HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-10-7, Page 5thig' •
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! 8a
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red -f-
Frarn H�nsall
grboot r
•t D1 om ere
Students' may enter at any - time..
Why not attend the School that has the Highly 'Qualified Staff, -
The only School that teaches real Practical Business Training
from start to finish. .. •
Where High, School students and teachers are taught special.
ized expert training in Business Administration and Secretarial
&ince and are sure of a good po sition, rapid promotion and . big
Stenographic, Commercial, Secretarial, General Office, Cicil Service
Commercial Teachers Course and' Special Courses arranged.
For Information Write to B. F. WARD, B.A., M.Accts.
Phone 198 '
PEAS and All Kinds of GRAIN
We are prepared to pay you the.
very highest prices for your (Train,
and can • also make arrangements for
trucking same at a low cost, .advise
We by telephone ,or letter; and if it is
yeur- wish we w111 have our buyer
call to see your grain personally. •
Phone 54 Hensall, Ont.
The undersigned is opening this
week a "Laundry" at her premises
in Murdock's Block, immediately
'west of, the town hall. Your,patron-
age is .solicited, and having good ex-
perience will guarantee satisfaction.
10-7-4te ', JIensall, Ont.
Poultry Wanted
We are io the market for all kinds
of Poultry. Our trucks -will go to
your farm, weigh and pay for your
po111try, right at your door.'\ We pay
;a premium of two cents a pound over
market price for well fattened milk
fed poultry and our price is the same
to the farmer at the farmhouse as
at our Warehouse in HensaIL No
fowl to be fed the morning it is to be
lifted. Phone 112 Hensall or drop
us a line and let us know .what you
io- -
1 payyou
have, and we will the a hr h
est cash price paid in Huron county
for fowl.
Miss Eleanor Fisher
Terms Moderate- ..Phone• 68:
all 11 Paper.
lu the Latest , Desig -- ns
Prices from IOc to $1.50
San: r este ,Hensall
Rolm graduate oL .'Paculty of
editiigb, and Martel of Science,
Ja�1�ltvaflity of -.Waken Ontario.
ober of College of Physicians
;a 8nrgeons oft+ Ontario. Office
fro doors east of Pout Office.
ia.It Residence 114
BliNSALTi, O1 T .
'toner [}radnte Carey Jones An-
on_School, Special canna taken in
$ssistered Live Stock (all Breads,)
I tosakaadise, -Real Notate, Farm
*deb, ate. Rates in keeping with
*availing priced. Satisfaction as -
hired, write. Oscar Klopp, Zurich, or
4rtzre 18-92. Zurich- .
Head Office, • 1Carquhar, Oint.
President, JOHN ALLISOi
Vice -President, • JAS. McKENZIE
JOHN ESSERY,-Centralia,, Agent for
"" Usborne and Biddulph.
ptor1•]R L•IARRIS, Munro, Agent for
Hibbert:, Fullerton and Logan
Secretary -Treasurer
33oz 98, Exeter, Ontario,
Solicitors, Exeter
s xfi, Y ra , ched dressed on bade
siders at .,,
fS fir: MN 'TO $TOO
wilt GOOD "COAL "pV".a tf
4 E '!• I'Ii •. .r A. LOW
GRA A.W T O.4't
Mr. and Mrs. Skinner were in Lon-
don Tuesday.
Miss Marie Foster is visiting rel-
atives in Kitchener. '
Mr. Ivan McLaughlin, of Forest,
as in town over: the week=end. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Salagar of Wingham
visited t,riends in town Tuesday.
• MT. Wm. Trueniner is still, confit-
ed "to his home .through illness;
Mr. and Mrs..Garnet Case are vis-
iting friends in: Toronto this 'week.
Miss. Jessie ":Johnston spent the
week -end with friends in Seaforth.
Miss Kathryn. McKay left for Tor-
onto where^,°she has, secured .a posi-
tion. • •
Mr.'J. Parke ,left ;this evening for
Toronto where_he hes eecured a nos-
Miss Barbara Fp rest is able .to be
out agaia.after' her recent severe ill-
ness. • ' : e
Mrs. M. Hoskins 'and little child,
of Stratford, 'are; visiting'•at Mrs. Mc -
Martins. •
Mr. John McDonnell and Mr. E.
