HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-8-26, Page 8TIDE EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE • Have Decided That t Su mer Goods. Must be Cleared. We fully realize that it is high time that the big major* ity of. strictly summer merchandise should, be in the hands of the consumer. In spite of a very satisfactory selling season we find that there are still ninny Small lots of hot weather goods, which must be cleared `from our stock. We are fully prepared to sell all such ma- terials and garments at drastieally reduced prices, We would therefore suggest that you visit this store at Your very first opportunity with the idea of making a very substantial saving on dress materials, hot weather garments and summer hosiery and footwear which will prove an excellent investment both for the balance of this season and also next summer. Visitors From Afar They seldom fail to Visit Stewart's China. Tables People from all parts of this continent who visit and holiday in this district always look forward to their an- nual visit to Stewart's China Display. Make certain that your visitors also have an opportunity to see our large display of beauti:ful.n.ovelty* pieces in imported china, potteries and glassware. Articles are priced to suit every purse and gifts or souvenirs chosen from, our store are always highly prized and appreciated. 44 ti .,. 1 tti4 Winter Coats n. August, k. Seems.Early Doesn'toIt? Our advagge shipments of fall and winter coats for Ladies, 4x4d Misses are here and are now on display. The -1'e is an especial advantage in inspecting the new ..- coats early this season; come in and let us tell you about it. VIM t;41 J.A. Stewart k4. OUR GREAT AUGUST FURNI- TURE SALE IS NOW IN FULL SWING THIS SALE IS THE FURNITURE EVENT OF THE YEAR— OFFERING YOU HIGH GRADE FURNITURE OF EVERY DES- CRIPTION AT REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. LARGEST STOOK LATEST DESIGNS BETTER SERVICE LOWEST PRICES "E.3..ETER'S HOME .PUR ISHER" M. E. GARDINER FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER FINEST MOTOR AND HORSE EQUIPMENT FACILITIES AND SERVICE UNSURPASSED ' DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE I LONG DISTANCE CALLS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION Phone 74J OPERA HOUSE FLOCK Night Call i'4w ■ 1- Men'sStore tatimemagoi- Phone 81w Men's Store NEW SUITINGS FOR -FALL Are now in `Stock for Your Inspection TWEEDS, WORSTEDS, SERGES, New Furnishings are arrivingldailyi MEN WILL APPRECIATE THE QUALITY AND STYLE OF THE NEW FALL FURNISHINGS. CONTE IN AND LOOK THEM OVER. W. Tfli AA Merchant Tailor and Gents' Outfitter Tome 194 Phone 194 SOUTH SERVICE STORE Try Our Fresh Ground Coffee CHAS. W FORD Sericite, Presh tootle Ani ac . Clean "tori! z , Miss Mary Harney spent the week -end with her cousin, Miss Lulu McDonald. The Young People's League of Main St. United church enjoyed a social evening and wener 'roast' at Grand Bentl on Wednesday evening. Rev, A. McLauchlin and Mrs. Mc- Lauchlan, of Grafton;' motored tip and spent a few days last week with Mrs. 1vreLauchlin's aunt, Mrs. W. D. Yeo. Mr. S. J. V. Cann has built and opened up a booth beside his gas stationopposite the Metropolitan Hotel, for the accommodation of the public. Mr. and Mrs, H. T. Ham, R2iss Emma Welsh, of Medina, N.Y., and Mr. Allan Jones, of Toronto, 'meter- ed here and visited with. Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Welsh. over the weekend, Misses Winona .iprayne and Mar- garet Hayden, of Brussels have re- turned to their homes after' spend- ing a weelt with the former's sister, Mrs. Ruben McInnis. Mr, and Mrs. Thos. MVIacKenzie, who have spent the summer visiting with ' relatives iii Efeter and at Crediton, left last Thursday fdr their hdine at Warrerier, dllta. " eter Markets Wheat $1,14, Oats $ac. Barley 60c. Manitoba lrlour $4,$0,, Mende& Flour $4.30. , , Pastry 'Flour $3,80.. Feed .Flour $1.90 Shorts $1.60. Bran $1,60. Creamery butter 380 Dairy butter 32-350. Eggs, extras; 30c. Eggs, seconds 230, New potatoes $2,36 Lard 200 Hogs $12.00 'Hogs, selects`; $13.20.. C..4.VEN P srax m is oHo°Itc , Itev a'aileg".k`doto..: I'3.,: ., ' Miaigt.0! 1,0 a.M.---Sunday School , i 17l a.an.-�'"The ESs'ehee of Eternal" Love." Theof Ministerx Tai tin.10 ] sri The Minister s,Ct7CatIS Dr. Roulston desires to announce that his dental office will be closed for about two weeks whilst ne is absent on vacation, T -- Miss Dorothy Snell nes been noh- daying in Stratford. „ Mr. Robt. Wilcox and sister Miss Beatrice spent Monday in London. Mr, and Mrs_ J. H. . Jones and son Neil are holidaying at Grand Bend. Miss Ella Sanders left Tuesday to visit for a couple of weeks in. De- troit. Mr. Fred, E. McPherson, of Mon- treal, is spending a few holidays -in town. 11;.•;x, _Oran Winer and son have moved to tsctcneilak t9, join Mr. Winer. Mrs. 3. T. Stewart left Saturday for Montreal to visit her son, Mr. A. L. Stewart. Miss Mildred Norry, of London, spent the week -end . under the par- ental roof. Mr. ,and Mrs. E. Howaid and daughter, Muriel, are holidaying at Grand Bend. Mr. Joseph Grant returned to London .after spending some time at his home here. Mr. Frank Sheers has been con- fined to his home' for over a .veek suffering from quinsy. Mr. Wm. Davis, of the Times -Ad- vocate staff is holidaying this week in Ingersoll and Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. McAsh, of London, : visited on Sunday with his sister-in-law, Mrs. McAsh.. Miss Salina Beaver, of Hensall, visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Quance on. Thursday last. Miss Cecelia Christie, of Stephen, is visiting her grandmothet •and aunt Miss Ferguson, of Chatham. Mrs. J. Perkins left on Wednes- day of last week to join Mr. Perkins and visit their son at Estevan, Sask. Mr. John Pedlar has sold two. acres of land at the rear of his resi- dence on Main St. to Mr. Jos. Sut- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McCurdy have returned home after a trip up the lakes visiting with relatives at Ft. William. Mr. Brine Rivers and his mother, Mrs. Wm. Rivers, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Routledge, of Dut- ton for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis and Mr. and Mrs. Brunkard, of Drayton, Ont., spent the week -end with Mrs. E. A, Amy Mrs. Ed. Coombs and son Eddie motored to Leamington last week and spent a few days visiting rela tives. JAMES S' °`t)$ix"!!i1#.:AHURf18„ OF 'CAltl'AD,A, Req. D. Motif sb, Pastor..' W" R. GeRidingiM- Organist andCltoir-Leader Y; Rev G "W DeWitt ,Cosens," i41d., bf ` Springfield, ,t+ll : .conduct the set v vices next. Sabbath both morning anal' „evening. Ti~IURSDA ii(, AUG}DST *Mao. 19,11“ 11 I II t II41}1lllil lull l � 1 I l 1 111111 Illilgli 11111111111111 gull I IIIIIIIIIilllllllll� �� I� NI.I . . �! ,�„��� ��.IIM�. h�11M1��Il�ll��ll ll�1l I11� �1�MI�N11 .1, I . _ .