HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1923-2-8, Page 2BLUE WATER A .TALE OF E DE ' SEA FISHERMEN BY FREDERICK WILLIAM WALLACE CveYrigist by the Wesson Book Compass CHAPTER SEVENTEEN- •(Gonnt'd.) : with a topmast from which i1ew a red 1 fila with 'Wiliam" on ib in albite let - For the, rest of the week Frank teas, mad new lettering on the: cc'unter basted himself around the bttileimgs cf LILLIAN OF ANCHQ2%VILLE, N:S. the pi:a'ntt. A bridge was built amaze —Lail Diok Jomritings, as hairbor- tthe meek in order to eonneet Ring's! a! master, wags -;gore ra all hie greasy, and. palace wi+tam 'the new section, and; Bin : Dol en's Milepaalcat—still running his termagant of, a wife was strutaifl te ,ani looking 'tuna earee as she aaa:,sd in Proudly by lois Sade when the rangy Shorty';s boyhood drays:'—'vas chartered tisx.�erman greeted Captain Galamneau to bs, i g .+applies for the rorp'ou,ed''weth a iitta:iat speech,and,presented hum stare. Captain As funeral came off . with a >sibver=inaunted umbrella. for lie- ---a): the Lerg Covers followingthe : lug the first vessel master to 'open the re - body to the last, cemetery and the neve harbor, Of course, Frank was re- tl. •y after the interment. ,an aeuctione'srr srleassi-bse f1ox ell! this, and it was he came tin fain Ar a r4ille and sold who directed eveey"bhing, the faro:a a and h -:who'd goods. The Lillian was sepurely mcaore3 Frank and h s un m,e and Captain Ring and the Anehbrv:tlie gang aboard o?t want too An hervil'e, and 'tire .papers laze followed their new skipper lip to of the Car pary weee duly drawn up, the baildings and participated in the th inn there wee some little Bitch ow- fun. Everybody, yoarmg and orifi", men, iris t m 3'r'ank'M inabi:ity to produce the women, and; children, had congregated shale of the a?tr rty he had par- at the Cove from all up and down tote, ;tl, xi £rain he aceease 1 alehmaister. coast, and the' Company's grounds, al - "at cot,.- 'ct," a the 'sawyer fin- meet repeesented: a ceuartry fair. slate"you may receive them within a There were running races, high jump- f:.=w i ay`;, „Teeing tha the tranrvctio'n ixt3, •dancing competitions, weight wee- el -'y recele 1'4 iei to the last tw10 throwing, and even a dory race out in wets.. A t .any rate you hold hie re- the. Bay, which caused a gx'cat deal of etc 4 t mrmd y ra have given h ii your excitement. In the 'br'eathing spells cheque for the. amount. He was to between his organizing duties!, Frank write hies weary about it, wasn't he?" gazed over the happy, laughing and "Yee," e"m' ed' Frank; "but I didn't shouting throng, and wi shed the had knew via he i c i d 'ha' called an'LiIII n Denten by his s'id'e and v'iew- ; him." inc: the fun. se€r " Oh, ea .� ," m•et mr i d the • then, "I ' In the evening •a great "hep," or seep o e, i l.e ry°i h *ht. But I'll hold dance, was held in the ;storage loft, there?. c ,:-;;ta, uret 1 I hear from you." and in the light of the lanterns and ti• ay were in town tiI'e three with the fiddlers working full steam partners m} r_•na;ged to sernpe up a elx- ah•oad the Long Covers tripped the t:tcyr1 parka for' the Lillian, and when light fantastic until •the small hours. they arrived tweet in lh' Cove Frank It was certainly a day of days in the raw"i ;1 Ji s- to one ti .le. set'tlement's calendar, and when a de - •t el s'',1:; An' how's putatinn of the guests came to thank By DOROTHY' ETHEL WALSIL Confusing Refjertlo';as. Decorations which bring oonhasion to the mind of the beholder are to be regretted. Reflections will many times - bring turmoil into mental calm. There are welcome reflections and unwelcome ones, acid to -day we *Isla to warn against the latter. ,.There is a generally accepted be