HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2002-12-18, Page 27Cory Dawe, Seaforth Public School
How do you fit into the chimneys?
Dear Santa:
How are you doing? I loved
the presents you got me last
year. I play with that dolly all
year. My name is Jordan
Janes, I am five years old. I
was a good girl this year and
I would like 2 things this
year. I would like a sunshine
Barbie and Kelly doll. Thank
you and by the way how are
your reindeer doing? Bye.
P.S. I will leave you some
milk and homemade cookies.
Jordan Janes
Early Years
Dear Santa:
Thank you for the presents I
got last year. Can I have the
102 Dalmatian movie, Land
Before Time movie. How are
the reindeer? I would also
like some toy dinosaurs. How
are you Santa? I like
Rudolph. His red nose is
cool. I also like the elves. I
hope you have fun on
Robyn Reeves
Early Years
Dear Santa:
I have been very good. I
would like a new dump truck
toy. I would like a toy car too.
I would like some hot wheels,
too, please. I would like to
know how you and the
reindeer are? Is it fast to get
all around the world? Do you
like the cookies I give you on
Christmas Eve night? Is that
magic how you get all around
the world and fit into
Devon Forest
Early Years
Dear Santa:
I have been a good little
girl. How is the North Pole?
Is it cold? For Christmas I
would like to have some
candy, a doll and a kitten.
How is Mrs. Claus? Are the
reindeer good? Thank you for
last year's presents.
Cassie Desaulniers
Early Years
Dear Santa:
My name is David. I have
tried to be good all year. How
is Mrs. Claus? How are your
reindeer? How are your
elves? How are you? How is
the North Pole? Is it cold up
at the North Pole? I am going
to leave milk and cookies for
you. I really liked the gifts
that you gave to me last year.
I want a Max Steel
motorcycle, a road for little
cars (toy) and an electric race
car track. I will be good next
year. Can you please bring
some presents for my mom
and dad.
David Meteger
Early Years
Dear Santa:
Thank you for last year's
presents. I was a good girl
this year. This year I want.. 1.
a baby doll, 2. a baby hamster
and 3. I would like a toy
Summer Simpson
Early Years
Dear Santa:
My name is Macoy
Lechner, and for Christmas I
would like hot wheels and a
computer. How are you, Mrs.
Claus, and the reindeer
doing? Do you like
strawberry cookies? I want to
give carrots to the reindeer. I
am in Kindergarten and my
teacher's name is Mrs.
Macoy Lechner
Dear Santa:
How are your deer doing?
This is what I want - a tractor
to play and a hacky sack to
play with my dad, and a
remote control monster truck
and a beyblade to spin
around. When you come I
will put out cookies for you.
Kaige Fehr
Early Years
Dear Santa:
My name is Brian Love,
and for Christmas I would
like hot wheels and a dump
truck. If you don't bring me
the things I want that is okay.
How are your elves doing?
How do your reindeer fly? I
will leave carrots for the
reindeer and chocolate chip
cookies and milk for you. I
am in kindergarten and my
teacher's name is Mrs.
Brian Love
Dear Santa:
I would like a bcyblade, a
dirt bike game and a caillou
tree fort. I liked my presents
last year. I am being a good
boy. I loved my Christmas
last year.
Mark Oliver
Early Years
Dear Santa:
My name is Jordan Pepper.
May your holiday season be bright and
happy and filled with wonder.
We have enjoyed serving you, and look
forward to seeing you again throughout
the coming year.
For Christmas I would like a
Playstation 2, a monster truck
and some hot wheel cars. So
how many cookies do you
want? How are your elves
doing? How are you and Mrs.
Claus and the reindeer doing?
What do your reindeer want
to eat? I am in kindergarten at
Seaforth Public School.
Jordan Pepper
Early Years
Dear Santa:
How are your reindeer? I've
been good this Christmas.
How are you doing this
Christmas? I would like a
barbie for Christmas and a
big furry teddy bear. I like
you very much Santa. I will
leave you cookies and milk.
How is Mrs. Claus? Is she
doing okay this Christmas?
Santa are you busy this year?
I hope you are having fun. Do
you like books? Goodbye.
Sabrina Harris
Early Years
Dear Santa:
I have been a good girl this
year. Thank you for the
presents last year. This year
for Christmas I would like a
baby doll, a hamster, and a
cat. How are you, the elves,
Mrs. Claus and the reindeer?
Jenni Oliver
Early Years
Dear Santa:
Thank you for all the
wonderful presents I received
from you last year. This year I
would like a puppet set, a
snowmobile, my family to be
together for Christmas and all
the elves, Mrs. Claus and you
to be happy for Christmas
and the reindeer of course, at
the north pole.
P.S. Maybe a beyblade and
for sure all the poor people to
be happy.
Greg Jefferson
Dear Santa:
My name is Matthew. I am
five years old. I have been
good this year. I would like
some Hotwheels and a teddy
bear please. My brother
Andrew and my sisters Angie
and Cassie have been good
this year. I will leave you
some cookies and milk out
for you. Merry Christmas.
Matthew Southgate
Early Years
Dear Santa:
How are you? How are the
reindeer? Thank you for last
year's presents. I was good
this year. For Christmas I
would like a telephone, a
video game and a hockey
stick. I will leave out my toy
train for you on Christmas. I
will leave you milk and
cookies to eat. I will leave out
some sugar cubes for the
reindeer. Have a good trip.
Caleb Geerts
Early Years
Dear Santa:
I have been a good boy this
year. I would like a bubbles
car wash, a teddy bear and
some cars. I like you. How
are you doing? How are the
Alex Giffen
Early Years
Dear Santa:
How are the reindeer? I
would like a lolli-pop and a
pink sweater and a new
jacket. I will be sure to leave
some chocolate chip cookies,
a glass of milk and some
carrots for the reindeer. I
really liked the presents I got
last year. Merry Christmas.
Meg Melady
Early Years
Dear Santa Claus:
I liked the presents you
gave me last year. This year I
would like you to please
bring me a teddy bear, a
beyblade and K'nex. Please
bring as much as you can.
P.S. I have been a good boy
this year. Thank you, Santa.
Jack Henderson
Dear Santa:
My name is Cora. I was
really good this year. I would
like a dress -up puppy, Bey
blades and Barbie lego. How
are the reindeer? Is Mrs.
Claus well? Are the elves
working really hard this year?
"I'll leave you some milk and
Cora Taylor
Early Years
Dear Santa:
How are you? How are the
reindeer and Mrs. Claus? I've
been a good girl this year. I
liked the gifts you gave me
last year and this year I'd like
a rainbow sweater, candy, and
lip chap. I'll leave cookies
and milk for you. Also I'll
leave reindeer food for the
reindeer. Merry Christmas.
Sadie Berard
Early Years
Wishing you an old-fashloned holldayTilled with
memortes you'll treasure akvays.
Many thanks for your loyal patronage.
from the management & staff of
wy. #8 Just West of Seaforth
LJ,..,,,:.,_ 4 rp. •
,'":-A. Ael"N
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Pete, Tammy,
51 Main Street,
We wish you the very best
this Christmas... and
may all of your New
Year's wishes come true.
Thank you for your
patronage over the past
RR 3 Clinton
HOME: 233-3175
BUS: 482-9292
Many Thanks
to all my customers
Wishing you and
your family a
very Merry
Christmas from
Mark Penner,
family and staff.
R.R. #2 SEAFORTH 522-2222
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Thank you for passing by our way
this year. Have a Merry Christmas
and Happy New Year! We enjoy
serving you and look forward
to seeing you again very soon.
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