HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-11-18, Page 3Discover For Yourself GREEN YE To drink a cup is 8 revelation. Try it. THE SNARE BY RAFAEL SABATINI, n The Master Tate -Teller, -Author of "Bardelys the Magnificent. 'Another Stirring Story of Adventure and Lova in a New Settings-- - The Peninsular War. CHAPTER I. "An :instant yet," he implored. ''loll.. A GENIAL, HOST. Bearsey would never pardon me did I let you' go -without what he calls a It is established beyond doubt that. stirrup -cup to keep you from the ills Lt. Sutter ..was drunk at the time. that lurk in the wind of the Serra," This rests upon the evidence • of Sergt. He implored it almost with tears. Flanagan and the troopers who accent- Lt. I3utler had reached that state of parried him, and it rests upon Lt. But- delicious for or in which to talkie the ter's own word; as we shall see. A let me add that however wild and ir- responsible he may have been,, yet by li is own lights, he was a man of honor, Incapable of falsehbod, even though it were calculated' to. save his skin. In further examination it may road is the last agony; but duty was duty, end Sir. Robert Crauford had the fiend's own temper. Torn thus be- tween consciousness of duty' and the Weakness of the flesh, he looked at O'Rourke.. "In your place I should let myself truthfully be urged that the whole be tempted," says O'Rourke. "Ten hideous and odious affair was the re -'minutes more or less -is no great mat - emit of -a misapprehension'; although .tar, plain to his men and the lieutenant, started toward Tavora, Sergt. a sn began to grow anxious, He anew w the Peninsula from the days of Sir *Tolie Moore, and knew the brutal'; fer- ocity of which the Portuguese peas -i antry waft capable. He had had seen evidence more than once of the unspeakable fate of French stragglers from the retreating army of Marshal Sou1t He knew of cruel- faxiens, Inhalations and hideous about- inati'ons practiced upon them in these remote hill districts by the merciless ince). into whose hands they happened to fall, and he knew that some ea those fierce peasants had been unable to dis- criminate between invader' and de- liverer; to them a foreigner was a foreigner andno more. Yet since it was not for him to remonstrate with the lieutenant, he kept his peace and ‘looped anxiously for the best. The little expedition at length thevtllage vi 1 ge f Tavora, and in !stray to Lt. 'Butler's wards: Conyento Dominicans?" a, womanpointed to a massive, dark building. A moment later the sergeant, by Mr. Butler's orders, was knocking upon the iron -studded main door, A. quavering, aged • voice demanded to know who knocked. "English soldiers," answered the lieutenant in Portuguese. "Open!" A faint exclamation suggestive of dismay was the :answer, the shutter closed with a snap, shuffling steps" re- treated and unbroken silence followed. Mr. Butler completely lost his tem - Lr. p "Seems to me that we've stumbled upon a hotbed o' treason," he cried. "Break' down the door!" "But, sir," began:' the sergeant in protest, greatly daring. • "Break down the door!" repeated Mr, Butler. The troopers fell upon the door with a will. Presently, as it began to yield a bell . suddenly gave tongue upon a frantic tocsin, .summoning the assist- ance of all true sons of Mother church. I cannot go so far as one of Lt. But- Butler, however, paid little heed to ler's apologists and accept the view it. The door was down at last and, that he was the victim of a deliberate followed by his troopers, he walked plot on the part of his too -genial host Flanagan and ten men to wait forme, under the massive gateway into the at •Regoa. O'Rourke, and do you set out t at once spacious close. _ Lt. Richard Butler of the Irish Dra- with' the rest of the troop. And take I Then, from a huddled group, a fig - goons set .out on a blustering day in the cattle with you.. I shaal overtake! iiia rose,. and advanced witha solemn, March with his troopers, Cornet O'- you before you have gone very far." stately grace. 