The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-10-21, Page 1sl SUTER TIMES, ESTABLISHED 1873AMALGAMATED ' "DI ADVOCATE ESTABLISHED 18871 -DECEMBER 1st, 1924 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER, 'list 1926, FIFTY-FOURTH EAR, NO, Al.' effilealee !{{VIIIA! 11 I I (_�lVlllll Illllllllllt111 l i IIIIVII�V�illllll{IIIi11111I I I { I i __ �1 MIA 1 II IiIi{V IIIIIVII A(AAIIIAI{t11[iAll(11 {AIN • agleY yreo ye wYt ::tom Ladies'�l�•Misses', FallandWinter Coats We have i j ust. received shipments of ladies' coats in many new styles. We have over one hundred coats to select from. Come and look them over while the stock-11.42: is large., , O L'S•COATS—Dur stock of Girl's Coats IS now complete. Prices much lower this p year. SDRE,sSES=-Ne . styles w arriving . every few `days. Many odd lines andsizes greatly reduced arioe. ingore en's Fiannelette ork Shirts at 1. 0 ach Ii On sale this week 2 dozen men's heavy flannelette work skirts, salt dnd pepper pattern, sizes 14 1-2 to 15 1-,2. A real bargain at $1.00 each Wool -Knit Dress Fabrics We have just received a shipment of the nett/circular wool balbrig- gan dress fabrics, 54 ,inches wide,in new autumn'colors-at $2.00 yard. Semi -Jumbo CoatS-vveate s These sweaters are very popular this .season: We .have them in a beautiful heavy wool in red, brown, white' and Oxford greyx,,also ; splendid 'range kf fancy 'sweaters for children, ladies and 'm' en.' Another Black Duchess Dress Silk lk at $1,50d Y The first web of this popular blacicy Duchess Silk we placed on sale went out very quickly. ' We were fortunate in securing another web. This is a very fine quality dress silk 3.6 inches wide, in black only, on sale at $1.50 -Per yard: PHONE 32 Jones ay PHONE 32 •> Melee Meade elelemie elY INY Yet Mane Oelelele MINIM . Ymg 4.11,1011 11.460.1 OsmIale Mame Amelia emeal Airen _e.Memel insmo YIP s X11{IAiI#111111(I11111HI(ll([(i((lillll(ILiI{Illtllll((IIIIII((11(IAII(I(lAlllIlli((lllltll[[111ilif[iiA[glll [1111111I[Illttlllllfllllllll—r,. it NEPTUNITE VARNISHES . The most nearly perfect' Varnishes made. They will not crack or tum white , under hot or cold water.- Will. ater.-Will. with- stand' the heat of hot 'dishes. ere. NOTRE% BETTER THAN ..Lowe. Bros. Paints and. Varnishes Ne pp tunite Varnishes $1.10 per pt.,. $2.00 per qt:, _$3.75 per half gallon Quebec Heaters complete Line to Select From Manner Quebec with oven $42' Doherty Quebec with oven $55 Doherty Queber with oven $84 'heaters from $17.50 up Stove boards $1.65 Stove Pipes 25c; Elbows. 30c Coal Hods 65c Tinsmithing and Plumbing n's e�,� Hardware & Paint Stare IBLISS—STRANG — On Saturday, Etee zaber 9th; ateVancot+aver, 13. C., y. b , Rev. Dr. E. D. McLaren, Alice. a Janet, eldest dauglite roP Mr,- and •1eirs. Henry Strang, of Usborne; to Fred E., Bliss, of Tacoma, Wash. 3A6,1DBiN ('0I' GVIaI,L Cal 'Satur- • terlay, October loth, 1,9.2 0, at St. � atii's Anglican church, by Rev. • X' g IL Marsh, assisted by Rev, F. E.. t h 'Powell, Madeleine Louise, delight- , fat g t- ser of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. E. Col- ' -well, to Harry N. Bawden, son of "Mr.. and Mrs. Peter 13awden, , of ladgetow.n, Out. L eememie Miss Alice Kedwell, of Sarnia, is visiting for a few days with Miss M. Jones. On,` Sunday Miss " Jones, e s ,Miss iodwell and Miss Alice ant- , fnrdnxoto d to Se�fb th'KritCdwith Miss I. Johnst l IN MIEMOliil'r1MM YOUNG ---Iii: loving Memory of Mrs J. G. Young who passed awa eine` year ago, October 19th, 1926 God knows how much eve Miss peri, Never, shall iter• rnemory lade; Loving _thoughts shall .ever. 