The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-10-28, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES.A6VOCATr: • crol,IX1Totuntiercv ounoN, oNTAxtio Students may enter at any time. Why not attend the School that has the Highly Qualified Staff. The only School that teaches real Practical Business Training from start to tinish. Where High Sehool students and teachers are taught epscial- ized expert training iu Businessaldministriution end Secretarial Seine° and are sure a a good po sition, rapid promotion and big income. - COURSES Stenographic, Commercial, Secret arial, General Office, e'en Seraice Commercial Teachers Course and Special Conrees arrazeiadai.pai Phone 198 For Information Write to B. F. WARD, B.A., M.Accts. ..1111.2•MIMION•dami.. IA Court for revising the voters' 'Ilse ter the coming provincial elec- tion will be held in ,ealensall on Thansday, November 4th at 11 a.m. Judge Le*is, of Goderich and Mr. Alex- iVinrdock, Clerk. The lists .can sbe seen at any time the,.of- lice of ,Mr. Murdock and it is to -Ike advantage a everyone in the vil- eage to see that the names are on the lists'. A meeting will be held. in the town JiaU on Friday -evening cif this ;week interest farmers in the growing of tobacco. Mr. R. Spence, of St. Tboxnas representing the Boas Leal Tobacco Co., will be Mere, and address the meeting and sehow ,the advantages and profit a tobacco growing. WANTED ,..ealia-sei PEAS and All Kinds of GRAIN- ' We are prepared to Pay MI the "eery highest prices for your Grain, and can also make arrangements for trucking same at a lowtcost, advise as by telephone or letter) and if it is your wish we will have our buyer -call to see your grain .personally. COOK BROS. 'MILLING CO. Thone 54 Hensall, Ont. letee1 LAUNDRY The undersigned is opening this Week 'a "Laundry" at her premises in ,Murdock's Block, immediately west of the town hall. Your patron- age is solicited, and having good ex- perience will guarantee satisfaction (MRS.) S. SMITH 10-7-4tc Heneall, Ont. Miss Eleanor Fisher ' eRGAN1ST HENSALL UNITED CHURCH • TUITION IN PIANO grins Moderate Phone 68 !aII Paper in the Latest Designs HEMALL , Mrs. A. L. Case is viSiting tele.- tives in Detroit this week. . Mrs. Wm. Shepherd is visiting re- latives in Guelph this week. e. IVIr. Alvin Durr, of Detroit,is friends in the vicinitye Rev. Mr. Doherty, of --London, visited friends in tawn, on eMonday. Dr. Snalth of St. Marys visited •ve? the week-enlld wiefriends itt tow , Mr. Relit. Caldeirellais visiting a few days this :week With relatives in Toronto. •' • 'Mt. Wm. dovenlock and Mr. Jas. Hayes, of • Egneoncleille • were ,itt town on Monday. A number from Helvetii -attended the anniversary ser -vices at Hilis- green onSunday last. s • Mr. R•oss Holland was in town 'delivering onion sets from,.Clinton to onr local dealers. • Mrs. John Murdock Who, severely sprained her ankle sinne time ago is able to be out again. ligr. Frank Ross 'of Toronto, is visiting friends and a relatives in town a few days this week.- Mr. Garnet Webber; a ,Lohdon, vsited for a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hudson. . Miss Gladys Petty, -who has been visiting ih Hibbert for several weeks returned home on Saturday. Mr. 0. W. Stillman. representing the Stillman Creameries Ltd., of (Stratford was in town Monday on business. • I' Mr. and Mrs. A.. 3. Sweitzer. and Mrs. Robt. Higgins, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Higgine insClinton ons Saturday. • , The services in the United church on Sunday last were largely attend- ed. Rev. Mr. Sinelair preachingaat both service. Mrs. John Grahame and. son, of Toronto are spending a few days in town this week andeere guests at the New Commercial. , „ " Mrs. Pollock's isle on Saturday_ afternoon last was. largely Atte,nded and. good prices were realized. The real estate wag not sold. The ladies of the ;United church, are having a sale of home "ena,de cooking on Saturday,- NOvenebeee13.. Fuller announcements later. Mr. Dan Beggs, of Toronto, rep- resenting the Steele Briggs 'Seed Co., .. th' i fa' is in. town' getting ready to take in 'Prices fro oc to $ .50 and store their crop of onton 'sets.