HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-11-4, Page 4Neeb Conserva
five Choice
The banner of the Conservative
party will be caraied in South Huron
by Alex, Neel), Reeve og Stephen Tp,
who was tendered and accepted, the
unanimous nomination at e, well at-
tended convention in the liensall
Town Hall, on'riday afteroome
last waek.. Ile entered munieipal
life in 1914, and liaS eurvea on Her -
m) Courtly Couneil from 1019, A.c-
tively identified with the Conserva-
tive cauee, be has several times in
recent years been proposed as candi-
date, both for Legislature and
Howe of Conixaoris.
at. H. Consitt, of Hensall, presi-
dela of the associatiou, was in the
ohair and addresses were delivered
by the candidate, W. G. Clysdale, of
Toronto. provincial organizer; A, A,
Ingram, St, Thomas, president West -
eau Ontario Conservative Associatiou
and George A, Elliott, ex -M. Ir. .4.4
North Middlesex. Gordon Reid,
Western Ontario organizer, and
members of the riding executive
were also invited to the platform.
Provincee 1144' gene and the wa.y the,
vete had 'Wear rectneed here in On:.
tario I did 'bait think"' there Was anY
doilba whoa alaiOna;ta„ ;Vete can the
people a Ontarte•arotild'ask for gov-
arament eentroa, .an if 1 were in
,charge Tiareiato 'and the people
asked ter ogOvertunent control I
Would be'pleaaed•te frame
accorditig to the, peOple's wiehee.
It that ;way I •ataye made etate-
malts that cannot., yery well back
down ma and; rtoedaaanyhen the Goya
eminent has open; "fit to bring in a
policy of geagatimeot •'control with -
oat the C011S9p.LoA etae. Peopleit has
put me out .of the running, but I
have every; ,confidenne. io the are -
sent Covernmeat.,,,.. X .eap not suppose
there was .evet.a GOV,eaninent in On-
tario that ap.s4gayata,,tae people as
much good ,aegieaatiea and as good
business Voracoaokea,efieit of $15,-
P00,000 .when theyetoek office has
beeu pra.ctioalage alaaaapea out.
• Enemies at
"The chiefeepooliente of the pre-
sent Goaerotmentle eaezathose who
have brougattoone,the present sit-
uation. We -all-knew .that the O.T.
A. has been breaking down; there is
no doubt of :Iiiiiataso-eanYon.e who goes
about can eallay hae that, and that
has largely • -hew bre tight \about by
thee King Goaeenment, .at Otta-wa.
No governnient.eaeoaepened up 'Can-
ada for rpm auopangtaad everything
in that lineaee,hasetae King Govern-
ment, anelayiet therivery :people who
put the Xing Government back a
few weeketegolatreethe worst critics
of the FergatomeGoyerninent (A.p-
plause,) Government
promiged theaPeople ;it: would clean
up the custome,alepartm;ent, but last
aveekeowlialeoino.iToronto a member
told me'of a carload of whisky, value
ed at $2,9,0,0aabealecl,fro1u Halifax to
New Yoraeebertabbie peculiar part was
that. it.wasotravelingovia Port Col-
bornearrelo•haduaennea all the way
through -thee:Maritimes .and Quebec'.
Anybody knows that was not going
to NeW,Yonle; and thote-who live on
the bordeiriaknOw tight .well what
would leappenetaltbat*tar.
"In 'Haven, otedro ; November 1,
1025, to oSepteViber •7, 1926, there
liave bee1iala8odr11.tinat,prosecutions
and fines Jeal aaas Imposed, but 'of O.
T.A. proseettionta eV% have had 92,
with fines aet olia,4190; and yet they
say the 0.T.Aala -WOrking all right."
BothaaYr.'afra'#aatha*ana Mr. „Neeb
referrede-tlia'aatt that Huron jail
la full Of'aiiiibliaasa Mostly persons
convictedadobraaali. of' the O. T. A.
while a -10'10W iacia there was so
tisea'fbr,triaalaautity bastile that
a deligatian.'lladabeen` appointed to
meet Peaall''Cciaiail,'eld discuss a
joint inatitalaaNt satratford.