'Wander To the spot where ehe.is laid. Ever Rernembel'ed' bye --,The, fansil 1 A revised and almost new lecture under the name of "Wagon Loads of Gold," will be given in Main St. United church on Friday, October 22nd, by Rev. W. E. Donnelly, form- erly of Exeter under the auspices of the Hurondale W. I. Good music will be added to the evening's pro- gram: Admission 25c. ANNIVERSARY THAMES ROAD UNITED CHURCH will be held on SUNDAY, :OCTOBER 24th, 1920 Rev. G, W. Oliver, B.A., of Ivan will preach morning and evening at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. FOWL SUPPEIv • ALL HOT GOOSE T[:Tl+7S,UA.Y, OCTOBER 26th, 1926 Supper will be served from 5.30 till 8, followed by an excellent program! by the Stratford Y_M.C.A. Orchestra and Concert Troupe, hi •Orchestral Selections, Readings, Vocal, Cornet, Trombone, Violin, Cello solos and duetts. Admission 75 and "'25 cents. Rev. O. M. Chidley, B.A., Minister. c.C, ETAII IIONtit+l LINE eiOL» The telephone line of the estate cif the l D •. xta z lI man has as been Pur- chased t chased by. Mr. Wm, Fra,yne, of Us borne. There are 106 •subscribers on the line, serving a portion of the: farmers en the t0Wnsirip of Usborne, RE_" ?, ,, V' . TRUMPER 1ftkyIGi1VS. The moreing service of the Trivitt Memorial church on. Sunday last was of a special character, it being Child- ren's ren's Day, when Ven. Arch Deacon Bateman, of London, preacixecj an appropriate and very excellent dis- course which proved highly,, inter- esting to all in attendance;' The congregation was very much taken by surprise when the announce- ment was made by the visiting cler- gyman that it was the intention of the rector, Rev. A. A. Trumper, L. Th., to resign tle;e duties of the par- ish and his new field of labor would be that of Windsor, Phis was the first intimation that thea 'congrega tion had that their• rector was about to resign, but itis probably no more than might be expected, when it i Considered ` that he has had charge o this parish for over ten years, and SUCCESSE l,l:i;+ ANNIVERSARY Ii?1 C 9•Vb1N PB 6SBYTERI N CHURCH The 1 64ti anniversary nxversar of. C v y a en Presbyterian church war held ou SundaSt last° and large congregations were present both, morning and evening and listened to two :splen did sermonsbY Rev. David Perris,,D.of Wingheen. The Main /St. nited church withdrew their morning ser- vice and: in the evening Trivitt Mem- orial church was closed •a'nd the eon - `re •at $ g ions worshipped with the Caven congregation. The music by thci choir throughout the day was of high order. In the morning in ad- dition to a splendid anthem' a pleas- ing quartette was sung by Messrs, A, R. Kinsman, J. Senior, K. Stanbury and E. J. Christie with Miss Blanch Senior taking a solo- obligate in very fine voice. In the ,evening two an- thems were sung and in one Mr. K. Stanbury rendered a violin obligato. At the morning service Mr, Perrie took. for his text "And after the fire a still, small voice," He spoke of God revealing himself to Joshua on Mt. Horab. After a supreme triumph s Joshua had become disheartened and f God revealed himself, not in lightn- ing, fire or earthquake, but in tsh; still, small voice. It was the voice of silence that he heard. The child- ren of Israel had failed to listen to the voice of God and they had been! carried ,away captives. There is a danger, lest I've become absorbed in Exeter being among • his early ap- pointments, it is Only fair to expect, that when he haven opportunity to improve his ministerial posi- tion in the prosecution .of his Mas- ter's work, that he;would take ad- vantage of it. i' The Rev. Trumper on leaving the the lust for pleasure and for wealth position in the Trivitt Memorial ancrbear not the voice