Bates were in London .Tuesday on
Miss Mary ' McKay. is •spending a
couple of weeks, visiting friends in
Detroit. •
Mr. Peter Case, of Exeter is in
town .this week -visiting his broth
Mr. and' Mrs. Mqrrison and Mb
Emily visited"' friends ' in Clinton on
Saturday. •
Mr: ' erner' and Mr. Wm
J. J. M.
GovenIock of Seaforth; were in town
Wednesday,- '
Mrs. Wan.. erastrong is sufferin
from a severe, attack of blood poison
in her hand. "•'
Mr. and,Mrs..'Thos. Palmer visit
ed their son Earl, in Detroit, ever
the' week -end.
Mr: Kenneth' McLeod went to De
-trait' this week where .he has secur
ed- a -position. t •
Mr. Charles Wolfe Is in• •Hitchen
this week doing nitanson work •'to
Mr. Oli�'er Geiger. a
' Miss M.J Moore;- of Woodstock
is visiting her sister; 14Trs Thos Simp
son for a few days „
Miss Mary McKaig, who has been
visiting'; her rei'atives and friends,
has returned liome: ' ^
Mrs. Truemer, while •going •down
steps on Mofday-' evening, fell and.
dislocated her •shoulder,.
Rev. W.J Kilpatrick, of Holmes -
vine, will conduct•the services in the
United church' on 'Sunday.
Mr and Mrs, It Holmes and Miss
Perkin, 'of Gorrie :spent+the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs, C. Cook.
Mr. J. W •-Ortwei'n •sold his dwell-
ing on Brock•-'st, how, occupied by
Thos. Appleton • to Jiis Sangster, who
gets possession Nov; 1st. Sangster,
Reeve Geiger; wlio,is a, member of
the County CriMinal Audit Board is
in Goderich• •this' ,Week, making the
regular quarterly audit.
Mrs. Harry ` Sniith; is 'able to be
around again after being confined to
her home for several months suffer-
ing with a sprained 'Friday
Mrs. Thos Berry le4t,Friday for
an extended:trip to the West, she in-
tends going through to the coast and
will be gone: several months.
Mr. W. McLean, .of, the Bank of
Montreal sta f,;London,who has been
holidaying. at his , home . in Kippen,
returned to London Tuesday«evening
Dr. Dougall was taken , to Victoria
Hospital, London,'' last week to be
operated o
doctor's many friends will be glad
to hear that he stood the operation
well and is doing aS Well as can he
at the home
A reception was held
of M. and Mrs. Geo. Smale on Thurs-
day evening last hi honor of Mr. and
.lV1rs. Otto Stephen, -who returned that
evening from their honeymoon. A-
bout 150 guests were present and a
The League meeting`'' -kin Monday
evening was' well attended. The
topic was very ably • given by Miss
Grace McLean. .An instrumental by
Misses Fisher and Douglas, solos by
Miss Gladys,Petty and Miss' Nellie
Boyle, 'reading by Miss Gladys Luker
and violin selection by Scott Welsh
were . all well rendered. For the
balance of this year Miss M. Ellis.
will be president and Harry Cook,
A representative of the Bickle
Fire Engine Co„ of Woodstock, was
in town on Monday to 'give a demon-
stration of the fire engine they have
built and:sold to the Otterville vil-
lage council. The engine threw two
streains of. •water through our own
two and a baif inch hose well over
the top of the Town Ball tower and
other' high buildings in town and
gave •spfendid satisfaction. The Ot-
terville council have already got a
chemical apparatus. M'r. Bickle will
meet our local council on Monday
evening, Oct. lith.
Dashwood "
Dr. 1, I. H. Cowen, L. D. S.
;.D. D.: S.
At office in Hartleib Block, Dash-
wood: first three days of _week and
et otlece. c ter the Post•°Office," in,
*urtcb, 'ase three' days of week.
Mr. and Ms. C. Anderson return-
ed last week after spending the. past
month in Iowa.
Misses Emma and,Martha Group -
nen of Farmington, Mich., visited
friends in town on Saturday and
Miss Rose Rader, of Detroit, is
visiting her parents.
Mr. and. leLrs. Norman Kellerman,
of Kitchener,`visited in town on Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. C. Wildfong, T. Ha-
macher and R. Willert spent the
week -end with friends here. -
Mr. and Mrs. Fred' Rinker and
erfamily,. of Thedford were Sunday
visitors in "tgwn.
Misses Alice Hoffman • and Mar-
s garet Held, of Stratford, spent the
wee`lr d
-en dit home.
at the me
Miss Myrta Hoffman,of Kitche
er, visited her parents on Sunday.
Mrs. Harry Kraftis visiting in To-
g ronto.