The unopposed choice of Mr. Neeb
avas received with applause and
cheering. His speech of acknow-
ledgement showed him thoroughly,at
home on o, public platform. Deal-
ing with the liquor issue; he Said:
"Personally, I am satisfied. that the
Ontario Temperauce-Act in numerous
ways has accomplished a world ot
good and yet circumstances develop-
ing in the couree of its'administra-
tion have brought a situation, not
alone by the Conservative adminis-
tration, but past admiuistrations, to
be very hard to cope with -evil efa
fects growing op, some night, say
through tba 0. T. A. I am not go-
ing to put it that way, but I believe
'opposition is growing in the press
and from public platforms, day after
day. When they try to picture this
contest as 'Vet or dila I Would like
somebody to tell me which, eide of
the picture is going to .be the dry.
one, Under conditions which- have
existed during the last few years any
person wide awake and ambitious
enough to get out and satisfy him-
self as to what conditions are, and
as to whether or not the 0. T. A. is
making things as dry as boasted, will
have to come to the conclusion it is
anything but 'dry' at present.
al am satisfied that if theelecters
will return Hon. Howard Ferguson
and his party to power and allow
them to place on the statute books
the proposed legislation the province
will he. a good deal dryer than, it
ever as -under the Ontario Tem -
Terence Aet. (Applause.)
Mr. Trewartha was called
the opening.
Backs Government
"I am heartily in accord with the
Government," he said, "and I have
been used well by •PremierlFerguson
--Els Cabiriet, and by theopeople of
'South Huron.In 125. ,when I Was
. criticized Very atvereif feraaotinea fot
the amendment to tree..Ontaro Tem-
perance Jot, sponio,red by Mr. Nickle
• itritasOitated by a number. of people
that 'aea.voiirse the next thing you
beaaoting for Government con-
. aaplae ; Government will throw
AverYthing wide Oen.' I.raade the
statementon a number of .occasions
that I 'tic:mid:not vote .for,government
control until it was voted on by the
people. I said the way the Western
on at"
oxT,Amo Ei4EpaaoN
Mr. ,annaMrailakV.ollorton, of De-
troit matter' edellMnakOand'spent a few
days withe,Mri and Mrs M. Horton
.and frielidee ae ••
Miss :lialanolV.Ifilar 'visited a Oew
days last week in Staffa with
friends. aeti
Messrs ia CliafaSelVee, •Jim. Vance,
Wilbert Baakerioaayirson Brintiaell
and LIOYda Halite& returned home
from thW1Wt1dstlweek.
Quite ,aartai ben Join this vicinity
attendeeitatadeeeialtla' church anni-
versary Ola'a
Mr. .:paof wall,,aan John M. Glenn
spent a i y anakendon last week.
'keee.kohealoae '•-•oo;•• '-• Oaa'a,e+aaa. • • .,
The Amount You eau, $ave
21. 1,1 •
is often more im'poitant;than
the amount you can
it represents your &titre $pend-
ing power. •. rt. '•1'
Why not prepare far fixture re-
quirements by depositing your
savings regularly in.:anititerest-
bearing account?
Capital Pak!
Exeter Branch
Crediton Branch
up $20,000,000- • .-'••;
Reserve Fultd:020,4000,000
- - M. R-
G. G.' lialayria'ara Miniger
„ --axe aa+aaealeatareaaa eees•
Protect Your Summer Cottage From Fire!
tinderwriters give lower insurrauce.rateS '
on summer cottages roofed with Brantford
Asphalt Slates beorase they are fire resistaut
and cannot be ignited r
by %burning thingles or ea" •
laying trabers. 124
1 -
fiptiCe.tinst. alltford, Oitatarlo•
edrrie1, 'Information Furninxed and Service
on Brantford Roefina, eeI by
.Taylo Co Ltd
4o, rr 7
EMBER xst, 1026
TAKE NOTICE that the sittings
of the Revising Officers for the pea -
pose of heaving coinplainte or. ap-
peals with" regard to the Voters'
Lists to be need at the pending elec-
tion of a member of the Legislative
Assembly for each of the Electoral
Districts of 'Huron North -and Huron
South, will be held for the respec-
tive municipalities in said Districts
at the following times and places,
mentioned in the schedailea below,
with the names of the Clerk of the
R,eviSing Officer for each Municipal-
ity, and the last date for making
complaints or appeals to the said
Clerk. •
Revishaa Officer; November 3rd is
the last day for complaints.
