HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2004-09-29, Page 1616 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEPTEMBER 29, 2004 11J Farm land 1 1 J. Farm Land -�- FARM LAND Hu rth Catholic FOR RENT District School Board Approximately 33 acres of fartn land known as Part of Lot 22, Conc. 1, Hullett Township, County of Huron for rent on a three year term. Further particulars including the tender fonn may be obtained by contacting G.H. Thuss, Superintendent of Business and Treasurer, at: The Huron -Perth Catholic District School Board P.O. Box 70 87 Mill Street DUBLIN, Ontario NOK IEO Telephone: (519) 345-2440 Interested parties should submit a written quotation on the approved form in an envelope marked "Tender - St. Anne's far) land" before 12:00 noon, Tuesday, October 19. 2004 to the attention of G.H. Thuss Superintendent of Business and Treasurer Ron Marcy Chair of the Board Larry Lanagan Director of Education 16. For Rent FOR RENT: A heated shop 50'x55'. Also a non -heated storage space 40'x55'. Phone John H. McLlwain Construction, 519-527-1253. 16- 40-2 17. Apartments for Rent NEWLY DECORATED one bed- room apartment above Pete's Paper Clip. Available Oct. 1st. Heat, water and parking provided. $365.00 monthly. 519-527-0911. 17-40-tf CLINTON: Two bedroom apart- ment, fridge, stove, heat and water, included, first and last required. $573.71 monthly. Available November 1st. Phone 519-482- 5784. 17-39xtfcc ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent in Dublin. No pets. Phone 519-345- 2314. 17-38-tf APARTMENT FOR RENT in Seaforth, quiet location, includes appliances and parking. $600/month. Phone 519-524-9076 or 519-852-3505. 17-3lxtfcc CLINTON: Upper floor one bed- room apartment for rent. Available now. Phone 905-852-3754 or 519- 348-0256. 17-23xtfcc TWO BEDROOM IN SEAFORTH, fridge/stove included. Controlled entry, parking, heat included. Hydro/water/sewage additional. Available now. 1-888-271-7860. 17- 19-tf HENSALL, furnished or unfur- nished, utilities and cable included, $350.00/month. Call 519-262-2314 or 519-345-0261. 17-08xtfcc 18. Houses for Rent FARM HOUSE in Dublin area now available to rent. Call 519-348-8285 or 519-348-9455 for more informa- tion. 18-39xtfcc THREE BEDROOM home between Clinton and Seaforth some appli- ances supplied. Available Sept. 1. Good References Required 519- 527-0349 18-34-ff 23. Commercial Property for trent 24' X 36' four car garage in Clinton. Suitable for storage etc. $150 with hydro included. Available Nov. 1. 519-666-3339. 23-40xtfcc 25. Wanted to Buy WANTED SCRAP STEEL, cars, trucks, appliances, machinery and stabling. Call 519-529-7574 leave phone number for service. 25- 40xlcc 26. Help Wanted FULL TIME on Seaforth area poul- try farm. Please fax work related references with resume to 519-527- 1061. 26-40-1 OWNER OPERATORS required for Full Time Work. Short and long haul loads available hauling machinery on flatbeds and stepdecks. Competitive pay package including company pald Insurance, plates, tolls, picks, drops and border crossing. Company paid group benefit plan. For more Information please call: IIF TTK Transport Inc. In Goderich at 519-524-4331 or fax resume to 519-524-9658. 26. Help Wanted PART-TIME CASUAL. Mature indi- vidual to aide in the operation of an industrial sewing machine for upcoming Xmas season. Hours will be flexible dependent upon demand. Knowledge of the g rment industry preferred. Will train. Please send resume to P.O. Box 897, Seaforth, On. NOK 1WO. 26-40-2 t FULL TIME help wanted. Apply at Merv's Patio, Dublin. 519-345- 2701. 