HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1923-2-1, Page 8w r M h-: r. EXETER A I] Q,t] LATE THZTRBUlAY, FEB. 15 1192 Exeter Markets rel 'NGED EVERY WEDNESDAY 'Wheat , ,,, L10 0ite : .,,. ,45 B't ,,ey .. .,,... ,60 Meth ::-)ba., Best Flour 3.95 Fa_nl'.y Flour . 330 Pastry Flour ............................3.45 Feed Flour ... ...... 2.00 Sh a is ,,.,. ,. 1.50 Bran .:.... ti 1.35 Creamery Butter ..,..... 43 to 45 Dairy Butter 36 to 39 Ee'ea .t ..., 40 Lard ...... 17 to 20 Hay per ton ,,. $9,00 to $10.00 Rohs. Local Doings .lttitss. Lyons of Load= ins again on duty at Dr, Hynelmaar's hospital. Send The Advocate toyour dis- tont friends for a year. It wig be appreciated, Mr. W. W. Taman.was confined to the house for a few days with fa, heavy cold. Mr. Jas, Dignan is off duty at 'the blacksmithshop and is confined to has bed through illness. Mr. Wm, Andrew is getting along nicely after his recent operation, but .... .,. 10.00; is still confined to his beta. INSTALLATION. On Monday night next, Feb. 5th, the newly elected facers of Exeter Lodge of Odd Fellows will be installed, All (.f1 ems, particularly, please attend,— By order, R. N. Creech, Sec. \Irs, A. E. Bennett and daughter, Mrs. I' elle-, of Saskatoon, who have been vie,t ng is Goderich, are now vis- iting with relatives int town. \Ir. H. W, DD:oerr spent sien:ral d:'ys in Toronto the latter part erif last week attending the convention of the Municipal Electric Utilities. FEBRUARY, 13TH, 1923. Keep Feb, 13th open, if you want to hear a Noted Band of Popular Sing- ers, who will be, at James St. \Letho- dist Church on that night, BEAUTIFY HOMES AND TOWN. Dr, J. F. Bennett, President of the St. Thomas Horticultural Society, one of the foremost authorities an Hor- ticulture In Canada, will visit Exeter under the auspices of the local Soc- iety, on Wednesday, Feb. 7th, and will deliver en address illustrated with lantern slides, in the Town Halal at R a'rlock in the evening. There 'will be tea admission fee or collection, and the peep e of Exeter are urged to ^ attend t'hear Dr. Bennett, and learn new ways sof beautifying the homes and town in general. A CONCERT, _In the School I-Iouse of S. S{.No, 1 Usbarne, on Friday ev'g, Feb. 9, at 8 o'clock. The program will consist of Dialogues, Pantomimes-, Readings and Music, by the young people of ehe Hurondale W. I. Admission 25 and 15c FARM HAND WANTED. An •experienced farm hand wanted, Apply at this office. MR. THEODORE R. GRAY Organist of James Street Church will accept Violin, Vocal and P:•ano Pupils, an Fridays and Saturdays. For further information cart. at Mr. A, Camels's, Main Street, Exeter. AUCTION SALE — Of Cutters, Sleighs, Robes, Harness, etc., Tues- day, Jany. 3Oth, 1923, at the Central Hotel, Exeter. Wm. Hodgert, Prop. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Davis desire to express their sincere appreciation to the many neighbors and friends for their kindness and sympathy during their recent sad bereavement. TO HYDRO USERS. Power will be OFF from: 1 to 5 p. m. on Sunday, Jan. 28th. SPECIAL NOTICE.—Read Mrs. W T), Yea's Advertisement in another ce umn. Call early. OSCAR KLOPP AUCTIONEER Honor G-a-?ua e Carey M. Jones' Na- tional School of Auctioneering. Spec- ial Course taken in Reg:e l:red Live Stock, elercharidese, Real Estate and Fenn Lands. Rates in keeping with prevailing market prices. Satisfaction assured. e mei<_•e or were, 18-93, Zurich, Oscar It"liopp, Zurich, Ont. NOTICE Take notice that from and after this date I, Richard Elston, of the Town- ship of Bianshard, in the County of Perth, farmer, will not be responsible for any debts contracted by, or on be- half ,of my wife, Lenorah Elston. Dated, January 9th, 1923. RICHARD ELSTON. COUNTER CHECKS. When in need of Counter Checks call on The Advocate. We can furn- ish you with all .kinds at right prices ----- FOUND—A place where you can buy British -American gasoline at 33c. —R, Mackenzie & Son, Exeter North PROPERTY FOR SALE Consisting of house, stable and . 