HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-11-18, Page 4:Irma
Candidate of South Uaron
Will be held in
at 8 o'clock ,
.t 4
Citieeoe and Ellectors: opposed to the Ferguon. re
requested te attend
Liberal -Conservative
Will be b.eld in the
Friday, Nov. •26th
at 8 Pan-
• Hon: Geo. S. Henry
Infinister of Highways
Ales. Neeb
Candidate for South Huron
and others
The executors of the estateeof the
late EdwarclaGill, Sr.; have insturct-
ed Mr. Arthur Weber, Auctioneer, to
sell by publie auction at
Charlotte Swan, aged 63 years,
Wife of George.Abellaef • Stratford,
and sister of Mrs., G. Etherington, of
Exeter, died nil Sunday tollowing
a prolonged: ellness..•Tim deceased
was born live Goderich. •Tp., and
spent her early life in .Clinton. For
the past 22 years he has lived in
A big rally of ,boys, .,,,and girls of
town will be herd' in ',the 'Public
Library t� a nmetg of the Loyal
Temperance Legioa. 'Mei, Johnson,
County Superintensteateof the L.T.L.
of Goderich, wilL.give asi illustrated
address to ,•the cleildren and her
little 5-yearnehn een Billyjoe. will
recite. AlsoeBilly Burke will give a
selection on the ukelele.
Mr, and i: William Elgie, of
Seaferth, celebrated anniversary
of their goiddif''ongddizig. at „ the
homestea,d oi'th& eighth ooncesaion,
Tuckersmitli;d4here :their youngest
son and Isis wife b' reside. They
were surrounded by 'their child-
ren and grandeliildreiaasand•relatives
from Stratfond, Detizoit, Essex, Ex-
eter, Ilensallndinippene •Varna, Sea -
forth and •Mitelielli Fent -years ago,
Mr. and Mrs. Elgie retired from the
farm and moeadettnenenaenth. They
received many handsome presents
including a conalleygepleanes, accom-
panied by an address on appreciation
f,rom the fautlys eAfter, music and
pleasant coneereations ia which past
Memories :were recalled; the guests
sat down 19 aesuraptuous repast.
A telegraitafrOne Dr, C. W. Brown,
pastor of McDougall' United church,
Edmonton, Alta., to Rev. W. W.
. — on — . Peck, secretary of the Ontario pro -
SATURDAY; :InOVEMBER 27th hibition unionnTorreite, in reference
to the workieg of "Government Con-
---------49.24,- at 1:30 p.m.' en the prendeses trol" in .elbeista, as read to the
the following realestate and chat- James St. United congregation on
teIs, ' Sunday last. Rev. Dr. Brown was
• REAL ESTATE—Part of Lot 1, -
• :Exeter ftgh Sch�1 Report
Allen, Thomas
Delimit', Win.
Boyle, Clerenee ,
Burke, , Geraldine
Caldwell, Beriffee
Ohriatie, Earl' -
Collingwood, Russell a
Dearieg, Madeline *
Disjardine, Irvine
laisjardine, Glenford
Gambeill, Violet
Goclbolt, Gerald
Goclbolt, Kathleen
Harrison, Olive
Hunkin, Gladys
Love, John
Lee, William
Mustard, Aisne
McDonald, Margaret
McLean, Dorothy
•McKalg, Wm,
Medd, Lloyd
Penhale, Margaret
Penhale, Helen
Stanialte, Norman • '
Stewart, Ivarr
Stachhouse, Eva
Thomson Dorothy n
Wiseman, Kathleen
Willis, Velma
Wells, Mary
Walter, Stitnley
Zwicker, Gerald
L..R,..East egoncession, Township of
Stephen County of Harm, contain-
ing by estimation eleven and three
quarters acres of •land. On the
above land is situate a one and a
half storey frame house, 13x24 and
16x24; hard and soft water, a
frame stable 20x30;. one half acre
of orchard and small fruits. The
land is wen fenced and drained and
convenient to• school and churches.
'And is a most desirable property.
