HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-8-19, Page 6GUEEN
Pure, uncolored, delicious. AsK for 1t.
Sports frocks are most effective
when they are fashioned along lines
of chic simplicity, and they particular-
ly appeal to the smartly -dressed wo-
man. The model pictured here.shbws
its Paris inspiration in many import-
ant ways. The dashing little collar
buttoned at the neck, the shirring -5 at
the shoulders, the pocket treatment,
the slashed aiid buckled belt, and long
full sleeves. An inverted plait at each
side is heldinrpiiace with a row of
round buttons, and';prevides, a youth-
outhful flare. The collar is convertible
and may be worn turned beck to form
revers. No. .1301 is in sizes 84, 36, 88,
4U,and 42 inches #lust. Size 36 bust
tequires 8% yards. •39 -inch material.
Price 20 cents:.
The garments' illustrated in our new
Fashion Book are advance styles for
the home dressmaker, and the woman
or girl who desires to wear garments
dependable for taste, simplicity and
economy will find her desires fulfilled.
in our patterns. Price of the book
10 cents the copy.
Write your naive and address plain-
ly, giving number and size of such
patterns as you`want. Enclose 20e in
stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap
it carefully) for each number and
address your order to Pattern Dept.,
Wilson Publishing Co., 73 West Ade-
laide St., Toronto. Patterns' sent by
return mail.
Five Per Cent.
"I have spent nearly 825,000 on that
girl's education," complained the ag-
grieved father, "and Isere she goes and
marries a young fellow with an in-
come of only $12550 a. year."
"Well," said the friend of pie family,
"that's five per cent, on your invest=
ment. What more can you expect In
these times!"
It is untrue to think that children
are not docille. I am amazed at their
docility, and if a clic •d. is not docile
it is because it is not properly handled.
—Dr. Alice Hutchinson.
mint gives a new ,
thrill to every bite.
W e s is good
and good for yoti.
Perfwue, Makers.
More than any other blooms, fra-
grant ones tiara a way to our hearts,
whether we are young or old, ,Yat fra-
gramoe is difficult to define, so batang-
ible and immaterial it is. It eludes•
and eseapes us and yet it is the quality
of flowers by which; we best remember
theme Their perfume is .their genius.
Notthe lit weeder about perfume is
that it can be collected and treasured
—that the fragrance of a rcee garden
may be bottled for use in future years,
'Because of this, perfume. making is a
great industry; • with . its famous"
• centres".
J Perfumes of course can be built up
ia a la.bgratory. Their, chemical com-
position is known and with the help
of test tubes and crucibles, the• scent of
rose or violet or lavender can be pro-
duced. But thatafter all is :a dismal
substitute for the alchemy of a rose
garden or of lavender fields at dawn,
The Preach are the world's expert
perfumers. The little town. of Grasse
tucked awayein the Maritime Alps is
the most famous- centre of the indus-
try. There are gardens everywhere
w bons of
flowers for the making
of scent. The quantities are indeed
stti endo '
p Dunn
September i
During pt t is
said that . anything up to a thousand
tons of • jasmine, lavender, aspic and
tub i
e assb Ios•
s on is are collected and
distilled. 1 d. The average weight, of blos-
soms gathered inti single summer is
.somewhere about five thousand tons.
Several million flowers are required to
make a ton,so the.' total number of
flowers may ba anything up to fifty
thousand mi1Iiozzs.
Those warm, sheltered Alpine slopes
are then 'the home of i'b vers whose
soents..are gathered and 'exported to
all parts_ of. the world. Across the
borders in the Italian Riviera are
Italy's .tarisou's a Alpine rose farms.,
Roues apparently love altitude. 'Pos-
sibly it helps fragrance: Certainly'
I some of the most delicate flower per-
fumes as well as colors ' have their
home in the heights. Altitude soilai d
climate • have combined to f make a
fragrant Eden. out of those rugged
mountain slopes.
She—"George, if you're not feeling
well, why don't you practice with
dumb bills for awhile?"
He—"You—and who else?"
Was never tree -built nest, you climbed
and took, of bird
(Rare city -visitant, talked of, scarce
seen or heard),..
But, when you would dissect the struc-
ture, piece by •piece,
You found, enwreathed amid the conn-
' try-product—fleece
And feather, thistle -fluffs and bearded
Some shred of foreign silk, unravelling
of gauze,
But. ° may be of brocade, .mid fur and
Filched 'plainly from mankind, dear
tribute paid by. town,
Whieh proved how oft the bird had
plucked up heart of grace,
Swoopeddown at wait( and stray, made
furtiveiy dur,place
Pay tax and toll, then borne the booty
to enrich
Her pease -dee i' the waste; the how and
-why of which,
That i•s»the secret!
—Browning, "Paine at tae Fair:'
In the middle of the night 1 father
fined In the next roomGoger's roo;Jii
—a murmur, very, very soft: "Papa,
papal` Mamma!"
"That's Roger dreaming," said fath-
er to himself, ' T3ut.:.the murmur con-
ontinued, still soft and atilt muffled,.
"Papa! Mammal I.fell out of bed!"
Father gotup,• went Into Itoger's
room, and found him on the fleets'
"Wby didn't you cry .louder, sonny?
I might have ,been asleep and would
not have heard you. You should have
shouted and not whispered for papa."
"But I didn't want to wake y'ou up,"
said Roger,
Minaret's Liniment for tnecot bites,
her hand away; the driver opened the
- taxi door, Then, . Sylvia turned and
A novelist, seeking nocturnal ad
Venture, leaves the ball room of th
Marchioness of Drimning at tw
o'clock in the morning. While stand
ing in the archway leading into
Shepherd's Market ha hears a woman
"seieazning to a dog. Heis surprised
iong seea : a
smwa;l tomanerrier: s in evening dress ,chas-
When he sees that the dog is car-
rying the woman's slipper in his
mouth he ga Gantly offers to assist the
lady. And is amazed when the wo-
man addresses him as "No. 9." Be-
ing unable to capture thea dog the
novelist resolves to penetrate the mys-
ur . Prsently several men come
upon the scene and he is blindfolded
and taken to a part of 'London strap
ta' him. Many people are assembled
there who plot to kill the E mperor o
Berengaria. The not'elist is addiesse3
as ""No. 9," and is ,laked to voice his
• opinion.
After much discussion, the novelist
is given the task of killing the Emp-
eror. He leaves the meeting place as
,the escort of the woman. He • makes
up his mind to try to convert this
beautiful girl.
1 thought, ""now to teal her'the
truth." She could. do me no' harm
She might Barry a weapon, but I was
ready for her. Perhaps to save her
. but, I don't know why, my cour-
age, failed 'ire, or rather 1 realized
that it was no good. Behind this
smooth forehead lay an idea which
lied eaten u
ever 'other • '
P y th z rrupu,se.
There was no . moving her; I knew
onlytoo well haw strongly ow s is ] women
hold to an galea when they possess only
one. So, instead, we talked' of the
brilliant night, where now fhe: moon
hung Iow, like a pan of •palati]' jade..
I found in Sylvia an unexpected poetic
strain. She saw.the future, when her
cause had triumphed, as• one when
mankind would no longer suffer; when
no woman woii`ld weep, when no beast
would be overladen. It was mad and
beautiful, this • dream. ' At last I
couldn't bear it anymore, and, turn-
ing to her said: "It's awful to think
that inside 36 hours you may be ,
well, dead. And you're young, and
you're so lovely. I think you're the
loveliest "creature I've ever seen. You
make my heart melt,"
She pressed m arm: "Youre
ing love to me, aren't you? But I
don't mind' . . : Geoffrey. We haven't
time to mind, we people: We 'shan't
last long. I'm sad, too, to think that
so soon you may die.` I like you. Some-
thing goes soft in my throat when I
hear your voice."
a We reached' Lansdowne Passage
and passed. „between. the close
I could not' help saying it: "Sylvia, do
we love each other so soon?"
Q ran back to me, reading pie into the
- darkness under the. narrow roof. As
if gratifying a sudden desire, she
thing her arms round my neck and
pressed upon my lips a violent, a des,
perato kiss. There was in her grasp
some agony, and in her caress a pur-
pose, as if thus she filled me with en-
thusiasm. and fdrtitude,
I slept badly. The violent caress
disturbed alae; I don't think I loved
Sylvia reaOly' I don't think so now;
now that another . . but this I must
tel in a later story. My excitement
f was so intense that I did not know.
what I wanted to de. " Indeed, it, was
only when I reached Mivart's, a few
minutes before one,' that I knew I could
not go on, that for pe moment I had
been bewitched, but that even for her
sake: I could not do murder,; risk all
""I ,don't know," she replied, after
a moment, "I've never seen you be-
fore. I suppose you've just joined.
What's the good of it, `anyway?"
Indeed, what was the good of it?
We went silently up the steps' into
Berkeley Street. I saw a taxi, crawl
up. It drew up, waited for us."
"Good night," murmured Sylvia, ex-
tending her hand.
I helped her in: ""Don't go --yet."
"I must. Good night." She snatched•
that murder involved. I knew that
within an hour or 'so,I must extricate.
myse:'f from this appalling complicit -
tion. Fortunately.:I could do so.-
.Lunch.'was charming. Sylvia alp
peered in a coat and skirt .oa°'tete 'de
negro niarocaire triinmed at the neck
and wrists with koiinsky sable.: The
coat fell upon • a rather lighter silk
juniper; she looked ,boyish 'and deal
tate, though rather taliky her neck still
had the thinness of youth. It was in
credib�:e that this little hand should
be 'imbued with blood. At first we
talked lightly of the ]slays of the day,
of the advantages of London over
Petrograd, and of its dullness com-
pared with. New York and Paris. We
made comments. on the other Punchers;
I was amused, for some of the adverse
remarks hit" one or two of my ac-
quaintances. Only at the ' end did
Sy16ia insisteupon reciting our plans
for the next morning. Everything was
agreed. We sat back over coffee and
betzedictine, a 'strange pair' of con-
spirators. She was a little flushed;
the red mouth .was smiling. For a
moment I thought of going on. But I
"You have beeten> us," she:. said.
"The;tyrant must escape?' '
By George A. Mackie.
A never -failing source of. interest and Lower Towns, th,e one typical of
and enjoyment is available to Cana- f 20th Century endeavor, the other re -
diens and their touring visitors from miniscent of days long 'bast; at 'our
near and distant Iands, in the splendid feet, the magnificent harbor, with its
opportunity which is afforded by the modern docks and its ships of every
Canada Steamship Lines to visit the flag; across the river, the City of Levis
historical city of Quebec and environs and its fortified heights;to the east,
under most eomfor:taNe and favorable the picturesque St. Charles, pursaing
auspices. its sinuous course through female val-
A city unto -itself, there is something ley of "ribboned' farm;" on the dis-
about Quebec's majesti!ecisola'tion that taut horizon, the irregular peaks of
makes is seem to stand apart from the Laurentian ranges encompassing.
man, a page from the book of theGin- us round about, the Citadel walls and
finite. What is it about this grim the Plains of Abraham, and stretching
fortress, we ask ourselves, intuitively, beyond us a. veritable silver sheen, the
that so obsesses .us—that makes us silent river,. helping by.its mei-
feel so small in contrast? It is- the presence to make this a composite plc -
gray stone ramparts, the 'yawning. tures -a tribute to the complete sem-
moats, or the guns that frown so phoily of Nature.
threateningly? Is it beautiful Duf- Quebec Is the principal military sta-
erin Terrace; with its stately Chateau tion in Canada, and, neat to GIbra:tea•,
Prontenac? Is it the'venerable' halls the strongest fortified position 'in 13ri-
of Laval, or the many • imposing re- tisk territory. A walled :fortification,
ligious, edifices; the., architectural: with gates, surrounds the' old city; the
splendor of its houses of parliament, fortifications and best. residenee Dec-
or the towering Citadel that: comments tion, or "Upper Town," are en the high
its topmost heights, or•, perchance, the land, • and the. business part and i'he
atmosphere of medievalism,that clings.iolder portion. of the city. are at the
to it in spite of ceeturles Of progress? base of the cliff,. on the St. Lawrence,
No, it is none of these; they are around the point and along the bank
merely incidental—embel:ishment, as of the St. Charles. The citadel is on
it were, oa a finished canvas,. ' ,It is the the highest iloint, facing the;St. Lava
rock itne'if that, is trans'eendenta1; over rnc, 340 feet above t'he'eivecr, and a
shadowing all :else—the rock that, wall from the citadel runs along the
standing at the portals • of. this great toil of the premontory to a point near
water highway to the heart of the con- the roadway, between upper and lower
tinent, is the fabric foandstion stone town. Inside of this, is the fanzou :
s pub -
of the wonderful civilization built up 1•ic promenade, known as: Dufferiu .Ter -
lit this hemisphere. ' race, and at the east end of this ter --
But to oU latae true appreciation of race is the. slrlendid hotel; the "Char
to comntandfng •position of tale ,im- teau• Frontenac," a noble adjunct eveai
pregnable fortress,`t'e must eliz'nis td t4 so grand a spot. Other points of
the heights of -the Citadel. It is a la- interest are the Falls of ]]Montmorency,
bor wall rowatcled;: I3ejow us lie, in seven miles•east of the otty; aloe
stalking cent,^distinctien, the Upper famous shrine of St. Atte de Beaupre. La
knew that Was Ubeurd, Now tie .shat-
ter the ,c,r'stal edifice of the dream;
said: "Syl ria, I hope this won't be.
too much of a' shock to you, but 1'in
not what you think,"
"What!"' She said, in strained
"I'm not No. p'. I didn't, exactly I
know what No, -9. was, No wonder
yeti had not seen nye before, and that
Yenthought my lot had been drawn
by proxy, By oecupation I ern a person
of no occultation, Dancing, golf, and
gossip make
up my existence, ce, I am
fairy weld off; thelast thing I desire
is the destruction of any emperor, or
the oversetting of the social order."
She was staring at me: "But you
said you were. , , •."
"No. You said it."
"But you called ane No. 5!„
• I explained; her eyes were fuli 'of
horror. She was like a little beast
that is trapped. Only after eraement
did she say: "But what became of the,
real Nes. 9?"
don',,t "knots. I suppose he was
late. When we arrived there was no-'
body to meet him. I suppose he went
back'to the F. Committee'
"Hush!" she cried. "Dgn't ! Don't
say that aloud!" Then she realized
the situation. "I begin tounderstazid.'
You are one of the; gilled' mions'of
the.,tyrants, the .enemies. You took
advantage of my difficult.n1
't`ou'rs" a
"indeed, Sy via," •I replied, rather
nettled, "you're .a strange Daniel t
come to judgment overcme, you, a pr
fessional murderess." I was rathee
rude, bit' one does not like being chile
' a cad.
""Oh, words!" she. replied with
sneer. "The only thing. 'that. I car
•bout is that you, a main oVyour kind
should ''know our plans. • - Of tours
you'lii go to the police. Why don't yo
have" me arrested;.?" t
"I'm sure I' don't know. ^I ought to
But `o
' ""You make Me sick, Men are al
ways like that to womene I suppose'
Oh, what am I going to do'! Yo
know everything."
o here, Sylvia,"T cited
may 'be a dad, but I'm 'not going to
give you away. I shall, of course, le
the Emperor. of Berengaria;kpow that
henceforth -he must he guarded, but -I
shall not have you arrested; you can
go free if you like, and I. hope this will.
be a warning to you, that -you won't
go on with .this madness'!, •
Then Sylvia went to, the. heart of
the •question : "I don't care what hap-
pens to me, but .I-eare what happens•
to: thecoiiirades. You know our secret..
Very well You'll .'.." She laughed:
"Fool, that you are! Why, .did. you
Meddle 'with such things? Don't you
understand that within a day,:whether
I am arrested or not, withina day you
will be - removed?" Her tone was sad,
but. it grew angry: "I don't =suppose
q hat.in another' day; you will -be alive.."
""Oh yes, I assure you I: shall be,
alive:: Your- friends wn't touch ;pie.
Ws too • risky: Don't laugh. Do not
imagine that I've come here: without
a weapon, •, Last night, when I left
you at Lansdowne Passage, I was,
weld, half crazy with love fur you. But
I still had curiosity. 1- told n1 self
that your slipper could. not have been
taken very far by the dog. He would
tire of his game. So I went back."
"You went back?"
"But I went back!" she shrieked in
agony. ""I had to find it, I had to. I'
would have gone to 'findait if' ley
hadn't taken us'into the • house .'. I
dared not tell the comrades. I hoped
to find it ... but, I couldn't find it
. Oh, I went half mad ... I
couldn't find it." •
"No wonder," I replied, "for I found
it." _.
"In Half Moon Street."
"Oh, what- a fool I was! 1 didn't
think the dog would have gone that
way. I went . up Down Street. Oh,
what shall I do?"
"Nothing, Sylvia, nothing. When I
found your slipper, laugh at me if you
like, I kissed it.'As` I looked at it.
dose y, under the sore I found a docu-
ment, of which here is a copy."
She took it and dropped it at once,:
"What are you going to do?"
"Nothing. You will not deny that
this, is a complete list of the names
and addresses of the members of the
F. Committee. More exactly they are
not names, but numbers. Still, only
the addresses matter, • for I expect
your friends are' already suspects. I.
shall not have you arrested, but I have
posted the document already to niy
solicitor. My instructions are that if
I die by violence, or by. accident, the
paper is to be handed over to the
police. Now, Sylvia, which shall it
be? Will you leave the unmolested? or
wi l you- gaol • all your friends? Wia
you let our foreign visitor alone? or
do - you prefer to hang? I wial do''
nothing . . if you do nothing terns.
Tears formed in lfer. eyes. She made
a helpless gesture: "You have •beaten •
n..9," she said: "The,::..tyrant must
escape, and you, too, 'must escape, I
suppose But do not think that you
will turn us from our purpose."
We rose from the table. I did not
reply. T. knew that nothing could be
done, that it was no use arresting her,
for ethers wouli spring up after she
fell. It was enough to have saved two,
lives, the Emperor's 'and mina! She
waited politely -while, the cloakroom
attendant gave me my hat end stick.
He also gave me a small brown paper
parcel which I held out: to her: ""Per-
mit me,"'I said, ""to return your slip-
Another story Of midnight adven-
ture by W. L. George, "The Wee
dy," will appear 'in our next is$ue.
ear Out
R tS'
Q1 lo► es l.� STRIB TREE nus
. YIvaAR. -'
ith Rubbing
Change in Prcairlie Landscape
F' ected by 'VE%'ork of Govern. .
went Nursery Stations.
Simply dissolve
Rinso (25 seconds)..
Put into the wasli
water-- "A:
Put in the clothes.
Soak. two hours
or more.
And that's' all.
Hours Of time
Gloriously clean,
white clothes.
Made by the
makers of Lux.
•)—,7-.(•*, Llllll
_ •�,F• :•� buil``
M I`
1 i
. �If
The Pool:
Ia the'`forest's heart, . .
There is -set apa'r't
For' the idler's dream;
A green-swai•ded`place
Where the woodferns- ]lice
• O'er: a' pool's dark gleam_...
A deep, quiet pool,'
Crystal clear and, cool,
In e, frathe, green -mussed.
On: its lieaveless Breast,
'The. lily .bleem,.pressed
Is`a'pearl, dowiitossedees -
Here the win;] in trees
Is as l J•-riiig seas
When the tide is low;
Alid-the.nuirmur "fills •
The forest, and seals
In the pool below.
Janet Gargan in Christian;. Science
Monitor. -
Minerd's Lihiment for Dandruff.
Nelson's Famous Flagship.
The work of restoring Nelson's; flag-
ship is making rapid progress at :Ports-
mouth, 'and' in another year' or so she
will ' present the. perfects semblance of
the proud three -docker of tier fighting
To naval men the,. Victory means
more than ,Nelson and Trete:liar•, for
Keppel, Hardy, .Lowe, Hood, de San-
marez, Yotke and other admiral's abl
trod her°decks. She was in action in
Ushant, Brest; Gibraltar, Toulon- Ind
St. Vincetnt, as well as at Trafalgar.
, When she is restored, the decks will
be Sihown cleared for action, with all
her guns run out. The Victory's prob-
able -armament at Trafalgar was thirty
long 32 -pounders on the lower, de�ek,
twenty-eight long .24 -pounders on -thee
middle deck, thirty long 12-potznd�ers
on the main deck ,twelve short 12 -
pounders on the quarter deck, and two
long .12-paun3ea�s• end two 68 -pounder
earrona;d'ee `indthe forecastle.
Eiglat of�the 32 -pounders" on the low-
er deck and four of the 24 -pounders on
the middle deck are in the ship; the
othRrs will haste to be replaced by
Stump -tailed lizards, natives . of
Austraria have blunt taila:'so like
their -heads that they haste. often been
described as two -headed.`
will know the
charm of this entre•
ing fragrance. Valencia.
is the latest creation "
in perfumery. Just
a touch, adds a
caroming '
breath of a
g lien.
to each
/L M.yw.yournune
and address wnh
«4t4 in' money or
cant, te"our put.
Mug,, etc. A full
axed battleo!-ValmaM,.
price- yi.od, viii hr "nl
e reu,p.'p.id,
• Writ at once
TM.., wi
Alai.., to trona 'de., . let
fiw"Nilul v�a t°� ho
A gradual change in the general
Prairie landscape is taking plaoe in
;(Western Canada as a result of the co-
1�op'erative�tree-planting work being car-
ried` on by the ]Qrestry Bran;oh of the
Department of, '-the Interior. This
change is particcnlarly striking to
those who were ,familiar with :condi-
tions as they existed in Manitoba, Sas-
katohewan and Alberta some twenty-
iiive years or. thirty years ago' Thous
ands of shelter -belts hate been estab-,
lished from seedlings, cuttings, and-
transplants distributed. from the.nur-
sery`s•tations at Indian. Headband Suth-
erland, Saskatchewan, and the work
Leegrown' to such proportions- that'
luting the •spring qt 1926,over• ii.;500,000
seedlings, and cuttings• of such vane,
ties aswmaple, rill, cizra.ganzi; poplar,
atn:cf willow we're.sent out. In :addition'
to these .broadleaf .varieties over 60,000
evergreen spruce and pine trees were
distributed at nominal cost for gannet
farm planting and about 60,000 for
Planting on forest reserves in Mani-
toba and Saskatchewan.
The progress• of this important work
will be better realized by a brief state-
ment of • the .results obtained sdnoe it
was inaugurated in 1901.. The first dis-
tribution consisted of 53,300 seedlingpl
se, le
ie to far 'zManitoba
pp d. 4? mars z i
and the Northwest Territories, In
1902 tide" a i a.
w s nee sed to .466 000
e ,
Plante to -496 fariii's•, • The demand
grew rapidly in subsequ at years and.
1916 the number sent on. ilei reach-
z t
ed 4,460,000:. Sihce then the',annual
distribution has coiitilue•d between
four and a liaif million and five and a
half million, the total distribution tor:
the twenty-five year period being 87;-
205,000 trees to 80,300:farmers' scat-
tered over the three Prairie Provinces.
Two Distribution Stations.
During recent years the distribution
has been carried. on from two •stations,.
Indian Head making . shipments. -to
southern Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and
Alberta, and Sutherland to the north-
ern districts. Careful check is kept of
all material sent out until the planta-
tions can be considered as fatt�ly well
established and no trees are alloted to
an applicant until inspection and in-
. indicate that Iand hasrbeen pro-
perly cultivated' in preparation •to -re-
ceive the young trees-' : In Most cases
special plans are prepared in the office
of the Tree Minting Division;at In-
dian Head during the •winter time for
the guidance of the 'isdividital planters
in the spring. This sLason some 3,297
plans were so prepared and during the -
summer the inspector ,will visit those
who received trees to see that the
sittock has been properly planted and is
being given reasonable are; and cul -
The Tree Planting Inspectors start-
ed out on their annual' trips over their
respective territories in the latter part
of May and about 11,2-00„ farms are on
their lists to be visttitl.: A staff' of
eight inspectors will be engaged in
this work until the winter sets in, each
visitTn an average"of le400 prospective.
planters. Unfavorable weather condi
tions last year out short the inspe•etiee
period• i ut 'reports, show that- 5.700
piantatio s were visited, of whish over
78 per cent,: were in first class shapes"
20 per cent. fair, and..only a little over
6 per cent. negieeted.e Those classed
as fair could', with a little Care and at-
tention on the.past-of the owners, be
put in. good shape. :
The effect of tree 'planting on the
social and economic life of the Prairie
Provinces • is considerable. Shelter -
belts have made the homestead more
home -like and,-comfortabie, whine by
checking the high; prairie winds and
conserving moisture the production of
the farm is. increased. The farmers of
Western Canada quickly' realized the
value of liianting trees and inthe large
and steady demand for material is sees
their approval of this linportant work.
-:. A Feather.
I have been part Of wings,
have lifted a bird ,that sings ,.
To heaven's gray -blue folrrtt,
The viands has been My Mount.
! have brushed the sides of' -trees:
And, folded close as leaves,
dove spent the,,niglzt between
Their blankets of cool •green.
1 • have earted clouds add floes
Above the nrist.witid.hlown,
Beating a •pathway tbrough�
To the eternal
j .
covered, I have become
A tool, inert and numb --
A feather for your hat,
A duster for your fiat,
A,uill to
q pozl a note— '•
•t who was once remote
As the blue, 'sky I 'trashed'
Or a°soft 'eloud,:daetreiiuslte4.
• ---Faeny de. Gi oot Hastings.
R!d°is$ c2. ----Why Is the letter E 'like' Lora
A ---Because it 4a the capital of Eng,