- , PER ROLL The household effects 'and real -. estate of Mrs. Neelands will be eold. HARDWOOD . - ' in Hensall 'on Thursday afte ho n r o . Mr. McArthur, of Dashwood ill . : FLOORING conduct the sale:- , The congregatiob at the Anglican. , church are having the ' Rectory: -1 .. stuccoed. work la being dens. (k-:' . ,IIAID AND POLISHED by Mr. ChaThes, Wolfe and when finish - I , ed will have a handsoineelappeare! ; 'Sangster, Hensall ax7iss FloraHiggins..N.lie,lias been; .•,. el DR. R.P. L DOUGALL '11110nor graduate of Faculty - „of. Eeine, and blaster of Science. wersity, of Western Ontario. her of College ot Physicians liisd Burgeons of Ontario. Office 104,0 door. east of Post Office. , *tens ill Residence 114 visiting for the past three. ;weeks. in Detroit, returned heone on ;Friday. accompanied by Mr. and 'Mrs. A. J., Sweitzer. Mr. and IVIrea' SWeitier. returning to Detroit On Sunday. ; "Ongienday, Noveniber /aThanks- giving services will be heed lin the United church. Special tritisic will; be provided by, theacheir near& a, Tlipeeksgaving 'offering will be taken, up in aid of church work. Rev. Mr. McDonald, of .Egniond- ' BENSALL, OMT ville, veill ibe in chaege of the ser- griiimomenammernocamosmstenermess.7mmo AUCTIONEER OSCAR KLOPP ' Ironer Graduate Carey Jones' An- gaian School, Special course taken In Magietered Live Stock (all Breeds,) 4orrehenclise, Real Estate, Farm leo, etc. Retell in keeping with Vramiling prices. Satisfaction as- yetred, write Oscar Klopp, Zurich, Or, rare 1 gt-e . Zurech. 113133130litNE & .14.111BERT MUTT/Ale 16,ItE INSURANCE COMPANY . *had Office, "a . Farquhar, Ont. ;President, JOHN ALLISON Vice -President, JAS. McKENZIE DIRECTORS - McCONN.ELL, SIMON DOW • ito,s'r Nerutrs, WM. BROCK aGENTS a;Olecer., ESSERY, Centralia, A -gent for Usborne•and Biolclulph eDLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent' for Hihbert. Fullerton and Logan A. TURNI3O31,/e Secretare-Treasurer 88, Esceter, Ontario. GLADMAN & STANDURY Exeter ,.rrt..o..art.iiii..Ans..-AMlttm'...AA.esrmtmrtmarmrmrcrAznmris , WHITE PINE ! ."AbzL iatclied dressed'on both• tildes at 0 PER 0 Is ,l'Intg TIME TO STOOK 47' wpm 000lro COAL 11711ILal XV' dap' GEV Ir AT A LOW , PI-tgON ' J. CLATWORTHY GRAFTON vice next Sunday; morning in the United church. He will preach the annual missionary , Pe,renten :and an, appeal will be. made. aoroniesionary fimds. A' number of resideadeS are be- ing -wired for hydro this .week, Mr. Sohn Passmore and sons aredoing the work. Mrs. Thos. Dick gait'hera conipletad last week and theyeare At present working an Mrs. ,Ceamich- eal's house. • The members of the new fire brie gade'are busy evenings .ef..this Week fixing up and painting the old fire fighting equipment of -the village taking stock of the equinment• and getting everything ready for the ar- rival of the near engine: . Thespolitical Pot is beginning to boil in South .Huron for theecoming provincial election... Both. the Con- servative ,-"and Liberal executives Mei in Heesall ori Friday evening last. The ConservatiVeS are begin- ning their campaign Immediately and are nailing a convention. on Fri- day, afternoon.. October 29th te nom - have a handsome suiplus over ex- penses. The Young PeoPle's League of the United church held a Hallowe'en social on Monday evening. The basement was nicely decorated for the occasion. The meeting was op- ened by the singing of a byinn after which Mr. Peck led in prayer. The scripture lesson was read by Miss Ethel Murdock. A. good program was given eousisting of an instru- mental by Miss -Avis Lindenfield; jaek-O-Lantern chorus by ten girls, violin solo by Scott Welsh, reading by Miss Maud Miller, Miss Mattie Ellis and Ray Patterson,: duet by Mrs. Lee Hedden and Mrs. McDon- ald and a quartette by Mestnee W. 0. Goodwin, Ed. Lindenfield, J. Pasemore and Bees, Follick were all greatly enloyed by the audience, fol- lowed by a contest after wbich lunch was served. Miss Katie Scott pre- sided over the meeting. Dashwood Dr. 11.H. Cowen, L D. S. D. D. S. • DENTAL SURGEON At office; in.liartleib