HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2004-09-08, Page 101O -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, 38. Auction Sale DOUG JACOB AUCTIONS 271-7894 Thur. Sept. 9 at 4:00 p.m. - Clearing auction of tractor; snowblower; - riding mower; appliances; furniture and mise held 8 miles north of Shakespeare on Perth Rd. 107 to 15344. Prop: Laveme and Margaret Hyde. Thur. Sept 18 at 2:30 p.m. - Large auction of appliances; antiques and mise held at the Jacob Auction Centre 185 Herbert St. in Mitchell. Prop: Several area estates. 46. In Memoriam HIUSSER: In loving memory of our dear husband, father and grandfa- ther Kenneth Hiusser who left us 1 year ago, September 14, 2003. Our fives go on without you, And nothing is the same, We have to hide our heartache, When someone speaks your name. Sad are the hearts that love you, Silent the tears that fall, Living our lives without you, Is the hardest part of all. You did so many things for us, Your heart was kind and true, And when we needed someone, We could always count on you. The special years will not return, When we were all together, But with the love within our hearts, You will walk with us forever. - Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by Betty, Rob, Alice, Sheila, Bob and grandchildren 46-37x1 Sept. 8, 2004 47 Cards of Thank DENYS We would like to thank our family and friends for coming to our 25th Wedding Anniversary party. Special thanks to Marsha and Jason for all their help. Thank you to all for the cards, gifts and best wishes we received. It will be an evening we • will always remember. - Ron and Deb 47-37x1 Community Calendar WED. SEPT. 8 10:00-11:30 a.m. Play and Loam Ontario Early Years program at Duff's United Church in Walton 1:00-4:00 p.m. - Seniors Shuffleboard at the Arena 7:30 pm - Seaforth Horticultural Society Meeting Northside United Church. THURS., SEPT. 9 10:00-11:30 a.m. Baby Time Ontario Early Years at Egmondville United Church FRI. SEPT. 10 10:00 a.m. - Moming Out at Bethel Bible Church, Seaforth 1:00 p.m. - Seaforth Seniors' Bowling begins at the Starlight Lanes on Market Street In Seaforth. Teams are formed for the coming season. SAT. SEPT. 11 9:30-11:00 a.m. Jumping Gym Fun Early Years program at Seaforth Co-operative Children's Centre MON. SEPT. 13 9:30-11:00 a.m. - ABC 1-2-3 Ontario Early Years program at St. James Gym. TUES. SEPT. 14 6:30 p.m. - Seaforth Hospital Auxiliary Pot Luck Supper & Meeting in Conference Rm. 12. Please bring own dishes. Everyone welcome. 7:30 p.m. - Seaforth Harmony HI-Lites rehearsal at Northslde United Church WED. SEPT. 15 10:00-11:30 a.m. Pray and Learn Ontario Earty Years program at Duff's United Church in Walton 1:00-4:00 p.m. - Seniors Shuffleboard at the Arena if you're organizing a non-profit event of interest to other Seaforth area residents, phone the recreation office 527-1272 or the Expositor et 527-0240. or mail the information to Community Calendar, The Huron Expositor, Box 69, Seaforth, Ontario, NOK 1 WO well in advance of the scheduled date. Free listing includes date, time. name of event and location'only. Space for the Community Calendar is donated by The Huron Expositor: SAWMILLS. VISIT US SEPTEMBER 14-16 at the Out- door Farm Show, Woodstock & September 22-26 at the International Plowing Match & Rural Expo, Meaford. Many models. from 33495. Details - Enercraft/Baker Portable Sawmills. 1-800-387-5553. TORONTO BED AND BREAKFAST. Serving mature adults, 24 hour security, steps to subway/bus, parting private ensultes. 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Call for FREE catalogue! 1-800- 496-5964. Browse online for over 400 worldwide proper- tles--www. hol idayg roup . com e Jason Middleton photo Toll for Muscular Dystrophy Seaforth firefighter Pete Martene accepts a donation for Muscular Dystrophy during the local fire department annual toll at Seaforth's main intersection. This year the Seaforth Fire Department raised approximately $5,054 during their annual fundraising event which runs the Friday of the Labour Day weekend. Benefit to help Bornholm family after they 'lost everything' in fire By Jason Middleton Expositor Staff Two months ago. a fire ripped through and destroyed the upstairs of the RR 1 Bornholm home of Annette Ward. Since then, Ward and her two boys, Matthew, 19. and Paul, 15, have been living in an apartment in Mitchell and the Brodhagen Chamber of Commerce is hosting a benefit