The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-10-28, Page 3The .sigst rbread, Man. The gingerbread man heti eieelt eyeet 'He cable to -day tie a grand surprise 1 roil Gra ttiroother'e house. t}he was baking cake ' And decided a gingez~breed man she'd make, And when he was made, it was plain tosee , She soon decided to give hii:n to Me. I tools hien straight to my big play - roma ere he mot the. bride and the hand some groom And the Teddy bear and thepussy eat, And the Jumping -jack with his atieer old fiat. • Then -all these dolls sat do•ivn••wlth me To have a op of play -like tea. I tilled their cups with water clear And said to Teddy, "Sit still, dear; I drank their tea rend my tea, too, It Is a thiug that you .have td db When you play with dolls. 1 passed. a plate Of play -like cake and we ate and ate! Then I got a whiff of gingerbread • And wanted some real, -food instead, So I pinched off the ginger -man's gin- ger feet, , Oh•, yes•, they were very good to eat! At that tea ,party the nicest guest Was the gingerbread man; he tasted the best. —Minerva limiter. Remarkable Reckoners. High School Boards, and Boards of Education Are authorized by law to establish r•, INDUSTRIAL, TECHNICAL AND ART SCHOOLS With the approval of "the Minibter of Education, V ' DAY AND EVENING CLASSES Issued a It ti may be conduot,rd to accordance. with the re uiatlon the Department el Education. THEORETICAL. AND .PRACTICAL , INSTRUCTION Is given in various trades. • The ochools and olasees are under direction of AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Appilcttlon •for attendance should be made to the Principal of the y the COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, MANUAL' TRAINING, HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE are provided -for in the Courses of Study In Public, Separate, Continuation and Hi Schools, Collegiate Institutes, Vocational Schools and Departments. Copiesof the Regulationsissued by the Minister of Education may be obtained from the Deputy Minister, Pediment Buildings, Terontc. Occasionally we hear • of pee ons with a remarkable: gift for "doing •sums in their heads:' They can multiply. and divide and find roots of high :nunl here without apparent effort. The cal- culators 'themselves do not under- atand how they do it. ' They are just born that way. One of the most remarkable of these lightning calculators •was Zerah Col - :r burn, born in 1804. Colburn could Multiply two four-iigdre numbers in- stantly. •During a test he multiplied eight by itself sixteen times and gave the answer in a few seconds. He could find square root' and cube roots of large numbers automatreally. Another famous calculator was G. P. Bidder, a civil engineer. Ile was matched against Colburn on one oc- casion and beat him •easily, When only nine years old, Bidder was asked: If the distance of the moonfrom the earth were 125,256 miles, and; sound travels at the rate of four miles a min- ute, how long would it take the noise of the, Battle of Waterloo .to -reach the moon? In. :less • than a minute he gave the correct answer: twenty. -one days nine hours thirty-four minutes. Pe chaps the best-known' of modern calculators is Jacques leausli, who was born in 1867. Inaudi had• little interest ' n m °b. in anything but u b., After an exhibition he can' remember the de- i tails of all the0-cations put to hint, Ike is liven , said Te solve .problems in ` thins sleep. WAR,FOR POSSESSION OF " ManMust Fight With Different Kinds of Insects. . Five types of insects are shown here.. No. 1 N*. 2 is the cloaked wasp. No. '3 is the sphinx 1i tdybird, No. 5 is the no -called potato -bug sums Secrets of Science. 