The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-10-14, Page 14
Local News
. • - -------„,-______
, .......................
,—.... , .-= 1VIoaday, October lita, 19243 DetelOit,auxeclogga 40ytt,illaatewsillo"ne' of trelaVItin'si•eatiAmadm, iiwtoino, isieimrpelc.oeviviaiir
= A, regular meeting of the innui-
' Exeter CoUncil I. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Craig are
Ladies' and 114isses' = absent Couneillor HaWkins. The
= cipal 001=011 held ein the town hall,
- . visiting at the hOine of Mr, W. E.
a minutes at the meeting held, Sept, Ur. and, 'Mre. George Ferguson and
in. town -
few daYs with the former'e mother 1
= 27th were read and apProved.
..... Oorrespondeace 3.-eaci: Canadian on 'Sunday. Mr. and Mr. Luther Reynolds and Mrs. C. L. Wilsoa and children are
Fall- and Winter
the city of St. John, Canada, October D
i painting 'the lauclseape
Board o Trade annual meeting at family, of Debuts, visited in Clinton ;visitng for s tow days with Mrs
' ' ' HeiztaunroDasyman, .of Seeforth,
, 0, and 21, 19ab, Circular frora spent the week -end' with Dr. and .
Dr and Mrs, Bruce, a Kineardine I
La, Plant Choate Mfg, Co., re tractor 1Virs. Roulston,
autumn--ecolore that beggar cleserip-
Wi. a all the beautiful colors of
Coat. .
., Mean
real, re sewer cleaning ettuiliment, Rev. R. Redmond left or his aglow witii. varieg'ated colors and the
lVfiss Veena Coates and Niles Stella tion
and day the artists' brush,
from Francis Hasakin & Co. Mont Toronto
Oluws' Circular and letter Southeott sPeitt a. couple of days ix
Toronto last week, The soft maples arotied town are all
0•110•1•1 fOil T. grant of $25 was given to the morning aftet visitingsaira John E. upon the ground. A motor tide)
leaves re beginuing to "lie taick
home in Baltimore, on Wedneeday
, . 11....•
.4.1 Agricultural Society on motion og Dignau &trough the country on a fine day
Davis and Oilleeple. Carried for about a month, '
reveals a wonderland of beauty,
The following aceouats were read airs. L Armstrong, who recentlY
and ordered paid; Beak of 3/foritreal .-
underwent an operation in Victoria the °inning meeting of the Young
After behag closed Lor the sumnaer
People's Guild of Caven aurch for
pspr.eefinetucin la socia.1way around the.;
the fall and winter month' e. ,ok the
form of a weiner roast a the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Strang, of Us -
borne on Wednesday evening of
last vreek, A. jolly good time was
camp, fire by the goodly number
Word `was received in town on ti
Sunday of the death of Mr. Barton
Edga,r1Westeott, aged 44 years, son
of Ma. and Mrs. ° J. T. Westcott, of
Hamilton, and formerly of Exeter.
The deceased was „vrell and'favorably
known in town having at one time
ill. wmaitestill
deceased had been' ill with pneu-
conducted a barber shop here, The
monia. Mrs. G. Easterbrook and
Mr. W. Westcott-of town are aunt,
and uncle.
Mr. Dan 1V1eCurcly will heldeean
auction sale of farm stock and'im-
plements on his farm, at Lot 10,
Con. 1, Stephen, on Friday. October
The building is to be 'a large one-
story stucco finsn and when complet- Tilers will be offered for sale by
ance. Contractor Lewis is the 1 Flotel, Hensall, on _Friday, Nov. 5th, -
ed will present an attractive appear- Public auction at the Connuerciel
I two farms of 100 acres each, situate
The first frost of the season visit- On boundary between Tuckersmith
ed this section early Saturday more_land Hibbert, the,aroperty of the Tate
ing and the flowers, which have! Hugh IVIa.cDonald,
bloomed so profusely around town,
were a sorry looking sight, when Anniversary and Fowl Supper at
e citizens awoke from their sium_ Thanies Read 'United church. .Au -
the Inspector steps were ar- '
niversarY , Oct. 24th, Rev. G. W.