26-40-2 INTERMODAL I HERITAGE Freightlines, Dublin, requires Truck Drivers for one day cab and one bunk truck. Criminal search and minimum 2 years experience required. Paid weekly with benefits. For information call 519-345-2822. 26-40-1 26 Help Wanted HELP WANTED: Durisol Inc. is seeking responsible, dependable workers to join our growing team! Durisol offers starting wages of $12.00 per hour, health and dental benefits after six (6) months of employment and other great com- pany incentives. You must be willing to work shift and overtime if required. You can apply in person at 51 Arthur Street, Mitchell, On. Fax your resume to 519-348-4223 or email your resume to jenny Odurisol.com 26-40x1 cc PART TIME DAY -position on live- stock and seed grain farm. Some flexibility in hours. Resume and ref- erences required. Carl Bolton, 519- 527-0205, fax 519-527-0787. 26- 39x2 FULL OR PART TIME retail sales clerk required for Main St. Seaforth business. Apply to Drawer #4183 c/o The Huron Expositor, P.O. Box 69, Seaforth, On. NOK 1WO. 26-39- 2 FULL TIME position opening on large dairy operation. Duties include afternoon milking and barn work. Experience required. Mitchell 519-348-4499.26-38x3c4 FOSTER PARENTS NEEDED! Help children from your community. For information call: Deanie Jardine -MacKenzie at Huron -Perth Children's Aid Society 1-800-265- 5198 or 519-524-7356. 26-33x21cc NANNY WANTED. Non-smoker, energetic woman to look after 3 1/2 and 7 yr. old. Monday - Friday 8:30- 5:30 p.m. to start Sept. 7/04. Please send resume to Box 99, Blyth, NOM 1 HO. 26-33xtfcc THE HURON EXPOSITOR urges our readers to use caution before sending money for business oppor- tunity or employment advertise- ments. 26-49xtf Hensall Global Logistics Hensall Global Logistics, an innovative and success- ful International Freight Forwarding Company located in Hensall, Ontario has an exciting position available for a Highway Driver The Highway Driver is responsible for the pick-up and delivery of ocean containers utilizing Toronto as the primary hub. Hours of work will vary as per shipping requirements. Applicants must possess an AZ licence, clean driver's abstract, and 3-5 years driving experience. Specific experience in trucking ocean containers is a definite asset. This is an exciting opportunity for an individual with excellent interpersonal, communication, and team oriented skills. This position reports to the Surface Transportation Co-ordinator. This a full time position with a competitive remuneration and benefit package as per corporate policy. If you have the desire for a position in a progressive company engaging in business on a global basis, please fax or email your resume, driver's abstract, and CVOR to the address below before October 08, 2004. Hensel) Global Logistics Human Resources Manager 1 Davidson Drive Hensel!, Ontario NOM 1X0 Fax: 519-262-2317 Email: jobOhensallgobal,com 27. Wanted General WANTED: FIREARMS Students. Our next One Stop' Firearms Course is in Dashwood on Oct. 2, 3 and 16. Advance registration only. CaII Terry Ron phf at 519-237-3248 and leave message. 27-38x3cc NOSTALGIC SALVAGE INC., a safe, professional insured disman- tling company is looking for old barns for salvage. Call Danny Farrow 1-888-643-8410. Mount Forest. 27-45xtfcc 28 Business Opportunity THE HURON EXPOSITOR urges our readers to use caution before sending money for business oppor- tunity or employment advertise- ments. 28-49xtf 30 Employment Vlanted DO YOU NEED work done? Painting, plumbing, carpentry, elec- trical, wallpaper, drywall hanging, floor refinishing, eavestrough clean - Ing and replacing, pressure washer cleaning. Phone 519-527-2281. 