1 -By David Dietz. Inca cts. represent a special and high - , Y Light That Fails to Shine. Dazed- by multiplied misfortunes,. Job cried:, "Why is lightgiven to a man whose way. is hid, and whom God. hath hedged in?" His knowledge of God failed to gear up with his 'experi- ences, As farmer, stock raiser; hus- band, father, neighbor, his record was above reproach. Yet 'his: -great thoughts,. wise plans, fine impulses, noble aspirations had failed of fruition.. Here he was robbed and sick, home- 1ess, criticized, betrayed. Why? • Many a farmer 1s conscious of inner light that does not brighten his way. He advances on a great. purpose and :. is met bye a hedge. Crop ;failure is '•%ss, disheartening than failure of, ideals. Lack of reward for industry in: his fields does not parchkis soul '. as lack of spiritual fruitage in his family does. Why does; a man try, and repeatedly? For one thing do not forget that light itself is a blessing. It is given In. love. Any human is the better for every • uplifting 'thought, every thrill- ing ambition, every noble conception of God, though everyday outworkings are hidden, Then, time may work, out rewards far greater than we an- ticipate, as in the ease of Job. Job's gain was. this: 'Tn the begin- ning he knew things about God, iu the end he knew God. .Our gain is great- s er. God has revealed himself to us nAl. in, his Son. Thwarted man walking- ,with Christ finds the path of life clear-, ing "more and more unto' the perfect ly •developed' branch of .the 'Anima} Kingdom. More than 2d0,000 species of insects are known to theiielogist. They are found in all' parts of the World. Insects are found ie. the Arc- tic Region and in n the ad deserts. The ancestry of theLL'insect is lost 'in obscurity. ' They -made their' ap- pearance upon earth millions of •years ago, in the Era -of Ancient Life. Many biologists believe that the trilobites which flourished'' on the ocean floor in the early days of the Era of Ancient Life furnished the an- cestral stock from whist the insects evolved. Insects are typical winged creatures: Thelr.,.bodies are honey -combed with Highest Gift, theworld because of their great Veto Ace' I asked of a suer, Nettle eyed, .aereee, Tllec�ete gra of vast importance 1n Aiaiiy 'biologists now fieel that malt What is the greatest beech? must light beffeets for the poss stop 1 +asked-.-'v'bo visited to knave fie mach of the ,world and that imam the des, Before came afternoon. ("lotion of'crops and forests by insects Is it ti"earth is it Paine is it Rrcaedpm, is cleeoked, mart may lose the battle• love? What is the epleudlcl, gift? Tell if' •ca.t 'e i 1 e that ui 1' 1 e me,i i3 I may guerd it, use with thrift. The seer was silent:; but out of :try heart • Came the auawer clear anti. true•• -e Life -life• itself is the ,greatest gift. That is bestowed on you. —George Ellie on. for the potieetlsion of the earth, lv�d lia.tlori liz That Is why every 4 r today maintains a Depertnleent of En• toraoio.gy as part of ids governmental organization, It'' Is the duty of this department to (onduet the war upon insects. Insects are characterised by changes in. form before the adult stage is reached, in the case of some insects, the slew ly batched insect resembles the parent good TE t itat intending 14T7 RAZe 401111011.17111/74 1 f; rat= Pasteurizing Mills 'Classified Advertisements., . � t °las ess wings. The Insect but dec,s•no 1 s to insect ie tris` stage is known ae a, nymph. CHILDREN .�I E .r The dairy cow Is the most eftoiessit HOICF PRODUCTIVE - FARMS, ':C of all anim,a,ls lu the production of Western Canada easy terms. 13Y OWN TABLETS In higher types of insects, the rev'- 1' 1 human foods. Pita chief roduet o of Write sir free particulars, statingterms. ly-hatched insect is in the form of a der which she Suffers is tuberculosis, . what you want, Continental Home larva -;a 'caterpillar, grub or the like. In .this regard, Ponce > dvrard Island seeker, 2061 Rose Street, Regina, Sask. Then the larva enters a quiescent can boast of the Canadian record-- stage known aa the pupa or chrysalis 88.5% of dairy cantle in the whole stage. From that it' emerges as an -island are free from tuberculesi8. Be - adult insect. ^ . In addition to the insects which fly; there are other types. Some crawl along the ground,, ethers burrow into it, still others are aquatic, spending the larval stage in lakes, and rivers. is the American humble -bee. moth. No. 4 is the spotted Y. Because They Are Tasteless and Are Easy to Take.. One of the strongest points in'faYor cause this d4sease .effeetle .the human of any medicine for children Is that food, we must build' a dist line of do- lt Is so ag'reesble that the mother does ]cerise --pasteurize all. milk to be used not have to force it down the little' by human been a --and follow it up by It matters not if heads be white . 