HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-11-4, Page 844744 Piwne 16 STEWART' Phone 16 EXTRA. SPECIAL -Ladies' Silk and Wooi lxose"milt-stated- eras with very slight imperfections or elightly seised ---not seconds --these conte in fancy checks witle1U d hem tops .and Wale two tone heathers with elastic rib11 tolls: Colors are French Nude, Piping .Rock, Peach, Fawn Toast and , Black. Regular value $1,60 ----Our price only 98c, `.. <' p Ladies warns fleece lined bloomers4` colors. grey sand, mauve and cream. Special rice 75c and 85ce Ladies new Brush Wool Sweaters -cosy and warm-coIors, �. sand, blue and grey with, bright rainbow trims. TheS ,,,are pure wool, double "faced trouts, large warrnp" t#li It collar.. Real value 35.50;`` 'i'Wehave a complete stock of the famciul coats and Ulsters in dark grey and heaths hoof and teeth proof. Sold under ail` ' • 4...s 8 ✓ e th Over- t ra , Oaf, wind sr w�,u,Grantee.. 5Tt�th Your money back at any time, --It pays to buy a good overcoat. Special price $32.50. Very pretty and real value china tea sd:M.4,T 1:te.Witlh black trim -OaIy $5,75. Beautiful. A full china teaset, white iY'wrth Lovely Bird of Paradise decorations -only 39.50. Useful and seasonable reversible Sm. Hearth Rugs, size 28x55' inches assorted colors and paateVisae Yrs ter $2.50. A one. Fine cut glass water set.-..Ta1Lbeli,shaped jug, tall water glasses, beautiful Tiffany pattern. A rare" 'bargain. The set $11.50. ,• a le i,,:; You cannot cannot afford to pass this store for fresh. ikigroceries. Our own blends of teas are wonderful value. Used at nearly all swell tea parties in town: 'b"sixawata-Mixed Tea• Special ` 706' ib Black Beauty -Black Tea Special ea. 70`c"'"ib ' Sailor Boy -Japan Tea Special. 70c tb Try a pound or ask us for sample and enjoy a \real tea treat. . • et Castile ,Soap 7 cakes for 25c Crisp Soda Bikailrt, Z 15c. lb . Jelly Powders, 3 pkgs. for 25c Tasty Sarditres ,,, beixesor c 5e 1 Rice, choice quality, 3 Ib 25c Mixed 'tea"', -cry sped fikVanilla, 8 oz. bottle for 2'5c Matches, 3 large blies for 29c P. & G. Soap Chips, 2 ib 25c. rink Salmon, 2 large tins 35c. Extracts, any flavor 3 for 250 Shredded Wheat, ' 2 pkgs 2.5c a4 44 COME TO THE BIG STORE' 'WITH THE LITTLE PRICE J. A. Stewart ■ reVeeeee Our Wonderful ul FurnitureK. Values Are Drawing The Crowds To This OStore - It's surprising the great t number that";e taking` advantage of • ._our wonderufl furniture values. Our stock is so large and so up- to-date that it makes it a pleasure to shop Lee. "GARDINER'S FOR GREATER VALUES." ;- :_. "THE ROME 'I+'iTRNIS]EIDER' Fes... GAOiN M. E. FUNEt.AL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER FINEST MOTOR AND FTNERAL EQUIPMENT Long Distance Calls Ponptly.Ate4toed..Jt Phone 74w OPERA HOUSE .BLOCk dight call 74j Epter Markets 'Wheat $1.34. Oats 45c. Barley 50c. Manitoba flour $4.55. ,y,,•. Blended flour 34.05 +..., le •TPastry"flour $3.55 Peed Flour $]..90 •i... Shorts 31.60. - I3ran 31.60, Creamery butter 38c. Dairy butter 32-35c. Eggs, Extras 45c. 1ggs, Seconds 30c. New potatoes, $1.30. Lard 200 Hogs $11.00. Hogs,. selects 312.10. CQca(s The Ladies' Aid of the James St. church will hold a fowl supper in the church on Wednesday, Novem- ber 24th. - Reserve the 26th of November for the big pageant which ,will be Pre- sented under the auspices of the W. •C. T. U. on that date in. James St. United church, Full particulars later. N MIMINFEMEM Men's Store Phone 81w Store Vaines�r�at .IN ver f Fa' 11,I. �.. Prices range from $15.46$35. See these .coats. You will appreciate. tie values Merchant Tailor' and GentS 4Y' i tfitter h After ` ou have tested the delicidue. cif the bread it, makes, your appetitte,: will remind vtattryor' you. i;cr order,,, ]tMa>«t . aha. t 1�ou. � Best� HARVEY v ts! Exeter tv as; tsteteeet CANADA t��tiarxo» Miss