30- 04-ff Spa 1 i ng's Propane is a growing, full-service propane marketer providing reliable energy service to customers throughout Southern Ontario. TRANSPORT DRIVERS -WEEKENDS Seconal (October through Mach) weekend shift, long haul transport driver position at the Blyth Branch. Qualified mplicants will be responsible Individuelswith a professional attitude, 3 -years AZ driving experience aid dew driving records. Propane trai ni ng will be provided. A ppI i kali ons will be accepted unti 112 noon, October 9, 2004. For more informed i on, please call 519-523-4256. Apply in person to .Jeri oe Hayes, :perling's Propane Co. Ltd. 82948 LondonRoad *de polrllna's BLYTH ON F+ROPANE NOM 1H0 s 29. Tenders 31. Service Directory NEED A MORTGAGE? First & Seconds GET THE LOWEST RATE Borrow '100,000 • Pay '625. per month "HARD TO APPROVE" Give us a TRY MORTGAGE NETWORK 519-482-7675/1-866-823-0589 www.garywalden.com All. ONTARIO FINANCIAL. CONSCI:l'ANIx LED. The Mortgage People 1ST 2ND ANI) 3K1) MORTGAGES Alt TYPES OF PROPERTIES FAST SERVICE - PRIAIi RAFES Dii i icULI- MOKIGAGIS - FRIVAIE FI!NOS 1NVI.SI()K INQUIRIES WI'.I.COM1'. CON FACE FRANK ROWLEY 519-238-5851 - GRAND BEND 1-800-361-5114 - KucII NI'.K 1'1& 2^° Mortgage Money Absolutely No Upfront Fees Available at 3.25% Interest or Less Personal Loans & Mortgages If you qualify. payments: ,ml<_ a.� roroz. Mo. Payment 5,000 '13.55 '10,000 '27.08 '50,000 '135.42 '100,000 '270.83 Consolidate your debts We specialize in problem mortgages CaII (519) 364-0450 1400.387.1932 ASTRAL FUNDING INC. ATTENTION EXCAVATING CONTRACTORS! •SEPTIC TANKS •DISTRIBUTION BOXES •HOLDING TANKS FOR POTABLE WATER • PUMPING CHAMBERS • WELL RINGS *CATCH BASINS Special Discounts Offered, CaII For Pricing PRECAST PRODUCTS LTD. OFFICE: 519-247-3752 PLANT: 519-228-7520 Centralia, Ontario 34. Personal SINCERE SINGLES Professional Introduction Service "where happi- ness begins successfully matching members since 1992. Toll free 1- 866-719-9116 www.sinceresin- gles.ca 34-34xtfcc NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS in the Estate of Janet Violet Dearing All persons having claims against the Estate of Janet Viola Dearing. of the Town of Seaforth. who died on or about July 2nd. 2(01 are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 12th day of (ktober. 2004. after which dale the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth. Ontario this 8th day of September. 2(x)i. Devereaux Murray LLP Barristers and Solicitors 77 Main Street Seaforth, Ontario. NOK I WO Solicitors for the Estate Trusteels) 29 Tenders 1 County of Huron Highways Department Submissions will be accepted until 12:00 Noon local time, Tuesday, October 12th, 2004 for the 2004/2005 winter season for the rental of a truck trac- tor and dump trailer to haul road salt to the four (4) County patrol yards. Quotation forms are available from the Office of the undersigned. Lowest or any bid not necessarily accepted. County Engineer 1 Court House Square Goderich, Ontario N7A 1M2 'Ilei: (619) 524-7412 Fax: (519) 524-9291 31. Service Directory CHERISH MOMENTS for your spe- cial day. Weddings, Anniversaries All Special Occasions. We do it all. Also package rentals or partial rentals. Call Cheryl 519-522-1146. 31-39x4 REPAIR AND REFINISHING of fur- niture and antiques, handstripping, also (*atom made furniture built to your plans. Robert Kerr, RR 81, Seaforth. Phone 519-527-0786. 31- 35-ff PHOTO COPIES Photocopying Service available at the Huron Expositor office, 100 Main St., Seaforth 81 x 11 copies - 25 cents per sheet, 81/2 x 14 copies - 35 cents per sheet. (GST and PST extra). Phone 519-527-0240. 