8 lots of land, situated in Exeter North on Main Street, Apply to H. Bierling Hay P, 0. Cartage & Livery We have ,leered horses for the Winter months. TRY US• Fir Wedding.s, s Funerals 'and S1eig,hi,:a•.g- ;'Parties. ,. flione '58w. BAGSHAW & EASTON Mas. Joseph Senior, who has been in the hospital at London for several weeks, was able to return home last Saturday and while still improving, is confined to her bed. A horse driven, by Miss Horton, tea: cher, and her brother, while on their way to school in Usbarne, ran away Monday morning. The cutter and har- ness was considerably damaged. The ,Bible students of James and and _Mater Street lelethodist ehuro'hjesi enjoyed a sleigh ride on Friday night, after which a moist', enjoyable time was spent at the . home of Kr. ;and and Mrs. M. E. Gardiner, Mr, James Weekes had a nasty fall recently ,when he slipped on the ice at his home and struck his head against the corner of the building, The accident confined hien to the house for several days, Mr, Hedden's milk delivery horse driven by Reabt. Hatter, made a lively run up Main street with a, can of milk in the cutter, on Monday morning, but luckily the beast was captured b,ee fore any damage was done. Mr. Chas. McDanell, who has been here with his brother, Mr. A. J. Ma+ Don -ell at the hospital for the 'past few weeks, left Friday night for his home in Hensall, Mr. MeDonell still continues to improve, although slowly; The corporation of the town of Mitchell was served with a writ for 510,000, through I‘Lessrs. Stephens & McKenna, solicitors, Hamilton, acting for the Mitchell Woollen, Co„ Ltd. The writ for $10,000 was a cleian for damages said to have; been caused by the spring flood, when water and ice from the dam entered the Woollen Co's plant in, the spring of 1922. rThe council. will defend the action. The Exeter High School Dramatic Club presented their play, "Miss Hen- derson's Gentleman Friend," in the Methodist Church, Elimville, last Fri- day evening. A fair audience enjoyed the performance, and were very gen- erous with their applause. Mr. Ronald Witmer, who sang between acts, re- ceived a ,number of deserved r coatis. Miss Parsons was a very acceptable accompanist. Refreshments were serv- ed to the performers, who were well pleased with the hospitality afforded them. AGED LADY FRACTUURES HIP, Mrs. James Pickard, one; of the old- est residents of town while up street • on Friday last, fell on the icy :walk and fractured her hip. She was im-. mediately taken to Dr. H. K. Hynd- man's hospital, As she is 85 years of age the accident may be serious. FOR SALE. Barn, timber frame, 24x36,—J, S. Harvey, Exeter, SALVATION ARMY SERV ICES Services as usual ,next Sunday. Services in Town Hall 11 am,—Holiness Meeting 7 p.m.—Salvation. Meeting. 2.30 p.m.—Sunday School and Bible Claus. Cottage meetings in North End 'on Tuesday night. Capt. Hopkins Lieut. Hoskins Trivitt Memorial Church 11 a,m.—"Faith and Superstifion." 7 p.m.—"The Higher Vision,." Services will be, held, in the Schlool Hall. Rev A. A. Trumper, Rectos: CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister 10 a. m,—Sunday, School and Bible Classes. 11 a.m.—"The Sympathy of Jesus" 7 p,m.—"To Understand the Present, The Minister We must know the Past. Augustine and His Leadership," The Minister Boy Scoutswill meet Monday evening JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Willson, B.A. 11 a.m.—Services of Baptism and Re- ception of members; also Sacra- Ment of Our Lord's Supper. 3 p.m.—Sabbath School. You are in- vited to, join thea "Comrades" or other classes. 