HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-12-23, Page 4t Tiftrait1111 reerivvay Mies Preeraey heS reeigned as 19,20 THE EXETER Tuni-ADvocATE a,rente, Netiee the Change in the date of tile Concert in the United ehnrch, Clitietinas eve insteael of Christmas night, A good Wee:rani and a good crowd are Premised- , Mie'end Mrs. Billing and familY ,and Mr. and Mrs. W, 'young and family attended the fuaeral of Slr„ .Painpbell in StrathreY, 011 IVIonday. Mise Illyrt,le Luther is •visiting her 1:08311...114421111.0411111, riari ays emembers!" •t ce the 1VIarshalls were Niji hbours in Brooktown, has never missed an 1'4 nity c greeting Inc on qe, hdaer. But to think that o u 1 d remember our fWedding anniversary r ....„ those thoughtful words over the telephone mean a great dealt" "Indeed they dot As soon as I recognize her voice, I real- ized what it really means to be able to say that distance is no longer a barrier. It's wonder- ful to be alive in this age of marvels, when one can sit at home and chat with friends miles away l" Long Distance is growing in favour day by day. For mes- sages of congratulation and en- couragement, there is nothing like the telephone. After all, your voice is you! • 142 teacher in the'Weetee0,490I, we Will mese her in the eolennunity4 Next SuudaY.in,the."United, cluireh eneeiel ChristMlis'Sernee 'willbe held. The choir axe preparing epecial enuc ' and the Christmas white gift seryice will bo interest TURKEYS PROFITABLE FOR T.nosu WU� anitvia , r Bidduiph Township is furniehing a goodly supply of etarkeYs 0 0011e eumption for We "Yuletide feast. One farm woman Wednesday took a lead to Luean and 'Was'ehriched by $514, after she had. sold them, which one would say is a prettY.good Christ- mas box. BRINSLEY Ir. The regular meethig of the A.Y. P,A., of St, Mari % church, 13rineley, was held in the Parish ball. The Maia feature of the evening was the installation of the officers by Rev. G. W. Moore, as follows; President, MIAs Eileen,' Cerbett; vice-prese. Clif- ferd Lewis; treasurer, Miss Sarak' Heavies; secretary, Alvin. Lewis. He presented each with their their badge, which proves their loyalty to the aesoelation. The new elear*er, No. 507, of tits Anglican Young People's Association of the Dominion of Canada was unveiled by the vicez president, Clifford Lewis after which an enjoyable time was spent at puz- zles and sing -songs. It was decid- ed to hold the next meeting on Tuesday, Jan. llth. ams-tazgimeumlrazzimagammalgazamma New Year Tenn, opens MONDAY, JAN.5 COURSES: Corablete Office Training, Secretarial, Stenographic, • Commercial and Telegraphic Write for free catalogue CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE E. F. LUMSDEN, 13.A., Principal Stratford, Ontario• 0,F,„TkValw..M.1 `.'""fr,2,MIENEMEMINREIMEgiBEIEMMEWSIMMIES Six Reasons Why We Recommend NUR N & ERIE DEBENTURES 1 They are authorized by law as an investment for estates and trust funds. 2 They are issued by an institution that is "OLDER than the DOMINION:" 3. This 62 -year-old financial Institution is Government Chart- ered. ; 4 Hurout & Erie books, securities and accounts are subject to inspection at any time without notice by Dominion Gov- ernment Officials, 5. The paid up capital and reserve fund of The Old Huron &• Erie afforde surplus security totalling $6,850.000. G. Owners of these .debentures together with savings depositors have FRST claim upon every dollar of Huron & Erie as- sets totalling over $31,000,000. .5 per cent. per annum is payable half yearly upon $100 or more for 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 years. CHOOSE TIS TRUSTEE SECURITY FOR YOUR HARD EARN- • ED SAY-Hi:OS ' CARLING & MORLEY BARRISTER &c., EXETER, ONT. Lane' Agent for Thp Huron . E rie Morti-,ag3 Corporation, to whem'applicatious k,r debent uses may bo znaete. eg: We, " • r," „.4ge„. eee • „„eggeee I 0 MVO zvi4, t,91114,441-6' Lt Plug In Then one No atteries No Aerial Singe Dia1 ntrol •• ri_IVE them a Rogers, tlaen watch their faces on Christmas Day! So 44.