1.1 hearts be two-and•twenty, Though grief and sorrow try the soul, Of joys there are a -plenty; For who that sees a day reborn Can languish in, its. glory? Or who that tihriUs with spring can call His life an outworn $tory? Away with all your talk of aget Speak not of youth's declining, For I who still count life a friend Must scorn•your weak repining; A song for me, a joyous song, And give me dreams a -plenty It matters not if heads be white 1f hearts be two -and -twenty. —Thomas Curtis CIark. air tubes or ra eae y w carried to the blood in all parts of the 'insect. This is thought to account for .the great activity., of Insects. Due to this widespread ,circulation of air through- out the body, the bleed of the insect is never -.impure. 'The body of the " insect is divided intintothree distinct reg tions The first to the head: The seemed is called the thorax and the third" the abdomen. The head bears a pair of feelers or antenae, compound eyes and three pairs of jaws. • The thorax consists • of three seg- ments, out of each of which -usually grows a pair of legs. A pairof wings is usually also attached_to both the second and third segments.- The abdomen I's usually ^divided up into eight or nine segments. say_'....., Order. >t Allin0 First the Wild: Thyme And Meadow -sweet downy and soft waving among' the reeds Light springing on the air lead the sWeet Dance: they ,aka The lloneyauckle sleeping on the Oak; the flaunting beauty i Revels along tipon the wind: the 4; White -thorn, lovely ,May, Opens; her many lovely eyes listening. , the Rose still Bleeps: ,C' None dare to wake her: soon Silo bursts her crimson curtained` bed, And comes forth in the majesty of beauty: every Flower, The Pink, the Jessamine, the Wtll, flower, the Carnation, The Jonquil, the mild Lily opens her ) heavens; every Tree 1 And Flower and Herb soon fill the air with an innunnerabie Dance. 1 Yet ail in order tweet and; lovely, --William Blake, Poems.' J'upitcr is the largest planet, Meets- Uriale 86,600 miles hr :ameter. Mer- curt', 8,080 nJ7*s (ti diameter, is the roubles$: Win These Magnificent Prizes 1ST -- PONTIAC SEDAN, VALUE $1170.00. 2nd 5100 in Gold. 3rd $50 in Gold. 4th $25 in Gold. Sth -^ $40' in Gold. -_.6th to 15th Prizos-$5.00 worth each of tioslory and Underwear. 15th to 25th prizes -88.00 worth each of Hosiery and Underwear. 550.00 In Gold— Mystery Prize! FC'LLOW THESE SIMPLE/ RULES 1. Every Contestant must be 15 or :over. 2. Writo answers in Pen. and ink on one side of raper _.only. Pitt nomo and address and name of `this paper, in upper right hand cornor, stat- ing whether,ther 82r,. A4r. or Nies. $o not send .. ty ewritten entries. 8. rrizcs will he awarded Recording to skill dis- Played in correctly solv- ing this Yioture-puzzle, as well as to the neat- ness, hand -writing and general appearance of entry. Contest pisses. Dee, Slst. 1925. nudges' decision is final.' 4. No employees 'or • this Company, their lriendv or relatives may compete, 5. You will be notified Ino mediately it y1ur nnatvorie. correct and wilt bo re., dilated to tui till a gantlet Condition of tho' eadest that need not dost you raw money. Mall Harlot* t onee, You have much to gain mid nothing to lose. Co "Not Mise This Opportunity What's all the excitement? An aviator Inas Just sky -written an advertisement- for the National Hosiery Company. This mysterious message containsseven words which are in their correct order. Bach word contains only the lettgrs as shown. Now, place the letters of each word in their proper position- and write down the sentence they make. To give you a clue, the second word is, "PAYS". Test, your skill and snail your solution .