CHATTELS -2 bed room suites;
1 single bed; parlor table; exten-
sion table; 12 dining chairs; drop
teaf table; Michell table; sideboard;
,2 small tables; cook stove; 1 heater;
a quantity of canned fruit; sealers;
carpets; rugs;sa quantity of wood; a
quantity of hay and feed and other
articles too numerous to mention.
REAT, ESTATE --10 per cent. on
day of sale, balance in 30 days there-
efter. Real estate will be put up
subject to a reserve bid. For fur-.
ther articulars apply to
a former paster of 'James St. church
The •telegram is as follows. "My
home in proximity t� government
store and several beer parlors. En-
tire liquor business flourishing here.
brewers happy, licensees prosperous
"nioderationists" • jubilant. In mY
judgment conditions deplorable and
becoming worse. Inderdict list
growing. New generation of topees
being Created. Number arrests. no
index of numbers intoxicated, many_
staggering in Streets and lanes in
evenings. Evil women frequent beer
parlors, Ontario beware!—Signed,
•C. W. Brown.
Usborne Council •
The municipal council •of the Tp.
of Usborne met pursuant to adjourn-
ment on Saturday, November 6the•at
the Township Hall. Members pre-
sent John Hanna, Reeve; Councillors
Ballantyne, Skinner and Dew. The
minutes of the meetingeof October
2nd were read and approved on moe
Et-11yard Gill•Jr., Mrs. Anna S. Gill,
tion of Skinner -Ballantyne.
Executors, Grand Rend, Ont.
Arthur Weber, Auctioneer, Dash-
Correspondence --Workmen's Corn -
wood, Out pensation Board, letter re claim of
• Carling & Morley Solicitors for Exe-
rotors, Exeter, diet.
Local News
Albert Schraage for injury on the
Eliinville brain Repair Contract.
Dew -Skinner: • That the Clerk
answer the later as follows:
I To confirm the report of the
accident to Albert Schraage as far
as they know.
.Mr. W. A. Elliott, of Blyth, is the II. That the Board's staterilent of
new junior at the Canadian Bank of not having knowledge of the Ellin -
Commerce here. ' • -dile Drain Contract to be incorrect.
• Mr. E. Hogarth, of Hamilton TIS- • III. That the Council of Usborne
ited at the bedside of his brother the has nothing to do with the hiring
late J. Wilson Hogarth, on Saturday or paying the men engaged on this
last. • ' contra et. Carried.
• Mrs, 3. W. Taylor returned home Ballantyne -Dew: That owing to
last week after tsiting for a week adverse -weather conditions prevent -
with her sister Mrs. McKenzie, of
•Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hicks and
family, of DaVielson, Mich., motored
• over and visited for several days
with relatives in this community.
Mrs. S. Pryde, of Windsor, is
vielting with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
mg the corapletion of the Elia:ovine
Drain Extension and Repair in the
time specified in the contract, an ex-
teision of time be granted. the con-
tractors until September 1st, 1927.
Carried. , ,
Dew -Ballantyne: That the con-
tractor on the Anderson Drain hav-
ing completed' •his work -that he be
Prydc. Mrs. T. Pryde is -not recover- paid in full. • Carried.
• like to see. ' •
• Towing bills be passed and orders
Skinner -Ballantyne: That the fol-
ing as rapidly' as her friends 'would
It /night be a matter of preservastiseuod for • the payment of same,
, Von to remove the tourist camp sign ns•ize •"
at Huron St, ana the sign at Central l Times -Advocate, On account 1928,
Park, and seen_ them from being ex- • painting $65.50, neve, selection of
sed -to' tAe ke`feenents during tb.e jurors $9.00; Farmers' Co -Operative
winter months.