lief that a shining Surface indicates a lack of wear, and therefore hose Who worship the "new" revel to tables which glisten, desks which twice on somewhat the guiseof mir- rors irrors and other articles which send forth piercing beams of light from their glazed coatings, Such reflections belong to the un- welcome class. why, for instance, should the floor bepolished-to such an extent that It mirrors the table legs? This confounds any struc- tural value of the decorations. Where the floor should plainlyspell strength and firmness it assumes the role of a limpid pool, and we are confused by the incongruity of its mask. • Soft, glossy surfaces are best. They show the woad to its best ad- vantage, and never do they become officious and take unto themselves the task of showing you other ar- ticles of furniture reflected on their different planes, Confession Is Goal. The winter of this could• Ice you to a married couple who can boast that Je _:e I�e'rlairc th.�e -day • l'. gin, Fink said that the gatheerng for six years unalloyed harmony has jt es eenemed. ' ' "Veree Well, would he an annual affair—an as!sune reigned in their home. Before that Fremaa,.vt " ance w'alich was enthusiastically' re- period, however, there was die -cord "Now, I tal'i,ate you'll be wantin' t' ceavetL sufficient to spoilt .the note cf perfect grit 1 ntaluel use et•i re day, eh?" ,,1 Long Dick—almost three sheets in happiness. • "011e, late of :•Grine--::a.�s of time, -the ward—clasped Westhaver afiec- an.weaed the •other. ""I mus' git good tion•atel:v by the hand. "Shay, you o1' Then timers came the wife an jath Im;+foro I merry !dot ghl," clog! You've done mere t' •wake up this idea, Hex eonsieience. totld her "that by Frank 1au d and s�lea ed his old - pl'aaee than any man I knows. ,on, ye certain things !she 'had Said :acid done, 1 dairy -urate on the 'Back. "Waal, I've hey. Lang C'ove's a-goin' t' be some and was in! the habit of doing, she had got a.geed job fur you.", fish- place after this, mn'lad, an' 'tis you contributed to the discord'. And—no's �t hat s e :.tt• . Down t , what's done it. You •re my boy, Frank, in any spd it of superior icrnbisciszn— hal o. Fi.ankee ?"' an' 1 mus' shay I've enjoyed myself she knew that the could name the No, •e, r I'm not a-,goin' t' make it more t'diay than ever I did ;sense I was items 'of her thusaban?d's contribution. flake Uri 1l emit of you, Sabot. -I want shingle:' Then in a. confidential whis- Her idea was that she and he should you to go in th' vest e•1 as skipper." per, "shay! This Lillian "what tih' The In Frenchman gasper. "Skip- vcrsel's named after—rhe ain't one ra, exclmange Nev,* Year resoinitian;s--that per?" he ejaerlate i. i them Bay County Irish women, es • "Why, t' be sure," replied Frank. she?„ "You kin handle le Cart vele eI all right." , "Na, Diek." laughed Weathaver. de shore," stammered time o uer�d off , "Das all ei' then," replied the ether, "looking around half -fearfully. Cause don't know w her aavierate UncleI my o1' woman is one �o' them, an' she's a terror, Frank ---a holy sad mod -beaded Jexry'll maker th' an' hell two or three ,terror. �I'i sooner see ye bunk along tripspQwiNh,llanot take lycuShow lan vv lx. o' th' devil: leints�erf, horns, hoof, an' ropes. p s. It'll no e yC„ ;tail, than hev a Bay County Irirh�er for a wife. Steer Ceras o' them, son, "Oh, Frankee!" 