-11 simple your youngest can operate it. No batteries—You "Just Plug In—Then Tune In." No chemicals; no charger; no attachments. In most homes it operates without any aerial whatever, either outside or built-in loop—and with less disturbance than when an aerial is used. Single dial control enables you to locate and tune in station after station easily and quickly.... . . A dozen other advantages combine to make the Rogers the one set that can give you all you hoped for in a Radio. Free emonstration before you buy a Radio Set for Christmas—hear the Rogers. Let us demonstrate in your home free of charge, If .you are entirely satisfied—payment can be made in cash or spread over 3 to 12 months for a slight charge. S t - 9 reavouommsotteofthotwet ATTERIITASS irlEAR—ONIFORM BVERLASVING POWER P7M;7717-7. Der,741:103,4*50,, „. 4 Mrs, JanieSI..eMe0111, a p10119.er • VILLA.04. OF EXETER of Hibbert Tpe died recently at Oer NOMINATION AND wixouctN home in Seefortle ShelYfee bern in Scotland and sixty years ago was enagrieci, to her bereaYed nasband, besides whom oue daughter and fear sons survive, Richard .SiMeselle of ClaadebaYel died at the home of 1.S.s daughter, Mrs. D. A McKay,. of London, en December, 16t1e nie 8Ist year. The remains were b 'ought to Clandeboye to inte.rmentle St. Janieseeemetel• T UsBORNE COUNCIL 9.11e municipal council of the Township • of Usborne met as per statute at the Township Hall, Elim- ville, on December the 150' 1926. All the members of the council were present. • The mLnutes of the meet- ing of Decemberf4th were read and approved on motion of Berry -Dew. The Reeve laid' on the table the report of the Equalization Assess- ment • Committee for the council's persual. Also the new schedule of Hydro rates from Exeter Station, showing a very substantial reductioh in service charges and. installation. The following bills were 'passed and orders issued for same, on mo- tion of Skinner-Ballautyne, viz: County Treas., County rates $9,670, County Highway rate $4,835 Pro. Highway rate $483.i0; Trees, of Blanshard, Blanshard Telephone rates $2,120.05; J. B. Mustard, Tnckersmith Telephone rates $330.- 37; John Rogers, 0.L.S., engineer's fees Eliniville drain $225, Whelihan award $33; Clerk's fees, Whelihan Award $6.50; T. Roy Patterson, engineer's fees Anderson drain $100 John Heywood, refund cow tag fee $2.00; Verne Nincombe, gravelling Bd. Bdy. $60; Whitney Coates, do. $60, Maurice Coates ditto $42.50; Geo. Thomson ditto $45, Cecil Skin- ner ditto. $ 45:, Geo. Hunter ditto $25, Howard Hunter ditto , $40, F. Ford ditto $50, Geo Ferguson ditto $27.50, cleaning pit $2, gravel $1.75 H. Rowcliffe, gravelling Bidd $52.50, Joe. Ferguson, gralrellin4 Rd. 9. $25, Joe. Kernick ditto $1'2.- 50; Albert Etherington ditto 325, Win. Westlake ditto $27.50, Edgar Cudraore ditto $25, Gordon Cudmore cleaning pit. $5, Mervyn Cudmore ditto $ 3.25, Mrs. Cudmore gravel $23, R. Skinner ditto $313, work in pit $33.76; Matthew neatly, gravel $5, Wm. Stone ditto $56.35, L. O'Reilly work in pit $1, Freeman Horne, gravelling $21.50, W. Reutly ditto $12.50, L. Fletcher ditto $12.- 50, Wesley* Horn work in pit 75c, Cann ditching Rd. 16 $5, Thomas Bell tile Con 6 $11, Wm. Moodie rent of ,County machinery $89, clearing pit 'and moving crusher $81.75; Geo. Kellett• cow supervisor $15, Hy. Ford team work. $18.75, superintendence $25.50. • Skinner -Ballantyne: That we ad- journ to meeteon December 27th at the close of, p.omination. • Henry Strang, Clerk AUCTION SALE '. . CENTRAL HOTEL, EXETER ' on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31st, 1926 to 1 o'clock Sharp the following: .2 Heavy horses, 4 drivers, 10 young pigs; 10 shoats, 3 months old 15 toilet sets, 15 comedes, 3 beds, 3 springs, number of chairs and sofas, parlor suite, 4 heating stoves, a number of rugs and carpets, quantity of lumber, 2 large grain bins, light wagon, many dishes and sealers, washing machine and ringer. $10 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit on fur- nishing approved. joint notes with 5 per cent. off for' cash. CHESTER LEE, Proprietor FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE FARM, FARM STOCK AND IMPLE- MENTS The undersigned has received in- structions to sell •by public auction, 011 LOT 10, CONCESSION 1, HAY TUESDAY, ‘j.A.NUARY 11th, 1927 at 1 o'clock sharp the following 100 acres of land on the Lon- don Rd., being Lot 10, Con. 1, Ray, good brick house, one, of the beat bank barns, in the community. It is well fenced and 'drainel and is in a good state of cultivation. It has three good wells, 9 acres of, fall wheat, ploughing all • done, good premed, 15 acres of alfalfa, 10 acres sweet clover. This is a good farm and is well situated, HORSES --Heavy mare in foal, weight 1600 lb.; heavy gelding ris- ing 6 years; carriage horse rising 4 years; sorrel driving horse; loan horse. CATTLE -1 eow due"August 12th 1 cow duo August • 28th; 6 fresh cows, 3 yearling heifers, 2 yearling steers, 2 fall calves. PIGS—Erood sow, 7 shoats. 