7 p.m.-Sg,crament of "Our Lord's Supper" and sermon, by the Min - ester. Come and join in a good congrega- tional and choir sing. It will help you during the week. 3 p.m,—Sabbath School and _' Bible Study., MAIN ST. METHODIST T Rev Geo McAlister, Phone 21r3 11 a.m.—Sacrament of, theleoI 's . Sup- per at clpse . of public worship, 3.00 p.m. —Bible Such oil, ` .. 7 ee —Rev:'. W..G, H. IVIcAlister,, AT BETHANY, s 2,30—Sacrament bf "the Lord's Supper; Asa: for The Ad.eecate: Clubbing list when, ordering your papers,. Mr. • Jahn Hunter succeeded getting ,one of the big rabbits On Tuesday in LJsborne. The roads are now iin pretty }faux condition for sleighing, although care has to be :exercised ,iii turning ,out,, :blr, Tos, Basto was admitted to the Old Peoples Honre, at Clinton 'on',Ion Monday, -where he intends, spending the winter, Mrs. W. D. Sanders, who has been Confined to her bed far some 'time, took a turn far the worse this week suffering from severe heart trouble. The. 1,Iinasterial Association of Ex- eter and South Huron, hold their mon- thly session in .the School room tof :the Trivett Memorial Church on Monday everling, Feb. 5, at 8 o'clock, The members .of churches are invited to attend. The subject of discussion is the placing of ministers, Mr. Geo. ,Mantle last Friday night lost his big delivery mare through death. She wes apparently all right the night previous, having eaten her feed and showed no signs of mess, but when they entered the stable in the morning the mare was stiff in death, She was a faithful old beast and was good foe almost any load 'she was hitched to, DEATH OF WM. COULTIS- There passed away at his home in Toronto, on Thursday, Jan. 25, Wil- liam Coultas, a former weltleknown resident of Usborne and Exeter, at the age ',of 66 years and 11 mon4ha, The deceased was a victim of heart trouble, but had, been sick only a Lew days, in fact he. was in liar, usual health up to the Sunday previous to his de- mise, Mr, Coultis was born, in Pick- ering but moved from: there. to the Township of Usborne where; he farm- ed for many years. About seventeen years ago he retired from the faun, moving to Exeter, where he worked at his trade, as carpenter. Lteeeing here .be were to Goderich, and from Goderich to Toronto some ten years ago, where he has singe made hits home_ Besides hies wife he is survived by two sons, Leroy Coultis, druggist Toronto, and Chester of the Simp- son's furniture department, Toronto. Lie also leaves two brothers, Henry, and Eli, of Exeter, and five :sisters Mrs. James Kyle and Mrs. John Hind ,of Exeter, htrs. W, Clark of lesborne Mrs. Lankin,s of Blan,shard and Mrs, S. Clark of London. 'The funeral took place in Toronto, all the brothers and sisters being in attendance, GOOD HOCKEY GAME— EXETER 7; HENSAi.,L 5. A spicy game of hockey was ,put an, inn the Exeter 'rink on TEu,esday night when Exeter and Hentsall canoe together, with Derry Boyle handling the bell, It being the first game of the; season with an outside, teas, the pres- ident, Rev, James Foote, placed the puck on the opening. The two teams were evenly matched as to ability, and; the interest was kept up through the whole game, Hensall got the first, count the loc- als the 'second and the visitors an- other in the first period. In the second Exeter added two and Hensel). failed to score. The third period opened. with Hen- sel' gw.ing strong, notching three be- fore the locals knew the game was on, but the homesters, then carne 'to life,, and after eight minutes hard play got one. past Cook. This was quick- ly followe.d by three more in quick order before time- was called. Hind was the particular star of the first two periods, and Lawson, Ander- son and Wells showed up well in the kit periods Each one of the boy;, however, ;pet up