Block, Dash- wood. first three days of week and at affive ever the Post Office, in Zurich. ?art three days of week. Miss Tillie Zimmer, of Detroit, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Zinader. Mr. Harvey Resteme-yer, of Cav- alier, is visiting in this communitY. Mrs. Earl Guenther is on the sick list. We hope for a speedy recov- ery. • Mr. and Mrs. Herb Wein spent the week -end in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Cowan and daugh- ter of Fergus, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. J. Hartleib. Mrs. P. McIsaac is visiting in De- troit. Mr. and Mrs. Geo...1,Soch, who vis- ited their daughter'in the West for .the past =nth returned horae Mon- day. Ma. and Mrs. Clayton Wilfong, of Detroit, spent the week -end in town: Mr. and Mrs. Levi Hamacher and Eddie returning with them. • Khiva Mrs. Steffler, of , Kitchener, is spending a couple of weeks 'with her daughter, Mrs. Chris. Deitrich. Miss Edna, Witzel spend the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Ezra: Lam- port, at Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. la Eagleson and family, of PerkhillSlapent Sunday at the home of Mr.. and Mrs. Axt -W11- lert. Mra.Gorden Miller,. of • Zuricinqs Visiting Mr. and Mrs: Jas. Ziller for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Ferton Schroeder ancla fanilly moved, last week onto the fine farm. they .recently• pur- chased from Mr. David Lippert. We welcome Mr. ands1VIrs. Schroeder to our. neighborhood. The Mies Erna and Ester Neeb is spending a couple of weeks with friends near Crediton. • - Mr: Wm. Waring has rented Mr. I. ;Wilhelm Jr.'s farm. Mr. War- ing takes posession this fall. C.'sREENWAY. ghter Mrs. A. W. Thonapson in- Kit- chener. Mr. and Mrs. 'Springett, of Hyde Park, were trests of Mr. • and Mit. 3. Hotson recently. , • • Miss Margaret Steper has been spending a few days with Mrs. J. Gardiner, who has been ill. Mrs. Bullock and -son and Mr. G. Gollen visited. in New Hamburg last week. - The scholars of. the west school had -a very successful fair. The teacher, Miss Pressey, and the pu- pils spared no effort in preparations and a` moat enjoyable time was re- ported by all thoee present. Mrs. Hatton and Miss Edna Hut- ton were reeettt guests of Mrs. E. McPherson. At the Ladies' Aid Meeting of t6e United church last week the trea- surer reported the total proceeds of tile Harvest Home Dinner as $319. The collections of the annieesary. Sunday amounted to $26.00 making a total of $345.00. The Young -Peoples.' Society of the United chUnch held a social eveniRg on Monday night when the program was of a Hallowe'en nature'. • Iran Sharp, Miss Dorothy Belling and Miss Elsie Young are the clele- and a parlor table. The address gate" to the 0. R. E. C.' Conventlen was read by W. R. Elliot and the in London this week. presentation made by Nelsen Baker 't and Wm. Bowden. Both arr. and Mrs. Anderson made suitable replies expressing their appreeiation.- A. sociable time was spent' during the evening followed by refreshments. Volloaring was the address • Fairfield, October 26, 026 'Dear Mr. and Mrs. Anderson: We, your neighbors -and friends, realizing you are soon to'leave our commimiy, wished to enjoy another evening witt. you. We 'shall not Soon forgot the many happy hours we have spent with youe here, en- joying the hospitality and tile. eon- goniality of this home. It is with regret that these ties are to be soon broken': though for your sakes we aro glad as it will aXd to your com- fort and. leisure. We know, too, that, the kindness, the cheerfulness and the, thoughtfulnoeS, that has en- deared you to us; will Win you Warm friends in the ltCW community, We Wieli you to aec6pt tiris small gift o,s a remembrance of your Fairfield. Mende, and as a plight token of our love end esteern. We wish you muck happinese in the future and health to enjoy yonr now home, vial we shall always be Wearied to wet- 'corne Yon to Mir lnh1tl. igned 4itt behalf of Fairfield frlande. Mrs. Foster is visiting haredau- PURCHASES ZURICH: BAKERY Having Plire4aSed the .zur.teb Eaking pusinese from Mr. E, Koel9er, I wish to announee that 1 am in a position to Sup - the Publie -with a fine line of haUed, goods, We 'formerly coridnoted a. sim ilar business in Hansa% and we invite the public to visit our shop. Enjoy yonr meals by eating onr baking. , • ' EVERETT liAIST ZURICH Lumley ' Mrs. John Read and Master Ray of Londen, returned home after sliending a -week with Mrs. Read's sister, Mrs, Stewart McQueen. ,The people of this neighborhocid have been having quite a time get- ting their silos tilled, the weather has been so unfavorable. Mrs. Fraser, of 13russels, spent a fey/ days last week visiting Mrs. 3. 