HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-8-19, Page 4xa (W HISTORY August 4th,: 1920 Hon! : time flies: Thirty-seven years ago to -clay the Exeter 'Roller Mlle were opened for busiuess aud the first wheat ground. The firm who built and started the :mill was Rollins & Williams, the members of the firm being A, J. Rollins, of Ex- eter, and J.. A., Williams, of Zurich. •The hill -weight who put in the ma- chiuery, was George Hunt, who was lbern and raised in lei) )en but at o Kippen, that time was working for Goldie & McCulloch, of Galt, who supplied the Machinery. The miller. was Wan.. FIcNevin who was born and raised near Dungannon in this county, He was assisted that day by David low- huffs, the present miller, but ''Who was then the Huller for Mr. Williams in his Zurich shill and etauae :to.• Ex- eter for the occasion; Be distinctly remerrrbers running in the first Wheat into the ro11e. ' Bamber West ;WAY is as. the first engineer end R. G. Luker was teamster. In the early days a, large amount of grist- Mg was done and farmers bringing in their wheat, were given 38 lb. of flour, 10 of bran and 3 of 3horts for each bushel of wheat. After a number of °tanges 'in proprietor- ship, in 1902 the mill passed into the hands of Harvey Bros., who have run, the businbss since that time. Mr, and Mrs, Ed. Parker and family, who recently motored down from their home in; Regina, visited with their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Welsh last week. DIED /EN . ST. pArrsmins The Many trleae of Mr. Frank Case, of St,, 'Catharinea, will ,re- gret to hear of the sudden heath of his wife which: took place in that city en August 12th. The foliowing. clipping is taken trom the St. Cath- arines Standard. of August 713th,;•--• "The death occurred 'suddenly in. this city early ,Thursday afternoon of Mrs. 1huma Elizabeth, beloved wife, of Frank E. Case, who passed o stroke suffered in away following .a 1 k the morning. She was in her 42nd year and was born in Dashwood, Ontario. For a number of years she resided in Merriton and for the past three years had made this city her home. Besides her sorro ying husband, she is survived ':, by two daughters, Kathleen and Phyllis at hclllae; tv4 brothers, Russell Roth-, aernel..o! Poet Huron, Michigan, avid William • ef•..this .city; also one sister, Mrs. q•'eorge : ;E3edden of this city." The funeral` was held on Saturday afternoon front the late residence, 181 ` Niagara Street. In- terment took place in Victoria Lawn cemetery. The ,.floral tributes were very beautiful= Among those who attended the 'funeral from a distance were . Mr. and Mrs,. Reg. Case, of Port Colborne; Mr. Nelson Case and Mr. Earl Hedden, of Masse; Mr. Russell „Rothaermel, of Port Huron; M•re tinct Mrs. Lee Hedden and Verne Redden, of 'Hensall. Mr. A. W. Johnston, of Toronto, spent a fevv' daft with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, H. Johnstoi'i this hre IS . nly one. art_ ill IEtECTfONS'-i�' any Tt?:* 'all the F hCS •was iia' it- }leen the roam as much as poilifle; close a. windows,raise one, ,i .the blinds where' the sun shines in, about, -. eight inches, firace as many: Wilson's: Fly Pad's as possible on plates (Properly wetted with water but not ftooded) on the window ledge where the light is strong, !eay.,ero'om slosed tor two or three hours, then'sweep up the Ylies;.a•Ld_ b See illustration below. " Put the plates away our of the -:reach of cluldran until sass*' gu spared in _another room. e ri h ay tlrzaT T oeai News Miss Hilda Hartley spent the weep -end with Miss Ide. Cottle. Miss Jean Sheers is spending a week at the home of Mr. Wni. Oke, in Usborne, Mr. and Mrs. Brown, of Kings- ville, are visiting the latter's father Mr. John Dignan, Mr. , and •Mrs. F. Be. Durdle, of Windsor, ,are holidaying with rela- tives in this vicinity, Miss June Coward, of Usberne, is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodgert, ll7rs. Geo,. ,Anderson and Georgina returned home after a ten-day visit with friends in Loudon. Mrs. Dunk, of Toronto, is spend- ing seve el weeks with Mr. Dunk at the home of Mrs. Cottee. Mr. and Mrs. John Andrew visit- ed with Mr, and Mrs. Harold Peter, of Atwood, over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wells, of Windsor, motored up for over Sun- day. Mrs. Fred Wells and Verdun returned with them. Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Cluff and two sons, of Toronto, who have been on a motor tripover the Blue Water Highway, . are visiting with Mrs. Cluff's mother, Mrs. W. H. Pass- more. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Sweet and Miss May Gill ,• motored up from Hamilton and spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. F. Gill, the lat- ter remaining with her father for a time. Mr. and Mrs, N. Ogden with Mrs. W. Brock and Mrs. Geo. Earl, of Zion, attended the funeral of the Tatter's aunt,••Mrs. Reid, of Palmer- ston, on Friday, returning drone ori Sunday, : Mrs. Patrick and three daughters of Woodstock, Mrs. Barlow and babe, of London, Miss Ida Welsh and friend Miss Bali, of Toronto, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. Welsh last Thursday. The engagement is announced of. Miss Florence Evelyn Verity, daugh- ter of Mr. Percy Verity, of Brant- ford, to Mr. Reginald V. Elliott, of Grantwooii, Ne- J., the wedding to take place_ in Brantford September 2nd. Mr. and Mr, ; W. H. Johnston had a pleasant vi ie on Monday Prom their . friends Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Vi- nond and two daughters, all of Donegal and Mrs. Wm. Vipond, of. London. left'. W. C. Pearce, of Hensall who recently purchased the residence of Mrs, A, Cottle on Ann ,St., moved with his, fancily on Tuesday. We welcome them to our midst. Mrs. Cottle is moving into the resfdence vacated by Mr. W. R. Goulding. . Mr. and Hrs. Harold Wealam „and' Mrs. Nelson Vretham, of Flushing, Mich., who have spent thepast week with friends in and around Exeter returned to their homes on Satur- day accompanied' by Mrs. J. Braund who will visit there for a time. mac• � �'7•-*1;�^.T12^..33. � f��.:»,aa+.v .,a„ .« LZ6,5..� Cr iv.v vuu.a� �6S raAcux,'J- •y`CdxP' Clerk of the High'. and Surrogate courts of Huron county, will relin- quish his duties on September lst. Mr. McDonald is one of the veteran officials of the provinces Iegal ser- vice and advanced rage is the --reason Guarantees s er Value to the Car r - Large quantity production has long been standardized—quality stanndardi- zation has been accomplished•for the first time in motor car manufacturing by Walter 1". Chrysler. Merely building several cars is one thing. Building four lines of cars under one name atul one management i;,^ one unified group of plants on a tied system: of quality standardization is a totally different thing. -- Chrysler manufacturing,like Chrysler engineering, is different from ordinary manufacturing -radically and im. aneakurably different in: principle and practice. 50, 60, 70, Imperial 80—These-e'er numerals attached to the name Chary. slur mean Hailes per hour and they, mean something vastly more impair. tent than that in creating value. They mean a common basis of Valley for all four lines of cars•—a rigid system of dose measurement and fine mann. factuurfng applied alike to each and uyer everyone of the four lines—a common sourceof engineering skill—a division of overhead and .operating costs—a combination of buying resources—a magnificent system of special- n)a. chines and special processes devised to insure invariatle accuracy in the manufacture of all four lines of cars —a positive protective process of guar anteeiug the owner exactly the same basic quality no matter what price'he pays or which Chrysler car he buys. Certainty of unsurpassed perform• ance is thus built into every Chrysler car, no matter what its price classifi- cation. The Chrysler plan makes' possible greater value for the investmentthan has heretofore been dreamed by the automobile buyer. At one step it eliminates "purchaser's risk" and makes possible the purchase of either the lowest.