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Huron Expositor, 2004-09-01, Page 12
12 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEPTEMBER 1, 2004 17. Apartments for Rent HENSALL, furnished or un ur- nished, utilities and cable included, $350.00/month. Call 519-262-2314 or 519-345-0261. 17-08xtfcc 18. Houses for Rent THREE BEDROOM home between Clinton and Seaforth some appli- ances supplied. Available Sept. 1. Good References Required 519- 527-0349 18-34-tf ZURICH - NEW HOUSE for rent. Available immediately, two-bed- room plus, open concept, large basement, long or short term lease. $950/month plus utilities. Phone 236-7507.18-34x2cc 19. Rooms for Rent ROOMS FOR RENT, Main St. Seaforth, $250 per month. Phone 519-453-0229. 19-36-tf 23. Commercial Properly for Rent RESTAURANT FOR RENT, fully stocked plus commercial space. 84 Main St. S. Seaforth. Phone 519- 453-0229. 23-36-tf 25. Wanted to Buy WANTED: CLASS III Reese trailer hitch. Will trade for new box liner to fit full size Chev pick-up. Please call 519-353-5870. 25-36x3cc WANTED: TOPPER for 1991 full size GM pickup. Phone 519-524- 7612 leave message. 25=36x1 cc BUYING OLD brick farmhouses and other old brick buildings for wrecking and salvage. Ross Lumley, 519-383-2024. Wrecking people's homes (36 last year) all over Southwestern Ontario since 1969. 25-36x1cc WANTED: SCRAP steel, cars, trucks, appliances. machinery and stabling. Call 519-529-7574 leave phone number for service. 25- 36xlcc 26. Help Wanted NANNY WANTED: Monday - Friday, 8:30-5:30, non-smoker, energetic woman to look after one child plus a grade 2 school child. Call Amanda, days 519-523-4595, after 5 at 519-482-5545. 26-36x1cc FULL TIME on Seaforth area poul- try farm. Please fax work related references with resume to 519-527- 1061. 26-35-2 LOOKING FOR a house cleaner, one day per month until the baby comes then every other week. Contact Nicole at 519-233-7299. 26-36-2 WANTED: HARD WORKING indi- vidual to assist in lumber excava- tion from various wood lots. Must be physically fit and self motivated. Must have chainsaw license. Please fax resume to (519) 233- 3271. No phone calls please. 26- 35x2cc HIGH ENERGY Huron County based Multi -National Manufacturing Company is looking to add to it's growing workforce. Need Welders - Pay up to $18.70/hr. Also need machine operators: drill press, laser, burn table, etc. as well as general assembly personnel. Only qualified, motivated people should apply. Excellent benefits provided. Equal Opportunity Employer. Appy in person at Building #1, Huron Industrial Park, Huron Park, On. 519-228-6538. 26-33xtfcc FOSTER PARENTS NEEDED! Help children from your community. For information call: Deanie Jardine -MacKenzie at Huron -Perth Children's Aid Society 1-800-265- 5198 or 519-524-7356. 26-33x21oc NANNY WANTED. Non-smoker, energetic woman to look atter 3 1/2 and 7 yr. old. Monday - Friday 8:30- 5:30 p.m. to start Sept. 7/04. Please send resume to Box 99, Blyth, NOM 1 HO. 26-33xtfcc THE HURON EXPOSITOR urges our readers to use caution before sending money for business oppor- tunity or employment advertise- ments. 26-49xt1 CLASS AZ DRIVER required. also OWNER/OPERATORS required. Must have clean abstract Contract runs. Apply Inxpress sea -0801 i Il iiiic"\ iC\\ 1 Illll'(1 ('hurt I1. 