1 i -Rourke and two Sergeants, into The O'Rourke's crestfallen air stirred 'I bad thought, said a gentle, mean- . valley of the Upper Douro, where he the sympathetic Souza's:pity. choly woman's voice, "that the seals was to report to one Bartholomew "But, captain," he besought, "wilt of. a nunnery' were sacred to British Bears-ey, -an. English , wine -grower, ,you not. allow the lieutenant -e" soldiers. who would aid him in the purchase of Lt, Butler cut"Duty," For a moment MrButler seemed to himy,."sd short. Dttty, be laboring for breath. Fully sobered 100 head cif cattle, salt: he sententiously,_ is duty. Be off; understanding. of his ghastly The lieutenant discovered a middle way, "Very weE," he said. "Leave Sergt. Mr. Bears; ey, however, had Mately O'Rourke," now, - left his place at Regoa, for England, Ana O'Rourke, clicking loisheels vic- error reached him at arillop. there to wait until the disturbed state :ousts; saluted and departed, "MyGod. he gasped, and turning of Portugal 'should' be happily :re -1 to flee in horror of his sacrilege, he paired, But had he been at home Butler's a,a; THE AFFAIR e1T TAVORA. e dragoons could have received no Came r warmer welcoTe than that which' was presently three bottles in a extended by his steward, Fernando' basket, and when the first was -done Souza. Rations had been short of late, Butler reflected that since O'Rourke and for four and twenty hours the and the cattle were already well upon troopers abode at Mr. Bearsley's the road there need no longer be any quinta, thanking God for such cam_ hurry about his own departure. A herd fort, of bullocks is easily overtaken. Nor was this all. The benign. Sousa It was perhaps` a more potent vin - was determined that the sojourn there tage than he had at first 'suspected, of these representatives of his coun-and it played havoc with Lt. Butler's • aid came the abbess. She stood on a try's deliverers should be a compete wits' fbalcony above, and called upon the The steward was deeply ; learned in people to desist. Theyobeyed with rest and holiday. . So he had his own p y p. 9 laborers go into the uplands and bring -wines and the talk was confined to obvious reluctance, and at last a lane back the bullocks,. which were driven that subject in its many branches. ol owning afternoon. Indeed, as you say, captain, this is into Regoa the f CHAPTER II. crashed headlong into a pillar, and, -sunned by the brow, sank unconscious to the ground. • Meanwhile the alarm bell of the convent had done its work. The vill- agers were up, enraged by the outrage, and armed with- sticks and scythes, flung themselves upon the dragoons. Twosaddle had been emptied, and it is doubtful if a nian of them would have survived, for the odds were fully ten to one against them, *hen to their a great wine," said the steward. "But we had a greater." "rmpossible, by heaven," swore But- ler, with a hiccup.. "You may say so; but it is the truth. We had a greater; a wonderful, clear vintage it was, of the year 1798. Mr. Bears:ey sell some pipes to the monks at Tavora, who have bottle it and keep it, I beg him at the time not to sell, knowing the value it must come to have one•day. Bu he sell all the same. He say we have plenty, and now we have none: Some sons of dogs of French who carne with Marshal' Soult discover the wire 'and guzzle it like pigs. But the monks at Tavora still have much of what they bought, I -ani told. " Lt. Butler stirred, and became sym- pathetic. "'San infern'1 shame," said he in- dignantly. "I'n no forge'rrit when I , meet the French. And now the monks drink it?" He was a good Catholic, but Souza looked at him in sudden alarm, be- thinking himself that all Englishmen were heretics, and knowing nothing of the subtle distinctions between Eng- lish and Irish. Itt'silenes Bother finishe There s a Tread d the third and last bottle, rind his thoughts fixed far you and your children in themselves with increasing insistence upon a wine reputed better than• this the Peppermint sugar jacket of which there was spat store in the and another in the Pepper- cellars of the convent of Tavola. Abruptly he asked: "Where's Tav- iniret•flavored gum inside. ora?" Be was thinking perhaps of Our lieutenant would' have set out forthwith to return to Pinhel, knowing how urgent was the need of the di- . . "Why so you shall," said Souza. "But first you'll dine." • "Sir Robert will be impatient," de- murred the lieutenant. "But half-hour," .protested Souza. "What is half-hour?. And in half-hour } cu will have dine." "True,'' ventured Cornet O'Raairke, "and it's the devil himself knows when we may dine again." Butler, never dreaming as indeed, how could he?