HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2004-10-06, Page 10♦- 4- 10 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, OCTOBER d, 2004 Coming Events SEAFORTH AND DISTRICT Horticultural Society will meet on Oct. 13 at 7:30 at Northside United Church Hall. Susan Beatty of Huron Master Gardeners will speak on "Forcing Bulbs" and show slides of Bayfield's gardens. Lunch and door prizes provided. Everyone wel- come. CE -41-1 GOSPEL SONGFEST 2004, Sunday, Oct. 24, Egmondville United Church, 7:30 p.m. Adults $7, children under 12 Free. Proceeds to Egmondville United ChurchNan Egmond Foundation. Tickets avail- able from Brenda 519-522-0358, Egmondville Store 519-522-1380, or at the door. CE-41x3cc TRIP TO RAMA and Fall Colour Tour, Thursday, October 21st, 2004. For information call 519-524-4540 or 519-527-0188. CE -41x2 LONDON CITY SINGLES Dance, "New Location," Sat. Oct. 9. Dancing 8:30-1, Royal Canadian Legion (Victory Branch), 311 Oakland Ave. London. Great music by DJ. Super door prizes. Lunch provided. Singles and all ages wel- come. Dress code. Call Corolla 519-273-1897. CE -41x1 LAMBTON HERITAGE Museum Lambton Fall Colour and Craft Festival, Oct. 16 and 17, 2004. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Over 100 craftspeo- ple at two locations Highway 21, 8 Rids. south of Grand Bend, Ontario. Admission $3.50 adults/seniors, $1 children. For information 519-243- 2600 or 1-800-265-0316. CE- 40x3cc AN ACAPPELLA QUARTET, Beyond Bliss, will be singing easy listening music from the 20s -90s. Donations will be received for pro- moting Life Saving First Aid in Huron County, Friday, October 8 at Brussels Mennonite Gymnasium, 7:30 p.m. Light refreshments. CE - 40 -2 WALTON UNITED CHURCH Annual Turkey Supper at the Brussels. Morris and Grey Community Centre, Wed. Nov. 3rd, 2004, from 4:30-7:00. Takeouts available. Adults $10.00, children 6- 11 $5.00, preschool Free. Tickets available from all members of the church or at the door. CE -40-4 FALL AND CHRISTMAS Craft Show. Saturday, October 9, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Kirkton Woodham Community Centre, Kirkton. Make it to go table for the children. Adults $2.00. Children under 12 Free. Door prizes. Lunch counter pro- ceeds to the Motherwell Women's Institute. CE-40x2cc NORTHSIDE UNITED CHURCH, Seaforth is celebrating our 140th anniversary on October 16 and 17, 2004. On Oct. 16 the church will be open from 1-5 p.m. for viewing memorabilia and greeting old friends. Dinner with advance tickets will follow with speaker and enter- tainment. At 11 a.m. worship serv- ice, special music, numerous anniversary reflections and the ded- ication of a time capsule will be fol- lowed by anniversary cake and refreshments. All are welcome. Call 519-527-1449 or 519-522-1537. CE -39-4 'GLITTER AND GIFTS' - -gala Christmas Event, Sat. evening, November 13, 2004 at Agriplex, Seaforth. Proceeds to Northside United Church. For more informa- tion please call 519-522-1629. CE - 38 -6 BINGO Goderich Knights of Columbus, every Thursday, 7 p.m. Columbus Centre, 390 Parsons Court, $3,855 in prizes; 2 mini jackpots 1 for $350, 1 for $600; regular jackpot $1,500 must go. Lic. #299473. First Saturday of every month, 7 p.m. Columbus Centre, same program as Thursday night. Lic. #299472. Big Link Provincial Game every Bingo Night. CE-24-xtfcc 497 Annual Egmondville United Church Turkey scl Supper er� Wednesday, Oct. 27 Seaforth & District Community Centres Take outs available 4:30 - 7p.m. eat in 5:00 to7p.m. Tickets available from congregation members, Fetes Paper Clip, Egmondville Country Market, Pizza Train. 1‘t• Sold Out I ,!til ledr! Don't Be I)i,,ippninteti! (;et Your 1 i( Lt•t I ,1riv! DON'T FORGET Annual Church Bazaar November 13 9 am - 4 pm Egmondville United Church Rik mg, i'recers•es, ('rafts, rte. 1 Articles For Sale MEN'S STEEL TOED work boots, size 11, like new. Asking $25.00. Phone 519-527-1771. 