HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-10-14, Page 8•tjhone'16 4P41,. t7,1 Here is a Much Wanted Line ,..*-Alnoot„osvr.:4.$4.w.lareltrAcks. . 4\. . We are ready with a most complete range aff,,,te,fileS%.- Misses'. 'and Children's fall and winter coats. Thls. SeaSeil'a r .4, tr. toataare very plain, straight lines—far aollara. Many Striking shades in Plain and plaid elothv—prices are all,A*iyour avor. We will be delighted to show you our new cOatS';111,:ir Extra Sneciai SO -inch White Flannelette, lovely close, finish., regular value 35c, Our special price 2tire\P"'• yard. 30 -inch Striped Flannelette, Beautiful stripe combinations, soft downy finish, regular value 33e our Special price 2,5e yard, 3, Ladies' and Girl's Pure Brush Wool Sweater cloagg"with lovely rain, bow shaded. trims, $1.50 and $5,50. o Boy's Wind breaker sweaters in alI new color combinations 1 $2,75, $3.00, $3.25, Boy's fancy stripe pull -over sweaters, pure wrpol,‘, swell combination colors, $2.7.5, $3.00, $3.25. Do You Want a -Real 13argam Ladies' faacY mercerised lisle hose -5 different color Coln- binations, regular price $1.25, now going at 69e. OUR GROCERY PRICES Jelly Powders, 3 pkgs. for 25c Vanilla, 8 az. bottle for 25c Extracts, any flavor 3 for 24c Ilk Ammonia Powder, -3 ..)kgs 25c Toilet Paper, 6 larg :-olls 25c Rice, choice quality, 3 M 25c P. & G. Soap Chips, 2 lb 25c. Castile Soap 7 cakes for 25c 6 ;(‘ Crisp Soda Biscuits -.:..!„r,5c. Th Tasty Sardines 4 boxes' for 25c Mixed Tea, our special 59c 113 Matches, 3 large boxes for 29e Pink Salmon, 2 large tins 35c. Shredded Wheat, 2 pkgs 11,5c Kellog's Corn. Flakes 3 for 29c Crisp Ginger Snaps, 2 Ib 25c J. A. Lkt,#. 1 4 4' 1/4 '7..0`....74,10:67.67:40W..40rAgrAr..§Sr.arli 'Sur Wuiderfu1 Furniture Values Are Drawing The Crowds To This Store It's surprising the great number that aro taking advantage of our wonderufl furniture values. Our stock is so large and so up- to-date that it malcs4 ic a pleasure to shop here. "GARDIN'ER'S FOR GREATER VALluaS." "THE HOME FURNISHER" E FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER FINEST MOTOR AND FUNERAL EQUIPMENT Long Distance Caps PoMptly ttended To Phone 74w OPERA HOUSE BLOCK Night call 74j 4sesireatammecimar.I.0.• eiretaimormnommirmalb, DAELK441:0,-M—MorAYMMEM8a- Men's Store NE Are now in Phone 81w 1 • Men's Store ITINGS FOR FALL stock for , Inspection TWEEDS, WORSTEDS, SERGES, New Furnishings are arriving dally -r. MEN WILL APPRECIATE THE QUALITY AND STYLE OF THE NEW FALL FURNISHINGS. COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER. I • t •TR Merchant Tailor -and Gents' Outfitter ()theAhet secure witetCt « • The finest wheat -that ever greetecl the reapat: - harvest-- time goes.into themaking of ' '• ' <,L4fMaII4i.4./4,Z ,S,J):0_St F10,11r" )46;:-'21: HARVEY DOM, , attlsitotrit CANAOA HARVEY Exeter Ontario .'7;:,*;„7.--:•,. atter Markets Wheat $1.25, Oats '150. Barley 500, Manitoba flour $4.55. Blended flour $4.45 Pastry flour $3,50 Feed Flour $1.90 Shorts Bran $1.60. Creamery butter, 38c Dairr butter 32-35e. Eggs, extras 40c. Eggs, seconds 28c. New, Potatoes $1.25. Lard 2ec Rogs $11.50. Hogs, selects $12.65. _1) Exeter H. S. Field Day on Friday. Citizens are welcome, no admission. Rev. Jas. Kestle is quite 111 at his home on. Albert St, Miss Helen Dignan is visiting for a coupl% et weeks in Toronto. Mr. Wilfred Turnbull left to at- tend Technical school )namilton. Messrs. Cliaa. Acheson and Joe Grant, of Loudon, spent Sunday at their homes in town, Mrs. (Capt.) W. Qxtaby, of Brant- ford, spent as few days last week with Mrs. R. 1 Creech._ Brinsley Milled church will hold their fowl supper on Thursday, Oct. A Anniversary next Sunday. Mrs. R. Middleton, of Vancouver, 13. C., spent Thursday of last week with Dr. W. E. and Mrs. WeekeS. Mrs. W. Snell has returned home, after visiting for a week. with her sister, Mrs, Windsor, of Pt\11urou Mrs. Fitzgerald and family, oi Chiselhurst, are moving into the Baskerville house on Wellington St. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Withun and daughter, Eleanor, of Detroit, called on friends in town one day last week. Huron Presbytery of the United church met at Bayfield on Tuesday, several being present from this cem munity. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Robertson and sou Peter, and Miss Ruby Creech, of Stratford, spent Sunday with Mrs, T. G. Creech, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.„DeIonney and son, Arthur, of Detroit, visited with friends in Crediton and Exeter on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. R. Welsh. Mrs. John Snell and Mrs'. W. W. Hodgins, of Lucan, visited with, relatives in Sarnia last week. Mrs. L. V. Hogarth, wlio last week underwent an operation for appendi- clis iu Victoria Hospital Lbndon, g,t trtng along nicely-. • Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bertrand and daughter, Mr's. G. Sommerville, o Detroit visited with Mr, and Mrs ,foi a few days. — Two auto' loas-.0, of, young people from town motored -Co" L.. unias Wednesday morning to spend the day with 1\h. and Mrs. Thos. Coates. Mr. Milo Snell lest a valuable horse orr Sunday. It was one of a matched team and Mr. Snell refused $175 far it 'On the previous Thurs- day. Mrs. L French, of Herronton, Alta., Mrs. Wm. Wise and Mr. Ed. French, of Torono, motored up and. spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Follick. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Myers' and son Billy, of Detroit, motored, over and spent the week -end with Miss Sanders and Miss Vosper. Tb i4 lat- ter returned with tlieni on. a visit. A report of Kirkton Fair and a portion of the report of Zurich Fair which was crowded, out of our columns last week, will be found on one of the inside pages this week. Mr. J. Maurice Senior motored up from Toronto and spent the week- end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Senior. Miss Blanch_ Senior, who has been visiting in Toronto, re- turned home with him. • Mr. M. R. Complin, who has been holidaying for several weeks resum- ed his duties as than.agr of the Can- adian Bank of Commerce ,on Friday Mr. D. M. Schutz, who was relieving here returned to Hamilton. Capt. Oliver; wife and tamilY, have been in Toronto for several days as delegates to the Salvation Army congreSs held at the arena. The S. A. services on Sunday were conducted by local soldiers. The many friends of Mrs. Hillery Horton will be pleised tO know that she has returned home from Victoria Hospital, London, where she under- went two operations,, and that She is much improved in health. Mr. Everett Haist, of Detroit, who a few years ago conducted a bake shop in Hensall has purchased the bakery business of E. Koehler, of Zurich, and has taken possession. His many friends in this community will welcome him back. 5 • THE EXETERillVIES-ADVC!CATE CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Reif, Ja4101$ 11.A,;1111.111Ster 84th 4xxxvtals,uvr 11 a.M.—Rev, David Perrie, D.D, of Winghean, 10 a.m.—r-Sunday School 7 David Perrie, DX. Special music by the choir *TAKES T. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. McTavish, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C,M. Organist and. Choir -Leader Rev, W. 'R. Alp, 13*.A.,, of Auburn, will be the preacher at both services. Mr, Alp is one of our best preachers in Huron Presbytery and tlie friends of Exeter are cordially invited. to hear him. Trivitt Mernoi 'ial Church 11 a.m.—"Children's Day Service." 3 p.m.—Sunday School, 7 pan.