13roadfoot. airs. Fraser's maiden name was 'alias Margaret McFarlane and was favorably known as she lived her girlhood days on the lth concession of Usborne. Saintsbury , • La,st,Tueeday evening the congre- gation of St. Patrick's Angltcan churCh, "Saintsbury,, presented their rector; Rev. W. J. Connor, with a nurse ,of money, prior to his depar- ture/from the congregation. x.rhe following address was read: Saintsbury, October 18th, 1926 To our Rector, hey. W. J. Coma. Dear Mr. Connor;* Having leerned with regret that you are about to sever your connec- tions with us as our pester, we feel that we cannot -let you do so with- out expressing our heart felt sorrow and also the high esteem in which Ydu are held by each and every one in this parish. We can never for- get your untiring efforts each Sab- bath to guide us to see the highest and best things which this life holds also the pure example of a Christian life which you have'at all times.set before Us. We know that your earnest prayer has been that we may be led to see that the spiritual Side of life is the alt important part. When in anxiety or sorrow we have always had the blessing of your lov- ing sympathy and adiice and as the Years roll by we hope that the truths you have so -earnestly taught us may remain uppermost itt our hearts. Weaskyou to, accept this little gift, not for its value but as a smalltoken of our 'appreciation of your kindness to ail of us. ' We know that you Will often think of and pray for the cengregation of St. Patrick's 'cliurcbs emd our prayer for you ie that -wlfereeeF you may be, the blessings of' God, in whose hand. our breath is, may abide upon you. Signed on behalVeof the congrega- tion of' St. Patrick's' church, Alex. Macdonald, George Davie CENTFtATJA- Last Sunday Rev. Byron Snell of Londesboro conducted Thanksgiving services in the United church here. Special music was rendered by the choir, Miss Pollock and Miss Alma Isaac, of London, assisting in both services morning and evening. Next Sunday services 'both morning and evening wil be withdrawn owing tb the anniversary services in Whalen. .0n the following Sunday, November 7th, Rev. Mr. Smith of Eliraville will preach in the morning as the pastor, Rev. R. Fulton Irwin will be conducting anniversary ser- vices itt Elimville. In the •evening the pastor will conduet the service himself. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Mills, of 'Wyom- ing, spent the week -end at the form- er's home here. Mr. Trueman Mills returning with them for a few weeks holidays Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson, who have been in Strathroy for some months, have returned home. Mrs. Wilson is decidely improved in health. s Mrs. A. Proctor and baby, of London, spent the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thompson and Jean were in Dutton over the week- end. A pleasant evening' was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. An- derson, of Fairfield, Monday even- ing when about thirty-five of the neighbors and friends gathered as a surprise to spend the evening be- fore Mr. and Mrs. _Anderson enoved to their new home in Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson were presented with an address, a leather tocker ZION -The Tanxliversary eervices Sunday Were 'a splendid .success. Rev. He B. ParnbY, of Mt. Brydges, a forne,- .er pastor, deltirered two exeeption- ally fine sermons to barge congre- gations that packed the. gittileling. iliate a candidate and several Prom' His old frieeds were delighted to inent