01-41x1 FRESH FREEZER Lamb for sale. All cuts available. Special on ham- burg patties and loose hamburg for sale. Also 1/4, 1/2 or $100 boxes of beef. Call Les and Deb Falconer 519-233-5393. 01-41 x4cc FIREWOOD FOR SALE, $50 per cord. You pick up or will deliver. Phone 519-522-0854. 01-41x3 HOT TUB 2004, premium model with all options, massager, brand new. Cost $8775.00. Sell $4200.00. 519-572-5557.01-41x4cc PAY NO GST SALE! New Heintzmans, Grands and Uprights to Choose from. Receive with ANY piano purchase 1 FREE TUNING, LOCAL DELIVERY, METRONOME, and PIANO LAMP. We buy and consign good used pianos, trade in your old piano and upgrade. Visit us at 287 Main Street, Londesborough, Thurs. 11-6, Fri. 11-8, Sat. 11-6 or call TOLL FREE 1 -866 -63 -PIANO. WEBSITE: www.pianovations.com 01-41x1cc MACS, CORTLAND, Gala apples; Bosc pears; fresh apple cider. One location at fruit stand, Clinton on Hwy. 8 east of lights, beside Tim Horton's. Wed. -Fri. 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. 519-524- 9460. 01-40xtfcc NOW IN STOCK: Winterizing Kits - Above ground $29.99, Inground $39.99, 8' and 10' single and double waterbags (best quality), plugs and gizzmos. Free PH and alkalinity testing before you close. Blue Horizon Pools and Spas, Hwy. 8 Goderich, 519-524-9804. 01- 40xtfcc REJUVENATE BEDS and Gardens with aged rich, black composted horse manure or mulch enriched with peat moss and horse manure. Odourless. $6.25/60 Ib. bag. Delivered free. Call 519-485-2964. 01-39x6cc POOL EQUIPMENT SALE: Double D Company new location: 4 McGivern St. West, Walkerton, 519- 881-2113, Duffy. Trade any old bro- ken cue and receive $6.00 off new cue; trade any old set of balls - receive $30.00 off new set of balls. 01-37x15cc 12. Real Estate tor Sale Town and Countr LASSIFI;DS 1, Articles For Sale U PICK & PICKED APPLES Red and Yellow Delicious, Courtland, Empire, Spartan. Hours: Wed. -Sun. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. 20 lbs. $7, 40 lbs. $9. Middleton Place Orchard, 35449 Bayfield River Road, Bayfield. (519) 482-7444. 01- 35xtfcc CROP CIRCLE POSTCARDS for sale at the Huron Expositor, 11 Main St., Seaforth. New Price: 3 for $5. 01-22xtf CARPET: I have several thousand yds. of new Stainmaster and 100% nylon carpet. Will do tivingroom and hall for $389.00. Price includes car- pet, pad and installation (30 sq. yds.). Call Steve 519-661-0785 or 519-344-3365.01-llxtfcc WINDOWS AND DOORS Call for a free in-home estimate. Sales, Service and Installation. Bluewater Windows and Doors, 394 Huron Rd. Goderich. 519-524- 1520. www.bluewaterwindows.ca E-mail sales 4Tibluewaterwin- dows.ca 01-02xtfcc WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS For your reading pleasure we have available at the Huron Expositor office eight weekly newspapers: The Mitchell Advocate, The Clinton News -Record, The Goderich Signal Star. The Lakeshore Advance (Zurich), Shoreline News (Port Elgin), Kincardine News. The Huron Expositor, $1.25 each. Lucknow Sentinel @ 1.00 01-01-tfnxe 3. Garage Sales MOVING SALE, Saturday, October 9th, 7 a.m. - noon, 115 Market St., Seaforth. Wood lathe, patio furni- ture, folding chairs, plus, plus. 03- 41x1 5 Cars for Sale 1978 VOLKSWAGEN Convertible, white with black top, excellent run- ning and body condition. Mostly original. low mileage. Beautiful car, a must see. Asking $15,000.00. CaII Joyce 519-534-2956. 05-3lxtfcc 12 Real Estate for Sale day, 12:00. Noon Call 527-0240 6. Trucks for Sale 1988 CHEV full size Blazer 4x4, 350 F.I., auto, c/d, $2000.00 or best offer. Phone 519-529-7217. 06- 41 x2rtxecc 10. Pets JACK RUSSELL TERRIER pups for sale. Great with children. $250. Phone 519-482-1225. 10-41x2cc 1 1C Wanted to Hire EXPERIENCED FARROWING Technician required on 850 sow operation, south of Exeter. Part- time possible. Call or fax resume to 519-294-6149. 