75 hens. Collie dog. IMPLEMENTS—F. & W. binder, McCormick mower, Deering need drill, cultivator, roller, 0 ection harrows, McCornink bean harvest- er, riding plow, walking plow, disc harrow, 2 heavy wagons, sleighs, buggy, cutter, tanning mill, root pulper, hay rack, wagon box, gravel box, etone boat, emery stone, 2 lad- ders, set scales, fence wire, lumber, a quantity of wood, water trough, hay fork, ropes, pulleys, car and slings, .2 set double harness, 1 set single harness, now cream separator, churn,' box stove, shovels, • forks, hoes, chains, whiffietrees, neckyokes pails, barrels, boxes and other articles too numerous to mention. 300 bus. of turnips and mangels, 40 bags potatoes, 375 • bus. of oats, 275 bus. barley, 75 bus, of mixed feed, 25 tone of, ha, straw to go with place, TERMS FARM -10 per ceet, on day of sale, balance In 30 days. " • CHAT,TELS --• $10 • and under. Cash; over that amount nine Moiaths' credit Will be given on furnishing appeoved joint , notes or a discern -It of 6 per (lent. off for cash, CAIVIIEL MO-VAERT, Proprietor PRANK coArrEis, Clerk tPRANIK, TAYLOR,. Auctioneer Public notice is hereby given tilr4t �. meeting of the Electors of the Village .of Exeter, will he held ,in the TOWN HALL at the, hour of 12 o clock noon MONDAY, DECEMBER 27th, .1920 For ;the purpose of making end receiving nominations for the offices of Reeve and Councillors; and, one member of the, Public Utilities Com- mission, and four members for the Board ot Education. And further notice is hereby giveri that in the event of more candidates being pro- posed for any particular office than required to be elected, the proceed- ings will be adjourned until MON- DAY, JANUARY 3rd, 1927, when polls will be opened at 9 a.m. at the following places as fixed by Village by-law, viz: • Div. 1 -,--Mrs. E. •A. • klandforcrs residence, Main St., D.R.O., E„ Treble, Polling Clerk; W. J. Carling. Div. 2—Town Hall, Main $t., D. R.O. W. Johns, P.C., J. H. Grieve. Div. 3—Mitchell's Office, Main and Wellington Sts., D.R.O., G. Andereoie P.C.,A. Gambrill. Div. 4—North End Fire Hall, D. R.O., Rd. Welsh, P.C., John Kydd,. All Electors are hereby requested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. • JOSEPH SENIOR, Clerk Exeter, December 14th, 1926. the' proceeds at, the estate so dis- tributed, to any person of whose claiin they shall not have notice at the thine of •clietribution. Dated' at Exeter, this 10th day of Deteemher, A.D. 1926. GLADIVIAN & ST.ANI3IIRY Exeter and Ileneall • Executoef Solicitora NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY ,GIVEN under the provisions of the Trustee Act that all persons having claims ageing the estate of JANE 'V101\11001_4 late of the Township of Usborne, widow, deceased, who died on the 23rd'.clay of October, 19.26, are re-' quired to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or be- fore the 3rd day of January, 1927. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV- EN that after the said date the Ad- ministrator will proceed to distribute •theeestate •aznongst the persons en- titled etleereto, having regard only t'O the clahns 'of which they have then notite; and shall not be liable for the proceeds et the estate so dis- te:ilnited to any person of whose elaini.they shall not have notice at tluetime of distribution. Dated at Exeter, this 1.0th day of • December, A.D. 1926. GLADMAN & STANBURY • '' NOMINATION AND ELECTION Public Notice is hereby given that a • meeting of the Electors of the Township of Usborne„will be held in the TOWNSHIP HALL, ELIMVILLE at the hour of 1 o'clock p.m., on MONDAY, DECEMBER 27th, 1926 • For the purpose of making and receiving nominations or the offic- es of Reeve and four . Councillors.' And further notice is hereby given. that in the event of more candidates' being proposed