-immediately to, compete for ths Wonderful, New 6 Cylinder, 5 Passenger Pontiac Sedan; Value, $11.70.00. and these 25 other Valuable Prizes. Everyone has ail equal opportunity of win- ning. Read the rules and follow them care- fully to be sure of a prize. • WE HOLD THIS CONTEST to acquaint still moro people with the money- saving Values In National Hosiery and Under- ILeadingliills.IIt isnot�necessarytto)become • OUP Agent in order to compete, but, if you 'wish to do so, we agree to reward you hand- somely for your' co-operation, . in addition to any prizes you may win. Every entry will be judged- according to the. skill displayed in correctly soiling the mes- sage and submitting the answer. The follow- ing well-known gentlemen will act as Budges; CEO, E. ANSLEY, General Sales Manager, Pontiac Division, General Motors Products of, Canada, Ltd., Oshawa. A. H. NIACLAUGHLAN, Manager, Ontario Branch, Desbarats Advt. Agency Toronto. R. W. COWAN, Sec. -Treasurer, Print Craft, Ltd'., 'Toronto. MAIL YOUR ANSWER: AT ONCE and you will Immediately be given an opportunity to WIN AN EXTRA $50.00 IN GOLD, and there's still another pleasant surprise' in store tor you, run particulars will be. mailed the same day your answer ,. is received., Address - NATIONAL HOSIERY CO. depta:34,,156 Yonge St., Toronto. raiRST PSA E YALUE •$1170 A FINE TONIC FOR NERVOUS WOMEN Proof That Building Up the Blood Will Strengthen the Nerves. one's throat. la seeond--eliminate tuberculosis from the dairy cow, It has been proven beyond all' die.. desired,* and babies like them. They pate that human beings can—and do Baby's Oive Tablets have n6 drug taste, may bo crushed .to a powd'e'r if areperfectly safe for they' contain no -develop tuberculosis from the milk opiate or narcotic. ` They sweeten the stomabh and remove the cause of fret- fulness, Mrs: Arthur Cha:rlebois-, Pawtucket,, . Tablets to be a gentle laxative and •a on tuberculosis geatins in 'milk, 'ur- •aafe remedy for stomach disorders in chij ren. Our little boy had been given harsh . cathartics' but these tab- lets worked more effectively without the severe griping. 'I can recommend them to all mothers of little children," Baby's , Own Tablets are'sold by medicine dealers or by mall at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medfcine Co., Brockville, Ont. of tuberculous cows. The matter is serious, for we • are face to face with the fact that one of every two cases of tuberculous gland's in children un- R.I., n RI., says: "I have found Baby s Own der five year s of age can be blamed up - If you want atronee nerves you must .make the effort yourself. You can help yourself by refusing to worry, by tak- ing the proper `rest, sleep . and out-df- deer utof-door .exercise. '.For medicine take only Dr. Williams' Pink Pills which prompt- lyup 1 build the blood and thus -feed the starved, frayed= neryes., a A case of extreme nervous .exhaus- tion restored by the use o 11 %il- Dr: vi Hams' Pink Pills is that of Mrs. R. Dundas, Peterboro, Ont., who says:— "Some years ago I suffered a com- plete nervous breakdown. I doctored with two local doctors, but got no re- lief. In fact I was growing worse and weaker all. the time. In this condition my mothee came to take care of me and urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as she had taken them all through the chane of life with splen- did results. At this time I felt so far gone that I did not care whether I lived or not: ..But the,coaxing of my, mother and other relatives finally per- suaded me to try the pills. By the time I had taken a few boxes I was feeling a little improvement and wee- able asable to move around. . ' As I kept on taking the pails I felt myself able to go out and made a practice of going to a near -by store everysecond week to weigh myself, and I gained rapidly from 108 to 135 pounds. I continued taking the pills for several months, and in is impossible for pie to express in words' the wonders they did for me. Nobody but myself knows the tortures I endured from nerve trauloiie, and now, thanks to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, J. alp a normal, healthy woman. I do not think anyone troubled as I ryas can find a better remedy than Dr, Williams' Pink Pills." If your dealer does not keep the pills you can get them by mail rt 500 a box by writing The .De. Williams' Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont. Re -Measuring the Months. The sub' -committee of the League of Nations which has, for the last two years, been considering the_matter of reforming the calendar, has now con- cluded its labors, and a report, recom mending souse very drastic changes, has been presented. ' It is suggested that Easter shall be definitely fixed for the second Sunday