, 1 culvert pipe 330,92, Cereent for cal-
. Mr. and Mee. Pa4 Coates andIvert $24.60—$55.52; John When-
da,tighter Verna motore to Toronto han, work Bidd. Bdy. our share
Where , they have been isitieg for 1$12,95; kjner •Dobbs, gravel Bider
8everal days, Mrs. 11.3. A., Amy ac- btly. $12.50; T. Ballantyne. cutting
Aiompaniesi them sie far as Brantferd t weeds, Cot- 12, 32,50; A. Ire Shier,
end will return with them. I gravelling. con 4e 76o.. Ed. Johns,
.and ears., cede and seee, ee Stitching, $5 00' F' 1 -inner, ditto
Toronto, were Thanksgiving visitot•s , $,I•a25; Th°s' ditto 31-00;
with Mrs. Cluff's mother, Mrs. Wno.,),',,r'eellivf `dill° $7.00; le Cornish,
H. Pessinore. • In • company -evith llfre'd Joh", grovelling
Mrs'. Passmore they • Motored to
Logan end eneeest Neale relatives:, Iler,lass FOrd, slipe,riatendance $56.1.0
, •.1 rla are 1; bridge material. con. 2
Douglas Sirneebn has been . ars. $250.00; Crowley -Murree'. •advento
reste,s1 at London, charged as one of on 112,11mvillo Drain, 3480.00; WM.
the peaty of burglare who cracked 001111011y, balailea contraet peiee on
the two Lucan eafee a short thris Andereoe Dram a/50, Carried. -
ago .i Shuns= who is a nianriea Mars Skinner: That We adjourn to meet
dvas takoll hit° elistodY' while his on Saturday, December. 4th at one,
alit& in Which .it is alleged tools for (moos,
blowiag open' istes yrero found, , :Henry Strang, Clerk
$28.75; II. Ford, team work $21.50:
rortm 1.
•to, Fr Co,• Li
•an, 7•2 •55‘ 56
77 •56 57
•'50 4'Z:66, 63
66'` 50 60
51r. 50, 70 39
' 51 5,5 65 37
601 59
66 90 58 52
76 78. 52 46
62 65 75 59
67 79 59 68
70, 47
68 47
67 62
62 ab
75 70 25
78 SO 46 4/
• ab sob 10 2'7
•80 •75 66 63
50 52 68 •4/
81 45 40 49
50 • 62. 40, 25
60 65 60 44
89 82 63 48
69 `55 64 59
• 88
. .,
ric, (1,5
•66 68 60 0
76 85 75 49
• 70 45
88 85 75 75
78 54 52
• i' 80 53 6/
70 45• , 4511
•1, 51 50 67 53
A Afr, A
Bieeling, Irene
Brock, Pearl -
Canspnell, Staart
Chambers,' Grace
Eeherington, Archie
Frayne, Violet
Gould, Dorothy
Hackney, Anna
Hamilton, Gladys
Hay, Hazel •
Hicks,' Garnet
Johns, Kenueth.
Johns, Gilbert
Kay, "Wilma •
Kerr, Lulu
Love, Lettie
Murray, Elizabeth
Passmore, Jennie
Reid, Kathleen.
Russell, Isabel
Schroeder; Wealthy
Shier, Lloyd - • •••1
Sims, Verde.
Snider, Kathleen
Westcott„ Marjorie
Dearing, Madeline
Harrison, Olive
Stanlake, Norman
Thomson, Dorothy
Caldwell, Bernice
Godbolt, Gerald,
Frayne, Violet hat Botany 62.