of God. It we, cease to honor God he will cease to hcyzior ne and the day will come when ,roe will be carried away by moral eorx'uption. The great power i n .the earth isthe silent voice. It isisa the ',unseen spiritual forces that win the day and triumph every time; The,preachng of John Knox had a transforming •influence over Scot- land and Great Britain. The cliris- tian faith tells us that God dwells in man and when. God is tabernacled with, hie people things will be of a very di'fferent character. On •T.ixesday evening the ladies of Caved &arch served a hot fowl sup- lier,1xt ,the basement of the church. The stf;Iltier was all that could be de- sired. as 'the tables were laden with a bountiful supply of choice delicacies. Foliowing the supper the choir of church for another, field of labor, bears with him, we are assured on all hands, the unqualified respect of all with whone he has been associate ed during his residence in Exeter. It may be said. that a mrnieter moire Worthy of these• enpaessions' of per- sonal esteem and approval had not at -any time nzinistered among the congregation of the Trivitt Mem- orial. H$ has been a most active and faithful worker in all his rela- tions with the chuvell'and markedly devoted • in'. his ministrations among, the sick or less fortunate et the people. Perhaps as high a compliment as can be paid a minister' is—that he wears well and that he -grows in favor more and more as years go on. We •understand Mr. Tramper will commence' his new dirties shortly, his labors to end liere, the Iast of November. • The fact of Mr. Truniper leaving Exeter will be a' source of . deep re gret, not only by his own congrega- tion, but also by the other ;denom- inations who have, learned to love and esteem'• him:"' r^ • Rev. 'Truniper will not only be missed,. here in ministerial and other circles, :. but also• from •the • school board, of whichhe has been a valu- ed member for a number of years and in which capacity his valued suggestions and able advice were a source of much good. He was also an esteemed member of the Bowling club and took a great interest in all other manly sports. The City . of Windsor has secured a thorough.. gentleman;: a man of mach `force of • character and an earnest ambassador for the Master in the person •of Rev. A. A: Truniper. • HIGH SCHOOL FIELD DAY Friday last was Field Day for the Exeter High School, when the stud- ents from the Lucan High School mo- tored up and joined in the sports. The weather was fine and a good time was enjoyed by all, The .Ex- eter students entertained the visit- ors -to noon luncheon. in a game of softball the Exeter boy's team de- s feated Lucan 27 to 23, and the Lucan girl's team defeated the Exeter girls 17 to 6. The sports were keen- ly contested. Following were the results of the races. • When.the,winners are from Lucan the letter L is placed after the name. Girl's evnts — Running broad )jump, A. Gibson L, A. O'Neil L, B i Carlin L; potato race, Y. Beatson L, M. Wells, B. Conlin L; 75 yard dash Jr., L. Beatson L, B. Conlin L, D. Westcott; 75 yad dash Sr., L. Love, Miss O.Neil_.L,. Gibson L; high_junix Jr. Miss Rosser L, Miss Hodgins ' L, X. Reid throwing hard ball for dis- tance, Lucan, Lucan, ee er; re- lay race, Lucan, Exeter:. tug -of war. Lucan; three legged race, A. Gibson 13. Conlin L, D. Westcott, J. Pass- more, A. O'Neil, A. Hodgins L. Boy's softball gaixise Exeter etee7, Lucan 23; intermediate hop step vd and jump, McGowan L, Cook, Joynt, 36 ft.; senior hop, step and jump, Spencer, Langford L, 'Campbell, 35 ft. 1 in.; junior broad jump, Taman, Tieman, Desjardine, 15 ft. 2 in.; in- termediate broad jump, Murdy 'L, McGowan L, Reid, 16 ft. 9 in.; senior broad jump, Abbott L, Campbell, Hudson L, 16 ft. 6 in:; shot p open put Feist, Spencer, Skinner, 28 ft. 3 in.; pole'vauit open, Abbott L, Campbell, Cook, 8 ft. 4 in.; Junior High. jump, Exeter, Lucan hacl no entries; inter- mediate high jump, McGowan L Reid; senior high jump, spencer, At- kins L, Campbell; junior 100 yard dash,.'Tieman, Leo, Taman; uter- inediate 100 yards dash, Reid, Mc- Gowan L; Murdy le senior 100 yards dash, Abbott L,. 