� .. I1 I 1 , Miss Mineretta Horney, R. N., has returned to Chicago. Her sister, Miss Esther, returned with her for a visit. Mr. Geo. Smith has moved from Andrew St. into the residence on Ann' St. recently vacated by Mr. W. R. Goulding. g Misses Alda and Violet Squire, of near Woodham are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Squire of. town. Miss Edythe Davis and hiss Loreen Lewis, of Hamilton, are vis- iting the former's parents, Mr. and. Mrs. D. Davis. Misses Annie and Flossie West- lake, who have been spending their holidays with their parents have re•� turn.ed to London. Mr. and Mrs. G. Atkinson have moved to Exeter from Dashwood and are living in Mrs. Hockey's house on Ann St, The young ladies from town, who were at Grand Bend occupying the cottage "Too Much Pep" for a week have returned home. Mrs. Milton Bissett, Miss Myrtle Bissett and Master Harold Bissett, of Brantford, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs:.:Lloyd ;Fraser. Mr. and Mrs. Will. Smith and family, of; Maple' Lodge, visited :on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. • Harry Smith at S rin hurst farm. P g„ Mr. and Mrs; Kenneth Clarke and daughter June, of Windsor, visited with Mrs. Clarke's father, Mr. A. Bowey, during the past week. Miss Linda Waiper and Mrs. Hintz, of Romeo, Mick., are spending two week's holidays with the form- er's mother and brother Theodore,' Miss A.' Venner, wh,o for several weeks has been nursing Mrs. Skel- ton, returned to London last week. The coning week promises 'to he one of the shortest weeks on record for 'most of the 011001 children as the holidays are drawing to a close and the publie schools will re -open on September 1st. • Trivitt Memorial Church Services as Usual' 3 p.m.—Sunday School, MAIN STREET ,UNITED CHURCH Rev. F. E. Ciysdale, Pastor 11 a.m.. ----` The ," Son of God—His. Words." 3 p.m,—Sunday School—"Man's Duty to Mail." „ 7-p.m.—"Jesus, the' Ideal Servant " These discourses will continue the story of Jesus' Deity and Humanity.. A welcome is heartily extended to all. 'SALVATION 11 a.m.—Holiness. Three Cheers for Goodness, " Forgiveness, Com- panionship and Victory. 2.30 p.m.—Sunday School. 7 p.m. —Salvation. "What Must I do to be • Damned?" Lucifer has always baited his trap with •paradise, in order to trap souls. I would point our+ heaven as men- tioned in the Bible 726 times as a word besides many passages des- cribing its .glories, etc. The Bible as a guide book shows the course by whch• souls get there. Everybody is going there. Jesus said "Many shall jseek ' to enter but shall not be able." Will you? {Come and see. We extend a hearty invitation to all. Powell's Variety Store Plain Price ,Store We Will Continue Our ANNIVERSARY ' SALE All This' Week LOTS OF BARGAINS AMMO i`r MOM 11101. FOR SALE OR RENT The Following Properties Brick Store on Main:�-SL., Exeter° Commodious Brick dwelling, fur- nace heated, and wired for Electric lighting, etc. with fixtures in place, John_ St. Six and a half acres of choice land suitable for market garden, running through from Huron St. to John St. Choice`Saskatchewan farms: in the Carnduff, Fillmore, Plenty and Fro- besher districts. , For price and terms on above see ROBERT E. PICKARD, tofu Street EXETER. Agent for Great West Life. As'ce Co. HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT- Good brick house on Andrew St., one block and a half from. postoffice. Easy terms. Apply to F. Delbridge. FOR SALE—Lot 17, con,""7, 100 acres more or less, 1 1-2 miles north of Crediton. On the .premises is a brick residence and two^ bank barns good water, well fenced and drain- ed, 5 acres orchard. For particu- lars apply to Ed. Fahner, Crediton Hotel. 8-26-4tp FOR SALE—Several farms at reasonable prices; good .buildings; easy terms to responsible parties. Apply to James W. Watson, R. R. 1, Kirkton, Ont„ phone Kirkton 54-2. TENDERS Teamsters and Laborers • The Exeter Municipal Council ask for tenders for the removal and the cleaning up of all refuse as has been scattered along the front ,,of the dump ground on the Lake Road. In- formation as to ail details maybe secured from members . of 'the -Mani- cipal Council. 