—Service withdrawn in favor of Caven church anniversary. I!IAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. F. E. Clysdale, Pastor 11 a.m.—Service withdrawn. Con- gregation invited to worship with Caven at 'anniversary. 3 p.m. Sunday School. 7 p.m.—Rev. James L. Foster, of Kirkton. Powell's Variety Store Plain Price Store THURSDAY, OCTORER 14 31,044 nomommuunfollomouomoommommiumminommummumwoummumomumiummommonnomo, EN'S AND BOYS' 114=1.1•1 11•111•110. =NM ••••• 1101.11.12 , • . IN.'NEWE$T...STYLES..... AND MATERIALS' It is time you are: tiiitiklitig..aboUt. that Ov- 110 . , MEMO, 1.1•1101. • 1•111111.16 ,amorror . Immo mourn. Immo bow. NIM•101 .0* •=41•111 11011M111 mmomor ••••••• .11.111101 mom.* •IIM/1110 ••••••11. tm.1.111 lia•••• We have installed a large Butter:‹—..._ Kist Corn Popper which runs by Hydro. 'We invite the public to trysome of our freshly Popped buttered corn. We make it .fresh each day. It is also recommended as a ,cereal, being...eaten with sugar and cream, — — Generous bags 5c. And too we have received Ladies' Cashmere stocking, toilet and shay- ing soaps, percolater tops,/ elastic, Flowering bulbs, Hyacinthe'" Sacred Lillies, Tulips, Daffodills, Freezias, Narcissus, and Crecquos. Ask to see our new tea -sets. •Come here for Bargains, we have‘ them. rft For Sale Quebec Heater, nearlf new Baseburner, ,with oven, cheap Several fine hoine,in Exeter Large square new Linoleum 6 dining room chair, bed and springs. Inquire at POWELLS 13AZAAR, PHONE 55 ralienierallecellanner....rearinnerrures.Nem INSURANCE E. C. Harvey L. V. Hogarth — Agents — Mutual Life of ,Canalla Prize winners at the Exeter Horti- cultural Flower show are requested to calf at the off ice the secretary - treasurer and secure their prize inoney.----J. G. Stanbury, Sec'y-Treas. A man with a wife and one child desires work on a far., Apply Box VI. Exeter. FOR SALE—Secondhand Hil- borne wood furnace, new flue, in number one shape. ApPIy to John Bolton R. 1, Henson., phne 13 on 73. 10-14-1tp FOR SALE -200- bushels of man - golds and 100 bushels of turnips. Apply to Harp Rivers. , -10-14-1tc FOR BALE -5 month s nIcl calf. pply to Thos. Kernick, -Exeter North. . • 10-14-1tp FOR SALE --Two men's wintr coats, two girl's coats, Two men's suits, two men's sweaters. For in- formaion apply at Times -Advocate. 10:14-2tc • ' FOR SALE—Pony, ,bug'gy' and 1„:7, FOR SALE—Comfortable' seven` harnes, all in good condition, Ap-. rooin,, frame house on Huron * Street, ply to D. Parkinson, Huron St., Ez_ ,Exeter, , apply to -GLADMAN & eter.• 8 -2 -ti STANBUR,Y, Solicitors 1044,=.2tc , 1 ercoat for the &Ord days that are coming. We are showing the newest cloths tailored in verysmart models. • Boy's at $15.00 and $17.00 Men's at $18 50; $22.50, $25.00 and $5. LADIES' AND MISSES' COATS SIVIART STYLES IN '12r 14; AND 16 YEAR SIZES; ALSO A. VERY FINE RANGE OF THE NEWE$T STYLES AND CLOTHS THAT ARE PRICED ° REASONABLY. - WE EXPECT A NEW SHIPMENT THIS WEEK AT POPULAR PRICES, • • Woods Lavender Underwear for Women • IN COTTON, COTTOAND WOOL, SILK AND WOOD, ALL WOOL, AND SILK. WE CARO THIS. POPULAR LINE OF TAILORED TJN- DERWEAR FOR WOMN; ASK TO SEE IT. Popular Priced at 75c. $1.00 $1 25 $1 50 , 9 Or ttt.... uthcbtt ros. !4111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111116111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.1111111111p Have Your Eyes • Examined Today There is nothing to be gained by delaying that eye- examination. There is much.to be lost. s Each day that your eyes are under a strain makes it more difficult for your Optometrist to give you satis- factory glasses You will be surprised at the thor- oughness of our methods—and will be pleased with the glasses. Call today and learn the truth about your eyes. • John Ward CHIROPRACTOR & OPTICIAN MAIN ST, EXTER. ONT. PHO E 70 R. N. ROWE „FURNITURE