dered placed inside the windows
leading to the fire espapee. Ata dboeiwan. The frost was heavy and eut
many of the vines. Oliver, of Ivan, will condine servieesi
Tuesdaeree evening. Oct. 26th, Hot
recent test where he was present the 111r. J. W. -end Miss E. J. Hogarth,
school was Cleared in 45 seconds. Goose Supper and entertainment.
of Waterloo St. returned home Fri -
The ' fuel committee 'reported or- day evening from a, very pleasant
Bering a car of coal. trip to the West wItere they visited e.e-aenaeasaseeseaeareeeseeesseeeve
• e
A. number of accounts were pass- their brother, Mr. J. C. Rogarth and
• .11•1••11•1•
•••=. 11.4411
We have just received
sh.ipments of ladies' ciaats. in
many new styles. We have
over one hundred coats to
select from. Collie and look
them over while the stock tiktje
is large.
=ea IGIRE'S COATS—Our stock of. Girl's Coats is now complete. -Prices much lower this year.
eeeeme DRESSE eve styles arriving\ every few dam Many lines' and sizes greatly reduced
Men's Flannelette
= Hospital,:Lonclon, returned tome on
box rent, $2.50; R. G. Seldon, cem-
entCarling, trea,surers Sundayleaccompanied by nurse Miss
bond, $8; Gopp 13iiilaers' Supply "-e ' __
Janes Mrs. .Arinstroag is getting
Co, Leb. $41.25; Bell Telephone Co. Mrs. 1VIcTaggart and daughter,
phone rent $6.15; John, Norry, labor Mies Nellie, who have been visiting
lemma $14; Thos. Sanders, labor, $15; S. i for a couple of weeks in Toronto,
Kirk, labor, $12; J. Parsons, labor,
ne, $12.00; John Rankin, ilabor, $27;
i last week.
!returned home the latter pain of
......= Jos. McDonald, labor $91 Peter Colee! The Chancel Guild of the Trivitt
= man, team labor, $5.50; R. E. Davie' Memorial churcheaheld a successful
— team labor, $11; Harvey Bros., team rummage sale in the town hall on
= labor $8.25. Cemetery account—. Saturday last and realized over $50
Bell Telephone Co., phonOrent, $4.- for their efforts.
62; Wm. Srnith, jabor, .$14.75; Ross Miss Jessie Manson, of London, is
Taylor Co, lumber; $71.80, Passed holidaying for a couple of weeke
on motion of Coultis and Davis. with ,her mother, Mrs. G. Manson.
Adjournment by Coultis, Miss 13lyth, ' oa - London., spent the
in ;re;
Jos. Senior, Clerk week -end with them.
Mr. J. A, Stewart who was in Vic -
BOARD OF EDITCA.TION toria Hospital, London, for several
The Board met in regular session days last week. for treatment, re-
turned home on Priday and was able
at the office of the secretary on Oct. to resume his duties at the store
Ilth. A11 present but Mr. E. M.
Dignan and Mr. H. T. Rowe.
Rapid progress ie being made mi
The minutes of the previous meet•-•
ing were read and approved. he new residence of. Mr. M. R. Rens-
lord being built on Wellington St
The chairman reported an inter-
view with Dr. Weekes and Dr. H.
Browning re medical examination of
the scholars. in the school. The same
is to be proceeded, with at once.
The principals' reports were read
and filed. Permission was given the
High School staff and scholars to at-
tend the combined field day of Hu-
ron High Schools at Clinton.
At the suggestion of the Fire Un -
Work Shirts at
1. 0 ek
On sale this week 2 dozen men's heavy flannelette work shirts,
salt and pepper pattern, sizes 14 1-2 to 16 1-2.--A. real bargain at
,./e$ 1.00 each,
Wool -Knit Dre Fabrics
We haveejust eeceived a shipment of the new circular wool balbrig-
gan dress fabrics, 54 inches wide,in new a,utifma. colors at $2.00 yard, camem=staissereseam
Semi --Jumbo C --oat S'weaters
These sweaters are veiy popular this season. We have them in. a
beautiful heavy wool in red, brown; white and Oxford grey, also a
• splendid ..ettillgesobeInaffaraaWeareH'Ibr cliiRlagne antral -lea, ‘‘.4k
,Another Black Duchess Dress Silk at$1,50 yd
The first web of this popular black, Duchess Silk we placed on sale
went out very qeiickly. We were fortunate in securing another web.