1 teause I know!" And he winked know - "Now, we want her t' git out right s ,e hawse, away. Thar's a sixd.ery •gang w aitin' Melly as he .trad for liner down to Anchorville, 611 git' Before he retired that night Prank looked out of Tile abedroem -window. theme .should be a joint reformation, following the adhmiseion that •each had been to blame. So when he came home on New Year's Eve she had his meal ready to the minute—sometimes she kept hien waiting; one of her faults was unpunctuality—greeted him with a • attt'le, land- was more like the girt he hail married thami she had been for months.. ' He sensed the achtanpe, and it :punt aim in good Humor. • The meal over and • claiae-ed away quietly, 'siie broached leer• idea for an exchange of resolutions, so 'that they jh4 keepmoist longer than lots: of ,others• I have nincie, I'finod it >a good „idea to try a eake by thoi,.;singe little of the tatter on a greia.; cal+ tin 'before putting. the remainder of the battler in the larger thio for then, if. year cake is too aiclh, I find it a god idea to add .a little more multi or water, or a little flour, It 'does not make the rake tough if yon are careful bow much you use. 1 always use a 'level teaspoonful or cupful unless otherwise specified, I always lakegood cake and think it a helpful idea to 'plass thorn on 'bo obhere. A number have>a5ked for this cake recipe, and it is my favorite. I hope you will like it. Marble Cake. Light part: Whites of two egg,;, 1 cup white sugar, % cup butter or laawd,- > etap sweet milk, 2 clips flour, 2 teaspoon's baking powder. Dark part: Yolks of two a eggs-, 1 'cup brown sugar, 1-3 sup ''butter or laird, i cup sour milk, ' cup molasses, '%z teaspoon ,cloves, % teaspoon allspice, 2 cups flour, 1 teaspoon soda. Drop together and bake in a mod- erate Oven about forty-five minutes. If you prefer you may use all lard with a pinch of salt instead of part of each:—B. D. reverence, be appllied: "Go thou and do likewise." Adimitt, your faulbe, ex- change revolution , and •so make 1923 a really happy year. you shown that' to -morrow. Gr Yen The murmur of •the surf on tare beach mighthappily stores aboard—John f'i'atson's goin' as start the New Year ltm ii end below reFtl to his earl, and his eyes harmoniously. Each vvas to tell' the cool;: --an' bring her aroun' to t`h' Cove dran k in the tgt.ory of the clean starlit here. D'ye uncla:r:.aLand, Captain Gad- sl>:y. Belo4v every thin' vias• daark and other !candidly •candh'da1!y bu•t �calmvp, of their:. » �_• '' faults. Tlt;ere were to are no argue vaurvg,. Dye Silk ,Stockings Blouse or Sweater in Diamond Dyes "Diamond Dyes" add years of wear to :worn, faded skirts, waists, coats,; stockings, sweaters, croveri:ngsy hang- ings, draperies, everything. Every paokege contains directions so simple any woman can put new, rich, fadeless colors into her worn garments or draperies even if she has never dyed before. "Just buy. Diamond Dyes—no other kind—then your material win come out right, because Diamond Dyes are guaranteed not to streak, spot,. fade or run. " Tell your druggist wheth- er the material you wish to dye is wool or silk, or whether it is linen, cotton or mixed goods. The sap in a vine circulates,. with five tinges the force of blood through the most important bloodvessel in a horse's leg. A Timely Suggestion. Cool nights suggest more bel cov- ers. Old comforters caro often he made to do double service by doing a little extra. work on then;. When the top is much worn, but the lining is in a good 'state of preservation, a new top jean be pieced from extra pieces that we have laid by, dither in a de- sign or crazy work. Carefually latmntie , the -old comforter then tae on. the top.+ Be sure to have the border some well over the edge of the !old lining and whip down carefully. Old comforters too marsh worn to be used as' covers •can be made into very ;good mattress pads. Ten yards of outing will make the top and bottom, tied in the u'seal way. Much warn blankets used in the place of batting in making new com- forters are very good.