•priced or the highestrpriced Chrysler with the pos. itive assurance that the gctalityin each is equally unquestionable. CHRYSLER "60r',, -Touring Car, $1540; C IRYSLEkt IMPERIAL "80" Phaeton., Roadster, $1005; Club Coupe, $1665; $3065; Roadster (wire wheels standard; Coach, $1760; Sedan, $1900. equipment, wood dupteels optional), $3810; CRRYStEP.."70"-Phaetort,$2O35;Codch, coupe., two -passenger, $4245; Coupe, four - $2035• Roadster,• $2195; Sedan, 2260; Passenger, $4245; Sedan, fioe.passenger, R Royal four - $2035; $2470: Brougham, 25'40; ' $4535; Sedan, sesen.Passenger, $4685; R g a Royal Seaan, $2615; Crown Sedan, $2760. Cabriolet,$ 5120;Sedan-L mousine,$5265. V. O B. Wt,u1sor, Ontario, tfrefght only to be added.) The above priced enci1 de alt loxes, bufnfiere front and teas, syarl' tire, tire cover, anti tank: fall of gasoline. Chrysler Model Numbers Mean Miles Per Ho' 644f' Harron Garage P11,oi7ie155 Exeter, Ont. Why shouldn't n't they buy from you? Make up your mind to secure the, trade of the Summer" cot- tages near town, _this year. Think of all the thingss they will be buy- ing! Why shouldn't they buy them from you? In thecity they are used to ordering goods by tele-- p hone. Ca11 them, even using Long Distance where .necessary and tell them- what you can do 'for them. Remind them that for meek -end par- ties arties • you can give them prompt • delivery. " Where they see how easy • it is to order from you by telephone they will likely • prove good c'd5-", tourers all Summer. VISIT TIM PARKS S Federal and. Central - Parks are worthy of',,a visit from all • flower lovers. Visitors are invited to get acquainted with the different veri- ties grown. There is a fine showing of roses just now in Federal Park. Lumley No turher` definite word has been n received ' Y at i 1 Co nectiQii 'with . the re- turn of the body of the late Alvin Alexander. The bereaved family is anxiously waiting, tor the bpdy.--A number from this neighborhood in- tend going west on the harvest ex- eursion. The foilowfing are spine of the names: Messrs. Cliff. Selves, Wilson Brintuell, James Vance, 'Wil- bert Parker.—Miss Wil-bert.Parker.—Miss Florence and; Mr. Fred...Jamison,of St. Marys, visited with Mr. and Mrs.: John Bolton ,on Sunday, a. usin l' The McLaOhl n $ ess Col ege trf Stratford, which, fo'r' the past year has been conducted by -Mr. D A. McLachlan, .has been acquired by Mr. R. F. Lumsden, proprietor of Central. Business College, Stratford. Mr. Lumsden has also leased the premises oie the first floor of the ;Walsh„Block, 74 Ontario. St,, which have'` been used by the McLachlan )Business College. The premises are now being remodeled and. renovated and will be occupied about August .5th, by the amalgamated: schools. under,: the name of Central Business College. Mr. Lumsden last -year .en- tirely revised the courses, engaged experienced and=capable teachers and installed new' equlWnent in the Cen- tral Business College. The progres- sive ,policy already begun will be continued in the, amalgamated sclibols and : prospective students may look forward• to receiving a training second to none in Ontario. of his retirement. Mr. McDonald, at onetime practiced law in Exeter. Of course we love our town and as lovers we wish to .see her: clean and