HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-11-18, Page 5• THE. EXETER TIMMADVOCATz e ..dpostot.OPpi3Onterre •• CUNTOIC " • ' Students may enter at any time. :. • Why net attend the School that as the High1S-,Qqalified Staff, The only School that teaches real Practical Busines,s 'training from start to finibb. Where High School students and teacIfers are tieuglit seeds& Ind expert training in Business Administration and Secretarial' Scineennd are sure of a good yo sitiort, rapid promotion and big 311.anin' C. COURSES Stenographic, Commercial, Secret arial, General Office, Cicil Service Commercial Teachers Course and Special Courses arranged, For Information Write to B. F. WARD, B,A., M.Accts. , Phone 198 Principal •HENSALL • mfr., E. Knipe recently 'purchased a new Star coupe. Mr. Charles Lodder, of Exeter, was .in town on Monday. Mr. Milne Rennie, of Seaforth- visited in town on Monday. Miss .Gladys Slay, of Sarnia Is vis- iting for a few days with Miss Greta Laramie, . Mr: Archie Sparks, of Detroit, Vis- ited ! over the -week-end with his lather here. ADr.) Knapp returned on Saturday from a visit to her home at North Bruce. Mr. .Tack Horton and Mrs. Archie itoweIfffe are visiting this week with relatives in Detroit. Mr. Floyd Smith, of Stratford Busi rises College visited over the week - at his home here. A number from Henna attended the Fowl Supper at Zurich on Wed- itaesday evening Test. 'Mi. Bert. Horton, of Detroit, vis- • '-ited over the week -end with rein- 4Ives in and arand Hensel. Mr. Robt. Higgins, of Hensall, has received the appointment of Elect-' ion Clerk .for South Huron. Mr. Win. Stone who has been in - the west for the past two months returned to Detroit on Sunday. Mr. Sam Rennie, who has spent the past three moInths in the west returned .honie Friday evening. Miss Helen- Hefferman, who has been visiting her father and sisters Mere, returned to Seafortli on Mon- day. Miss Eleanor Fisher ORGANIST HENSALL UNITED CHUM, TUITION IN IIANO 'erme Mdderate PhDn & Wall Pap I 1 Latest Designs PriLes from 10c to $1.50 a PER ROLL 's • r HARDW•t•D FLOORING LAID AND POLISHED J. Sanoter, Hensall :DR. R. DOUGALL ' ariforsor graduate of Faculty of elielne, and Meader of Science, e5srarslty of Western Ontario. ditcanber of College of Physiclene 7etelna Surgeona of Ontario. !Office P.E.Fre doors Gana of Poet Offiee. -011-eir Residence 114 HENSALL, ONT AUCTIONEER OSCAR KLOPP Wiener Graduate Carey Jones' Au- lt/loss School. Special course taken in ;Ostered Live Stock (all Breeds,) rckandise, Real Mutate, Farm `Malta. etc. Rates in keeping with 'Ten:mine; prices. Satisfaction az- farede write Wear Klopp, Zurich, or Pane 18-03, Zurich: LIN •••••900,0•MNOON.+••••••01, iiISBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL allasel INSURANCE COMPANY Mead (Mice, Farquhar, Ont. Preeldent, • JOHN ALLISON Vice -President, JAS. McKENZIE DIRECTORS 71ANK hicCONNELL, SilVoN DOW ROBT NORRIS, WM. BROCK AGENTS •;MIN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for • Usborne and Biddulph /OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, agent fer flibberte Fullerton and Logan • W. A. TIPANBULL Secretary -Treasurer 98, Exeter, Ontario. CLAM -AN & STANBURY i Solicitors, Exeter (til/(k(a./......fft.scom(*(matersev(Iscifenitmmaken.$ WHITE PINE Y. Matched dreamed on bath 1' ',Idea at $.50li=3E.'4R M. TEM 118 OW .DrIAES, O SOCK PR Wuxi Goon corm. willubs X.Ot! filEnt n AT A. WV, PRIOR ; J. tIATWORTHY OltANTON " . • A 'bazaar will be held in Abe base- ment, of the Anglican church on Sat nrday, November 27th. Tea, will be served. • The services In the 'United church on Sunday were largely* attended.. Rey. A. Sinclair preaching at bath services. Mrs. T. C. Joynt, who underwent an operation in a London hospital a couple of weeks ago returned home Saturday evening. Mrs. T. W. Palmer, who.. has lieen confined to her room throegh ,ill- ness for the past few weeks is able to be around again. ' • The Voter's List in Hensall will be split in two, one part voting in the council chamber and the rest in the reading room of the Town Hall. . . • Mr. Wm. Cositt was in London, on Friday attending a meeting of the conservative candidates and oV ficers of Conservative