HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-10-7, Page 7I `1`ORY OF "THE MARSEJLLAISE r_. AlMeet every famous snug nice an in. ieresting 4ilstory—a bacicgrouzztl bee hind it. The i:aenous French national airy "Marsaiilaiee;' is no exception, 'rile story of this alluring hymn its told as follows by John Fronde Steele: On the night of April 24th, ,792, a Fr`encdl eaptaln,of engineers wrote the world's greatest battle song. The old Cita of Stresieurse was in great excitto anent, for the volunteersof the, Bois Hein had a••eceived oladere to join Mare ''"na-raeas—"" 'aha! Lucknerr's forces in the -district Tinker Fires. between Lauterbowrg. and Basle. Like toadstools on the: Comma spring Mayor Dietrich, of Strasburg, lament- ed the Wit that the YORrig eo1dder$ Around then in a rnagie ring bad no patriotic air to sing' as they Are stamps oY horses' hoofs, marched through te streets, Burning And goblin -wise spun the airy • with enthusiasm, Captain Claude: Rea - I hear the hammers clinking,: The brass and iron and copperware Tae tinkers come a-auking. get de L'Is1e hurried: to his lodgings at the Maioon•Boeckel, grand Rue, and -.wish the aid of his violin, composed "La Marsaillaise," which brought ban undying fataa It bed 'numerous titles' --"Cries des Their (Amp aoross sprawls., to s " "I rune de Liberte a la A • jureble-colored maze, Pats to , y Petrie," "Air Cheaddee Patriotes," but, finally, "Le Marseiliaise." Its stirring, vibrant notes woh Umlaut acceptance, and convention ordained that .it be played by the corps• of music of .the Garde Nationale, the troops of the line, and each. day at the Mounting of the Guards. The couplet "Trnieblez,. tyr a ns, et vos perldesy" etc., _ -excited wild enthusiasm: The martial ads dialloated: to Luck• neer was sung at the Mayors house • the next day under^the title, "Chant de guerre pour Armee du Rhin." It was thea arranged for band and orcihestra, and on Sunday,. the Nth of April, it was alayed by the band. at a •review. Swept Paris Like a Flame. Mireur, a Preach singer, rendered it with each effect at a civic banquet at Marseilles that it was hurriedly sent to the printing areas and copies dis- tributed to volunteers of the battalion leaving for Paris, .They entered Paris on July 30 singing the hymn. It swept Paris like a flame ,and intensified the aeadness of the proletariat that culmin- ' ate in a frienzied attack on the Tull leries on Aug. 10, 1792. Unwittingly, Captain de L'Isie had supplied the spark for the powder; his expressed disapproval of the event of that day landed -him in. a;prison cell, from which he was not released until the fall of Robespierre, on July 2S, 1794. M: Louis Philippe coufersed a pension upon de L'Iele. His authorship of the words had never beeu questioned, bat many •others have, 'claimed to have composed tbe music. However, when de L'Isle was in prix- on, Dubois, editor of Journale de Literateur, added a seventh couplet to complete the characterizatinu when it was being dramatized for the Fete of the •Federation. . Edelmann, Gretry, • end Chiefly, Gossec, have been credit- ed with enriching the harmonies of "La Marsedllaise" ' in their arrange- ments for pianoforte and orchestra. At the end of a dinner et the house of General Dumouriez, after the battle of Jemappes, de L'Isle sat by the side of the Duo de Charters, afterward Louis Philippe, and felicitated him for his glorious part in the war. "It is not to me, but to you," replied the Duke, "to whom the honor is due. To rally to battle young conscripts who had begun to lose their heads, "it.