neat, well-dressed, without soil or smudge upon her. Can 'we help to keep her so by not throwing the wrappings of candies, Chocolate bars, cigarettes, etc.,and other things on the streets. Let us try to keep this pretty little town of ours looking ell. Leat us all pull together. The public '•schools and the sep- arate schools will open this year on. Wednesday, September 1'st. The high schoolsand collegiate institutes open on Tuesday, Sept, 7th. All pupils should be present on the day of opening so that no time may be lost or the workhindered by late nemare eneing present on the first day is an advailea (3 to teach- er and pupils. Mr. David Watson, of Vancpuver, B. C., his sister, Mrs. Robert Buca- anan and her son, William and his wife and child, of Donegal,: Ont., all visited their frends, Mr. and Mrs. R. Terry on Sunday., Fifty -years have passed by since the first named and Mr, W. H. Johnston, of town saweach other last.: They, Mrs. R. Buchanan and ,left.and Mrs. Terry were young people together in Done; gal in the middle seventies of., the last centuruy. They do not con- sider themselves old yet and the re- union this week was a pleasant one.. AUCTION SALE —.o! -- DWELLING HOUSE IN EXETER The Executor of the estate of the late Apraham Dearing will offer for sale 'by public auetion, onthe pre- mises, on TUESDAY the 24th AUGUST,1926, at•2 o'clock in the afternoon, tit following real estate: ' ,Lot 57; on the North side of uron Street,: West of Caning. St.' Sanders. Survey, in the said Village of Eaeterf' On - this property is a comfortable frameehause containing seven rooms with .woodshed ' attached. There, is about an acre of land,esome, fruit trees and a good well. TERMS 10. per cent. on the - day of sale and the balance in 30 days there- after without interest. Further particulars -and terms and conditions, of sale will be made known on the day of sale or -may be. had on' application to ; FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer, • Exeter, Ont. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors Exeter & London, Ont. Thames Road Mr. Jas. Ballantyne and his sister, Miss Janet are holidaying for a month with friends at -Fort William. —The Misses Stewart who .have been staying at the home of Mr.. A. 3. Campbell have returned to Flori 'da.—Mr. Dave Fenwick has dispos- ed of his blacksinith business and property to Mr. Dan. Coward. -,1Ve learn it is rented and possession November lst. takes placeabout, Mr.- and Mrs, Aimer Stewart and sons spent Sunday 'with friends in Exeter. ---Miss .Rata Pollen spent the week -end at her home at Far- •quhar. 11fiss M. Gollings and friend Miss Vera Gordon, of Stratford, spent Sunday at the former's home. —Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Fulton and family, of Stratford, visited -rela- tives around here on Sunday. --Quite rfrom e a numb here -attended the South Perth field day"at. Fullerton on Saturday, Mt. Pleasant carried off the cup this -year, ' congratula- tions.—Mr. and Mrs. M. Thompson were visitors , i>i Seaforth on Sun- day.—Mr. and Mrs. Seth Simpson Ind Me. and Mrs. Gavell were vin— ors Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken. McNicol.—The Rev lefr. Leckie, of Motherwell has charge of the ser- vices at Thames' Road "church next Sunday, ,also the 29th. AUCTION ;SALE of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS AND STOCk' The undersigned has received in- structions to seIi by public auction, at FARQUHAR Seven Miies East, Thames Road Barn equipment We have a full line o! bay a ear goods, rope, sling rope, pulleys,etc. If you are remodeling let us figure on your job for stalls, stanchionse pens, water bowls, litter carriers. As it is nearing the time.' for plow- ing for fall wheat, let is meet your requirements in a plow. The Quebec' sulky