Associations' of Western Ontario. • Polling day will be December 1st. Polls open at 8 a.m. in the morning and will be kept open till 7 o'clock in the evening so as to give ever - one who wants a chance to vote: - The sale of home-made cooking held in the Town Hall on Saturday afternoon last under the ,auspice of the Young. People's League of, the United church was a great success: The proceeds amounted to $60.,00. Mr. J. Passmore and Robert Bell retnrned Saturday evening from a hunting trip up north, and report the deer very scarce in the, vicinitY they visited. The wolves are gett- ing very numerous on Manitoulin. Is- land and are chasing•the.der. to re- mote parti. The nomination meeting will be held in the town hall, Hensall,: Saturday, November 20th from 12 till 2 o'clock to nominate candidates for the coming provincial .election for South Huron. Returning officer •Govenlock, of Eginendvilla. will be hi .cltarge„ Atter the nominations close a public meeting will be -held whenethe candidates and others will address the gathering. A large crowd is expected to be present, as interest in the election is beginning to warm up. The meeting of the Young People's League of the United church was held on Monday evening. The meet- ing was in charge of Mrs. Lee Red- den and presided over by Meg Elva Shaddock. The meeting -was opewee- cd by the singing of a hymn, after which all repeated the Lprd's Pray- er. The scripture lesson was read by Miss Mildred McDonald. A solo by Miss Nellie Boyle, instrumental by Miss Lillian Stacey, instrumental duet by Miss Eleanor Fisher and Miss Irene Douglas, and a reading by Miss Gladys Slay, of Sarnia, which were all well rendered. Miss Marion Casemere gave a verge interesting topic. ' 4 The Literary Society of the Hen - sail Continuation School held its meeting on Friday afternoon No- • vember igth. Miss Johnston took charge of the meetingwhich took the form of electing officers for the coming year. Grace Manson was elected president, Marie Bell for sec - D. D. 44. M. VISITS ' 140DGE; IIES$AIA.4 ,. • large number of the Masons Hensall and the dittrict on Monday night enjoyed the official visit of Wor. Brae Meyers, of Mitcaell: dietricn deputy grand master; to- Zu- rich Lodge, No. 224„of Hensall. The D. D, G. M: was accompanied by a. number of brethren from Tudor Ledge,, Mitchell, The officers of the local lodge exemplified the ini- tiatory degree hi a manner that call- ed forth much praise from R. W. Meyers. Following the lodge work the brethren enjoyed an oyster sup- per at l, F. Jackson's restaurant and then returned to the lodge roorns where a splendid program was car- ried out, % Past -Master J. G. Suth- erland acted as toastmaster and ad- dresses were given by D. D. G. M. Meyers, W. Bros. Robinson and He- witt, master and past master, re- spectively, ,of Mitchell Lodge; W. Bros. Pryde, of Exeter, Rey. Mr. Chidley, past master of Exeter Lod- ge,. and Alex IVIcKenzie, Rev. A. Sin- clair, Rev. Mr. Naylor, C. 'Milliken. hackle and Dr. Tt. 1. Dougall, all of Zurich Lodge, BensaU. A solo was given hy Bro. Bloares, of •Mitchell Lodge, and a reading by W. Bro.. McKenzie, of Hensel]. Lodge. Dashwood Dr. H. H. Cowen, L. D. S. - D. D. S. • DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib B1ok, Daih- wood. first three days of week and ar- office ever the Post Office, in anrtee, last tame days of week. Miss Louisa Graupner, of Farm- ington, Mich., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Pfile. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wilfong and Mrs. Hamacher, of Detroit, were week -end visitors in town. Mrs. Chas. Steinhagen visited in Parkhill last week. Miss Flossy Kleinstelver, who spent the past month with her par- ents returned to Detroit on Monday. • Mr. and Mrs. Stadelbauer'of Lon- don, and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hey- wood, of Exeter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. P. Kraft. Mise Selo, Rader is visiting in De- troit. Miss 'Elva Richmond left for her home in Myth op Friday. Mr. and Mrs. D. McIsaac, of Cred- afen spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 0. Restameyer. • Mr. Beavers, of Exeter, gave a very interesting address on temper- ance in the Evangelical Sunday School on Sunday morning. lar. Lorne Pfile, who has been visiting his parents returned to De- troit. Mrs. E. Tiernan had the misfor- tune to fall Monday fracturing sev- eral ribs. Mr. and Mrs. May, of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. Schoellig, of Wis- consin, Mich., attended the funeral of the late Frederick Kehl on Tues- day. DEATH OF FREDERICK KEEL The death took place in Dashwood on Saturday last of Mr. Frederick Kehl who passed away at the age of 71 years, 11. months and 5 days. Fol- lowing an illness of but a short time. He leaves to mourn his loss his wi- dow and one sister. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon to the Bronson Line cemetery. Rev. Bruer offaciatinge, PLA.Y AT MT. CARMEL The young people of Clandeboye will present "The Little Clodhopper" at Mt. Carmel Hall, Mt. Carmel, Thursday ,evening, Norember 25th. This is a very entertaining play. You are cordially invited. retary and Scott Welsh for Treasur- er., It was unaminously decided that I CH!SELIIURST the members be divided ; into four groups to take turns in preparing the Mr. Samuel Gill and family mov- meeting. It was decided that they e 'would -be held every second Friday ed this week to Mr. Robert Stewart's afternoon in the School. The meet - farm on the second of Tuckersmith ing then adjourned. • McARTHUR--IVIalaeaelLL An interesting event took place at the Metropolitan church, London, church. They finished up last week on Saturday, November 60 . when the quilts were sent away to char - Miss Jean E. Maxwell, daughter of itable institutions. S. RnViaxwell, of St. John, N.B. be- Mr. and Mrs. William Kinsman, came the bride of Sidney Ellis Mt- who has been out.West for the past Arthur, of Hensel', Ont.,- •The cer,,..past two yearswith their sons 'came emony was performed by Rea. J. home last ;week to visit with their Bruce Hunter, pastor of the church. see ',Earn • Only immediate relatives of the George Parker, William • Venner, bride and bridegroom were present. ,,Williaxn Cole and. Percy Harris 'was The bride wore a smart coat et steel down to, the pinery last Thursday, shooting wild geese. where he is working the farm. Miss Violet Gill, of Seaforth, vis- ited friends here Sunday. The Ladies' Aid have been having a number of quilting bees at the blue trimmed with ..grayaleir, with, dress and hat to 'Match..., After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs., MeArtheir left on a motor trip to varibus.pointe in Ontario 'returning last weekto take uti their resiclence in town, in the !Leese o1 Oxford street, recently occupied -by' Mn. and IVfrs. Arm- strong. Both Mr. and • Mrs. Mc- Arthur -are well known in•this.com- munity and a host of good Wishes follow them into married life. ZURICH Miss Leila Siebert left on Twill - &lye morning for Detroit. . Messrs. Milton Hey and R. Allan, of Detroit, are..epending a few las at the former's home here.' • Mr. Nesbitt Woods, of TorontO, Speht the week-ead et Zurigh and' . . Bayfield:, , . • , M. and 1Virs..RenrY VdIlands,.of Tuelceremith, were Stinday aisitora with, Mr. and Mrs. Lenin Sehilbe. Mr end Mrs. W. re Brant eand • 'ceaaPorest, Spent Sunday at the home of Mr. WM. Lament. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Thiel; Mrs. George Thiel and Miss Plegsick Web- er spent the Week -end at Kitcliener and Waterloo, JOINT • Liberal -Conservative Meeting WODFP\M at 8 Inni. Friday, ora 26th .spia4mins H. C Hockerl • McCausliiieLvine candidate tor S. Perth • • ; • • Alex. Neeb ' Candidate for South Huron And Others EVERYONE INVITED THURSDAY, NOVFoallikIn. fat, Crediton M. and We. HarrY Nuhn have purchastid a radie.' M. and Mrs. EclWard Fahr Spent. Sattirday in Lendoa, M. and Mie. WU1 Sweitzer. pent one day last week at Lendon. Mrs. Esli Heywood spent a feW daas with Mreand IVIre. Edward. irau- net. , • Mies, Marguerite LairiPort tasare- Me-veered atter her recent attack .of :appendieithe Mr: and Mrs. Frank Taylor, of Exeter, spent Sunday, witit Mr. and IVIrs. Wilson Anderson. Mr. Dan Treemzier, of near Zu- rica has inoved to Mr. and afro. A. Wein's to spend the winter. 'Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Clark, of Strat- ford, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Clark, this eveek. The Crediton United Sunday Scheel will hold their Christmas entertainment on Wednesday Dec. 22nd. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis, Jr., and son Billy, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hy. amith, of the Goshen Line, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dal/Naar. who spent a few days with lVfr. and Mrs. Hy. Smith, of the Goshen Line, re- turned to their home in London Saturday. * Miss a‘ydia Sweitzer, Mrs. Martha Hewlett and son Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Sweitzer and fatally spent Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sweliser. Mr.. and Mrs. Pope and daughter, of London, and Mrs. Haylock and son. Lorne and girl friend from Lon- don spent Taaksgiving at the home of Seethed Sam Wein. - Mrs.iaaufela, of Detroit, has been visiting with her mother Mrs. Matthew Morlock for some time, had a misfortune last week when she fele and broke her leg. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs. Ernest Guittinger has under- went a serious operation at St. Soseph's Hospital, London and is convalescing very favorably. The members of the family as well as her many friends are very glad for the speedy recovery of Mrs. Guit- tinger. Next Sunday morning the subject of discourse at 'Zion Evangelical church Is "God's Victorious Love and Providence Toward the Children of Men." At the evening service the pastor gives part III in the series of "The Youth that will Rise and Win." Under the • anapices of the Wo- men's Institute, on Teesday Novem- ber 30th, a bazaar will be held from 4 to 6 and from 7 to 9 o'clock pan. in the evening. Moving pictures will also be shown in connection with the bazaar. As this is in connection with community work, a good at- tendance will be appreciated. The Young People's Rally held at the Evangelical cliurch last Sunday was a very enjoyable event. The pastor preached a sermon to the young people in tiler morning and had the privilege crf being a guest and listener at the evening- service. Three messages were given by Miss Nola Geiser, Mr. Irvin Finkbeiner and Miss Clara Moriock respectively on the subject of "Stewardship," "The Generation for Which we are - Responsible," and "The Bible in all the World, How it is sent forth and what it does." Mr. Fred Feist act- ed as chairman. A quartette was rendered by Leonard Wein, Fred Feist, Earr Heist and Charles Hoff- man, an instrumental duet' by Free- man, Morlock and Emery Fa,hner, a vocal solo by Beatrice Heist. The choir also sang a beautiful anthem. The leaguers acquitted. themselves very creditably. The Crediton branch- of the Wo - mens Institute met on Tuesday af- ternoon. The meeting opened -with Mrs. H. K. Eilber in the chair. Af- ter singing the Institute Ode, the Lord's prayer was repeated in un- ison, business old and new being dis- posed of. A program followed con- sisting of instrumentals by Bernice Eilber, solo by Eugene Beaver, Mrs. J. H. Holtzmann spoke on the com- ing election and 0. T. A.- Miss Mur- ray, of Exeter, then gave a splendid report of the W. C. T. U. Conven- tion held in Hamilton which was ap- preciated by all present. Mrs. G. G. Maynard demonstrated,. the dystal- izing of lamp shades. The meeting closed by singing the National an- them after which a dainty lunch vies served by the hostess Mrs. H. K. Eilber, Mrs. H. Beaver and Mrs. G. G. Maynard. Clandeboye MISS ELIZABETH GRUNDY DIES AT CLANDEBOYE Miss Elizabeth Grundy, a resident of this district foe 70 years, died at her late residence here on Monday. Mise Grundy was born at Unionville, Ont., in 1846, coming to Western Ontario in 1855. She was a mem- ber of the United church. She was secretary and 'a life member of the local Women's Institute. The fun- eral was held Wednesday to the United church, followed by inter- ment at Nursery cemetery. 'Aneemown Have Your Eyes Examined To -day • There is nothing to be gained by delaying that eye exaVination. There is much to be lest. Each day that runt eyea are under a strain makes'it more difficult for your Optometrist to give you satis- factory glasses You will be surprised ate the thor- oughness of our methods -and v.