speakers will be peesent. We see his smiling face and listen to understand the Liberale are aeliding him again. Miss Evelyn. EarnabY sang a deleeation to Toronto to :niter- a solo at the eveniag service. An. view their leader an to Plaraina'0 offeeing of $300 was asked. for and candidato in the flan of South Hur- on and will prelNably hold a, con- vention in tbo near 'rho Progressives liev, ehad their candle over that omount will be realized. Mise Parnaby was the guest of Miss Alma Hern while here. ' Mae. Goo. McLeod, of "Seaforth, is dote In Ihe field for .soine, tirao. Mr.. viriting with relatives here, Win. C evenl nein of Mem on darn() Little ,l‘lise Grace Brock, daughter will hp i hp not:" rn in g Of floor t S 11(1 el! Mr. ' and Mrs. Alfred Brock, is on I the nainnaign will be tindet way laza.' the sick list, ", vic,,diateI:r. . ' — Plr. n. Kyle is in Ooderich this - enio Ladies ef the _Pr'esbyterian week serving on the Petit jurean 1 oberch hold thlv fo.0.1 ^quiver on . A Young People's Lcagno Iiiis Fridev ovoninii^ hist. A. iti...r7o o-,•-•"-^1 boon orgentied with Mee Geditin no attended the chah heilg 4^"nt7t1-1 1 DTosidont,.." They Yneet ,emelt Tur..M- to the door's. After*. th CI F.; Wen d id daY oVenilig. , owner va'i eieeesee et se enter.. The masonseere nlasterieg the In- tniement was given 1..v Mr. 3nrcrry I trot' of the church, MeGeA6 of Anhurn and tonal talent i .. A nutni,cr of visifnes wore nrOSOnt Wil lel WEIS well receiVed .bythe la this community for 0.1Ci f.Ln.7.1iVOT:!. 4 ' attdience. 'ThUT e ladies of the C « ; CREDITON Mr, N, $43,AbrOok, of Aurorgh,'yiS- ited for a few days with relatives In tOWn. We are sorry to report that Mrs. John GaiSer is under the Poctor's care. We sincerely hope that she may have a speedy and complete re- covery, Mrs. William Watson And - have returned.to, their home at 'Medford after spending a week vis- iting with ,her mother, Mrs. Joe. Mist, Mr. and Mrs. II. K. Eilber, Mr. and Mrs. 3. H. Holtzmann, Miss C, Morlock, and Mr. Art Amy are this weele attending the 0. R. E. C. Con- vention iu London. Communion Services will a‘e held next Sunday, October Sist in the Unite't churches at Shipka, 13rineeey and recliton. Rev. E. S. Hiscocka, the 'pastor, will have charge of the serviges. Everyone welcome. Mr. Harrison Holtzman, of Des troit, spent the weekend with vele-- ayes returned lionie on Sunday ac- companied by Mrs. Harrison Holtz- man and family wee have been vis- iting her mother, Mrs. Joseph Heist. The Junior Department of the Evangelical Sunday Sehool und%),* theeleaderehi of Miss Lavine, Smite and. Frederick False spent a most enjoyable social evening at tile home of Mr. and Mrs. jocab Rata on Tuesday, Mr, Roy Wolfe accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Harold Moir and Jean have returned to their home at Detroit after spending the week - and with their father, Mr. Charles Wolfe, who isn's very well. We Impe he will soon. recover. , "The unexcelled power and glory of the Gospel," is the snbject at Zion Evangelical church next Sun. day morning. At the evening . ser- vice the pastor preaches on: "God's abundant pardon." . On account' of the disturbances cansed last Hallowe'en in our 'village our police trustees have taken steps to put an end to this nuisance this year and the public is warned that any. person causing damage or dis- tuebances will be prosecuted. "World's Temperance Sunday" will be observed in Zion Evanlical Bible School next Sunday. There :is scarcely any other subject which catches the entire family as does in- temperance, hence it is very fitting that/next-Sunday will also be obser- ved as Family Day. Let every fam- ily be. well represented at the Bible school not Sunday at 11 ant. A finerogram is being prepared by the t mperance committee. Mr. B. W. F. Beavers, of Exeter, will give an address. The Crediton Women's Institute „held their October meeting in the In- stitute Hall, with the president, Mrs. C. Zwicker, presiding, Arrange- ments were made for a chicken pie supper and bazaar to be held on. November 30th next. ld'elegates were appointed to the Convention in Lon- don on November 9th, 10th and llth. alisi Clara Oesteeicberread a most interesting and instructive paper ,on education and it's value to man. Mrs. 