plow is light in draught and is easy to operate, FOR SALE -Second hand spread- er, two seed drills and several second band binders all In good repair: ARTHUR JONES ••HU R '� MASSEX-HARRIS GRAND BEND r • — an TUJ SDA.Y, AUGUST 31st, 1926 at 1 o'clock sharp the. following: 3 Beds, springs and mattresses; 2 dressers and wash stands, dining room table, kitchen table, parlor table, music cabinet, piano, hpeatry rocher, &&orris chair, 2 rockers, kit- chen chairs, sewing machine, secre - tary, leather .. lounge, sideboard, kitchen cupboard, dishes and pots, stretcher bed, window blinds, brass rods, oilcloth, IinoIeum, rugs and carpets, pictures, 2 wash tubs, star t and wringer, milk pails, cream. sep- arator, new, 400 ib. ' capacity; 1 second hand 200 Ib capaci , 1 second hand 400 Ib. capacity, .Artie Jewel range, wood stove and plat- form, coal oil stove, platform scale weighs 240 lbs., quart and pint r sealers, e h scnf- fleraxlawn mower,ia w es, shovels,' etrro •" ., driving horse cow, 4' pigs, harness, light wagon, buggy, 3 robes, curtain stretchers, hens and chickens, a quantity of brick, and a host of other `Icings too numerous to -mention.. TERMS—CASH ,. DAVID FENWICK; Proprietor FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer PORT FRANK: MAN CHAMPION FIDDLER AT G11A:Ir BEND Though well over sifrty years of age Mr. Harry-Bossenberry, of Port 'Prank entered tiie old time fiddlers contest held at the casino and Walk- ed off with the silver clip of the district, although many younger contestants put up a great effort to get it, The decision was left to the. audience, acid it was' practically un- animously for Mr. Bossenber•ry,. Messrs Nathaniel Bumph, Petrolia, and George Bolton, Hensall, were tie for second and duplicate prizes were awarded. The third] prize was easily Mr. R. Rumph of .Parkhill. The old time square dances were thoroughly enjoyed by all and it is hoped that a repetition of the.'event` will take ° place soon. The contest brought out tetries from far and near and with the old time fiddling becoruing so popular as a nice change from the jazz, no doubt this forin of music will become general e.t least for ,part program anyhow. FEATURES Miss Vio let Gilmour C,liampion. Charleston Dancer and • .S Babe Robert ._the child wonder.w MONDAY NIGHT • A 111 appear UQUST Lard. °also; HUGO D'IPP-OLITO'S BUESCHER BOYS 8 piece orchestra in all the latest •dance hits. Grand Bend Girls softball league games' on 24th, 25th and 26th, these games will decide the leader- ship. AUCTION SALE TABU rovSIDENtETAI,o ritoIE' vA�u FRP ' Ir THE �Ta[� VILLAGE OP • ALL The undersigned has'sreceived structions to, sell by public auction,. on the premises. SATURDAY, .E1-1JGTYST 21st, 1 f at 2 o'clock the following• valttablee t : proper Y: Lot number 268 on'the North_ ' side of Richmond street in the vile-, lige of Hensall, on which is sitar " a brick two storey residence, good repair, equipped with alt. modern conveniences, and formerly, the residential property 0! the later Thomas Sherritt. This is a most de-- sirable property and an leleal' .home, For further particulars apply to-- Miss o'Miss Dora E. Sherritt, Hensall, Ont.,, Thornton E. Sherritt, R. R. No. 3,. Parkhill, Ont„ Executor; Carling~ & Morley, Solicitors, Exeter, Ont. Frank Taylor, Auctioneer, Exeter,. Ont. • CLERICS NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' L' I§T Municipality of the Village of Exetezr• • - County of Huron Notice is hereby given that t have complied with section 9 .of the. Voters' .List ',Act and that I have; posted up at my office on the 14th.. day of August, .19'26 the .list of s.LL. persons entitled to vote in said. Municipality for- members of Parlia- ment and municipal elections,and. that such list remains t1ere for in- spection. And 'I hereby call upon all voter to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor- rected according to law, the last. day for appeal being the 4th day of September, 1926. ' JOSEPH SENIOR, Clerk of the Village of Exeter', FALL TERMS OPENS TUESDAY AUGUST 31st C COURSES E STENOGRAPHIC T COMMERCIAL R TELEGRAPHIC SECRETARIAL Write for free A COMPLETE OFFICE Catalogue L TRAINING BUSItNNES.S COLLEGE R. F. LLrMSDEN, B.A., Principal STRATFORD, . ONTARIO Amalgamated 'i ilii the McLACHLAN I3USINESS COLLEGE ,' .