a. •ra goad game. There were some fast boys in the visitors -too, but they lacked combine ation, which only, comes with more prac doe - The crowd -evhile fair, was n,at near- ly as large as, the game deserved, but now that we know what the bayst can do, the attendance et another game will be larger. The line up— Exeter—Goal, Harness; defence,Law son and Hardy; centre, Hind; wings Tiernan and Wells; spares, Davis and Anderson., Hensall—Goal, Cook; 'defence, Parl- mer and.Bush; centre, Shaddack; wings, ell and Berry. Mrs. A. Walter is visiting friends in .Brantford. Yirs. Burke returned home last week from a visit in. Michigan. Mr. B, M. Francis left Wednesday evening for T.oranto on business, Mr. Thos. Boyle of Toronto spent a day or two with friends here. Mr. Ferguson 'of Teiesiwater is visiting his son, Mr. T. R, Ferguson. :Miss - Conley of Belleville is visiting with her nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs, George Williams. Mrs. Harvey Hill of London visited for a few days with her parents, iMr, and Mrs. 'Thomas Bissett. Mr. T. AVL. Davis: and little daughter of Goderich visited over Sunday with his 'sister, ; Mrs. F. A. May. Miss Ella Link returned to Walkerton; Tuesdaymorning, after visiting with relatives ;here, and in Cre.diton. His Honor Judge L. H. Dickson of Coderich was here ,Tuesday to. see Mr, A, .J. McIDoiijell, who still remains' quite ill. Mr. Herb Bedford of Kingston -visit- ed a few days during the week with;. his fattier, Mr. J'asen, -Bedford, who. continues in a very low state of health Mr, H, J. Puke of Toronto was call- ed home on Monday owing to .thle ser- ious illness of hes; brother, Mr. R. (W.. Fake, who suffered a "relapse last week. Mr. A. O. Mujsiser of London came up ,on Tuesday owing to the. serious illness of 'his father, Mr. Aaron Mus- ser,, Who resides. with his daughter, Mr's, Richard Davie. 1 i PHONE 32 JONES 1VIAY'S rettervereeteireeees PHONE 32 ee: Special Values an Spring Merchandise Cotton Staples Our stock of CCotten, Staples' for Spring is ;Thow complete. For those who wish to get their summer sewing done early we can give wonderfully attractive values in Prints, Ginghams, Shirtinegs, G.alateas, Pillow Cottons Sheetiings, Flannelettes, Factory Cottons, Longcloths, Cambrics, Etc. We have an enormous( stock to select from, Anderson's Celebrated Scotch Ginghams Ginghams will be more,pdpular than ever fir the coming, season. We have over thirty patterns and colorings of the celebrated Anderson's . Scotch Ginghams, in 32, inch and 36(inch widths. These are positively guaranteed' fast colors. THE NEW MONARCH YARNS ARE HERB. We have the new, Monarch knitting yarns in stock for Spring, We ,have two decidedly different Sweater and Scarf yarns from any, shown before, Starlight is a very fine silk and wool yarn in all popular Alain colors; and Mohawk in two tone elf ects will be very ,popular. Ask to see these new lines. DRESS SILKS. We have just received a shipment of dress silks in the 'new bright colors, such as Poppy, Henna, Jade, Tangerine, Sand, Etc. . These are exceptiional.ly good value at 52.50 a yard, CLEARING SALE OF DRESS SERGES We are rather overstocked with some lines of dress, serges, which we are, offering at greatly reduced prices. We can give, you• heavy all wool serge in popular colors, 50 inch wide at $1.00 yard. NEW CURTAIN NETS AND DRAPERIES Stock now complete for spring—dozene of •different patterns, and prices DOWNPROOF SATEENS. Beautiful new, patterns in English Downproof Sateens for comforters Etc., at lower prices. New Spring Wall Papers Our new Wall Papers are here. Come in and see them. Papers are all ready trimmed if you want them that way or untrimmed, of you pre- fer them. YOUNG MEN'S OVERCOATS at 510, See Window of Overcoats at 510 JONES & MAY AGENTS