HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1923-2-1, Page 7'EItV'OUS EX . USTION The Qxlly Sure Relief is to Ea - riche and Build Up the Blood. Nervous exhaustion is the cause of headaches and dizziness, and it is' due, almost always, to conditions of Ina poverished blood. Tablets anti pow- ders for headaches should Thever be taken; they :cannot possibly reach the root of the trouble, and are often most harmful. All that is needed to bring relief is a tonic that will enrich and purify the brood, ask 4ihe very beat tonic for tine purpose le Dr. Williams'. Pink Pi11's. These pills have a direct action on the blood, and in this way. the headaches, dizzinees and other bad. symetoms rapidly disappear.. Mr. Mark F. Taylor, Granby, Que., tells what thio medicine did for hiin. He rays: -"I had severe headaches welch would be aceorpealied by vomiting spells. These would last for two or , three' days at a time. I would take one of these spells every three or four weeks, and it is almost impossible to describe the misery they caused. nie. I tried a number of medicines without getting relief, until one day my mother brought me six boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Whee they were used I was feeling much better, and I got a • further supply, and under the continued treatment every symptom of the trou- ble disappeared. I cannot sneak too highly of this medicine far it oertainly has done wonders for me." You can gat these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a bog or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„ Brock- ville, Ont. Run on Lower Flange. An electrically driven hoist with a capacity of a ton has been combined witile a trolley conveyor that can be ran en the lower ange of a standard I- beam, Container for Match Boxes. Two rubber vacuum cups hold a new container for match boxes on any smooth surface. Now, _ : Word of Magic. There is such a thin ; as a. statement eoutaining more poetry than truth "Turn back the universe and give me y'es'terday,";"sings weer and "listene .well," but it's uzihea,'itby just the amine: "Taking' a trip on-neernory n chill" is all right—lupi occeei„aal.3`, but it can become a mental 'and spiritual dope. The slaves of tthia habit are tutaily un- fit for ai-fit.for the realities aS to4.ay. To a healthy mind, all pleat -erre is contagious. We have all .enjoyed hear- ing old people talk of bygohe days., but frankly, didn't your pledsure arise from the fact that it gave them plea- sure to live those days over again? Thee sort of thing is a bit akin to the truth that "all the world loves a lov'e'r." For old people to Jive in the past is not curly natural, but becoming aztcl Lovable. But as, long as "To -day" brings to you duties and task's and bur- dens, can you successfully perform those bases cued duties. and lifit those burdens if your strength: is sapped by an over -Indulgence in the dope et re- trospection? Enter ieto to -day ea ardently and entllusi;aseira•lly as if there had never bowl a yesterday, and never would be a to -morrow. Instead of waiting ten years, and looking back upon it as one of "the good old days," which you may vainly wish to recall, squeeze from it now the goodly share of wfceleseme joy and serenity it surely holds; Instead oaf sentimentally looking back on pest days as "the good old days," why not sensibly and optimisti- cally and practically view each new clay, right whitle you are living it, as "a good old day?" Ani: most important of all, make to -day "e. good ad day" for everybody with whtom you come in contact. To -day ought to be the beet old day of all the "good old days." Why? Because if we have eivead truly end earnestly we have just a little more experience and wisdom to put in- to today. --. Minard's Liniment for Neuralgia Popularity is rnore often a reward for not displeasing people than for pleasing them. To Remove Wall Paper. Heat a gallon of water, and add to it a heaping tablespoonful rot :salt-petre. Apply this to the wall with a brush, keeping the water hot all the tinge. Af- ter a. few applications the paper will pull off easily. Translations of the Bible, or por- tions of it, are published by the Brit- ish and Foreign Bible Society in 550 different Ianguages. Surnames and Their Origin BAGLEY Varlation—Bagly. Racial Origin—English. Source—A locality. This Ls one of those family names Which might well have sprung up in- dependently in many sections of Eng- land thtroutghoaut the period in, which the majority of family name. ware formed—that is to say, betwee" to eleventh and the fc:trteenth centuries. And all of the available in dica,ticns in the form of historical records • of come ties, townshps and villages go to show that it