-C' Pee r_ ":.iii',.. ee.144).:4.'". r I. ..., Notice to Creditors. ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims against the estate of Abraham Wanner, late of the Township of Hay, ;County of Iduron, farmer, who died 'on the 9th day of April,, 1926, are required to forward their clairris duly proven to H. Silber & Son, Crediton, or the undersigned Executor, on or before the lst day of September, 1926. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV EN that after the said/date the Ex- ecutor will proceed to distribute the estatte having regard only to the claims of which. he then shall' have notice. Dated at Crediton, this 17th day of August, 1926. WilIlam E. Turnbull, Executor Dashwood P. 0. USBORNE & HII3BERT MUTUAL FIRE. INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Farquhar, Ont, President, JOHN ALLISON Vice -:'resident, JAS. McKENZ1I±i DIRECTORS FRANK McCONNELL, SIMON DOW ROBT NORRIS, WM. BROCK AGENTS IOHN,,,,, ]SSER,'Y, Centrullar Agent ,for Usborue and;i3idduilh , , , OLIVER HAEtRIS,,Muairo; Agent 'lora Hibbert Fullerton .and Logan` W. A. TURNBULL Secretary -Treasurer Box 98, Exeter, Ontario, OLAD11itO •&,;S'l;ANXICRY Solicitors, Exeter • ES T ERN FAIR LONDON ONTARIO .0111 ,SEPTEMBER 1.1th. to 1,8 h Interesting exhibits of the finest of Canadian Agricultural and Industrial products. Entertaining Grand Stand Performers. •An Amusing Midway iarger and Moller class scale than ever before. <_ 'Ever -tin full 4 $4 i,M''I •PRIZES and ATTRARTIONS Prize .list and frill information on request, Closing Data - ` September -,2nd. 2nd. Reduced Fares on all . Refire' J. H. SAUNDERS, President W. D. -JACKSON, Sem• aill1111111lllllllllllllll111,1.11111: ll1111111111111IIIIiiIIllIIiIIII IiINIIIIIIIIIIi1M Illlt Worl$'r larset Annps: Expedition.' Soo gonu EGaaegt bu) d,ppsr Attendance :gag, 1;4gt,3oo• Neer Ontario Gareth ent Bu l&ng to ba o cued this '' CANADIAN NATIONAL, EXHIBITION ORONTO 0920 Dates—Aug, 28-BoPt. 11 1 The McPhillips Pianos We, have had unique success with these beautiful: Pianosurin thepast two years the reason cru I � years, and is BECAUSE they are BUILT t0' LAST. They have n beautiful -iroNE and TOUCH. Everything,re- quired to make a GOOD PIANO is plat into thelia and above all they are built to. uphold the t2E PUTATICN and GOOD name behind,thefn. THE ..FOLLOWING LETTER UNSOLICITED AND WRITTEN TO A PROMINENT TEAOHE4.' OF MUSIC. It was with pleasure that I heard ,the work of your pupils at the examinations in July last, their work was very good and quite up to the standard of the better Centres and better than we hear In Many centres. I was also very much pleased with the 11MePhillips Pianos we used and played on at the time. Their tone is good, they sees ed to be of excellent'eo construction, the action is good and 1 nsidar that they compare very favorably, In every respect, with any of ontir Canadian pianos. I think the prices asked for them was reasonable and I ant sure they. will give satisfaction to anyone, 'silt• reasonable care and attention. Wishing you every success"in all your Work and that your bust" nese Will contihi1e''t,q .grow;: . ? • t Yours faithfully., r 'Alaitilit all'. HOWEL1 Examiner, London (Eng.) College of Music Dis ributing .Agent,. MES. (1AAta3iiZLL, iXETER. ONP. swim