•was only necessary to put a hat on asword and chant hi full voice "Allons en fants de la patrie. the Commons With gaudy lines of painted walls And little area ablaze- I see them still, tae little fires About the tinker -pitches, With ever -pointing sooty e2lirea Like steeple -crowns of vt;itchee. Chatterias chimneys softly smoke Against a sunset sky; The cozy hearths of Ramsey folk - Beckon .to passers-by; The chimney stacks of Whittlesea, • Across the dusk are glowing, But none have half the charm for me Of tinker -fires a -blowing. EIizabe•th S. Fleming.. Undying Fame.. Rouget de. Mae vaas ,born in 1760 in Lons le Baulner, a aioturesque• lit- tle village nestling in the Jura Moun- taine. A stone's throw away is Mon- tagu, where he spent years of his youth and where now stands a bronze. statue •by Bartholdi erected to nil Memory. When a small child he wasstolen by a band of nomads and carried beyond the vhllage. His dog aroused the household. Thus was preserved for normal citizenship one who was to embolden his country's instinct for liberty, and France has proved her gratitude ;to this 'captain' of engineers by immortalizing his name in drama, Painting and sculpture. In his native village, Rouget de L'Isle massed his last days, and as he was dying, said, "J'ai fait chanter le monde et maintenant je vale mourir." (I have made the world sing and now I am going to die). Funny Food Fads. Some of the. queerest foods used in the culinary .art are to be bought in a little shop within a minute's walk of Piccadilly Circus, London. Just now. the edible nests of a species of Chine eee swallow are in season. The price 1 is ten shillings. an ounce; the nests, ,' Which are regarded by epicures as a great delicacy for soup flavoring, look curiously like the dried petals of water Mies. Slugs taker: from the •sea round the," coast of Korea are another delicaoy, while sharir fins and ,small sparrow- like birds that fead-'exclusively on fico aro prominent in the stook of this femarkable shop. Yoghourt, dried our milk made only in Bulgaria, le . coming into favor APPY CHILDHOOD A MATTER OF HEALTH Died. in the Wood.. The old phrase, "'dyed in. tlateWooi," will have, to go. Modern sotenee knows a better trick' than that, and the new I version is "dyed in the wood," As the result of experiments by. scientists, forest trees have undergone an amazing transformation, their ne- tters colors changing to gorgeous ;shades of lavender, yellow, blue, and orauge. his :change is nothing if not thorough—the whole • wood of the tree, from the outer surface right to :,the very 'heart of thetrunk, takes on the new hue, and it doos it as it grows. Men ,with a litelowg experience of forestry have been absolutely amazed by the experiments, and the opinion liar been expressed that the discovery may revolutionize to world's hnrdwood lumber industry. .The operation of 'dyeing the tree is a comparatively • simple one, and all sorts a articles can be glade from the oolored wood. Among these already Maned out are ulnbrella•handles, cigar- tette Gases, candlesticks, and buttons. They have only to be sniped and polished, as the coloring has been seen to while the tree wall still growing: And it is indelible. Nether add nor water will affect it. Briefly, the dyeing process is ati fol- lows:' Holes are bared in the trunk,. and the dye is introduced through these. It Sows' down into the trunk, Let baby's Own .Tablets Deep and is then taken all through the. tree bythe sale In the case •of,a small tree, - Your Children Well. the whole of the `wood is colored in two .days, but four days are required for the process to be doinpleted when larger trees. are tackled.. A tree dyed in this way would con- tinue to grow if it were not cut down. For, though the artificial coloring ap- pears to harden the wood, it neither kills nor injures the tree. Little children -very quickly get out of. sorts. By prompt treatment they can usually just as quickly be set right again. Most of their troubles arise iu the first piaee from the stomach or bowels; that is why 'a good cleaning - oat is the first thing prescribed by the doctor.-' Formerly castor oil was. the meansused to bring this about; now - a -days 'Baby's own •Tablets do the East and West Canada. same work, but without trouble to the The province of British Columbia, including Vancouver's Island, lies fax west of Winnipeg, between the Rooky Mountains and the Pacific. Above two-thirds of the whole pro- vince is' covered with timber. One tion, vomiting, constipation, colic, tree, the Douglas fir, grows to' the colds, teething pains, etc., there is no- height of between. 