did. The "Bagley" was the kind of local geographical name which might have sprung up almost anywhere in the country. As a geographical term it wee simp- ly the combination of two ancient An- glo -Seem words, "boelge" and "leagh." The former is the word which in the course of time has developed into our modern verb "bulge," meaning to swell. The latter is f .mud principally in gecoraphical names, in the termina- tions, "ley," "lea" and "high," and it meant either meadow, or untitled land. The "boelge," "leagh" or "bagley," therefore, simply referred to some local piece of rising or swelling ground that was untilled. Any one living on such ground was likely to be distin- guished in the speech of Ms com- munIty by reference to it. RAMSEY Racial Origin—English. Source—A iocality. Ramsey is one of those English names which are distinctly Anglo-Sax- on, in distinction from .these which. are Norman-French. Still it does not fol- low that all who bore it in tfae first place were Saxons; A name of this sort gives, little or na clue to the race' of those who first used it, because it was a place name before it became a family name, and the Norman, when they spread their sway over England,' saw no reason for renaming the lo- cality. Like all family memos derived from. place names, its first general use was to indicate the place from which a given person or family had come, thus distinguisieeng a man from others, who bore the same given name. Later, these names, for the most part, lust their locality significance and became the hereditary names of families. Only in a minority of caste.- do suoh names indicate, that the oniginall bearers were "of" a certain locality in the sense that they were the rulers of it. As a place name, Ramsey is a com- bination of the Saxon "ey," which meant "isle" or "iel•and" and either "ram," or else the word "reoma." The last named meant the "edge" oe "bar - der" and was the ancient form of our modern word "rim." Progressing Mother -"Mary, don't you think you are getting too old to play with the hone?" Mary -"No, mother; the older I get the better I-lik:e them," GUARD THE BABY AGAINST CO' To guard the babe against needs notbing can equal Baby's Own Tab- lets. The Tablets are a mid laxative that will keep the little one's stomach and bowels working regularly. It is a recognized fact that where the stom- aeh acrd bowels are in good order that colds will not exist; that the health of the little one will be good and that he' will thrive and he happy and good-na- tured. The Tablets are sold by media C1n17 dealers or -by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont.. A New Year Thought. At long lest we shall find them, if we set ourselves to look, The answers to the problems in old Time's big puzzle -book! The why and how and wherefore of the ups and downs we meet; The meaning of the corneae and the turnings in Life's Street! At long last we shall learn them—ail the Lessons of the way. At long last we s'liai1 sing them—all the carols of the day. We may not find it quickly, but at long last if we're true— Well dig it out and finish it—that work we're meant to do! At long last we shall get there—to the top of Hill Success; We mustn't tire of climbing, we must onward, upward press! And- ` ehen the mist's have broken we shall view with clearer sight-- The ghitThe reason far the failures which have helped us gain the height. Lillian Gard. 'The Pleasure of Music. Beauty in all' its, glory can be brought to the hearts of children through music. The joy received from hearing beautiful melodies preserves that idealism, which ie one of the most pre- cious poss'essions- of dh1idhood. When such music is heard it reaches, their consciousness through rhythm, melody and harmony, through foam and style, through the warmth of stringed instru- ments or the rich tones of a French horn, but it all affords a pleasure which finds eche within and is an in- fluence for good. The world can not live without music. It is uplifting and makes one think of the better things of life. When we realize how vital a factor music is in the life of each individual we will also realize how important it is to hear good music. Taking interest for money Ient to Hebrews was expressly forbidden by the Mosaic Law. •y...- - 1PIIIMOVillikille011,41 Agenerous sample lin ofLisl4nt Posture+will ,Be.,nexa i, Postpaid, for 4c in'stempa: "Write; Is Your Fa t £ ealti QTJ say "No" to thechild ren when tea or . coffee is being passed; but while explaining that little folks should not risk health, do you drink tea or coffee yourself? Yoiir•heaitliis valuable, too—and their need for a hot drink with breakfast may be as great as yours. ` There's complete • satisfaction in Postum, and safety alike for young and old.