Mr. and Mrs. P. Stire and Mr. and
Mrs. E. Stire, of: Rainham, visited
with friends on Sunday.
Mrs. Hooper, who has been visit-
ing her daughter, Mrs. E. Guenther,
returned to_FLondon on Saturday.
Mrs. J. Guenther has returned to
Mitchell i :.
;Me.. Chris, gtaiser spat Monday' in
very enjoyable evening was spent.
On Sunday evening at the"` United
church the Rev. Arthur Sinclair_
spoke to the young people.taking as
Itis subject "Short Cuts." A young
people's choir led the singing and'
rendered a very ]pleasing anthem,
"In the Foot Prints of the Master."
Mrs, J. Sutherland celebrated lien
91st birthday on Tuesday at her.
home, here and received the warm 1
congratulations of: her friends. A-
mong those who spent theday with
her were: Mrs. Chas. MoOrae, of Suite!
bury, wife of the Ontario Minister
of Mines; Mr. II. Dent and Mrs. G.
F. Scott, and Mrs.. A. H. Carroll, of
Mrs. R.obt. Higgins and little sen,
1311110, after a very pleasant two
weeks' visit with friends' in Detroit
returned home' on -Saturday last ac-
cotnpaned by Mr, and. Ml's... I•I. J. !
Sweitzer, Mr, and Mrs„ Sweitzer re-'
turned to Detroit on Sunday accom-
panied. by Mies F1or` 'Higgins „and
Mrs. i;ct. "McQueen and little 'daugh-
ter Elva, who will 'shit in ,Detroit
for a couple of weeks , a
'3 " MI TALL A.. 1!r • Cl 14L
It011l.11t'l. Cel
Concert Violinist
Don't forget ;the. Fowi Supper of
the Crediton Evangelical Church
this • ( Thursday) evening.
M: and' Mrs. Eli Lawson and Mrs,
Chris. Rau spent Sunday in Exeter.
Mrs. John Lawson is ,visiting Mr.
and Mrs. George Lawson of Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Mcisaac and
Helen, .spent Sunday at Moorefield.
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Clarke, of De-
, troit, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Francis Clarke and family.
Miss Hannah Zwicker, of London,
!is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Zwicker for a few days.
Mr. Jacob Finkbeiner is"still very
ill and helpless, but loving' hands are
caring for him very gently.
Mr. Wm. Yearley is spending a
few days with Mr.• and Mrs. Tom.
Yearley of the Goshen Line.
I Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heatherly, of
London, spent Sunday with the lat-
ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs._rfienry
I Mr. and Mrs. Francis Flynn are
1 this week moving into their house
( which they purchased a few weeks
ago from Mr. K. J. Sims, of Exeter,
On Monday- evening of this week
a verypleasant time was spent at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerr
!when they gave their brick and tile
yard employees and their families 'a
fowl supper, after whch therest of
the eveningwasspent in and
I Mrs:. Rosina Finkbeiner, who has
left her home in townfor some time
and is very tenderly cared for at the
. home of her daughter and son-in-law
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beaver, is con-
fined to her bed because of serious
, bodily affliction.;. We hope and
pray that a kind providence may soon
restore thein. •
I Annual Fowl supper, at the Cred-
iton'United church, on Tuesday, Oct.
12th, Supper served from 5:30 to
9:00, First come, first served. 2
concerts will be given the first at
seven o'clock. and .repeated at nine
' by Male Quartette, of 'London, as-
sisted by a reader,. Everyone will
want tg hear this program. Admis-
sion adults 65c., children 50c.
"The Christ whose regal proces
cion and mission is not complete un-
til the is within and enthroneit per-
manently," is the subject to be deals;
with at Zicrz Evangelical church'
next Sabbath morning. This mes-
sage is for yelling and old and is
given in the English language for.
you and your- -heed, Do not fail to
hear it and the evening message as
well, on the subject "Coorles,y, Chris-
tians," Nothing can add such a,l
rosy color ' and flavor to, your life; as
exposure to the exhilirating lnfluencza
Of the church. You'll:. be there?
"• Mr. • lVlark MV1itchoIl has i eopenaad
:his earlier shop, in .Moffatt s Hotel;
gen tia.lin.
' .
Mr. and 'Mrs,' i4)!, 13aynhan and
Douglass,' of St. Thomas, were visif-,
ors last week with Mr. and Mrs. G.
