HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-12-23, Page 8ty torr(: „cr0a l tag,• osper- • Year, and *outs all thio' • 'moi x Y4 Stewar.... •.t0;s.. ® A. 6 /i , )21 e `:c � .33341 - The Store of a o i i n ift . . d f'lilii WE ARE ENTIRELY READY TO SERVE YOI# PLEASANTLY AND SATISFACTORILY WITH SUPERIOR GOODS AT BEASON- ABLE PRICES. YOU'LL FIND SHOPPING HERE,E1:0AL - 'PLEA- SURE—COURTEOUS, EFFICIENT CLERKS EVER WILLING TO OFFER HELPFUL SERVICE TO SHOPPERS AN».'ALWAA*S SUP - LYING ME ` C1TANDISE r STYLE, ,QUALITY AND GENUINE AL 011iaXS'FM1liS /GIFT fonrlay n the winter at his at'"Middle Lake,. Sask. \Ir. and Mrs, Herb. Ford and son, mitt, are visiting with relatives in Buffalo for the holidays. Mr. A. J. Hamilton, of Detroit, is spending the Christmas holidays with his mother•, Mrs. J. Ramilton, Miss Irene Lampert, of Toronto, is spending .the Christmas holidays with relatives in. this community. Miss Mildred Wood, nurse, of i Sarnia, is spending the 'Christmas holidays with relatives in and around Exeter. • .. Misses Ethel and Marion Bissett left last week to spend Christmas with Mr. and. Mrs. W. P. Newell, of Stratford. Mrs. A. Campbell is leaving Thurs- day to spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Lannrn, of Hain iton . Mrs. McCreath and children; of Kincardine, visited: for a week with tho • former's parents, Mr. and :NIrs. I. Armstrong. Councillor Jos. Hawkins.. is con- fined to his home and under the'doc tor's care. His ;.many friends will hope for his speedy recovery. Mr. Robt. Turnbull, of Detroit, and Mr. Wilfred Turnbull, who lis.s been at the Techinal School in Ham-. their Mother, Mrs. arevisiting Ilton, , Alex Turnbull, Mrs. Jos: Davis, and children, of Chatham, are visiting :' with the former's parents, Mr.- and Mrs. Wing, Fisher. INIr. Davis will spend Christ- mas here. ' Mr. and Mrs. J.. T. Wood celebrat- ed the 45th anniversary of their wedding on Wednesday evening of last week by .entertaining a few of their friends. • Mr. Lloyd White has returned to town after spending six weeks at St. David's near Niagara Falls, whorte he rims been engaged with the Do- minion Canners. Miss Muriel Iowald, who has been ill with pneumonia, is improv- ing nicely.- One of the two nurses who were in attendance, has return- ed eturned to London. • r Mrs. ',Gordon We110 and daughter, Caroline, arrived Monday " to spend Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs: A. S. Davis. Mr. Wells is ex- pected here Thursday eyening, ' Mrs. Win, Turnbull,` who recently underwent an one ' on in Victoria Hospital; .. , . n, -is making .a splen- reco ery and it is hoped she 'may e to return home for Christ- DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER R AND FUNERAL EQUIPMENT nce `Calls Pomptly. Attended To HOUSE BLOCK 1 IZi mall • ?4j — at the S STORE ,lice Smart Range of the Following:.• c ing G wns Wind Breaker, Sweaters Pull Over Sweaters- - Shirts Hats Caps Mufflers Socks Ties Braces :Garters Sleeve elders Cuff Buttorisl Collar Buttons 14 Come and Shop Early and Save Money. Our. Prices are Right. T� Merchant Tailor and Gents Outfitter AGAIN AT THIS FESTIVE SEAS- ON WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATRONAGE DURING THE PAST YEAR AND WE WISH YOU A VERY Happy Christmas ANDA Prosperous New Year HARVEY r f. Exeter Ontario ft Fi Y;t\ eiwk lie a mas. Mrs. A. J. Ford, who has' been re- ceiving : treatment at the Hamilton City Hu;spita1, has left the hospital and i4' now at) the home of her brothel• , Mr. W. 