=that Fate was taking a hand` in this business, gave way, and they set down to dinner. Henceforth you see hint the sport of pitiless cir- cumstances. They dined within the half-hour, as Souza had promised, and they dined exceedingly well. Emptying his fourth and final bumper of rich red Douro, Lt. Butler paid his host the compli- nient of a sigh and pushed back, his chair. _ But Souza detained him. WRIGLEY'S •{ricins , the comfort that such wine wou:d i mats to a company of war -worn• sol- ' ers in the valley Of Aguede. "Coarse ten leagues :from here," an- swered Soma, and ,pointed to ti ir,ap Utmost value in that `itung upon the. ;wall. - long l,a-s.t..inv g • The lieutenant rose, and roped un • - steadily across the room, He was delight. was opened in that solid, seething n?asS (To be continued,) ar Vo Lachrymose People. "What lachrymose people the Eski- mas`must be." "Flow se?" • "They indulge in a blubber so of- ten." Minard's Liniment.•for Colds. So Unnecessary. . Mistress (to new maid)—"Nora, you don't seen) to knew about finger bowls. Didn't they have them where you worked last?"' Nora—"No, mum; they meetly wash- ed themselves/afore they come to :the - table. . London's Milk In Glass Tanks. • During the past eight months 1,800,- 000 gallons of inIlk have been brought hi glass -lined tankersfrom country depots to London. -�l'M HERE TO TELL YOU THEY'RE GOOD WRIGLEY'S aids digestion and makes the next cigar``t'aete better. Try ie Meg AFTER EVERY MEAL tall, loose -imbed i'e�,lpw, "blue-eyed, fair -complexioned, with a . thatch of fiery red hair exeoi enEy suited to .his temperament. "Why," he said, studying the map,' "seems to Inc 's if we should ha' come that way. ,i's shorree read to Wes-' queira than by the rives,:" "As the bird fly," said Souza. "But the roads be bad ---just mule tracks, while by the river the road is tele - t -able, good," a '1tY et," said the lieutenant, "I think l shall go back the' way." ISSUE. No. 45--'26. When his puropso had been made ,tiv �w ..► sae etre ruvri�i, x..16 to w4rw t, t `gw l Imitd, ilrr,, Montru4.161111.11111111111 T n I t i Tho Toronto H#apitlt, or nc.arAhlco, 1M affiliation with 5erlcvpa and A1Oted lioopltclo, new York City, efts a throe soars' Course of T.rahltno fa yawns wonton, having.., thq reoulred education., and doslrouo of b000mintl naria'!o, Thls Hoeaffa, hoe adopt:r} the eight... hour *gated. Tlid pupils remove nitlfornta of tho sohool, a monthly allowance and traveling eXponerh to and from Glow York, For further Information write the sl:pertntendent, SMARTLY SIMPLE. T1iis one-piece slip-on dress is both practical and attractive, and 'would be very chic if made of bordered material or plain fanneI. The fitted collars; one- piece tight -fitting sleeves and tailored belt with buckle are of the latest mode. No. 1162 is for ladies and is in sizes 34, 36,38, 40 and 42 inches bust. Size 136 requires 2% yards 54 -inch bordered material; or 3% yards 36 -inch plain. 120 cents. The secret of distinctive dress lies in good taste rather than a lavish ex- penditure ofmoney. Every Woman should want•to make her own clothes, and tile home dressmaker will find the designs illustrated in our new Fashion I Book to he practical and simple, yet maintaining the spirit of the mode of the n- meat. Price of the book 10 cents the copy. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Writtayour, name and address plain- ly, giving number and size of such patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in stamps engrain (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number and address you order to Pattern Dept., Wilson Publishing Co., 73 West` Ade- laide St.. Toronto. Patterns sent by return mail -•- What the Artist Wants. Last night we sat late over.the Sire. It had been a blusteringday, but _at sunset the 'wind fell and the stars came out in splendid. 