DEALER" AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR • Everything Up-toDate YOU ARE INVITED TO INSPECT •OUR STOCK AND GET OUR PRICES. Phone 20W Night 20J NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Court will be held, pursuant to The Ontario Voters' List Act, by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County. of Huron at the Town. Hall, Exeter, on Tuesday 26th 1day of October, 1926, at 2.30 o'clock in the afternoon to hear and deter- mine complaints of errors and omis- shins in the Voter' Listof the Muni- cipality of the Village of Exeter for 1926. Dated the 4th day of October, 1926. JO, SENIOR, Clerk FR. SALE --Several-• farms at Hon -Hugh Guthrie, K.C., of There will be a dance held in,the, Guelph, was on Monday elected tem- Farquhaa ' Hall FridaY evening,' t ' reasonable ' rices, good buildings, porary leader of the Conservative October 151h. federal party at a convention held in Ottwa. He Succeeds the Rt. Hon. • general housework, must Arthur Meighen 'who had previously b • Cook. Steady employment and a Mr. Wes. Lamport motored to Pt. Huron Sunday and was accompanied good home for the right perspn; .. ,.' —, . - home by Mrs. Lamport, who• has 225 Hmari• SL ,t.ge'Titriedikfaaer‘att 2c a dozen. Public •School reorts, for sale at, • Mrs. J. J. Callaghan, London . tendered his resignation, e experienced and a good plain earsY erms a responsible parties. Apply to James W. Watson, R. R. Kirkton, Ont., phone Kirkton 54-1 been been visiting with her sistr, $ SALE OR RENT Mrs. Armstrong, ' of Detroit. Her AGENTS $500 MONTHLY easy The Folloying Propertie neice, little Miss Edith Armstrong, selling MAGIC GAS $1 box equals accompanied them home ' 33 ine. Brick Store on Main St.Eeter Mr. and Mrs. Albert CILIUM andgallons gasolProven merits. Mervyn, of the Standard Drug Stores Your name on cans. 300 per cent. Commodious Brick dwelling, fur - London, returned home Friday last Profit. Write quick, P, A. L. nace heated, and wired for 'Electric` FEBVRE & CO., Alexandria, Ont lighting', etc. with fixturin place, ell after spending the week on a motor - John St. trip through Michigan,,stopping at Pontiac, Detroit, Saginaw and other • A meeting of the Cyclone HockeY principal cities. Mervyn returned League for South Huron will he .,- Six and a haltacres.dat choice land suitable for market garden,. running to London Saturday, • held at the Central Hotel, 'Exeter, through from Huron St to aOhn St. • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walker, 0 lilx- Friday evening at 7.30. All clubs Choice SaskatekeVran farms in the eter North, had a pleasant visit from intereTted are asked to send repre- ‘Carnduff, Fillmore, Plenty and Fro - Mr. and Mrs. Ja,Bmil4 M:rs. /ohm SentgiveS. E. Bates, President. • besher distrits. ,... Brown, MT, and-..§yl4,eirTgie-• 4: '''-,' .,W'''''.1c:`, For Price and .term a" On above Nee Brown and little Son' Fred ell a 114r, Ge. Hynclman. visited In Lon- ROBERT E. LU D, John Street "Metalf near StrathrY. Mrs, Walk- don Tuesday. ExEnnt;,•. .„•.2, . er, Mra. jaa. Bron and Itrs. John \r. John Welsh, accompanied by Agent for Great West Life astree ea,. Brown are sieterg and this Was a his sister 11/lary motored oVer from pleasant re-unnan. Medina, N. Y. arid visited his brother • • Mr, 0, 0.