HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-11-4, Page 2IIALF-APE PROVES EVOLUTION Lenoir Shows now Monkeys Developed from Other Mammals. Vtiatease nee x 1 •y Jin,,, :412- 11 tax NatwriI :Resources Bulletin. The value of agricultural reseflrch as carried out at agricultural colleges { and experimental farina is seldom fully' appreciated says the Natural Re- sources Intelligence Service of the De- partmeet of the Ititerior at Ottawa: The commercial valt:e of Marquis wheat has been wildy, heralded and uudoubtediy it has added millions of dollars' annually to Canada's wealth and status as a wheat p •oducing coun- try; but it is one of the few instances that have been sufficiently spectacular to catch the public eye. Agricultural- research by both fed- eral and provincial governments alone lines of dant culture and amoral breeding, diseases and blights, feeding and so on have undoubtedly added stupendous sums to the farming in- come of this country, much of• this work being done without r'econition and without appreciation of its econ-' 1 omie benefits. el An excellent exa nple is furnished in a statement recently made by J. B. Reynolds, president • of the Guelph, Agricultural. Society in particular .ref- erenoe'to the wort. of'the Field Hus- bandry department of thet institution. he e r e t ec rdi • to Mr. 'T one atm r a n dp � �' g 'Reynolds, hits been successful in • ro- yn , ee P ducing, by selection and breeding, im- provedof wheatand bar- ley. strainso . its, r- a ley.. These improved strains have been broadcast over the province, and have enabled the fairness to increase the yield per acre in these grains during the last eighteen years by over ;184,- 000,000. $134,000,000. This extra wealth weird have dour.e is the fionnacting.Tisk be - This strange -looking beast is'the le I% tween man's first cousins, the pe me,ts's, and the other mammals. Secrets of Science. He le sametintes called the half -arse I osi- because of his apparent need -way p over this period of ei�h- B•y David Dietz: i maintained „ Let us return again to our survey of ; ti'on between the primates and the teen years thirty colleges in the scale mammals i and single out for canslde.ra ! other mammals. time a special group which bioloi fists Te lemur has nails on all his digits t p t the second digit of the foot, ed the primates � - excel e Have nam' , For whatever our pretlud oes may , which bears a ciao . a, , ed be, biologists unite in. calling the peal The other psimatea hr3.ve e• eelop mates the nearest relatives to our along two main tracks duet g gi human race. The primates include cal conditions during the :ages. . monkeys, apes, baboons, gorillas, and The°one branch-bacam,e isolated in so n' I South ?�merica. Their d�es!t endants to - In. the early daysf am-' day arlcnbw•nes the neve'world apes,. of the Age oMame are known mals there w�ese the .grazing mammals ! and inc.lude the, rsarraosets, •capuchins, and the inse'et-eating mammals. We howler mankeys, spider monkeys, and still have the insect -eating mammals I stio on. ad in the with us in such types as the shrew and l The other branch devel ep the male, old world and its destendants are Gradually two new branches evolved . known: to -day as the old world apes • eot-eating m�ammlais. One and,mankeys. from the ins These include the monkeys•, baboons, linebecame, the flesh -Cohens: who bunt 1 raacaques, and •the, man -like or anthro- The ,tin the ground—the mammal's �f praY. ((.m g The other branch took to living • in Paid apes. branch • The• monii;eys, and baboons are < cher- 'n• fruit. This end eating g s trees a ..man i 2 teeth ase man having n 3 a, rrzed byg able char - became era again we does and by having `• non-prehensive in � fln�d a half -way de- , Here ago veiopmnnt which helps utease That is, they have lost the us to under- .... has •;'power to grasp tree branchee and the stand what taken peace. • The animal Who helps us understand like byy: meons of their tails. . Lemurs: The baboons ._have given yup : living the situation is the lemur. tie ' ound in- in trees and live -en gr. , in' 14Iad " ascan, a1 .. - : are