200 and 300 feet, thing to equal Baby's Own Tablets. and measures often eight feet in diaan- They 'never do harm and always do titer. good. The Tablets are sold by medi- There are many first-class sawmills cine' dealers or by mail at 25 cents a throughout the province, and the total parent or discomfort to the little one. Children take. Baby's Own Tablets happily because there is no _nasty taste and because no griping after- pains 'follow their use. • As a specific for -childhood indiges i arriod ,tlienii !zone to you, Yourself so like a lovely flower, Across the city streets, I )cuow thetas Were ,.eve's. bounty, Love bel grown them, lanes lied scant them,. And I rejoiced to be Lowe's messerigor. box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. annual product of these is about 200,- 000,000 feet,nof which 25,000,000 feet is exported to other countries, 25,000,000 Ansi everywhere I went, Tired i ievs, men's and wornenaa Brightened, 'relaxed, Lot go their strain and''telrsion To rejoice in the stored sunshine Of these . golden balls. The knew they were Love's bounty, Love had grown them, Love had seat them, And they rejoiced to reed Love's mos - .sage then:. --Isabella T. Fara, HEN YOUNG GIRLS ►i>Innllring 'i Tanks. Swimming is more than a healthful exeyeiso. It is a pastime on,ioyed by people of ttll ages, and at tills time of year, the 4'yvininling tank iscalled upon to take the lllaeeof the - "010 ewiriemire hole." Before the indoor. swimming season begins, it is well for us to consider one or two points re- garding the health aspect of this ex- cellent exerciser. We heard the other day of a small boy who was suffering from inflamma- tion of the ear. Ile is a very enthus- iastic member of the swimming crowd, and the doctor, after investigating, declared he got the germ which caused. the ear trouble while swimming-. For the sake of others, then, we will resolve to stay away from the tank, until we are free from germs which' will cause sore ears, sore eyes, bad, colds, or any other disease. And we all know that the water can' only be kept cleaneef each and every bather takes CROW PA4±AND THIN a shower bath, that is, , an; actual cleansing bath .before he enters the tank., illi ms' Pink Pills Should Because the swimming tank means Dr. k'so much to the people of Ontario the to Enrichthe Blood.. l p p e ' be Taken Provincial Dept. c£ Health wishes to le and ensure .that It will be a liealthful•rather When girls grow weak, eo than a harmful- recreation, and have thin, parents should not ueglectthese drawn up regulations which,"if en syairptoms; to do so means danger, g The ir1 in her teens cannot develop forced, will mean that the tank water Vie. w-withowt an,is at all tunes as safe as drinking into robust womanhood Water. abundant supply of rich, red Wood n, thi d b her veins.' It. is the lack of this that' W l help is the" great; trouble with nine girls Goingii Yyoouru part i s ri in carryinggoo e workoutthe. out of ten. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills rules; they are not B. hardship but a have 'achieved world-wide fame for necessity if your own health is not to aauger- theda. 'remarkable blas there le -taxa 1, Be' conscientious in regard to parties, In these pills there le shower before ate fn into the. vigor- ous health with glowing cheeks and yourpp g sparkling eyes for teary Weak, pale tank. "The effective cleansing of the 3s in oases of person of all bathers before entering girl: The value o Y thepalthepool is compulsory," declares one this kind -is shown by the statement y' of Mos. Wiinnifred Rutty, Barton of the regulations. Street West, Hamilton, Ont., who 2. Geta medical certificate before says:—"About two years ago Inv using the bank. eldest" girl to into very bad health. Is your tank operated according to I took her to a doctor who advised government standards o£ safety4 having her tonsils removed, saying French independence Day. this was the seat of the trouble. We had them removed, but it did not help her, and -she seemed to have absorbed so much poison from the trouble that she did not pick up at all. She could neither eat nor sleep, and what food she did take did not digest. Then she developed a cough that kept her awake at night, and went down in weight to 95 