for these offices than required to be elected and they do dnot retire within the time speci- fied, the proceedings will be adjourn- ed until MONDAY, JANUARY 3rd, 1927, when the polls will be held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the follow- ing places, as fixed by Township by- law, viz: Div. I—S. House No. 4, Eden; D. R.O., John J. Hunter; P.C., Harry Coates. Div. 2—House of H. H. Brown, D. R. 0., H. H..Brown; P. C. Chas. Allison. Div. 3—House of Louisa Horton, D.R.O., S. W. Dougall; P.C., Wm. Jeffrey. Div. 4—Publie Had, Farquhar; D.R.O., John Simpson; P.C., John Hodgert. Div. 5e -Township Hall D.R.O. Jackson Woods; P.C. George Kellett. Div. 6-5. House No. 7, Zion, D.R.O., Wm. Smith; P.C., Charles. Jaques. Div. ,?—House of R. Morrison, Dhiclir.d,y..D. Goulding, Oliver All Electors are, hereby requeeted to take notice and govern them- selves accordingly. HENRY STRANG, Clerk: Usborne, December 9th, 1926. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN under the provisions of the Trustee Act that all persons having claims against the estate of ELLEN BOA, late of the Township of Usborne, Widow, deceased, who died on the el5tli day of November, 1925, are re- quired to forward their claims duly proven, to the undersigned .on or be- fore the 3rd day of January, 1927.. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV- EN that after the said date the Ex- ecutor will proceed to distribute the estate amongst the persons en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which.they have then notice, and shall not be liable for the proceeds of the estate so dis- tributed, to any person of whose claim they shall not have notice at the' time of distribution. Dated at Exeter, this 20th day of December, A.D. 1926. GLADMAN & STANBURY Exeter and Hensall Executors' 'Solicitors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY . GIVEN under the provisions , of the Trustee ACt that all persons having claims against the estate of WILLIAM N. POWE, late of the Village of Ex- eter, Gentleman, deceased, who died on the 25th day of November, 1926, are required to forward their claims duly proven, to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of January, 1927. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV- EN that after the said date the Ex- ecutors will proceed to distrilente the estate amongst the persons en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they have then notice; and shall not be liable for the proceeds of the estate so dis- tributed, to any person of whose claim they shall not have notice at the time of distribution. Dated at Exeter, this 10th day of Decem,ber, A.D. 1926. GLADMAN & STANBIJRY • Exeter and Hensel' Executors' Solicitors NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS }IEREBY GIVEN under the provisions of the Trustee Act that all persons having claims against the estate of LOUISA ,I, ELSTON', late of the Village _ot tee eter, Widow„ deceased. who died, et the Village of Hensall, on the 30th day of July, 1926, are reanired •ho forward theirclaims duly proven.to the Undersigned, on or before the &rd day of January, 1927. AND NOTICE IS VI.TRTHER Gni- Int that after the said date the Ex- ecutor will proceed to distribute the , estate amongst, the persons en- titled therete, having regard only to the claims of which they have thee, netice, and shall not be liable for Exeter and Hensall Soliciters for Administrator • NOTICE TO CREDITORS . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN under the provisions ofethe Trustee Act that allpersons having claims against .the estate of WALTER SLATER, late of the Township of Hay, Retired, Farmer, deceased, who died :on the 28th day of October, 1926, are required to forward their claims duly proven to the undersign- ed, on or before the 3rd day of Jenuary, 1927. • . AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GM: EN that after the said date the Ex- ecutors will ‚proceed to distribute the estate amongst the persons en- titled thereto, having regard only to the 'claims of which they have then notige, and shall not be liable for the proceeds of the estate so dis- tributed, to any person .of whose claire they shall not have notice at the' time of distribution. Dated ,at Exeter, this 10th day of „ December, AD. 1926. GLADMAN & STANBURY • Exeter and Hansen Executors' Solicitors • NOTICE TO CREDITORS • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN • under the provisions of the Trustee Aet that all persons having claims against the estate of WILSON J. 3:10- AGTH, late of the Village of Exeter, Gentleman, deceased, who died on the 17th day of November, 1926, are 44.444.44444.44 required to forwerd their • Ohba& ei^ dulybel)for°rTeeltileto3:4” dIalyndeorflatait, AND NOTICE IS PIIIITI-IrER 04.1V4.