'i'enders''te be in the bands of the clerk,,Mon,day, Septein- her 13th, 1;92,6. Jos. Senior, Clerk Mrs. J. S.. Grant is this week Vis- iting in Glencoe. Mrs. G. Ferguson has returned to Toronto 'after visiting her father, Mr. Jas'. Sweet. Miss Rena Edmonson,- M. A., a student in training at Boston Uni- versity, visited with the • fatuity of'' Mr. G. S, Howard last Sunday' and Hello Central Ring 193, f. Hello, is T. H. ELLIOTT there. called on her old frienclosMrs, F. E. Well "I would like to speak to him. Clysdale. Hello, this is T. H. Elliott, Say' Trueman, I thought I would just call you, up to let youknow that INNERS 21111/1111111. Malan WOMB u+ e ti er Quick . e: cxa r� Spy, t krice ummer Dresses reatly.,Reduced in Some a .'u --.s' at Colored Silk Hose In. a variety -of the season's newest shades., This is a regular $1 value. Reduced to per pair 75c. 10 doz. Children's Hose A clean up of several lines of child- ren's ;ox and hose, values up to 60c. Priced for quick selling 15c. pr. , Men's Harvest`'Shoes, Special, $2.75 pr. 30 -pairs only of Men's Tan Hart*est Shoes.; These are not too heavy in weight and' are wonderful fitters: Bleached Table Linen A good wearing cloth, easily laund- ried and neat, _pattern. Per yard 7'5c: Plain Crepes 30c. In -plain shades, also in fancy pat- terns a good wearing material that you do not have to iron. Per yard 30 cents. ,--,Boy's. arid Gig Ys -R unni ngJ Sho es W A clean up of this season's leather and rubber soled outing shoes, • taltiee "'• up to $2.00. Clearing price per pair 98c. L.irfoletirn ai'id Corfgoletim :F Lig8 Weare clearing this week several dropped patterns in-Linoleuma and Con- goleum Rugs. These are real money savers. • _ OUt COt ros. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ll11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M0111111111IN11111ff Have Your Eyes Examined To -day There Is nothing to be gained by delaying that ''eye examination. There is much to be lost. Each day that your eyes are under a strain makes it more difficult for your Optometrist to give you .satis- factory glasses You will be surprised at the thor- otighness of our methods—and will be pleased with the glasses. Call today and learn the truth about your eyes. John Ward CHIROPRACTOR &' OPTIQIAN MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT. PHOS 70 Furniture Bargains. Our stock is complete and our prices ,are. right:- Donot be mis- lead, come, and ,see for yourself that what we say is correct. , A great number of people are buying_from us and are satisfied. WHY NOT YOU .We have one Eureka Vac -num Cleaner left at $42.00. Vacuettes $35.00 DON'T' MISS THIS CHANCE R. N. ROWE Funeral Director ,& Embalmer - Phone 20W Night 204 INSURANCE E. C. `Harvey. L. V. Hogarth — Agents — Mutual Life .of Canada' EXETER AND ST.' MARYS Address all r on d ens coir es ce to Bas P d$n 190, Exeter FOR SALE—House and twot:lots, opposite Mr, Bierling's store, dpply on premises. FOR SALE — Overland touring car in ,good condition, three new tires, $100. Apply at Times -Advo- cate. HorticulturalSociet ,�• .7 Fiower: Show ILL BE HELD IN THE SKA'TIN:WRINK., EXETER Fri. and Sat. August 27th and 28th from 3 P.M. to 10 p.m. No charge, but contribution to the work of the Society at the door, ORCHESTRA 13.0111 EVENINGS J. G. STANDIMIt, Sec"y-Treas, eceived the people at home said I had better call you up and congratulate you on the nice fit you gave me. I know I never had a suit that:fit me sb nice 4before.' 