Ella Shapton is visiting with relatives in London. ' c Mondayenext is Thanksgiving Day and a public holiday. - Mr. Walter Westcott is confined to his home through illness. Mr. ap.d Mrs. J. H. Jones and son Neil, spent Sunday--in-London. Miss Ellen Rice, of Wyoming, cal- led on friends in town. on Sunday. Mrs. W. J. Statham, Lyle and Lois of St. Thomas, visited in town Sun- day. Mrs. :K. J. Sims spent a couple of days cast week with'friends in,Hen- sail. Miss Carrie May, of Toronto, is visiting with relatives in town this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Holmes, of Clin- ton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Here on Sunday. Miss Helen Dignan returned home Monday after 'visiting for several weeks in Toronto. Mrs. E. Knight, of Ilderton, visit- ed with liIr. and Mrs. Wm. Dunsford the forepart of the week. - Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald, of Hay, visited with Mr. and Mrs. T. McCurdy in town on Sunday. McCausland Irvine, of Blansbard, has been named as the Conserv-de- live candidate in South Perth. Mr. Reg. Elliott returned to To- ronto Monday after visiting fdr sev- eral days with relatives' in town.'. Little Miss .Hazel Snell, daughter of Mr. and . Mrs. John Snell, is con- fined to her home through illness. Mr. and Mrs. E. Treble and Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Grant and daughter, Miss Betty motored to Glencoe on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dearing, of London, Mrs. Frank Gelling and son of St. Thomas, spent Sunday with Mrs 't', Gt Creech. Mt• ;and Mrs. I3•. E. Knowles" and daughters, Shirley and Margaret, of Ingersoll, spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Thos Dinney.' ' Messrs, 3. Fitton and Rd. Welsh have.retgrned after a .twp weeks' outing in the pinery several miles south of Grand Bend. ' Miss M. E. Dix, of Chicago, visit- ed for a few days With Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. ' Harvey, Miss Dix and Mrs.' Harvey -being cousins. Mr. and Mrs. John Ford have re- turned home after s visiting' their on Gordon at Flint, Mich. ,The latter brought them "home by auto. Miss M. Grant and Miss • Mackiess, nurses -in -training at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, spent Monday with the former's parents .Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Grant. .•, 'Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Houlden re- turned turned home Friday after having s Spent the past two month with HE EXETER T MES ADVQCATE C&V.Ebt ,PR 1$ T'ERIAN CHURCH Rey., James, Feato, B.A.. Miniliter 10 a.nt.-a-Sunday School 11 aau.•--•Observance of Teniperaace Sunday. "The. Task of Building a. Sober Nation," 7 p.m. --Thanksgiving Service. "Lest We Forget." JAMES ST VNITE,D C$'UROIII OF CANADA• - Rov, D. McTavish, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M.. Organist and Choir -Leader ;�PEC'IA :, TJEjANKSGJVXNG AND ARMISTICE DAY SERVICES 11 a.m:-:'A Cause for Thanksgiv- ing." 3 p.m. -Sunday School. 7 pen. -"The ;Challenge of our Fal- len•I,l:eroes to if; who Live To -clay" A special nterrrorial service. Speeial p csal solo--osThere, is no Death." Trivia . Memorial Church SPECIAL SERVICE OF REM'I+714i;- • ERANCE 11 a.m.-Rev. Capt. MclCegney, B.A. M.C. , e ..A11 Veterans and their friends are ordially . invited. Special Service Forms will be Pro- vided. • MAIN STREET UNITED CHULiCH Rev. F. E. Clysdale, Pastor 11 a.m.-"Sacrament of. the Lord's Supper." 3e, pan. ---Sunday School. 