in April, regardese of the date. An overwhelming number of business, economic, and professional bodies are they, a large amount of abdominal -opal bone tuberculosis among childreel is directly traceable to milk from ells - eased cows•. Milk .used by human beings should be free 'from the germs of tuberculosis. Can we het() to supply such a milk? It is quite possible --keep the germs out of the ,milk, and kill them if they do get in; that's all. The milk must come from healthy cows. Milking and handling of utensils must be done by healthy persons; 1f a person is "not very well," let him or her help with other work, but never with milking or anything that has to do with the milk. In spite of our best efforts, germs of tuberculosis will, however, get into milk, and before it is used as food, they iiaust be killed, The surest way to •ensure this is by pasteurizing: heat to a point in which the, germ cannot live (142F. for 30 minutes), chilling immediately (45F.) and keeping it cold until used. This will make the milk in favor of this. - free from tuberculosis germs, also Many leaders of religious thought germs. of typhoid, diphtheria, scarlet are also In agreement with the'sug- fever and septic, sore throat. It is a gestion, but it is expe•oted that the simple matter to treat We milk which Vatican, will be, hostile. It has inti- any town or country family is to use mated that it cannot see its way to as food in this wap And no one can sanction the change unless there is a say it is too much bother when it general agreement on the subject means protection , for your family against the white man,e greatest nsu to enemy, co mp t.n, throughout Christendom. It seems unlikely. that such agree- ment will be reached without prolong- ed negotiation, for already the great Eastern Orthodox Church (embracing some millions of Russians and Greeks) keeps beth Christmas' and Easter some time later than the churches in the West. Another proposal which the sub- committee put forward would equalize the number of .days in each of the four quarters of the year by an ar- rangement whereby the first two months of every quarter shall contain thirty days, and the third month Success. This is success, so toehave lived your years That • all who've known you shall have found you true, Have sen In some way a What is best in you And found in you some comfort for 1 their tears, A smile which passed but often re- appears. Or heard a word which cheered them: through and through, And think of you as one; who triad to do ,dome • friendly service .in a time of Tsars. thirty-one. The extra day would be added to the beginning of January, and would prob- 'ably be known as January Oth, Or it might be added to one of the thirty - day months, the :quarter in which it fell having one thirty -day month only. In a leap year there would be two such quarters. An alternative proposal is that the year should be divided intothirteen months of twenty-eight days eacli,,the odd day left over having no date but being known simply as "Year Day." • year the extra day would be Are You •T re d In leap y known as "Leap Day." Brooms Abolished. Brooms are to be abolished .. from. French barrack rooms. M. Painleve, minister of war, has given instructions that vacuum cleaners are to be issued to all units and are to be used daily in removing the dust ,from berrack floors. Minard's Liniment relieves stiffness. The College Joke of the Week. Scotch Gent "M7 lad, are you to be my caddie?" Caddie -"Yee, . sir." "And bow are you at findig lost baUs7 "Very good, sir," look around and find one, and we'U start the game," Among the unusual professions fol- Iowed by women aredealing :in auto- graphs, running children's parties, . finding names for persons or articles; and running a roofing factory. Water Engine With Care. When the water in the cooling sys- tem suddenly turns, to steam, due to evaporation or leakage, do not add water immediately to the radiator to cool the engine, but allow it to drop to a temperature that will not burn the lingers. Even then add water slowly. Be careful when removing the radiator cap to avoid being scalded by escaping steam. Pouring cold water into the jackets of an overheat- ed engine is very likely to cause violent