FOR HURLBUT \SHOES MnSeeeillseeereeeneeeleeeeneelleseelleeeela and .Mrs. Ed. Harwood of Tor- onto, were here far a few days, tasee the former's mother, Mrs. James Pick-. aid, who fractured her hip. When in need of Insurance see E. J. CHRISTIE Canada Life Insurance Agent, Also Fire and Accident Insurance, Exeter -- — Ontario. ANDREW EASTON LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR HURON COUNTY. Orders left with Advocate, or at the Central Hotel. Prices reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed, Exeter -- Ontario The Exeter Advocate Display Advertising -Made known an appScatioar, Stray .Animals—One insertion 50c., three insertions 51.00. Miscegeneous articles of not more than five limes, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost and Found locals 25c. an insertion„ Local reading notices, etc., 10c ,per line per insertion, No notice less than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c, Auction Sales 53 for one insertion and $1,50 for each subsequent in- sertion if under five inches in length. Legal advertiislung 10c. and 5c. aline. Farm or React Estate for sale 50c. each insertion fort one mouth of four insertions, SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 A Few Specials for February.. BUY WALL PAPERS 'PHIS MONTH. Why oat get your papering done early before the paper hangers get too. busy? We have a..,numib.er of pe pe.rs in room Iota that eve are offer- ing at very low, prices; 40 INCH FACTORY COTTON A splendid quality of Factory Cat- ton, fine even weave and good weight, suitable for pillow cases and sheets, Special: Price this month - 10 yards for 52.50. 30 PAIRS WOMEN'S SHOES $1,98 Sizes : 2 1-2 to 4 1-2. 3.0 pairs of Ladies' Fine Shines in small ag es, These 'Shoes sold at $4.50 and $5.00 a pair. Reduced for quick selling at per pair $1.98. MEN'S FINE SHIRTS Sizes 14 1-2, 15, and 15 1-2, good washing materials; good si shirts and well made, Special, at $1.35.' in zed ALL LINEN STRIPED TOWELING, Regular 350. value In the old ,re e. able stripe all limen Towelling.: Special at per yard 29c. 30 PAIRS BOYS' SHOES Size,s 1 to 5; a cleaJt-up of Odd Lines of Boys'- Shoes, These should move quickly at )r pair ..1 51,98, 25 PR, WOMEN'S .CLOTH RUBBERS Regular $1.75 values. T,hese we are clearinsg this Month at the time price of Per pair 75e.: MEN'S HEAVY RUBBERS 10 per cent, Discount' is „what we are giving off all, Miner and Doan. inion, Lumberrnan's Heavy Rubbers and Seeks during this ,month. cn thaott Bros THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTh Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO UvQzeeiied dialing car service Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor cars on principal day trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn- ing District Passenger Amt, Toronto N. J. DORS Phone 46w Agent, Exeter I. R. Carling, Barrister, Solicitor, Etc Loans, Investelexes Insurance) Office, Caling Block, Main St. Exeter ARTHUR WEBER Auctioneer — R. R. No, 1, Dashwood Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co. Farm and stock sales' a specialty. Four years experience, DR- A. E. TENNANT, Veteriney Surgeon McDoaell's Stables, John St., Exeter (lately occupied by Dr, Vining) Phone 26w Dr. G. F. Roulston, Le D. S., D. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. e Honer Graduate TOrorytd Uadveriit9 Office -over Gladman & Stanu'btuy'a Office, Main' Street. Exeter. FRANK • TAYLOR Licensed AttetiOneee eor Counties of Humor and' Middler Prices Reasonable and SatI faction Guaranteed. Crediton., — Ouitado: MONEY TO LOAN Was bare a large amount of private funds to .loan on farm '; aped village property at low. rates of interest. GLAI3MAN & STANE Y Baas lebmrs,. Solicitoa',s, It` It to Dov the pia( Z yea thr of ag tall els pin oth