•111 be pleased with the Masses. ' Cali 0(10, and learn the triith about your eyes. John, Vrard cutttornAcrron a OPTICIAN MAW ST, EXETER. ONT. ^31'" PlIGE 74 Mrs. Henry Bosnell is quite ill at tinia ot Writing,. liar Many friends .11000 tor a decided improvenient very Soon. Mr. Bosnell who was much worse a Week ago is feeling much better at Present. Master Earl and Hite Miss Doreen, Coieltie are much iraproved alter hav- ingheavy colds, Howard, the little son of Mr. and •Mrs. Alvin Pym has also beeneen the 'Ala. list belt is recovering. Mee Gladys Johns is confined, to her bed at tire of writing with a bad 'cold. We are very sorry to learn that Miss Lena Pym was taken quite 111 again last Monday and was removed by ler. Fletcher to his hospital in Exeter where we hope she will im- prove under treatment. • Master jack, Miners who has been •sick with pneumonia is recovering. - • MARRIAGES • rionags-GRAx. A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized by lieli. Mr. Capper at Trinity churgh, Mitchell, of Mary E. • daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Gray i of Staffa, to Sohn Forbes, Dublin. The bride was winsome in a gown Iof poudre blue satin -faced crepe and =Tried a bonquet at Columbia roses. She was attended by her sister, Miss Mabel Gray, gowned in rosewood canton, with bouquet of baby mumss and sweet peas. The briaesgroom was supported by Mr. Phylnier Wee - an, of Detroit. The bridesgroom's gift to the bridesmaid was a brace- let set with rubies, to the grooms- 1ian, gold u n s. After the ceremony a wedding dinner' was served at the home ofn the bride's parents, and later in the afternoon • the happy couple left on a trip to • Niagara Falls and Buffalo. Ori their return they will reside near Dublin. JACKSON--H0l)GSON A pretty house wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sumner, London, when Miss Mabel Hodgson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.„Elgie Hodgson of Clandeboye, became' the bride of Mr. Samuel Jackson, of Toronto, formerly o Paris, Ont. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. William Lowe be- neath a white arch, a -wedding bell, baby 'mums and streamers, and the wedding music was played by Mrs. Charles Sumner. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father -Wore a dainty French gown of or- chid georgette, and carried a col- onial bouquet of pink baby 'mums, yellow roses and lilies -of -the -valley. There were no attendants. Follow- ing a buffett luncheon, served from a prettily appointed table done in pink and white, Mr. and Mrs. Jack- son left on a wedding trip to points east, and on their return they will reside in Torontca For travelling, the bride donned a charming blue frock with touches of silver, hat to match and Hudson seal coat. Her accessories carried out a grey note. It was also the occasion of the christening of the bride's niece, baby Barbara Jane Sumner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' Charles Sumner and of her brother, Murray Hodgson. Mc&MIR-MAXWELL The home of Mr.. and Mrs. John Maxwell, Birr, Ont., was the scene of an interesting event recently when their eldest daughter, Miss Minnie Edna, was united in marriage to James Chester McComb, son of Mr, and Mrs. George McComb, of Den- field, Ont. Rev. Wilson Vance of- ficiated. To the strains of the wed- ding music played by Miss Eva Maxwell the bride entered the room on, the arm of Ler father, • She was smartly gowned in «white georgette and cut velvet with _tulle 'veil and coronet of orange blossoms and she carried an arm bouquet of Columbia roses and white carnations. During the signing of the register Miss Max- well sang, "All Joy be Thine." After the ceremony a wedding luncheon Was served by four Of the bride's girl friends. The rooms and tables were prettily decorated with white chrysanthemums and pink and white streamers After the reception Mr. and Mrs. McComb left on a wedding trip to Detroit and other points. The, bride travelled ir a wine colored, satin faced crepe dress, with a brown needle point coat and black and rose hat The bridegroom's gift to the bride was a cabinet of silver, and to the pianist an ivory dresser deck. On their return Mr. and Mrs.McComb will take up residence