HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-12-23, Page 3DEFEND THE I UGITTO OFFICE ' a
3 IMuch of the Suffering Wmnenl
National Council of Women
Discuss Many Subjects at
London Meeting.
. The problaan of the married woman
worker is one which has beeat much
to the fare in Great Britain of recent
Years, and the whale question was lis
oausse•d by Iters, W. T. Layton at the
annual 'conference of the National.
Oatmefl of, Women in Great Britain,
Which was recently held in London far
die first time in nine years.
Mrs. Layton reviewed the problem
of married women wo'a•icean from three
different points of view: that of the
manned woman herself, the employer,
and the community. Every maarri,ed
woman, saki Mrs. Layton, must decide
this question for herself, and it was
gratuitous im'peetneencea for outside
authorities or the general public to
matte the decision for her. Many eta-
- men had been in profeestonal life paler
to marriage, tend had spent much time
and • money on making themselves ef-
flcd,ent. The only point of view for the
eine doyrer to hold was whether he was
getting the best person for the job.
The way lm which the work was done
should be the test, tact whether the
worker was married oa• unmarried.
Married Women Work.
IIre. Ayrteon argued that the com-
munity itself bernefitted by merrled
women's, work. Married women teach-
ers were better• qualjfled to deal with
chiJkiaen iii the schools if they had al-
ready had children themselves. Chad -
ren le the homes, tea, developed a
wideroutlook and broader views when
their mothers were 'more in contact
with the outside world.
Housing was the keynote • of the
whale coneersnce,, and this problem
cropped up at intervals all through the
theeeeelays, gathering. Councillor Mrs.
Price -White discussed `Electricity in
the Ilom.e." 1blrs. Gee:: orae Morgan, a
vice -provident of the cotiecili, said the
Malvern branch had erected over 40
self-contained flats with small garden
plots attached, at a. cost of £300 to
£360 for each domicile; the Bromley
branch was building' cottagee; Cam-
bridge was oonventing large houses in-
to fiats for professional women; in
Bath, a tenement venture scheme was
in pr ogees, end Birnnin;gham branch
was converting old derelict properties;
into habitable abodes.
Liquor Control.
F.,V the last day of the conference an
arenHeted descuesion followed a paper
read by the Lady Frances Baifeur, on
"The Oxford Liquor (Popular) Con -
led Bi•id" Lady Prances paid a con
dial tribute to the courageous efforts
at tl:e Un.l�
the thralldom
the opinion that in the future Great ear 1VI
Britain might also come into line in A aper
this respect. Scotland had more than 'wards th
one "dtry" 'district to -deny o u,
Endure Can be Avoided.
livery women a
age with �eonstderaebl
sbe knows this th
when trirnial ailments
signs of tale's and su
She tears the
lassitude end other
weeses that harden til
women at this peeriod
Much of the anile
that amen woineat .a'p
age can be avoided.
peeved by thousands,
women who have relit
on the health -heap gi
Hams' Pink Pine. To
woman the once them
Derry her through he
ie Hieb, red blood. B
detect action on the
Bars' Pim]' Pills are t
praised by women Dor
Arnomg,• the thousands
benefit from this reined
Wager, Echo Lake, Ont
"I eras at a 'critical peri
of ala women and wan s
able. I became. se mach
I was unable to do my
least exertion woudki,
to flutter so violently
heave : to sit drawn. I h
and backaches, and was,
oondeitiom. I saw Dr. W
Pit1Ts neeomme Dated anid d
them a trial. It was for
did so, for 1n der the use
eine I was restored to go
s�trengti and feed like a n
never neglect an apportu
mend this remedy to th
ruts -down for I am very
what the pills did for me.
For all adlmeents due to
blood Dr. Williams' Pink
found a specific. leu can
from any medicine dealer or by ma
at 50c. a box from The Dr. William
Medicine Co., Brookville. Ont.
Jarring the air with rumor•coal,
Small fountains played Into a pool
With sound as soft as the barley's his
nnlie•n its beard just sprouting is;
Whence a young stream, that trod o
Prettily rimpled the court across.