'J. Westaway in Ilamiltien. Mrs. Ford has not im- proved„rapidly as her friends would like t Word ;has been ^clued of the death of Mr'. Henry Jessey;�*ef .: Lang; den, Alta., who .died recently . . ” heart failure. Mrs. Jessey's maiden name wasKate Hawkins who Miss , formerly taught school at Sharon; in the Tp. of Stephen. Miss. Re- becca Hawkins, formerly of Exeter, is residing with her sister. Mrs. Rd. Hunter received word recently of the death of her sister, Mrs. George Taylor, who died at "Albany, Oregon, on December 12th. The maiden name of the deceased was Corlinda Bowerman. Mr. Tay- lor predeceased his wife on Dee. let. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor resided at Elimville before moving to the States in 1885. The students from the various Universities are home for the Christ- mas hristmas holidays. Among them are J. M. Harvey, 11i.A., Geo. Hind, Wm. Lawson, Howard Dignan, Grant San- ders, Grant Collingwood, .Geo. Bea- vers, Miss Marion Wood and hriss Eleanor Medd, all of Toronto; Ken- neth Stanbury and Miss E. Howard, of Western, London. Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Hunter return- ed home last week after visiting for nearly two months with their ron- in -law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Divine, • of Trenton, New Jersey. While there Mr. and Mrs. Hunter attended the sesqui-centen- niai Exposition at Philadelphia where they saw many interesting sights. They also visited the air- drome at Lakehurst where they ;saw the largest aeroplane in the world. The inter Presbytery public speak- ing contest under the auspices of the Young People's department of the United church will be held in Main St. United church next Monday even-` ing, December 27th. Miss Jean Core, of Petrous, winner for Lamb- ton County and Miss Delight Mutch, of Goderich, representing Huron County, will be the contestants. The London Conference finals will be held in London, Wednesday even- ing, December 29th, . A splendidset of lantern slides: will be shown: in Main St, church on the evening of December 29th at 8 o'clock. This • set pictures "British Guiana" the only British possession onthe continent of South America. W,h.en one has not the privilege of travelling, the picture •ibecoines a fruitful source of information: The vegetation, products, scenery and people are graphically described. Get acquainted with one of our sister colonies and one of the Mis- sion fields' of the United church of Canada. There will be no admin- sior fee. The usual voluntary of- ferinb,-,will be received.. tal of ul story "The an. AL MUSIC BY THE CHOIR MAIN STREET UNITED CHUR.CHI Rev, F. E.. Olysdale. Pastor CHRISTMAS SERVICES SPECIAL music, APPROPRIATE MESSAGES 11 a.m.---"The,Messenger of Happi nese." .. 3 p.m.—Sunday School. 7 p.m.—".A. Name Above a Name." An Invitation and.a Welcome for all 1.111141.3.. Powell's Variety Store Plain Price Store wishing yon...an A Very 'Happy Vista uzs arida Bright New -Year Wisb1ng A11 A 19IERRY 'CHRISTMAS a do -a H'APPY"NEEW YEAR T; IL ELLIOTT H. S. LITERAIW . The first meetfile Of, the Exeter High. School Sehigr Literary 'Soclety Was held .Thursday;, of last week: It was moved and car!jed that the Hon. member's :'qf the' f 4iety Were to be the principal a Tris' wife, the teachers . of the +der High School, the teacher of .Exxeter Public School and, he : 03_rFyiiien. of o v x The name, o m -the aaper is bethe 1 � e r a , elk 4. Senior . arion ".flea the - transac- tion ofM the busing s a progsampie of a suitable nature"', as given lly grgr}p number 'one under the 'directip}r o Wilfred Turnbull'' The initial krleet-; ing-of the society was a total success. The meeting of the Lower $cTiool Literary Society was held in second; form on Decembev'rsiateeath with the president, Marjorie Westcott, in the chair. The' following