Colborne Township, Nov. 4th,
Township Hall, Carlow, 10 a. mo
Mrs. I Hetherington, Goderich,
ship Hall, Ethel, 11 a,ra, J. H. Fear;
pilaeHir4kotwsoifekReTvoiwnsings:ficer; November
Nov. 11, is the last day for com-
lst, is the last da' for complaints.'
Ethel; Clerk of Revising Officer;
Grey Township, Nov. 15th, Town -
Neat 18, Town-
ship Hall, Gorrie, 11,30 an., • Mrs.
Ca E. Walker, Gorrie, Clerk of Revising Officer; November 15th is the
last da:y for complaints.
Morris Township, Nov. lath, Town
ship Hall Morris, 2 p,m., Alex Mac -
Ewan, Bluevale, Clerk of Revising
0Oficer; Novemb.er llth is the, last
day for coMplaihts.
Turnbury Township, Nov. 16th,
Township Hall, Bluevale, 1.30 p.m.,
W. R, Cruickshank, Wingham, Clerk
of Revising Officer; November 1,2th
111JEON'NORTH s". . •
Oolberne Townslaip inNerth Huren,
and the Municipalities o'the Town -
of Clinton, Village of Bayfield, 'alga
ToaallahiO of Ooderich lu wath.
The County judge is the Revising
Officer for all other IVIunicipalities
in North and South 'Moon.
'All persons ore called upon to ex-
amine the Voters' 14sts. to aseertain
that taeir names are correstly ,en-
tered taereia.
that any voter in any of the said
municipalities ii -ho desires to com-
plain that his oame or the name of
any person entitled to beeentered, on
the said list for that niunicipality
has been °notated from the same,
or that the names of any persons
who are not entitled to be voters
have been entered theron, may
as above set out apply,- complain or
appeal to -have his riame,, or the
name of any other uerson entered
on or remeved fr001 the list.
that such appeals must be by .notice
an writing in the peescribed form
(in duplicate) signed by the com-
plainant, and given to .the. Clerk of
the Revising Officer, or left for -him
at his address as stated above.
The lists of voters may be seen at
the office of the -Clerks of the Re-
vising Officer. e
For further ilifortnetion write to
B. G. Reynolds, Goderich„ Clerk of
the Election Board, for the County
of Huron. • •
Chairman ef the Election Board for,
the County of Huron
Dated at Gederich the 21st day, of
October, A.D. 1926.
. • ; J1
' Ashfield Township, November 6th
Township Hall, ,Ashfield, 11 a.m.;
C. E. McDoeuigh, Lucknow, Clerk of
is the last dea- for complaints.
East Wawanoila Township, Nov.
13th, Feresters' Hata Belgrave,, 2
p.m., Alexander Porterfield, Bel -
grave, Clerk of ,B.evising •.Officer;
November 10th is the last day, for
4 ;
West Wawanosh Township, eNoy.!
6th, Township Hall Weet'Wewaiioili
2p.m., Durnin Lucknow,
Clerk of Revising Officer; November
3rd is -the last day for complaints. ,
Goderich Town, Nov. 9, 10, 11,
13, Court House, Goderich, 10 a.m.,
kiss Edna, Webb, Goderch,, Clerk cif
Revising Officer; November 5th.cia
the last day for complaints.
