built in stove oven and dishwasher (good ones), air condi- tioner, dehumidifier, TVs etc. DISHES & GLASSWARE include 2 oil lamps, Beleck, Ansley, Royal Nippon, Corn Flower, Crystal, Cranberry, Pin Wheel, Royal Doulton Richelieu dishes, 76pce set of salt and pepper shakers, collector plates etc. OTHER Collectors Barbie doll, musical Barbie globe in box, power tools, garden tools, remote starter for car, 2 dog cages See www.lobbauctlon.on.ca for full listing Terms Cash or cheque w/proper ID 2 auctioneers selling starting at 10 am Auctioneers Richard and Ben Lobb 482-7898 Clinton Saturday, Oct. 16 at 10 am Large auction furniture and household effects at Seaforth Fair Grounds Agri Plex for Elmer Johnston of Bayfiield, plus Blyth and Clinton homes. See www.lobbauctlon.on.ca 39. Educational 39 Educational Town & Country Support Services (TCSS) IS Opt'rl 10 receiving uppli(•otirols from indit'iduals interested in taking the Conestoga College PA+2 or Personal Support Worker course. t -Z", -al j Successful candidates will he sponsored by TCSS for this educational opportunity with the condition that they remain in our employ for 0 minimum of 2 years. Please send a written letter of application to: Jean Young, Executive Director Town and Country Support Services P.O. Box 969, Wingham, ON N(Ki 2W0 Applications will be accepted by fax at (5191357-2506 ( hely those applicants selected for an intenicw will be contacted. 43 Births VIAENE - VAN BAKEL Tyler and Jacqui are thrilled to announce the arrival of their first child, a healthy baby boy, Gage Tyson Charles, born at Headwaters Hospital, Orangeville, Ontario on Sunday, September 12th, 2004, weighing in at a healthy, happy 8 lbs. 3 oz. Proud grandparents are Hank and Alice Van Bake! of Dublin, Ontario, Judy Viaene, John Viaene, both of Mt. Brydges, Ontario and great grand- mother, Myrtle Dafoe. Special thanks and love to Dick and Angela Martin (auntie and uncle) of London, Ontario. 43-41x1 46. In Memoriam KERSLAKE: In loving memory of our Mom and Grannie, Grace Kerslake, who passed away eleven years ago. Death has left a loneliness The world can never fill, Life goes on and years go by, But precious memories never die. - Remembered in joy and love, Brenda and James; grandchildren Rick, Renee, Danielle, Noelle and spouses; great grandchildren Ashley, Brett, Chelsey, Desiree, Brooklon and Corbin 46-41xlcc 47. Cards of Thanks SMITH I would like to take this opportunity to thank my family and friends for their love and support, cards, flow- ers and visits during my'stay in the hospital and since coming home. Thanks to Seaforth Hospital and the nursing staff for the best of care I received while there and a special thank you to Dr. Ennett for his time and concem along with Dr. Percival. - Donna 47-41x1 Do you know a young person (aged 6-17) involved in worthwhile community service. contributing while living with a limitation or performing an act of heroism? 1f so. nominate him/her for an Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Award. Nomination forms available Through this newspaper or OCNA at 905-639-8720. Forms online at http://www.ocna.org/Awards/JuniorClbzens.htm Dead- line Nov. 30th. TORONTO BED AND BREAKFAST. Serving mature adults. 24 hour security, steps to subway/bus. parking private ensuites. Reasonable rates. 416-536-6111 wwwnewhorizon stowec oom INVENTORS - PRODUCT IDEAS NEEDED Davison is looking for new or improved product ideas or inventions to prepare/present to corporations for licensing FREE INFORMATION PACKAGE 1-800-544-3327. I Make up to $500 before breakfast almost daily! 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