pounds. A neighbor said to me, 'You have tried so many things why not try Dr. Wallams' Pink Pills?' I got gonna and before she finished the second box she began to show int proveraent. She continded the use of the pills forsome time and is now in the pink of condition, able to work and 'play, and eat and sleep with all her old -tune vigor. These statements can be verified by neighbors who watched her restored from i11 health to perfect health." If 'your medicine dealer does not keep these pills, you can get them by mail at 50e a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Oak Lightning Target. used at home, and 15,400,000 sent to - It has been noted that the oak is California. struck by lightning more often than Nova Scotia is surrounded . on all any other tree. - sides by the Atlantic, except where it Is joined to New Brunswick by an isthmus eight miles wide and twelve miles long. It was probably discover- ed by the Cabats in 1497. It was first settled by the French In 1598, and called by them Acadie, the Indian ' name being "Acadia." Port Royal, now called Annapolis, was taken possession ;of by the Eng- , lisb governor and colonists of Virginia, 'by right of the discovery of Sebastian Cabot. It was ceded to Great 'Britain an 1713 and erected into a British See yin 1787. For Plowing Alfa !fa ~rAiVIO U • FLEURY PLOW$ sQA No. 21 -and "DANDY" With Tinkler Patent Wheels HAVE NO EQUAL See the nearest Fleury Dealer J. 'F LEURY'S SONS, Aurora, Ont. third/TALL; Go to Europe! It's your slack season here in Canada, but in England, thesocial season,' with all its life and amuse-; ments, its just getting into its stride. The lights o'London are beckoning-- the theatres and shops offer a diversity of interests and .pleasures. `. Plan now to make .the crossing on a Cunard or Anchor -Donald- son Canadian' Service Cabin Class Steamer. You will find the trip itself a most enjoyable experience. Sailing from Mont- real means a thousand miles of sheitere4 river travel before you come to the open sea which is crossed in a few Se- .. lightfui days. Ask your stoanisritp agent about tho St.' tawfonoC route to Europe, or wife --4 RD CO.;)THE ROBERT>3:EFff LIMITBD Aa'„ Montreal ' Toronto Quebed St. John. MIL . Halifax again; .it is regarded as an aid to' beauty, and is in greet demand for r ilzis� purpose at the present time. An- I C0011 - . (ewer ,littleatiown artiote sof diet obID- S014' - tainable at this shop is' picldetl cocks Apt comb, '�'•:•uned.'huirip of buffalo, toot' CANADIAN SERVICE 1888 is relished eY many of;'those'who have - the courage to teeto it. 1. Saves $24 A Year Cooking experts figure that the SMP Enameled Ware Roaster will Save the .average Canadian family fully $24.00 a year in meat bills. The secret is, it roasts the meat 'with very little shrinkage. Also, it makes cheap cuts taste like the best ones. You place the roast in the roaster. put on the cover: the roaster does the rest. i'Th basting required. -Every roast is perfectly cooked. fhb cover fits Biose, so tbot cooking odors cannot escape, Grease cdn'tspatter" out, which means a sweet clean overt. P'ri'cesedge trona 8a5�c. til $3.50 each, depends on sire. 2 Apish—and don't forget a saving of�•,z4,00 yearly. On Building. He that alters an old house is tied as a translator to the original, and is confined to the fancy of the first build- er. Such a man were unwise to pluck down good old building, -to erect, per- chance, worse new. But those that raise a new houee from the ground are blameworthy if they make it not hand- some, seeing to them method and con fusion are both at a rate.