Wingham Town, Nov; 17th,ToWn,
Wingb.am," 11 a.m., W. A. 'Gal-
braith, Winghain, •Clerk of Ravising
• Officer; ' November ,14th. is 'the last
day for coMplaliits. •
'Brussels Village, Nov. 16th; Town
Hall," Brussels, 3 p.m'a•• AO HO-Mae-
donald, Brussels, Clerk Of Reviaing.
Officer; November 12th is the last
day for complaints. eo
Blyth Village, Nov. 13th, Com-
munity Hall, Blyth, 11 aneee•JasoD.
Moody; Blyth, Clerk of' Revising' -Of-
ficer; November 10th is the last day,
for complaints. •
Wroxeter 'Village, Nov. 50., Town
Hall, Wroxeter, 1 p.m., Fred Davey,
Wroxeter, Clerk of Revising Officer;
November and is the last day for
Hay Township, Nov. 11th, Town-
ship Hall, Zurich, 10 a.m., A. F.•
Hess, Zurich, .Clerk of Revising Of-
ficer; November 8th is the last day
for complaints.
alullett Township, Nov. 8th, Coin-.
munity Hall, Londesboro, , 2
John Fingland, Londesboro, Clerk
of Revising Officer; November 4th
is the last day for complaints.
Goderich Township, Nov. 5th,
Holmes' Hall, Holanesville, 10 a.m.,
R. G. Thompson,' Clinton: Clerk 'of
Revising Officer; November 2nd is
the last day for comlaints.
McKillop Township, Nov.. llth,
Carnegie Library Hall, Seaforth,
2.30 p.no. John McNay, Seaforth
No. 2, derk of Revising Officer;
November 8th is the last day for
Stanley Township, Nov. 12th,
Township Hall, Varna, 10 a.m., J. E.
Harnwell, Varna, Clerk of Revising
Officer; Novetaber 9th is the last
day for complaints,
Stephen Township, Nov. 9th,
Township Hall, Crediton, 11 a.m.,
H. Eilber; Crediton, Clerk of Revis-
ing Officer; November 5th is the
last day for complaints.
Tuckersinith Township, Nov. 12th
Walker's Hall, Brueefield, 230 p.
m., D. F. McGregor, Seaforth No. 1,„
Clerk of Revising Officer; November
9th is the lust day for complaints,
ITsborne Township, Nov. 10th,.
Township Hall, Elimville, 2.30 pan.,
Henry Strang, Hensall, Clerk of Re-
vising Officer; Novineber 6th is the
hist day for complaiets.
Clinton Town, Nov. 6th, Town
Hall, Clinton'a.m., D. L. Mac-
pherson, Clinton,toon, Clerk of Revising
Officer.; November 3rd is 'the last'
day for complaints.
Seaforth Town, Nor, 4th, Town
Hail, Seafortla 41 p.m I, A. Wilson
Seaforth, Clerk of Reaising Officer;
NoVember 1st is the last day for
complaints, '
• Dayfielcl Village, Nov. 1.2th, Town
Bayfield, 11 ant, .Tames Reid,
Payfield, Clerk of Revising Officer;
November Oth in, 1.110 Ida day; for
Exeter Village, Nov. 10 1,TO wn
BilI,rxeter,*-1 p.m., joSePla, Senior,
Clerk of Revising Officer; November
ath is the cast' day for C'oinplaints.;
Honsall Village, NOV. 4th, Town
natl. Eansal, 11 :t,tft., AleXander
trardoch, Ptensall, Clerk uf RoArisit.g.
Offieer; NoVember lot la the last
lay for complainta.
arr. Charie:3 Osage?, R.O., Crown
Atterateve i Ilevieaat (etere, for
the aittnieipaiitiee ot GOderich Town,
'1 (P. F., A-800)
In THE MATTER of the application
at the Ckk,o11041 t:prust Company, tbo
Ex-ecutore of, the late II. IC,. Illynd;
nava estate for the approval of an
agreement providing for the sale,
of the telephone system. known
as 1,101,1a riyanlinan. Telephone Sys-
tem,' to William Robert Frakyne.