'Howey, Spencer; Boy's half -mile relay, Exeter, • Lucan, Lucan, winning team, Turnbull, Hervey, Spencer, Reid; half mil.' open, 1oeeey, Geiger, Athens le, tinea`" 2 min, g0 sec: Total"' -merits, Exeter boys 85,Lucan n boys 49. . Mr. and Mrs. A. Spencer and Mrs. J. R. MctJonaid Visited, in Mitchell on Sunda Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Fisher are vis- iting with Mr. and M'rs. Jos. Davis, of Chatham. A successful auction sale of the household effects of Mrs. Emerson, William St. was held on Saturday. The house and property were sold to Mr. W. J. Statham, of St. Thomas, Miss Nora Oke, who is at present attending the Technical and Com- mercial : High School; =London, aceam-• panied by her cousin, Miss Norah Lutton, spent the week -end under the parental roof. Mrs. B. W. I+'. Beavers returned' Monday after attending the Provinc- ial Convention of the W.C.T.U. held 'fIif Hamilton and also visiting her brother, Mr,. S. It. Eacrett, of Brant- ford. Mr. and Mrs. C. Pym, Me. Herd- man and Itis mother end Cieter mo- tared to Ait'hurii 9undOr and visit- ed i'ith: relatives: • Deaths b 1Ni ._ • �.l3CINER Izr Stephen, on Oc- tober 18th, .'testae •. Getter,. r, wide of the late Jacob Pinkbeiner, ag- ed, 86 years, 9 months and 1 day. ITA IST•—l'n Battle Creek, 'Midi,, on Wednesday, October 13, Joseph: Heist, of Crediton, In his 68th year While Mr. Chas. HHerelako was load en- deavouring lealtl; cieavottrtn iti steer of itto the trailer 01 Mr. F. Taylor "th`:".e animal reared and came out over the top falling to the ground round .with cappa,reiit- ly ;deo injury to itsel3',. The trailer is a narrow box sttlll Just wide enough for all anine:il and,.wltnn e; horse is inside only the hoed eat be seen. New St. James church, -London, und- er;the•leadership of Percy G. King, gave a splendid musical' program. assisted by Miss Lyla Grant, reader, whose na tubers were well received. ' FORD y.S.,4uNNING A. a iet wedding took place atetlie Home :ne the bride's parents, Mr,,,.and Mrs. Joseph Canning; Adelaide St., London, when their eldest daughter, Marge Kathline became the bride of Mr. Keith Ford, son of Mr. and Mrs. John x'ord, caretaker of the Exeter cemetery. They were attended, by the _bridegroom's brother, Mr. Cecil Ford and Miss Emily Dinney. After the ceremony they drove to Exeter where'a sumptuous supper was await- ing "thein. , The ceremony was per- formed by the Rev. J. H. Siemon.. pastor. of the Adelaide St. Baptist church. The young . couple will re- 'sid'e in -London. :Premier Ferguson has announced. tleat a Provincial Election will he held on December lst. Mr. Earl Whiting, niet with a run- away accident Saturday evening while moving from a farm near Park- hill to the farm he recently pilchas- ed 'from Mr. Rd. Coates, of Usborne. He was me,,eting a. car with a spot- light:near a culvert on the town line when the horses became frightened and his load on which were some pigs and a cornbinder were upset in the ditch. The horses ran away but were -caught after running a short distance. DIES SUDDENLY IN LUCAN Benjamine Haskett, aged 77, •died suddenly at his home in Lucan Sun- day morning, his wife finding him dead on her return from