The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-10-7, Page 4OCTOBER Itin
ifnitiell Fall Fair on PridaY iet last
Week got away tor a good tart but
before tile aftereoeu Waa half Over
rain-• began Co fall end nitride thiugs
very dieagreeable. The exhibits
-Were •all on the grouude and the
erowd had practical* all eathered
before U.i a1 begaa. In spite of
the fact that farmers were bueY
there waa 'a good crowd aud a splen-
did gate reeelpt. The indoor exhib-
itwere good and there was some
fine ,eltewiug, eta lag theleve steel;
claesee. Moet 'Pee oatdeor judg
was done krt,"tl rain. Tite: hoese
races were CABO. off although eev-
oral aeats, Were run. The in.exes
walking edaitesta, was Vera
by P.
Deichert, „ L. E. Viauerth,I.
Staubns, Vhe rizes for beet decor-
ated =toe Wore presented. to *line
Rader and.' W, `IqtAdams• •A• con-
dert wee held in the hall in the even-
ing. and thee wee a large crowd
The liet pt prize •wisnaers were as
Rednvesting Your COUpons
. .
PRESENT your :coupons as
1- they fall due 244 they will
be paid by this bank.
N excellent platii to de-
posit the proceeds ill- a Sav-
ings .Account untif,Isai ,have
accumulated enough-forfurther
Capital Paid lip $20,000,060
Reeve Fund'$Z0,0,000
Exeter Branch - M. R. CoiPrine';164;anager
G. G. 144yfierd,'.,1qanager
Creditor% Branch -
Riiral lretelitiorie to.r Sale
The Canada Trust Company, ExecutPeee ilee.Estate of the
late Dr. Hyndxnan.will receive offers for .the,,purelaase of the system
known as The Thames Road Telephone .4ssepiation operating out
a Exeter, Ontario:
There are 106 subscribers and the System isevery Compact and
in fair condition with equipment standerctefor, rural lines- The
rates are good and the proposition is salel Apt be a money maker.
The Executor is obliged to eel/ under theeterms et l'Our Will
Further particulars may be had from ,
,„ •
tele -•
Six Reasons Why We 13,ecommend
I. They are authorized by law as an invesentkfor estates
and trust funds. - _I" '
2, They are issued byan institution that is 'i)LDER than the
3. This 62 -year-old financial institati644is FlioVernment Chart-
4:. Huron & Erie bdor.s, seeinA
ecurities and 'dnta :are eubject
to,inspection at any _time without ei,otieeia4i- Danalnion.. Gov-
ernment Officials. ? ....,: . - - ,
5. The paid uP, capital and reserve funela o _ e Old Huron &
Erie affords surplus security totaiIiiig .S850.poo.
Owners a these debentures together Aivit eiavings depositors
have FIRST ,claim upon every dollar tifigHttroll"& Erie as-
sets totalling over $31,000,000. er....._ ir ' •
5 per cent. per annum is payable half yearly' Upon #140 or lure
for I, 2, 3, 4, or 5 years. ereeetetieee-e- I .
ED SAVINGS :/,. ! . ., ,
Loc,a1 Agent for The Huron & rie Mortgage Co
to whom applicathera for &bean urea may
A Surprise in You; Favor*
5 -tube Circuit
Use Power
Drum Contro.t
by McLagaii
jUi 1;tvs model in.
your 7107pe. Pat-,
Wee,' 0 P12.911
HEN you see and hear the
new De Forest & Crosley
'models, you'll estimate -their pric-
es many dollars over what they
actually cost. "Amazing," you
will say.
The radio values we offer yin to-
day have Won for these sets the
reputation of being Canada's mite
eiandlig radio buy. We would
like to dean-htEtrate any De Forest
Cresley model in your home
•eithout obligation, and prove
that we can give you the best
that radio offers, at truly re-
markeble pPices.
' airangod o anY
and A & 8 Battetles,.etc.
, '")12.1ititO yO11,5,1.' Eadito. Tu!s fcr 50c. each aid
.1-ntecthem to br p efi4rget
T. McMillan, M.P., for best agri-
cultural or lleavy draught mare or
W, W, ChapMan; L. W.
Hettnaan for best halter broke colt
exhibited by boy 15 years or under,
R. Geiger; Brown's Boot Shop, for
team, Gelluas & an; WesleY
Merner for hest gentleman's outfit,
j. L alcialuleY; Bonk Or Montreal
for best iiniehecl cattle beast'up to
three years, Pym; T. L. Wurm
.or best calf under one year old, En
Pyirt; Dr. Mclain.nou for best pen
of two pullets and one cockerel, G.
Heywood; ;I. Decker for foal, S. Hey
johnston & . Kalbfleisch for best
pair becou hogs, 3, A, Manson & Son
Wm. Reunie Co., for vegetables, J.
Deolter, Sr,; flowers, P. J. Haberer;
field roots, W. Decker; W. O'Brien
for butter, S. R. Farwell; Williams
Bros„ for loaf of bread, j, A. Man -
sou; Dr. O'Dwyer, for display of
ladies' word, H. A. Fuss; T. Eaton
Co„ for best dressed chicken, E,
Walper; R. Simpson Co„ for butter,
j. Hey, Jr.
General Purpose—Brood mare
accompanied by foal, H. Steinbach,
3, A. Manson & Son; foal, H. Stein-
bach, E. Haberer; 1 year old, Se
Rietrich, At Smith; 2 year old, J. A.
Manson & bon; team in harness and
wagon, H. Steinbach, W. Decker.
Agricultural—Brood mare accom-
panied by foal, Jas. McBride, WW.
Chapman; foal, W. W. Chapman; R.
McClinchey; 1 yea/. old, R. Tinney,
Jas. McBride; 3 year old, E. Foster;
team in harness and wagon, 3.
Gelinas & Son, E. Foster; e
Heavy Draught—Brood mare ac-
companied) by foal, W. MeAlister. &
Son, foal, W. McAlister & Son, T.
M. Snowden; 2 year old, W. W.
Chapman; team in hareeSs and
wagon, E. J. Pym.
Roadster -- Btood mare accom-
paniea,. by foal S. Hey, j. Deck-e-
er, Jr.; foal, j. Decker 1, 2, and -3;
1 year old, S. Hey; 2 year old, E.
Walper, R. McClinchey, S. Hey;
team in harness and wagon, Dr.
Campbell; single in harness and
buggy, R. McLaren, Dr. Bangliart,
T. Reed;, lady driver, Itobt. McLaren
L. Armstrong, J. Decker Sr.
Armstrong, J. Decker Si.
Carriage—Brood 'mare accompan-
ied by foal, 3. Decker Jr., S. Hoff-
man, J. Manson & Sbn; foal, S. Hoff-
man, J. Manson & Son, 3% Manson &
Son; .1 year old; 1. Wainer; 2 year
old, J. -Manson & Son, R. McBride
R. McClinchey; team in harness alai
wagon, Geo. Thiel; single in harness
end buggy, R. Webster, J. E. Mc-
Kinley, Dr.Campbell.
Judge—T. 3. Moore, Tara
Registered Durham—Bull calf, E.
J. Pym, W. Oestreicher, . H. Stella-
bach; `heifer calf, E: J. Pym,
Stehabach; 1 year old bell calf, E.
Pym, W. and 3rd.
Other than pure-bred Durham--- milk or in calf, 3. Platt, 0.
Sueerus, S. .R. Farwell;, yearling
heifer, ,J. Pfett 1et and 2nd; 2 year
eldeheiaer, 0. Surertte, J. Pfaff; Pat
cow or heifer,' J. Pfaff, 0. Surerus
lade -and 3rd; 2 year old Steer, j.
Waft and 2nd, 0. Surerus; Yearling
steer, J.. Pfaff. and 2nd; Fat Steer,
3. Pfaff; Holstein., cows in milk 'or
calk, W. R. Battler & Seta; Holstein
yearling heifer, S. R. Farwell.
Grade Herd consisting eat cow, 1 -
year -old heifer, 2-year-old"lieifer, 2 -
year -old steer, J. Pfaff, 0. Burins.
Judge, Gordon Smith, Woodslee
Leiceeter—Sb.earling ram, W. Mc-
Alister & •Son; -shearling ewe, W.
McAlister & Son and 2nd; ram lamb
E. F. Klopp, W. McAlister & Son;
ewe lamb, W. McAlister & Son and
2nd; Ewe, having raised iamb in '26
W. McAlister & Son and 2nd.
Lincoln---Shearling ram, T. Snow-
den; aged ram, G. Penhale; shearl-
ing ewe, G. 'Penhale, T. Snowden;
Ram lamb, T. SnoWdene" G: Penhale;
ewe lamb, T. Snowdee, G. Penhale;
ewe, having, retied lamb in 1926, G.
Penhale, T. Snowden,
Shropshire--Shearling ram, J. A.
Manson & Son; shearling 'ewe, j. A...
Manson ee'Son and 2nd; ram lamb,
J. A,. Manson & Son; ewe limb,
.1. A. Mason & Son and 2nd;
'eerie, having raised' Iamb in 1926, j.
A. Manson & Son; T. Snowden:
k•Oxforcls--Shearling ram, T. Snow -
en; aged ram, T. Snowden, W. B.
3att1er & Son; ehearling ewe, T.
Snowden, T. -McAdams; 'ram lamb,
T. Snowden, T. McAdams; ewe lamb,
T. McAdams and 2nd; ewe, having
raised lamb in 1926, T. McAdams,
T. Snowden; • fat sheep, any 'clasp"
1. A. Matson & Son, T. Snowden.
Judge, Gordon Smith, Woed.slee
' R
lsow,W. B. Bat-
tler & 'Son, 3. A. iManson- & Son;
aged beer, T. Snowden; spring -boar,
3. A. Manson & Son; spring sow, W.
B. Battler & Son. e
yorkshire-L-Aged boar and. spring -
boar, W. McAlister & Son. .
Judge, Gordon Smith; Weodslee
Hatuburgs„ hen—W. 13. 13attler &
San; Barred Plymouth Rocks, cock,
hen, cockerel, pullet, G. lieywood;
Whito Plymouth Rocks, cock, T. M.
Snowden 2, hen, Kochems, T. M.
Snov,iden,. cockerel and pullet, T.
Snowden. and 2nd; leghe lara,hamas,
hen, W; 13. Battler ee, Son; ' Black
Minorcas. conk, W. B. Battler & Son,
hen, P. KoelteanearV. B. Rattler &
Son, cockereiala., Koehame 5. Hey,,
Jr.; pallett, P. Xocheine, J.' Hey Jr.;
Part vid!te co ckerel
pullet, 1;'. Eoctheni & 2: S,C).W. Leg -
cock, C. 114,. „.7,;;Lpi, Truem-
mr, lien,' G. fic.yWood, Juclais Thicl,
oo'4.1i.eve1; 110.w.:oU 211d, Pal -
W. 13z1v141:r.%), G„„: ileywood;
While • •Wyae ot Los; . co
Woad!, hen. C. lieyWo44 , 41nci 2nd;
Anceents. r ewe:, C.,..Salmen, Lloyd
O'Brien, heti, W. B. 'Rattler & e'en,
C. Salmon, cockerel pnilet W. LL
Battler .& Son, I. O'Brien; 'Bantam',
cock W. 13. Battler & Son 'and 2nd,
hew W. B. Battler & Son,'' G. 'Rey-
ood , cockerel W. 13. .15a i ilor. & on,S
A, AlcClino1ie.,7,r, atiliot 'W. T3. Battier
4: See, O. Ileywodd;. Collection of
Pigeons, Dr. McKinnon, H. Yung-
blut; Pekin Cllina Dttalc, old ra, ,tral
Snowden, P. Kochents, young
T. S1191den, Keelienia; Rouen
decks cold, T. Snowden, yeueg,
K90131kta, T. Snowden; Ducks any
Variety old, T. MOAdalms, 111.. 'tech -
ems.. Young P, Kochems; Geese, old
W. 13, Settler & on; Toulouee
Gees e old, T. Gelinas • te See; Wild.
Geese, A. MOUSseatt.
Judger, A. E. °elver; Since
Lo' cal News
Mrs. Downie epent the week -end
in St, Thomas,
Mr. Wm. Leavitt and M. and Mrs.
S. C. Cochrane spent a few days this
week in Windsor.
Mr. Cecil 1VIcAlphine of the Bank
of Montreal staff spent the weelt-eud
at his home in London.-
Mr. and Mrs. Francis'Clarke, of
Crediton, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Penhale on Sunday.
Mrs. W. El. Gardiner and little
daughter, Shirley are visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Taylor, of London.
'Mr. Cecil Johnston and Miss Merle
joh`nston, of Essex, visited with Mr.
and Mrs, M. E, Gardiner during the
past week.
.The Rally Day collection, of Cav-en
Sunday School was $50. This is
good for a school of less than one
hundred scholars.
Mr. and Mrs. B,*W. F. Beavers and
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Grant were guests
on Sunday ef Mr. and Mrs. R. Sing-
leton:of Glencoe.
,"Mrs. P. W. Oladmaa is in Peter-
boro, called there by the. illnese and
death of her Mother, Mrs. Fowler."
London Free Press.. ,
Mr. Harry Sweet :and 1VIr. lerthni
Lappen, of Windsor,:motored up Ind
spent the week -end with rthe eormer's
in.othe-i-,, Mrs. Thos: Sweeten- .
Miss Connor 'held' an euetlen pale
of household effects on Saturday and
she and her father, Mr. jetties Con-
nor; have left for leellville, where
they wilt reside in future. •
Miss. Lily Payne siffered a painful
accident 'on Tuesday her left arm ae-
ingto.dly burned when some gasoline
ignited. A burnerof a .gesolitte
stove became flooded and while wip-
ing it up the gasolinetook fire.
The regular monthly meeting of
the Womens' Cheistian Temperance
Unionwas held Monday afternoon,
September the 27th in the basement
of'Main St. United church. The Pres-•
ident Mrs. 3'. T. Miners occupied the
chair. Mrs. Sutton, convener of the
booth held at the fair, -reported hay-
ing made' around $60. .A reading
by ?ferule Simi and a ukelele select-
ion by Billie Burke were very much
appreciated. Meeting' closed with
prayer by Mrs, Grant. The October
meeting will'lee held in , James St:
church. . ee, • a ,
The lite Thomas J. 'Waldron, of
Toronto, who died on the lith of
. •
September, was born, raised and re-
Iceived hit' early training for a teach-
er near the -town of Exeter. • He left
here ale:Alt:52 years ago and taught
public sahbal 'Per a few years. He
theia '<Plaited Icaa high school,
teacher etitl'1ollowed thls .profeseien
fora number ofiyears in the vicinity
61 -Toronto. Abaut 15 years .ago -.he
'took a poeition as beef -keeper in elle
office ofaihe C.N.R., Toronto 'an&
later has been travelling,auditor for
the railroad ,contineing his duties
until three daYs before his -death.
He leaves 'a widow, one son and three
daughterse, twee` brothers and, three
sisters. He had been so remarkably
well that hie death came as a shock
to his relativtes. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ford arrived
honie. Monday evening from their
wedding trip spent in Detroit,' Flint,
and other places in Michigan •and
they were tendered ,a reception by
about sixty of 'their neighbors and
friends at their home on the -Fourth
Concession of Usborina They were
presented with an address and two
beautiful .chairs. The presentation
was made by Mrs. Wm. Rowcliffe
and the address read by Miss Laura
Hicks. Mr. Ford made a suitable
reply. An enjoyable• evening was
spent. Lunch was served after
which all left for their respective
hoMes *Wishing Mr. and* 1VIr3. Ford
all joy and happiness through mar-
ried life. ;Following was the ad-
dress; •
Monday, October 40 19426
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ford.
Dear Friends,: ,
We, your friends and neighbors
have gatheredhere this evening to -
spend a social hour with you, and to
extend to you our good will, and hest
wishes for your future happiness and
prosperity. 'Our past relations as
neighbors with you, Ant4 has been
one of friendship -and sportsmanship
for all concerned. And to Mrs.
Ford, who is coming among' us as a
bride, letus all give you the hand
of friendship and weleome to our
homes and this community. As a
siecere expiessitta of mil" good -will
we ask you to accept these chairs as
a tokee of the esteem. talk we hold
you in, trusting that yet: may long
be spared to' rest and enjoy your-
selves in them. ,May richest
blessing rest npon-you in your new
home is the sincere wish of all. .
Signed on, behalf of Friends and
neighbors of four and five Tesborae.
01 --
Them will be offered for sale by
public auction on„,,tho premises, ou,
MONDAY, 0CT011,3Ei4 18th„ 192,8
at 1.30 o'clock p.m. the following; .
miAL. 17.1$TAT12L-7.(1-oad two' storey
brick honse;en the East side of Wil-
liam Street' Fixotor .and parta of
Lots 3, 9, and 10 GridleY's .Suevey,
having a frontage on 'William street
of al:out 159 feet; the 'property of the
late William Turnbull:
CTIATTELS—Vphelstered :parIont
"(Mite, couch, librarY table, organ, 2
parlor lamps, -rocking chairSi.',•stdo-
board:' eiscretary, extension table; 0
dining rater -chairs; 2 or ,3 small
itables, sewing machine, hall mirror
:and rack, hall pedeStai, ,8 good bed
Mixt suites, epriuga and Mattreases,
Single be with Outings and Mattreee,
feethee" beds, 2 toilet sets, glass
pupboerd, Ititellen table, 'coal oil
stove, coca heater; cook stove,
Iowa, quilts, curtains, cushions, 8
gOOd rugs, rag Carpets, pietureS,
dishes, fruit, 'washing macilleta
cream separator, set Opel° herneSa,
hoes, forks and ether artieles toe
Peuitierous, to mentioe,
Real Eitate-10 per cent, cin day
sale and balance ix 30 day e there -
A'' portion of the purchase
money will be left On mortgage if the
purchaser sb desires. Chattels—
For further particulars apply to
Solicitors for Mrs. Maly Emerson,
the owner
• Auetioneer '
— of —
The undersigned his received in-
structions to sell by public auction,
1 mile ' west and 3-4 mile north of
. — on ,--- •
FRIDAY; OCT01311D 15th' 1926..
at 1 p.m. Sale of sheep at3 p.m.
. HORSES -eel driyang mare.
red, 14 montb.s; Scotch Shorthorn, ,
(car in A-1 condition; auto power
' CATTLE—Scotch Shorthorn Bull,
com4,1:oan, red bull calf 4 months, old Jack in good shape; auto jack.
TERMS --$10 and under, cash;
pale or milking; 4 2 -year old steers; over that amount 12 months' credit
on...approved joint notes, or 5 per
by si&; '9 grade Shorthorn cows, in
4 1 -year old steers; 4 2.y:ear 014 ca.e.10ist:.., spnero, moannionum, discount ;for cash.
heifers; 1 1 -year old heifer; 6' caries. .„
HOGS -1 pure bred Berkshire sow F: TAYLOR, Auctioneer
.. POTILTRY—About . 50 Plymonfa A, ''11[43,DG,1N,4... ' ale e, rir
Rock hens. • . :. , ,11 ... ;
and rams; all
SHEEP -35 Dorset Horned ewegistered or eligible. ° . AUCTION ' SALE
IMPLEMENTS—M. , H. manere• ,,. ,meine STOOK, IMPLEMENTS
re ,
spreader, M. -H. binder, 6 ft. cut; ale „ ,
H. eornhinder, Deering mower, 6 ft. and iikellSEHOLD EFFECTS
cut; sweep rake, M. -H. side rake and- . The undersigned has receivedeln-
tedder, Hay loader, M. -H.
-etruations" to sell by public auotton,
ultivaaor, disc , har- ,
tooth cultivator, 1,7 tooth; FrsoPsrtillig 0U LP 3, CON. 15, 1VIcGILLIVRAY
Wood stiff tooth c
, on FRIDAY, OCTOBER. 8th, 1026
grass seeder, 12 hoe; onion drill,
2 'wide , at one "clock sharp the following
row, 14 'plate; out throw;
sinoothing hariiiivs, grain drill and HORSES—Clyde mare 9, year old;
• '
greymare 8 years old;. general pur-
grass' sisedeki• 2 'furrow riding plow„ poi:* horse 8 years old.
, Cid;p,cksilan_Htt.e6worand b
ikianngplow, iT
, Ccuoictkshatuotrt CATTLE—cow suppesed to calf in
.March, e cows supposed to ealf in
and puller, :unto 'power jack and belt, April, ,.2 cows supposed to calf in
bobbox, sleigh, a1-2in2chorloggisnegats;le2igh, eat
wagon, ha Y and stook ,rack, gravel May, Aberdeen Angus cow with bull
litest, calf itt , side, steer 2 years old, steer
wising 2, 3. heifers rising 2, 4 spring
light wagon, lancing mill, bagger calves.
truck, onion thresher, heavy. wagon, : 1:IGS—Brood sow, .6 pigs 4 mon.-
springs, '2 set heavy harness, 3 single: eld, 9, pigs 10 weeks old.
harness, feed cOoker, sap pans, 4 IMPLEMENTS—McCormick bin-
' ,
barrel galvanized gathering tank, der,eladcCormick mower nearly new,
sap pails and aipiles; Chevrolet tour.
MeCermack mower, McCormick hay-
ing car.
, rake, Deering Fertilizer noe drill,
HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Beds, M. IL Disc 14 platfe, M. I. Culteva-
beautifid Happy Thought steel rangetore,steel three drum roller, 0111 ver
coal or woodeeilappy Thought cast bean scuffler and harvester, hand
range; 4 burnercost oil stove, 'hang-
ing lamps, lady's bicycle, a geanaity
of weed; also ,many other useful
articles of liceme, garden and stable.
REAL EST.ATE--rThere will' be ofe„
ferea for salb the 75 -acre grass farm
being the west '3-4' oteLot, 1<6, Con,
7, Hay, Whiall';is,;fericed for sheep,
hag 'geed -shed, plenty of shade and
never. failing water in ditch. Terms
'nude' known on day of sale. • - . ,
The proprietor has sold his farm
and eVerYthing offered, is for sale. .
TERMS' ;, •
, $10 and under, cash; over that
amouni,,7 months' credit on approv-
ed joint notes; or 5,per cent. per art:
num dis'colintafor cash. e , .
FRANK TAYLOR, 'Auctioneer , e;
W. C. PEARCE, Preprietor :
— af --
The endereignee has received in-
etuctions to eel/ bY public auctien on
Lt O'cIoelt p.m. sharp the toll:Ming
CATTLE -1 pure bred cow, Well -
wood Doon the Fifteenth, due De.
24th; I Duritain cow, due Dec, 14;
1 Durham cow due San. 6th; 1 Dur-
ham cow dee Feb, 12; 1 cow due
Feb. 5th; 1 Durham heifer, spotted,
due Dec, 1501; 1 Durham heifer, red
due Dee, 26t1i; 1 Durham 'heifer,
freshened two months; 1 purebred
dural' puepose heifer two yeareld,
bora Nov. 23rd, 1924; °lie Durham
heifer two years old; three Durham
heifers rising 2 years old; one Dur-
ham steer rising two years old; one
Durhain heifer one year old; three
good Durham neves; one purebred
dural purpose bull, bore Dec. 6th,
1925; one Durham calf two months
tMPLE1VfENTS-0ne good Deer-
ing binder; wagon, third of a cord
gravel box; 40 sap buckets, 2 pans;
pig rack, cultivator, old Noxon-seecl
drill, 1 new thirteen Fleudy riding; 2 walking plow, root pulper,
fanning mill, set liritchen harness,
early new; half set Of backing har-
Cook stove, talking machine; Ford
I • •
• — or — .
The undersigned auctioneer Aeas'
been instructed' to, sell by pubIiq
auction, on • • • e .
.• ee, on • e
one o'clock p.m. sharp the following
IJ0RSES-4 good work liorses;'11
driving horse, 7 years old; 1 three.,
year-old filly; carriage. • ,
CATTLE -1 cow due in januarY;
1 cow due in February; a renewed.
cow; 1 baby beef. ' •
HOGS -3 hogs 150 pounds.
IMPLEMENTS --- Massey lierrii
binder 6 ft. cut; Deering moveer;
sbed drill; stiff tooth minima:a':
springtooth cultivator, steel land
roller, set 4-sectiondiamond har-
rows, disc harrows, 2 walking plows,
riding plow, clover 'bundler, pea.
harvester, scuffler, cutting box, ex-
tension ladder, emery stone, cow'
chains, two wagons,set sleighs
buggy, two seated' buggy, cutter,
hay rack, gravel box, hay fork,
grain bagger, wheel barrow, 2 ,sets
double harness, set of single hex -
nese, new; cream separator, churn,
forks, shovels, hoes, chains, whiffle -
trees, neckyokes, rope and pullies,
and, other ,aticles too numerous to
yange, kitchen tale, wardrobe,
TERMS—$10 and under; cash;
over that amount 12 months' credit
dnapprove.' joie( notes; or 5 per
cent, per annum discount for 'cash.
3. W. ANDERSON, Proprietor
FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer
Notice to Creditors.
gmuffler, No.. 21 Fleury plow; No. 8
Corn. Macbinery
To handle your eorn crop to t
best of advantage equip Yowls
with a Masse): Harris 8 Cern 0
der. It has the largest drive whe
of any binder on the market iodala
No aide dratts, widest rang o Of ad,
iustmeas easily and quickly madEVe
from the drivers seat, no paekere ti$e
knock pff the ears,: Also our No. If
Blower has made fcei itself manyesae
tisfied, farmers. Itis fittert*.witKi
alimite high pressure lubrica * \ante
built to Suit large or small lmaer*
We carry a all line of stable ,Tuipe-
ment, manure and feed 'carriers, wee
ter bowls, pumps and Akipt„
agency for Sugar jack presses, tit&
wonderful feeding Procese (ghat. re,
duces your feeding costs. - inquir6,
abut it and let eta ,meet your re-
quirements. Have a look at oak -
Quebec Sulky Plow. A trial wilt:convince you that 'It is one of th.-
best and lightest dealt plows on th
market to -day.
The undersigned has received ilea
structions to sell .by• public auction.
LOT 11, CON. 17, STEPHEN ;
— on --
at 1 o'clock sharp the following:
ItORSES---p-rey Percheron, 5 yrt,
old; grey Percteron mare, 3 year*,
old; general purpose horse, 10 yree
old; driving niare.
CATTLE—Cow due March 230
cow due March 29, cow due April 85-i.
cow due .A.pril 13, cow due April 181.,
cow due May 14, steer rising 2 yrs.s.
heifer rising 2 years, 5 'yearling -
steers and heifers, 6 spring calves.
sow; 3 pigs weighing' 200 lb. 10 weighing weighing 150 lb.; 4 turkeys, 10(h
hens; 50 pullets. •
IMPLEMENTS — M. 11. pigs
mower, sulky rake, M. H. cultivator;
walking gang plew, set harrow.% dime
harrow" 2 set double harness, 2'set
single harness hay rack, gra,vel box,:
root pulner,' fanning mill, euttint-
box, set scales, 2 wagons, 2 buggiele
light wagon, set sleighs, cutter, cow
chains,. wheelbarrow, 2 drills, The
Laval cream separator, quantity or
lumber, pig trough, 2 barrels, grinde-
stone, dash churn, 2 stoves, if:Steam:a
table, glass cupboard, coaloil stovt
sugar kettle, clothes closet, mil
pails, barrees and loxes, pipe -vrendi
5 tons hay, oats and naixed grain, 181.
large _sacks, forks, shovels, hoes,4-
whiffletrees, neckyokes, chains an
other articles.
National TIVID. plow, 4 talece set Iron , $10 and under, cash; over that.
rack, buggy, cutter, Ford car, Clin- amount 12 months' credit will be'harrows, wagon, hayrack stock
ton fanning mil1,1wheel barrow, 75
grain bags and seeks,' a quantity of
mixed grain and oats, 15 ton ef hay,
15 loads of Alsike chaff which may
be moved from the premises, whiff-
leteees, 'neckyolees, forks, chains
and other articles too numerous to
ing kitehen range, extension table,
.side bpard, dressers, chairs, several
beds ,and springs, vinegar barrel,
churn, •washing machine, linoleume
given on furnishing approved joint
notes, or 'a discount of 5 per centek
off. for cash. . •
1VIICH. FINKBEINEtt..Proprietor
Notice to Creditors.
all persons,haying claims against
the estate f MAURICE BENDER*.
late of the Village of Dashwood, ar6-
2 kitchen cupboards, Viking cream required to forward their Clime
seperator new,- extension ladtgr, 45
eeteheavy breechings, stall in Mt.
gallon gasoline drum, 2 eets of
double. harness, set shigle narness,
Carmel church shed.
, • • TERMS
. •
All, Sums of ten dollars and raid-
er; cash, over that amount 7 months
,greglitewill be given on furnishing
,approved joint notes with a dis-
;of per cent off for notes,
gum:runts. alay and grain cash.
ARTHuat WEBER, Auctioneer
4.-GRATBIEL, Clerk
MAC .111cDONALD, Proprietor
all pbrsons having claims against
the estate of NEWTON CLARK, late
of the Township of Stephen in the
County of Huron, farmer, who died
on or abottt the 4th day of Augest
A, D. 1926 at the City of London,
County of, Midd1e:4ex, are required
to forward their claims duly proveu
to either II. Eilber & Son, Crediton
or the undersigned Administrator
on or before the Oth clay of October
A. la, 15.26,
AND NOTICE IS rnrtTi-m33, GIV-
EN that after this said date the un-
dersigned Administrator will proceed
to distribute the estate having re-
gard 'only tO the claims ot which b.
than shall hs,vo laotice.%
Dated, at Creditor:: this, 25th day of
September A. D. 1926:
James Clark, Administrator 1,
It, It, No, 3, Dashwood, Out,
duly proven to H. Eilber & Son;
Cediton, on or before the 9th day of
October A: D, 1926.
EN,that after this said date the tide-
dersigned Executors will' proceed- idl•
distribute the estate having regard
only to the claims of whiche-kthet
then shall have notice.- •
Dated at 'Crediton this 25th day git
September A. D. 1926.
John 0. Berney
Mrs. Dora E. Berney, Executor*
' R., No. 2, Dashwood, Onte
COURSES: Stenographic, Commerial, Secretarial,. Complete Ofilce
Training, Telegraphic. ,
Our individual instruction makes it ptissible for .students to
enterat any time. Write for foe catalogue.
Central Business College, Stratford Ont.
B. F. LUMSDION, B.A., Principal
Amalgamated with the McLACHLA. N BUSINESS COLLEGE
..44M3,116=11111111111111115311111" -
I The JIMcPhillips Pianos
We have[had unique success with these beautiful!
Pianos during the vast two years and the
is BECAUSE they are BUILT to LAST. They have
a 'beautiful TONE and TOUCH. Everything re-
quired to make a GooD PIANO is put into them
and above all they are built to uphold the RE-
PUTATION and GOOD Ilairte behind them.
It was with pleasure that I heard the work et your pupils at
the examinations in July last, their work was very good and ;quit
.up to the standard of the bettor centres And better than weivaaffti
many centres. ,
I Ivas else very much pleased With tbe McPhillips Piano *Web
we used and played on at the time. Their tone is good, they seem-
ed to be of exeellent construction, the action is good and I consider;
that they compare very favorably, in every respect, with any of Our
Canadiati Pianos, I think the prices asked for Menl was very,'
reasonable and I am sure they Will give satisfaction to anyone, with
reaeoaeble care and attention':
0 Wishing you every success la alf your werit and that your bush.
nese will Continue to grow.
Yours faithfully
ttt H. ?LOWELL
'Examiner, I.4endon (ug.) ctelieg Of Maga
Distributing Agent, MRS, GA:mom, EXETER, ONT.