AUCT-16 N 8ALEJ,'L't1'
'.r_. 'of
The undersigned auctioneer has
received instructions to sell by' pub-
lic auction -at- the 'residence of the
late Martha Aon Lewis, ,
• • -a- 011 -
at 1.3-0. o'elock pon., the following:
REAL ESTATE -Lots 11 and 12
on the west side. of Main Street ana
south of HurOn• Street in the Village
of Exeter, 'save and except the
northerly.50 feet of lot 11 and the
westerly 20 feet•of the westerly end
of lots 11 and 12 •preaioupay epld,
There is a good cottage on these lots
and wired. for Hydro. ,,.
Bedroom sulagae2, leather 'rockers,
parlor ,tables Mucha sewing machine
glass cupboard, ,,,cook- stove (coal or
wood), baseburnev, :parlor sto,ae,a 3
burner oil: stove, cainbottom, chair,
kitchen chairs,...extension, table, leaf
table, kitchenota,ble,.a. small tables,
2 bedsteade,e3eareasers, .stand, ait-
chen cupboard,,dishes, •kitchen uten-
sils, lawn mower, bedding, mattress-
es, featherticksoeparlor -carpet, book
cupleop.edeo •colaimode, 'step-la,ddert
pictures; boeleaaaelpckermats? carpet
sweeper, Jeuit aaaapa, Abeatele and ;
quantity of chestnut coal and
articles too numerons ai Manakin.'"
TERMS- . •
On Real Estate, 10 per cent. cash,
balance' ou Jan4.11 1.91-7O.
On householaVeffeetse 'cash.
FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer
Administi'atcnopf Mai:tha Ann
• a:1 .•*- Lewis Estate
1. 7-
The undersigned has received in-
structions to sell by public auction
on Lot 19; Con.,13e Stephen Tp., 17/2
miles south of Dashwood, on •
TUESDaala 'NOVEMBER 16,' 1926;
at 12.30 shai:p the following: •
REAL ESTATE -100 acre farm,
more or less, with e brick house and
bank 'barn and, all nedessary build-
ings; pig stable and, hen house;
plenty of good, water, well situated
and well fenced, convenient to
school and to ,church. Immediate
possession. 20 acres of fall plowing
done and ba.lanCe fresh:seeded down
HORSES -al mare ten years old,
1 horse 4 years.
• .CATTLE -6 •,egars, milking, due
to calve in April and May; 2 cows
and a aelfey to, calve in Deceit-113er;
7 yearlings, 6 epring 'calvea. ' These
cattle are the very best and in .A.1
IHOGS-1 sow due in Jana.; two
sows supposed to. he in pig; 1 200
Ib. pig.
1 HENS -200 pure White Leghorn
hens; 2 doz, pure-bred White Leg-
horn. roosters.
1 Chevrolet car, model 490, 1920,
in A1 condition.
"IMPLEIVIENTS --a Messy -Harris
binder, 6 ft.; mower, . wagon, gravel
box, new top buggy, 4 -section har-
rows, McCormick fertilizer drill, 1
double set harness, single Set of har-
ness, Viking cream separator 600'
lbcapacity, cutter shotgun, cross-
cut saw,espring tooth cultivator, root
pulper; cattle trough, 30 grain bags,
hand saw, crowbar, bag truck, fan-
ning millt bob -sleighs,, neck -yokes;
whiffletrees, disc, forks', shovels,
logging chains, 20 loads of Alfalfa
hay; 1600 bus, mixed graino•exten-
sion ladder..
beds, springs and mattresees, cook
stove, tebles, loonge, sideboard, a
full line of glints and bedcloiltes,
dressers, clock, carpets, a quantity
of fruit and healer,S, Milk pails, 2
barrels, phonograplo 12 single cord
of hard Wood ready for stove, churn
a number Of chairs and other ar-
ticles too nemerous to Mention.
, Tnitms OF SALE - $10.00 and
tinder,, posh; o•iljr that =aunt 12
months' credit Will •be given on fur&
eashiaig approved joint totes; 'with a
diecount Of three per cent off for
cash On credit apieurtts.