fount cy are stead. However; *deed° not have an ---�-'"--•£hagvgh they are also found. in the tropical forests of Africa and . Asia. , erect posture, as man does... The lemur is the most .ancient type 'the,macaque-is a,species of heavily- . of primate in existence: He most built monkey. nearlcents the ancestral Paid. By far the most interesting, how - mate r'ePTft s • anthropoid or anth o o d mate from which in the ,curse on the .ever; are the man -like p ages the others have grown. apes:- - Echoes. ,Amid the turmoil of the city street, After glad: simmer days beside the sea I listen stile to music low and sweet ---11 Echoes that tranquilize and set me.; free. Y hear the robins call at dawn .af day, ; The leaguestof meadow grass. that "stir and sigh, • The bobolini. s enraptured roundelay 'The plash of oars es fishing craft draw: nigh. I hear the crickets chirping their con- tent, The rippling brook that flows beside the lane, The droning bees on storing sweetness bent, The plaint of poplar leaves beneath the rain T hear a whir of wings je sea gulls 1, soar, hear the night wind wandering by the shore'. —Harriet Appleton 'Sprague. Still, of Course. Ile+turned Native (visiting cemetery) ---"1 see al the old graves " are still amerce. Friend ---"OC course, they're T7id yen e •poet thein to wait a roar of welcome because e•c;'re backin Not So Old. Grandfather Tatter (to aged wife---- "I was a-telln" the trilnist�ar+ yisterday, yo wife, theft you'll! be 92 years old' to- mernow." - Grantcl'tilother 'Totter (tnd,ignantly)— "Welt,'ye hada no right to say no each thing, 3ehn Totter; i'.,1 only be 01. Y6 alight (Otis, mate keerful when yt5u talk about lady's ago." Too =arty' holes, due to overworking of the yeast, and lack of salt were tw common faults in a recent bread niakii; g tosnpetitaon bald for ships i,n the'Msditerrien,aafi ii'ieetn. of the Ontario. Agricultural College. French "Cabh '" Punches Ger- man in Memory of War hays. Paris.—"You were the chief of the German prison camp back of St. (Quen- tin during the war,?" asked Jean Se- veilliei', a French chauffeur, when his fare descended in front of~ the Monte Carlo Casino. "I was the commandant," replied. the -portly German who had journeyed froxn Nice to try his luck at roulette. "Well, then, take thati" shouted the Frenchman, landifig a punch on the other's nose, knocking' him into the gutter. At the.'poiice station .See er :der told the officials that he vas willing to go to jail' for •a year: if 'necessary,, since he had kept his-vcnv' to repay some of the cruelties he said he had endured during his days as aprisonee of war.' The German .officer refused to make a complaint, and Seveillier was 're= leased after the: desk officer 'advisel him to read the speech of. friendship in" ,r`Briancl delivered by Foreign 1! tirste at Genova upon the occasion of Ger- many's entrance into the League. "I prefer Poincare's speech. at Bar-. le Duc," said Seveil:ier, referring to the Premier's statement that Ger- many's war guilt could not be for- gotten. Bruce Barton American writer, and author of "The Man Nobody Knows"—a life of Christ -has attained fresh fame by writing an interview with C: iv;n Coolidge, in which he outlines• -the personality et the United States' President, Market Day. Wheaawalk'the fields with ea to town, t ti ,biota h to w a en ae>i . a a, In an old coat and a fadewl gown? I junction is Clapham due e on, g em fo black u roots and coulttry s•w'eets, l which ueevards of 2,000 trains pass of one Fijian islandF y • Wonsan and Child. Deserted by its mother, a wretched; emaciated infant was "left without a friend in the world and only through its weakness and misery could it•make an appeal to the heart. The problem of what to de with it vas generously solved by :a• sympathetic woman who just at the opportune moment made application for a bright, hea tidy child, and after a feW minutes conversation 'she ,agreed to -take this"abandoned youngster. Her assiduous care.and devotion soon made it fatehealthy and cooing.• .`,`You would make °a fine ma- tron fol• an Infaiits' Home," I remark- ed when she called some months later. . to show how her charge was 'getting along.