*IVIePherson,of Montrea, Mr, W. E. Welsh One clay larstWeek., is Plating for a couple of Weeks Miss Welsh .18 remaining for a time, with his parents, Mr. aid Mrs. A. Mr. and IlIrs. Walter Curiningliani MePheion, Mr. MePherson, who mOtored to Leamington for over the for the past few years has cnclitek• Wek-eilcl. Mr. and Mr, 11, Pryde :,`-`,7,ed a drugstore In Montreal; has dis- and family' radabmpanied 411on and . posed Of his busineas and after a visit with his parenta intends leav- 1E4;M. 1P128NCIIS • Agent for CANAL)A LIFE ERNEST ELLIOT Conveyancer, Investmenta , Insurance •-• Office one door south Times Office VV. R. G-oulding- A. T. C. M. Organist and Cnoirmaster James St, United Church Instrucction Lfl Plano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of M'usic Schools Concert Engageraoxits Accepted Studio, Main $t. Box 57, Phone 1P2 EXETER, omr. • FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED A.UCTIONEER for Huron &lid Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Pricers reasonable and satisfaction • • guaranteed EXETER P. 0. or RING ilia JAMES W. WATSON Licensed Auctioneer Sales conducted' in any locality Farm Stock sales a specialty. Satia, faction guaranteed. Charges mod erate. Orders left at this officewil) be promptly attended to. R.R7-Ne 1, Iffrkto. Phoni itirkten F4r2. DR. M. 6'. G. FLETCHER Graute of Faculty of Medicine, University ref Western Ontario, Mein- ber of the College ofPhysiccans and Surgeons of Ontario; Member of the British Medical' Council. Phone 6—(The offide of the late Dr. Hyndman) Safety Razor, Blades Sharpened (any make SINGLE EDGE• psuBLE EDGE 49 Ported Edge Guaranteed W. S. COLE, Druggist Sylvester B. 'Taylor Jeweller,, Exeter Fitton's" Old Stand WATCH AND C1LOCH REPAIRDTG GUARANTEED FIRE INSURANCE PROTECT YOURSELF AGAINST LOSS BY ETRE, VVITA F3. cHRIwrie •OFFICE: North of Elliott and Johns • J.1-1L018WIS N BunanNo and CONTRACTING • Houses and Barns • ESTIMATES AND 'SUGGESTIONS LADVY FURNISHED Phone 12*, „,,,John St. East, Exeter LOOK! 1922. Font, TOURING WITH SATER' FOR SALE Good • Running Shape FIRST $125 TAKES ' Went on tO Windsor to Visit With AsstRAN.00' couploy. • ,• • Ivir, and Mrs. Jn. PrYde. hag for Florida for the winter. •along nicel.• . • • 4"* ' , Lj,1,,C11114 P0.0110 10.. PxOtete. 1 CARLING & MORLEY Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. LOANS, INVESTMENTS, IN- SURANCE _ Office!' Carling Block, Main Strut! Exeter, Ont. GLADMAN & STANBURY 'Barristers, Solicitor; do. Money to Loan, Investmente MAO Insuranc. Sae -deposit Vault for use of ear Clients without charge.. Exeter London Hermit PRINI•44.1•1•4m.emonwau... Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.D.516 DENTAL SlUIGEON Late Listrict Degtar Offica. Military Ditrict, Number One, Log. don, Ont. Office Phone 34W • Residence Phone 84.7 Main Street, Exete, Oat Office Closed Every Wednesday G. F. Rouiston. DENTIST Office over I. R. Carling'0 Las#, office. Extractions Under Oxygen Gu. Dr. A. R. Kinsman. L.L.D.,D.D.S.; DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto Hutu*. sity. Office over Gladman & Stanbuirt office, • 1Vialn Street, Exeter. DR. HARRY J. BROWNING M.D.C.M., Toronto L.R.C.P. & S. Edinburgh • L.F.F.&S. Glasgow Physician & Surgeon Office over Browning's Drug Iftogi Phones! , • -''''..zn•rtgR31 Residence 30 •- Offisi 01.114.11atie DE. W. E. WEESES i', • Physician and tintgeon Late Chief Interne Vancouver General Hospital CORONER FOR HURON couirrir -Office removed to the fanner Aar* garage *building Corner of Vain ang Ann St. Office hours 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p.ma Phone: Office 67W, Residence ST: DR. E. S. STEINER VETERINARY 8ITRGE07.7 Graduate of the Ontario Veteninnal., College DAY AND NIGHT CALLS PROMS) • LY ATTENDED TO •-• Office, old Ford Garage Building . Corners of maip. and .Ann Street" Telephone: Office 158w, House 1118, • EXETER, ONT. Dr. A. B. Gibson, VETERINAIIV SURGEON Office and residence, Main St. South • Second house from end of pave- ' ment East side of the road. All calls promptly attexided 4)0 Accommodation fbr treatment of animals Phone 99 -- Exeter, Ont. ARTHUR WEBER LICENSEDAVCTIONE1311, For Huron COtinty FARM SALES A SPECIALTY 8 Years Experiece. Prices Rouen* able, Satisfaction Oftaranteed or, • • no Charge. Photo 8748 Delithw004 rt. 11, PARIIWOODe „re