And in the pool's clear idleness
Moving like dreams through idleness,
Shoals, of small bright fishes were,
--Lasa !les Azercrolnbie
pFruaelte:s middle.
e anxiety, because
ae time of her 11fe
may be the arse
iferinge to Come.
cher, beano lees,
dieeres�sing weak -
e life of so nanny
ty and sufferiaug
Ipaeachiug middle
This has been
of im'ppy, virLlre
ed at this time
vert by Dr. Wil.
the miididletaged
g necessary to
• years of trial
ecause of their
blood, Dr. Wil -
he one. remedy
woanen°s needs.
vho have found
y is Mrs, Allam,
•, who says;—
ad in the lives
ick and raiser -
run -clown that
housework. The
'arse my heart
that I would
ad headaches
Ina depressed
Weans' Punk
eddied to give
tunate that I
of this reeds
ad health and
e W woman. I
city to recom-
ose who are
grateful for
weak watery
Pills will be
get the pills
New..-,•--.�...� ...._�__.._..�......._
Span too Cross the Niagara River
Classified Arr�dvertis�i&
� PROPOSED FRIDGE ... � •;.�3>..v ,?:.:.
The bridge shown above will be•a, B1 THE CATARACT
fAaific. The coon pproximateeiy 600 feet in Length
tweet to Canadians
erreoting it its wi]ilfrrg to go a•bave. the $4,400,000 mark
adians annd strap teas situated, as it will' be ar3 ace
ligdt,t It mdtght be looker
1 upon as the gateway j nt to Niagara
y to Canada.
The 'Value of a Kind Word:
An leveled woman whose sufferings By Dorothy ��•
had made her a little morbid ffer ngs radiantly hawhile
curious r weihad let him know�eerthatsat we admired
request of a friend.
"When I am dead," sh.e said "m m, or if we had ever sat low
. ors will an howl•
i1 regret and sympathy. Do not let a
s' of them In the house, because I li
lived here for years lonely, and f
lorn, and skint in, and not one of the
has dropped in to cheer and coni,f
nee with a, little human comradeship.
Now this woman's neighbors ar
not particularly hard and hearties
s people. They are just busy people, en
groseed in their own affairs, even a
n you and I. .And, even as you and
when they hear that the poor invalid
across the street is dead; they will be
conscience-stricken at having failed in
- kindliness to her, and will try to atone
come to my' dear e
and listened to his garrulous
th talk of old times.e g Loos i
ny We were not even Bat
to never did.
aim. Wet
ve Pushed . him aside. We leetlih m see
or- that he bored us. The first attention
end we ever pada him was when it was too
art late for him to know, or care, whether
we came to hie. house or net.
e And there is Miss C., who has been
s an invalid for years and years, able;
on her good days,. to patter from the
s bed to the window, and •on her bad
I' days just to turn her face to the wall,
and• He there enduring the longdrawn-
o•ut weariness that Is her Idfe: Days
and days—months—years—of dreary
drab monotony. - We are always in-
tending to go to see her, to take her
a jolly book, to send her flowers, to
do something to cheer and brighten
her lot, something that will, at least
tell h•e•
r .r,...,
sympahy. But we don't do it love
We treat the members of our own I ver
family in the same way. If the spirits ar
of the departed nre permitted to come I
back to earth, It must surprise many 1n
a one to read on his or her tombstone
that he or she was• the beloved hus-
band, or wife, of So-and-so. The peer
ghost had never suspected such a
thine. In life, he or she had only
known callous, .cold indifferenee. Neg-
lect. Fault finding. Quertiteus corn-
plaints. Never a word of praise.,
Let's not wait until people are dead
o show our -love and appreciation of
them. Let's send our flowers to the
for their neglect.
Vain Hunger for Love.
Thirty cancer cases have been pro-
nounced cured by the lead treatment
developed by Dr. Blair Bell, of Liver-
pool, England,
I often think that the most cynical
thing in the world is that we have to
die to find out what our family and
friends think of us. The words we
'hungered and thirsted to hear, the love
l that we broke our hearts for, are only
whispered into deaf ears
,ea States to free itself from
of 8T
drink, - Co
and nd
f •
tar fog. Sick Chi
liege St., Toronto 2,
local option, and w g to pn Toro
Orkneys had been a marked in won- Province
derfal success. J and Tears. I
Lady Ba;Ifour's ilea for "reor• a; I eonsiderab
.tion" met with a good deal of oppose I IwhicfL .ha
Ilion. al• --
it of warm friendliness tot i
e hospital for Sick Child*
oto exists all ove
and It increases tel
t has been enhance
le extent by the
ve been conducted
:s Agnes Slater, president of . 'many ten
the Brutish ntramen's Total Abstinence' rrom the
Union, said that the union supported ' ,out curab
he clinic had been
the local option section, but not the ! tt 1O Of t
rt anted . nngly hopeless eventually sending
ublic ' the little patients ho
When old Mr. B. died we toideeach
other what a wonderful old man he
had been. Why, he had lived through
the times that made history! He had
seen villages grow into cities and
railways thread the country. The de-
r the velolnmeut of the telegraph, the in-
vention of electric lights, and the
th the • phomngraph, incl• the telephone and
d to a ; wireless. Such an interesting old
clinics ; man! We -even repeated some of the
in so things h-- „�
tree in Ontario by doctors I
Hospital who have picked
to the A PES
le cases which up
rearganizatsont," w;hioh she deno
as cla
w til a traiflc width of 70 feet and will be sokay for pedestrian and motor° ear
to pro�vi,d'e a beautiful setrueture. Its environment will be of the greatest lln-
Palls, in the veeiy centre ef country rich in the traditions of Canada. In this
Radio Now Installed uu t
Haldenby Farm.