-Postum is made from clean, hard wheat and is free from any element of harm. It has a pleasing aroma, de- lightful flavor—and thousands who .have. Wisely stopped tea and coffee are finding satisfaction, comfort and better health, in. wholesome Instant Postum.. .At your Grocer's in Seated, Air -tight Tins Canadian Postum Cereal Co., ,inited POStUmF0R H'GA, i'l "There's a Reason' 45 Front St, E.' Torotlto. Factory: Windsor, Ontario wiumeezeteseiresen CAN SWING ' PICK LIKE HE.USED TO Miner Thanks Tanlac, For Put - Hips Back On Jona After Mee s Fo cel 1 to Quit.. "When Taniae edged my little grand -daughter so wonderfully I thought fns -Sebe the medicine would help me too, and since I've taken it I am feeling fin," said John Jopes, 19 Sterling St., tendon Ontario. "1 carne here a year or 110 ago from Calgarry, where I wan a miner, but had to quit on account of asthma," he eon- tinued. "I was badly run down, and then I got a touch of pneumonia that knocked me out comp1ateliy. I couldn't get niy strength back, diad nio e,Ifpestite, was unable to work and didn't kuow what' it was to get a good night's elOop. "13y the time I took three bottles of Taniae I was eating just anything, sleeping like a log and I have been .on' the job ever since. My asthma doesn't bother me so much now, and It's a race between m'e and my little grand -daugh- ter at meal time, for we batik have splendid appetites.' Tania; is for sale by all good drug- gists. Over 35 million bottles sold. PUT STOMACH IN ORDER AT ONCE (Tape's Diapepsin" for Gas, Indigestion or Sour Stomach Instantly! Stomach corrected! Your never feel the slightest distress from indigestion or a sour, acid, gassy stom- ach, after you eat a tablet of "Pape's Diapepsin." The moment it reaches the stomach all sourness, flatulence, heartburn, gases, palpitation and pain disappear. Druggists guarantee each package to correct digestion at once. End your stomach trouble for few cents, A Quick Relief fox headache A headache is frequently caused by badly digested food; the gases and acids resulting therefrom mo absorbed by the blood which in tura irritates the nerves and causes painful symptoms called headache. neuralgia, rheuma- tism, etc. 15 to 30 drops of 57telher Selgel's Syrup will correct faulty digestion and afford relief. r 8 MINCIMMIXIZEIMCNOCUMMil COARSE SALT LAND SALT Bulk Carlota TORONTO SALT WORKS C. J. CLIFF - TORONTO America's rinonear Dog Fs emedies Book on DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad- dress by the Author. EI. clay Glover Co., Inc. 129 11lest 24th Street New York, U.S.A. Faster Than the Fastest. Orchestra Drumelest--•-"I'In lee fast- est man in the world." Vio'liniett—"How's that?" O. D.—"Time files; doesn't it?" V.—"So thay stay." - O. D.—"Weal, I beat time." MONEY bRDERS. It is always safe to send a Dominion Express Money Order. Five dollars costs three cents; Death and Life.. I do net know what may befall to -mote row, What stores of blessing; or what weight of sorrow; But this I know, whatever may befall, Whatever Life may be, Death ends it all. But stay! Does Death end all we know of living? Though it may end the tears and woo and the fcrgiving, • Is it no rattier, 0 my Soul, the door To Life Eternal, life for evermore? i\To ;;reselling doubts. shall quell my heart's believing. . Though hell and furies ply their arts deceiving; The ley stream may o'er my body roll, But Death can never rob in of my Soul. Quite Untrue. The village postman., being an invet- erate gossip, cou.id,.aver•. resist read- ing the postcards entrusted to him to deliver, and then communicating the news them gained to; eltiers. The doctor was much bothered by this, and one clay, in i' ailing to a friend who lived quite close, he added: "I would tell you more, only I know the pcisitman will read it." He then 'meted the nand In title let- ter -box, wnlleiice it was co?iected, and taken to tlhe poet -office, and, sen but for delivery. The postmian stamped up to the berme with the card and knocked at flys door. To ithte surprise of the good Wily who 1, opened the door, the postman handed her e piostcard, amid exclaimed angrily; I "He's a liar! T don't read 'end," 6SSU.E No, 4—•'22.. 4-...a.i44.H64 44$4**.et+444 ” Care " 10c Best Bowel Laxative $ When Bilious, I Constipated To clean out your bowels without cramping or overacting, take Casear- ets.• Sick headache, biliousness, gase•s," Indigestion, our, upset etonaoli, and aIa silch distress gone , by .morning. Nteent physics on earth, for grown-ups and children. 