' La Pr Gr Co
51 61: 76 59
47 60
88 41 •61
62 82 ' 52
93 56 50-
64 51
56 - 50
58 76 77 60
72 .54
85 56
77 45
es 72 58 55 66
50 ab
52 ab
33 s77 • 57
63 59
.A..1 Bo Ge` Ar 00 CH
29 54 66 ,5OE .65 'a,
•3,9454 11•'55 1. 55 63
37 52 60 66-30 59
40 66 , .52; 5St 05
93. • ' 55 • ,66
95 46 56 48 58 73
55 3,6 50 50 55 54
• 59 '
12 30 , 58 54 59, 58
36 50 69 56 60e, 66
65 44 50 • 55 30 58
51 40' 67 51 50 6'7
SG • 69 40
64 64 • 70' 56
67 58, 62 68 40 58'
63 40 55 62 35 65
46. 64 ' 53 56
52 46 16 54 :s 0 63
48 44 57 60 67 67
39 38 56 50. 40 60
78 :34 36 52. 25 45
63 56 67 60; 67 50
43 53. 58 59 6.9 50
84 94 • '73 54 68, 82
85 38 60 53 59 79
54 49
64 50 71 58 58 67
39 54 72 58 63 62
06 90 77 66 59 75
79 50 67 79 50 73
54 50 56 51 46 65
87 66' 58 55
23S 40 64 48 59 75
ab •70
52 66
61 53
49 51
54 67
45 40
68 57
77 50
67 53
74' .51
59 60
5.5 --62
66 t 56
73 58;
62 69 72
Anderson, Elva
Beavers, Reg. 45 68 81 ab
Bremner, Edna 40 27 53
Clarke, Laura 69 63
Elliott, Kathleen 65 58 63
Ford, Irwin 47 55 42 ;
Finkbeiner, Alvin 64 64 57 70
Greb, Lily • 69 84 60
Gambrill, Jack. 44 62 42
Hodgins, Eileen 56 95 53 55
Heywood, Lena 27 47 43
'Hicks, Helen , 63 85 42
Koehler, Kenneth 'a 55, 10 55
Kuhn, Stuart 23 ab
Love, Glenn 56 58 4 37
Mcelymont, Harvey 59 • 69 58 58
Orme, Helen • 20 67 40 • 47
Northeott, Stella 62 88 92
Prang, Leonard_ 57 75 53 ,
Pearce, Charles 37 63 65 82
Reid, Stanley • 56 64 35
Reeder, Elsie 63 81 es" 62
Skinner, Harold 54 50 52
Thomson, Clara. 51 65 74
Tiernan, Anna 44 0 61
Thomson, Leslie 65 72 75
West, Sidney 54 63 46
Woods; Catherine 32 75
Jennings, Harry 58 62
Johns, Kenneth 61 12
Johns, Gilbert 64 37
Love, Lettie 65 62 55
Shier, Lloyd ab ab
Co Li AEI BH El ,
68 91 76
Lit Ar Ge Zo. Ph." pC
72 67 40 47 S,6
51 28 49 36 53' 53
.52 53 55 42 ,S6
68 71 68 42 60 60
51 73 42 78 73 53
52 54 46 52
48 .44 14 56 44 49
39 100 180 70 74 60
31 68 -10 62. 70 60
5574 0 78 67 60
57. 66. 50 85 53
.70 52 50
82' 64
71 44 0 e56 •50 45
58 65 als 50 57 57
• • 60 • 67
40' .44''' 23 28 38 • 52
36 eh 63 50 60 59
51 ' 58 52 44 70 53,
'54 ,49 :28 52 50 54
47- '66 • '68- 66 72 5,4
27 32 48 54 48- 54
0 = 44:52 . • 20
.57 75 ''. 18 35 • '58
68. •53 ab .40 • 50. 65
arr 53 .776' 79, 76 .,60,
54' 71 e95 82 68 61'
78'42 58 , 58
51 ' 60 ab 55
62281. 5508. .5462
• 45
• 'tee
The council at the Township ut
Stephen cenVeised in the Town Hall
Crediton, on .Monday, the first day
of November A.D„ 1026; at la p.m,
All mentbers were , present, The
initiates of the previous Meetbag
were read, and adopted.
Goetz -Hays% That a grant ef $16
be made to the Exeter Agriculture'
Soeiety. Carried. ' '• •
•• The following orders were pessecl.
Alex. Neeb, selecting, lurors 34.00;
dote: Quinan, selecting jurors $4.00;
Henry Either, selecting jurors $4.00
F. W. Morlock, postage $25.00; R.
Davey, Com. lst S. Rd., 310.50; R.
Davey, gravel $3.75; Ed. Palmer,
gravel contracts 3216.80; WM.