contraction of parts of the cylinders and head that may result in the formation of cracks and per- haps ruin these expensive parts. GanadlanPlarr:Book In co-operation with Canadian Architects 'designs of moderate .priced homes are pub-. lished In the Maclean Builders' Guide.. Detailed information on ;drowns, building,ffirnishin ,decorafingandger• •denin . Profusely illustrated. An ideal reference book. Send 25 cents for n copy. Maclean Builders' Guide 844 Adelaide 81. W., Toronto. Ont, A. yard where lions, tigers, and other animals and serpents are bought and sold is a feature of %the East -end of London, Great souls in humble bodies often dwell, The noble spirits walk in 'common ways. ire thoughtfulness for others they ex- i eel, A. gentle friendship marks their 1 routed of trays. Longest remembered at the journey's' end.._ • Is he who reaped his glory as a friend.{ --Edgar A. Guest. 1 'A man's heart beats 92,160 times in a; day. • Rub your scaip with Minard's Liniment Sneezing The sign of a coming cold. Bathe the feet. in Minard's and hot water. Also inhale. OF NORTHERN WINTERS AND 1 CROP SOIL? 100 Practical Farmers Wanted:—To take over 10 acres each, finest 4 -crop combina=tion fruit and vegetable soil In Central Florida. Railroad, schools; churches and other' facilities. Only re- quirement, each individual must have enough money to finance• himself. For further information write to -day. Geo. N. Davis, 746 Seybold•Bldg,, Miami, Fla. Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Neuritis Lumbago Toothache ` Rheumatism Colds Pain Headache Neuralgia DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART Accept onlyr 1ti3avei°t, RaclEe which contains proven directions. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of. 24 and 100—Druggists. AttnIfin 15 the trida mark (registered In Canada) el Bayer Matlufachire rP Norouteetle- hrideater of Sallcyltoielii (Acetyl Salicylic .Acid, "A. ,S. A."), 'Mille it is ,.1t known that .A11'011111 means Bayer manufacture, to assist the peptic 1Callrat ,•,rltatlpnp Vis ':t'ablets. ut Baser Ctimpear alit be stiitaped Stith their ge'tionti track mark, 11te. 'Rarer 03083." WOEMAH COU1B- HARDLY Mrs. Horn Tells bow Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Restored Her Health Haa milton, Ont.—"I have taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Ve • etable Compound and would net be without it now. Ihad afemale. trouble so badly -I could hardly walk and I was all run- down and could hardly get around to do my house- work. I would be in bed three or four days at a time. I was told by a friend to try your Vegetable Compound. I did, and by the time I tooktwo bottles I was beginning to get around again. I took ten bottles in all, and now I am all right again and doing my own work. I have six grown-ups to work for, so I have plenty to do. I also used Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash, and I think itis good. But I owe my health to the Vegetable Compound, and l think if more of it was used women. would be better off. I would not be without it if it cost much more. "— Mrs. NELLIB HORN, 28 St- Matthews Avenue, Hamilton, Ontario. Do you feel broken down, neryous: andweak sometimes? Lydia in ' ham's Vegetable Compound 1s excel- lent to take at such a time. It always ) helps, andif takenregularly and per -1. skitently, will relieve this condition. 0 wy HAIR CPIN CQN Oli Pimples on Scalp itched Badly.Cuticura icurat Heals. "After having the flu nu r hair fell out to that 1; had to have it bobbed. 1 also had some pimples on my scalp and it itched badly. My hair was lifeless and dry, and When I combed it, it came out in cornbfuls. "I sent for a free trample of Cuti- curt Soap and Ointment, ,t helped me so 1 purchased more, and after using two cakes of;Cuticurft Soap, together with theCuticura Ointment, T was compittely heated." (Signed) Wirt, Geo. IE I. Elliott, West St., R. R. 4, Orillie, Ont. Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum are ell you need fol every-''. day toilet and nursery paeposes. %Mole Steil 5ree by Mall', Addles Canadian tint»t• Stentwhbe t4.,i3o0&T0.d. Video, Soap flkntr,icnt 2d tad r,Or. Talaurn 70.•. Bair;-•Cus- .terra ,5hav'st,tt 3tlalc 2Sa.--- ISSUE No. 43- ,* Ib.