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Huron Expositor, 2004-09-22, Page 5
Maureen Wildfong Res 519-527.11111 ©C1© l &T'ot.E o4TM6 SE PrWE' www.mis.ca Culligan REAL ESTATE LTD. Linda (Mobs Res 519-522-0221 8 Main Street, Seaforth 519-527-1577 office www.';c11incgseiforth.co111 Opinion What would you take if hurricane was forcing you to leave your home? From Page 1 your door and told you that you had two hours to evacuate. Worse yet, imagine being at work and not being allowed to go home and grab things from your home before you had to leave. What would you take? What would he the most vital things to you'? Would you be able to he logical and practical, or would you give in to emotion and pack for sentimental value. Think now, because there is a real possibility that you would not have a home to come back to. Everything you own could be gone. Come on, clock is ticking. WHAT do you take? What in your life takes precedence over everything else? What can you not possibly live without'? How do you decide'? What do want to he left with to remind yourself of all the things you once had? Pretty incredible to think about isn't it'? The whole scenario has had an effect on me. In the last few weeks I have been my own little hurricane, sweeping through years of accumulated "treasures" in my home, pitching out left and right. I am quite a pack rat (it's genetic), and believe Inc.'there is tons of "stuff." After watching so many people lose so much, I began to realize just how much we as a society, love to hang on to things that really have no value, not even sentimental. We hang on to things that need fixing. but we never fix them. We hang on to clothes that don't fit, but we really like them, or think we might "get back into them." We hang on to tons of stuff that the kids made for us, and yes that stuff is priceless, but I can guarantee that the kids won't remember half of what they made. Go through the artwork every now and again (with the children if they are old enough) and you will probably get the pile down to a reasonable size. We save stuff that costs us more to keep than it would to buy a new one IF we ever happened to need one again. (Highly unlikely.) We hang on to lots of stuff because we think we are going to use it again. "Don't throw that out - 1 can use that" is a familiar saying in everyone's home, but it never gets used again. I must admit, my little "clean sweep "program has turned out to have a small additional benefit. Besides the obvious one of a cleaner, more spacious home, 1 have also used the experience of sorting through all my life's accumulations, to try and decide on what my family will be including in our church's time capsule. Unlike the people in the hurricane areas who have to decide quickly what to take with them, I have had awhile to try and figure this out. But you know what? All this extra time hasn't helped at all. 1 am hopelessly undecided. Our church is having an anniversary celebration, and each family was given a ziploc hag to put a few items in. And, the bags will be put in a time capsule to be opened in 60 years. But the dilemma—what to choose'? What small item(s) do I want to include that will tell people 60 years from now what my family was like? What impression do 1 want to make on an unknown audience'? What do I want to include that would tell future family and friends what we had and how we lived? Moreover, what will the world be like in 60 years? Think of what has happened in the last 60 years: walking on the moon, cell phones, television, incredible advances in medicine, microwave ovens, computers, cloning. The list could go one for quite some time. Will there be as many radical lifestyle changes in the next 60 years? My search for something meaningful to include in the time capsule is not nearly as serious as people who have to evacuate, I know that. But I guess it is kind of the same way of thinking. What says the most about who and what I was? What do 1 want to reflect the life I've lived? If any of you are here in 60 years, let me know if I made a good choice, okay? Letter Program on track to help beef farmers From Page 4 To meet that goal we will need to have adequate numbers of cattle entered into the programs. Program details are still being developed. I encourage cattle producers to watch for further information. Strategies are also being developed to ensure we have international and domestic markets for the extra heel the additional slaughter capacity will produce. BSE testing is done to determine the prevalence of the disease in the national herd. Canada must meet its