31-01 -tfnxe 32. Babysitting BABYSITTER NEEDED: 2 weeks 5-7 a.m., 2 weeks 7:30-11:30 p.m. In my home. Job to last until Dec. or longer. Please call 519-527-1653. 32-40x2 37 Mortgages PRIVATE 1ST and 2nd Mortgages available. Lower your monthly pay- ments. Consolidate debts, credit cards. Phone anytime toll free 1- 868-667-5643. FAR -MOR MORT- GAGE FUNDING. 37-38XTFCC 40 ! ost & Found LOST: Please help me find my cat. Lost at Seaforth Fall Fair a gray male neutered cat. No collar. Very friendly. Phone Miranda Campbell 519.527-1484. 40-40-1 HAVE YOU GOT NEWS? Call the Seaforth Huron Expositor at 527-0240 38 Auction Sale 38. Auction Sale Large Auction Sale to be held one mile north of Auburn at Huron County Highways Garage for Counties of Huron and Middlesex plus additions from other municipalities Saturday, Oct. 2 at 10:30 am Pick up trucks, one ton trucks w/dump box, snowplow trucks, Champion roaders w/snow equipment, backhoe, industrial loader tractors, 2 fire trucks, sewer flusher truck, 2 ambulances, 1982 Trackless w/blower and blade, sidewalk sander, Club Cadet 23 hp 4 whl tractor w/loader and mower, Kubota T1700HX lawn tractor, NH 615 rotary disc mower, 2 fertilizer spreaders, Epps 5400 propane fired pressure washer, Honda generator, 12.6x24 tractor tires, 2 Honda 3" transfer pumps, cut off saw, chainsaw, Stihl 12" quick cut saw, con- crete vibrator w/2" head, 26 ft equipment float w/tilt deck, JD F925 front mount mower, 2-6 ft snowblowers, for listing details and addi- tions see www.lobbauction.on.ca Teens Cash, certified cheque, bank letter of guarantee or equipment will be held for 10 banking days for cheques to clear at bank. Cheques payable to County of Huron. For information call Walter Johnston at 519.526-7231, Auctioneer Richard Lobb 519-482-7898 Clinton Saturday, Oct 9 at 10 am ESTATE AUCTION plus additions Estate car, Hummel figurines, RoyalDoulton, Beswick horses. antique furni- ture, glassware, appliances tools etc, at Seaforth Fair Grounds Agn- Plex building for Estate of Dorothy Bassett. See www.Iobbauction.on.ca for full listing Auctioneers Richard and Ben Lobb GIGANTIC CLEARANCE & CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SALE For Wayne Ward Farm Equipment Ltd., Hwy #6, Wiarton Phone (519) 534-1638 or 534-2980 Saturday, Oct. 2nd at 9:30 a.m. sharp (please note date and time) TRACTORS: Universal 640 w/4WD & shuttle + HBL MF165 • nice, Leyland 272 w/cab; Universal 445 w/4WD - late model: Int 674 w/cab & 71/2' Artic front blade. MH 30 wtHBL; 1952 Ford BN *clock. Universal 453 w/4WD - cab & all new tires. Leyland 270 wicab; Ferguson 2085 w/HBL: Int. 434 w/HBL & new paint. Universal 590 wi4WD & cab: 3 Ford Bis: MH 30 - original: Ferguson 2085 DB 1200 w,'cab. Universal 300 wr341 original hours • like new; Leyland 344 w/HBL 2 pair of turf tires 13 6 x 28 • 1 pair on rims. etc. - more tractors by sale time. AUTOMOBILES & SUNDRY: 81 Int. 466 diesel 26 tilt bed truck *winch - driven daily - certified & emission tested this year. 94 Lincoln Town Car - loaded wlow mileage & origi- nal - our own personal car: 85 Dodge Ram model 150 Custom pickup - our service truck: several new Mitsubishi & Wallenstein generators, Dump box *hoist for pickup truck. etc. FARM EQUIPMENT: new & used equipment consisting of. NH 273 baler. 3PH & wheel disc: Massey 33 grain droll; plows - 2 - 3.4 furrow: 3NH manure spreaders 1 • 328 & 2- 519. NH 8 forage box & wagon. harrows: cultivators: fertilizer spreader new & used rotary mowers: bale spear. Cockshutt 311 rake. several wagons: 2 wood trailers. new & used scraper blades; pipe -type hay elevators. 