„Roeszler, gravels' contracts' 379:20;
Jacob Querin, gravel 43.00; `1%, sil-
Woods, treas., 'Exeter Agr. Society,
grant 315.00; Thos. Clia.mbers, Com.
$4.00; Nelsen Shenk, grading S.B.
311.25; Municipal World, supplies
$3.16; Samuel Lamport, Com. 1,st
S. Rd. 33.00; ,Albert ,McLinchey,
gravel 31:40; Henry Yearley, repair
mud creek. bridge $2.00; Hy. Smith,
repair Mud Creels Drain 31.25; J.
Richards, gravel $18.00; Herman
Powe, dragging and cutting weeds
$6.50; Geo. • Either, making tile
$61.00; Bursar, Ont., Hospital,
Woodstock re Willianes $19.50; Geo.
Hepburn, gravel $4.90; Jacob Rate,
tile across road lst. S. Rd. $2.00. n
The council adjourned to meet
again in the Town Hall, Crediton, on
Monday, the 6tla of December, 1926
at 1 p.m.
H. Eilber, Clerk
• The Alvinston Flour Mill, one of
the.. landmarks of that town was
burned to the ground on November
,15th about 11 p.m. The fire was of
unknown origin.
• ea an•
Ge Ph ' Ch • CC 1L 1F.
57 66
33 20 67
2 53 55
ab 65 95 75
84 81. 67 • 55
51 52
ab 84 44 94 70
90 80 ,69 70
26 87 58
44 27 '70 47 62
76 50 36 0
53 83
21 23 59 91
21 0 47
ab 28 31 40
31 69 65 71
78 2.7 71 s 69
36 36 64
ab ab 70
49 60
62 68 79 60
69 0 eo
34 60 58
60 64
25 90 85
28 60 •
24 67 71
51 59 62
83 ab
" 63
Clark, Laura lst Lat 95, lst French 75; Greb, Lily 2nd Gram.82; Gam -
brill, Jack lst Art 54; IVIcClymont, Harvey, Pbyseography 79; Northcott,
Stella and Arithmetic 79; West, Sydney lst Art 52; Woods Catherine 2nd
Arithmetic 69.
LA LC FA FC Co Li All BH AI 'tee Ph' Ch OC
Anderson, Harry 37
Addison, Alex 66 77 68 83 67
Delbridge, May 97 51 74 ,50
Horton, Harold 73, 77 71 69 63
H ,crevald, Muriel, 82 69 70
Hinter, Lulu 76 63.
Hicks, Marguerite 51 63 50 59
Hunter, Marjorie 41 55 39 39 59
Mitchell, Clifton 72 71 56 53, 64
Medd, Marjorie 93 67 77 70
Mooney, Vera 50 72 51 77 53
O'Brien, Mare' 60 66 69 67, 68
Pfaff, Leonard 85 67 76 57
Salter, Doris . 66 69 -69 60
Tiernan, Eugene ' 80 66 68 ale
Willis, Wanda $ a 76 69
Taman, Ted, (311) 92 50 18
Ileamaa, Kathleen 66 )a ab 57 71
Anderson Harry lst Art 5,e3.
64 45 58 94 75
52 60 82 80 73
56 60 90 85 75 65
60 58 71 71
66 90 75 80 72
83 54 70 67 71 6153
47' 69
53 4:5 54
52 55 , 50
54 73
67 69 50
70 4-2 56 60
71 72 67 66
55 50 20 57
41 52 7354
67 88, 80 25 60
71 69 61 ' '68
-38 • 13',60
58 100 ,67'
• The sugar beet crop is being har-
vested very slowly in. Lambton and
Kent, counties and, not more than
halrthe crop has been delivered to
the factory 'as: yet, 'while owing to
the wet weather it 'was' almost im-
possible to harvest 'the corn crop.