business was transacted. It was decided that we name our .paper,The Herald." Pearl Brock .was,'appointed pianist, and Clarence Boyle and Doreen West- cott were named as reporters to the Herald. After the business a 'pro- gram was given by Grace Chambers' side. Reading by Ivan Stewart, 1i •.S lee„h Dorothy Gould recita- tion by Gladys TI•a'iirilten, violin tibio by Marjprie Pearce, reading by Harry Jennings; solo by Jennie Passmore, reading by Bernice Caldwell. The school paper wt's then read by Irene Bierling and Grace Chambers. After the program candy was then passed. Wanted Now, Salesman For Your District Pay Weekly. Exclusive Stock and Territory We grow the stock we sell, And Deliver Fresh dug Hardy Can- adian Trees. ' Nursery 600 acres., Established 40 Years Write PELHAM NURSERY CO. TORONTO 2, ONT. 10 -11 -St The latest Nordheimgr Upright model, designed to meet the requirements of Isrger rooms where greater tone volume is desired.' A new and beautiful design, modelled on Colonial'lines, and obtain, able in walnut, mahogany or fumed oak. A style that cannot fail to please the most exacting. S MAKIOT &: 0 :. Exeter, Ont. 8. er Underwear Vests, Bloomers, Slips GGESTIONS Fancy Gloves In Knitted and 'Chamois Fancy . All Wool Blankets IN PLAIN AND FANCY CHECKS Fancy Handkerchief s 25c, .TO $1.00 Silk and Wool Hosiery ALL SHADES $1.00• Swett�er Coats UMBO KNIT AND BRUSEET1 WOOL Fancy Turkish Towels ALL NEATLY BOXED, Fancy Rayon Bed Spread PINK, BLUE AND YELLOW Pure Linen 1 able Cloths 2 yards x 2 yards $3:00 Fancy Aprons 75c $1.00..;1.50 FOR MEN AND BOYS BATH ROBES, priced at $735o to $12.00 PELT SLIPPERS SILK ROSIERy,.. CHRISTMAS NECKWEAR OVERSHOES BELTS !; GARTERS t, CUFF "LINKS;; FANCY SWEATERS, ;$2.50 TO $0,50 WOOL GLOVES • CHRISTMAS BRACES FANCY PYJAMAS FANCY MUFFLERS ARM BANDS COLLAR BAGS FINE SKIRTS cott IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllll111111111111111111111111$11111111111111111111111111111111111;111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111Ulllld1l11111IIIIII11111111M111$1llilllllON 111111lllillllllllllplllllllllllllllllllllllllplll11111111111.1111 FOR SALE OR RENT The Following Properties Brick Store on Main •St., Exeter Commodious Brick dwelling, fur- nace heated, and' wired for Electric lighting, etc, with fixtures In place, John St.. Six and a half acres of choice Iand suitable for market garden, running through from Huron St. to John St. Choice :Saskatchewan farms in the Carnduff, Fillmore, Plenty and Fro besher districts. For price and terms on above see ROBERT E. PICTURE, John Street EXETER._ ' Agent for Great West Lite .As'ce Co. D- -tire r rim, ;;u�a� and .�} l , pivner may have s.alr}e b proving roperty, and paying'tort is ad. Ap- ply tq 'Freeman Dobbs, Centralia, Ont.. ' 12-1 fi-2tp. .TAKI ar yfOE—Closed taxi will meet all. trains. Parties 'wishing ' to be taken to • station or wishing a taxi far any other reason. Phone 56. 'C. L. Wilson. ' CATTLE FOR SALE.•=Three 2• year-old steers and, heifer. .Apply at Trines -Advocate. WANTED—To hear from owner farm for sale. State cash price. D. F. Bush, .Minneapolis, Minn. 12-23-a-tc FOR SALE—Good strong buggy, '8 -pigs,' Chunks; ,pair light sleighs, set double light harness, light wagon. R. E. Pooley, Winchelsea. STRAYED—Cato Lot 5, N. B. Stephen, . a red 2 -year-old heifer. Owner may have same by, proving property and paying expenses. Tsaac Dunsford Hay P.O. . 12-16-3t Bring year broken castings, mai- lable, brass or steed, etc. and have them made as good as new. Horse shoeing... General blackamithing and acetylene welding. HILLARY HORTON SPECIAL Special `fruit loaves for Christ- mas.. 'Phone . 