—Mrs; H. E. K. • A Cake and a Story. I ani a young girl eighteen years old and -would rather do the baking than be off to a moving picture show as some girls would, but my motto is: "There is no disgrace in the Family Cook Book, so learn while you are t arrmeamm , ,> rolled naught pierced th,e onanneity !of land and g - M' grandmother taught ma the"title on We +tonguSab t tin! 'sea;mut the red liglmtt at the heats �cf rents orcounter-thrusts; but if con" than vwh,en 1 wast a little gixI and I sin the wharf, a lantern hanging in the science told! -haul that the fault realCy very t'hn'nldul to her. Oh 5l- rtes, but, 1'nm ',ase. I hone IIt certainly does take a lot of cake p' ,e main -rigging of the Lillian, and the ea-is,ea a ,.'oleunn rescol�ution was to be Y be gout skipper. I m g°•adl I'm glad. green starboard light of a sailing vises= imide to end the fault or conquer the here, as I live on a 120 -acre fawn and a Ami l e i:..r^ti:l around and snapped sal standing up• the Bay. For a. pace failing. with hired help, threshing men, unex- hie singer: in the exuberance of his he stare,d..out into the night, and; when •'hi h'y strun and sufferingan peoted eornpany, and everything else delight, while Westhaver watched him at last he turned away he rnttxrnured He, e g' with a <<aciet 'aasare a•:• his friend's „ :Every- a. very real sense from the discord ' included, a heap o'f backing has to be p Aye, Lily, were started now. Every- his gnome, responded 1(adly, his eyes done. 1 haze done most of the Baking gtatifreiution. F , thing is _lira• my way, :so wish me gin h g• , far the • l'as t im4 e yeas hr#vrng been• Minard's Liniment for Coughs & Colds. Garden tulips were introduced into Britain through Holland in the 16th century. Fre vents chapped hands, cracked lips, chilblains. Makes your skinsoft,white, clear and smooth. DRUGGISTS SELL IT ��» "Can Ia an tell Miss Leblanc smooth saalimt until th day when 1 as"1 a was eager p'e alone for wreaks at a time. it makes abFra k o?•le:li. "Sure thing! Go go to claim yatt, eweetheaa't!" she s�aidli me !One of my faults, t%atr, one wonder ts'ornetiine'a what to bake, :head! Yon'). sure be able t' git a Next da while the pia tne2s were gently. few ' e Y r 4 but when asking m brother he always engaged in unloading salt aua,, of the And he told' her, jus;- as :gently, thaty kisses over that hit o' II, NA-..". Run along Li?lian's hold, .a team with two occur one was inipunctualnty. He wati' away* now, or some nthar rnaim'll be cuttin' ants seated in at came driving down all da for economy he had but the ye out!„ p.., y, Y ' And with a. whoop of joy saes the wharf road. Everybody knocked llightesat of lunches. When he. arrived snatched his hat and ran cat of the off to +have a look at: the serangees. at home in the evening he was tired „"Who kin that be?"queried Captain and hur And many times she hot, e. Cl 'k hungry. says this one cake. I have found it a good idea when making a eake with sada. in it to add about one-quarter of a teaspoonful of baking powder. It nmakes it much bet. Westh ver watched. him go. "Waal,", Thar'•s Jim Henderson from An -hadn't even peeled the potataesa. She tar. The take recipe I am sending • he murmured, ""ef any men deserves chenille .a drivin'," answered a mnan•; admitted the faulty and. made a re_ you makes two large cakes and, will it'tie him. Hes true as. steel that fe::er, an' it's me that knows it.,' , "but I pion"t know th' fell'er the Us with September asses in all its, languor him." !p The visitors Bitched their hox,.e tarp of hate 1 Csrtalmreplete ndr caoyiouiii ye, at the office, and while the other re talking to her. Once ha bald: always in,tinging mw'in..I' seated, Henderson, the deliver, told her .of the da t a g , foliage w tli the gold and brown of ty s, c,pin' s' chatted casae a ong to the g sup on the wharf.: autumnal co:az s, there was a louder R"Is Captain Frank Westhaver here? of the world's ;happenings, and' so on. murmur in the meth of the surf • on Oh, you're th' nasi, still Wata4; lm re' Of hate he hart' ceased that happy' the reeky lae�seh when the winds of the equin.