'W'ell I certainly 'atn •;glad to hear it, but I am not surprised as all my customers tell me the same thing: H ELLIOTT B: M. F RA1V CIS Agent for CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, Phone 104, ,Exeter ERNEST ELLIOT.: Conveyancer, Investments Insurance Office one door south Times Office W. R. Goulding, A. T,. C. M. Organist and Cnloirmaater Jame, St. United Church. Instruoction m . Piano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music in Schools Concert Engagements Accepted Studio, Ann St. Box 57 Phone 192 EXETER. • ONT. • FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER for Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices reasonable and satisfactioa guaranteed EXETER P. O. or RING 118• CARLING & MORLEY Barristers, Solicitors, Etc, LOANS, INVESTMENTS, IN- SURANCE Office: Carling Block, Main Street Exeter, Ont. GLADMAN & STANBIJRY Barristers' , Solicitors as'... Mosey to Loan, Investaie*ts • Yid Insurance. Safe-deposit Vault for use of wig Clients without charge Exeter London Nonnall Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,,DD.& DENTAL SUMMON • Late' 'Listrict Dental Offie Military' District, Number One, Lem don, Ont. Office Phone 84W Residence Phone $4J x ' ' Main Street, Exeter, Ont ' Office • Closed Every Wednesday Da'. G. F. Roulston. L.D.S..D.D.*. DENTIST - ' Office over I. R. Carling'i1' Isis. JAMES W. WATSON Lieeneed Auctioneer, Sales conducted in any locality Farm Stock sates a specialty Setts faction, guaranteed. Charges mod erste. Orders' leWat this office wil be promptly 'attended to. R.R. No 1, Kirlatan. Phone Kirktcn ii4r3. DR. M. C. G. FLETCHER Graduate, of .Faculty of _ Medicine University of Western Ontario; Mem ber of the College of Physicians an Surgeons -of Ontario;. Member of th British Medical Council. ^ Phone 6—(The office of the lat Dr, H. K. Ryndman); Safety 'Razor Blades Sharpened (any make SINGLE EDGE 8 DOUBLE EDGE .:.,4 r., 4 Perfect Edge Guaranteed W;• S. COLE, Druggis 'Sylvester B. Taylor Jeweller, -- Exet Fitton's Old Stand WATCH AND' CLOCK REPAIR N� GUARANTEED FIRE INSURANCE PROTECT YOURSELF AGAINST LOSS BY ii'1tEE, �4ITI1 E. J. CH ISTI OFFICE: +ICE: North df Elliott and johns • BUILDING and CONTRACTING • Homier 'and Barns ESTIMATES 4Nb SUGt}ESTIONS GLADLY' FURNISHED Phone 162w John St. East, Exeter LOOK! • LOOK! 1922 FORD- TO'URING 'WITH STARTER: FOR SALE Good Running Shape FIRST .$125 TAKES IT, . 13agsliaw office,. Extractions a hone 0 en as Underyg s Gas. 1 Dr. A. R. Kinsman. L.L.D..D.D.5. ' DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto Unive&' sity, Office over Gladman & Staa'bu3TI office, Main Street, Exeter.. L DR. HARRY J. BROW/MINA ) M.D.C.M., Toronto 71 L.R.C.P. & S. Edinburgh "s•'l L.F.P.&S. Glasgow ,:' "7-1 Physician & Surgeon ' . ' Office over Browning's Drug"..ttstit Phones :- Residence 30_. IVO. it .r , DR. W. E. WEEKES • , ; Physician and. Surgeon:. " - "i `i Late Chief Interne 'Vancoilv`er ti" General Hospital ' CORONER Fon' HURON COUNTX Office removed to the terrier. i+'osd. garage building corner of Main ani ASt. Officenn hours 2 to 5 and 7 to .a p.ni, Phone: Office • 67W, Residence 111 DR. 'E. S. STEINE t VETERINARY SURGEC'-[ Graduate of the Ontai10 Vetdrinsrr College DAY AND NIGHT CALLS PltOBITis LY ATTENDED TO Office, old Ford garage ,Building •'Corn'Srs of Main and :Ann street. Telephones: Office ^158w, MONO 16$j EXETER; OMT. . "`-, Dr Adrian B. Gibson,, V.S. Graduate' of the" Ontario ''etilgis us'* College ., All calls promptly' attended to Office—Frank • Taylor's Sales Stab* Phone DOW Residenc lames' Rt., Phone .1 EXETER — • oprzants ARTHUR' WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER r'v2' For Huron County •°' FARM SALES A SPECIALTY 8 Years Experience. Prices Reason, able, Satisfaction Guaranteed or ,, nv vuarge. • .Phone 87.i* Dashwood