1-- of --
Pure BrednHolstein COWS and Heif-
ers; Also Grade Holstein and
Durham "Cows, and a num-
ber of Hogs
W. E. Nairn, auctioneer, has re-
reiced instructions from the 'under-
signed to sell by public auction, on
— on —
'the following:
RegistetedHolstein cow seven.
years old, fresh; 3 registered Hol-
stein heifers rising 3 years old due
time of sale, registered Holstein heit-:
er due Nov. 26, registered Ho1stein4
heifer due Jan. 28, registered, Hol-
stein cow due in spring, 2 registered
Holstein heifers one year old, three
grade 'Holstein cows due in Decem-
ber, grade Halstein heifer due in De-
cember, 3 grade Holstein heifers one
year ()Id, 2 grade Durham Cows due
December, dual purpose Shorthorn
cow iclue Dec.. 15.th, 6 Durham, and
Hereford grade cattle one year old
good ones.
HOGS-20„logs seven weeks old,
40 shoats from 50 to 100 lbs.
Sale at 1.30 o'clock -p.m.
TERMS—Seven months credit will
be given on furnishing -approved
joint notes with interest at 4 per
W. E. NAIRN', Auctioneer
— of —
The London & Western TrustseCo.
• Limited, Administrator of the es-
tate of the late William Moffattn-will
• offer for sale by public duction
i ids. ',CFA VC Co 1,11VIPI .1ii Go Tr. Ph Ob. Bo, Zo All 13nI
CaansibeIT Bland 36 ` 46
Cook, Harry 5'7 50 70' 71. ',77 /52 48
Creech Hugh • 62' 61 30 56 55 73
Feist, Frederick '78; 4e•62 28 60 , 50- 61 85
Powlor, Gordon 93 • 67 51 53 • 56
Geiger, Newell 91,80 75 25 • 67 11 65 • 52
ey, tigene ,,,
82 57 77 , 84 77 71 • 69
Howey, Marvin 61 30 70 106 76 6
rmtt, Gilbert 61. 5.g.:;fg :g ' ., , ,ti. , . ,,80 ,46
e • .,
, (4sit, •Harry ' 7 7 21 .5e ...• . 56 6
ohns, Margaret . 59 55 , 33 , 36 53 54 ,
IVIerlock, Ella 76 8.8. 96 11100106 -100"96 '0 ,
Spencer; Walter 4:6, • 62 60 39 • ea,
Tlierason, :Hazel , 88 56 - • 8'3 73 • T -4.0. 46 enni/till, Grace - ' . • , 3n .6,7. 3' 6. . Ap. ', 62 * 5
= , ,
Ternbain Wilfred , ' se a 7p. 8,7". , .,.., 164 ea. 47 V4: 73
Workinan, 2711.7e, t, ' 18 70 59 27 40 -,
Willie, Martea . 65 78' 64 SS- 42a 66;•7,6
on the farm located near the
opposite the C. N. R.. Station, prom-
ptly, at 1 .o'clock, the following
HORSES --Bay gelding, 8 years
old; bay gelding 9 years old, bay
gelding, aged; brown gelding, aged.
• CATTLE—Cow 4 years old, cow
10 years old, cow 5 years old, yearly
heifer, fat heifer, veal calf, 59 spring
calves. (57 of these calves—grade
ljuishams and Herefords—were
brought from Western Canada.)
• HENS -30 hens
HOGS -2 brood sows, 18 young
IMPLEMENTS --Manure spreader
wagon and box, 2 root puIpers, fan-
ning mill and bagger, extension lad-
der, hay fork, slings, rope, pulleys
and car; wheelbarrow, hay rake,
Steal land roller, spring tooth, culti-
vator, gravel box, seed drill, set bob
sleighs, set long sleighs hay, rack,
disc harrow, team cultivator, Deer-
ing binder, walking plow, double
plow, cutter, steel tired buggy, rub-
ber tired buggy, Reo touring care
hay loader, mower, counter scale,
cream separator, dash churn.
HARNESS -2 sets double harness
set light double laarness.
Also a quantity of mangles, tur-
nips, ensilage, hay, out traw and
stack, which may be fed on the
place, and other numerous articles
such as forks, shovels, rakes, hoes,
pails, saws, chains, neckyoken and
whiffletrees. • .