- "No, indeed," was her reply, "a woman can love one baby, but' when it comes to a dozen crying youngsters she is most likely to hate them." And so God wisely sends the babies one at a time and in His wise providence .pro- vides that they may receive the .un- divided attention of one woman. He does -not anywhere endorse or encour- age the "institutional" plan -of caring for a baby.—J. J. Kelso. New Ministers iii Ferguson.: Cabinet APPOINTED TO ONTARIO CAt3tNET • Above, left to right; are shownthe new w mi ist isin PremierFerguson's Provincial cabinet: Hon. William Finlayson, minister of lands and forests; Hon. Dr: J., D. Monteith, provincial treasurer, acid Hon, Dr. David Jamieson; minister without portfolio.; • A •,Better Country. Very interesting is the comment up- on the lives_ef those heroic men, and women whose faith, variously mani- fest, makes up the Honor roll of the eleventh chapter of the Epistle of the Of hemlock, jade and gold, Hebrews, "They seek a better coun- try." . The adjective "heavenly" which follows in the next clause does not nem" that they were .thinking mainly of heaven;, they were seeking condi- tions in a'country on earth which they Mountain Lakes. 'Placid. 'pools, Above whose waters lean The craggy bowldered` shores; Mirrors, each within a frame, Where ,vivid maples' flame Upon the tree -rimmed hills, And pine trees, staid and old, Bend with the aspens, Beyond the fortressed brink, believed were like the personal and There to beholdn.. Bright Autumn preen ethical conditions - of heaven. That is , Her plumage in the same to say, they were seeking a better Blue glass,-- social lass,— social and political order. Wile from the fringe' A really good °poiitioal government Of tall shore "grass,. has been the dream and almost the:There floats a peacock sheen despair. of right-minded men` since or- Of iie.eting" dragon wings: - ganized society began: Whether men Two yellow butterflies ever yet have found it is a question Mount to some haunt unseen, which need not here be discussed. Cer- As from afar a'blue jay cries tain it is that men are less confident , Defiance• teethe cold. than they once -were that they .know Roc)i walled, just how it is to be scoured. But of • The waters' hate, Noah, Abea'hkm, Daviel, Saniiuel and all Before the:day is done, the "rest of` the ancient heroes it is merging' with .dusk, • said "They. seek a bitter country." Into"the star,li skies., R There were two ways in which they —Sarah Wilson Middleton. sought it. `'Some, like .Abraham.. and ` seems an amazingly. Moses,: .went,. out from. the country - —..i....._.--...6,---- -•to soldier settlers, among•which was ed resources, it s e SYhera they'�vere, Abrahani.;from Ur 1 ! Richmond d tri unintenagent attitude of mind. The t of the Chatdees and Moses from LLt Tablets Commemorate Im- portant Events. n the importantsites marked Among by the Department of the Interior on. CANADA'S VITAL INVESTMENT By CllA1.LE8 vv. t'1'r>tRsorr.. Accepting Prof. Irving at'isher's 0.9- timate of average' value to the,.4tate of $3,000 for each .productive cityl we may logically. conclude that would, apparently be so "d business to expend up to this amne t. upon the maintenance, education and training Of the native-born child until it reach- es the productive age, or, in order to compensate for a falling birth rate, or to. speed up settlement,' upon propa- ganda. -and other effort to transplant in Canada;; an acceptable person of productive age from 'another country. Records show. that since 1870.we have. brought .somewhat over. 4% million people to Canada, at a di- ect cost^to the government of 87 million ,dollars.' Estimating. the expenditure of the" railways, provinces and other active agencies at an additional 45 million dollare, the :aggregate cost would be 82 million dollars, ae, an average cost per, head of :less than X20. 