11 C-41 x 1 cc 1 1F Farm Product HAY BUYERS of alfalfa grass: good quality, large squares, 1st, 2nd•and 3rd cuttings. Contact Neeb Agra Products 519-529-1141. 11F- 34x8cc 116 Farm Equipment FOR SALE: 4 row Innes Bean Puller and 6 foot Innes Wlndrower $500 OBO; M.F. 1859 Flexhead 13 1/2 ft. $800 obo. Call 519-348-9716 (Mitchell) after 6 p.m. leave mes- sage. 11G-36x8nxecc 1 1H Farm Services NO TILL WHEAT, liquid fertilizer, scales to get the rate you want. Coulter pre -tillage. 30 ft. Jeff Allan 519-233-9846. 11H-41x2cc 16. For Rent FOR RENT: A heated shop 50'x55'. Also a non -heated storage space 40'x55'. Phone John H. McLlwain Construction, 519-527-1253. 16- 40-2 17 Apartments for Rent HENSALL, furnished or unfur- nished, utilities and cable included, $350.00/month. Call 519-262-2314 or 519-345-0261. 17-08xtfcc 12 Real Estate for Sale RF/MP ( RF/Mtn( RF/MIX RF/MPS( RF/MAX RFA,11% y • • 3+2 bedrooms • Upgraded Kitchen • Large rec room • 2-4 pc baths - • New floonrcymostly newer windows • Double widdNiple deep concrete dove • $162.900 • MLS•042318 • 146 Jarvis Sheet S. Seaton!) • www.callken.ca Ken Eaton 271-7054 (Res.) RMIK Assoc. Broker 273-2821 (Bus.) a -b Beatty Ltd. Sandra Ext. 216/233 88 Wellington St. Morita Toll Free: 1-888-271-7054 sales Rep Email: kenremax@sympetico.ca sandr mord s m • tko.cs004 Call us at our home to find our home 'TC e? COLDWGLL BAN IBR 1 11 SOLD lust Beed. 4 bdrm. semi 11 ti i LIKE NEW. Only 119.900. i1, Move right into this ease and car), one floor bungalow. Only $89,000. ty Realty �L I Seaforth & Area Listings (519) 527-2103 1 Main Street, Seaforth Thinking About Moving? Think Coldwe0 Banker First! 4r, - Former Bed and Rrakraat in Harpurhey List 5141.9(0. SOL flak• Rrchdra Campbell* Res. 519-522 0)15 Res 519-527-0249 .�. 1 i / BRICK )� DUTY _S Nat and tidy 3 bedroom Mxi., 25 !Alum SIrcc,. Litt Sx9,ixx1 FREE VIRTUAL TOUR VIDE() WITH ALL LISTINGS 95',F of all people that are searching for a home. start with the interne►. Coldwell Banker will have your video OPEN HOUSE 24 hours a day with a Virtual Tour. THE ONLY LOCM. REAI, `STATE COMPANY AROUND TO D0 THIS. Puny rested tending in gond condition. OM $169,900. WITT - 1 4.22 ACAU ome ownership for only $79,900. 94 High Street. wa. Great 4 hdrm. haat. Privacy galore. text 5214.900. 411' rid ' or - I tx3ir•x Prat !varsity.. Friairdallk T. EAT AND TIDY Ij ILO Clinton home. 3 • Niru. 209 High Si Clinton irlrny rented iuikling in grxxt condition. Only 5169.900. www.caldwellt7Fi1nkerfc-cc m WMAX LAND EXCHANGE LTD. 524-1900 Try your offer on this outs & cozy bungalow Located In Egmondville, Spacious living room. 3 bedrooms, updated eat - In kitchen, patio door access to deck. House located on corner lot rinse to golf course. Call KHRISTA for more details. Khrista 1:1116. Kolkman Sake Rep. 524-8061 The Huron Expositor's CLASSIFIEDS C E Corning Events 01. Articles For Sole 03 Garage/Yard Sole 04. Antiques & Art 4A Crafts & Hobbies 05 Cars For Sole 06. Trucks For Sale 7A For Sole General 713. Wanted To Buy 7C Wanted To Rent 7D Bicycles 7E Motorcycles, ATVs. Etc 7F Snowmobiles & Equipment 7G Rec Vehicles - Campers & Traders 7H Boots, Motors & Marine 7J Service Ports & Repairs 7K Swimming Pool & Supplies 611.11111111111111111111111111111111111 08 Computers, Videos, Etc. 09 Automotive 10 Pets 11A For Sole General 118 Wonted To Buy 11C Wanted To Hire 11 D Employment Wanted 11E livestock 11 F Farm Product 11G Farm Equipment 1 1 H Farm Services 11.1 Farm land 11 K Farm Real Estate 12 Real Estate For Sale 13 Mobile Homes 14 Vocation Properties 16 for Rent 17 Apartments For Rent 18 Houses For Rent 19 Rooms For Rent 20 Rooms & Board 22 lots For Rent 23 Commercial Property 23. For Rent 24 Wonted To Rent 25 Wanted Tq Buy 26. Help Wanted 27 Wanted General 28 Business Opportunity 29. Tenders 30 Employment Wanted 31 Service Directory 