7 p.m. Rev. W. F. Smith. The pastor, boards and congrega- tion of Main St. United church ex- press their appreciation of the in- terest shown by sister congregations in their recent anniversary: M , SALVATION ARMY Special Revival Services all this week, Monday, :Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday,. Friday and, Sunday all.. day; commencing at 8 o'clock each evening 11 a m, -Holiness 3 p. m. -Sunday school 7 p.m. -Salvation - If you have not yet heard Mr. Fawcett (Evangelist) you have mis- sed a treat. Now is your chan,de. Come before it tes too -late. ' People today are •seuking after truth. Mr. Fawcett will give you the bare facts. Jesus said "Ye''sha11 hear the truth and thetruth shall make youftee," Here is the condition and the re- ward. Two great words. Light and Liberty. "Then why be blindfolded by the Devil' apry ,longer. Can any man forbid you? Obey. your God- . given convictinrs and, dothe right. • ILII MI1111I111111II11111If111111 IIII@111111IIII11i ' ilim$DItT, 1,161/ 11 B1 t 4, 102cl 1111111111111111111111111111111110 00101110111 11111101110 11 I110111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Ail IIIIUUIIII! 11111 11011111100 II 11 010000 00001 10011010 11 UI 00 111 III 010 III is omen's Coats This , . >Ze us=e 'felt a number ,of 'new styles, that are the very latest in the ;urge centres ' [. � ',z is .., ,.: � 00 to$35OOP® �� Paced �t 2�4 _ �5. 9 Boys' an en's Overcoats We want you to see out neva cloths and models. See our Boys' and Men's Overcoats " OTHERS PRICER .AT',$ZO.,,: $25. and $35 t,f r,al. . • } �.e • re built of tough tire tread, st k and by auto tire methods. OEUT1IIO9TT B• S. t It t t R. -N. ROWE , I+L?RNITURE DEALER, AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR Everything Up -to -bate YOU ARE INVITED. TO INSPECT OUR S'i;OCI( AND» GET OUR .PRICES., Phone .20W Powell's Variety. Store 2. Plain Price 'Stere. Good news for Aniberola and Edi- son r owner son cylinder phonograph ra h g p s. The Edison Co., are• sending out 20 new records.. monthly • and we are getting the best one's: We have just received 37 • new` 'songs, etc. The music -is catchy:. and inspiring and the price now.' is, just;; 45c. Come and hear thein. ;*A special fancy dinerware pieces 15 and 25 cents this week. Tuesday night ,next, initiation All members oiit, their' daughter, Mrs. Barton Ford at SPECIAL - Try our Butterkist Pathlow, Sask.- • Pop Corn, made; fresh, each day. 5c The Times -Advocate has placed in a bag. Breakfast size 15c. Good stock • a fine assortment of -Christmas' for indigestion and constipation. Be: Greeting Cards. Prices range from sure and get Bntterkist. $1:00 a dozen up printed with your name and address. Mrs. M. E. Gardiner and. son Bert spent the week -end with the former's sister, MYIrs, W..E. lteitcheil, of Lon- don. Mrs. Mitchell's condition con- tinues tobe serious. - Quee a number from this com- munity attended the convention of the Ontario. Relig.ous Education Council held in London on Thursday and t'riday of last week. Mr. and Irrs. Norman Ford re- turned to Detroit Tuesday after vis- iting with relatives here. Mrs. Ford's sister, Miss Verda Box, ac- companied there. home on a visit. ` Mrs. Leslie Hearts, of Simcoe, has beenvisiting for a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. rollick. Mrs. Hearts sang several solos at the Main St. United church anniversary. on Sunday. Her singing hes always been a delight to an Exeter audience who were pleased to hearher again on Sunday. Mr. Ted. Tucker, safes:nen for Fuller Brush, met with an auto ac- cident on Tuesday afternoon. He was travelling east on the St. Marys toad and turned out to pass a cow when bis hind wheels skidded tin the grass and he took to the ditch, breaking the radius rods and bend- ing the axle, Rev, Jas, Scobie, of Belgrave, oc- cupied the pulpit of James St. church Sunday morning and preached, a splendid sermon in the . interesta of the W.M.S. A pleasing d•uett was sung by Misses Betty Grant and S, Southcott. The evening service was Withdrawn. in favor of Main St.