'Has` Can- ada ad an- '- mote Y e ever spent money addP tageously'?: Is it coeceivahle that any national investlneet could, possibly yield ,greater returns? • - - THE -EUROPEAN POINT OF VIE'V It is instructive to contemplate the unfriendly attitude of Europeanna- tions towards the emigration of their citizens, except to their own overseas' the recommendation of the Historic possessions. eNo matter how fierce the Sites and Monuments .Hoard of Can- economic pressure, how widespread ;aria during the past- season were• two unemployment and distress, no pro - connected with the early history of gressive nation deliberately promotes the city of Ottawa, which last month emigration: to evacuate obvious surplus celebrated the hundredth anniversary population. There is, on the contrary,, of its founding as By town in 1826. The'a keen appreciation of the, potential' one commemorates the death of an early Governor. General and the other the turtling of the first sod in the con- struction of _the Rideau. canal. Oil August 17, a cairn, bearing a tab- let in memory -of tie services, self- devotion and 'tragic ;death of Charles Lennox, Fourth Duke of 1tiehmond, wasunveiled on a spot near the village, of Richmond, several miles from the city of Ottawa:, The Duke of Rich; mond was appointed Governor -in -Chief of the Canadas, Lower and Upper; in 1818,,and took up his' residence in Lower Canada. in July'of that: year.':;It was during the following year, 1819, while on an official tour of inspection of the Upper Province and while -visit- ing the' newly surveyed -lands .allotted value to the state of : the; vital.` asset, go'any and nations. will to almost lengths and incur the; most fantastic expenditure on relief, to eeeseeve this precious asset intact during periods; of economic stress, in the hope of the un- employed population being` ultimately absorbed in gainful production. THE SENSE OF.HUMAN VALUES -We in Canada lack almost complete- ly this sense of human values. We sit idly by while three hundred million dollars worth of our. productive citi- zens, the Howee of the: nation,` move across the boutLdary each year, Even the problem of their replacement'gives comparatively ;small concern For a country with Our fabulous, medeve`op- ��/��� the settlement o mimed - colonization problem in':Canada is "no alis honor that his death took place'un , 1:gypt, and' they sought to ,establish 1 i circumstances An infected' in: any sense •a class problem, Every And nothing will over matter °again.der ,rag c in new lands a purer government and .I shall'walk•and talk. With e omen aucl worthier warship. 0hiders, who were _ -not emigrants, 'sought to make better Laugh their laughter and veep their the ',ver i they e. History 1, tears, • has sbown both kinds of pioneers. The, And play the gay little game of years; future must produce fewer of the men Sleep and waken, and dine and enp who go Gut and more in proportion of • On honey and cakes and a fragrant those .who stay where they are and! cup; • • seek to make. their "own country bet -And nothing will matter et all, to Me, ter. The Mayflower and the 'covered• But the bread and-wieeaof' memory., wagon both belong to the past,. but the l e ' . . spirit that in them moved westward I shall make abright-little song or two' with the sun still must find expression (There must be something for one to among people to whom •new lands are I do), no longer possible. !And nothing will ever matter to me The hope of a better country and a But a star in the night, and., the w=ind better world is one• that has inspired 1 in a tree, both men and women to deeds of Dew, and mist and the risi -tide;` valor,•- and the faith that• thls could be And the hill where One'wa crucified, -aBarbara Young. was a direct product of religious faith.': 'God is the greatest: of all adventurers; the first and most fearless of all pion- eers. The urge and: "initiative •to�vard better things; the. faith, ..spite of ,all human falluree, that men and nations can live worthily and ,happily on this plan gt, are part of that cosmic impulse .which prophetic souls define as in-' sallatiou from God. This, if anything, will give us' a better country and,:a better world. It is the hope that xnaketh not ashamed. - Big' Apple ..Crop It is estimated by the Horticultural Department of the British Columbia Government that the apple crop of the Okanagan District he British Columbia will this year reach a total of 3,127,000 boxes, as compared with the total prop last year or 2,5x33;440 bo.ees. The' esti mate of the crab apple crop is for 117,- 850 boxes, as compared with 115,623 boxes last year; pears. 