TERMS—All sums of 310 and
under, cash; sume over 310 ten
months' credit on approved joint
/totem or five per cent, discount al-
lowed for cash.
, '-011---'
• at 1 pan. slier's'
the household furniture stock and
equlpment of the Moffatt Hotel, e
Will be offered for sale.
• TERMSe-Ciehr
• For farther information ,applyto
FRANK TAYLOR,, Auetfoxiteter
Seinciters, ExeteilCaOld Lennon, Ont.
The London f Westerns TrustA22-0
AtilnyAlattatar, Lond.on, Qat.
RA of —
The Execntrix Of the estate of the
late John Andre* Gillespie has ins
etrected 'Mr, Frank Taylor, auctions
eer te Sell_ by Inihlic finale/a on
at. 1.30' pin. on the Premises the fol-
lowing real estate and chattels:
REAL ''ESTATE—Parts of • lots
numbera 12, and 13 ansl the
whole of Aot number 14 on the East
side of Carling Street in the Village
of• Exeter, "Howard's Survey," be-
ing, part 'of oeiginal, lot /limber 22
in the First Cpn. of, the 'Township ot
Stepheete., • --
- One the' (obeys .land is situate a
frame dwelling -frame barn in good
repair and, the proper y is conven-
'teat to Churches, 'School and busi-
ness section -of 'the village.
CHATTELS — Massive Walnut
sofa, larae 'rocker, .spring rocker, 2
small rockers; 4 =all tables hook
case, seWing machine, 2 iron beds,
stand,- dresser- and, stand, 2 single
-beds and mattresses, dining room
table' , and6 chairs, kitchen table
and chairs,' glase cupboard, base
burneve Quelsec range, coal -oil heat-
er,,2 cellar tables, commode, carpets
linoleum, mats, pictures, dishes,
gardentools, lawn mower, washing
'maciiine, electric fixtures and 'other
articles too" numerous -to-mention.
•.• , TERMS
Chattelie'lash. Real estate, 10%
on ,day 'o '0a1, balance, in thirty
days thereafter. ,Real estate -will be
put ,up subject to a reserve bid. For
farther partieulars apply .to a •
Soliciter for Executrix
FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer
01;ARING -
•' Tile undersigned auctioneer has re-
ceiver instructions to sell by public
auctions. QO.
mile south of Thames Road school-
house, on :
1926, at 12:20ealiarp the following:
HORSES -1 heavy team Belgain
horses,'5 years, old; 1 aged mare; 1
sev,en year 'old Mare; 1 gelding 8
years !old;' 1 .heava driver,
CATTLE -1 cow due March 17;
1 ,heifer due March 11; 1 cow due
Marale'1.4;'',1 co* due March 26; 1
•cow. due June 26; 1. cow due April
1'7e two-year-old heifers;- 2 year-
ling .heifers- anda2 yearling steers; 5
spring calves. ,
HOGS -1 sow 'with a litter of
eleven. , 5 pigs about 150 lb.,
hey „pig. • ,
• POULT,R.Y-- 60 Plymouth Rock
hens i ,30 epulletts.
IMPLEMENTS—New M. H. hay -
loader; 1VIcCorfick mower; Cock-
shatt 12 dise seed drill,. new; {deal
land roller; .-set 4 section harrows;
disc, Oliver -riding plow,
gang plow, corn cultivator, hay ted -
der, hay rake, harrow eart, turniple .,
eeeder, scufeler, nearly new Up.
rack with Miler rack alotachmente.
Clinton fanning, mill, new M, Ha
root pulper, madiure spreader, 12 Ile.
P., Gilsoa engine on trucks, Fleury'
grinder and jack on skids, With bag-
ger; belting, B. T. feed bucket, lk,
h,in air eeciled, engine, new M,R.
with power clutch, (700e
pounds eapacitY), ' power emery'',
grindstone, , ; shafting •and pule,
leys, Steel' pig trough, •pig reek, bag:'
trucieseatension, Judder, gravel boxi.