-a. b'e•ty inshore. m Thi wharf and jest 'truv him over from town." Irruakvva er were completed; the belied -Frank handed his tally board over ings of the Long Gave Fish Company to Uncle Jerry and went up to the were painted ani ready for btrsane•su; buggy. Its' occupant was a cliean- a store lat.3• been carnstr°a=:.ted at the shaven, lantern-jawed man. with en atesei of the Wharf, and Frank hat" fix- exceedingly pale face and faded grey r u ne an office for himself at the rear. eyes« EL' I:poked' at Westitaver, and plate his arum was round her, and she With a the completion of the harbor spoke in a perks voice: "Captain; was 'crying softly as she sxiu'ggtet? up work,geriera- holiday was dec.are•d, prank Wi echaver?„ a him. and Long Cove gave ,itself up to xe "Yes' ,„ The kept t x ; The o Sias leaned forward in time tions and were happy ever afta r. rias Ah aleemt You'r`e !the party! To the tens of theta -a T f solve that in the future she would be punctual, Y In turn, he at,tmmi*ted tar's faults of not a. patrty waists t' see ye, Cap'en. I've habit. Now. the made a New Year's' • meantime to do as he once did. Aird she promised net to "crash and clatter." _4,nd he made a resointion to be tidy. When the tale of reeelives was cern- 521.1 L Ftegs flew from the Fielr `x es, sn 1 y e g theirexchanged Tessio Coit?-auy's, bur ling:' the upper door ,, l of the store-h..Jae u,as scraped and who —r -h,. ne s o roar c t •ex ready fir aaa.te an•t' a sort w.ho pur azed the'property of the Tied couples ti413o lead •s iii. file ea x -icor. It was a beautiful O.mtsiier clay, ` „Lawyer by his 'falls," mentally! with Leeh breeze rtt€fiirtg the nete3 Frank: and aloud,"Yes sir, hie throat again. "My client i,. the watersof time' Bay,., and when the L;1- Whet ::bout'it?rr , .' �e:gtal heir to -talo'Crawford estate, and .lair wee a: kited souring upthe coast g � - tire , The other ignored the question. to whiles to ais,cea. ta:.n if the lizdgres;�, there was a general exc. us to ,="Ah ahennl ' ou can prove year; title . as really been sold.." wharf -end to v.cw th.e first Large ves- to the arapeii.y, Gatpbain,?" } "Thi •cu'l'l ire representin.'_-__' se, entering the harbor of Long Cove, „-Vera, 1ep'.a:ed aha e1he1, wandering, Cleptaen Robert Morrissey, 'cf B•oa- Tl q ti noonet looked remarkably'spick what was in the wind. I ton, and' nephew of the deo awed." t . a Sinn with her newly painted hull, "Have you got the deeds?" The € << Wem,tha.vrr knew it: inetlriati:vely. heeee and e,...k gear. Where were ,hangs arced hart .at whim. 'U4auaa g 1,' he said;, Lorna itmto the c•Efrce i.. pen hes dteA; Ter new o- ;: -t- „ . haver. tarpec't they ve tan pet I res produced! the receipt •wr tten t � <.• "„' ' late A Crawford new i i.@ , u . i , �.. "'N n at yet, air swered We- an' 111 Show you my pan er nmatr Ias'e was' a splens;• d aper fitted g, h ' t' Freak am s sex rm txmimer of , f lit- mer 'pier :e wan held on the lower ttus p e? ' k scriptural cotiirnund might, in all d d a • through all right" � s by blind and signed: by Captain The ''other •nodded:. "Ah. --ahem? Asa, and he also showed the stub of What have you to ,show that you nee- the -cheque. The lawyer produced: a chased the property?" l note hook and •penEall. "Youhave no Frank !reastentledt the- interregabions. f object�ioni , to net making a copy af. "What el'ye want t' know for?" hethisreceipt?"' he"daielt r.sked'. "Who are .you,: anyway ? "Not" The other g'aVe a dry smile ant "And the number 'of yourchequehaanded,Il rammk a oard. "Pardon nine--' was 'three,' aiud dated exactly the my cards" , same date ire this rees1pt--thirtieth "Wrigley an' Wrigley, Advocates a day of r\ugu;t ?" and 1It .iC Notaries, les An'c ar4ll1e," 5L5r Frank read. "Ihn! An who ere you (To be continued.) ", ai"Minard's Liniri,ent for Surma & Scalds "Ah.