100,900 boxes, compared -with 16,484; plums and - In Great Britain the largest station prunes, 21.3,350 boxes, as against 77, - is Waterloo, where, in twenty-four 766 boxes last sear. hours, 1,400 trains are dealt with at en use powzler h't tt f ca~ so do the women twenty-three platforms. The busiest Just as Wes.ern won arms. We \fie take our to increase their ebon cl Where ingh walls shade the steep old every twenty-four hours, paint streets, And golden bells and silver chimes Riffs upeanci' cwn the sleep''y times. By slanting wys, in slanting son, Through startled lapwings now we 1'telt;, Along the bale green haze: -path, Through . April's lingering 'a", to ';oath Of lady's srreoek and lady's stepper; We stay to Watch, a ne ,ting dipper. 'The rabbits eye us while 'eve• pass, s Out of'• the sorrel -crimson grass; ' The bleckbird singe, without a fear, Where bonee euckle horns blew cleat ••- Cool ivory stained with true verrn{1- s lion, 1 And here, within a silk pavilion, Small caterpillars lie at ease The ' oneness shadows of the trees Are Tainted purple and ,cobalt; !Grandiloquent, the rook -hies halt, - I leach one aware of you and me, ,And fall of conscious dignity. g If al-retic,llv-ad with labor sweet o, Of their' own busy hands and feat, Stealmarketirig, .it seems to me, Would make an end of poverty. —Mary Webb, Suckers, of Course.. "He made lag znonegplit of fish" "Suckers, T suppose?" 4, Unnecessary Sun. • "What time is it, deer?" "The clock has stopped." • "Welt, go out•and 'look.at'the sun- dial." "But it is dark out there in the gar- den." .. "Weil, can't you.get a flashlight?" wound bathe hand carfsd� by the bite citizen;'irrespeciive of occupation, has e fox and aggravated by •the hot- a direct,•finanrriat interest in its ef"t.'ec- aP a, pet ggr If 1 the - weather h his "a t d community would intelligently stud" him so much suffering that ten, . • � Ri'oh . the effect of an increased prd u hila o rest . t or hoed t Ans•in t t F.. rtu. a .e. itsown'o n s mond when that. settlement had •been popu:ati4n upon� , reached. He letermined,:ef would speedily create it favorable mass fort to push forwarWever, and af- opiarion on this •subject. was oiitiel• me of a. settler Fame. From a Phrase. : This ds the season of falling leaves, an:; `manly waside.ler8 u1•_Ilia Oct:Aar aoadlands 'must have ht ti reminded of Milton's famous-slmi' , -'Thiiek as lautummal 1e,�t'ea that •crew the brooks in, Valaaentroca" To-day'the trees of Vailcmbrora a:re.,. n in'.ly •pines, 'and the' aaturntt 1eaVtus" "that. fell, from tee few,b.;sels3 and itill�'estu.iirtaStcau'ce'Y scam suiiietc eC-,. ly numerous to carry ou't the Milt inic idea of miultiltucle. 'But the quo^:ate-a is not likely to become any lees: peeti- 1ar on that account, and, lir the mines of, all 'levees of poatry, the wooed :of: Valbam.bf osa. wii1-renta,in thickcarpeted with leaves. •Tet es leitee o wstiirg to a%e, by the ,wa.y,'th:at a,,nt,emorial to hrilton was treoeuitiy uneiemierd in the place �-_•w'hich the has made fainotia.' . It would also, be of interest to trace the influence of the poets,: out our idoa.t of poets. Thankas to Byron, Chalon' fs v ea T and tough journeying caused tive solution. every:c ass of tier g 3 5 a ter going a short distance to seek' rest in the ho where he died: in great agony within a few hours. The tablet comm-emoratiug the •hun dredth anniversary of the' beginning of . the Rideau canal; in September, ,1826, under the direction of -Cal. John By, R.E., war unveiled oil. August 19; 1926. This memorial has heea placed on the e,entrai ,pillar oh the north side of the bridge spannipg the canal in the heart ,of. Ottawa. The construc- tion of the Rideau canal wa+s • under- taken with a view to obtaining an in- terior water ratite between Montreal and lake Ontario, by way of the Ot tawa river; and