—Thomas Fuller (1642). The names "Day of the Bastille," is "Train for Business While all svenucz leading to professions have been beaomlr+g s crowded, the field of beet/woe has been constantly srtxpaedIng and cola ing for MONO men end women, To»flay, yawlg people who are graduate* from relteble stn thoroughly praotieel puirinss46 `drools have appor tunitteirt to ea direst' from school to pealtione that are immediately renameretive,and Offer excellent ppaalbliltitlp for advemeement, For more than 26 years Elliott la U01,10441 College II** b*** N 110Ainpp Gtiaool for hatsineds training and during that tiled has *Tamed thousands ontho rosd to eucoess. YOU, too, oan be trained for leuelnese at Elliott .Qoll*gs (n falba► than sig month; and go straight to a good fiotlitlon. Writs to.dsly for free catalogue. - ELLIOTT' VONQE ALEXANngli e'r$ vow:041m e The Problem. She was biitdixig her lover a fond farewell, for he was going on a pro- longed 'business trip round the world. Tearfully she elgng to him and eels, - ed: "My darling, will you betrue to me when you are far away? Promise, me that you will write to me from every town you visit!" And as he gathered her in his arms, he crfed: "Oh, Ada, is it love that prompts you to say this? Ada, swear to me, do you really love me -or are you merely collecting foreign postage- stamper' ostage•stampsr' Mlnara's Liniment reileves,stlffness. Ringhl Pet Are Toughest, Skin on the feet of Binghi natives Australia. is said tobe the thickest found on any bumen beings, says "The Dearborn, Indepeudemt." The Binghi have' been known to put hobnails in the soles of their1eet and, proudly ex- hibit xhibit them. The so-called steam we see issuing from a kettle is not steam et all, but given in French history to the 14th of tiny globules of water condensed from July, 1789, because on that day the the steam. Steam the vapor orgas mob, assisted. by the Garden Fran- of water—is invisible. case, rose in insurrection and des- troyed the prison fortress. of the Bas- tille. During the years 1790-1792, the anniversary of thisevent was called "La Fete rte la Federation." The Day of the Bastille is also known as the "Day of July," and is celebrated by the Fnenrch es a patriotic holiday. Great men are simply "men"; they are not to be considered from the point of view of nationeaity. Neither should the environment in which they have been brought up be taken into account. Great men are simply born—Professor Einstein. OccupationalDiseases: A Rapid Reference Manual. Occupational disease constitutes an enormous prebl aim in modern indus- trial ndus- trial life. In addition to dangerous trades where special preoautions are essential to safeguard the life of the workers, there are, many others where substances of lesser danger are in use and are causing minor disabilities. In many cases the connection between cause and effect is net obvious, and• it 'le only accumulated experience which can give the cue to the occupational origin of symptoms and disease among the workers. `It is in order to pool such experience that progressive coun- tries interested in preventing indus- trial sickness '• compile lists showing occupational poisons, the industries using them, the, mode of entrance into the body, and the.symptobas to be ex- Peeted. While much of the materia] in Such lists is of international appli- cation, the experiezice of each country varies according to differences in in- dustrial processes and raw materials available. Thus it is useful for each country to have its- own list. For this reason the Department of Health of Ontario has just issued a snail booislet entitled "Occupational Diseases: A Rapid Reference Manual," which contains general information on occupational disease and a correlated list of industries and poisons; a com- parative'study of legislation in On- tario and elsewhere ie included. While the booklet Is issued primarily for the use et physicians, it earl be obtained, by others especially interested in die- ease traceable to industry, on applic11 tion to the Division of Industrial Hygiene, Department of Health of Ontario, Sppodina House•, Totcnto,: Consider W✓tlia and Ceiling. Before you paint or paper, give the walls andceilings themselves., a thought. Where decoration fails to satisfy, most often it's the material beneath that'0 at fault, Arid not only attractiveness, but' comfort and dura- bility, are dependent On the eonstrtte- tion employed. a j.