The fleet srunaener's nexvenue from
the ra ninieg space in the field dow
by the gate duetted the Halde¢nbys one.
hundred and forty dollars, 'which the
family deckled to spend on a Christ-
mas present for itself. A radio Ivas
he 1
e leg ervezy one of •them wanted
When Mother and father cleave in
tov�ar, a week before, Christmas
choose it, they were somewhat worri
about the paid which seized you
Tam on iris right side. They called
e (looter's •ofiioe. "You eay you a
:oing to buy a radio?" asked the do
or, "Well, this boy has appendiciti
rte from what he tells me, I don
Dander: You can't have appendicit
thout constipation, aid he has. bee
ufferinlg from constipation ever sir
e cold weather 'came in. With ni'
but an qutdloar closet at home an
school, he has not been regular i
habits., with the result---constipa
n leading to appendicitis.''
The father said they had moped to
a111. an inrtoor closet in the house
s fall, but had put it off. "For the
asked the doc*y1, :That's an
well, but health first."
o -they went to the plumbers and
are for a chemical dente. quite
expensive and costing very little for
upkeep, which was installed in the
basement the following week.
Tom's flatness left a very small bal-
ance in the radio aecounrt and the
ramble's Christmee present had to be
east week, haw�er-er,tire b:oy5 were
busy with gro-un.l wiles and the aerial; I
the radio la now in place, paid for from
this summer'e. camping. And we say!
with the -dootor, "A radio is all right-.
but health first:."
ache has our 1 and till
ed to say, 1 t
It would have madoe the old man 111
Iigurotts5 and a waste of
me from the
Hospital healed and fitted to ba
valuable assets e I
;ties, instead of remaining useless' d+d`` b useless
Old is to their mune i 1i
and pathetic burdens.
dere, in common with,
oases .beautified by
mg Stained Shingles at Sae_ a
ing of Painting Costs. Your rea
.People in a
, new
d bourse, according to an ar-1 Pita.) and
title on "Stained Shingles" in .Arts and
Decorations." Of all the recent move. -
meets in the direction of rem edeling
and revaluing old houses, perhaps the
one desten•ed to trove. the most far-
reaching eifeot is a plan inaugurated
of. laying stained shingle* diro,ctiy over
odd stdkig."
Even the shabbiest and ugliest of
beams are unproved by the softening
Influences of shingle colors, claims
George Monroe, Jr., in Arts and De-
"Painting n1ust go on year atter
year, else o3atp�boar-ds rot," continues
the Arte and Decorations article. Now
owners aro told that • they Dan stop
thie painting expertise, merely by lay-
eng seined ehimegies• right over the old
siding. The •cost• of the application of
the shingles is, on the average, about
equall to that of two complete paint-
ings. And, one° applied,. tire• shingles
need no care at all for years, as they
oorn,F, already, staiu•ed and preserved,
The shingle color's, weather charming-
ly, so that, with :only once light brush
ooat every ten to twelve years, the old
~, home is kept spi�c-aadiepatt. The. ac.
Wait doillaa' and Dents savings are state-
Mote, On an average -seized house, it Is
estimated that tine shingle taeatnnent
means a saving of $150 at the end of
the first five yeamse, $375 et t'he end of
ten yellrs, from $900 to $1000 a•t the
end of twenty seine.
"'i'lr,ere is a decided saving in fuel,
too. The shingles laid, aver the old
eidt•ng clotrbletseai the house agnineet
'winter cold as well as summer heat
one thus, materially decrease fuel coen-
"There is a n ae of hope, for the Imunitres, a
Die. „
Atebition may be cruel,. but it ie
erubt,arLo.-:-Sir• john Ile�rgusen., .
11 other•. progressive
re interested in the
what it is doe
I •
Baby's Own Tablets Should. be in
the Every Horne Where There Are
co - Children.