• EN that after the said date the EX- ecutors will proceed to diStribute, the estate amongst the persone on... titled • thereto, having regara. only to the claims of which they have tiled notice, and shall not be nab, for' the proceeds of the estate Ste tributed, to any person of.wh claim they shall not have notice atll.. the time of distribution. Dated at Exeter, this 10th day ot December, A.D. 1926. GLADMAN & STANEURY SEIceNteecru taonrds'USeonliscailtiorg? • NOTICE TO CREDITORS r; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVIINt ander the provisions of the Truste Act that all persons having claim against the estate of the late IIMANe GEL 11MBERLEY, late of the Town4 ship of Stephen, Retired Farmere, deceased, who died on the ,5th day of November, 1926, are required to,, forward their claims duly proven to - the undersigned on or before the - 3rd day of January, 1927. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GrVe- EN that after the said date the Ex- ecutors will -proceed to distribute - the estate amongst the persons en -- titled. thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they have the* notice, and shall not. be liable for- th° proceeds of the estate so dis-- tributed, to any person of whose - claim, they shall not have notice at. the time of dieeribution. • Dated at Exeter, thi13....10th' day a . December, A.D. 1926. GLADMAN & STANBURY ' Exeter and Hensall • Executors' Solicitoite S gar ek CUTS FEEDING COSTS 50 PER CENT. The Sugar Jack converts r o u g a g e into an easily disgestible stab*. —making it actually more palat- able and nourishing than the highest quality ensilage and hay. Thus,. roughage, such as hay, straw, clove' threshings, bean and pea vines, etc.,. can now be used in place of ensilage and will give better results. Here's how it works. The Sugat- Jack press and converter compound, pre-digest roughage into highly nourishing feed. This pre-digested. roughage feed is relished by live- stock, and the farmer using it en+ joys greater profits and owns hea14- ther, fatter live stock. -04 .„ ARTHUR JONES mASSEY-TIARR1#J4 En RoHs. Taflc SuFfaceel Light Weight - - 35 lbs. COMPETITIVE QUALITY Medium Weight - 45 lbs. FINE QUALITY Heavy Weight - 55 lbs. EXTR& FINE (4 ALITY Extra HeavyWeight--65 lbs. SUPER FINE QUALITY ry Mrenitfor_cijklen iCa.Liraited Brantford, Ontario Stock Carried, Information Furnished and Service on Brantford Roofing rendered by Ross -Taylor Co., Ltd., Exeter • 4r. The c'hillips Pi n s • .:We have had unique success with these beautifull Pianos during the past two years and .the: reason is BECAUSE they are BUILT to LAST. They have a beautiful TONE and -roucH. Everything re- quired to make a G9on PIANO 18 put into them and above all they are built to uphold. the RE- PUTATION and GOOD name behind them. THE FOLLOWING LETTER 'UNSOLICITED AND WRITTEN TO PROMINENT TEACHER OP MUSIC. • It was with pleasure Unit I heard the work of your puplie at the examinations in July 1pst, their work was very good and quite up to the standard of the better centres and better than we hear 132 many centrea, 1 was also very much pleased with the McPhillips Pianos *Which We used and played on at the time. Their tone IS good, they seem- ed to be of excellent construction, the eaten is good and I consider that they compare very .faverably, ln every respect, with any of our Catiadian Pianos. 1 think the prices ,asitod for 'theta was veil • reasonable and. I am Side they will give Satisfaction to anyone, With reaeonable care and attention. every sucCesS in Ali your work and that Your bled - nem will continue to grow. Yours' faithfully .+tunitri fl UOWELZi Examiner, London (Eng.) College Of Mu* Distributing Agent, MRS, GAMDRILL, EXETER, ONT. 011111111111=1.1108MINSEVNMONMEZWIZER4ZWAW -11