10e a box, Taste like candle asaified , dvertisement$, L xilif�b vrA a gzD. ANTi:I -e•REL A.B1 E AGE On commission, for nursery :Arpu With 20 years' experience; tree 041404, anent; weekly prw Weliaud Nurewr Co„ -.Welland, Ont. ' HE SCARE ]'3URgI,ARS AL.A]KLi1Q--•. . New invention. sure scare.' No of ce, store, Ce11a ',, or my eolttee. of valuii Should be without them. can be attach- edto any window or door, 'Zed. A e*ts g wanted. Ben yohnaon, Box 1878, Wel- land, .Ont. New Socket Wrench. Weighing only lye pocked; a socket Wrench that has been designed for a certain type of automobile fits nuts of eleven sizee. Pain' For immediate relief rub the affected part with Minard's L•milnent. It penetrates raster and further than any other, soothing and stopping pain. Two generations have crowned it King of Pain, Minard's Liniment The Family Medicine C!'est. saar.xi w,pri 'ED--rxtel.ZZ, ete-ELF 1tzQuIRE6 parties to knit men's wool socks for us at home, either With machine Or by hand. Send• •'sty p- and,addressed envelope for inforrtzatton. The.Calpltiarq. 'Wholesale - DistributSpg 'Co.. D •3t. & lta. On DRi at. ANTED—EXPI Ii.ITINCED l N'iT- 1 TERS wanted to operate Colton's patent machines making shirts, dr09ffs a and combinations. A.Pply, stating e(iw,l- ence, to C. Turnbull Co., ltd., Galt, 'Ottt. I.TI'.SRtl. elaT IAGARA• BALLS M iiMORIA:T.i 11 leoepitai Training Scbcol for Nurses (Registered) offers a three (a) year course to students; affiliating With the Children'S Hospital, Buffalo, N.Y., eight-hour duty; requirements: one year Of High School or its equivalent. Fur- ther information upon request to Metm. oriel Hospital, Niagara Falls, New York, ^Superintendent of Nurses- BELTIN FOR SALE ELTING OF ALL KINDS, N17W QR used, pulleys,, saws, cable, hose, etc., shipped subject to approval at low. est prices- in Canada. York Belting Co., 112 York St., Toronto. One of the first lessons in life is. to learn how to obtain victory out of defeat. Minard's Liniment for Rheumntisni,, Rugby footibaIl celebrates its cen. tenary this year. SEVERE. ITCHING BURNINGPIMPLES Over Face and Nec c, Face Disfigured, Cuticura Heals, "My trouble began with a rash which later turned to pimples. The pimples were quite large and of a reddish color, and were scattered all over my face, neck and forehead. The itching and burning were so severe that 1 could not help scratching. My face was disfigured for about a year. "The trouble lasted about a year before I began using Cuticura Soap and Ointment. They afforded relief within two weeks, and at the end of six weeks I was healed." (Signed) Clarence J. Burnell, 474 Tyler St., Pittsfield, Mass., Jan. 4, 1921. Use Cuticura for all toilet purposes. Sample £acbFree by titan. Address: "xymena,L1m- ited, 344 St. Paul St, W., Montreal." Sold every- where. Soap 25e. Ointment 25 and 50e. Talcum 25e. 'Cuticura Soap shaves without raug. RS. AMBER'S ACHES &N6 PA!NS Vanished After Using Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound "Branchton, Ont.—"When I wroth to you for help my action was mostly 11 ,, alpromoted by curios-, i ity. 1 wondered if „ : i i 1, too, would benefit by your medicine. It was the mostrofit- able action Ip have ever taken, I heart- ily assure you, for through its results I am relieved of most. of my sufferings. I have takensix boxes of Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound Tablets and a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Blood Medicine, and I can honestly say I have never been so well before. I had suffered from pains and other troubles since I was fifteen years old, and during the `Great War' period I worked on munitions for two years, and, in the heavy lifting which my work called for, I strained myself, causing pelvic inflammation from which I have suffered untold agony, and I often had to give up and go to bed. I had doctored for several years without getting per- tnanent relief, when I started to take your medicines."—Mrs. GoLDWIN ENER, Branchton, Ont. Write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medi- cine Co., Cobourg, Ontario, fora freecopy of Lydia E. Pinkham's Private Text - Book upon ",fili;lents Qf Women." 0 Rheumatism?-ban1skpaLn! Apply Sloan's. Restore healthy circu- lation of blood through congested tis- sues. Since congestion causes the pain almost instant relief! cloan's Liniment Made in Canada —kills a'nl UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache' Lumbago Pain Pain Randy "Bayer" boxes of 1.2 tablets—Also bottles of 24 and 100--1) uggista (Ile ho trade meat (registered.in Canrtda.) of Bai•Er.ManU a tuts, oa tin t. Aspirin 1 f a- s . e. it le v, all known that ,4l,pitin n r atld Bey4 ttcrtfcacidestax o finftevIlgauict, While mninirnotttze,-to: ss`.•istt'ha 1niblicu,tialust�imitations, the .nWets of lssl5'er 001.41.par4Y win be stamped. with their general •trad,5..rcark, lite "Heyer there."