Miss Mildred Mitchell was a guest
Teacher of'Ii'iana, Saxaphone, Trio-'
lite ,and smaller . instruments, Con-
oert enga6inents adoepted, Phone
101, Exeter, 9-74 tic, •
aft Saturday in Loudon at the Wed-
ding of her cousin, Miss Gei'trpde
Andrew to Mt'. L. Borden, of Detroit,
11/1iss D. Davidson .spent the Week,
end at ller home in Guelph.
Rev. Mr, Hiscock, of Crediton'took.
charge of both the morning andev-
ening "services in the church . here
last Sunday. Rev. Mr. Irwin preach-
ing anniversary services at Shipka,
• The regular monthly meeting of
the Ladies' Aid will be ;held in the
school room of the ei'iurch on Thu,'s-
day afternoon,
Mr, and Mrs, John Hepburn, .of
London ,are spending tv few days at,
the home of their son, Mr. Geo. Hep-
burn and other friends,.
Rev, Mrs. Irwin, ivho has been vis-
iting in Seaforth forthe past faw
weeks has returned lolne.
Mr, and Mrs. Wilson Morley and
Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Pym motored to
Forest do Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Gunning spent
Sunday at the home of Nelson Squire
at Sunshine,
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Skinner and.
Mrs. Hodgson, of Exeter, spent Sun-
day at the home of John Hodgson.
Mrs. Sim. Blight, of Thorndale,
who has been visiting at the home, of
her sister, Mrs. John Stevenson for
two weeks, returned, to her home on
Sunday much improed from her re-
cent illness.
Mr., and Mrs. Jas. Swallow are
moving .to Granton this week, and
Mr. and, Mrs. Garnet Foster are
Moving . to the farm purchased from
Mr.• Swallow.
• Mrs. Geb. Millson returned to hell
home. on .Tuesday having spent the l
past weekwith her daughter, Mrs.,
Geo. Mardlin, London Tp.
Rev. Mr. Hisoock, of Crediton had
chargeof the service here on Sunday
Rev. Mr. Erwin taking charge of
anniversary services at Crediton.
The regular meeting of the Huron-
dale W.1. was hela a4 tae home of
1Virs. Cleo. Jeffrey with a goodly num-
ber present. Mrs. Rufus Kestle pre-
sided. After the business part of
the meeting was discussed, a good
program followed consisting of an
instrumental by Miss Laura Hicks,
reading by Mrs. A. Mitchell. , The
topic "The Child—pre School Age,
School Age and Social Life in the
uoinrun ty" was given by Mrs. C.
Allison. Mrs. (Dr.) Graham, gave
a aemohstieeion of boneing a. fish 1
after which Miss, Jennie Strang was 1
ed to the Eich
ca1l tandthe following;
address was read by Mrs. J. M.
Glenn .,
To Our Friend" Jennie:
We understand you are leaving
us to make a new hone and new
friends, and we, your old friends and
co-workers of the Women's Institute
wishto take this last opportunity of
expresbing in a small degree our es-
ieeni fork an old friend and apprecia-
tion of your ever willing service to
do• all rYpucouid tomake our Ineti
tote meeting"s a success. You have
been one;. of the faithful members
who has, helped to build our Insti-
tute on ,a strong foundation ,there-,
:fore before leaving us we ask you
to accept this little token of silver-
ware. With it goes our kindest
wishes for your future happiness in
your •new :home.
May your. married life be happy,
And your worries few; y
May your hubby never cross be,
And your joy be always new.
Lunch was then served by the
ladies in- charge and a social half.
hour spent.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bell visited at
Mr, Geo, Bell's near Seaforth last
Sunday. The . latter's- )tarn was
burned to the groundearly Satur-
day morning, together with his sea-
son's crop, hay and harness and
some implements; This js very un-
fortunate at this time .of year, 'The
cause is unknown,
Mr, and Mrs,. Thos. Hodgert and
children of near Seaforth, visited. at
Mr. H. Ford's last Sunday.
Silo filling is now the order of the
day: Several .in " the neighborhood
have lifted their potatoes which are
an abundant crop this year although
some pieces show some rot,
Miss x'lorence",Herdman has been
visiting her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs, Henry Squires in Exeter.
Miss May Jones, df London, who
recently returned froth an European
tour, visited her cousin Mrs. Nelson
Coultis and aunt, IVfrs..Tenry Johns.
Mr. and Mrs. John Francis, of
London, spent the week -end with re-
latives here.
Mr. John Tucker is quite i11 at
time of writing.
Miss Vera Bannerman, of ;;t.
Marys, visited a week with her sister
Mrs. Lloyd John recently.