'Young spoke on the coming of Lord and Lady Willingdon. Mrs. Maynard spoke of the travelling school in Northern Ontario. The members were delighted with a vocal solo by Mrs. E. Lawson, and a piano solo by Miss C. Morleck. The. hos- tesses for the afternoon were Mrs. C. Zwicker and Mrs. E. Lawson. The next meeting of the Institute will be held on Tuesday, November 2nd in the Institute Hall, Crediton, at 2.30 p.m. . THE LATE JACOB FINK:SEINER Jacob Finkbemer, son of Matthew and Mary Fankbeiner was born March 17, 18,62 in Stephen Tee :Hu- ron Co. and departed this Tile on October 23, 1926 at the honie of Mr. and Mrs. Ed -ward Palmer where throughout his peololiged affliction he received from tender and loving hands the most kindly, care and at- tention.. Mr. •Finkbeiner was Well and favorably known in these parts, having lived in this com-mun- ity practically all his life time. He was an honored and respected citi- zen. A faithfull, conscientious and dependable character. illis friend- ly, genial and goodnatured disposi- tion won fot him ashost of friends in the circle in which he moved. He was not at at assertive and forward in his ways but modest and unas- suming and very accomoda.ting and obliging. He would go far out of his way to avoid giving offence to his fellowmen. A. very commend- able trait which far too many fail to acquire. He was unmarried and an adherent of Zion Evangelical church, Crediton, and although not connected with the church in actual membership yet he lived a life of integrity and uprightness and gave testimony that he loved God and his kingdom. He far. more highly regarded the minister of the gospel than do others who make a louder profession and very greatly apprec- iated to have him minister to him indivine things during the course of his illness. There were 4 brothers and 11 sister in this family and of these there remain one brother, Wil- fred Finkbeiner. of London, also the step mallet, Mrs. Carl Braun, who is in her 90th near and xnany other near relatives and friends. The fun- eral service was held on TuereisY1 'afternoon, ReV. W. Y. Dteier was in charge. Burial took eplaee ct the F,vangelical• cemetery and memorial service was held in ill tvangelical chureh. Thames Road The AnniversarY Services of Thames Road United church was held 'DAL° $41.hd0Y., Qct. 24tit. Rsv, Oliver, of Ivan, gave tWo inspiring sernien,s.TIi Choir Of Woodham Bolted -chiirch gave' the magic for the morning ServiceS and the fdunro Quartette assisted atthe evening service, .A. hot goose 'supper was serVed. Tuesday evening to a verY large crowd followed by a Splendid program, DEATH Or NUS. 1$1cNICOL The death took place at Farquhar �x1 Saturday last of Mrs. David Mc - Nicol at the age of 76 years 1 month and, 6 days, Mrs, McNicol, up to within a year, had mijoyed excellent health but for the past year*she had been indisposed and recently con- tracted pnennionia: Her maiden name was Jane Vance. She was born on the north 'boundary of Us' borne, being, a dauglite of the late James Vance, ' her parents Slaving come out from Irelands. ' Mr. I-VicNic- ol predeceased' lier May, 14, 1606. She is/ survived' by four sons and two daughters, *David, a Toronto; Mrs. L. D. Fulton, of Stratford; Mrs. A. Hodgert, of Hibbert; 'John; Wal- ter- and Kenneth, of- Usberne; also one brother, joseph.,Vanee, of LiSt- owel and Mrs. John Mitcheli, of Ex- eter. The cleeeased was a member of the Thames Road 'United church and the funeral service on Monday was conducted by her pastor, Rev. G. NI. Chidley, interment in the Ex- eter cemetery. Mount Carmel A pretty ''autumn -Wedding was solemnized at the church of "Our Lady of Mount Carmel" on Wed- nesday, October 20th, at 9 a.m., when Rev. Pr. Corcoran united in marriage Joseph; Alyisus only son of Mr. and Mrs. John Houlahan to Iaathleen Alice, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McKeever. The bride was given in marriage by her father, she wore aa beautiful gown of white georgette trimmed with