surveillance target if we're to achieve the goal of being recognized as a negligible risk country. Canada is on track to meet its surveillance target of testing 8,000 animals this year. As of August 27 we had tested 5,376 animals with all results negative. Canada has committed to testing 30,000 animals next year. The cooperation of cattle producers will be required to meet this target. A reimbursement program for bringing samples forward off the faun is being developed and details will be available soon. Daily updates on the current situation are available at www.info-cca.ca or by calling 1 -866 -INFO -CCA. Sincerely. Stan Eby, President Canadian Cattlemen's Association Calgary AB When It Comes To Protecting Your Assets.... Turn to the Professionals at GRAY INSURANCE BROKERS INC. Specializing in PENNY OVERBOE Farm -' Commercial - Auto - Home 5 MAIN STREET, SOUTH SEAFORTH, ON (519)527-2500 Opan Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. • OR by appolnmant if naadad ALLAN CARTER MCBRIDE EQUIPMENT SERVICE AND PAINTING its NTs/9-233-3368 • JWCA' 6 TRAILER REFINISNINQ • SANDELAtT1NQ • WELDING AND FAURICATINQ • COMPLETE RESTORATION OF FARM EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT SERVICE G GENERAL REPAIRS - TRUCKS E FARM EQUIPMENT Partners Paint & Paper presents. "Colour Conndentlal' An evening in the company of renowend Canadian Interior Designer Jane Lockhart Friday, October 15th - 7pm South Huron High School Gymnasium Tickets $20 each with the entire net proceeds being donated to Community Living South Huron Only 225 Tickets Available) Tickets exclusively at Partners Paint & Paper 451 MAIn Street South - Exeter �1 or phone 235-0181 or 1-888-203-5782 Don't Miss This! lane l.ockharl'.s ,rrh Otlier f '.eteI' appr;117111Ce MIS to1;1114 Sf)lcl c►til! •OIs IROVetr7 octet AIM 21% ofr i/ tr �F}�v--•�.+Nf •-•••••-• ••••• _- - r THE HURON EXPOSITOR, $apt. 22, 2004.5 FERGUS° APIARIES (519) 236-4979 • Clover Honey • Canola • Creamy Honey •, Honey comb too! www.fergusonapiaries.on.ca BILL & ROSEMARY FERGUSON HWY. #84 BETWEEN HENSALL & ZURICH BEREAN COVENANT CHURCH A CHURCH PLANT OF GRACE TRINITY COMMUNITY CHURCH Orange Hall, Seaforth 527.0029 10 am Family Sunday School 11 am Worship Service 7 pm Prayer Meeting Pastoral Team: Pastor Bob Penhearow Pastor Ron Matthews Pastor Royal Hamel You are invited to,attend these area churches St. Thomas Anglican Church A Congregation 01 the Parish ot The Holy Spirit Jarvis St. Seaforth Fr Michael Atkins Parish Office 527-1522 Sunday, September 26 Our Annual "Blessing of the Animals Sunday" Bmg your pets - AN am welcome 9:30 am Annual Fall Deanery Semce at 3 pm Come celebrate with us -Everyone Welcome Monday Sept. 27 - Prayer Group at 7 pm Growers Group at 7 pm Catholic Church St. James RC Church 14 Victoria Street, Seaforth 527-0142 Weekend Masses: Sat 5:15 pm Sun. 11:00 am St. Columban RC Church Saturday Mass at 7:30 pm Father Lance Magdziak Bethel Bible Church An Associated Gospel Church 126 Main St. Seaforth 527-0982 Sunday Worship Hour 11 am Sunday School 9:45 am Jim Wyllie - Pastor Egmondville United Church Sunday, September 26 Worship Service at 11 em Sunday School - Ages 0 & up -10 am Steve Hildebrand Lay Pastoral Minister In Training Everyone Welcome Mark Saturday, Nov. 13, 2004 on your calendar!! Join us for a 'Sugar Plum Tea & Bazaar' 10 am -4 pm at Egmondville United Church NORTHSIDE - CAVAN UNITED CHURCHES Cavan 930 a.m 11:00 a.m. Northside Winthrop 54 Godench St W Minister Rev. John Gould Sunday, September 26 Sermon - "God and Money" Northside Session/Stewards Meeting -Wed.. Sept. 22, 7:00 pm NS Board Meeting -8:15 pm First Presbyterian Church Goderich St. W., Seaforth Minister Rev. Henry Huberts SUN.. SEPT. 26 11:15 am Service Sunday School & Nursery during, service provided. Soup 8 Sandwich Luncheon to follow. Eve one Welcome! MOW ...on the first ever OFFICIAL ZOOS MUNICIPALITY OF HURON EAST MAP! We are excited to help you make your mark on this new map for exposure to literally thousands of visitors in 20051 Participate by including your business In the 'one and only' Official Map which includes precise location detail and extra information in a colourful presentation to help visitors enjoy our area. Ws the only map they'll need when you visit Huron Mitt DON'T MISS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS ON THIS POPULAR PRODUCT FOR ONE, LOW AFFORDABLE PRICE! To get all the details and to book your space, contact your advertising consultant today! The deadline for maximum exposure to our potential visitors, Is: :eptember 30, 2004 ...SO CALL NOW! 527-0240 -