it has played a lead- ine part in the upbuilding of the city `of Ottawa, and in the development of southeastern Ontario. - Lomond's Bonnie Banks. No Scottish songis heard more of- ten than "The^BoniieBanks o'• Loch for even' associated: with a dungeon,; Lomond." Everybody knows the astd a ,famous sonnet of 7Ceets h �s chorus; which°wis its chief charm: naked Darien with a sea. view from a Ohl you'll tak':'the high road and I'll mountain. Then, to come ee.arce telt' the low, And•I'll be in Scotland afore ye, But. I ,antd my true love, we'll next home, "Maxwelliton bra -es" will always be bonnie, and •tbe•name of .Arbon w:lbi corn -Jerre 'up the vision_ of a peaceful meet again - steam gliding softly: among ereen hi;fls. These idieadamay be,etutltal r On the bonnie banks - o' Loch Lon mond. • the reweae,o--it doesn't matter. `. " shoal never be able to rid ourselves oe There is a sad•story attached to this • refrain, and few wito sing, it so lustily them. • know that -they are singing a man's;�� swan ler.tai.0 questions arise. eelig should the traveller by the low. Janre�s itng�ell.' I:,well, ~elle �i';<ite tI I road be the_fid-st to arrive in Scotland? following tinea, ryas for rive "nears Why cannot the fovea's ever meet , Aniea dean ,Ainitassador `in, T.ondort. • again? t 'i'ho hero, of the sang was a follower' Once to every man and nation .collies of tide fortunes et Melillo PriitceI the ntomen t10 dec'itle Charlie for whose sake so many Scots-l:n the strifeof Truth and 'Falsehood, Jaen wee willing to die. Ho was from Lochi, I.omondsida and was taken pris-. I over at Culloden.-' iris sweetheart sat lout to (verta`ka the aruryanti actually did° •so at Carlisle. She managed •to see tier lover before he was,shot, . • The song is the ltighland.er'.s fare- •reit to the girl,-bnd a Gaelic legend is the very core and• heart of the song Careless .seems the greet.Ave,0 It was believed that anyone vino euf- hisi:ctry's"ptiges bpi" recod• feted a violent and sudden death tra. Otto death-grttp.pld .in. tate eat rice ess veiled install- HY through the: ground. to ,dear, old systems ild .the his birthplace, and from''there passed ,„ World; to Heaven.. e Th•tis the girl would take 'Truth for ever on'. the scaffold, Wrong. the high road back to the bonnie for ever on the throiie, - banks of Lock Lomond, but her lover, Yet that Sever d st rhe ftitu.ro, doll going by the low road of death, wculcl bei fad laic (lint uni nowu, - be there first, andWould begone again` Standetii (loll within to"ehadiw, keep- heroic side- arrived '•stung, Gou•d ar-d All. for the goal :or. evil, sine Some greet. cause,- ale CI' s rhe, ?d es elate offeriug eae#t the bloom or blight, Parts the goats upon the '1eft b,tutl; arid, the Sheep tip fi the ight, And the t•itolce goes by ile. evei ',tilt,. that darkness end .that agbt' , ing watch above' His own: If aheen proceeds front, 0 great . , r.•.n.b i94'. �'. ✓£ ,� .F.. S S ,.ru .e. .`.s" ... 9r ..✓. ... �?i' . ,. ,aYaa.. ,.. •.;.d :.... .... �s....,;/.3 %�.rr.3•1.i.,a..,.?.,....,.::...• ,,;:'.•.:1c.:}�, .:'.s�'v.Lxeo�!,•..,i.., n:r..:..i,.,;. >.i:' i ai>....:..:..'..::_ ..,..i ,l..:r:. .�i...+. �,�s, .N.,'i�:..,. .•�:•:•.. ..n,..l.t.,.:,•,a,,,.,_,.. ,.,:.,.;,. ,,, <',.�,.-.., .,t..t.,.•}.y,. k,�:,,,.:��'i.i:�¢4.< l.ry..o ........:..... ,. ,.,.., .. ,+.rtek%,}.ieialeee .i.,r... v .. -.�. Women invaded ail but thirty- CaiS',it to fury' i tP froth � email 11 seven of the occupations ef' the world, cause it is ' evishness r and' so 18 al - pe _"", • , e., , , when U e ma a ties arrived at k.usten Stwtion lltere are. as tet no women. eh roe- 1dteulaus: • kine v�;tlrran i°oyal Irtttn.t..iv,:�.:•, rt,.,o '.i..r.ic1 Co th �.irtg wh tri � S s y; 6 ways either terltblo ar r . one t arni.% latel The mese were lined up on the platl"orm, drivers. , rr oe tr g y U rIl re • th 1111 at wl 00' 1 tali tit in' bo se! wi all h, t pr oc 19. to in th, 111' ire 011 he ha oe th 7si me ve ink th ea •.un, Or ce Ill in. • be ve 80 Pa' tit sit be air '75 to all all or" ..Ye tit m. in; ar er s'e an e la' an by tit ye In itt of TSI 4n, tR U'. ah th or $6 "I "I At w s7 At 'l (til se