• An-., iiiversary, Itev. D.' McTavish was at Beigrave cors ducting anniversary services. Nine, auto' loads 'of young people from the league of the ',lames St. TJttlted ehercli rrre.,tored to Clinton cn Wednie.3day evening of last,,week aril provided the inmates with a splen- did musical program .that was very. much. appreeiated. A bag of home made sandaan o and ' orange e vas pro- vided for e naeh of the 92 initiates, On the day previous the Sixrlbean trio from f`ensa•Nl visited the Koine and gave a triueli appreciated r'riusical program. STRAYED -On my premises, Loot 18, Con. S. B., Stephen a ' Her,efdrd steer with horns. Party can obtain animal by proving property and pay- ing aying expenses. Joseph McCarthy, R. R. 2, Crediton. STRAYED -On the premises West half of Lot 20, Con, 17, Stephen a two-year-old red steel; white on four feet, ring in one ear. Party can ob- tain animal by proving property and payng expenses." Albert Morenz. R. R. 2, Dashwood. HOUSE FOR SALE Brick residence and garage with three choice lots on east side/ of William St., Exeter. Well built anti best of material wild workmanship throughout. Central location. Will make a choice home. Special terms of payment if desired.- GLADMAN-& Stanbury Solicitoes-for Vendor STRAYED -A red and 'White yearling heifer ,and a black and white yearling steer have strayed onto lot 19, ,con. ", stephen. Owner may have same by proving property and : paying' for advt. Arthur T. Amy, Crediton. ' 10=28,3tc., NOTICE ---The merchants of this community will kindly take notice that my wife having left my' bed and board I will not be responsible for any debts contracted' by •her in my naine.---Mike Millick; 11-71Itc V10Lx1t7 INS7`I1•ITCTION Spahr Method G. M. GRANT' Phone 8 for appointments FOR SALE'' OR RENT -Story and one. half brick house with furnace and hydro, Wired for' stove, good size property • with , 6rehard - .arcad • stable. East 64 Presbyterian church on the corner, of Andrew and ITi1i Sts. Im- mediate possession. APply to Fred. H, T- ogai'th, 11;. R. 1, Exeter; pheii-e Crediton 18 r 15. :Ought 20J 'F'Oh SAI,EJ Coi31fort9,ble seven room, frame house on Huron Street I 4N Exeter - apply to GLAD ST. 'U.TR)ii; Selieiteee 5-3-tf FQR. $QLE-Three h.p. Intsrna- tioonal gas. •.engine and half h.p. electric ...Motor. Apply to W. H.. Lockwood: FOR SALE -Several farms at reasonable prices, good buildings, easy terms to responsible parties. Apply to., James W. Watson, R. . R. 1, Kirkton, .Ont., phone Kirkton 54-2. . Public School reports for sale at" the Times -Advocate at 25ca dozen. R RENT FOR SAME O N 'Fhe Following Properties. Bri k=Stiire'on'Main St., Exeter •' Comodious Brick dwelling, 'fur- nace fur.- nace eated, and wired for Electric lighting, etc. with fixtures in place, Sohn • a. / - - Six and a half acres of choice land suitable fo'r market, garden, running through from Huron St' to John St. Choice Saskatchewan farms in the Carnduff, Fillmore, 'Plenty and Fro- besher districts. For price and terms on above see ROBERT:•E. PICIKA.RD, Sohn.., Street EXETER. Agent for Grcat, West Life ,As'ce1 Co. Good hothe• for•' miillle • agedr`lad' as coinpanior: for the winter.' Apply at Times -Advocate. 12 -7 -Its E. C. Harvey &i L. V. 'Hogarth -- Agents --- MutualLifie of Canada JEAMTER ONTARIO 1874 1926 The London Life Insurance co. w. C. PEARCE, AGB 4T • Exeter. Phone '130W. Residence, Ann St. two 'blocks west of Ford Garage Y B. 1'1. 1FRA1' LCIS ' Agent for 'CANADA LIFE AssunANvcf colre'ANY 'Phone 164, Exeter If you ,get 'worn done by T. H, Elliott you are going to have a chance to 'Win i % yards of 131ne Serge. guaranteed Indigo., wit11 'every snit pressed and cleaned, overeoat press. ed and cleaned, suit niac'ie, suit ° ;yod or dry cleaned, you will receive a,; number dud onzMay 1st, 1927 these n tm. r will be put in. 