in EIghifield, Ont. CRONYN-MaLHARGEY A lovely autumn wedding was that of Miss Gayle Mellhargey, daughter of Mrs. Win. O'Conner, Hamilton, and Mr. Charles Cronyna son of Mrs. Ellen Cronyn, McGillivray, which took place recently,. in St. Patrick's church, Biddulph. . Rev. Father, Hogan perfornied the ceremonyand sang the nuptial mass. Tire bride, wile was given In marriage by her uncle, Mr. James Mcllhargey, look- ed very pretty in a gown of radiance georgette, a tulle scarf with touches of black velvet, and large black hat. She wearied a shower bouquet of Sunset roses' and valley bridesmaid, Miss 'Rota Dorsey, cousin of the. bride, wore a pearl gray gown and large picture hat. Her pouctuot was ef pink roses. The groom was attended 1»' his brother, Basil, 'of St. Peter's Seminary, Landon.: Fol- lowing the oeremony, a dinner was seined at the Mcllhargey home, Clandeboye, only the immediate famines being present, owing to the recent . death . of the brides grand- mother, with whom she 'lived. The groonds 'gift to the bride was a pretty dinner rang and. to the bridesmaid and Organist, silerer compacts. Mr. and Mrs. Croiuyn left sliortly after- wards by motor for Detroit, Hamil- ton and intermediate 'micas, the beide travelling in a smart attire ef roses dreeg, blue needlepoint tool, lynx trimmed, and gran • gold hat. On their return they. will reside near Centralia. THAMES ROAD The glonthly meeting of the 710010 Road W. M. S. was held at the twine of Mrs. Dan. Onward, Pa November 4th With a good attend- ance of members and visitene. Plans were discuesed for the Weal. thank- offerixig Sunday, also the other usual badness part of the meeting, ...arbe program was given tensisting of a duet by Mrs. John Hodgert arid 11irs. 'Jas Cottle. The topic be Jesuit elliesionaries" was taken by Mrs. Nor - Man. Wiseman, At the dose the meeting lunch was served by the 'hostese and leer assisting committee. WHMEr The W. M. S. zneeting held at the borne of. Mrs. Win. Marley on Thurs- day afternoon was well attended. Mrs. David Johnson, Mervin and Earl were in "Londen on Saturday seeing Mr, Johnston -who is improv- ing slowly in Victoria, Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Millson and family spent Sunday with the former's parents Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Millson. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Squire and family spent Sunday et -Exeter with the •latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. N. Ogden. Mr. and Mrs, Prank Gunning and Flornce Pullen spent Saturday in London. Mrs. John Stevenson. spent Satur- day afternoon with her mother, Mrs. Jas. Swallow, of Granton. CENTRALIA The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per will be observed in the United church here on Sunday morning next. In the evening the pastor's subject will be "That Dangeous Steer." All welceme, all seats free. Mr. Edward Willert is quite ill at his home here. Mrs. W. R. Elliott spent the week- end with friends in London, • Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Hicks and family, of Flint, Minh., visited with, relatives here over Sunday., Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ,Hay and family are moving from the Township of Stephen into the village. , Mr. and Mrs. 0, ,Powe and baby, of London, were in the village over the week -end. Mr. Powe being 'cal- led to Exeter owing to the serious illness of his father,- Mr..W, Powe, on Friday last., ' e, !Melvin' ^fialaai Raidiantyne, •EranCia, ellfter lie laallant Clarke, Dorca'llY 70, Jr. La-Betie Ileyweea, rtOsS, t, :,tteeek, Rey MeCieray. E. Tinning, teeoliee V S. S.. NO. The following is, the report ef the 'Senior atotun of,S. S. No. 6, Usborne for the moxithe of September and October. Pupils were examined in alb sxJjects, laine Canine 80, Olive Prance 75, Jr. V, --Dorothy Camin 90, *Hazel Heywood 79, Harold Denham 74, Earl Hern 73, Morris 'leen 73, *Lille Heywood 71, Pearl Bacon 70, Thos., Hern 70 Sr. IV. -Alien Johns 85 Helen. Murch 82, Leola Johee Deelarelorenee Bell 73, Mae Coward. 72, Audrey Prance 72, Hegel Heywood 69, Dor- othy Bacon 66, Lille Heywood 85, Dorothy DeIbridge 60. Sr. M -Margaret Johns 81, Lorne Elford 74, Olive Johns 71, Vinetta Routly 70, Maisie O'Reilly 70, Greta Fletcher 68, Laverne Skinner 61, Bernice Murch 60, Thomas Coward 551, juPhviilnie CHoeol.pater56,Ralph60,itasseiClormnilisit. 47. Taking part of the course. Num- ber on roll 31, 'average attendance 29. t L. MeCuIlooh, Teacher S. S. NO. 2, USBORNE Report of S. S. No. 2, Vsborne for the month 'cit October. Names in orodhede_rof 3herit: Sr. IV -Lyda Stewart, Marguerite R Jr. IV. --Bernice Gollings, Arthur Rohde, Isabella. Chidley, Howard Johns, Pearl McNicol. Jr. III. -Jean Chidley, Jessie Monteith, Jean Duncan, Bert Bor- land, Ruby Penhale, Willie Stewart, Sr. IL -Marjorie Stewart,. Mary johns, Lorean Borland. • Jr. II -Clifford Allen, Noreen Mc- Nieo1. Sr. I.-Wilhelnxine Ferguson, Rus- seU Passmore, Elle McNicol, Evelyn. absent ; Jr. I. -Billy Coward, Anna Rohde. Primary Class -Lester Alien, Or- ville Snell, Marion Chidley, Norman Ferguson. ' A. Baxter, Teacher CLANDEBOYE Intended for last week , Dr. W. A. Shoults, director of the food division of the Provincial Board of Health, Manitoba, paid a short visit to boyhood friends in Clandeboye last week._ Dr. Shoults was elected president for the ensu- ing year of the International Associa- tion of Dairy and Milk Inspectors at the association's convention, held recently . at Philadelphia. Mrs. Shoults and son Milton accompanied the doctor. A recent very attractive shower was given at the home of Mrs. Lois Kilmour in honour of Miss Gayle Mcllhargey, popular bride elect of the monthA musical program was enjoyed during the early part of the evening and later a daintily -decked carriage was drawn into, the living room by little Doris Kilmer and Master Emerson Hodgins, dressed as bride and groom, asfillere Comes the Bride" was played by Mrs. Jas. Paton. The carriage was filled with many lovely gifts to the bride-to-be, who was taken completely by sur- prise. She responded with a few words of appreciation. A luncheon was then served, after which the guest formed in a circle with the guests of honor in the centre and sang "For She's a Jolly Good Fel- low" and "Auld Lang Syne." About 40 guests were present. The hos- tess was assisted by Mesdanes Maguire and Brooltaand Misses Oney Brooks and Florence IVIcRann. &hoot Reports The follownig is the reort of the pupils of S. S.'. No. 3, arsborne for the past two months. Sr. IV. -Mary Gardiner 93, Ella Clarke 90, Roy Ballantyne 78, Ger- ald Neil 70, Colin Gilfillian 68. Jr. IV. - Wesley Ballantyne 80, Bert Gardiner 78, Elsie Heywood 69, F. Brock 68, Laverne Stone 68, Doris Simpson .68, Violet Stone 38. Sr. IL -Evelyn Routly 73, Jean Ballan- tyne 65, Wesley Neil 52, Jr.II.- "Father' thought something serious had happened!" '4400k "-When I telephoned home last • evening, Father got 'a milt shock," said a school teacher to her friend. "His first question was - you well, Jean?' When 1 re- plied Tine,' he explained how surprised he was to hear. the Long Distance operator say lankville calling, please hold. the line.' '.:You know my home is ninety miles away and 1 haven't paid Father a visit since the winter, but in future I intend to talk to him frequently." Instead of using Long Distanc.: only in .emergencies, many telephone users are making it ba. habit to call friends in far- away places on pre -arranged. 'nights and at frequent inter- eki -with a Brantford Roof of Asphalt Slates. You can have a soft toned roof of any color or combination of colors that pleases your taste. They add permanent beauty and vathe to any kind of home and give yearsOaf weather protection ee " and fire resistance. 15 . -4, , ' . .r. ,„•• ''. s. • `, 4 ',I _Ilk ArA1N..... reA('''40.Par'6Th '14,0 f I- Ati:AIP:46:466W11"1"1114.111ffilliriligliWann.'alilliraar4."er t''''' s . ( r a. -('-41LT(WAIIIW(rAilliir=:lliiralrlifir:uajrwIwjmwAilliirgNW'agar7iiear._f.-T.....,'":rijllirTnlilrlffrIAIIIIr::oje ArR: \-*"tliv'''It'4 7101:11.4111: "Eta rjirri I WA I a i r4,1 I arlritarj I I I a FR i la r I:: . .• Air AMMO ==i( #11"1.16,44101,41111,7417 It 1 al et, ...:' - i -re. lee F 0 0L1lteso,„:. .4 i' 'e ...e ee....,„ : Batted ROtiffaldCailigael trantford, Ontario Stock Carried. Information Purnished and Serv*cn .... i • on trautford Roofing rendered by Ross.Tayior Co., Ltd., - Exeter • ,