This is a very -line quality dress silk 36 inches wide, in black only, on
sale at $1.50 per yard.
. . .
family of Peeves, Min
a, and then: D
eces, 1VIrs. B. N. and Mrs. C. Book- oine P,h
Per Rev AATrumper and J. ni
Elston--Thaa the Board, authorize er and families, of Bradwell,„ Sask. fv,
an application to the Ceenty Judge Mr. Bert. Preszcator ran -into a
to have him settle the amount to be hydro pole on the corner of William se
paid by the County of Huron for the and Northestreets Tuesday at noon e r way and Saturday
.tharittthoeyears 1924 the County pupils with uaynecaea Ford touring car. A young
1924 and 1925, and ladywas crossing the road and to OCTOBER the 15th AND 16th
that the 'chairman and .Mi' ° Stan- avoid halting her Mr, Preszeator
be a committee with authority to swerved and struck the post. The
take all means they may deem ad- front of the car was dama-ged and a
= vasable to properly present the mat- radius rod brbicen. A comedy mystery drama by Mary
= ter to the judge. Carried.
Per Rev. A. A. Tramper adjourn- hiss Janie Hegarth, daughter of Roberts Rineharts, - Abery Hopwood
Mr. and Mrs. ' Fred Hogarth, who Two Reel Comedy
completed a successful course at the Harry Langdon in
K. MacFanl.,See- business college, Clinton, last June;
— --------- graduating with much credit to her- "BOOBS IN ME WOODS" *
self and her teachers andhas since Prices 35 and 20c.
been with a business firm in Lon-
. - don, has recently raceived and ac-
. •,,, .... On Thursday of last weekMrscepted an offer of a more lucrative
, =I Thomas Shapton, who 1had been con- position with a company in Toronto 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i= fined to her bed for the Past six and left this week, to begin -her new
iffr„ months, departed this life at the age duties in that city. •
lof 82 years and 9 months. Most of A Chrysler sedan owned by Mr.
her life was spent in the Township Fred. Quackenbush,- of near Dash-
) e YES
sze_ve the sucface arid
IPA), secve
The most nearlY perfect
Varnishes made. They will
not creek or
turn white
under hot or
cold water.
Will , with-
stand(' the
heat of hot
'dishes, tc.
Lowe. Bros.
Paints and Varnishes
Nepturnte, Varnishes
6E10 per pt., $2.00 per qt., $3.75
per half gallon
Quebec. Heaters
Complete Line to Select" From
Banner Quebec with oven $42
Doherty' Quebec with.even $55
Doherty QuOer liAth oven $84
Heaters from $17.50 Up
gtor boards $1.65
Stove Pipes 250; Elbows 3Oc
Coal, Hods 65c
Tinsmithing and Plumbing
lleaman's Hardware & Paint -Store
IfiC.oN—At Centralia on Oct. 6th
1a'aa11d Mrs. Chas. Mason, a
1 'Deaths
liltIAPTON—In Exeter on Thursday
Ceateber 7th, Mary ,iraY, widow. of
'tletS late, Thomas Shapton, ,aged 82
y'oiexs and 0 monthe.
Mrs. Arnold Ravelle, of Grand
Bend, aged 14 months and 9i Lays.
WESTCOTT—In, Hamilton, Onte
20 Setaator Ave., on. Sunday, bee
lOth, Barton Edgar Westcott
formerly of Exeter, aged 44 years
6 moans, son of 3. T. and Mrs.
Westcott and beloved husband of
Margaret A'. WeStoott. ,, •
ItAir_Erzt_At Clesiey, ott,,, (3a it I.,tey. L. C. and Mrs. Harvey and
little son, of Bervie visited for a during their bereavement, also for eouple left for
., I Inez Ravelle, daughter of Mr. and
'•• Weflnesday October 6th, Helen
--- couple of days this Week with Mir. the floral tributes and to those Who their home on the groom's fine farm
and then the young
and Mrs. J. S. Ilarvey, . leaned ears, '. on the 10111 Concession Of Usborne,
- of Stephen and in her girlhood days
We have a perfectly good upright she experienced all the discomforts
Piano priced at lot pioneer life. She was born in
'Cornwall, England, and at the, age
of three years' carne to Canada vain.