•ti Rub your scalp with Min i'd's Liniment. RIO Perfect Protection With Every Roll Every roll of Prince Ed- ward dward Brand Fox Netting opens out as a 150 foot Iong wall of perfect pro- tection for your foxes. "Prince Edward" does not bag nor sag and h'as 10% more meshes than any other brand of fox netting. Write or wire for delivered prices. • Holmans SummersIn c P. E. Island •Special Ontario Agents W. H. C. Ruthven, J. M. McGillivray Alliston Priceviile GanadianP/an.Jaok In eq -operation with'Cenadtan Architects `designs of mo, erate,priced homes are pub.. lashed In the MacLean .Builders' Guide., Detailed information on planning. build,ng,f�irnishing decorafmgandgar- sienirlt;. Profusely liustreted. An ideal reference book. Send ss cegts. for a copy. :MacLean Builders' Guide S44 Adetatdc Si W.. Taranto, Ont. .�. LADIES Classified Advertisements. RA.TIS (LITTLE k'RIENI») TO either liter se X, Mailed in plain en- velope. Paris Specialty Co., Montreal, LADI1�S WANTED TO DO PLAIN and light sewing art home, whole or spare time. Good pay. Work sent arty distance, charges paid. Send stamp,ter particulars. National Manu- facturing Co., Montreal. Needed Training.. "Bobby, you should say 'Thank you' when anyone gives you a cookies' "All right; let's, practice. Two rules we should ,always have ready—that there is nothing good or evil save in the will; and that we are not to lead events, but to follow rbhem. —Epictetus, Extra Money This Fall in spare or full time taking orders for "Imperial Art" Xmas Greeting Cards. 3100 easily earned, In a month. Liberal commission. Sample book free. BRITISH CANADIAN 53 Wellington 8G West;.- Toronto HUNTERS.. Pack a. bottle of Minard's in your kit. Best remedy for sprains, bruises, flesh wounds, colds and sore feet. We pay $?0e.hundred gilding cards- Opgorr- tunity for beginners. No: selling. Addressed envelope brings particu- lars. UNIVERSAL CARD CO. 186 William St. New York .1.411 Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain. Neuralgia , Toothache Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT 'THE HEART Aspirin is the trade mark. (registered in Canada) or tinges ltiliauractnre oi"•112oneacet:itl- scklester of Snitcyltcncil (Acetyl Salicylic Acid, 'AA, S. A:" ), `tVials It la well Intern that Aablrin means noses manu#detnre, to assist the pawls againstlnattattons, the Tablets of Bayer. Company will be stamped with their general' trade mhtk, the "Bayer '()rota." Accept 13.21.y."1s.yer" package wlhitll contains proven directions. Handy "Bayer" 'boxes of 1G tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100 ---Druggists. STRATFORD WOMAN Restored to Health byLydia E. Pirlltharn's Vegetable Compound Stratford, Ontario. — "After my first baby was born I started to work on the tenth day and did a big wash- ing on the twelfth day. Being so young (I was married at 19) I. did not know what was the matter, so let it go until I was all run-down, weak and nervous, and"lrad a bad displace • ment. For nearly two years I could not sleep and i would always complain of haying 'not a head -ache, but a brain -ache.' My mother is taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound during the Change of Life and she recommended it to me. After tak.ng two bottles I began •to get a little sleep and to feel better and 1 have never left off since then, except for about three months. I can safely say I have taken thirtybottles since my second baby was orn. I think it makes child -birth easier as I• had terrible pains with mar first three children and very few with my fourth as I i co mesa stronger. I am now able to do my work alone, but I am still taking the Vegetable Com- pound as Iam nursing baby.'—Mrs. OMER PAUL 49 Cherry Street, Strat- ford, Ontario. If you are suffering from any weak- ness which causes such symptoms as pains in the side and back and nervous feelings, give Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Ctnnpound a trial. now. tl Cuticura Soap Is Refreshing After Outdoor Exercise Warm baths With Cuticura Soap, after outdoor exercise, eldanse, cool and freshen tbe skin. Assisted by Cuticura Ointment they do much to allay irritation, redness and rough - nets of the face and bands and keep the skin soft and clear under all conditions of exposure. Bsinpia Sten vele b Malt. Address (Wan dfan Depot: "stenhoase,Ltd•,Montraat" i'rim„Seab 25e. Ointment 26 hnd 60e. Tale,m ' Cuticula Shaving Stick 250,. Isbua No, 4 ---•'26.