10 tractor snowblowers: 2 wheel swath turner 3PH. NH 26 blower. new & used post hole diggers: MF#9 baler *thrower new & used Douglas 6' finishing mowers. Norcan stone fork. Log & pallet forks Gravity box & wagon. new 8 box scraper 3PH Int 880 put -type combine 'Int 445 baler *Thrower. Allied bale stooker. Mott 7 12' flail mower Wetmore grinder blower Winch. new & used cattle squeezes, 2 front -mounted tractor or truck blades Gehl PT 0 hammer mill 3PH loader, new round bale feeders. 5 loader buckets. Farm King 51 grain auger 8' *motor. new & used wood splitters: Horse cutter & harness: etc LAWN & GARDEN: Approximately 15 good riding tractors in different horsepowers. plus 10 walk -behind snowblowers: tillers. weedeaters. new and used chainsaws. trailers, and like -new Troy-Bilt chipper/vac; etc SPECIAL NOTE: Come early, as we will be starting on time with unreserved items selling to the highest bidder regardless of price If you are looking for good equipment. don't miss this sale Trucking and lunch available Sale items are subject to additions and deletions due to normal business TERMS: Cash. Visa. Master Card or good cheque day of sale Not responsible for acci- dents on property AUCTIONEERS: GLENN SINCLAIR AND BRUCE WARD z 0 h v 4 1 Z 0 1'• v Q z 0 1'- v 4 1) z 0 v 3 4 z 0 i- v 4 AUCTION • AUCTION • AUCTION INCREDIBLE LIQUIDATION OF NEW FURNITURE & ELECTRONICS BY UNRESERVED PUBLIC AUCTION Monday, October llth, 2004 Seaforth and Distrkt Community Centre 122 Duke St, Seaforth, ON Preview 10am/Auction 11 am Robert Gosse, Audloneer, has been instructed to Iquidala ties superb collection of new furniture and accessories at a "NO RESERVE" auction. Approxln sssb 20.3 piece sofa sets from traditional to contemporary to designer looks, from 100% Italian leather to to highest grade fabrk on the market 6 Gorgeous Dining room suites, soon with makMng buffets, hutches and s dsboerds, some In sold wood and In wood veneer, cherry, walnut, mahogany, pine, and maple finish- es. Elegant bedroom outfits to Wads a stunning apt Queen Bedroom Suite in medium oak, and a fabulous 8pc Queen Sleigh Bed Suite with hidden drawers. Giganac Cherry A nbh Poster Bedroom Suite. Gorgeous French Barley Twist Sleigh Bedroom Suite. Beautiful Pine Bar with matching stools. Vega Games Bar Counter. Huge assortment of coffee, end tables, Jam cupboards, gifts, entertainment omits, and lamps. Huge assortment of electronks and home theatre - 19"-61" wide screen TV's, DVD players, paper shredders, sinal kitchen appliances, al under war- ranty. Selection of electrk hand toob;1/2" hammer digs, grinders, planers. Many framed pieces of art, signed and num- bered "Group of Sewn". Hand painted desks and Bomb' Otests. Quality mattresses and box spring sets in single, double, queen and king from the most economical to the highest quality pocket coil pillow top sets on the market. Satsuma, Umoge saes, sign boards, and crystal 32pc pots and pen sats from Germany. 65.98pe China dish seta. Cutlery and Knife sets. Tribal Art, masks, porcelain dols, 8x11 4 5x8 carpets, baker's racks and Tiffany lamps. Hockey Memorabilia, Jerseys sticks, tis, pucks etc signed by Wayne GrebIw, Ed Balfour, Joe Thelon, Bobby Orr and many more, This Is a parlW Istkng. Many more stunning Items not M - ed. Subject to additions and deletions. THIS MAY BE THE BEST AUCTION YOU HAVE EVER SEEN! Mole 014a* Dalkon WAN Arai& Permit Oak %IA WC Mt 10% aura's Nankin bream Wakens. Fee mors Inferrrlaaen call 519.021.9331 Or *It at anntundaloodurrAurstom and AUCTION • AUCTION • AUCTION