11111;111(m I,O,llIOi1 i('I ;iii Organist Choir I)irce tur ('(1111IICI 1'ct 2„O tiItiI ('I lull( ,,O 689.1 tTECK Heating & Cooling Limited is Expanding Again! Part -lime Sales Needed in Mitchell, Goderich and St, Joseph Showrooms Specializing in Fireplaces, Bathrooms, Hot Tubs A BBO's Fax resume 236-7499 Email: into0.9eO-teck.Com No phone calls please • 26 Help Wanted 26 Help Wanted H. VAN MOORSEL INSULATION LTD, APPRENTICE TO BE A CERTIFIED POLYURETHANE FOAM APPLICATOR Enjoy job security with a reputable company with more than 25 years of service in Southwestern Ontario. Certification Training will be paid for by our company. Pay bonuses available based on job performance. DZ licence preferred, but will help to acquire one. Must have own transportation to our shop. Please send resume with references to: H. Van Moorsel Insulation Ltd. R.R. #5 Mitchell, ON NOK 1NO Fax: 519-348-4284 Community Care Access Centre for Huron has the following vacancy: CASE MANAGER (casual) The successful candidate must be a registered nurse with a current Certificate of Competence from the College of Nurses of Ontario, or be registered in good standing with the College of their respective health discipline, and have their own vehicle. The Case Manager works within a multidisciplinary envi- ronment and determines client eligibility for programs and services, and manages a client caseload effectively. Qualified applicants please direct letters of interest with resumes to: Darlene Bogie, BASc, RD. MBA Director of Client Services Community Care Access Centre for Huron P.O. Box 580, 32 Centennial Drive Seaforth, ON NOK IWO fax: 519-527-1255 e-mail: tammy.beange@huron.ccac-ont.ca Deadline: September 3, 2004 We thank all applicants for their interest: however only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. LINE COOK We are urgently seeking a qualified cook. Minimum two years experience preferred but training is available. Excellent Salary. JANITORIAL MAINTENANCE We need a handy person for full time/part time general maintenance. You must have your own transportation. Apply in person with resume to Gus Balkouras after • 11 am daily. RESTAURANT of fAVEAN 350 Bayfield Rd. GODERICH 27. Wanted General NOSTALGIC SALVAGE INC., a safe, professional insured disman- tling company is looking for old barns for salvage. Call Danny Farrow 1-888-643-8410. Mount Forest. 27-45xtfcc 20 D,uslness Opportun ' THE HURON EXPOSITOR urges our readers to use caution before sending money for business oppor- tunity or employment advertise- ments. 28-49xtf 30 =mplovmcni'. r- • DO YOU NEED work done? Painting, plumbing, carpentry, elec- trical, wallpaper, drywall hanging, floor refinishing, eavestrough clean- ing and replacing, pressure washer cleaning. Phone 519-527-2281. 30- 04-tf 31 Service Directory REPAIR AND REFINISHING of fur- niture and antiques, handstripping, also custom made fumiture built to your plans. Robert Kerr, RR M1, Seaforth. Phone 519-527-0786. 31- 35-tf TEF CUMIER %O tIRQI tlttllullIII0 _ dtMRonelid tlwfalmesim1lslarm• Fully Insured.' Brperienced R Reasonable Rarer Lloyd 1 irt�.:1-7538 C & S CONCRETE Quality Work • Patios • Driveways • Walkways • Floating Slabs • Patch Work FREE ESTIMATES Call Shawn or Corey Debrusk. 519-522-0132 Anytime ii BRENDA HUBERT'S ::: SCHOOL OF MUSIC 65 Goderich St. W., Seaforth •Reasonablerates for private piano & theory lessons •fr 'Experienced, patient teacher w. •All lesson times .A ei available fr CaII today 527-2518 31. Service Directory PHOTO COPIES Photocopying Service available at the Huron Expositor office, 100 Main St.,•Seaforth 81/2 x 11 copies - .25 cents per sheet, 81/2 x 14 copies - .35 cents per sheet. (GST and PST extra). Phone 519-527-0240. 