HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2004-05-19, Page 11St. James School might offer yoga classes again next year if the students says they'd like them after the four-week experience ends. "The Grades 7 and 8 teachers are saying the kids are coming back to class more mellow and tuned in for their lessons," she says. Dougall also plans to offer yoga classes for children at her RR 3 Exeter studio. A OPEN WEEKENDS MAY 21, 22, 23, 24 SHREK 11 plus ENVY Gates Open 8:15 PM/Show 9:20 PM Arrive Early!!! DRIVE-IN sawinmw.too.ow.com Hwon County Rd. INA Shlpka BW SCREEN - SMALL PRICES MOVIES UNDER THE STARS 238-8344 BRODHAGEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Annual CHICKEN BAR-B-QUE Saturday, July 10, 2004 at Brodhagen Hall 4:30 - 7:30 p.m. Tickets: In advance $10 Adults, Children $5 At the door $12 Take-out available ail C n bi for Murray Workman and Kristin Glazier ?. Saturday, May 29`" *N • Seaforth • •* Community Center a For Tickets call: \'? 527-0545 • * /a It! 522-0439 Age of Majority .>*; Lunch Provided Music by LU * THE HURON EXrOSITO11 MAY 19 TYi Yeaa.1� �■ 1 MCL SOUND FULL DJ SERVICL Book your Reception Buck & Does early! For more info call John McLeod - cllnton 482-9984 after 6 p.m. or leave a message St rat ford I 1 Huron St. 273-6780 1 1 1 1 1 Shrsk 2 Nightly at 7 & 9:15 S.Usun owns. N 2 pen Troy Nighty at 7 pm only aavaun Matinee it 2 pen i LI Moan Girls Nighty at 7 & 9:15 saVnun Msdnaa M 2 pen Van Noising Nighty at 6:45 & 9:15 El S.Ysun WSW* at 2 pen (;(1 Tt,e.days www slratfortIcinrrmaa cni 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 t Sports Taste of yoga stretches minds and bodies at St. James School By Susan Hundertmark Expositor Editor Hands pushed together at their hearts as they chant "Namaste" and bow to begin and end the class, more than 20 St. James students are getting a month-long taste of yoga.. Judy Dougall, of RR 3 Exeter, recently approached both the local Catholic and public school boards about introducing the ancient practice of exercise and relaxation to area students. "Introducing a practice of yoga into the education system is a goal I feel to be worthwhile exploring. The objectives of children's yoga are to promote self-discipline, increase the ability to focus attention, exercise the physical body, help left/right brain coordination, help children be aware of themselves from the inside (both physically and emotionally), increase self confidence and have fun," she says in a letter to the school. St. James students in Grade 6-8 have been given the chance to take a once -a -week yoga class on Wednesdays for the month of May. "They're enjoying it, the relaxation specifically," said Dougall after last Wednesday's class. "Our society is so busy, 1 have to teach people how to relax. And, kids are just as stressed out as adults," she said. Dougall said teaching yoga to kids needs to be a more active exercise than teaching adults. As well, she uses stories to accompany the yoga postures they practise. And, while students might be active in sports, Dougall' says yoga helps to stretch muscles that don't get a workout from most sports. "I wouldn't necessarily say that kids are in good shape these days with all the TV and video games. And, sports all tighten the muscles to strengthen them. You'd be surprised how tight most people's muscles are at the back of their legs just from sitting all day," she says. She adds that yoga gives students a mental and emotional workout as well. "The postures help to stretch and strengthen the body so anyone can use yoga to get into shape. But, yoga also teaches people to be aware of their emotions and what's happening inside their bodies," says Dougall. Principal Fran Craig says Susan Hundertmark photos St. James student Jason Flanagan stretches in a squat position, at left, while below from left, Connie Finlayson and Cassidy Flanagan do the downward facing dog'posture during Yoga Club at the school last Wednesday during lunch recess. Exeter -area yoga teacher Judy Dougall is offering introductory yoga lessons to students at local schools this spring and close to two dozen students in Grades 6-8 at St. James are taking part in four sessions. • , • 1 • 1 a 5 • The family of Ivin Shannon would like to invite you to an Open House in celebration of his 85th Birthday on 'Saturday, June 5 2-4pm +i at the Walton Hall Best Wishes ° . only please ip • " • 'Thee fam4 of Margaret Stephenson invite you to join us in a celebration of her 90th birthday at the Egmondvitr Mimi Church Saturday, 9wie 5t4 2004 Come e •(jo 1-4PM GODERICH 524-7811 Fri & Sat 8:45809:15 Sun - Thur 8:00 Sat & Sun Mat. 2:00 PRIM ,mo o +11 ^M•' DRAI> ERIC t)RI.AllfO PITT BAr1A Bloom TR\OY WWW.fnovielinks.Ci1 May 21 - 27 8:00 Nightly Marta! vlel \ Mm � Mus Thom Pert Scenes 1 800-2(i5-3/138 Be Sure To Attend The BRUCEFIELD FIREMEN'S OLD FASHIONE Au BREAKFAST CA"P Place: Brucefield Fire Hall P ate: SATURDAY, JUNE 5 Time: 7 a.m. to noon Come and Enjoy All You Con Eat Pancakes & Syrup, Sausages, Bacon Homeflies, Eggs, Toast, Coffee and Milk Adults *6.00 Take Out Available Children 5-12 $4.00 Preschool Free /firtrimal S 2)rifl9 t>>tipper E mondville United Church Por Chop BBQ Wednesday May 26, 2004 5pm-7pm at the Seaforth District Community Centres TICKETS Adults t10 5-12yrolds $5 Preschoolers Free TAKE -OUTS AVAILABLE Tickets available from Egmondville Stone, Pita Train or Pete's Paper Clip or at the door. is • • • • • • • • : •• • • • • • Pit WEDDINGS 11 iO Performed - your lova • or our indoor or outdoor chapel (non -denominational). 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FREE WILL OFFERING WILL BE TAKEN - PROCEEDS FOR THE CLINTON PUBLIC HOSPITAL FOUNDATION A VEE Corporation Production On 9cile NowJ. \--g3.1104gittel Fir sesamestreetlive.com May 28-30 Tickets start at i22I (LI It.d $34 premium seating available.) Tk t pekes Include a 51.23 CR? M. FRI 5/28 • 7:00• SAT 5/29 • 10:30, 2:00 SUN 5/30 • 1:00 *Opening night - All seats $22 (excluding premium). Child and group discounts available. Groups call 519-667-5744 for more inforrhation. Tickets are available at the John Labatt Centre Box Office, all ticketmaster outlets, online at tlek.tmest.rea or charge by phone at tib 519-488-1012. •Y A ' S. *Yt1Me *Mt 004