Half cash day .of, Sale, balance maY
be: left on a ittertgage tor a `years
without Filterear 4, "
Everything le going to be gold as
proprietor is retiring -
ARTHUR wmiplirt, Alia,
Wal, DIDTRICH, Proprieter.
,TOHN ottAltrom, mak.
The Ontario Railway. and Munici-
pal Board hereby appellate Thursday,
the Twenty-fifth• day of ,Ntiv,ember,
A. D. 1926, at the hour of a quarter
to eleven o'clock in the forenoon; in
the Town Hall ia the Village of
Exeter, for hearing the above appli-
cation. All persons havina an inter-
est in this matter and desiring to be
heakd are directed to attend at the
time and place as aforesaid.
Dated at „Toronto' this Twenty-eighth
clay ,at
October, A. D, 1926.
(SEAL) (Sgd.) 11. C. Small
11-4-2t Secretary
Deering meWer, hay loader, Cock -
shaft riding plow, walking plow,
UAL cultivator, drill, 18 hoe;
Wilkinson gang plow, wagon, almost
new gravel box, hay rack, sulky
rake, 12 +.foote, manure. spreader,
steel tired buggy, beb sleigh, cutter,
,gallon.- eil barrel, fanning mill,
scales., 2,G00 ib. Capacity, land, roller
spring Settt, ,3 section harrows, 2
Set single ,harness, SOt britchen har-
n.egs, new; set plOw haa'neSs; p uase
OOhars, 3 horse blankets, bee laoaes
aati supplies, buffalo robe; -buggy
rug, sagar Itettle, tuiantity sap pails
aad spies, syran pans, 35 bags Of
pcitatoes,. a cord hard wood, 350
bite. Wheat; 200 'bus. barley( about
660- linS; 'Oats, 12 load timothy hay,
4 load millett, 5 shim ropes, fOrks,
shovelc• neckyokes, double-.
trees' WIWI numerou's other articles..
Tper clt. on. day of
sale) $4000' may remain as Mortgage
at 5. 91.-24pr,;ce4t.; balance in 30
days. Possession given.
'CHATTELS -Wheat and all sums
of' $1,0',.,anclvir1clet, cash; over that
ampant I months' credit will be
giVen on furnishing approved joint
notes. A discamat of 5 pet cent, al-
lowed for cash on credit amounts.
.0SCAR'ICL0PP; Auctioneer
L. M &'J. DAYMAN. Rroprietors
,•1111( •
The paoaerti of 'the late Math JO
' MacDonald
The undereigned will offer for- sale
:by Public Auction, at
on --
at 2 o'clock p.m.
The following valuable- farms and
village property.
• First -LOT 30, CON. 10, HIS -
BERT TOWNSHIP, containing 100
acres more or less. -On this farm is
a 'good bank barn, good fences, doh-
ard, some baili and good water.
Second -.LOT 1, CON.•10, H.R.S.,
taining 100 acres more or less . On
this farm is, a frame house and bank
barn, small orchard and small bush
and good water. Fences fair
,Third -LOT 44, SOUTH SIDE OF.
QUEEN ST., IIENSALL, a good vil-
lage lof centrally situated.
..TERNS ---i0 per cent. Of purchase
pa. day of, sale and balance on Dec.
Furtaer; cootlitions • and pai•ticulare
made known Ori day of sale or.upon
aRplication ,to
PRANK. TAYLOR, Auctioneer
,. Exeter and Hensall
Bolieitors -for W. A. MacDonald,
Executor Hugh j. MacDonald Estate
• •
44:4;lof 44.4 , '
The undereignea has aeceiv,ed in-
stractibas to ,aell ay* pub* eiattipne
at 1 'p.m. 'the following '
saute, bedroom suite 3 bedsteads, 2
mattresses, bureau, -glass cupboard,
sink, extension table, kitchen table,
couch, cook stove, Quebec heater and
oven, parlor stove, two burner oil
stove, chairs, rockerso-mirrors, dish-
es, cooking utensils, sausage press
and grinder, tubs, barrels, garden
:tools,. lawn mower,. 5 1-2 cords of
wood, about 7 tons of chestnut and
egg coal and other articles -too name
erous to mention. ,
REAL ESTATE -Part .Lot 42,
Crediton, one-fifth of an acre more
or less. On this property is a good
brick house with furnace and frame
stable; all in good state of repair,
also a splendid well.