The perfect medicine for little ones
is found in Babe's Own Tablets. They 1
are. a gentle bat thorough Iaxa,ti've
I:hiah regulate the bowels, sweeten
the stomach; drive out oannstipatfon
and Intigestion; drive out constipation
simple fevers and promote IrealthAtl
refreeshing ,sieeln. It is impossillle Scor
Baby's Own Tablets to dnaran even the
new -barn babe, as they are absolurt:ely
guaranteed free from opiates or any
other iujuiious drug.
Concerning tine Tablets., Mrs. Alex.
J. Perry, Atban+tic, N.S., wrilbes•:--"I
always keep Baby's Own Tablets do
the house for the chiidlrlen, as I have
foetid their a perfect medilctee for
little onea"
Baby's Own Tablets are sold by
2lledleine ,dealers or ay nran at 25
•cents. a box from The Dr,Williams' J
lzedicine Co., Brookville, Ont.
keen interest in -crippled children
manifested byPP children
Gyro, Lions and theother tservicei clubs,
throughout the province, has been
of grand assistance- in bringing in
unfortunate children, often from re•
mote where the members f s to the the Hosous pital
staff have attended and have been
able to hold huge clinics with the
result that there has been a steady
stream of chfdren admitted to the
Hospital from all over Ontario, for
a long time.
This is but one branch of the
thorough service rendered by the
Hospital. It is the best equipped
institution of its kind on the con-
tinent for the treatment of all child
ailments. No Ontario child requir.
:lug its services is refused admittance
and ail that modern medical and
aurgica]: skill combined with loving
care can accomplish is bestowod
upon the sufferer, without distinct-
because those responsibleion or ifor ]the
child are in poor cit'Cntnstances.
Heavy expense is Involved in: this
rnercifitl work, Mr. Editor, as you
can realize. Ordinarysources
revenue, iuClUdiln - to
Cover the actual cost of maintenianc e
of the little patients, netwIthstancl-
lug thrifty management. Old friends
and new onee are relied upon to
ikelp in paying the difference and
they include the readers of your
valuable paper, The :Hospital. for
,Sick Children cioe,s not share in the
funds of the Toronto Federation for
'Community Service, because It takes
;patients from till over the province.
Please ask Your readers to remem•
ober the hlospital for Sick Children
When they are 'doing their Christmas
II'aithtuliy yours,
iAgino i1 of the Trusteed:
The Ten Best Sellers in
Dr. Albert C. Dieffenbach, in an
article, "The :Gest Steller in Christen-
dom," names' the tear books which have
saved Chriisttatiity for the, world:
"Stier/note," by Clement of ALexen-
"Ocrn.fes•sioars," by St. Augustine,
"Snnima Theo'logia," by St. Thomas
A.gUi Has.
"The Divine Comedy," by :Dante.
"Tile Imitation of Christ," by Thos.
a Inenrptie, -
"Thee Bible,In idnglksln,," by John
"Dare Werke," by Martin Luther. -
"tnsititttte�s," by John CaI%riil.
",Paradise Lost," by Joint AMLltoat,
"Pillg.rinrs Progreso," by John 13110-
Miflard's Liniment for Diateniper.
Typical Cantonese Soldier
Represent iag the troops in whose
hands,• under the leadership of the
Soviets, then lives of foreign citizens
are •endanget••ed• Plankow 15 one stich
city, and the troops cure proceeding -to
Foo. Chow.
heartburn, ordyspepsia falx me pcp�out of you.
Tale Seige1's Syrup. Any di ug store.
Correspondence in Clay.
Business letters seat 4,000 ,nears ago
were .Inserlbed, on clay tablets and part
In envelopes aIso made ot` clay,
Iritlbunn 15 meet to- radian as the
most expearsi1'e metal in general use.
If I had an Gore of land,
0, an acre of land!
Within cry of the hills, the high hills,
And the sea and the sand,
And a brook with its silvery veoice-_-
I would dance and rejoice!
I wou t1 build a small hoarse on my
So I would, a small benne!
Within call of the woods, the high
Within flight of the foam!
And 0, I would dig, I would delve,
Make a world by ern -sniff
0, I would keep pigs and some hens,
And grow applets and peas;
And things. that would multiply,
Foe my, hive of striped bees—
If I he`d an acre of land
Life would spring from my handl
~Hamish 1lIao/are .
A Musical Wit.
_eleven has been told of the wit and
personality et Lesohetiizkv, but little
that is essential seems to kava .been
told of his ideas on pianoforte play-
ing. Of course. he was read a p Y
wit. He used to delight in telling he
story of a e,tiugy banker wh;0 had
rapidly sprung up from the peasant
class to suck1en r1•ebes. The banker
approached Leschetizkk, when he was
teaching in St. Peeteesburg ae a very
young m•an, ane asked the pianist t
each hisdaughtsr. When. he learne�cd
that Leschetizi,-y- charged ten roubles
(about five dollars) for a lesson at
It time he was aghast.