31-01-tf nxe ATTENTION EXCAVATING CONTRACTORS! •SEPTIC TANKS •DISTRIBUTION BOXES *HOLDING TANKS FOR POTABLE WATER •PUMPING CHAMBERS •WELL RINGS *CATCH BASINS Special Discounts Offered, CaII For Pricing PRECAST PRODUCTS LTD. OFFICE: 519-247-3752 PLANT: 519-228-7520 Centralia, Ontario 'rsonn1 SINCERE SINGLES Professional Introduction Service "where happi- ness begins" successfully matching members since 1992. Toll free 1- 866-719-9116 www.sinceresin- gles.ca 34-34xtfcc 37 Mortgages NEED A MORTGAGE? First & Seconds GET THE LOWEST RATE Borrow '100,000 - Pay '825. per month "HARD TO APPROVE" Give us a TRY MORTGAGE NETWORK 519-482-7875/1-868-623-0589 www.gerywaldsn.com 1" & 2^° Mortgage Money Absolutely No Upfront Fees Ava.table at 3.25` Interest or Less Personal loam 8 Mortgagee If you qualify, payments Amt. Moroi. Mo.Pslomrnt ' 5,000 '13.55 '10,000 '27.08 '50,000 '135.42 '100,000 '270.83 corraidate your debts We specialize problem mortgages Call (519) 364-0450 1-900-357.1932 ASTRAL FUNDING INC. 1 &2* MORTGAGE MONEY Debt Consolidation, Pa Off Credit Cards $10,000 - $50/mth $25,000 - $126/mth $50,000 - $252/mth Example of Cuaktying mortgage rates at 4.5% CaII 1-866-667-5643 FAR -MOR © Au. ONTARIO FINAN(1AI. Cosstn.TANTS LTD. The Mortgage People IST 2rn) AND 3R1) MOt TOA0FS AU. TYPES (>F PRnPER11FS FAST SERVICE - PRiME RATES DIFFICULT MoRmAoes - PRivATE FUNDS INVESTS* 1Nouriu s WELCOME CONTACT FRANK ROWT.EY 519-238-5851 - GRAND BEND 1.800-361-5114 - KITCHENER 38 Auction Sale 38. Auction Sale AUCTION REMINDER Two Valuable Bayfield Properties PROPERTY 11: For Brian and Shana Barnim to be held at the property located 3 kms north of Bayfield at 34000 Lane of Pines, off Bluewater Hwy. (921). SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 AT 11:00 A.M. PROPERTY 92: For Brian and Shana Barnim to be held at 89 Main Street South in the Village of Bayfield, on the west side of Bluewater Hwy. (121), north of car wash. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 AT 11:30 A.M. Terms: $5,000.00 bank draft day of sale, made payable to Shana Barnim. Balance due within 30 days. For information call Brian Barnim (519) 482-5371 or (519) 851-2616. Auctioneer: Tom Hemulecki, Sunrise Equipment Auctions (519) 424-9993 For pictures visit our website at www.sunrise-equipment.com FORM 8 SALE OF LAND BY PUBLIC AUCTION Municipal Act, 2001 The Corporation of the County of Huron Take Notice that the land(s) described below will be offered for sale by public auction at 10 o'clock on the 5th day of October, 2004 . at Huron County Court House, 1 Court House Square, Goderich, Ontario N7A 1M2 Description of Land(s) L PT Falls Reserve Western Division Colborne as in R37603 Township of Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh 2. P1' LT 28 CON 13 Howick Pts 1 & 2 228449; STT R140938 Howick 3. Gore Lt P1 186 Turnberry Municipality of Morris-Turnberry 4. E 1/2 Lt 2 Con 12 Turnberry except Pt 5, 22R3315 Municipality of Morris-Turnberry All amounts payable by the successful purchaser shall be payable in full at the time of the sale by cash or money order or by a bank draft or cheque certified by a bank or trust corporation. Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regard- ing the title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers. This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax Sales Rules. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the amount bid plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land transfer tax. The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the successful purchaser. For further information regarding this sale, contact: 71easurer, The Corporation of the County of Huron 1 Court House Square, Goderich, Ontario N7A 1M2 Personal information contained on this form, collected pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2001 will be used for the purposes of that Act. Questions should be directed to the Freedom of information and .Privacy Coordinator at the institution responsible for the procedures under that Act. Minimum Bid $4,514.17 $6,480.20 $697.67 $1,559.74 40 Lost & Found LOST. An adult male Golden Retriever with tattoo number HPT3N. Lost from Hydroline Road, Friday, August 27. Please contact 519-527-2850 with any information. 