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Seaforth Huron
Expositor at 527-0240
Call the Seaforth Huron
Expositor at 527-0240
Feature Presentation—April 8
"Designing an Effective Brochure"
an interactive workshop, so bring
your samples!
Better Business Basics •
2004 Seminar Series
138 Main Street South ,
Seaforth. Ontario
(519) 527-0305
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Cost 525
Time' 7:00pm - 9:30pm
Pore: Huron Business Centre, Seaforth
CaII to Pre -Register
Ask about our HWIN dinner
(Huron Women in Networking/
planned forThursday April.22!
Speaker - Tino Heathers
April 8 Designing an effective brochure -
an interactive workshop
April 29 Outstanding customer service
May 13 The Employment Standards Act
May 27 Developing an effective record
keeping system
June 10 Making networking an effective
marketing strategy
June 24 Basic bookkeeping principles
July 8 Setting, and achieving, business
July 22 Month end financial
responsibilities - bank
reconciliations, reports
There are other seminars in this series.
Check our web site for details...
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Ryans want kids involved in park plans
From Pape 1
"But, the wheels for an all -
wheels park grind slowly," he
said. "I don't want to kids to
think we've forgotten them."
The Ryans took a family
vacation camping near
Hanover last year, just so they
could take their three children
to the skate park in that town.
"I can see how people would
want to come to a town with an
all -wheels park. If they're
coming into town shopping
and their kids want something
to do, it's a place to send them
while the shopping gets done,"
he said.
John said that while a few
ramps were built out behind the
Seaforth arena a few years ago,
the isolated location promoted
"The older kids with cars
drove back there and put skid
marks and sprayed gravel all
over the pavement and the
ramps got destroyed," said
"I think parents in town
want to know there's a place
for their kids to skateboard
without worrying they could
get hurt on rickety equipment,"
said John.
Once a site is chosen, the
Ryans said they want to
involve local skateboarders in
the fundraising and building on
the park.
"I don't want the tease the
kids by dangling a carrot that
Susan Hundertmark photo
John and Susie Ryan are shown with their kids, Mitchell James, 10, Jessica James, 8 and Brandi
James, 7, show plans for ramps and pipes for the Seaforth skateboard park they hope to organize.
might not exist. But, once the
town helps us find a site, I want
to hold a meeting of kids and
get them involved. I want them
to feel committed and be
responsible for the park," he
Danika McNichol. treasurer
of the Seaforth Optimist Club
agreed that getting kids
involved in the fundraising and
building of a skateboard park
in the way to go.
"Seaforth needs something
like this. I hope it goes ahead.
[Ewe get a skateboard park, we
can keep quite a few kids off
the street," she said.
She said the park has to he
central in town so that
skateboarders will use it.
"They're getting kicked off
the (Seaforth Public) school
property now and there's more
and more kids skateboarding.
They need somewhere to go to
practise their sport," she said.
Because her son skateboards,
McNichol said she secs the
positive effects of the sport.
"It's a sport where you're
not playing against anyone
else so you're just trying to
improve individually. And, I
see how the older kids help
the younger ones improve.
Skateboarding helps kids stay
active in the summer," she
RIDE programs decreasing in Huron East
By Susan Hundertmark
Expositor Editor
Huron East will lose an
annual $4,258 provincial grant
for RIDE (Reduce Impaired
Driving Everywhere)
programs when its policing
contract with the Huron OPP
ends at the end of April.
"There are going to be less
RIDE campaigns in Huron
East. We can only provide so
many with on -duty officers,"
said Sgt. Brad Sadler.
While Huron East had close
to a dozen RIDE campaigns
since last October, that number
will decrease without the
provincial grant, which
allowed the OPP to hire off-
duty officers to conduct the
campaigns while on -duty
officers were responding to
other police calls.
Sr. Const. Don Shropshall
said the provincial grant
allowed RIDE campaigns to
occur in the Brussels;
Vanastra, Hensall and Seaforth
areas, where a number of
drivers were charged for
impaired driving and lost their
licences during 1 2 -hour
"You've lost that because it
won't be taking place." he
Shropshall said Huron East
is one of the highest risk areas
in Huron County. according to
this year's statistics, for
fatalies caused by drinking and
He said that of the 22
fatalies on Huron County
roads this past year. 11 were
related to drinking and driving
and at least six of those
involved young people from
Huron East.
"That's a large number of
deaths this year." he said.
Shropshall said the
reduction of RIDE campaigns
in Huron East is "a bit of a
backwards step" in the fight
against impaired driving.
"RIDE campaigns are one
tool in our arsenal to reduce
drinking and driving.
Reducing them will affect the
number of people picked up
for drinking and driving." he
Shropshall added that
school visits to student,
stressing the tragic results of
impaired driving will continue
throughout Huron County.
"That won't stop. We need
to keep pounding away at the
education of what drinking
and driving can do. When you
lose someone to an alcohol-
related accident, it doesn't just
devastate the family - it affects
the whole community." he
Both Robin Dunbar, Huron
East police services board
chair, and Brussels Coun.
David Blaney, a member of
the police services board. said
Storefront damaged in break-in
While thieves took a $1,000
generator, it will probably cost
more to replace the antique
door that was broken during a
break-in at Sills Hardware on
Seaforth's Main Street last
Monday night.
'That was the original door,"
said owner Jim Sills. "The
deadbolt held so the thieves had
to come in through the broken
window The police are looking
for blood."
Stolen was a Makita 3500 -
watt generator, a handcart used
to move it out the back door, a
mini Maglite and a small
amount of of cash and
Canadian Tire money. Also
vandalized was the office filing
cabinets that were ransacked.
Sills said he learned of the
break-in at at'ound 7 a.m.
Tuesday when a passerby
noticed the front window was
broken and called him at home.
The cart was later found
abandoned down the street next
to a seniors' complex parking
Anyone with related
information is asked to call the
Huron OPP or Crime Stoppers.
• Susan Hundertmark photo
Jim Sills, owner of Sills Hardware examines damage done to
his storefront during a break-in last Monday night.
the reduction of RIDE
campaigns in Huron East is
"one of the downsides" of
ending the municipalities'
police contract.
Instead of a police contract,
Huron East will receive basic
5.1 policing from the Huron
OPP, similar to most other
municipalities in Huron
County. Only Godcrich and
South Huron will continue to
have a police contract after
(April. said Sadler.
"Council is going in the
direction for a reason. They
are aware they can't get the
grant," said Sadler.
Dunbar said RIDE
campaigns are the "main tool"
for reducing impaired driving
and increasing highway safety
in the area.
"Certainly. it's a concern but
Road Watch has helped too.
Especially with cell phones. if
a driver sees someone driving
erratically and calls, the police
can act immediately," he said.
"I'd prefer we had more
RIDE: programs," said Blaney.
"The number of families who
have suffered a death in the
arca because of drinking and
driving is appalling."
Blaney added that the police
services hoard will also be
discontinued when the
Contract ends. Community
policing committees, however,
in Brussels, Ethel and Vanastra
will continue.
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