"Lcck here,' said the banker. "I
dion't want her taught everything,
London's Past Gardens.
Ion the piano, ani black ones. Couldn'eyt
you teach ern daughter only th•e white
Somebody once complained to me kers at, let as sate hell* price (five
that London was "so tawny," a 'charge . roubles) ?''
, see that there are whet
not easly refuted. The speaker s
doubtless have preferred a small
/patronage of All Hallows' Staining
, or the unexp
ed peep. show of greenery ueder.
Star Alley. Again, as we stand in
Obarlea II. tn. front of us, attitucli
hag im his- toga, while at our back
the pensioners.' dining aall the fray
flees of Malplaque•t and Mons ha
brotberly side by side, we AWE O.
selves looking out npon trees lit,
snort ot a wood/land, and grassy e
'believe as or believe, us not," awe
dington- Seaton on a sloping, wide ex
rate the nightingales, "we do sing -sin
singesdaig ter-reemendously loud, fro
London 'e, lest gardens —a captive
lead as . Into sone. very unexpecte
places. Fen doe.s not the Great Wes
ern Railway belittle its parcele at Pad
panse still called "the La,wn," odd re
haps, •when th•ere is nobody epying or
railway etrike, let us suppose,• ' and
even, than in the wah, emelt houre only,
the stacked hampers' turn into clutnpe
of darkeyed senflowers, and the Milk
cans alio flower pots,. while fluffy,
phantom owl's 'led olio enether "Row.
"London Again,. Agath."
which can be insured against at
revolutions are among the "risks"
'lowness, earthquakes, t.winS, and
I happened .upon.. lately, with a
post pointing. et the market sq
and p?eadnly stating "To the To
lest loo should taetleesly fedi to re
Wise. But tine truth is that Loa
- tion tort a nynal l --arc osteonty, h in addl.
ache kee g of her pa
Ps ruanY a. hid�clen garden
her sleeve, valentines these, for
I true lovers. Witness the surp;
packet of a garden inclosed thin
the.Bank of 5In-.r_-. '
teaee don't kaow how beautifut the. black
sign, keys are. Lei nee play you a piece on
Imre, the black keys."
aloe So Leschetizky sat down and pkiyegl
beautiful as all that, I guess my da.ugh.
"Well, if the ble•ek keys are as
hu,e1:, ter ought to ha,ve both, so I'll pay the
ect- Keep Minard's Liniment in the house.
the ' Old Housewife.
ur new house on the hill
In I brought my household treasures
ea I But my heart cannot bring.
ur- ;It lags behind within
tie That ample home, where young
re I Have suffered ..prayed, .and sung.
g. Oh. tbey have made a new shrine
For all my worshipping;
to My husband, my grown ehilaren..
13ut myeelf cannot bring.
! —George Elliston
I NE T Ploys all records, 48 seInCe
tione, Automatic. Vallee $95.00 tor
$80,111. guaranteed, Poisson, SO Niount
State price. R. Ingle
9r ho
lishment ef mew recta
present year, aeoording t
issued nem the Daman°
oentiann tha:deolrveflaanioe:ttshineortom,oe$tatus,Llissre,0e9pfoo•at!;17c,
first halt of 1925, In
Las -i word.in builders' aid. Arse -nil,
unto -dee suggestions on planning,
furrushir, decorating and
gardening. Pro usely. illustrated,
eurrent issue.
144 Adelaide St W.,
Toronto, Ont
ft on the throat and Chest. The
great preventattve.
s winter
deity tr
You really enter sunny Cali.
fornia the moment you step
Santa Fe cross -continent
The new Chief—extra fare—
is the finest and fastest of
the Santa Fe California
trains. Only TWO business
days on the way.
No extra fare on the four
other daily trains.
Fred Aarvey dining service
sets the standard in the
transportation world.
Enjoy the out-of-doors this
winter—take your family.
California hotetrates are
sante re rtaillvez,
404 Transportation ZulIclInO
11 Phone: Rantlolphz.07,48
• High School Boards and Boards a Education
- Are authopized by law to cstablist:
With the approver of the Minister of Educioion.
I the Department of Education,
may bi conducted In accordance with the rerititatio s isnued by
is given in various trades, The schools and Wastes are under tho
Application for attendance should be made to the Principe, el the
for in the Courset; of Study In Public, Separate, Continuation and High
Copies of the Regulatlohs isesued by the Jeanette, oe Education may bo
411.01.616,11.6WWWW.I.J.11...alikkiAMOWNI.rakgrnwarmann.....v. I/