'brilliancy. Rosa- lind had taken up her work, and we were anticipating a long, quiet even- ing, when the door opened and our friend the artist walked abruptly in. Without ceremony, he dropped his hat and coat on a chain; and almost be- fore we realized that he was in the house he was standing before the fire' warming his hands and saying that it was an u -,commonly sharp might. No more welcome guest ever comes under our roof than the artist.. . . His fel low-craftsmou are all talking about his extraordinary work, and the world is fast finding him out; but he remains as .eimpie-hearted as a child. It is this quality quite as much ne the genius for expression which I find. in him which assures me that he has the elements of greatness. When we were comfortably dis- posed before the flee, and the talk, breaking free from personal incident, began to flow in its accustomed chan- nels, Meryon and Corot were mention- ed by Rosalind . . . It happened that yesterday Rosalind and I had been looking at an etching o•f Meryon's, and we had naturally ;fallen to talking about the pathos of his life... "Don't 'bother about that;" said our frionse, starting ont of his chair.. and standing before the ;ire. "There is nothing that a real artist tares Less for than what you -call suocess. . No happier man, ever lived than Corot (lur- ing those years when there was noth- ing to do but sit in the fields a and watch the rimming sky end then go and paint it. As for Meryon . i;e had the enipreme sat1eta,ction,, of saying his say. Ile 'put himself on his plates and that was enough for any man. , , Don't you understand thb.•t all an artist asks is a ob lace to work? What we want isnot sucooss, but the t chance to get ourselves, onto corneas. I paint because I can't holii it "----l+roin "My Study Fire,' by , Hamilton, W. Mabee. Final Report of Peat Committee, The prospect ish e t of Ti,e 1 rysXret;i of theho,ea�tab nn m peat :fuel industry in Canada. has beets niateotal]y advanced by the in:- vestienaations carried, on by the Peat Oerrrzritt,ee, aecoxding to the final re- port of that body, published by the Department of Mines': The Peat one rnittee Was atpeolnted jointly by the Governxnents of the Dominion of Gan- eda and 'tile province of Ontario, wi+tlr the obJect of finding, if poasealrle, a p�ira.etieai-worlfing and: commere1aity- feaeible Method of ntaltin,g ayatiabe the products of our extensive peat de- posits as• an auxiiary sottroe of, fuel supply, cepecially in the "Acut Fuel Area."'of Ontarie and Qu'ebec, The foroweed to the .committee's final re- pose states that a gratifying measure of success had been inset by the •corn- tnittee in its investigations and that the object of its, appointment Led been substantially attained. The unsatisrfattery si•tuaatione which have arisen in parts et Canada, par- ticularly in Ontario and Quebec, through the dependence on anthracite of fca'slgn origin brought forward the necessity for a doanestio solrroe of feel supply for this area, An investigation into the possibilitiest of peat as a sub- stitute fuel wee undertaken and the committee began its investigations in. 1918. Field 'operations were carried: on by the committee at the peat bog near A1.fred, Ontario, about 40 miles east of Ottawa. During the period of investigation machines were designed and methods developed by which the production of peat on a commercial basis eased, be accomplished. The in- vestigators }vent further and made a study of the.uses to which peat fuel could be put and - how the bogs not worked for fuel' and. those from which the .peat. had been removed' could be utilized for agricultural purposes or otherwise advantageously disposed of.. The outstanding conclusions arrived at. by the committee were that the only methods or processes which could be economically employed for the mamufaotuee of peat fuel were those employing air -drying, that the climatic cessations in Ontario and Quebec were favorable for the manufacture of ,peat fuel for 100 days during the summer season, and that the commercial pro:l duction of this form cf fuel, on a large scale, could be conducted on many of the bogs which bad been examiued in detail, and which were favorably site ated with regard to centres of pope- laiion and transportation facilities. At the Games. "Why on earth is that fellow at- tempting to jump with his avereoat on?