to raise money for the Ward's. Ward was at work when the fire started and by the time she got there the fire crews were already hard at work extinguishing the flames that began in her son Matt's bedroom. Ward said' the first thought was of Matt who was at home sick from work that day. "I was concerned about my kids," she said. In the fire Ward said she lost everything except the kitchen table. "It mainly destroyed the upstairs, but there was so much smoke and water damage downstairs that there wasn't anything worth saving," said Ward. Although insurance is helping to cover the cost of items lost. Ward is still working with contractors to figure out if she can afford to rebuild. Ward said that friends and neighbours been very helpful during this time of need. "i've had all kinds of neighbours stop in. It's just great," said Ward. who has had people donate clothes and hags of food to her family. On Sept. 19. the Brodhagen Chamber of Commerce will host a benefit for Ward and her family at the Broadhagen Community Centre. The benefit will include a social that begins at 2:30 p.m. and a potluck supper which begins at 5 p.m. Donations will be accepted at the door. "Things should start at home and when there's something like that happen in the community 1 think, as a chamber, you should he involved and help out in some way." said Chamber of Commerce member Bob Gilbert who along with Harvey Ahrens is helping to organize the benefit. According to Ahrens, the Brodhagen Chamber of Commerce has also supported other residents when they have dealt with house and Karn fires. For more information contact Brodhagen Chamber of Commerce member Harvey Ahrens at 345-2187. Susan Hundertmark photo Camping Jamboree Jack Adair plays banjo while his wife Audrey, of Molesworth, plays the harmonica and Grant Pearson, of S1. Marys, plays guitar during the Camping Jamboree Sunday afternoon at the Van Egmond House. More than 30 campers from the Gypsy Campers and the Ausable River Nomads stayed on the Van Egmond House grounds as part of the weekend event. Community Care Access Centres hosts open house tonight in Seaforth The Community. Care this event is a special Janc Downey, Anne Marie Access Centres of Huron and opportunity for us to Bos. Gerald Schaefer, Millie Perth Counties is celebrating acknowledge the people who Nesbitt. Elaine Floyd, Janet health care in Huron and arc the foundation upon McDougall and Karen Perth Counties with an award which our services arc built." Blackwell. ceremony and open house at Four individuals from the All of the nominees are its new office at 32 community will he honoured people who live or work in Centennial Dr. in Seaforth at this year's event. Huron or Perth Counties and today (Wednesday) at 4 p.m. The nominees for the have been nominated by The celebration will feature Community Care Awards others in the community who the presentation of the 2004 are: Ervin Steinmann, recognize the special CCAC's Community Care Lynne Hildebrand, Rose contribution that they have Awards honouring the many Snyders, Dr. Russell made in caring for others in people in the community who Latuskie. Yvonne Kitchen. our community. devote so much caring and Donna and Doug Campbell. A ribbon -cutting and open energy to supporting others. Mary Jane MacPhail, Anna house for the new office of "This is an exciting time Gaffney, Harold Sriglcy, the CCAC for Huron will for community carc," says Nancy Rozendal, Tammy also he part of the Kathy Scanlon, executive Stevenson, Marg Heydon- celebration. director of the CCAC. "And, Pearson, Christine Hook, 4-H Sheep Club learns about showing lambs The Huron County 4-H Sheep Club held their fifth meeting on Aug 23 at 7:30 p.m. at Leader Florence's place. Answers to the roll call, "Name one instrument used by the shepherd during the lambing season" included a shepherd's cane, a flutc, and a sheep dog. We talked about showmanship and leading our 4-H Sheep Club Iambs and what the judge will he looking for when we arc showing. We discussed how our 4-H Sheep Club hooks should look when wc hand them in and wc got to sec an example of a sheep 4-14 Club book from one member of our club. We went to Florence's barn and talked about housing, lambing and how to sct up a sheep Karn. The next meeting will be on Sept. 6 where we will be getting together with the North Huron Club to practice gettingiready for showing our sheep at the Seaforth Fair. by Jessie Leaning