On household effects, cash. On
real estate, 10 per cent. oft day of
sale, balance on January 1st, 19,27.
'PlagaNK TAYLOR, Auctioneer
The Executors of the estate e of
Jacob and Rosina Finkbeiner„ de-
, of -
The undersigned has received in-
structions to sell by public auction,
11/4 miles east and 11/4, miles north
of Kippen, on
WEDNESDAY, NOV. 10th, 1926
at 12.30 pat. sharp the following:
Lot 21, L. R. Sf, Tuckersmith
containing 100 acres, well drained
and fenced; 10 acres good bush; 10
acres wheat; 23 acres plowed, bal-
ance seeded to grass; large brick
house and brick kitchen attached,
furnace and soft water in house; 2
good wells, woodshed and large bank
barn with good stabling and litter
carrier, hen house, driving shed
with steel, roof and other buiclings.
HORSES -2 Brood mares rising
7 and 8 years, grey percheron horse
rising 4 'years, bay horse rising 5
years, aged driver, aged mare, 2
spring colts.
CATTLE -Cow 5 Years old, clue
at time of sale; COW 4 years old, due
in February; cow 8 years old With
calf at foot, 8 heifers rising 2 yeas
steer risin 2keqirs,), 4 spring, calves.
Above ell choice" Durham cattle, ,
HOGS -York brood• sow, due Dec.
'91:11; 4 Ahunks about 3. 1i.lgood
bacon type,
P0WL-7 der, Plymouth Rock
hens, 4 dor,. Plyinotxth Rock pullets;
3 doS., Plymouth Rock eoekerelea 9
aliapersoas having claims against the
late of the village a Exeter, who
died intestale,at Exeteaaabu July ;2,2,
192a, ar'el r•equired to forward:their;
claims duly proven to H. Eilboy &
Son, Creclitonl, ;or ;the undersigned
Administrator, on orebefore the ath.
day of Neveniteri 192ao, ••1
EN that after the said date the Ad-
ministrator 'will proceed to adminis-
ter the. estate hearing regard only to
the alainas•al which he then shall
have- noticet.'•:
Dated .at. Crediton this 25th day of
• aOctober/ 1946. .
Samuel G. Lamaolt
;•• Administrator, Crediton, Ont.
r Jack,
a:Ther,Su,.,,oar,•Jack System, is a per
tette& teeding process that has pro-
duced.: amiasing• i•esults. It not
only does away With the expense of
a* silo, i but 1 also inareases the omilk
flow -:and teifeight of four live stock
andocutaiaeeinOfeeding costs in half.
eel; aa
Poalteoln,•,argi, See, rs. We will
ghaday texpleinobow the Sugar Jack
will_inerease YrCIUT ;live stock profits.
and say.eyou time, labor and money,
a wonderful, new feeding; sys-
_tem that no :.epterpraeiag;:aarraer
sapaid be, •without. ; , , • .
Notice to Creditors.
NOTICE is hereby given that,•stlga
persons having claims against
estate of MARY ANN ,r3uuularti-:,
lcaotuenot; 01' Hiiron, ow.f t4I-IgivxSalle,'14:4S • ;
•who died on or about the 14ili da ,
of September, A.D.,',1936, are re4:,
anired to deliver to -Henry Herten*,
Bruceftehlf Ont., the 'executor of the:
said estate or his solicitor* on or be- •,•
fore the 10th day of November £0
1926, a full statement of their claime,,
together with particulars thereof,. '
and. the nature, of the securities, IC
any, held by theni all dub:, 4etritied".
by affidavit. ,-
,AND TAKE NOTICE, that afteritlia,- ,
said last mentioned date the -said ex-.
ecutor will proceed to distribszite,lite,-
estate of the said deceased amongst '
the persons entitled thereto having -
regard only to such clailus ,its he •
shall have received due notice' and
accordance therewith. )
Dated at Clinton, Ontario, thiS °/4tir,.%
day of October
W. BRYDOND, Clinton, Ont.
Solicitor for said Ilreo. stunt-
all creditors of BAKER -AND RICH -
ARDS, formerly General Mercbanter,
of the .Village of Centralia- in the'.