„ "It's a spring overcoat, can't you see?" - - • Hands That Talk. What is known as the deaf and dumb alphabet is a common accomplishment among those who are thus afflicted -and those who are .responsible- for. their welfare. Ent, if the researches of a well-known scientist are carried to a successful sconcluslosa a new method of communication may be evolved, in which the hands will be made to speak words and sentences in exactly the same way as the mouth does. The scientist in question is Sir Rich- ard Paget, who, with the aid of bel- lows and a metal tube, which take the place of the lungs Arid windpipe, has made his hands' "speak' words in a remarkably natural way. In the c•ouree of a demonstration, Sir Richard explained that vocal sounds are pro- duced bythe action of air passing over the opening of a •cavity ; he illustrated this by models made of plasticine and cardboard. By supplying air to these models he made tlreni utter vowel' sounds and even worde, succi as "mom: - may" "Minnie" "rather," and "well." Then, diseardtng the• modals, he used his hands only, and trade them "talk' so that everyone could hear and understand. Moistening his hands to prevent the leakage of air, he manipu- lated them in conjeuotlon with a metal tube and made then spay, distinctly, I "Hullo, .London! Areyou there? Lila, I love you!" Irrijdanaret 4!d to ,L•o elinttr �f 1 7 itakicei BALM P.resei'ves and beautifies the complexion EQp(iliZl with • A U UM? Your doctor will tell you the old.fashioned wash -day is one of woman's greatest foes. Strained backs, ugly hands, jangled nerves and short tempers -all come from the everlasting rub -rub -rubbing on the ancient washboard. . The modern way is to let Ptutso da the work. Change the hard work of washing to just rinsing. Simply dissolve Rinso in the wash -water, put in the clothes,.soak for 2 hours or more and just rinse. Let Rinso do your next ,leashing. -"-Made by the makers of Lux,, • Change washing a into just rinsing Seven Homely Truths— —It takes real strength to stand abuse without becoming vindicative. -Courtey is cheap, but it always pays a blgprofit —Success cna usually be had if we aro willing to pay the market price. --Some people think they are tui- tuned when. they are only oriticaL --Most of our troubles disappear if we march up to them courageously. —Stinginess is probably the last fault we will ever accuse o ursetees of. —A peejudice is an honest convic- tion in its dotage. Minard'e Liniment for Neuralgia. The Oldest Gee? Invented in ancient Greece • more than two thousand years ago, a game was exhibitsd recently in London con- sisting of fourteen small fiat pieces of ebonite of various shapes which, when properly arranged, form pictures of arn'elephant, an ostrich, a charging soldier, a 'barking dog, and several other figures. This gams was probably used edu- cationally for the trainink of • the powers of observation or memory in children, and, although mentioned in ancient manuscripts, all trace of It had been lost for the last 1,500 years. White Race Increase. The world's white population is esti- mated to increase at about 5,000.000 a year. Pray One �:ye ,d _. mats :his! f;i •e your dainty underwear and s',.,c.,.ulugs true tints, you must use real d3 Par the gorgeous tinting like you SE o in things when they are new, use the original Diamond Dyes. Don't stop whoa tinting, though! It's just as easy to Diamond. Dye almost anything you wear --•or the hangings in the home-- a brau•d new color right over the old. name dyedng le lits of fun—end think of wi at it saves1 FREE now, tor the asking! Your druggist wa: give You the I"liamcnxl Dye Cyclopedia telling deems of dye secrete, oo•t taining sheltie directions, and will show you actual 'piece -geode samples of colors, Or write for big j:•liistrated book Coles. Craft, free from DIAMOND DYES, Dept, N4. Windsor, Ontario. Mahe iii'. 4? for IS GC$ There le a notion that :rr. we get an I in years WO are robbed of charm. eine noed only to.notiCo the advertisements about "Don't grow .old," "Cures for grey baits,' °Resist the w'ileales," and so on, to realize, the dread! that vaxists ill many =rnixtd,n with the passing of our days. It is more or less vanity, for a per. son should grow Saner, more mellow, with, the addition_ of years. Maturity end. peace should retgu together, A misused, life breeds an old age of despair and sorrow; but where no- bility"of thought' and feeling have been'' cultivated , cher* must certainly follow a sweetness that is attractive to all, You have noticed how Nature gots More glorious in•the autumn, always a season of joy,, because of the mag- ni2iceeee of the colors. It seems .as though Nature make a supremo effort to wind up her year's labor with a majestic: panorama of marvellous beauty. She is lovelier as• she gets older. One of our English poets writes:— Let ane grow lovely growing old; The many pure things do. Lakes and ivory and gold and alike Need not be new. And there is heading In old trees, Old streets and glamour old; Why may not I as well as these Grow lovely growing old? Nothing is more saddening than to find a man who set out in life with buoyant hopes and. enthusiastic de- lights and desires becoming' a canto. because in the battle of life he has not gained what he aimed for. Such people become jealous, unsympathetic, and miserable, ugly both in spirit acrid action. The features become gnarled and marked, and the older they grow the more -cut off are they from interest in their fellows. We have all heard that "a cheerful' mind is the best face cream. That truth is as old as the bills. The addi- tion of years to those of cheerful mind dons not detract from them in any way; and it multiplies their friends.' Their' presence is as the breath of fresh air. Nature is least arresting in midsum- • Hier; in spring anti autumn she dons bar most beauteous robes. And life should be the same. Never permit things to ge so much on the top of you that your vitality becomes drained for no purpose. We are. guilty too often of wasting our substance with unpeoiitable thoughts and deeds. By storing the life and mind with noble thoughts and feelings, ambitions and hopes, so this essence of the beautifuf will make us more comely as we get- farther xiara-"" birth. You may conc: ud6 that an aged per- son who has become withered in spirit, and fretful and tantalizing. has gone astray somewhere. 'Where a life has been linved in open contact with the illuminating powers, such life becomes a power to Illuminate also. Our jotur ley through life should be pragres.sive: Our education should; never be complete. Our castles should never come to earth! Thesun should ahrays be in front of us, Causing the shadows to fall behind. Every day and iu every way let us try to grow better. Thus shall we be Iced into green pastures and by still waters, and age shall not add to thealeurdens at life. Geological Work on Baffin Island. 13afn island, which lies immediate- ly to the north of Hudson Strait, is 'at present a field of investigation by the Geological Surrey of Canada. Dr. .L. 3. Weeks and an assistant were landed' during the summer on this-iaiand' from the Canadian government boatmaking the annual trip to the established posts in the Arctic. They will re•- main during the whster and carry on f geological survey of the etsttherxn part of the island. Baffin island is the largest and prob- ably the most important of the Arctic islands. It has au area of 211,000 square miles. Observation made along the part of the coast that has been eit- plered show that it is u,nderleitis by rocks of Preean brain and Palaeozoic age and to less extent probably by Tertiary sedisnente. A small tonnage of graphite and mica has•been shipped from the southern {,art of the island' and, at ?end Inlet in the northern part a shall gnenUty of coal is mined, teal,The aecordeng to Dr Week ho visited the piece in 1924, is well exposed le a cliff on Saluron river, tett: is regarded as of Tertiary age. 'i'at{n mala seams each easy% teat, th.tck and 16 feed, a•peart are found. It is tit:- coal, from the lower seam •that act being; utilized by the Iindeon'ra Bay Coin pa:ny. Whest freehly dreg it breaks ba - to irregulars lumps whioh are den with heat watt fleet' •a...bright sarfaoe, and whteh cam.' nothing re» setnbltug a eleevage Plane. Atter be. rag sacked and left some months ti the open it :shows a. teatierncy to estate 1 ble. The crumbling is not so great as , in the coal from the upper seam, aast. ait'-dried sample gave :on araatesfe moisture, 14.2 per cent.; rash, 0.0 per cent.; volatile, 22.4 peg` cant.; geed ' carbon, 57.4 per vent ; caloriiis value, 10,300 British thermal units. A se one • rxpeaur+e ocentre et S. :pointy as Zile downetreaaa.ait the Salaaitralt rise:' from that refereed. to �.bevsy fa*�.'! which• eXuaabtitles of f,' S'li* 3 beau al tatinAd:- ,1