'a box and :a t be s t nd p. draly Will.., be Made and the first lucky trntilber will be the one to re. ceiv'e this wonderful piece of 18 oz. Plus Serge. T. T.C. I+I,tL1OTT . naVit T ELLIOT canoe at cer, Investments - ` -' :-Insurance Office: one. -,door south Times Office C. M. Organist and Choirmaster as es`,�'t t.; ;United • Church "` Thatrucction m Pian Vocal- 'Organ Theory Supervisor -of ''Music in. Schools - Concert Engageneenta gdceepte Studio, Maim St, , Box 57, Phone 192 EXETIMII, ONT..:. i9 TAYLOR ' LICEN$ rt, AverxONEEE for Huron and Middlesex FARM •BALES 'A SSPBCL&LTF •Prices reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed ' ' - ;;,,.71B:lcl,'S,b1R..'. 0. or; RING135 SAitIES'.' !. WATSON s~ Liceirt'seil Auctioneer. - ;'Sales r',O0ndeated in' any Iocality. Farm Stock sales a specialty Sat3s- a anteed ' Charges. mod taction `�,u r erAte, ,,: drdern. lel. ac 'this office will be promptly' attended to. R.R. Ne 1, EIrktoL. Phone KLrrktern idrf.. <: , Ian: #.11. )0. FLETCRER Graduate of'. ''acsiity of Medicine, University of Western Ontario, Mem- ber of the College mi,,Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario; Member of the British Medical Council. Phone 6 -(The office of the late Dr. H. K.,EIIyndmen) Saf eta; Razor Blades Sharpened (any'- make SINGLE 1j3D1.191;,: 8c DOUBT: : EDGE 4c perfect Edge Guaranteed OLE, Druggist S ,T JHester B Taylor Jeweller, Exeter Fitton's Old Stand WATCH ANT) ;MOM REPAIRING. 54 tt IIA.RANTEED FIRE INSURANCE PROTECT ..YOURSELF AGAINST • LOSS BY FIRE, WITII o tihrco:. Nb'rth of Elliott Jrohnu BUILDING and CONTRACTING /' !IOWAN' and ,Barns ESTr I A7,Es;,. I..slo4ES t:..olgq lf Ab SkURNSHIo Phan® 62w Sohn St.i9ast, Exete r 01‹.!:, LOOK! 1922 FORD TOURING W`ITII STAILT t. I+' On. SALE ' Geetl ttnnning Shape S IRS,1'1' ;115, TAKES IT 11. sha•w -: CARLING &, MORLEY Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.. 4,it LOANS, INVESTMENTS, IN- - SURANCE - - Office: Carling • Block, Main. Streit ` Exeter, Ont. d GLADMAN fl& STANBUW Barristers , Solecitorrito. Money to Loan, Invest aenti i[s Insurance. - ' Sale -deposit Vault fa ,use ct' oto Clients ' without.charge.+ ' Exeter London Hee=d Dr. ds- s- Atkinson, L,D.S ,R3.P.+ )ENTAL SIf RQQI Late Listrict Dental Office Mel tars District, Number One, lisp dgrl, Oat._, - Office Phone 84W` ' a Residence Phone 841 rfia Main Street, Exeter, Oa& ---u,' Office Closed Every Wedneada* Dr. G. F. Roulaton. L.D.S..D.D. L DENTIST - Office over I. R. Carling ,s Lr . office: - Extractions Under Oxygen Gait Dr. A R. Kinsman L.L.D ..D.D.B DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto U'ntvslik arty. Office over Gladman f Stanbu%'t '" :office, Main Street, Wxete�r.: DR. HARRY J. BROWNIJ!IQ' „ M.D.C.MM., Toronto L.R.C.P. & S. Edinburgh ,,_t t L.F.P.&S. GIasgow ;''rs Physician & Surgeon '''" Office over •Browning's Drug* &hi* " Phones Residence' 30 Office SIC DR, W. E. WEE19lE8 Physician and Surgeon i," r;q Late Chief Interne Vancouver" ' General Hospital- • CORONER von 'nuitox commiq Office removed to the former For& garage building corner of Main anal Ann St. , Office hours 2 to 6 and 7 to 8 p.ii Phone; OCflce 67W, Residence &T DR. E. S ExNER. , . STEINER VETERrNAIRY SURGEn* Graduate of the Ontario Vetertnarlt Col lege DAY AND NICHT CALLS PROMTire LY ATTENDED '1'0 Office, old Ford Garage Buildiniw. (-, Corners of Main and Ann. Streets - Telephones: Office 1SSw, Houde I.aa eEItETETl, ..ONT. 4 Dr. A l3 B. Gibson, VETERINARY SURGEON Office and residence, Mein St. Soulk Secotta house from end of 'Mere - tient East side of the road. All -calls' proihptly attended to Acc6m wdatiou for treatment of animals Phone 99 --, Exeter, Ont.. ARTHUR WEBER ]hl<CnNi oo AirCTIoxEnit4 • ' For Huron County - k FARM SALES A SPECIAL f" ' 8 'Years Experience. Prices Reasot n able, ilatisfsetion Guaranteed or no Charge. lT,• Pitd,Me $1.18 }' ao h wood JBL, $,.lir DASHWOODL,. 0,NT',..