County of Huron, who sold their bus-
in,ess arid assets under the provisions
of •the Bulk Sales Act, to Milton C....
Sleamon of -the said village, are re---
quit-edit° file.their claims, duly 'veri-
fied by 'statutory declaration, 'withb
the undersigned on or before the 2nd,1
day of November, 1926. '
EN that after the said date the Trus-
tees will proceed to distribute the: -
Proceeds of the said sale having re--
gard only to the claims of which:,
netibe shall then have been given.
Bank of Toronto Chambers, London.
;Ont., Solicitors for ,the Trustee .
London, 4..)otober llth,
Public Notice
The Municipal Connell having;
cleaned up the front of this property
and are desirous of keeping the.
same in a clean and sightly condi-
The Public is hereby. (-anthem&
against' the depositing of rettese at.
the durrip ground.
The munidpal team.will be at the •
service of any citizen and fflgath- •
er up all refuse when a•request
made to any municip,a1 officiip.
nominal charge will be Made.
• Citizens or persons found or know*.
to have deposited' refuse of any des-
cription without first gectiRg,pe
sion will be-,proseetteed.
:4: By Order
W. D. SANDERS, Reeve
'Reasons Why. We Recommend
. 1., They are authorized by law as an investment for estates
and trust funds.
••:2.'4. They sre issued by an institution that is "OLDER than the
•• •; DOMINION," •
This'....62-year-old financial institution is Government Chart-
' ere& •
40 Huron' & Erie book, securities and accounts are stiltezt
to inspection at any ,time without notice by Dominion Gov- •
. eritruent ,Officials. '•• ,
j6„:,,Thexpaid up capital and reSerVe fund of The ()I'd Burma &
„ affords surplus security totalling $6,850.000.
.6. ,.4Owners of these debentures together, with savings ;depositors
,• „, I bave+FIRST claim upon every dollar' of Huron & Erie' as -
,•,4 .+ sets. totalling over • $31,000,000.
5 per cent. per annum is payable half yearly upon $100 or's/lora.
for 1, 2, 3,4, or 5 years.
Local Ageni -for The Huron &• E rie Mortgage Corporation: '
to-,,whoto aPplicatiosaa tor dtheni Aires may be 'node.
I The McPhillips Pianos
We have had unique success with thesebeautifull
F,'inoS, during the past two years and the:reason
0,CAUSE they are atilLT to LAST'. They have
a beautiful -epNE and, TOUCH.,, Everything re-
quired to make a coop piANojs put into them
and above all they are built fo uphold the RA-
, •
OtiTATioN and GOOD name behind them:
It Was 'with pleasure that I heard the work of your papile a
the eltanainations.in July last, their work was very good and unite
up te the standard of the better centre S and better than We hear in
many eentree.' •
was also very inuch pleased With the McPhillips Pianbe vvhich
we used and played on at the time, Their tone is good, they :mem-
ed to be of excellent construction, thq action is good and I consider
that they compare very favorably, in- every .respect, with any, of our
Canadian Pians i think the prices asked -for them was very
reasonable and I am •sur e they "grab SatfefatiOn to lariat:Me; With
reasonable care and attention.
Niaishirti ion eery success' *in all your Work,and that yeur
ness NM continuo to grow. ;
r 0 -4 : I1.oltrE3 faithfully
Arturtru 31 nowmt,
Examiner, London (Eng.) College of Mnal
Distributing .Agent, MPS, GAMBRtiala Ex.yrnit, ONT.
•;Pri •