-�rlieimm. The lawyer cleared ... NURSES Toronto Hospital for Incur- ablcw, in tz'Cflllatlen with "r.elierue' and Allied Hospitals, New York. Caneffeira az, three }roars' Course of Train- Thein}t to Youngrwouz,en, having the re- culred education, and desirous of "rids>Zo- oniing nurses. "rids Hospital has adoptee the eight-hour .system. The pupilsreceive of the School. . ns e uniforms a,; n c trtitly m1104vttnre and tra:veIling e::1, rico to tied from Nev 'York. For at titr�r inrormation a;ppi�' to the 5• it rtaten'irnt.: CORNS Lift Off with Fingers Doesn't hurt a bill Drop at MOO "1?'reozona' oil an aching Porn, instant- ly that card stops hurting, then short ey•you Lift It right oft 4vitir Pagers, Truly'. Your druggist sells at slily bottle o "Fr•eerane" for a taw eonts, mutiictFltt to ,rettuvo every hard earn, soft earn, or or cora between the toes, 10111 the cal liises, 4vitkitait ao.'ta'i;ost tit rritttticatil, The Great Canadian Sweetmeat provides. -peasant action for your teeth, also penetrating the crevices and cleansing then'. help too„ it aids digestion. ' Use WRIGLEY'S after every meal—see how much better you will feel. Round earls are more valuable,. P than the pear-shaped kind. E MOTHER! CHILD'S 4EELS "California Fig Syrup" is Child's Best Laxative Hurry Mother! A teaspoonful of "California Fig Syrup" now will thole. ought]y clean the little bowels and in al few hours . you have a well, playful; child again. Even if cross, feverish,' bilious, constipated or full of oold,1 children love its "'fruity" taste, and; mothers can rest easy because it never; fails to work all the souring food. and! nasty bile right Out of the stomach and bowels without griping or upsetting, the child. Tell your druggist you want oniyi the genuine "California Fig Syrup" which has directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother, you must say "California.'; Refuse any imitation. LUSCi0 13ems`°-' ade 'With Raisin —and already baked for you AVE thetrouble ole an d the time i of baking pies at home, yet give your men folks pies that are exactly to their taste. Master bakers and neigh- borhood bake shops in your city are making luscious. raisin pie fresh every day. '"Your grocer or these bake shops can supply there. Taste there and you'll know why 'there's no longer need to bake at home. Crust that's' liglmt and flaky—tender, thin-skinned, juicy fruit, the juice forming a delicious sauce! There's nothing left to be desired in a pie. Made mvith finest seeded Sun- Maid Raisins. 1560 calories of energizing nu- triment per pound in practically predigcstecl'form. Rich in food - iron, also --good food for the blood. Make cakes, puddings and other good foods with'them. 'Thu may be offered other brands that yon know less well than Sun -Maids,: but the kind you want is the kind you know is good. Insist, therefore, on Sun -Maid brand. They cost no more than ordinary raisins. Mail coupon now for free book of tested Sun -Maid recipes. SU-MAe.AISINS The Supreme Pio Raisin Sun -Maid ais1n - ro ars Membership 14,000 Fresno, California CUT THIS OUT AND SEND IT ISun -Maki Rei.:tiraa Growers, Dept, N-53313, Fresno, California t Please said inns copy of your free hook,'Recipes with Raisins, Mate S'fiasssre Blue Xet , i C C�+?a tet"T . , x, .,Peovieen