church. For years he was a farmer on the 1st concession of Biddalph, mo Ging to the village four or five years ago. Besides his wife, he leaves one daughter, Mrs.,Ward Hodgins of Clandeboye. Funeral services were' held on Tuesday esd y to Holy Trinity cburch. - Interment was made at St. James cemetery. STEPHEN COUNCIL The council of ' the Tewnship of Stephen met in the town hall, Credi- ton on Monday, October 4th, 1926, at 1 p.m. All members were present The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. Mawhinney-Tetrean; That by-law No. 350, being a by --law to amend by-law N. 833 of 1925 to ,provide for a rebate on assessments• levied, re Walker Dram", having .'been, read Atvw.Ze► ri =--_ three' times, be passed and signed by �i the Reeve and Clerk and the seal of w` phone 1A' CYCLONE ROOMY' LEACRIEi REORGANIZES Tli. c,ane cl C y 'Hockey League y e ue h s re -organized for the coming winter. Representativse flout the 'IJensaii, Zurich, Dashetooci and Exeter clubs' met at the Central Hotel ma:Friday evening g 1 est andwere axe t mos ' e th - iastic in forming a league for the earning. season. The league last winter was a success and the'pros- pects are bright for some goad c o h lce'• y next winter. The officers elected 'were: Hon.' Pres.Thos. Mc- Millan, M.P., and J. McD,oneli, Hen - sail; President, J. • G. Cochrane, Ex- eter; Sec'y-Treas,,• I. E. Bates, Hen - sail; Representatives, L. Penhale, Exeter; .e„ J. k`letning, Iensall;. Elmer Oesch, Zurich, Chester Geiser Dashwood, Mr. R. Gomplin was al- so added to the executive. The only change in the rules from last year is that the visiting team will furnish their own referee, Anniversary Services will be held. at Zion on the Elimville circuit" next Sunday, October 2$th, at 10:30. and 7 o'clock, Rev. Ti. B. Parnaby, of Mt Brydges, a former pastor; will preach at both. services. Special music by the choir. USBORNE COUNCIL The municipal .` council of the Township of Usborne met on. October 2nd pursuant to adjournment, All members of The council were present. The minrttee of the :meeting .of Sep- tember 4th were read aneapproved on motion of Berry -Dew. Councillor Berry intimated that he had to nothingreport on the he I{rk- ton Union Cemetery: question as he had not received any notice of a meeting Of the interested parties. Notice from the, Compensation Board re liability of the municipality fee acedent to employees ''01' the Township or of coutractors operat- ing therein. Due notice having been given the Board of contracts in progress the letter was ordered filed. The sanitary inspectors reported having carried out their instructions to examine slaughter houses -within the •bounds of, the towaiship. ., :• Skinner -Ballantyne: That the fol- lowing bills be passed and orders is- sued for " the payment •. of ,same: Prance Wain Refund, John Prance 30.28, Geo." CoWax'd $3.24, W. Clark $9.41, Sherwood Brock $2.79 'Frank Coates $9:11,' Nelson Clark $9.04, John Coward $6.63, Tp."of Usborne $4:82; Estate Dr. Hyndtuan, M:O.H: bills -.foe 192.4-25, $200.1:9; Crowley &a Murray, •i Advance 'in Elimvill'e Drain, $1,040.00; Geo. Davis, cutting, weeds on Con. 4 and Rd. 4 '$7 50: E. Hern, snow • work, .Con. • 8, $5.0.0; Henry Hern, cutting 'weeds, Con. S, $3.75; the Reeve, beard of: health, 12.00; • Henry Ford, superinten- ance for September, $60.92; Henry Ford, team work, $32.5,0.; Louis Letcher, gravelling, . $57.50; J. T. Hern, filling ditch, Con. 8,' $3.00; Edward, Johns, work on culvert, Con:- $3,.75; Thomas Bell, ditto $6.25; Freeman 'Horn, ditto; $3.75; Gerald Ford, ditto $3.25; Enos Herdman' gravelling, Con. 8,- $2.50. Carried, Ballantyne:. That we adjourn to meet on Saturdays November 6th at one 'o'clock.