You will have to see this Piano her parents, her father being the
in order to appedate the ;late Moses Amy, of Sharon, Stephen
bargain. Tp. Mrs. Shapton was the last of a
S. MARTIN'Sk SON I family of seven children. When
they came to Canada they settled in
Pianos to rent
• Clarke Tp., Durham Co., where they
lived only a short time before coin -
ANNIVERSARY AND FOWL mg to Stephen.- In 1865 .she was
SUPPER married to he late Thomas Shapton,
who predeceased her in 1907 and
they started housekeeping on the
The anniversary services of Caven homestead farm on the Huron road,
Presbyterian church will beeobserv- now occupied by Mr. Hiram Shap
'd on Sunday, Octobed 17th. Rev. ton. Twelve years ago Mrs. Shap -
Dr. Perry, of Wingham, will be the ton and daughter, Miss Ella, moved
special preacher for the day. A fowl to Exeter. The deceased was a
supper will be held. on Tuesday even- member of the James St. United
ing of the 19th. The choir of New "church and was highly esteemed, by
St James Presbyteaian church, Lon.- all who knew her. She is survived
don, will furnish the manic for this by three sons and one danghter,
Tuesday evening, ,Tames Hiram &nd Edmund II, all of
Tuesday & Wednesday
OCTOBER 19th ,AND 20th
Dental Week
wood, was wrecked on Tuesday even- A dental filra will be shown in
ing of last week when it took to the conjunction with the regular pieture
ditch about half a mile east of Dash-
wood. The car was being denten by
another young man at a last rate
when the driver lost control and the
car turned' over with the wheels in
the air and slid through the ditch
on its top. The two front fenders, ,
radiator, hood and elm guard were
damaged. .
Reginald Dennir
Two Reel Comedy
Wanda Wiley in "Flying Wheels"
An inter -school society to be
known as the Huron Athletic Asso-
ciation has been formed by, the stu-
dents of the Exeter and Mitchell Having purchased the Zurich
High Schools and Clinton, Goderich Baking Business from Mr. E.
and Seaforth Collegiate Institutes.•
It is holding a game and sports' • Koehler, I wish to, announce
Tournament at Clinton on the alter- that I am in a positiOn to sup-
'splendid program of basket -ball and baked goods.
Girls, and Boys' Softball games, and •
Students taking part will be those • •
liar business Hensall, and
who won first and second place in
noon of October 20th, for whicb a ly the publio with a fine line of
F cid- sports . has been arranged.. We formerly conducted a sim
Ste h' h d M' events at each local Field Da so invite the public to ,visit our
A. revised and almost new.lecture Shapton at
p en o vn
under the name of "Wagon Loads of: was held Sat
Gold," will be given in Main. St. , ducted by Rev
United church on Friday, October thoSe who atte
22nd, . . . annelly, form --"a distance were Miss Marshall, of
erly of Exeter under the auspices of Forest; Mr.- and Mrs. Broderick,
the Hurondale W. 1 ' Good music 'airs. Johnston and Miss Kestle of
will •
be added to the evening's pro- Loadora; Mr, and Mrs. Greenwood,
gra,m. Admission 25c. (of Mitchell; Mrs. Aitcheson, of St a
es e I Marys; Mrs. Anderson, of Charlevoi, 0
IN MEMORIAM I Mich.; Mr. and Miss Hoy, aars. e
TAYLOR—lit loving memory wow, Deuglass, Mrs.
dear mother, Mrs. Win. Taylor, of Avonton. Armstrong,. Mrs, Hill 1
who passed away October h
1_025. nth, .COWARD--RiTNXIN
The blow was great the shock severe A quiet wedding took place at the 1
We little thouglit the end was near Elirriville United parsonage on ' Sat
And only those who have. lost ' can,
tell tirday, October 2sad, at 6 o'clock,
The pain of rafting without fare-lwhen Miss Hazel Elizabeth Hunkin.
and Mr. John James Coward -Were
I united in marriage by Rev. Mr.
competitien Should. be keen. Siportisn shop. Enjoy your meals by
s ipe an iss Ella
home. The, ' funeral
rday afternoon con- will begin sharply at one oclock. eating' out baking, ,
D. McTavish. Among
nded the funeral from KILLED BY FALL FROM WAD
011 CORN
week when Alexander Ross, aged 63,
Kirkton on Thursday morning of last
prosperous termer of the fourth
A sad fatality took place near
onceseion, Blanshard Tp., was kill- 13.11P1111211111MEMEMBRIMIISHIMMIIIIMEIMINI
d shortly after 8 o'clock when he
ell from a load of corn in one of his
wit fields, While engaged in filling
is silo. The funeral was held on
aturday, interment in Kirkton Ang-
icati cemetery.