40-36x 101 FOUND: in Egmondville a Raleigh women's 3 speed bike (older style) Phone 519-522-0493 after 6 p.m. 40-36x1 nxe 42 Deaths MANLEY, Mervin: It is with great sadness that the family_announces the passing of Mervin Manley on Wednesday, August 25, 2004 at Spruce Lodge, Stratford, formerly of 32 Norfolk Street. He was bom in McKillop Township, son of the late William John Manley and the former Mary Eckert. Mervin was a member of Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church, Stratford and the Knights of Columbus Kilroy Council 1431. Beloved husband of Rita (Duffy) for 59 years. Loving father of Kevin Manley and wife Peggy of Waterloo, William Manley and wife Edda of Burlington, Marilyn and husband Patrick Crowley of Oakville and Leon Manley and wife ChriMM,e of Sauble Beach. Adored grandfather of Roberta, Michael, Nicole, Stephen, Jackie, Michelle, David, Claire (Shawn), Andrew, Denise, Rachel and Daniel. Mervin will be greatly missed by his broth- ers Stephen Manley and wife Olive of Chatham and Jerome Manley of Kitchener, sisters-in-law Esther Rau of Exeter, Vera Murray of Seaforth and brothers-in-law Robert Duffy and wife Ruth of McKillop Township and Eldon O'Brien of Clinton. He will be lovingly remembered by many nieces and nephews. Predeceased by sisters Anna McLaughlin and Bernice Lattner and brothers Joseph and Daniel Manley and brother-in-law Louis Duffy and sister-in-law Mary O'Brien. Friends and relatives called at the W.Q. Young Funeral Horne, 430 Huron Street, Stratford on Friday, August 27, 2004 from 2- 4 and 7-9 p.m. The Funeral Mass was celebrated at Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church, Stratford on Saturday at 11 a.m. Rev. Fr. Chris Gillespie was celebrant. Interment followed in Avondale Cemetery. As expres- sions of sympathy, memorial dona- tions may be made to Immaculate Conception Restoration Fund or to a charity of one's choice through the funeral home. The Knights of Columbus held a prayer service at the funeral home on Friday at 8:45 p.m. 42-38-1 Available at 11 Main St•Seaforth 527-0240 ..._.-�•.. • 42. Deaths BAKER, James: At the Continuing Care Center of the St. Thomas - Elgin General Hospital on Saturday, August 28, 2004. James Arthur Baker of St. Thomas in his 69th year. Beloved husband and best friend of Kathleen -Kay" (Scott) Baker and dearly loved father of Ken and his wife Dawn Baker, Brantford; Don and his wife Pat Tunney, Seaforth; Russell Baker, St. Thomas and Scott Baker Austin, London; Ann and her husband Cory Clark, St. Thomas; Faye Oliver, London and Debbie and her hus- band Jamie Childs, St. Thomas and chosen daughter Nancy Bridgett and friend Charlie. Dear brother-in- law of Wayne and his wile Leona Scott, Seaforth; Laverne Scott and friend Joan, Egmondville; Larry and his wife Brenda Scott, London; Ron McAllister, Pine Lake; Helen and her husband George Garrick, Pine Lake; Barb and her husband Jerry Staples, Egmondville and Marie and her friend Steve, Pine Lake. Predeceased by three sons Wilfred, Darryl and Dwight, by a brother Bob and by a sister-in-law Flora Ann McAllister. James is also lovingly remembered by a number of grand- children, great grandchildren and nieces and nephews, He is also predeceased by his parents Byron and Helen Mede (Firby) Baker and his In-laws Arnold and Minna Scott. Rested at the Williams Funeral Home, 45 Elgin St. Thomas where a funeral service was held on Tuesday at 11:00 a.m. Interment Evergreen Cemetery, West Lome. Visitation was heli Monday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Remembrances may be made to the C.C.U. at the St. Thomas -Elgin General Hospital, the Cancer Society, the Diabetes Association or the charity of one's choice. 