Fairbanks scales 1200 pounds eapa--
• city, 1 set bob Sleighs, 1 three quar-
ter wagon, truck, light wagon, goed2
top buggy, set pea harvesters, eye --
lone grass seeder, gasolinesand goal
oil barlesls, fence stretchers, quant-- .
ity of fence wire; good kitchen raagen
coal beater, geot1t barrel churn, ..1(k.,
gal. vinegar barrel; hanging IsitsMes•
milk pails forks, shovels, noes, cel -s
lars,• set brass mounted harnees, Sete
other harness, power horse clipperse
hay fork, quantity of hey and others
Absolutely nci reserve as the »roe -
prieteir is retiriTnEgR. 7.
$15 and undex, cash; ever': that
amoune ten months' credit will ben
Igiven on furnishing approved joint:
nceontetsstwraitilgihta Odffiscfoournetasouf ofnollerrecipt'
amounts. •
WM. El NAIRN, Auctioneer
Wanted Now
Salesman For Your District
Pay 'Weeklyn Ex -elusive Stock ancip
' Territory
We grow. the stock we sell
And Deliver .Fresh dsig Hardy ,Cann -
adieu Trees. Nursery 600 acre -
Established 40, Years •
Sugar Jack
The Sugar Jack converts rough --
a g e into an easily disgestible state-
-making it 'actually more palat-
able and nourishing than the highest --
quality ensilage and ' hay. Thuse,
roughage,' such as hay, straw, cloverthreshings, bean and pea vines, etc.,
can nowise used 'in place of ensilagel-
and will give better results.
Here's how it works. The Sugaits
Jack press and converter comporm&
pre-digest roeglaage • into highly, -
nourishing feed. This pre-digestede
roughage feed is relished by lives -
stock, and the farmer using it en --
joys greater profits and owns heal--
ther, fatter live stock,
-Six-Reasons Why We Recommend
1. They are authorized by law. as an investment for eatatee
• and trust funds.
2. They are issued by an institution that is "OLDER than the
3. This 62 -year-old financial institution is Government Chart-
ered. ' , •
Huron & Erie books, .secuflties and accounts are subject
to inspection at any time without notice by Dominion Gov -
eminent Officials.
5. The paid up capital and reserve fund of The Old Huron &.
Erie affords surplus security totalling 36,850.000.
Owners of these debentures together with savings depositor:4
have FIRST 'claim upon every dollar of Huron & Erie as-
sets totalling' over 331,000,000.
5 per cent per annum is payable half yearly upon •3100 or snore
for 1, 2, 3, 4, or years. •, • e,
Local Agent for The Huron & E rie Mortgage Corporation.
to whom applicatioareefor debent uree, rimy be made.
We have had unique success with these beautifull
'Pianos during the past two years and the ,reason
is agcAusE they are LJJL.T to LAST. They have ;
a beautiful TONE and TOUCH. Everything re-
quired to make a GOOD PIANO is put into them
and above.all they are built to uphold the RE-
PUTATION and GOOD natne behind them.
It -web, with pleasure that I heard the Work of your pupite at
the exateinations in July litzt, their work ;aa very good and 0°1"/
up to the standard of the better eettres and better than we hear la
• many centres.
I was also very isauch pleased With the McPhillips Pianos whieb
we used'ancl played on at the time. Their tone is good, they seexto-
ed to he of excellent construction, the action is good and 1 coneldfir
• that they compare very faVorably, in every reapeet, With any of our
Canadian Pianos. I think the prices asked for them Wee ver)',
reasonable and I am sure they will give satisfaction to anyone, With
reasonable tare and attention,
• Wishing yon every SuctiesS in. ail your work and that yoUr .0140-
• ness will continue to green; ' "
„, kAYA-116k0,tog tlafailE yourp faithfully
I ;r11.416":irtir"ii,' (Tr, b3nrd. 6,t,:A0131:71, coillie.s'eXt,poguturic
Distributittd Agett, MRS. GAMBRILL, EXETER:Wile