Mr. Walter Johns, .of London,
spent the week -end at his home,
The W. M. S. are shipping ,a bale,
of goods the week.
Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
was administered to a large congre-
gation in the church last Sunday
The teachers and officers of the
Thames Road Sunday school spent a
pleasant evening Monday and"gave
expression to their appreciation;: of
the services rendered by some of
their members who are leaving the
vicinity. An address was read by
Mrs. Wiseman to Mr. Hy. Anderson,
who is moving to Exeter and to Mr.
and Mrs. J. N. Ratcliffe, who are
moving to Strathroy. The former
was presented with an electric table
lamp and the latter with an electric
toaster. An enjoyable impromptu
program was given and refreshments
were served.
You can't expect too much in the
way of eulture from those whd are
more interested in fo'bd for the
stomach than in food for thought,
�1.1xv 1 i
Of year neighbors and friends. I arrived home
School is closed for the week ow- Spend it few
itig to the illness of the teacher, Miss 'mother,
Field, at her ,lionte at Strathroy, I
Mrs, x,,. Sweitzer, of Exeter, is
Mslten•dxD. ng Liappe, fertw, days with Mr. and
1vli"ss 'Esther Rech is spending a
few weeksw,ith. .Mr. and Mrs, .A.,
Sitii'th. •
Mr, andfornier'
Mrs, Sim
smonotheDer,itrieMh rs, ^visit -L
led the .
Deitrich on .Sunday, who, we are
sorry to SaY 15 very poorly at pre-
Mr, Jas. Broadfoot received a tele-
gram fi•om Itis aunt, Miss Mary
Broadfoet, who has been three years
in West Palin Beach, Florida, say-
ing that she escaped any injuries
from the hurricane.
'Mrs.: "Sidney Beal, of Calgary,
made a short ,visit ,with her friends
on the "boundary before returning
, home.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones and
Master Billy visited the 'Broadfoot.
• family "on, Sunday last.
! Mr. Horton McDougall last week
purc'hased a fine Dodge car.
Mr;.,and Mrs. Wellington Kerslake
!motored to London Sunday to see
'their niece, Miss Annie Simmons, of
Exeter, who underwent an operation
for appendcitis in the Victoria Hos-
pital there.
The young people of the Cromarty
congregation held a Weiner roast on
Mountain Picnic Grove one evening
last week. .A very enjoyable even-
ing was spent, presided over by Mr.
The farmers in this vicinity are
at :present filling their silos. The
corn on the whole is an exception-
allygood crop in this locality;
The 'beautiful, woods on the west
side of the mountain has somewhat
the appearance of autumn. The
trees are nearly bare owing to' an
army of worms that are stripping
the trees completely rl'f their foliage.
Miss Jean Ramsay has returned to
her home in Toronto after spending
the 'week with her friends Mr. and
Mrs: Roy' 'McCulloch.
Mr. John Ewing, of Brussels, mot-
ored doisin' and spent Sunday with
Mr. John Scott of the village.
Miss Olive Speare, of Toronto,
Mr. andr Jas. Beer, M s. ee , of Mit-
chell, spent Sunday : with Mr. . and
'Mrs. John Hern, Sr..
Mr. and Mrs. Clarke and Mr. and
Mrs. Pulham, of Komoka, visited
,wither. and Mrs. H. Kyle on Sun-
day. ".
!Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Douglas, of
Granton, have the sympathy .of many
frie'nds`in their loss of- their babe,
interment taking place at Zion cem-
etery. •
PEAS and All Kinds of GRAIN
We are• prepared to pay you the
very highest pricesfor your Grain,
and can also make arrangements for
trucking same at a low cost, advise
us by telephone or letter, and 1f it is
your wish we will have 'our buyer
call to see your grain personally.
Phone 54 Hensall, Ont.
Rev. Fr. Corcoran on Sunday an-
nounced the holy bonds of marriage
of Joseph Houlahan to Kathleen.Mc-
Keever, the 'marriage to take place
the latter part of October.
Mr. Dennis Quarry,of Detroit,
spent a few days last week at his
home here.
Miss Anna Buckley; of Mackinaw
City, spent last week with friends in
the neighborhood.
Mrs. Foley left:. for her home in
Detroit after spending several weeks
with friends here.
A number from here attended the
fowl supper at Shipka Monday even-
w�__d__--_-_____ October.
about sixty neighbors and friends
met at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
David Lippert and gave -them a pleas=
ant surprise and farewell party be-
fore their departure to their new
home at Inwood. The evening was
spent in music and dancing, during
which Mr.• and Mrs. Lippert were
presented with two beautiful chairs.
The following address was then read
by Mrs. Art. Willert and the presen-
tation made by Mr. B. McCann and.
Mr. A. Willert:
Mr. and Mrs. Lippert both spoke
a few words and thanked their
friends for the beautiful gift. .
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Lippert and
We your neighbors and friends
have assembled here this evening to
spend a few hours in your presence,'
as we have learned with regret of
your intentions of leaving this neigh-
borhood, and we wish to express in
some degree the esteem with which
we regard you. We have always
found in you true friends, kind and
obliging neighbors, always willing to
give a helping hand in time of need
and we realize that your departure.
from amongst us will be our loss.
But hope we may often see you back
amongus again, and so Mr. and
Mrs. Lippert and family we ask you
to accept these gifts and value them
highly. Not for their money value,
but as a token of our love and good
feeling toward you and as you sit
by your fireside may they bring back
to you memories of the good old
times we have all had together at
Khiva. We also wish you and your
family health and prosperity in
your new home and pray that you
may long be spared to enjoy God's
richest blessing.' Signed on behalf
0.t ois,1e
n Batu °
"Mother looks
forward r�to
said Helen to her.htasband'.
'iThat was a wonderful idea og
yours, Fred, that I should
alterz to my letters to mother
with telephone calls.
Nva inissos.me a good•deal and
she was -just delighted when
she heard lily voice. We talked
h lot of things, too —
sed moreuestio s •' three
9 n in th
minutes than we could have
done in twenty Ietters.
"And it's soernuch easier than
writing!. WE; were both so
pleased that I'•ve arranged to
all her every Wednesday nil;hi;
now--" .
To bridge thoseunavoidable
gaps, there Is nothing like an
occasional talk ,by Long' Dis-
tance. For a few minutes the
miles are rolled away and sun c?-
ered friends are brought fae--
oodP.ae Recipe
Mustard Pickles-Chow-chow—India Pickles—Sour Pickles--
Dutch Pickles -Relishes and Catsup. Our Recipe Book gives
splendid recipes for making all of them.
Write for a copy -mailed Free.
ColmanKeen (Canada) Limited, Dept. 149 woo[Amherst St, Montreal
-with a Brantford Roof of Asphalt Slates. You can have a soft
toned roof of any color or combination of colors that pleases your
taste. They add permanent beauty and value to,any kind of home
and give years of weather protection �.
[tad fire resistance. ° ltd
PA16 ,lt
,( i�ard�a',�tll�t�l�irtt/
y s irrarrii►�er ///i M
�,,.�� �'3R'�- 147 � �����r�+iat
sr—.srts.�f► wiloAr .iraskr ar
emir fro ' Milmitl�ta�
terraaf► C v`asiirasrnalrr
dt�21�� ..F, a ;,arc
�: !1 9
z .a„
L , rtrti
OffEllgCCaluniteal Brantford, Ontario
Stock Carried, Information Furnished and Service
on Brantford Roofing rendered by
Ross Taylor Co., Ltd.,
for Economical Trirnsportatiott
T is by strictest attention to
quality- of ' 'material and
workmanship—that •.::.that Chevrolet
base achieved,, not only the most
'powerful but also the smoothest,
'engine in its price class.
ivatic° how the working parts are fully
enclosed :protected from road dust, grit
And water. .The valve -lifter assembly
is completely encased in pressed steel
covering to •prevent entry of harmful
foreign matter, and to silence the on. -
gine. The Chevrolet bey Disc Clutch is
mounted in the ii wheel housing, while
the transmission is immediately* behind
the clutch and, with the propellor -shaft,
Is completely enclosed,
A. newly -designed camshaft and wall -
balanced crankshaft with extra large
main bearings insure the atnoothnessi'
which has won for this Chevrolet such
unanimous praise,
Cio to your nearest Chevrolet dealer,
Raise the hood o£ the smooth Chevrolet
and examine for yourself the enginc'
that makes Chevrolet 8o arctoodt and
so powerful.
The Smoothest Chevrolet in Cheid;pop
history is selling at the Lowest ?rt
for which Chcvrolet•haa ever bean socked
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Ask about !MAO Plan of Dei'.erred
Remitter $040 Coupe $810 Sedan $90,"
Spot.- 71s5 Coach 810 Landau Sedan 07.
Tourist( tea Cops ad �,'
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$ ort "' 7 5
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