white satin ribbon, her veil was white tulle embroidered at can- ners and carried.aThouquet of white carnations and maiden :hair fern, Miss Elizabeth Houlahan, sister of the groom was bridesmaid and wore a pretty gown of blie silk crepe and a picture Meek -hat. and carried a bouquet of pink rose buds, Gordon McKeever, brother of the bride as- sisted the groom, later Mr. -and Mrs. Houlahan left by motor for Detroit and Saginaw. A social will be held itt the hall on Friday evening. Misses Kathleen and. Martha Mon- rissey, Mary McLoughlin and Mr. Fallon of London Called on friends here last week. Mr. Dan Morrison, of Detroit is visiting friends here this Week. Miss Agixius: 'MCLouglilin and friend Mr, Leonard Ryan. of Chi- cago called on friends, here last week. •n Mrs. Dillon, of Dublin, is visiting her daughter, .1VIre..i J. Campbell. We are pleased to know that arr. Theabold Detreich is able to be out after his. recent. illness. - Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ziles and family, of Zurich, spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J. S. Mahoney. ' Mr. John Rowland is on the sick list this week. ELINIVILLE • Mr. Harry -Rheini and sister,. Miss Mabel Rheim.; of Toiontd, spent a few days this week at the home of HILLSGREEN The home of airs. Agues .1 rrota of Hills Gre4, 71a8 the scone of a jolly paety geeen in honor (if her daughter, Mrs. Agnes Madill, of Se- attle, The guests included bro- thers, sisters, neices and nephews to the number of 24. Mrs. Madill is returning Jenne ie Seattle and en her way Will Visit oilier friends in ten. don and also ,,intends visiting 0 foe - days, in Ohicago with her neice and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. ITepkins. Mrs. Agnee Jarrett is returninie to Pills Omen after ePendieg a few days with ber daughter. oNY, t , their ae, Mr, IVIc(fesr, Ford, of Flint, Mie ativoS in iniS 11(1111 y last, Mr. ,ruid Mrs. Ed. Anderson anti' son Albert, of London, were visit- ors in tee neighborhood last Stin,- day. Mr. Clevise Snell held a very sue,- Cessfill ,auetion sale of .iMplemexita. and 'live stock on q'uesday. Preparatiena are. being 114:6e for the anniversary services 4.nd fowl. supper to be held here in this church on Norvernber 7th alit! Sth. Several from Imre attended the anniversary services at Thames Rd,. church, last Sunday, also quite a ntniber were at Zi011 appointment, it being their anniversary as, well. Preaching serVice AVAS withdraWn at, - this church. KIPPEN WANTED PEAS and All Kinds of GRAIN We are prepared to pay ;7011 the yery highest prices for your Grain, Etna can also make arrangements for trucking same at a low eost, advise ns by telephone or letter, and if it Is your wish we will have our buyer call to see your grain personally. COOK BROS. .IVIILLING CO. Phone 54 Hensell, Ont.. WHY SUFFER, FROM RHEUMATISM - "FRUIT-A-TIYES" HAVE HELPED THOUSARDS MRS. DAVISON If you are made miserable by - this painful disease, read this en- couraging letter from MTS. Louis. Davison of Eau Claire, Ont: ."Some years ago, I had -a 'severe attack of Rheumatism. I tried many remedies but received little benefit, - A few months ago,- I saw an ad- vertisement of "Fruit-a-tives" decided to try them. After taking four boxes, I am now able to do all my own, work besides putting in a large garden. I take 'great pleasure in recommending "Fruit-a-tives" anyone suffering from Rheumatism.""Fruit-a-ives is a genuine fruit iniedicine, made front fruit juices in- tensified and combined with tsinics:: It frees the system of poisonous; waste matters and purifies the Blood; stream. Try "Fruit -a -three yourseN and let them restore you to health an& 'vigor. 40 25c. and 50c. a boa at all dealers. .ammoorammommiumtmairnallMilIIIMP•011, 11- tt ;14, 4474177.13 • r #;;.1 I. :1! II:: • 1. • • #11 Okpoit. i'"•1' 'hi -e 0 tti I IN .1 Bond Intersest When your interest coupons become due, or when you receive cheques for interest on registered bonds, deposit them in. a Sav. ing,s Account in the Bank of Montreal. The money you. rekeive on your investment . • in bonds will then earn interest for you. M arm ger AP: