HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2004-06-02, Page 5Guelph University
vice president
is Se'aforth native
Coffee Shop Talk
Joanne Shoveller, a
director at the Richard Ivey
School of Business and a
former Seaforth resident,
has been named vice-
president alumni affairs and
development for the
University of Guelph.
Formerly Joanne Rimmer,
she is the daughter of
Gordon and Jane Rimmer
and lived in Seaforth since
age 10. She also worked at
the Huron Expositor for
several summers in the early
Joanne Shoveller
Her new job will include alumni services, private
fundraising and working with companies, alumni,
individuals and foundations.
Shoveller worked in the mid -80s in fundraising for
Women's Community House and Orchestra London and
moved to the University of Western Ontario in 1987 in
marketing and communications and to Ivey in 1995.
She has held several senior positions at Ivey, including
director of alumni and corporate development, manager of
the Ivey campaign and director of Asian development.
She also helped establish the Ivey Asia -Hong Kong
campus and the Ivey Asian Management Institute. She
holds a bachelor's degree from Wilfrid Laurier University
and an MBA from Ivey.
Rose Ryan has visitors
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ryan, of Burnaby, B.C. and Mr. and
Mrs. Neil Ryan, of Red Deer, Alberta, have returned
home after visiting with their mother Rose Ryan.
Former Seaforth resident plays chamber music
in Thunder Bay concert
Madonna Douglas, daughter of Dolly McQuaid, of
Seaforth, recently played violin in a concert at Lakehead
University in Thunder Bay.
Entitled Chamber Music For Spring, Cheerful Music of
Beethoven, Haydn and Sunding, Douglas played with
Derek Oger on piano on Sunday, May 16 at the Jean
McNulty Recital Hall.
Greens damaged, signs snapped
at the Seaforth Golf Club
Greens were damaged and
a porta-pottie was pushed
over at the Seaforth Golf
Club sometime during the
night on May 23, reports the
Huron OPP.
A two -foot hole was dug
on the 13th green, the 11 th
hole signpost was snapped
off and the tee blocks and
ball washer were thrown into
the river.
The vandalism follows
another incident of greens
damage two weeks ago. In
both cases, police were told a
party was taking place
Anyone with related
information is asked to call
the Huron OPP or Crime
0r Hall, Seaforth
10 am Family Sunday School
11 am Worship Service
7 pm Prayer Meeting
Pastoral Team:
Pastor Bob Penhearow
Pastor Ron Matthews
Pastor Royal Hamel
St. Thomas
Anglican Church
A Congregation of the Parish of
The Holy Spirit
Jarvis St. Seaforth
Fr Mrhael Atkins Parish Office 527.1522
Sunday, Jun* 6
Trinity Sunday
Holy f ucharist Worship at 9:30 am
Monday. 1.00 pm -- F'reyer Group
7:30 pm - Study of the Revelation
Bethel Bible Church
An Associated Gospel Church -
126 Main St. Seaforth
Sunday School 9:45 am
Sunday Worship Hour 11 am
Jim Wyllie - Pastor
Youth Group Tues. 7 p.m.
Cavan 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. NOAhalde
Winthrop 54 Goderdch St. W.
Minister Rev. John Gould
Northslds's Junior Choir presents roe musical
FR/ENOSHtP at WOO a.m. with
etaldn 10 follow. No saevia al Cavan.
Yard 8a s 51 Metairie 8a., ,Ams 5
You are invited
to attend these
area churches
Catholic Church
St. James RC Church
14 Victoria Street, Seaforth
Weekend Masses: Sat 5:15 pm
Sun. 11:00 am
St. Cotumban RC Church
Saturday Mass at 7:30 pm
Father Lance Magdziak
United Church
Sunday School 10 am
Worship 11 am
Sunday June 6
Steve Hildebrand Lay Pastoral
Mlnlstor In Training
Everyone Welcome
First Presbyterian
Goderich St. W. Seaforth
Minister Rev. Ted Nelson
Wed., June 2 - 7:30 p.m.
Induction Service for
Rev. Henry Huberts.
Everyone Welcome
Sunday, June 6 11:15 Service
Rev. Hen Huberts
Expositor Q and A with Todd Chisholm
From Pogo 4
I really love the movie Jerry
Maguire starring Tom Cruise.
Kind of sappy with a
"Hollywood ending", but it
has some great lines like,
"show me the money", and of
course I like it because people
are always confusing nee with
Tom Cruise.
9. Whom would you choose
to portray you in a movie?
Well not only do 1
constantly get confused with
Tom Cruise, who would be a
natural to portray me, but I am
told that the vj on Much
Music, Rick Campenalla has
the same
look and style that I do, so I
sure he would be a good one if
Tom was too busy.
10. What is your biggest
Most of the kids I have
taught and my own two
children would know 'that I
love junk food - it's one of the
reasons that I have to run
marathons, to try and get rid
of all those extra calories I
consume from the chocolate
bars and chips I sneak at
11. What is your favourite
thing about living in Huron
After growing up and living
in Oakville, Toronto and then
Mississauga, the quiet, slower
pace of Huron East just can't
be beat. Plus. people are way
more friendly "up here"
(especially my local neighbors
around Munn's Grove who
always have a "cup of sugar"
to offer!). I can honestly say
there is no better place in the
world to raise kids than
Seaforth. There is tons for
them to do, and because
everyone knows everyone
there is a real sense of security
when the kids are out playing
together on the street.
12. Least favourite?
There is not much to
complain about living in
Seaforth, although every once
in awhile 1 miss the 24-hour
Home Depot stores front
Mississauga, especially when
I am in the middle of a
"project" and need something
important and it's 6:05 p.m.
on a Saturday.
13. If you could do
anything to improve your
community, what would it
1 guess a Tim Horton's on
the corner of Main Street
would be near the top of my
list. As well, if there was any
way to keep the downtown
alive and thriving 1 think that
would he great. Seaforth has
one of the most interesting
and "quaint" downtowns, it's
such a shame to sec some Of
the stores closing.
14. When and where
would you like to retire?
1 think somewhere close by.
I used to always think I would
like to retire near Muskoka (I
have friends that have cottages
up there), but the Lake Huron
area has just as much to offer
without all the crowds. Plus if
I stay around here I could
continue to play oldtimer's
hockey, and the farmers may
even let me join them on
Thursday afternoons when I
don't have to teach anymore.
15. Describe your perfect
An early morning run in the
sunshine, followed by
breakfast on my hack deck,
playing road hockey with my
kids and their friends. a fancily
dinner with all my relatives,
then a few "pops" zis we cheer
on the Leafs to a seventh
game Stanley Cup victory!
16. With whom from
history would you most like
to dine?
Probably my two
grandmothers. They both
passed away when I was in
my early teens and I wish I
could have spent more time
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learning about my family
history. Of course when
you're a kid you don't
appreciate those special
moments that you share with
your elders.
17. What is your favourite
A nice barbecued steak
(rare) with baked potatoes
(extra butter and sour cream),
corn on the cob (extra, extra
butter and salt) and a glass of
red wine.
18. If you could be a
superhero, who would you
Growing up, 1 always
identified with a character
named "Flash". He was super
fast, could travel faster than
the speed of light. I always
thought he was kinda cool.
19. What is your greatest
My kids Jeremy and
Danielle get a laugh out of this
one, but 1 have a major fear of
heights. I get to the top of a
ladder and look down, and my
knees start shaking. I try to
hide it but.I remember last
summer finally getting the
nerve to climb up on my roof
to clean the eavestrophes.
After crawling around and
attempting to spray the hose in
the eavestrophe, I couldn't
bring myself to climb back
down the ladder. All the
neighborhood kids were
looking up at me and laughing
as I called for my neighbor
Anne Marie to come and
steady the ladder so I could
attempt to climb carefully
down with shaky legs.
20. What is your happiest
1 have so many. They all
include times that I see my
kids overcoming their fears or
accomplishing great
things...like Danielle hitting
her first home run in baseball,
or presenting her speech in the
finals of public speaking and
Jeremy performing at his first
piano recital or scoring a
winning goal in soccer; those
moments are all very special
to me.
Maureen Wildtong
Res 519-527-1118
8 Main Street, Seaforth 519-527-1577 office
Unda Dtlobe
Res 519-522.0221
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