42-36-1 43 Births ANOTHER ANGELI STAPLETON On July 29, 2004 at 9:20 a.m. Camden Stephen Paul, 9 lbs. 2 oz. came to happy parents Stephen and Yvette and his brother Brennan at St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Proud grandparents are Patricia Predhomme and the late Paul Predhomme of K!ppen and Ken and Joan Stapleton of Dublin. 43-36x1 MCCLURE (MACHAN) Big sister Kayla is thrilled to announce the quick arrival of her new sister Becca Lynn. Becca arrived on August 25, 2004 at 2:14 a.m. weighing 8 lbs. 6.5 oz. and 19.5 inches long. Proud parents are Mark and Michelle McClure of Ingersoll. Spoiling privileges go to Bill and Sharon McClure of Winthrop and Dale and Ruth Machan of Brussels and great- grandparents Jim and Mary Levis of Wingham. 43-38x1 HAVE YOU GOT NEWS? Call the Seaforth Huron Expositor at 527-0240 46. In Memoriam BRITTON: In loving memory of my beloved son, Jeff, who was taken from us so suddenly three years ago, on September 6, 2001 at 29 years old. I love you and miss you, Jeff My heart aches with sadness Since that terrible day Not a day goes by that I don't think about you, Jeff. I miss your wonderful smile, Your polite and gentle manner, Your soft voice and warm hugs, You were so kind and thoughtful. You would help anyone that needed help. Your friends were special to you. I feel your presence in all nature. The things you liked; the country- side; trees; birds; butterflies; flow- ers; snow in winter; kittens; and especially sunsets. - You are forever in my heart and dearly loved, Jeff. Till we meet again in God's Heaven. Rest in Peace, my dear son. Love from Mom, Marlene 46-36x1 BRITTON: In loving memory of a dear grandson, nephew and cousin Jeff, who passed away three years ago, on September 6, 2001. To us you were very special, What more is there to say, Except to wish with all our hearts, That you were here today. - Love to Jeff from Grandma Hilda and family 46-36x1 47. Cards of Thanks KEMP The family of the late Margaret Kemp thanks the many who have freely given their professional and personal encouragement, time for visits of compassion, and memorial tributes in her honour. Your acts of kindness fan the flames of memory that bind us together in friendship. God bless you all. - 47-36xlcc BOS I would like to thank everyone who contributed to my Bridal Shower on August 24/04 at the Foresters Hall. Kinburn. Everything will be very useful around the house. I would especially like to thank Mary Merner and Joan Whyte for getting every- thing organized and to all those who helped with decorating and the lunch. It was all greatly appreciated. Thank you from Angela Bos. 47- 36x1cc BENDER/CROWLEY A big thank you to everyone who came out to support us at our Buck and Doe. Special thanks to our wedding party for all their hard work. We had a great time! - Stephanie Bender and Jim Crowley 47-36-1 HOORNAERT I would like to thank my great friends, neighbours and family for the wonderful welcome home party. The food, presents, flowers and cards were such a nice surprise. Love you all! - Willy 47-36x1 NICHOLSON We would like to thank our family. friends and neighbours for the cards, flowers, food and words of sympathy on the passing of our Dad and Grandfather, John de Boer. These expressions of sympa- thy were greatly appreciated. - Irene, Ron, Erin, Ryan and Craig 47-36x1 WARD -LEE I would like to thank the Seaforth Lions Club for the fantastic prize that I won at the Lions Anniversary Party on Sunday. Grandpa Trent and I are having a lot of fun playing with the remote ATV. The hardest thing to do with the new toy is to wait my tum. Thank you for your support of the Seaforth Beaver Troop too, cause I really like being a Beaver. Thank you. - Austin Ward -Lee 47-36x1 1, f i0 Birthdays !' Anniversaries Buck & Does , Parties from 820 + GST 4 '/ Dropby �: * The Huron 4 Expositor today! c * ( A' >tl 4� p * 1 1�\ t, *' /1 %WD 1