• Henry Strang, Clerk d F H 2 0 e Theatre We wish to 'announce to our pat- rons, for' the next few weeks pic- tures will be shown Monday and Tuesday or, Tuesday; .and Wednesday, according to the playing dates of the pictures, Watch this -add. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY October. the 22nd and 23rd "SE'!G`E!' With Virginia, Valli and Eugene , O'rien USUAL'COMEDY TUESDAY ANIS WEDNESDAY October 26th aiid 27th A PAR ,MOUNT PICTURE esert Gold". A Zane Grey „story USUAL COMEDY 'FRIDAY AND SATURDAY October 29th and 80th MARY PICRFORD IN `Little Annie Rooney' USUAL COMEDY' y 1 P1'se take Notice I will he out of town from. October 1811 to November let, ` My 'office will however, be ' open during >this period with Mr. S. B. Taylor, JeWeb- er in. charge �• ge of Spectacle reFair,� or to make appointments with azzy whop wish Eyesight examination after" . my return. S. Phone 75w, Fitton on OP'TOMP1TR "Where 6 7 z i -ire Quality Counts—, We Win" !a t9s dread Aso. For It— You know'the kind—that satisfy- ing and health -giving bread with the real malt flavor. Now your answer is easy—and sure—just say Give me Grant's' It's great—Better by several de- groes, if flavor can be measured, than any you've ever: tasted. With the first slice you'll relish this dif- ferent blend and how it will linger through to the last slice. Grant's }akery EXETER R � ONTARIO. Phone 19x1 Phone 194 SOUTH SEUVICE STORE" '.SERV ICE HA . ' ' FORt -•DELIVER Quality Bread Quality built our success.' It You're a regular • ' biistorner; you'Il ,.back us 1n this state- -+ went. 'Neither? cut prices,. sensational-. claims,' nor a single trick: of ; the trade accounts for the big success' of Lockwood's Better .3read, -" Just ,out - and - out quality there's the story in a nut -shell.: ei Bread that is delicious and `: rich in nourishment—Bread. that gives you full money's worth . ,• W; E..LOCK �V OOD BAKER EXETER s. ( TAE) to PURCHASES ZURICH BAKERY Having purchased, the Zurich Baking Business .from Mr. E. I' oehier, -I" wish to announce that I ani in a position to sup- ly the public with a fine line o$ baked goods. . We formerly conducted a sine liar business in Hensel', and we invite the public to visit our shop , Enjoy ' your meals by ` eating our baking. # EVERETT HAIST ZURICH Mr« and Mrs. Stackhouse, of Lon- , cion, spent Sunday with Mrs. A. Cot- tle. We Deliver • the corporation attached thereto. (� ` • Carried. , WE SERVE AND SATISFY Hayes -Goetz: That the bond as fil . s' t'.{ ed by F. W. Morlwock, collector of $`•\ taxes fo-1926a t.• r be , ccep ed aircl filed , V, with the Clerk, Carried. \\/ :The: fol Iowa <of ars'-I'vete ed., , g d .,. • peesed U , '4 , NovJ is the correct time to plant 53Ct"DE31; both indoors o\�l z s std. out, e persons, ,./ Sued y i ciao rebate . •on. Welker ..,, S:: Drain $309.93; I3ydro Ble;tric Coin, \ account, �10 13 ` Geo. Mason, statutett t o labor, Cons. 18-19, $5;00; •Peter t4 Eisenbach, tile, $5.25; S. Campbell, gravel, $20.10; Dr. A. Mair aneotuit 0 1 o' vaccinations, x,2.50; •Maw,ltinirey, d: & Smith, repair Flynn's bridge, $3.25 isl Trees, .Crediton School raiz, ad-@ grant,$5.00. '�`d ditional The council adjourned to meet again in Crediton tin Monday, 'the is�, Y. V.. 1st of rovelnbee, 1926, at 1 pen, Hz 1'lonry Hiner, Clerk �:1•:e r X ; "BULBS" for Winter and Spring flowersrte,.. , We ltat•ve'Gamu'ige's p'rief lists -bole fail' dtstyibution, r` . ...CL t,r; • a n yozf zrt ureme ts ,nata` tatter tiw small, -ll We win Il / \ do the •orcicri i,< Wo club the prti4t°•s to-gether, .i!Lrl et theta pre- Paid ie raid for ynin, al' sac. a.+; of 11) per``cent, ti r