Please take Notice
Pawill be out of town from Octobe
18th to November lst, 111Y oat*
will however, he Oten during thin
period with Mr. S. 13. Taylor, Jewel-
er charge of Spectaele repairs tar
to make appointments with any who`
wish Eyesight examination after net
Si Fitton.
"Where Quality Counts—
We Win
G- a Vs read
Ask For It—
You know the kind --that satisfy-
ing and health-givii;g bread with
the real malt flaeoe
Now your answer ie easy—and 41
sure—just say 'Give me Gremee.
It's great-33etter by several de
grecs, if flavor can be measured,
than any you've ever tasted. With
the first slice you'll relish this dif-
ferent blend and how it will linger
through to the last slice.
GrearAt's Bakery
Phone 194
Phone 1;
is Like a tack, use-
ful if he haa a good head
0 and is pointed in, the right
direction; bat no matter
1 how hard he is driven he
cannot go any larz"her than
I kis head- will let him,"
Ve have a few lines of Grosse
& Blackwell's Yemenis Eng.
Iisla goods, just in. They
recommend themselves.
More Bread
You realize as a good abuse
keeper that Bread is your
strongest ally—
It heads the list as a satisfying
food. Every member of the
faruily knows just what hits
the spot when hunger hits him
—is the choice of the discrim-
inating house -wife. Quality ex-
plains why the route from our
sales -racks to your kitchen. is
a quick ane.
Lockwood's Better Bread
The homey flavor and ▪ rieh
nounishment make its liberal
use one of the most sensible
ways of fighting the high cost
of living.
At the Sunday evening service in
Math. St. church. Mr. 13. W. P. Beav-
ers gave a splendid report of the
convention held in Toronto last
Mr. E. Pym, of "Rosevieve Farm,"
Usborne, has been successful in win-
ning a number of prizes at the var-
ious Pall Fairs, with three head a
Shorthorn cattle and team of horses.
Ile secured three firsts and one sec-
ond at Exeter; three first at Sea -
forth; two first and one second at
Mitchell; four first and two special
at Zurich and one first and one sec-
ond at Kirkton. M. Robt. Row-
cliffe was in charge of the anirnals.
More each day we miss Yota mother Smith, The . bride was gowned in
healed, , .. hat to ma,tch and sailor blue mar -
Friends may thin( the wound is steel blue silk flat crepe with 'Velvet
But they little 10. the ,,sorrow
That lies withal" our hearts con.- cuffs, and wore the grooriVs gift. a
vella coat walk grey fur dollar and
coaled. ,- green gold wrist wetch,' Their only
The r amay atteridents were Miss Rhea -o..
' niece of the groom and Mr. Arthur
' - - Day. After the ceremony they five cents or over. The party holde
motored to the im in e of the Moine ing the highest total at the and f
The family of the late Mrs. Thos. brother, Mr. Geo. Coward., where a the contest will be given FRETO of
Shapton desire to express their aline suiniatous repast was awaiting them charge a handsome RED FLIER
tere thanks to the many friends and prepared by the bride's sisters, Mrs. EXPRESS WAGON, that wonid
neighbors for the kindness extended Geo. Coward and Mrs. Robert Dun -
during the illness of their mother can, to 1iCh all did ample justice.
and for the expressions of sympathY The evening was spout in social chat
— AT ---
arness Grocery
°ember 25, 1026 we etre giving er/-
poets with every purchase of Twenty -
make an ideal, Christntas gitt.
Phone 25 Prompt Delive
Under the Auspices of
Will be held on the farin, of
Welsh, London' Road
Two Miles North of Exeter, on
• A OCT. 21
1111111111111 1 11111111111 111111 III 11111 111111 11 III 1 1111 1111111111 111111111 1111111111111111 11111111111111111111111 111111111111111111 1111111111111111111[1111111111111111'
• ' .