8. GRANT'S BAKERY house to rent, also a quantity of plank and posts suitable for stabl- ing for sale. Apply to J. H. Grieve. COOK WANTED Cook wanted for the Clinton Public Hospital. Ap-. 'ply any day to Miss Grainger, Supt Hospital. 12-23-2tc LOST—On evening of December 15th on first 21/2 miles west of Crediton a lap rug. Finder please inform' P. J. Sullivan, Dashwood. LOST—An auto rug with initials A. B. in the corner. Finder please leave at Times -Advocate office. PEN LOST A lady's fountain pen. Finder will kindly return to Times -Advocate office. HOUSE FOR SALE Brick residence• and garage with three choice lots on east side of William .St., Exeter. Well built and best of material and workmanship throughout. Central location. Will male' a choice home. Special terms of payment if desired. GLADMAN Rc Stanbury' Solicitors for Vendor POR SALE—Comfortable seven room, frame house on Huron Street, Exeter, apply to GLADMAN STAN1flTRY, Solicitors 8-2-tf FOR SALE Several farms at reasonable prices, good buildings, easy terms to responsible parties. Apply to James W. Watson, R. R. 1, ICirkten, Ont., phone Kir kton 54-2, GREETINGS TO • ALL Christmas has its unaccustomed throb: and' thrill. Everywhere one goes, one sees evidences of the Xmas spirit. A mysterious, smiling sec- recy is evident: among the shoppers. It' is `a•tiine of gifts. And along with thein ego': the choice delicaeies that whet` the appetite. 'Phe demand: is for , somethirbg different,, just a little better( than ordinary. .._Lockwood's Bakery W jTV ,ill ll,elp yP}r. Meet the demp,n&. With a choice line of cakes and pas- try', Ourcbunp are meeting with in- creaping favor.. We have a full line of Candles,. Nuts and Oranges. Your wife will •appreciate` a:. bpi et Smiles an' Chuckles''Candies. Try Lockwood's Better Bread W. H. LOC WOOD • BAKER EXIvTER ONTARIO ..Phone 194 Phone 104 SOUTH SERVICE STORE We wish All a very Merry CAHrisimas and a Prosperous New Year. CHAS. W. FORD • Service, Fresh Goods and a Clean Store ;11,1 rr: all a ur Gttztomerz Crisp (i4rtzttfet5 nal a 74.a%ePatbal luttt'1 Naterp enter Wishing One and All. S Merry Christmas R. N. ROW . FURNITURE DEALER AND' Fi NERAL DIRECTOR Pl+pue•goW. rt r Night 24; Have Your Byes •Examined T®rda There is nothing. to be gained by delaying that eye examination.. There is much to be lost. Each day that your eyes are under, .a strain makes it more difficult for your Optometrist to give you satis- factory glasses _ You will be surprised at the thor- oughness horoughness of our methods --and win. be pleased with the glasses. Call today and learn the truth. about your eyes. John Ward CHIROPRACTOR & OPTICIAN MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT. PHONE 70 Sylvester B. Taylor Jeweller, — Exeter Fitton's Old Stand WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRI14Ts GUARANTEED FP E INSURANCE PROTECT YOURSELF AGAINST LOSS BY FERE, WITH B. J. CUi IEETUi OFFICE: North of Elliott and Johns J. L. 1.-e IS BUILDING and CONTRACTING Housee and Barns ESTIMATES AND SUGGESTIONS GLADLY FURNISHED Phone 152w John St. East, ExeteiW „'E. C. Harvey & L. Y. Hogarth — Agents — Mutual Life of Canada EXETER ONTAIUOE 1874 192G The London Life ,a. Insurance Co. 1t a :o Goulding :(A... T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster Ames St. United Church ' Instruction in Piano Vocal. Organ 'Theory Supervisor of lVfusie in Schools Concert Engagements Aeceptl'(t Studio, Main St. Box 57, Phone 192 EXETER, ONT, W. C. PEARCE, AGENT Exeter. Phone 130W. Residenee, An St. two blocks west: of Ford Garage 1547 192E CANADA LIFE The Oldest Assurance Co. in Canad':io 03. M. RiiiA'N I il'how,3 Ido, Exeter l' 5i