32. Babysitting 33 Miscellaneous 34. Personal 35 Nolke To Creditors 36 Announcements 37 Mortgages 38 Auction Sale 39 Educational 40 lost & Found 41 To Give Away 42 Deaths 43 Births 44 Engagements 45 Marriages 46 In Memoriam 47 Cords of Thanks DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS MONDAY 12:oo NOON For other papers Deadline is MONDAY 9:0o AM All rates plus GST zs \1'l )It 1)1 - One Week 511 on, two weeks S -.So ea. week, three weeks $-.00 ca. week Additional words zo cents. An additional Sz.00 will be added it billing is necessary. In 51emoriam% - SS.00 plus 4; cents pt'r line of verse. Card of Thanks & Birth Announcements • zs Words SS.on. Each additional word .10 cents. \ti'e are also able to place word arcs in the following papers: Goderich, (:Tinton, Lucknow, Kincardine. Zurich & Port Elgin. By placing an ad in The 1furon Expositor we can place the same ad (zs words or less) in anv of the above papers for an additional S4.so. 111ESf. PRi(:ii5 ARE PRi:-PAID (:all Sz-, -024o Monday (0 Friday 9:00 AM to 5:oo PM 17 Apartments for Rent NEWLY DECORATED one bed- room apartment above Pete's Paper Clip. Available Oct. 1st. Heat, water and parking provided. 5365.00 monthly. 519.527-0911. 17.40-tt CLINTON: Two bedroom apart- ment, fridge, stove, heat and water, included, first and last required. $573.71 monthly. Available November 1st. Phone 519-482- 5784. 17-39xtfcc 12. Real Estate for Sale 17. Apartments for Rent APARTMENT FOR RENT in Seaforth, quiet location, includes appliances and parking. $600/month. Phone 519-524-9076 or 519-852-3505. 17-3lxtfcc TWO BEDROOM IN SEAFORTH, fridge/stove included. Controlled entry, parking, heat included. Hydro/ water/sewage additional. Available now. 1-888-271-7860. 17-19-tf CLINTON: Upper floor one bed- room apartment for rent. Available now. Phone 905-852-3754 or 519- 348-0256. 17-23xtfcc 12 Real Estate for Sale MSINTEJ Sharon Medd Assoc. Broker Office (519) 527.0560 Home 522-0660 _ 150 Main St. S., Seaforth Fax (519) 527-2763 [ MLS 4 RENT TO BUY PROGRAM AVAIL NEWLY LISTED! Century home on ABLE TO QUALIFIED BUYERS 1 88 acres, country atmosphere, wood 53.400 down (2%) $1.133 33/month floors throughout. wainscotting in lami- 50% of rent goes towards down pay ly room. double detached garage ment. In 2 years. you have MI down payment! List 5170,000. OWNERSHIP 147WISONTHI 3. bed- room home. large front covered porch. Targe country kitchen. main floor laun- dry. wooden deck Listed at $87.500 NEW LATINO? Groat neighbourhood, 3 bedroom home. many updates, cen- tral air, workshop (26' x 28'). insulated, heated 8 cement floor Featured on lot 99'x241' • OWNERSHIP $460/MONTH BEFORE RENT INCOME! Excellent investment opportunity! Duplex with many updates. one block from uptown A must see! List price $89,000 1f you have good credit why are you paying high interest rates? CaII today to obtain Discount Mortgage the mortgage you deserve. Canada Inc. 5.059E 5 yr. OAC Call Jov or Sharon at (519) 527-0560 Maureen Wlldfong Res 519-877-1116 Culligan oQO REAL ESTATE LTD. #`Thr i sTNnSEnYlCE' "The sign that says Soli)"www•rn s.Ce $ Main Street, Seaforth 519-527-1577 office www.seliingseaforth.com R.11":9-512,421 SOLD! BMW N 27 FRANKLIN 8T. , - LIST - $114,900! - HOME + SHOP! 43 SECOND BT., EOMONOVILLE - LIST 5179,0001 - NEW LISTING! e+L.1.1.411111111 22 HURON PD., HARPURHEY LIST- 159900 - ACT FAST! qiiiew .. o Aviiwue . ' �• 121 EAST WILLIAM ST. - LIST - 5139,9001 - NEW LISTING! 1111111."411 6 CHARLOTTE ST. Bungalow on 1.03 acres TRANQUILITY FOR SALE' RR428LUEVALE - LIST - 49 9001 - FEATURE HOME! t~ New all brick ranch home. Open concept. V y private. Built Roxboro Creek Homes. SUPER STARTER! ti.44 sr. 32 JAMES ST. - LIST - 579,9001 - DESIRED AREA! 47 FRONT 8T., EOMONDVILLS LIST - S229,9001 - QUIET LOCATION! 40 CHURCH ST. - LIST - $132,000! • SOLO! 145 MARKET 9T. - LIST - 5142.9001